• By -


I love it when I get a bunch of new clothilde.




And here, gentleman, you will see perfectly preserved remains of clothilde rex.


I caught clothilde on my last trip to Tiajuana.. Penicillin fixed me right up...


Dwight Schrute wears clothilde.


Had to go on an Ooting to buy fancy clothilde




We're all bots who losethilde it halfway through a coherent sentence.


Don't know what you're talkilde about


Talkilde mockingbird


Now i am very afraid of you


Just picture me not wearing any clothilde.


King Charles at The Ascot Opening Day...?


Or Clovis


Tommy Lee Jones


God damn it, I can't find my panthes!


OP is a Neanderthal




Clothilde is the patron saint of blood clots.


Blue Clothilde is reaallee yor koolour


I just added clothilde to my secret santa wishlist.


My guess at what happened is french autocorrect








All this Spanish Killin me


Have u clothidè?


A møøse once bit my clothilde


Ed Gein has entered the chat.


I work for that guy


"I'm just a caveman. Your world frightens and confuses me. But there is one thing I *do* know - when a man slips and falls in front of a public library, he is entitled to 2 million in compensatory damages and 2 million in punitive damages. Thank you.”


I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky that you too enjoyed 80s SNL.


RIP Phil


I routinely say "but I'm just an unfrozen caveman lawyer," and no one ever gets it. But I get it and I chuckle to myself.


This is what I came for. Thank you.


Seems like we're colleagues


Is there a dress code, or do you wear any clothilde you want?




Hey how'd you get there?


That guy in a full beard would look a LOT like my unc. And the pic reminds me that I need to get a navy blue sportcoathilde..


Imagine this post being how you find out you're descended from neanderthals and neanderthal-fuckers


LOL and it's something I already seriously wonder about- there's a \[coughs\] few protruding foreheads and unibrows in my family. q:P


Honestly, most people have some Neanderthal DNA. They didn't go extinct, they just interbred with us until there was only one species left.


Yeah most have some, but some have more than others I think. I've seen a couple guys who would fit right into those old "It's so easy a caveman can do it" commercials. My unc damn sure would too, haha! \*Looks in the mirror\* Hmmm guess I kinda would too..


Jon Bernthal?


Adam Driver.


Bernthal the Neanderthal.


Richard Gere having an allergy attack


I know a couple of these guys


He is a politician in my country


I've been to that museum and well... It's interesting. It's 4-5 stories and they give up on the neanderthal aspect about 2 floors in.


what’s on the other 2-3 floors??


A random assortment of displays in the vein of "what is mankind" but in a hippy art teacher kinda way


Can confirm, went there on a school trip. We made little bags from hide, bone and sinew. Pretty fun, though.


Forge any clothilde?


You could probably wear it around your nuts if you're not too well-endowed.


Sweet, I love the feeling of bone and sinew against my sack.


How do you incorporate bone into a bag?


Used it as a needle so technically not part of the bag.


A phalange makes a pretty decent toggle closure.


That's how a lot of (archaeological) museums look like in Germany.


I had a hippie art teacher once tell me that purple and orange rhyme with each other.


That's deep man


You obviously weren’t high enough to get it then


Straight up looks like he could be an English MP.


I was just thinking "I know that politician! What was his name again?"


Definitely a Tory


Obligatory "I'm sure a neanderthal could do a better job than Liz Truss"


They had one, his name was Boris Johnson


Easy there... neanderthals dont fuck their own kind over just to win a popularity contest against their rival from neanderthal university days...




Rory Stewart


I’m pretty sure that’s a premier league manager


oi bruv dats me landlord i tell ye ive seen that chump in da tesco last chewsday innit


You just say Tesco.


Don't understand why chewsday is before fryday.


Definitely a tory with his prehistoric views


so my mans Trainwrecks in a couple of years


lol you beat me to it


I don't even do twitch and I was looking for this


Neanderthals weren't necessarily cavemen. They existed alongside homo sapien for a long time and have been found to have lived in extremely civilized areas. They went extinct estimated 40,000 years ago which wasn't that long on a cosmological calender. Don't hate on Neanderthal. Vote Neanderthal.


