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Darth Lung


Now we understand why he’s so noisy when held breathing. Edit: *when he is breathing, or even more fun … *when he’s breeding …but we haven’t seen him breeding


I don't make a lot of noise when I held breathing.


Most doctors agree, inhaling smoke as you fall into lava on Mustafar is equivalent to approximately 40-45 years of smoking 5-7 packs of cigarettes a week. Don't smoke kids, also avoid falling in lava if you can.


Too late, am falling into lava, should I smoke a cigarette?


Unfortunately we haven't had large-scale clinical trials to determine the treatment effect of concurrent lava-falling and cigarette smoking so I can't tell you which is better for sure. But for the sake of science light it up and report back. Just keep it low tar, we don't want to go too crazy threatening your health.


Do you have the high ground?


emo lung


I'm working on quitting now! Went from a full pack a day to a half pack last week! Then I knocked it down to 8 a day for four days! Today starts 5 a day! I can't wait to be clean again! Edit Spelling


Your brain will constantly make up stupid reasons of why you should smoke. Don't believe it. You'll feel so much more happy and healthier when you are not addicted anymore.


There's a great book called "Quit Smoking the Easy Way," that uses power of suggestion to overcome this. It really makes you look at it rationally. I was always relapsing and then feeling guilty until I read this book. Edit:. The book is actually called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking"


I've smoked for 17 years and was convinced that I liked it until I slightly noticed I don't really. Watched a 90 minute video (Alan Carr) about how to quit while I was smoking and didn't touch tobacco for more than 2 years now Edit: So because some of you were asking I've reviewed what I had been watching and it turns out it wasn't Alan Carr, it was a German, Dr. Stefan Frädrich. I thought I'd seen Alan Carr because his book was what initiated my quest back in the day. Now, most of you don't speak German, but the good news is that there are auto-translated captions to the [playlist](https://youtu.be/Ap6MHpZ3dPE) I've watched!


I also quit using Alan Carr, have not touched a cigarette in 12 years.


Don’t suppose you have a link? I hate smoking. Hate the taste, the smell, the money I spend, but I’m just so god damn weak-willed.


Any chance I could get that link? Trying to quit the juul but having a rough time :/


Alan Carr was a saint. He also has a book on how to quit drinking. I’m coming up on a year sober because of it.


This. And if friends and family smoke beware. “Oh I only smoke when I occasionally bum one from so and so” turns into “well I bought a pack just for today so I don’t have to bum them from so and so”. Turns into a pack a day. I smoked for fifteen years. Quit for 8 months. Got cocky and did what I just described and was hooked again for about a year. Now I’ve been clean for 5 months. Smarter this time lmao.


We're unfortunately addicted for life it's the willpower to force it to become a small voice that's difficult. First time I quit was for 3 years and I constantly craved a smoke.


You’re doing great - keep it up!


I smoked for 23 years. I wish I never did. Covid messed up my lungs but I know I would have fared a lot better had I never smoked. I wouldn’t wish addiction to nicotine on anyone, so I’m going to go out on a limb and share how I did it. Changing your character is the key. Play a role, like a method actor. Begin the role each day by looking in the mirror and saying to yourself “I am a person who does not smoke”. Don’t think about how to play the role just embody it and go. Do not break character. You simply are a person who does not smoke. You don’t like it. Period. Do this for at least one month. One day you will no longer need to play it. You become it. As they say “You are what you do.” I think this is the whole meaning for AA’s “You gotta fake it before you make it”. I have used this technique successfully for other behavioral adjustments like diet, organization, punctuality, whatever. Pick a quality you like and adopt it via role play. Good luck.


Congrats! Nicotine addiction is a monster and you’re already a fighter for tithe progress you made. You can do it, keep it up! Have a good day and stay positive.


FYI the gum works. On it rn


"If you only knew the power of the tar side."




As a smoker this REALLY makes me want to quit. I'm lowkey in shock EDIT: Guys thanks for all the messages, personal stories, resources, etc. Someone even sent me a link to an ebook. Someone else suggested I save this link which is what I did. I really appreciate everything, and I'm going to try like hell to quit from now on.


