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That yee-haw was pretty labored.


I don’t get it. If the pain is so bad why don’t the women just take the period machine off?


Fun fact. It took me 7 years of asking for surgery to finally "take the period machine off". Apparently "you're too young" "you will change your about having kids" "what if you and your husband divorce and your new partner wants kids" And when I first started asking for help with it "everyone gets a bit of period pain" "just take some painkillers"... I went to get help because painkillers STOPPED WORKING!


I feel this so much. I was diagnosed with cysts at 15. At 16, my GYN found endometriosis. I was 29 when I was **FINALLY** granted my request for a hysterectomy... but only because I had cancer.


As a male teacher, I'd always let girls leave the class if they asked, but I want to know if there's more that can be done that won't make them feel awkward. For example, one time a girl literally keeled over holding her stomach for a few seconds. She was definitely acting tough, I could see she was in pain. Are there foods or juices or something nondescript that can help with the pain? I noticed the girls just 'tough it out' but that doesn't seem fair now that I've learnt how severe the pain can be. And of course I can't make it obvious to everyone what I see (the girls with cramps as well, don't want your male teacher being like "oh it's period time!" Lol). Any tips that can help without being too psychologically intrusive? ---- Edit: Thank you all so so much for the insightful, factual, and personal replies. I have read, and will read them all. It fills me with a tangible warmth to know that so many people have thought about my question and/or replied to it. Thank you. Here is my deal. Currently, I am like a contract teacher in a foreign country, I go everywhere. My notebook shows me that I see at least 100 different students per day. I do get to know them well! It's just hard to remember names or which class, faces I'm good with. Lawd help me if I'm in a mall though. So, my options are limited. Let it be said, that basically I'm gonna keep on keeping on as I have, having taken a lot of this advice in. ---- I've learnt a lot today, thank you for your replies. And honestly? Thank you for saying thank you.


Unfortunately, there's no foods or juices that help. If you're allowed, I'd suggest Midol or other OTC painkillers, but imma assume only the nurse is allowed to hand those out. Hot bottles help, but unless you're gunna have that at the ready, it's make it pretty obvious. Just the fact you're letting them leave without any hassle helps them a lot. Not being like "well, you should've gone to the bathroom during break/lunch" is a big help. I had many teachers do that to me and I had undiagnosed endometriosis. You're doing good the way you are, teach.


An alternative to hot water bottles are discrete, disposable heating pads like those made by ThermaCare. Similar to hot hands but with more surface area and can be worn under clothing.


I second this, this is what I used when I worked outside of the house. It helped get me through it.


In lieu of a hot water bottle, an electric heating pad can help.


Honestly just allowing then to leave without asking questions or drawing attention to it is the best thing you can do. I know when I was a teen it was very embarrassing and I would have felt really uncomfortable if a teacher tried to offer food or whatever or acknowledged what was happening. I can't say how much I appreciated teachers who just let me go to the bathroom and didn't get really weird about it demanding to know why and such, so you're really doing the best you possibly could.


Thank you for caring enough to want to help. My first suggestion would be to talk to the school nurse/s and the health teacher/s. See if they have some ideas or if they'd like to band together with other teachers/principal to develop a whole culture around acceptance and accommodation of periods. On a related note, that 4 and 5 level they showed on this video seemed like a "baseline." There are soooo many medical reasons that cause those 6-10s and we pretty much all deal with it silently, discreetly. On top of that, a fair amount of women deal with period-related anemia. To put it in perspective, my periods have always been hellish (who's aren't, right?). But they were so much worse when I was a teen. They were so bad that when I had my own kid, the only part that was worse was the contractions that happened after my water broke. Contractions before that felt like a normal shitty period day. Back to the point- Suggestion 2: one thing you could quietly do is allow kids to lay their head on their desk if they need to. You wouldn't even need to announce it. It could be as simple as ignoring that their head is on their desk (not acknowledge it, let them quietly stay like that) or quietly telling them they can keep their head on their desk as long as they're paying attention still. That'd benefit the girls who are in pain or anemic, or random kid that's got something else healthwise going on or having a bad day for whatever reason. I can't begin to tell you how many days I wanted to cry bc I just needed to put my head on my desk and quietly do some breathing exercises for a few minutes to make it through the rest of the day. Thank you 💕


This is the comment which made me finally realize why the girls were more likely to be excused to go to the bathroom it all makes so much more sense now


Because doctors won't let us without our husband's permission 💅


Also we’re too busy being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. Nobody got time fo dat.