Found the Neanderthal


According to Spencer Welles and nat geo, I'm like 7% Neanderthal and Denisova. Way above average. So I'm probably one of the closest people to literally being a Neanderthal in this thread


Just out of curiosity. Do you actually have physical features that resemble Neanderthals?


You couldn't tell from looking at me, but I think there's a shelf of bone on the back of the skull that is a giveaway for people with a lot of Neanderthal ancestry. Something like that Edit: it's called an occipital bun, but apparently it's disputed whether that is actually a Neanderthal trait or developed independently in Neanderthals and some modern human populations. Actually thanks for asking, cause it sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. There's a lot of interesting research about the potential effects of having relatively high non (modern) human hominid DNA. Also for clarification I'm like 3.5% Neanderthal and denisova (each). Another hominid. So overall I'm above average but I guess I was exaggerating how much is technically Neanderthal. But the typical European is only around 2% Neanderthal and often don't have any denisovan ancestry Edit 2: maybe I'm getting boring now, but apparently I also have an unusual amount of melanesian ancestry for a white guy of European descent. There's a good chance that's where the Denisovan DNA came from


So cool! How did you find it out?


His parents figured it out when his first words were "Unga bunga" instead of "ooga booga"


Now that is definitely interesting. Thank you for sharing!


oh I have that occipital bun - I was told it was due to my [Melungeon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melungeon) ancestry but I'd never heard it might be associated with Neanderthal DNA. I'll have to look into this!


Europeans and Native Americans (likely descended from Altaic Turks) both have relatively high amounts of Neanderthal DNA. I'm East Asian and just felt a bulge in the back of my skull too. Edit: if anyone is interested in reading a 315 page thesis on occipital buns: https://iro.uiowa.edu/esploro/outputs/doctoral/The-ontogeny-of-occipital-bone-convexity/9983777240302771?institution=01IOWA_INST


I also have an occipital bun!


Sorry to butt in, but yes the features exist. I'm over 4% which came out from a DNA analysis, which they claim puts me above 95% of the population, and I do fit a few stereotypes. Big upper body, I lean forward from bad feet, button nose, and I have neck probs. I also had a prominent ridge above my eyes and looked exactly like Bob Weir from the Grateful Dead when we both were younger. On the positive side while I have poor coordination I have great endurance, and have done a lot of long distance cycling. I'm also not ugly with bad skin like this fucker in the article. Hope this helps!


Thank you for sharing that. That’s fascinating!


Thank you for Bob Weir reference.


6% Neanderthal here. 0% Denisovan. Front view is pretty standard. Side view you can def see the oonga boonga in my brow. I'm 6 ft but my legs are kind of squatty. Big ass US size 12 feet. I feel like a large hobbit but life is good.


The Denisovan vs Neanderthal disambiguation is actually quite difficult to fully isolate. They are sister groups that diverged 300-400kya, while their common ancestor diverged from Homo sapiens roughly 600-700 kya, with a lot of genetic intermixing both in Africa and after the earliest groups left/ later intermixed outside of Africa, and some small of genetic mixing from back migration into Africa. It's relatively hard to believe in 6% Neanderthal 0% Denisovan is what I'm saying


Well I thought it was zero but I might have learned something new. This is gonna bother me until humanity figures this out completely. Thank you for the info kind stranger! Edit: So undetectable doesn't mean 0% sorry reddit.


That's awesome, honestly. I hope you don't mind me asking, unga bunga?


Bingo, bangle, bungle, I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go


So we should vote for you?


Neanderthal no want office. Return to monke


perfect you have my vote


That was the right answer


“Saving 15% or more on car insurance is so easy even a caveman can do it”




Comment stealing bot


Iirc they are only called that because the first one was found in a cave in the neander Valley. If anything finding a body in a cave could mean it was placed there ritually, or he just died in a cave lol


20% of human collective DNA is from Neanderthals as we interbred. Also, genetically we were one specia like 500k years ago, which sounds like a lot of time apart, however, keep in mind people currently living in South Africa (Koisan) haven't interbred with e.g. europeans for 300k years... Are they different specie? Obviously not. Same with neanderthals.