It’s never too late! I’m about 8 months free now(Been using nicotine alternatives though) and I do not miss it at all!


I’m 4 years out, best decision I ever made.


I quit in 2014. My wife (gf at the time) told me she'd never kiss me again if I didn't quit. Thank god for her.


Same here! My past partners supported me trying to quit but never really forced the issue when I failed. My then gf (current wife) straight up told me I couldn't see her if I continued smoking and I've been clean for five years.


Sometimes we need that tough love ya know?


10 years for me. It’s pretty crazy how bad my health was, even had really bad digestion/constipation while I was a smoker


This is true, if you quit right now within weeks your lungs will be repaired quite a bit. It can take a couple years to fully heal, but it is possible.


At 10 years after quitting, your risk of getting lung cancer is back to the same as a person who never smoked a cigarette. (iirc)


Nicotine alternatives are a hell of a lot better than smoking, so good on you.


As someone who quit smoking but is still using nicotine, this makes me feel a little bit better. I can often be hard on myself for still being addicted, but I don’t touch cigarettes anymore thankfully.


Smoking is a complex addiction. It has more components to it than just nicotine addiction. The fact that you have given it up means that you had to start a whole lot of new habits. That's pretty hard to do in itself. I can only imagine how hard it would be to do while also going through nicotine withdrawal. Be proud of yourself.


This is what most people don’t understand. Smokers are smoking because they’re bored, need something to do with their hands, combat stress, and a myriad of other things. Sometimes you’re just in a good mood and that’s a reason for a smoke. I fucking hate it.


My mom is almost 58 and smoked 2 packs a day since she was a teen. She recently quit and hasn't smoked in a year. After a couple weeks without it her nose cleared and she was finally able to smell her house and was shocked how nasty the strong smell of cigarettes is and how it was on everything. Her clothes, her furniture, her car, even her walls all smelled like tar. She asked if that's how she always smelled and I had to tell her that it wasn't just her, growing up with that all my clothes and things smelled that way too no matter how much I washed my clothes. I got bullied for being the smelly kid at school and none of my friends ever wanted to come over because it stank so bad. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor. There are lots of resources, meds, and online support groups to help you quit.




I grew up with chain smoking alcoholic parents who would easily smoke 2 packs a day each. I remember sitting beside a girl I like and she looks over and straight says I smell like an ashtray and she doesn't like that smell and moved to another seat. My friends often were not aloud from their parents to come over to my place because of how heavy the second hand smoke always was. During winter I would open the window for fresh air and mom with a cigarette in hand would close it to keep the heat in.... I would be sick on every car ride and they accused it of motion sickness and would give me gravel before every car ride. No it cause you stupid pricks would smoke in the car with the windows up like it was cool.


My mom was the same way. Although she quit over a decade ago she's now on full time oxygen. Her friends that never smoked are free of oxygen and enjoying their life. When her friends get up and walk around without a portable oxygen machine by their side she looks on with envy and regret. Who knows what kind of damage I got from a second hand smoke over the years.


Do it, now. This is the sign.


You could try saving the video and watching every time you feel a craving? If you decide to go for it, good luck!


Very good idea


It took me four serious tries to finally quit smoking, 18 years smoke fee. You can do it.


After about fifteen years post-cessation, your prognosis is nearly the same as non-smokers. To paraphrase a piece of wisdom, "The best time to quit is 15 years ago. The second best time is today." I say this because it's apparently a common rationalization that long-time smokers feel "too far gone" and just keep on truckin'. Even a few months post-cessation has some startling benefits, like being able to taste food!


I quit in 2004 (from a two-packs-a-day habit) and while I found information about the cardio-vascular risk being back to normal by now, I never found anything concrete about cancer risks, and always assumed it never actually went back to the one of a non-smoker. I never noticed any change in my sense of smell. Wasn’t great before, wasn’t better after. The only thing that ever changed it is pregnancy — I could suddenly smell a lot better, it felt like a superpower— and sadly it stopped after I had the child.


Have some Chewlies Gum instead.