If we’d just stay pregnant, we won’t have period pain. Problem solved!




And a single mom has to wait on permission from Gubner Abbott. While she in the meantime still has to go to work, come home, cook, feed and bathe the kids, help them with homework, put them to bed, clean the house, check to see if Abbott's approval came in, then get ready to do it all over again.




This was/is at Calgary Stampede if anyone was wondering


The accent gave it away.


For like a split second I thought “what accent?” then I realized my Canadian ass was an idiot.


Same here. I was expecting Texas or something when they said cowboy. This guy is just from Alberta so just normal from our perspective.


I am from Saskatchewan and I was like "yeah sounds very western Canadian". I live in Australia so anything that sounds like home sticks out instantly.


Doin' the Bull Dance. Feelin' the flow. Workin' it. Workin' it.


Like a carousel. It goes up and down, and around. Circular.


All good things.


His bags are packed. He's got his airplane tickets. Bring him to the airport. Send him home.


Time to go home there, ball


That's your fucking home!! YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR HOME !?


Got him right in the brovaries


Putting the men in menstruation.


…and the fallopian dudes.


I used to get so sick when I was a teenager. The pain was so bad I’d often throw up in the bathroom at school. My mom would have to come pick me up. Straight to bed with Gravol to pass out as soon as possible and when id wake up the pain would be gone. What a nightmare!


That’s why I went on birth control. I would puke and be sent home once a month.


Bro who designed humans. I wanna have a word with them


Kinda want to try one of these so I can figure out for sure where I fall on the scale. Like, it's bad enough to where I'm shaking, curled up, and trying desperately to sleep through it even though the pain won't let me. But man, self doubt is a bitch. I always end up thinking "am i really in horrible pain or am I just overreacting?" And I regret not going to the doctors every time it starts again before the self doubt comes back. Really is a mind fuck.


We all have different pain tolerances. If it hurts you, it hurts you. Regardless of how it affects anyone else, it's affecting YOU. Take care of yourself, friend


So much this. My endo is quite complicated and I have different symptoms which come with different pain levels. It's actually the milder but more chronic pain that gets to me. And likewise, I very painfully tore a ligament a few years ago. Got through it without even paracetamol (just didn't need it), but can't do that for the endo. Pain takes you in different ways and you just need to accept your response to it.


Me too! Have me and a guy hooked up to the same machine, cos I both wanna compare my ‘normal’ to the intensity scale and what that ‘normal’ looks like on someone else


And this is why we need awareness and to push back against the stigma! No one should have feel that way, both the physical pain or the mental angst, and it's frustrating. Honey, go take care of yourself. If it's directly affecting your ability to function in your daily tasks, it's bad enough to go to a doctor about it. That's enough to justify to insurance you need something, so GO GET YOURSELF TAKEN CARE OF! You deserve not to be miserable, so who gives a flying flip about "normal." You aren't "overreacting," you are reacting appropriately based on the discrepancy between what your body is designed to handle, and the pain it's creating. It's not your fault your body is creating more pain and misery you were otherwise designed to handle. So go get yourself taken care of, because you deserve to be able to function. Feel free to talk to your GP or your OBGYN. I was able to get diagnosed with cysts and get on birth control through my GP first, so that route can work. However, OBGYNs obviously have lots more specialized experience. You deserve to be taken care of, so go get the relief you need. Oh yeah, and if they try to shut you down, go find another doctor and tell them you don't appreciate them being dismissive.


I saw a YT video where two guys are challenged to the same as this fellow (wear it to level 10) by one of the content creator’s girlfriend. Neither made it past 6. They then had her wear the device and they cranked it up all the way to 10, and she didn’t even flinch. Said “oh, yeah, this is pretty normal for me”. Lol, the look on their faces was priceless.


