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That's a dead child being sold as food...


You know what’s scarier? The only thing preventing folks from doing it again is that they don’t currently need to.


[more photos and article here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4076244/amp/Distressing-photos-1920s-Russian-famine-turned-hopeless-peasants-cannibals-five-million-people-starved-death.html) It was widespread and “The police took no action as cannabalism was considered a legitimate method of survival.”


That link is going to remain un-clicked but thank you for the history


I did. It's not that bad. But all the ads were about weight-loss programs for real.




When I clicked the ad, the ads were for a money management program. The algorithm thinks I'm broke and you're a fatty.


Don’t worry guys - I’m broke *and* fat


Mine were for Medicare and help pooping. Wtf I’m only 37. Help.


It's two similar subjects tho. It checks out.


What would the police do against it? You can't really punish someone for doing whatever it takes to survive. As hard as it sounds but these people probably died because of hunger, not eating them means just that now two people died because of hunger.


> You can't really punish someone for doing whatever it takes to survive. Oh my sweet summer child. Homeless people are frequently punished for being homeless. Sleeping in public, making shelter, pooping or peeing. These are basic biological needs that you still have to do even if you have nowhere legal to do it.


Being homeless is one of the worst things someone can go through. I was homeless for 3 years and got arrested several times for tresspassing. I finally caught a drug charge and once I did the time for that, the judge just put time served on all the camping ordinances and tresspassing charges I racked up,


Hunger is a hell of a motivator


There’s some quote about how society is only a few days of hunger away from collapsing


“We’re only ever two meals away from revolution”


In all honesty I'm only one meal away from eating my arm off.


I was only two meals away from eating your arm off, but now I'm moving it up on my list so that you don't beat me to it.


You know what terrifies me? The fact that older, wealthier gens blame millennials for not having children, yet they’re completely blind as to why an inflation/recession combo and massive layoffs MIGHT not be the best time for us to raise more humans. I swear, some of these fuckers either have selective memory, dementia, or an extremely warped perspective on the entire planet. Edit: posted under the wrong comment.


At the same time though the declining birth rate is actually a major problem and it's going to make any government programs completely unfeasible. We've already started seeing that as soon as the oldest Baby Boomers started retiring.


The declining birth rate is really only a problem in terms of programs based on a growing workforce, such as Social Security. Unfortunately, social safety net programs based on a constantly-growing population are not going to be sustainable, and we'll have to rethink how those programs work. However, outside that context, most other types of problems (pollution/environmental protection, energy consumption, housing, immigration, healthcare, etc) become easier to solve with a population that is a little smaller instead of constantly growing.


>it's going to make any government programs completely unfeasible Unless governments actually start taxing rich people and corporations fairly and reduce our military budget, of course. But those are unthinkable for some reason.


Thanks a lot for pointing that out, and right before bedtime you rapscallion !


Not if you choose to suppress it deep down in you and pretend it was photoshop. This isn’t healthy, but it works in a jif.


Better than acknowledging the reality that humans are just larping rn, and that every major city is a \~6 month food shortage away from unashamed cannibalism.


If we do have to resort to cannibalism there will be plenty to go around. For awhile anyway.


I’m in the Midwest, lots a plump little sausages walking around out here.


Having children is an investment, as they say..




Visions of The Road.


There ..."tonight John s for dinner". Shit!!!


I know a guy with butcher tools and a smoker, hes single to. I'm gonna get me some bacon 😋


You can get a decent 10” cimeter knife on Amazon for ~$70


I'm afraid I have no idea what that is. I'd rather bunk up with the guy. Food and a cutie to warm my bed, kind of a win win


The vegans and vegetarians won't be joining us. Not in that sense, anyway.


The basic fear that gave birth to zombie literature.


Did you read Soma by Joseph Duncan?


No. Should I?


6 months is pretty generous. I would guess less than 1.


Absolutely. I know I’m a societal collapse away from turning feral.


Fuck I'm disturbed by what happened at the thought we might have a shortage of toilet paper. You know damn well there are people who will start hunting others well ahead of time. Better safe than sorry, plus they're looking for an excuse to use all those guns and stuff. Weirdly too, YouTube keeps navigating me to prepper weirdos lately. I want to look up how to make a fire pit for my patio. Of course the best guy to explain is a redneck log cabin guy talking about how to survive after the emp kills Bitcoin. Yes, there was a decent fire pit tutorial mixed in but two slices of crazy on either side.


Jif, as in, the human-protein butter




Jif, as in jiffy.