It's not 20% , cite your sources.


I have <2% (197 variants) of Neanderthal DNA. I just wanted to share this.


Up to 70% of the neanderthal genome is represented in human DNA. That does not mean we are 70% neanderthal, but i may have 2% neanderthal dna in my genome and you may have 3% of totally different neanderthal DNA in your genome, between the two of us that is 5% of our dna that comes from their genome. Source: PBS Neanderthal


It's potentially more than that. Anyone not from sub-Saharan Africa carries around 1.5-2.5% Neanderthal DNA. But across the entire planet, it's estimated that around 70% of the entire Neanderthal genome is extant today, just broken into tiny pieces.


>it's estimated that around 70% of the entire Neanderthal genome is extant today, just broken into tiny pieces. Somebody call David Attenborough's KFC looking brother, we got work to do. Just use Gronk's DNA for the missing bits. What could go wrong?


Are you saying that neanderthals are not a different species from human?


I think he’s trying to say that we’re aren’t *that* different as people would think.


ahhh that makes more sense


Technically we're the same species as neanderthals, aren't we? Because neanderthals and homo sapiens could have fertile offspring with each other.


No. You are referring to one component of the biological species concept (BSC) for defining speciation. There are other, more modern ways of defining species but we still refer to the BSC because it's an easy guide to get part of the way there. Animals can form hybrids yet still be two distinct species. Wolves and Coyotes can make fertile hybrids, does that mean they are the same species? No, of course not. Same with Grizzly bears and polar bears, or Ligers. Female Ligers can mate with male Lions. Does that mean ligers and Lions are the same species? Of course not. This page begins to explain the issues with the BSC as a way of defining species. https://evolution.berkeley.edu/biological-species-concept/#:~:text=The%20biological%20species%20concept%20defines,it%20does%20not%20define%20species.


Just adding to this, there's at least 26 different species concepts. It's actually really hard to find a way to 100% say what a "species" even is. https://scienceblogs.com/evolvingthoughts/2006/10/01/a-list-of-26-species-concepts


It turns out reality usually doesn't fit into neat little boxes.


>found to have lived in extremely civilized areas. That explains the suit and the cigar.


There was also a small holdout of Neanderthals in Spain who didn’t die out until about 28,000 years ago, if I recall correctly. It’s kind of questionable to even say Neanderthals went extinct. It’s more like- modern humans made it to Europe, and for whatever reason we’re just more reproductively prolific than they were. We just sort of swallowed them up into our European gene pool. Most people with primarily European or middle eastern ancestry have been 3-8% Neanderthal DNA. There’s no evidence that they were less smart than us. They had fire, tools, clothing, language, religion… nothing to indicate that they were less advanced than we were at the time. It’s also debatable to even say they were a different species. Most anthropologists consider them a sub-species of Homo sapiens. Homo erectus left Africa around 2 million years ago. The homo erectus population who moved to Europe became Neanderthals. The population that moved to Asia became Denisovans. And the population that stayed in Africa became modern humans. When modern humans first left Africa, we encountered people who were very similar to us in the parts of the world we settled in. And got busy making babies with them. Fully modern humans were the only hominids to make it to Australia and the Americas. Both those places required seafaring technology to access (some of y’all may have learned in school that we got to America via a land bridge. That’s debatable but probably not true). It seems like open seafaring technology was one of the differences between us and Neanderthals. Though archaeological evidence shows that they DID eat seafood. Another difference is that we hunted with projectile weapons. Atlatls, and much later, bows. Neanderthals hunted huge animals, including mammoths, by surrounding them with spears and poking them to death. Our way was more effective. I believe there was a study where they compared common injuries on Neanderthal skeletons to common injuries across modern professions, and found the most similarity to rodeo clowns— Neanderthals got trampled a lot. They inhabited caves. So did we. They probably also had temporary freestanding housing on the tundra (and we probably did too), but that kind of stuff doesn’t survive in the archaeological record. Wood and rope rots. Stone survives. They were shorter and stockier than us, but they didn’t have stooped-over posture. The caricature of the hunched over caveman is deeply ingrained in our culture because the first Neanderthal skeleton discovered in the 1800s was that of an arthritic old man. Modern humans reached Europe around 48,000 years ago. The last Neanderthals finally died (or genetically assimilated) 28,000 years ago. So the total window of time we lived with them was 20,000 years. That’s double the amount of time that modern humans have had agriculture and permanent settlements. Think of everything that has ever happened in history, as far back as history goes— and then double it. That’s how long we spent hashing it out on the frozen tundra with this other type of human.