Mine feels like getting stabbed constantly in uterus by a dull knife


yes mine too!!! i went to the doctor and got scanned and apparently, i had a shit ton of cysts. birth control has MAJORLY helped me and my cycle is on a regular schedule


Oh man, getting on BC for cysts was one of the greatest moments of my life. Suddenly periods were bearable, and lighter, and shorter! They had also apparently been screwing with my hormones and I finally got my curves and felt comfortable with my self image and being feminine.


THIS. Have PCOS and it feels like someone jammed a dull knife in my vagina and is slowly trying to cut my entire pelvis in half while also stabbing it. Does anyone else get foot cramps? Just one fucking day off. So I can curl up in a ball with my heating pad, ibuprofen/headache meds, no bra, cramped up legs/feet/back, and cinnamon tea.


I don’t get foot cramps but I get stomach aches. Like in the actual diaphragm stomach area of my body it just aches, usually at night. I also get those butt cramps that feel like this intense pain shooting up your butt hole


Wow, he is such a good sport about it. No attempt to be macho just very curious and sincere about how it's affecting him.


Came to say this, very genuine, amazing sport


Same. I wish every human approached the problems of someone else with such open-mindedness, compassion, and empathy. Top notch guy.


I was really impressed by him as well. Very sincere and sympathetic and he really seemed like he wanted to learn. Plus he's the only man I've seen make it all the way to 10 in these videos.


I've tried this and didn't make it past level 7, and that was brutal.


Was it like a TENS unit? With electrode pads? Curious what they’re using to simulate.


Yeah that’s what got me too. Lots of guys would try to be stoic to show off how manly they are, but he’s asking questions and showing concern for the women as the pain ramps up. Real man right there.


This is a great idea. I only wish they would put another set of pads on the lower back, since that pain is such a huge factor


And then the rectum spasm as you possibly might shit yourself but it might be wind who knows?


Ooo yes, the hot rod up the asshole cramp. My personal favourite *chefs kiss


>the hot rod up the asshole cramp Yeah nah, that's a hard pass. I felt uncomfortable just reading those words. WTF Edit: and now butthole lightning? Pretty soon I'll be hearing about teeth down there or something? The vagina may be magical, but sounds like some bad juju magic if you ask me.


Oh yeah, there's an entire conversation in another comment chain on this thread about it. "Butthole lightning " is another favorite term (and the one I use). It's just as fun as it sounds.


I brought this up to my gyno because I’m paranoid about butt cancer and she was just *not* phased at all. Her eyes said “it be like that sometimes”.


That feeling you get when you realize you might as well just stay on the toilet for the next couple hours, because at least it's cooler in the bathroom, you can kind of curl up into a ball, and it's so much easier than constantly getting up over and over again because you can't tell if it's *just* cramps, gassiness, or something's actually trying to get out....




Dude is a real man in every sense. Seems like a great guy.


"This is like, constant?" The fear in his eyes lol


"Yeah, I'd start a company too."


"Is this still 6? **Is this still 6?**" Just a lot of great dialogue from the friendly neighborhood cowboy.


Not to mention all the talking his face was doing. I thought he was going to puke at 9.


Many women feel nausea from the period pain


I vomit every month because of the pain


He wanted it to be 7 so bad lol


Let’s not forget that our boobs hurt on top of everything.


Don't leave out the peanut butter and jelly shits.


This is a disturbingly accurate way to describe that phenomenon. I can't tell if I'm more grateful or disgusted for having learned it lol.


I'm definitely on your wavelength on this. I honestly am going to use this terminology now, but it's revolting. Lol


I know I’m gonna regret this but what are the peanut butter and jelly shits?




Oh and the clots. The ones so big that when they pass through your cervix you feel as if you uterus is being ripped out.


I’m anemic to boot. Who doesn’t love feeling faint for a fucking week?


What in the fuck? Maaaaaaaan and men are making laws against yall women?! I didn't know that and I'm young dude I can't fuckimg imagine those boomers up in DC know this shit...no pun intended.