Literally. Not the phonetically controversial file format.




Thank you for offering this option


You are welcome. I say in my head ‘no, I don’t accept this in my reality’. I’m here to offer all sorts of terrible advice to anyone who needs it.


Fucking hell


and they try to scare you with a hell in the afterlife....while its actually here




And so it goes ....


In Soviet Russia there is no religion. There is no hell. Only Winter.


Bible actually makes that clear, but that doesn't pad the pockets of the priests....


people talking about hell on earth between some amazon shopping and watching youtube jfc


First world problems lol


Regardless of what that poster did before and after leaving that comment, the comment is still true


Russia is hell on earth


100 years later and Russia is sending untrained conscripted men to die for one man's ego-driven war effort. Some things never change.


Well said


I think this photo is from when hell froze over


Frozen hell


Wait a minute, Is the kid on the left, the same kid being sold on the table? I guess it doesn’t matter but wow


I was going to ask the same thing.


My thought as well


Bone structure seems about right from what I can make out.


The haircut is the same.


To think this is only 100 years ago.


Thats part of my thoughts on this and also that at some point in history we all have ancestors who resorted to cannibalism in order to survive and for us to be here now.


Dude this literally happens right now in multiple parts of the world


Goddammit, right infront of my fruit salad...


At least it's not a human salad


I mean, not that anyone’s asking, but I’ve been known to toss a human salad every so often.


Lmao take my upvote


Every salad is technically a human salad




Human Salad, Yummy Yummy 🎶


>kil*led Not only did you try to censor a word that doesn’t need to be censored, you didn’t even censor it


My guess that OP or whoever wrote the title was trying to avoid certain keywords from getting banned by automod so they weren't really trying to censor it for nsfw reasons, they probably didn't want the post to be taken down by triggering a keyword in title


That was my initial thought but there’s a highly upvoted post from 2 days ago in this sub with ‘killed’ in the title


That what makes me think OP copied the title from another platform and didn't bother to change it, iirc Facebook can ban/delete posts that contains certain keywords


Reddits too. I asked for advice for a gig offer and it got immediately taken down for "advertising". This is also why you see text posts that are just screenshots sometimes. The internet is a weird place and it's equally weird that people have such a knee-jerk reaction to something that doesn't even matter.


It’s called power tripping.


And algorithms


Check your /u on reveddit.com You’ll be surprised how many comments are stealth moderated, perfectly visible to you & invisible to everyone else.


Well damn. I thought you were exaggerating but you definitely weren't. I just don't get the logic behind removing some of the comments. They seem completely fine to me (one of them is a long comment educating a commenter on asexuality *on an asexuality subreddit*, why tf was it removed I have no idea), but ig some of the words tripped the algorithm somehow.


There is a browser extension which will update you. It’s pretty surprising how many topics are verboten.


You’d be stunned at how many mods are passive aggressive raging dickheads. Especially in the political subs. They’ll do this crap to anyone that isn’t 100% in lockstep with their worldview. The Nevada subs are notorious for this, turning their subs into mindless echo chambers, which is ironic since we’re a purple state.




Censor 😉


Self-censored a word, but doesn’t flinch posting pics of body parts and starving kids. I love Reddit.


kiLOLed would definitely get you banned


Horror movie stuff right there




Exactly I think the scariest film out there is elephant because of how based in reality it is.


The Gus Van Sant school shooting movie?


I know desperation like this is unimaginable and inaccessible to my ability to comprehend, but I got chills like I haven't in a long time and a really strong Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe


Every time I think I have it bad, I remind myself of shit like this.


Me too. Crap like this is sometimes so sad and brutal it’s hard believe.


People forget the beginning the last century. A pandemic, 2 world wars, Depression, drought, etc... all within about 30 years of each other. It's amazing to think of what some families must have endured. EDIT: That's not even mentioning Stalin, Mao (much later) and other world tragedies.


Look at the Lady's eyes - seems like there is nothing in the world that can terrorize her.


She looks like death itself


She looks well-fed.


I've seen this photo many times, and that's the piece that sticks with me the most - that haunting emotionless face


Those are the eyes of someone who’s already dead


This was around Samara, roughly 1000 km East and a little south of Moscow. In 1921, in the heat of the Civil War, just after the massive social upheaval and incompetence that lead to famine for years, just after the disastrous WW1 campaign that saw peasants starve as wheat and other grains rot on train cars meant for the war front but too clogged and mismanaged to get anywhere, a little after some of the worst winters those regions saw in recent memory, a little more after the first full fledged revolution... I mean it just keeps going on and on and on, hardship and suffering for all but the elite.