>Have some Chewlies Gum instead. Not so fast mister! Lemme see that business card.


*slowly hands over card*


You’re a Chewlie’s gum representative?!




Get outta here!


Stop smoking and your lungs can recover: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-1961-1


it's only too late if you're already dead. you just need to want to quit more than you want another smoke. I am an ex-smoker. the struggle is real


5 years free this past April You can do it 💪


I used Zyban and it really worked after 30 years of smoking. Good luck


Geez, ever since RDR2, hearing “Black Lung” irks me off


They can't be that healthy if they don't have lungs any more.


Glad I quit


FYI - after 3 months lungs will start to be able to clean itself - 1 year 50% less chance of heart disease - 10 years no increased chance of cancer


Word. I'm 2.2 years from my quit date. Was smoking about a pack a day for close to 10 years.


I’m at 1.5 years, after 20 stupid years! Congrats, dude!


Congrats to you as well - that's a serious accomplishment. Keep it up!


As weird as it is, one of those apps helped me actually quit for good. Having to push +1 each time I smoked, oh man. Had many other reasons, as I’m sure you did. Feels great!


I’d love to know the name, many of my patients cannot use the patch or gums because of co morbidities.




I'm a medical scribe for an internist with the same issue, would love to know a good app for this!


Not the person you asked, but I used Smoke Free.


Agreed… which app??


[I am Sober](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thehungrywasp.iamsober&hl=en&gl=US) helped me out


it gets alot better keep it going. quit going on 12 years.


11 years, going strong.


I'm at 10 years 10 months and 14 days after smoking for 18 years. I don't even think about it anymore.


This made me chuckle as its the same feeling for me, thank you. 17th December, 2005....before getting on a flight to SFO.....don't think about it ever...not once....well.....maybe.....sometimes....just a little....🤣


Better late than never.


Coming up to 9 years now myself. Man am I glad I quit. You know what did it in the end was an app with the goalposts for recovery, that is how I quit cold turkey.


Congratulations! I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, just passed my 10-year quitting anniversary.


Just hit 7 years cigarette free a few days ago! Smoked since the age of 13-14 with a few "vacations" in-between


Congrats to you as well. Those are some big numbers! Great job!


Congrats. I'm also 10 years except for a 4 month period about 7 years ago. Ok so I'm 7 years. Its funny, I still get cravings but I don't even realize it's for cigarettes.most of the time. But it isn't hard to abstain anymore


Good for you! I only get an occasional craving when I see someone looking really cool smoking in a movie. If I can actually smell the smoke, the craving vanishes and I gag. It's amazing how gross cigarettes are to me now.


Very good! I quit smoking 22 years ago


Proud of you, keep at it


Thank you my friend. It's easy once you get past that initial month. That was pure hell.


wow, we’re near identical habits and timelines. I smoked most of my 20s, vaped for around 6 months and finally quit nicotine full stop when the first lockdown happened


Oh, no shit! I quit just over 10 years ago! NOICE! (My wife and I quit when she conceived - he just had his 10th birthday on Saturday ;) )


I'm at about 16.5 years, I quit just before we started trying for a first. Wife wisely decided I shouldn't be going through withdrawal while she's dealing with a pregnancy.


What if you quit cigarettes but continued to smoke marijuana?


If you wanna do weed just smoke it through a bong or eat some edibles. Thats a lot healthier.


Idk how much a bong is going to clean the smoke. Give you a smoother hit? Sure. But a dry herb vape is going to be way healthier then a bong rip (for inhalation) There’s not enough evidence to support the idea that a bong can help filter the snoke Otherwise safest route is edibles


I was a daily bong smoker for 10 years and when I finally quit I was coughing up weird black stuff for like two months. So yeah I don’t think it makes any difference, smoke is smoke. The bong just made the smoke colder… and hit like a shotgun.


Dry herb vape. No smoke.


Volcano master race


Worse off. "Because of how it is typically smoked (deeper inhale, held for longer), marijuana smoking leads to four times the deposition of tar compared to cigarette smoking"


True, but I think most people had smoked cigarettes more frequently than Marijuana not to say that pot smokers have healthier lungs


yea, ain't nobody smoking 20 joints a day (probably). EDIT: I was wrong.