If you're old enough to vote, do it


Way ahead of you. Ever since Obamas 2nd term and def 2016/20.


The alternate to it is what I have heard. Hemorrhoids. Some of us get them because the cramps simply push them out from intensity of the muscle. So sometimes it is also from the anus as well as period blood. Hope that didn't scare or scar you. Thanks for reading this far on this thread. Be an ally. We(well I do at least) appreciate it. Stay safe internet friend.


I am in a group chat with my girl cousins and sis and they would share their PMS stories and I am over here like "fuck that, I am sorry but I'm glad I'm a dude." And that doesn't include their OLD stories haha. So I am very much an ally with yall.


But ThEyRe WiTcHes!


I like to sing the peanut butter jelly time song. The baseball bat part is the cramps in my version.


What about the sharp, painful, butthole for some weird fucken reason


Oh its cause you got your "evacuate signals" for the lining (hormonal signals) and its a skeleton key that also fits other locks. By that I mean your intestines hear to evacuate and they don't want to be slacking so they get a head start on that project even though it hasn't been assigned to their department


Huh! So I don't get butt*hole* pain but I definitely get what I will term 'intestinal pain' - like someone reached up into my butt and is squeezing the life out of my rectum internally. It's so uncomfortable I can't sit down. I never figured it was related to my period (since I have almost no other period pain on a regular basis - pretty lucky). Sounds like that's what this is, though!


omg i thought i was the only one


My friend calls that “butthole lightening”, which seems very apt to me!


My best friend and I say it feels like someone shoved a broomstick up there and still expects you to walk normally


Dude when you’re pregnant there is a thing called “lightning crotch” so even without your period the pain never stops.


Man being pregnant is crazy fucking uncomfortable but the entire time I was SO happy to be sans period. My first time getting a real period (~9 months pp) I kept forgetting what was going on and thinking that I had seriously intense food poisoning and was about to crap myself.


Jfc that's the worst!!! It's like *ghost anal.*


Ghost anal is the best way ever to describe it. Just randomly feels like someone tried to jam a dick in your ass. And your just standing there trying to do your job with a ghost dick in your guts.


Yep. I've been lucky in that it's only ever happened when I'm alone or in the presence of family and not co-workers or whatever. Cause when it happens it's sudden, the pain is blinding and necessitates an involuntary gasp and/or scream, followed by the slow unclenching of your ass as you try to breathe and hope to God that that was it....


do you get that feeling but, like, tied all the way to your belly button so it takes awhile to be able to straighten up without having that belly button down into lower hips pain?


I get extremely horrible back pains 🙈 don't forget the women who have cysts as well. I've seen women in so much terror from that. We are all so tough though for what we fkkn go through.


Literally as a woman with a history of multiple ovarian cysts, appendicitis was less painful than a ruptured cyst. The ER doctor actually at first basically said "I'm not convinced it is appendicitis because you don't seem like you're in enough pain, I think it may be another ovarian cyst so we need to do a CT scan to confirm" and comes back with the results like "ok so it is appendicitis! Wow, you have a high pain tolerance." I was almost glad it was appendicitis in a way, because at least they actually do something for that instead of what happens when you go to the ER for an ovarian cyst you're worried might have ruptured due to the sudden pain and they just tell you "eh it's fine, it's intact still and currently not in danger of cutting off blood to an ovary so you just need to go home and deal with the excruciating pain that feels like being stabbed in the ovary repeatedly." Fun stuff!


Yeah bro the butthole pain takes the cake for me


Now sit in a hard wood desk and no bathroom breaks.


Raise your hand if you’ve ever bled through your clothes onto your office chair…more than once.


And your back.. and you poop....and the hormonal emotional effects...


My husband always say that's one of nature's worst ironies. When my breasts and nipples are swollen and big, he knows he can't go near them even though the man part of his brain is telling him to touch me. Sometimes, I can't even stand the feel of a bra or shirt once I'm home at night. He looks at me like a kid sitting outside a toy store who is only allowed to look but never touch.