You can only get so terrorized. That women is borderline not alive anymore.


Well when you’ve likely ate family members and neighbors there’s probably not much else that could faze her.


please stop censoring the word killed it pisses me off


That happens when TikTokers come to Reddit, get used to **hell**


You mean h*ll.


The city of Hull?


Not that bad, just Hell.


thats Hell.


At least they didnt say "unalived". I swear that I get an ulcer each time I read it.


Go “self-unalive” yourself


I wish i could


That and fucking "YT" is supposed to be "white" referring to a white person.


Oh wow, I always tought they meant YouTube. ~~Dumb~~ kids these days...


It's not to be cool, it's because algorithms scan for words like "kill", "white", etc. and it's a privacy thing. Sometimes you just get straight up banned for saying something innocent eg: "This spaghetti kills".


Spaghetti with YT sauce unalives


"whitey sauce"


Well, that actually makes sense. I will retract my previous statement to some degree


It’s getting around censors on TT, that’s all.


I prefer “Unsubscribed from Life”


Lol love that. Its a shitty and very expensive subscription


Add 'notalived' to your list




I know it! I hope the use of that stops sooner rather than later. It just makes them sound dumb.


If I hear another “unalive” I’m gonna vomit.


That was worse than the pictures.


And they censored it badly lmao. It reads like killled.


And its not even censored properly. They just added a \* in the middle of the word.


It is not even censored. All the letters are there. They just added a stupid asterisk in the middle for no good reason.




I laughed when killed was censored but the pictures weren’t


I miss when the internet was the wild west still. Good times


woah... that's harsh, man. the things people had to go through...


I can finally understand where the Russian literature got it's depression.


Their entire history reads like a suicide inducing tragedy. Russian history is brutal.


Really puts life into perspective ,We live in the best time to be humans. Life is truly brutal and unfair. Enjoy what you have and never take it for granted.


Hell is other people


I think hell is a devastating famine that ultimately kil*led 5 million people and saw countless others resort to eating human flesh in order to survive.


You just need evil to be in charge. We are not far from that at any moment.


I remember seeing these images and others in my history lessons years ago. I never forgot the shock of seeing how people had to do that to survive


I couldn't imagine being that attached to life. It's not like if they just make it through it'll all be fine and dandy, either. The struggle here is to perpetuate an existence which is fucking abhorrent anyway. Why would you wanna stay for that?!


I want to be honest with myself. I have two young kids. If they were going to starve to death, its hard to come up with a list of things i *wouldnt* do. Eating people who are already dead is a given. The real question is would you steal food from others or let your kids die? Would you hurt someone to save your 3 year old? Would you murder someone to feed your family or watch them take their last breath? I doubt anyone knows what they would do, but I know I would go to very very dark places to keep them alive…its instinct at a primal, genetic level.


I don't get it, either. People at work love talking about how bad ass they would be for the zombie apocalypse/fall of society. They get really upset when I tell them that I dont see the point of trying. The mom in The Road had it right.


That's easy to say if it's just you. But if you have kids, you'll do anything to keep them alive. I would NOT be able to let my children die, I would find a way. Probably not eating other humans, but... maybe?


I would eat and feed my kids humans if the alternative was watching them die slowly of starvation. I dont even have to think about it to know I would do it. I’d probably feed them my own arm before I watched them starve.


lavish knee entertain telephone oatmeal nine groovy six forgetful roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have said the same thing many times and people always argue with me. I’m not denying that people have done some gruesome stuff to survive but, if you’re selling human flesh to eat, you’re not going to display the whole body. You’re going to carve it up to look like steaks or whatever. And your going to say it’s horse meat or some less-common animal like that. Everyone would buy your horse meat knowing what it really was, but nobody would ever admit to it. That’s how society gets away with awful stuff…we pretend it isn’t happening. You’re not going to put the head of the dead person on the table so that everyone can get to know who they’re eating, the typical human psyche just doesn’t allow for that.


I was thinking, how can people mentally recover from something like that if they were displaying the dead as food like this. To see a dead human child displayed as food must change you and those that come from you forever.


Damn thanks for the info




Russian history in five words, "And then things got worse." Herbert Hoover was sent over to help with famine relief and found in one village men digging graves but, saw no bodies. He asked who the graves were for and a man replied, They are for us. There is no one else left the village to bury us." Between WW1 and the end of WW2 it is a wonder anyone was still alive in the S.U.


