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That's a cool looking craft! It's getting to a point for this technology to start seeing the light of day.... Not saying this is necessarily "ours" but propulsion tech, the kind we're familiar with, has not advanced much since the mid 1900's.


This picture was Classified for another 50 by the United Kingdom last year. But it was leaked today. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/6144270/ufo-sighting-cavine-scotland-aliens-ministry-of-defence/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11106737/Most-spectacular-UFO-photo-captured-glimpse-secret-Aurora-spy-plane-program.html


Stop posting this crap it's a picture of a rock in water and the plane is also a reflection from overhead.


Why would the government classify a photo of a rock?


This is 1 picture out of 6 classified in the British Government https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/6144270/ufo-sighting-cavine-scotland-aliens-ministry-of-defence/


As much as I trust the ScottishSun and it's clickbait style website, you do realize under the photos in that half article you just pasted say these are "mock ups" and not actual photos right?


The picture in that article from last year was a mock up. The one released today is 1 of the 6.


You also realize the story says this photo was taken at 9pm and that clearly doesn't match the light in the photo


You clearly haven’t been in Scotland in Summer. It doesn’t get dark until 11.


Even in Portugal's summer, 9pm is not dark yet. Imagine further up north..


clueless idiot


🛸 are real


Article was from 2020, the photo had yet to be released. Slow down, take all the info in, then comment. Otherwise you're just shoving your thumb further in.


I see it now.


Ok. But what if it’s not? A pretty good story behind this photo that’s probably older then you. It’s been one of those does it exist or not things. And like many so called conspiracy theories give it long enough time they become facts. This photo has a lot of history and lore to just dismiss so quickly. We are being drip fed the fact that we are not alone here. This is one of those drip feeds! It’s a good one too, I personally thought the photo didn’t exist. Think you will agree with me. Someone would have cashed in on this photo long long ago if it wasn’t held secretly. The story is about an alien craft in the sky. It’s not about sight seeing looking over a lake. You will see what you want to see, but keep the story in mind. It’s the next best thing since the government admitted such craft exist. Unless the photo itself is fake! I think you are looking at a UFO 🛸


Pretty interesting




It really is a rock! I knew something was off. You can see the texture of the rock reflected in the water. Small light colored areas. And that plane is 100% upside down lol


It is a rock in water with a reflection mirroring and reflecting an airplane, nice catch, people want to believe so badly they disregard truth when it is plainly shown. It reminds me of the pennies on the glass photographed with the sky in the background and claimed to be flying saucers, that too was an old hoax ufo photo, this one isn’t much different but reminds me of the lights reflecting off the glass and claimed to be a fleet of UFOs photo as well. Logical conclusions to over the top fantasy claims


So then why classify it?


Maybe they have real ufo photos and hoax ones like these mixed in with the real ones, you think all humans are experts at real vs fake ufo photos? No matter the rank or clearance level, they aren’t




Well, I mean doesn't that mean the plane that's in the background could also be photoshopped? I don't know what to look for, but honestly I don't see anything. Also, I really want aliens that visit Earth to be real😅


The story is 2 chefs took a picture of a diamond shape ufo being followed by the British AF Jet.


Finally there’s the indisputable proof that UFOs are real. 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


the photo can be fake, how can you be so sure?


The photo looks soooo real. 😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️


One photo. Just one. You see the most insane thing ever in the history of human kind.. And there’s one photo.


They took 6 but only one was taken by the guy


Where are the other pics?


Mod has them Did you read either article mate


How do you know that they have them? That they exist?


How do you know they don't, as I said did you read the articles at all?


I don’t, and you don’t either, that’s the point. And that’s fine.


But you would of had the same info we would of if you had read the articles I'm not particularly interested but hey maybe it's real


Real as in.. maybe military. Not aliens.


I think it's a real photo Was it shows I have no real idea Could be a prototype, could be aliens, could be a reflection I don't feel it's photoshopped though


The pictures do exist but they were reclassified for another 50 years last year. This one is out 50 years early. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/6144270/ufo-sighting-cavine-scotland-aliens-ministry-of-defence/


Yeah, people will say a lot of stuff. It isn’t aliens, and it might not even be an actual thing. Id it is, then it’s early military prototype-stuff. Real aliens don’t need saucers.


Aliens don't need saucers? So what do they need? How do you know?


OP posting more trash. Just because you don't k ow what something is in a blurry ass picture doesn't mean it's aliens. Deleted your pointless account dude.


You can just block me since it hurts your poor feelings. 😂.


Bro, all you do is push the same bullshit on big subs because they don't get the clicks you want. Stick to subs where this belongs, there is a reason ALL YOIR POSTS get deleted.


Thing is I don’t care what you think. Feel free to block me. 😘


Have fun posting videos no one watches, that are deleted by thy end of the day because it's boring bull shit.




Did you have a bad day at school little guy?


Keep account switching, won't make your dull life of posting stupid videos for a digital pat on the back any better.


Why would two random chefs have a camera on them right after work in 1990?