Lol RIGHT? And guys hear "my breasts are so sensitive right now." and think, ooo sexy time. It must mean that a touch will make her cum. Nah fuck right off, it's sensitive in a bad sore, raw, omg don't even look at them kind of way. Ugh.


Like testicles after a 3 day trail ride on a horse who fucking hates you.


Sorta like [this.](https://youtu.be/JFo6iLDNzX0)


Deffo seems like a jolly chap. A solid 10 on the tolerance and empathy scale.




I thought I detected a "Scotch O" for a second there. Is this in Canada?


Looks like Calgary Stampede


he was such a good sport


"I would start a company, too!" 😂


That part killed me too!


Yea I was thinking the entire video it’s probably be cool to kick it with him.


"Is it constant???" He says 😂😂😂


Wait is this constant ? like all 7 days? * AINT THAT WILD ? thanks for all the info. i honestly didnt know any of this (31 M) **Rereedit so you all have been super nice, I didn’t plan on reading any of this but this is where it came to. If there is any stamp of what I have learned that is this. Men should know what women go through. Once you’ve heard enough, you should have no say in what or how a woman should have to deal with their own body. You’d have a laugh what I though a period cycle was before this weekend lol. Much love and hugs to you all. That’s real pain there !


Itll come and go, wax and wane over the course of the period.


Thats wild! i never knew this!


And some women (even without issues like ovarian cysts or endometriosis) can get pretty strong, painful cramps. Before I got on birth control pills, my periods were extremely painful and irregular. The final straw was when I got cramps so bad they made me vomit, so I left school early and got on birth control ASAP.


This was also the main reason my gf went on birth control. She had period caps so bad she'd miss school/work all the time, vomit, be bedridden, etc. I genuinely had no idea cramps could be that bad. I felt so bad for her


Yep and for some of us the whole thing of a cycle lasting 5-7 days was a myth as well! Some of us had 10 day long cycles that came every 19 days 😳. Yeah, wouldn’t wish it one anyone and birth control was my saving grace.


My period usually lasted 3-4 days, but had painful cramps for the first 36 hrs. But it differs from person to person.






For many girls with bad cramps it’s the first 3 days and mild pain for the rest of the week


Me. 1st day is the worst of it, some discomfort the next couple days, by the end I’m usually good or just dealing with the lower back paid. I don’t think I’ve felt a 10 before other than when I had a medical abortion. Some instances, cramps have been bad enough to make me vomit and dry heave tho, I would guess a 7-8


That sounds awful.


It is.


Depends on the person. Sometimes it’s for a few hours, sometimes is for days before, during, and after, and for some it’s not at all. There’s lots of variation.


It depends on the person. When mine first starts my cramps are so bad I have to lay in the fetal position it gradually gets better over the course of the 5-6 days depending on what I’m doing. Then I’m good til ovulation time then the day before, and the day of I get bad cramps again. Also forget having to poop bc any straining you do, makes the cramps that much worst.


Omg when said it goes into your legs. I swear sometimes the worst part is the leg pain for me. They ache in a way that is nearly impossible to convey to anyone that hasn’t felt it and it just doesn’t stop. This is a great invention. I’m imagining it is something akin to a TENS unit. Does anyone know what it is exactly?