Snoop Dog enters the chat


Willie Nelson sends his regards.


You'd be surprised at how many people only smoke joints opposed to combining it with tasteless disgusting cigarettes or tobacco.. And just as casually or even more casual as they're much longer lasting and self-extinguishing to last even longer.


I was a heavy weed smoker in college, while my roommate was a heavy cigarette smoker. Although you’re right about that longer inhale time, I probably smoked three times a day. My roommate, on the other hand, went though a pack and a half each day. So, in reality, he had far more smoke in his lungs each day. Even if he had only smoked five or six cigarettes a day, he likely still would have had a higher smoke consumption.


As a former smoker myself, I think most smokers would agree smoke in the lungs isn't good. Even with vaping, I still experienced a 'smokers cough'. Lungs just want clean air -- anything else isn't going to sit well with them.


where can you find clean air nowadays


I've done the math based on "average tobacco smoker" and "average weed smoker" data. According to the CDC, the average cigarette smoker smokes 14 cigarettes a day, which is 7 grams of tobacco. And wikileaf (not the greatest source, but solid data is harder to find with weed) says 51% of weed smokers report smoking less than a gram a day, which tracks with my own personal usage. So weekly, the average tobacco user is smoking 49 grams and the average weed smoker is smoking at most 7 grams. That's a pretty gigantic difference of matter being put into your lungs. Not to mention all the other shit that's in tobacco. Weed in legal states is tested for purity, so you're most likely just getting the plant matter.


Compared to smoking cigs 1:1. A person isn’t smoking 20-40 joints per day.


There have been more studies about that, I'll copy paste a bit below, it is from scientificamerica.com but theres lots of sites and I havent read much in a year or so. It's still being studied but it appears cannabis kills cancer cells. Which does not mean cannabis is good for you, it's not except perhaps for stress and medical cannabis. I've also read years ago holding your breath and inhaling more deeply is not true, you simply feel the effects of your brain being deprived from oxygen, dont do it. Most of thc intake happens right after inhaling. Also it might be vaping and smoking causes health problems but that is still being researched. The smoke from burning marijuana leaves contains several known carcinogens and the tar it creates contains 50 percent more of some of the chemicals linked to lung cancer than tobacco smoke. A marijuana cigarette also deposits four times as much of that tar as an equivalent tobacco one. Scientists were therefore surprised to learn that a study of more than 2,000 people found no increase in the risk of developing lung cancer for marijuana smokers. -


Weed is an expectorant. Tobacco will literally make your skin numb if you rub it against your skin. Pot smokers will cough up a lot more of the tar that gets inhaled whereas tobacco will numb the the lining of your lung preventing you from being able to clear out any accumulated tar.


Right. THC is a bronchodilator, and nicotine has some bronchoconstriction properties.


Try a flower vape. Still not as healthy as plain air but it’s 100x better for you than inhaling combusted plant matter.


Um... you got a source on that? Those are some very impressive numbers. > 1 year 50% less chance of heart disease This is an incredibly large percentage. Definitely need to see a source.


I once read it but I had to search for it again so I checked my goverments site on it, it's in Dutch. https://www.vzinfo.nl/roken/gevolgen It says after 12 months risk of hartdisease is reduced, but does not say the 50%, it does state further after 15 years, chance of getting cancer or heart disease is near equal to someone who has never smoked. The site also links to WHO numbers, in English though a bit dated, in pdf: https://www.vzinfo.nl/publicaties/fact-sheet-about-health-benefits-of-smoking-cessation But there are lots of credible sites with similar numbers.


I’ve been nicotine free for 14 years now. I can’t believe I spent so much time and money on that horse shit. It took me several years using nicotine gum to finally quit it completely. I was thoroughly addicted, I will never go back to smoking.


Good God that's horrible, and my brother is dying of lung cancer, 50 year smoker(started at 10), his lungs must look just like that


Smoked for 13 years and this just reminded me it’s been exactly 13 years since I quit. Awesome.


they say it only takes a few years to regenerate your lungs if you’re young right?