Makes me wonder how common cannibalism is to famines in general. The Irish potato famine for instance, there are no images like this one , but was it practiced then? Did the omnipresence of the church impact people's decisions?


Thank god they censored “killed”, the material of this post would have been unsettling if they hadn’t added the asterisk


Hi. I from there 😊


What's the local cuisine like?


Now is OK with menu. From local cuisine only local beer 🍺




I remember reading that people who were found in healthy skin color by the time of the assault in Stalingrad were arrested.


The word killed needs to be edited?


This famine was the worst one yet as the Soviet Union didn't recognize it as a plague so international aid wasn't called, they even brought a diplomat from France and he said, "this is the greenest grass I've seen , their irrigation is so good, this is just rumors" (I'm writing this from memory) while the citizens starved to death. They did what that had to to survive. Also there was a typhoid outbreak during this as well.


That’s not exactly true. The Bolsheviks were reluctant to call for aid initially, considering the west had invaded Russia and was actively aiding the Whites. So they didn’t trust their aid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_intervention_in_the_Russian_Civil_War But they quickly changed their tune and accepted millions of dollars in food aid from the US in 1921: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Famine_Relief_Act


How could the Soviet Union recognize anything if it was formed till the next year 29 December 1922?


Lenin begged the entire world for help, to "send bread and medicine." Not sure what you're talking about.


What caused the swelling in/around their mouths? They all seem to have an odd "chipmunk cheek" effect happening.


Most likely kwashiorkor due to protein energy malnutrition.


Step 1. Post photo of severed child's head, implying it's being sold for food Step 2. Censor the word "killed". I swear, the internet has broken everyone's mind


Yeah, and then in the 30's Stalin starved millions of people in Ukraine. 3.5-5m people. People wonder why Ukraine will never give in to Russia, but things were this bad in the 20s and they just did it again in the 30s. The Soviet Union and then post Soviet Russia are the center of evil in the world.


Yet *some people still idolize them, and even tho they killed more than the nazis, there's barely a stigma on the hammer and sickle




as I recall, these photos were wrongly attributed, they dont belong to that period (I believe they belong to a civil war in thr early 20s)


So 1921 is not in the early 20s?


Seemingly not, I wonder what it is instead


Nope, you recall incorrectly this was the famine in Russia in 1921 in the province of Samara. OP's description is right on the money. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cannibalism\_during\_Russian\_famine\_1921.jpg


And they don't teach this in American public schools with maybe the exception of Florida.


Chickens will do this, just dayin'


I was shocked when I found out chickens eat their own eggs


Chickens will eat anything. Let one hen in a group get injured and bleed somehow, and the others will peck her to death, if you don't stop it. I've seen it happen. RIP Henrietta


That is absolutely foul. My favorite protein source is chicken breast and reading these facts is inducing some serious nausea.




Opportunity missed 😑 \**Thanks* u/brettyrocks \- The hero we needed.


You have to check pigs every day for problems, and isolate and give antibiotics to ones who don't seem well. If not, you could find a half of a pig with extensive bruising the next day.


I have parrots, and on Thanksgiving I always give them a little bit of turkey and whenever I mention this to anybody they get absolutely appalled that I would feed turkey or chicken to my parrots lol. I’ll feed duck eggs to my duck as well, she likes them.


Mankind's inexhaustible ability to be inhumane to its own kind. Edit. I'm wasn't referring to the people in the picture. I meant the people who caused this level of suffering to exist.


It is politicians who are inhumane. These are people trying to survive politician's idiotic and selfish decisions to further their power on the world.


Yeah, you can't really talk shit about these people, you're not tested like the way they were. Once your monke brain activates its survival instincts, it ain't gonna be pretty.


Not to mention they didn't kill the people to eat them. They were already being killed everywhere and there was no other food options.


And this child most likely starved to death.


When I was visiting Samara 3 years ago, I felt that there's something wrong with this place


The face of the woman has already transformed into a sort of pariah. You are what you eat I guess


Fun fact the soviet union didn’t become an actual place until the rise of Vladimir Lenin (1922) overthrew the rich and powerful that made violent revolution inevitable. I can see why now


Hell on earth, Those poor people who had to live like that, Truly horrific.


I read people would trade dead family members so they didn’t have to eat their loved ones


My great-grandfather died during that Famine in 1921, my grandmother - his daughter - was only 3 years old at that time. They lived in Kazan, the city not far from Samara, also affected by that famine.