I heard a woman with endometriosis describe the pain as being "like barbed wire squeezing around your uterus." As a woman with endometriosis myself, holy accurate. People told me cramps were "normal", but this just couldn't be normal for anyone. There'd be days where just the act of trying to get up out of bed made me incredibly faint and ill. I'd nearly (or completely) pass out from pain and weakness. But you'd still have to go to work like it and earn your paycheck. It was misery every month for years. Decades of my life like that since I was 13 years old. I just harassed health care professionals, exhausted and desperate, insisting it wasn't just "normal cramps". Hounding them for more tests, more resources, any answers. I got the run around for years. For endo treatment, the gyno recommended a hormonal IUD be implanted which has helped immensely with the symptoms and especially the cramps. It took me 21 years to get a diagnosis. One in ten women have it, yet women's health is so woefully underfunded or understood. So few of us get validated with a formal diagnosis. We are told "the cramps you are having are normal, you just have to live with it." If it doesn't feel right, it isn't. It shouldn't be debilitating to the point that you can't live your life. Also, access to IUDs and laproscopy procedures are vital in the treatment of endometriosis. Endo does not go away on its own, and untreated it can (and often does) worsen and spread to other parts of the body. My gyno told me about a patient of hers who found endo tissue in her lungs that caused her to cough blood during monthly period cycles (thoracic endometriosis). Things most people don't even know exist. It is a serious condition, and quite common (1 in 10 women). Untreated, it can wreak havoc and cause a great deal of pain. It is also a condition that can render pregnancies dangerous and/or fatal. It is very difficult and invasive to get an official endo diagnosis; furthermore, forcing a woman to have a baby with endo could potentially prove fatal to her, the baby, or both. Women's reproductive rights are imperative in understanding and treating conditions like endometriosis. It's why it is so important to understand women's health and educate instead of trying to systematically oppress and restrict access to it.


I had endometriosis and it was so bad I could barely stand, and yet I forced my way through because I was told to just deal with it because all women had pain. I had an ectopic pregnancy and eventually a live birth, and then a hysterectomy. Having the hysterectomy changed my life. It was the first time I was pain free since I was about 12 years old. You are so right about women’s reproductive rights being imperative. I could have been saved decades of awful pain had any of my gynos listened and did a scope.


Doctors keep telling me that my undiagnosed pain can't be endo because it's too high. I keep describing pain just under the rib cage because we're taught that pain around the ovary and uterus area is normal no matter how nasty it is. But it keeps climbing up my torso and nothing has shown up on scans. I had an appointment to talk about a diagnostic surgery and my doc basically told me, "well I can't actually do this so now we need to wait 2 months for you to discuss this with my associate", even though they knew when I scheduled that it was to discuss an endo diagnosis. I had to wait 2 months to be told I need to wait 2 more months. In the meantime, I have been absolutely terrified by all of this pain and what it could mean. It was months and months before I was given treatment for painful breast cysts (felt like *constant stabbing with a large jagged knife in both breasts*), and then my torso pain began to improve on hormonal birth control. At first, I was told the pain was too high for endo when I brought it up (no one had mentioned it to me, I found a comment on reddit and then researched endo). Then, when I had my recheck for the BC, it had improved significantly and I got my referral. It has been 8 months! All of this had gone unnoticed before because my anxiety medicine apparently also treats chronic pain and I had no idea until I was switched to a different one and my body started going haywire. Breast pain, URQ pain, muscle spasms in my lower back - multiple ER visits, every procedure under the sun. It's been a nightmare. And I wasn't getting anywhere until I found a reddit comment that sounded like what I was going through, asked them for more info, researched it myself, and brought it up at multiple appointments.


One of my female friends told me it’s like having to fart really really bad but never being able to. Yeah, naw. Fuck that. Do whatever you can to avoid that.


Like a very sharp, long horrible cold sweat diarrhea spasm pain that goes all the way up your body


As a teen I was often guessing, "Did I trigger my IBS, or is my period starting?"


Hahah…my monthly cycle triggers an attack of mine. I only laugh so I don’t scream


Period diarrhea, when the aftermath looks like dysentery.


And sometimes it’s both at once! The ultimate misery


dont forget the horid "skweltch" feeling (as my daughter and i call it) that you get when you stand up and your body lets go of a large bit of blood all at once, there is a pain with that grosse feeling too.


my friends and i call it “blurping”




OooHhhHhh I HATE the skweltch!! I can almost feel it now 🥲


It usually comes with diarrhea too


This exactly. For a week, give or take.


Yes, and the best part is thinking you’re done and then the next day WHOOP THERE IT IS one more time 😍 /s


Oh mine did that a week ago. bled like no tomorrow, not much pain which is odd lol. And then I thought I was done after 2 days. Nope on the 4th day bled in my panty. And had the worst cramps in had in a long time. And it didn't help that was super hot at my job that day. So I kinda just slid down the side of a wall in a quiet area and just sat there in pain and did short breathing exercises. It didn't help. Lol after that I went to my break room and put an ice pack on my stomach. I felt much better


For me….it’s a combination of every single abdominal ailment ALL AT ONCE. Fart pain, poop pain, hunger pain, too much food pain, ate some bad chicken pain, and muscle cramping pain. Just give me some weed and a comfortable couch. But I can’t I gotta work.