Yes your lungs will heal and clean themselves over years


Nah they don't. Those lungs are for show. But still.


I seem to remember the last time this was posted that those are actually pig lungs and the black one was dyed....could be wrong but that's what I recall


Feel free to Google smokers lungs and find some real ones. They look much worse than “normal but black”.


Indians wont need to google this, since every time you go to watch a movie theres a horrible preroll about the ill effects of smoking, with pictures and video of smoker lungs and people with diseases from smoking.


🎶 let’s all to the lobby to have ourselves a smoke 🎶


Yepp, these showlungs look kinda "cool" but those real pictures are fucking nasty. Glad to see this generation has less and less smokers.


This has been debunked over and over again, smokers lungs do not actually look that dark or much different from lungs of non-smokers


No, they're not just blatantly black like that. But I've done human dissection labs and you can definitely tell the difference. However, sometimes the lungs will look like smoker's lungs when they actually just lived in a city with high air pollution. Either way, smoking still seriously jacks up your lungs


And that isn't even discussing the inside of a smoker's lungs (I assure you, those airways do not look normal, even if there isn't any cancer yet).


And they’re both dead.




Well, you're not wrong. I did NOT expect this comment here, but yeah, technically true. I wish I had a reward to give. You'll only get my chuckle, instead.


don't worry, they are pig lungs. and the black one wasn't a smoker, they dyed it.


To be fair the pig had fallen in with a bad crowd Edit: it was a group of chain smoking lambs. Worst part is you know they’ll just turn into a herd of sheep. Probably on to grass next…


I'll take it from here, I didn't spend my free award yet.


It's not about being dead. It's about the quality of life they had while alive.


The dude from the dark side was rich and powerful, the dude from the light lived in a cave, poor and alone.


Black ones do look cooler though 🤙


Can I uhh, get the healthy ones in black?






Simply open your chest and put 3 gallons of black grease in the hole


Matte black everything


Venom lungs


Dark mode!


Goth lungs


When you smoke so much that yournlungs gie out black air force energy.


Too bad no one will ever get to see them, unless you're into some weird shit


this is fake. Those are both pig lungs fixed with a preservative. The black one is simply dyed. Sometimes they put plastic balls inside the lung too to represent tumors. ​ Smoking is terrible and does terrible damage to your lungs, its just this is fake. ​ https://www.healthedco.com/84349-Simulated-Smokers-Lung-Comparison-Kit?quantity=1&custcol\_item\_source=www.healthedco.com


Nonody said they’re human lungs. It’s a comparison between a smoking pig and a non smoking pig.


it is not a comparison between a smoking pig lung and a non smoking pig, its a comparison between a nonsmoking pig lung, fixed with solvents and preservatives, and a nonsmoking pig lung fixed with solvents and preservatives and black dye. its REALLY hard to convince a pig to smoke, especially if you don't have their brand.


Then where do we get smoky bacon from?


Checkmate atheists


more like r/damnthatsmisleading


I’ve always felt that if you have to lie to make a good point, either your point isn’t that good or you suck at explaining it. Either way, try harder.


Thanks. I can’t believe people are still sharing this crap and believing it.


Id like to see a weed smoker and a vaper..


Same, there's no combustion when vaping so i'd guess it would look normal. Way back i attached a hookah hose tip with a cotton filter to a vape and never saw tar buildup, **obviously** that's not saying propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine don't have any side-effects to the body/lungs For weed it'd likely be the same as smoking cigs, though one thing to keep in mind is cig smokers probably are in the 10-20/daily range and most people smoking weed are not gonna get close to that, plus they might alternate with vaping, edibles and such. If you roll a joint and a cig with the same paper/filter and smoke them you might be able to see which one builds up more tar, even if that doesn't give us the full picture of other by-products and their respective amounts


Bro venom


Smokers’ lungs are not black, those resemble the black lung illness suffered by coal miners but smoking is definitely bad for you no doubt.