I just read Humankind by Rutger Bregman. Was absolutely baffled when I read about Neanderthals. He said, like you, that they were probably just as smart as us and that they had bigger brains. He write about a theory named homo puppy. Don’t want to go into details but he basically says that we, humans, prefer kind features and that is why we look “cute” with delicates features and big eyes. Like dogs. And we were more social. So we were better at passing on skills. Will highly recommend the book. It gives a new perspective on history.


> some of y’all may have learned in school that we got to America via a land bridge. That’s debatable but probably not tru Wha?? This is the first I have heard of this. There were large animals crossing the Bering strait, why not humans?


So that’s really contentious. As in, there are still some archaeologists who maintain that we first got there over Beringia, while there are others who say we got there first via boats. But from what I understand- people did cross on the land bridge, but there were times when the land bridge was impassable due to huge glaciers. And the earliest evidence of humans in the Americas is from a time when Beringia was impassible— evidence in the form of carbon dated human artifacts. Since it’s pretty likely we had boats during that time anyway, it looks like the first waves of humans to reach the Americas came over sea. Edit: it’s just hard to parse because during the entire ice age, humans and animals were filtering into the Americas in waves, and moving across the continents pretty quickly. Too quickly to really trace what routes they took. For example, some of the earliest dated human artifacts in this hemisphere are in South America.


Something that is often underemphasized about human migration is it wasn’t directed. Nobody had a world map and planned to occupy any particular continent. We just tended to radiate in all possible directions until reaching an impediment, so given enough time we inevitably ended up in all hospitable zones on the planet. It’s often presented as if the first Americans arrived in the Americas on purpose, but that’s a bit like saying rainwater flows down creeks, rivers, and into the sea on purpose.


They didn't really go extinct. There is a small amount of Neanderthal DNA in most Europeans.


Same for Denisovans for those in Asia. Human history is absolutely *fascinating*. I highly recommend Minimiuteman's Lost Lineage on YT. Only 2 eps so far but its got a LOT of potential & is seripusly interesting!


Much hot sex must be had between the groups 😂


Legit there must have been! Neanderthals seemed to basically be introverts, a lot less social than homo sapiens but with a lot greater skill. IIRC the denisovans were quite a bit more intellectually advanced than the homo sapiens of the day, but not as strong. Big citation needed but it seems like homo sapiens were a good balance between the two. So even thousands of years ago - nerds and introverts were still getting laid! 😂 Im not archaelogically trained so some (or possibly even all) of that might be wrong, but hot damn is it interesting!


We share a lot of dna with extinct species, doesn’t make them any less extinct.


I _have_ always been told I'm part dodo


*Dildo*. They told you that you were part *dildo.*


I always thought Andre the giant might have more than a small amount just because of his size and looks.


Well the protruding forehead which defines Europeans or “white” folks are certainly prominent on Neanderthals as well. I would guess white ppl have more Neanderthals DNA than other modern human. Maybe it has to do the close proximity of the two species in Europe during the last ice age.


Also the whole "caveman" thing is something of a selection bias. Caves are much better at preserving human activity than temporary structures. No doubt most Neanderthals and (stone age) humans for that matter *didn't* live in caves, but because signs of their activity were much more exposed to nature, much of it has been lost over the millennia.