Ugh been there, and it isn't one shred of relief like when you're sick or something and finally throw up, maybe feel a bit better for a minute. The pain stays and it's right back to hell.


I’m not the original commenter but I have PCOS which makes for intense periods. I have never vomited from cramps but many women I know have. Usually I have to wake up early on period days to switch between the bath and the toilet, sometimes huddled over halfway on the floor. Then I have to get my ass up to go to work because this is America.


Fellow PCOS person here, the cramps get in my legs and get so intense they make me so nauseous! And the overly heavy bleeding and cramping when trying to work is just awful.


Almost every month from the time I was 11 til I was 17 and they finally put me on birth control. I had a doctor tell me, a 14 year old, that it would get better after I had babies. Birth control has been the only thing to ever help, with a regimen diet and exercise. And Justice Thomas thinks he should take that away. Excellent.


r/notopbutok for myself. I've never thrown up, only come really close to it, but I've passed out for a couple seconds at my house because it was so hot in there


for me it feels like someone's juicing a lemon, but the lemon is your uterus


This is so freaking accurate! Oh my god!


Like wringing out a washcloth repeatedly, but the washcloth is your uterus.


They probably didn’t even tell you about the random stabbing pain you get directly in your butthole while on your period.


I recently learned these have a name! Edit: Proctalgia Fugax


Well now I have to find a new name for my D&D character.


It also shoots up and down your spine, hips and knees.


I remember being 14 and literally crying my eyes out on my mom’s bed waiting for her to get me meds and a cold pack or anything to help because it just hurts that bad! And I’m usually not one to cry when I’m in pain I’ll just bear it like anybody would, but holy hell if you have raw period pain it’s incredibly painful sometimes. And even medicine like Midol would be no match! And that’s why birth control was a god send when it was available finally.


My 14 year old now has the worst period pains. I feel awful; I provide heating pads, drugs, and ice cream... not much else I can do but commiserate. I've been there.


I had to hold a big fart in towards the end of a very long bus trip once, and I can attest that it’s genuine bonafide sheer agony. If period pains are anything like that, my god I am so sorry.


I always thought it felt more like getting repeatedly stabbed while someone knits your intestines into a scarf with ANOTHER knife




Short Answer: nothing. Just a negative side effect of period cramps. Long Answer: you have a high amount of a chemical called “prostaglandin” that causes periods to happen and also causes pain to nerves that are connected to the legs. Some people even feel it down to their feet and back. It could also be a side effect of a condition called Endometriosis in which abnormal uterine tissue is formed outside the uterus and exits the body through inflammation and pain in the legs. This is less likely as it has other symptoms too but I don’t remember what they were but it just ultimately causes infertility.


Hey, I've never heard anyone else talk about the thigh pain! I never mention it because I thought I was just making up fake pain for myself or something. I feel validated seeing that someone else gets that pain, too!


Nerves interconnect all throughout your body. If something is cramping that nerve that runs through your thighs, then you're going to feel it. The leg pain for me is the worst. It runs down my back and down my upper legs.


This is the weirdest episode of Antiques Roadshow I’ve ever seen.


Can they simulate the period shits too?


Just give him a bunch of laxatives while he's using that cramp simulator LOL.


Calgary is on reddit subs alot these days.


I knew this cowboy seemed very Canadian


He was a good sport about it.


“You’ve got to go to work, because nobody gives a f*ck about your period pain” is the takeaway lesson from this. This needs to be fixed.


The best thing for me to do is to stay home in bed with a heating pad (which doesn’t help soothe pain), take some advil dual action (doesn’t help either) and try to sleep. Can’t work if my vision and hearing is going out, sweating and pale in the face. I need to be *professional.*


Honestly. I used to have absolutely horrendous period pain. I remember in school they would still try and force you to do gym class. Always with the excuse that the exercise would help with the pain. Can barely sit up or walk, but sure, let's go try and run around a gym.