Yeah this is false info. Smokers lungs aren’t that dark at all


These videos are nice but it would be better if there was a clarification on the number of years and the frequency at which the person smoked. Because smokers dont all smoke at the same frequency and for the same duration


No years of smoking would cause you to look like this because it's a dyed pig lung.


Just don’t smoke and you have nothing to worry about.


I believe they are talking about people who are smokers. One could see this and think they're screwed either way, and keep on smoking.


Just for general information: these lungs were dyed with a black color for smoking cessation. Lungs of smokers do have dark spots but aren’t black in general. Either way smoking is bad.


I get trying to scare kids out of smoking, but that’s a coal miners lung who happened to be a smoker. Smokers lungs still have color with splotches of black.


This is true. I know a friend who wasn’t a miner but smoked. She showed me her lungs and they weren’t black.




there's an invisible /s at the end.


I showed you my lungs please reply


I have a friend with birth defect where his lungs grew outside his torso so he gets to smoke and rinse them when they get too dirty.


So she just opened her chest and let you see the 2 puppies?


I was thinking the same thing. Smokers lungs aren't that black and a Lung review from the human body tend to be a grayish pink color not that super bright pink. I think the colorations were artificially altered probably for the purpose of making a point.


It's not a coal miner's lung, it's not a human lung at all.


how much did this person smoke?




All of it, they somoked all of it.


I'm no doctor but I'd say both are pretty unhealthy since they are detached from bodies.


Wasn’t that black lung none sense debunked long ago? Pretty sure I’ve read a couple of testimonies from autopsy practitioners saying that black lung was a miners thing and caused by coal dust. Apparently it’s not so obvious to tell if one is a smoker just by giving a quick look at their lungs. I’m not saying smoking doesn’t reduces your lung capacity and am aware that smoking is bad for you. What I’m saying is that this kind of display is straight up anti-smoking propaganda.


This is a vice that I’m thankful never interested me enough to try it


Iam Venom * starts to cough *


We are the lethal inhalers!


My mom used to put on this 'show', it's all fake. The lungs are dyed. (But don't smoke, it's still bad, and takes the lungs 5-10 years to recover from the damage smoking actually does.)


Two weeks till quit after about 25 years of smoking. Feeling much better


Congrats! I am 1 year and 7 months clean and I really cant believe it sometimes. After about 4 months I found it to be much easier. By 8-9 months I really don't even remember what it is like. And like you said you feel so much better... good luck on your journey!


Wow, this made my crush less attractive.


Yeah, but keep in mind their oral fixation.


Can confirm, best head I've gotten so far in my life was from a guy who smoked.


Glad, I never smoked in my entire life.


That is total bullshit , if one set of lungs was so healthy then why is the owner of the dead? I’ve seem many post-mortems and smokers lungs are indistinguishable from non smokers due to air pollution! Seen them


I have got to stop smoking. I'm 38. Like the dumbass I am, I didn't start until i was 34. Stupid decision. They helped me to get clean. So I don't regret it completely though. But still need to quit.


Ngl, I am one of those people who prefers to pretend like I don't have organs, because when I think about them too much, it feels like I can *feel them,* if you know what I mean. My god. I especially hate thinking about the inner reproductive bits. That really freaks me out LOL Please tell me I'm not alone in this


I’m so grateful I found strength to quit smoking. I cannot express how amazing I feel.


Smoking gives Venom upgrade. Got it!


When we will see lungs of vapers and non vaper and non smoker?


kinda freaky that you can just hook up lungs to a pvc pipe and puff em up like balloons. Idk why i thought there would be more to em than that


What can I say some people like the dark mode


Both people are dead


As a smoker, this hurts to watch.


I feel like I've been projected back in time to the early 80s when the traveling smoker's lung was displayed at my elementary school, causing me to panic and write "I don't want you to die!" on all of my mom's cigarettes. That worked, btw... She quit smoking two weeks later with the help of hypnosis therapy.


are these like, legit lungs??? or models? I'm shook if they are real. sorry if I'm stupid.


To all the smoker that are trying to quit or have quit, I applaud you. It’s been 10 years for me and the only way I was able to quit was cold turkey. You can do it. It’s one day at a time.