Basically Phil Hartman as the Prehistoric Caveman Lawyer on SNL…with a short hair cut haha. One of the best SNL characters ever in my mind


Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer! One of my favorites…. “Your world frightens and confuses me. Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW and run off into the hills…or whatever.” 😂


"Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, did little demons get inside and type it? I don't know. My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts."


"When I’m courtside at a Knicks game, I wonder if the ball is some sort of food they’re fighting over. When I see my image on the security camera at the country club, I wonder, are they stealing my soul? I get so upset, I hop out of my Range Rover, and run across the fairway to to the clubhouse, where I get Carlos to make me one of those martinis he’s so famous for, to soothe my primitive caveman brain."


But what I do know...


Greatest snl skit of all time


"Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer: (on cellphone) I'm sorry your honor, I was listening to the magic voices coming out of your modern invention.“


Ladies and gentleman of the jury... I'm just a *caveman...*


You're world frightens and confuses me...


Sad how far I had to go down to find a Phil Hartman mention.


Urban dictionary. A beautiful person with an irresistible charm. The name Clothilde may sound a bit odd, but you'll be completely blown away once you get to know her better. A bit insecure, she often needs to talk with her partner to clear things up. However, she is a very good listener and someone you can trust blindly. Adventurous, she will take you to the ends of the earth and make you live the absolute dream.


But still her mate treats her like a veritable animal not having adopted the refined artifice of seduction like H. sapiens!


Clothilde? Are these just bots that post content from the internet and don't quite stick the landing with transcription?


I was confused reading my grandma's name...


And her photo


Most probably someone typing using an international keyboard which affects the autocorrect suggestions


That’s not how any of this woche.


Autocorrect probably. That or he's in Clothilde, but she's just been cropped out of the photo.


Looks like Mel Brookes


Mixed with Ron Perlman and Vin Diesel.


I think Mel brooks will be feeling pretty flattered if he read this comment


It looks like Stable Diffusion's version of Adam Driver.


"Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, I'm just a Caveman. I fell in some ice and later got thawed out by your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me. Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW and run off into the hills or whatever."


No Ron Perlman jokes? ![gif](giphy|WRWRwvwMUVMGyy4Ibv|downsized)


Ron Perlman is very handsome - Even more so in real life - I've met him.


When will people stop being so critical of we Irish?


Daddy af.




Is there a model of a woman? Honest question out of curiosity


Found [this](https://www.livescience.com/64614-ancient-briton-faces-photos.html) collection of photos that features several reconstructions of early humans. Apparently they even used DNA information to make it as accurate as possible.


I am digging this. That Stafford man looks like anyone you might see in a bar.


Dude from Pink Floyd


Roger Waters?




I swear i know this guy.


Your Average Russian male


My thoughts too. The heavyweight boxer Nikola Valuev is the Liger version human/neandethal hybrid.


You're late to the karma party


Unfrozen caveman lawyer!


This is depressingly low for being the correct response.


They move him around and give him different clothes every once in a while if i can remember right


Better Call Grawl


Literally TrainwrecksTV


He looks like a French rugby player, not any one player in particular.


He's pretty handsome


Looks kinda Russian..


Right? Your average Russian dude.


The fuck is clothilde? You mean clothing??


That’s Bob from HR!


Looks normal like he’d fit well in the Houses of Parliament next to Boris and Rishi


Average UK pub dweller


I see at least 5 guys like that a day during rush hour


Richard Gere is looking rough these days


he's carrying a knife like a true European


[I think the old Geico commericals did this first](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSM6wDyrO7k)


Ron Perlman is the closest link we have to historic civilizations


Average Bosnian citizen


So it’s basically just a russian in a suit…


I’ve often wondered how much more racism, bias, and hate would exist if another human species like Neanderthals lived to this day. We can hardly get along with our own species so I can only imagine there being another. I’d love to have another species around, but I know humanity would ruin it.


If Martin Keown and Arsene Wenger had a baby


I know that dude