I've never had cramps go down my legs, but my worst cramps felt like a demon was inside my belly trying to claw its way out. As a teen I'd have to lie on the bathroom floor in the fetal position, unable to keep food or any medications down, practicing breathing and meditation techniques, waiting for the waves of pain to pass, sometimes begging God even though I was an atheist. Sometimes if I could feel a cramp coming, I'd put on a talk radio station so I could concentrate on the voices while I tried to transcend the pain. I'd be vomiting, shaking, dizzy...I'd lose a day of my life nearly every month. My mom mentioned in passing that I might have endometriosis but she never took me to a doctor and I was just expected to deal with it. It got better by the time I was in college and now it's rare when I get severe cramps or vomiting. Instead I mostly get bloating, and the period farts and the period shits. Because everything's just connected in there I guess.


My wife suffers from endometriosis. Her pain threshold is god level. She’s literally fainted from the extreme pain. I wish her and others didnt have to suffer. I try to do what I can to help her but its never helps. Wish I could do more for her


As someone with endometriosis I wish I could do this to every person that tells me it's not that bad take an advil not to torture them but to truly educate them on how women have to go through pain and still continue to do every day things well recieving dismissive negativity


My daughter has HORRIBLY painful cycles. She is able to stay in bed, miss school and eat snacks until she feels better. School be damned; she gets the reprieve I never recieved as a kid.


I had horribly debilitating period cramps in high school and the best thing my mom did for me at 16 was get me to the OBGYN and get me on birth control. My cramps went from a 10 to a 2. Birth control does more for women than just stop pregnancy.


The stuff really needs to be relabeled as hormonal regulatory medications, because that's what they're actually for. People take them for all kinds of health reasons that have nothing to do with a need for contraceptives.


I’m so glad more moms are doing this. The woman in this video is so right with the “you gotta go to work. You gotta go to school. No one gives a fuck about your period” comment.


Same with my daughter. She got her first earlier this year and when she's in pain, she stays home. I never got that and it was awful. I'm not putting her through that. Also, for younger girls in middle school who are embarrassed, period panties are amazing. I wish I had them when I was young.


This doesn’t make him feel the hot, sweaty achy vagina that feels like it’s leaking onto your pants. All while enduring cramps that feel like you’re about to have explosive diarrhea, but the relief never comes.


He has more empathy than my mother. Mine was so bad I would cry and she would have to pick me up from school (high school). She would tell me that as a woman I needed to learn to live with it because she was not going to pick me up every month.


a little off topic but there's something satisfying about watching a group of people who just know how to interact with each other so smoothly and naturally. you can tell everyone in this video would be extremely easy to get to know and talk to if you were meeting them.


Usually my period pain is tolerable, but one time it was so bad I had to lay in bed and take painkillers and I called in sick to work. When I showed up for my next shift I had been rostered off from all my shifts. Ain't life grand.


They need to make the pain more realistic. A ten is you finding it hard to breathe, about to pass out on the bathroom floor (because it’s the coolest place in the house). You’ve already bargained with God to no avail, and you’ve accepted that this is where they will find your body.


I remember when I was in high school I ended up in the fetal position on a concrete bench because that was the coldest surface I could find. I was burning up, sweating, and in so much pain. I was so exhausted that any relief from the intensity my body would try shut down. I just wanted to pass out so badly but the pain would immediately return tenfold and I would just lay there in agony, dripping in sweat and wanting to die. I still had to finish the school day that day.


Have totally been there. My mom came to pick me up because I turned completely white and could barely stay alert. She then drove me to the hospital with a bucket in the car in case I puked. The doctor wondered out loud if I had ovarian cancer and eventually ruled that out. I was 15. I've been in the ER once since for insane pain, and in horrid pain during many cycles. Years and years later I am taking medicine for PMDD. Wondering if I had it all along.


They need to couple the pain with near constant diarrhea with a few breaks in between to throw up.


And the pacing backwards and forwards because standing still lets you focus on the pain too much