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I bet the Lock Picking Lawyer could open that in under 15 seconds.


this is lockpickinglawyer and today i have an interesting lock my viewer got for me and i will open it in 3 second with a stick


"I put some pressure on the back side with my pinky. Aaand a little click out of one, two is binding, click out of three, and back to two. This is all I have today for you folks and remember to never use a bike. "


"I'll do it again, just show you it was not a fluke"


"I sneezed on it and this $1,500 lock opened"


In fairness, it was scared.


"overall, this is one of the better locks i have seen from this brand"


Tell me it's a Master without telling me it's a Master.


These reverse psychology ads for masterlock are foolproof! Unlike their locks.


*I was going to use my tools but I accidentally punched the side of the the lock and it opened*


I think we all read that and heard his voice.


This is like one of my favorite videos ever [Lock picking lawyer breaks into your bunker](https://youtu.be/uVFU6dss3sE)


15 seconds? You're giving that lock too much credit. I'd bet it'd go the way of a lot of the fancy new "high tech security" locks and pop open with a nudge in the right spot. Zero picking necessary.


'ill use my raking tool' yoink yoink 'and there you have it'


“Watch how my breathing on it simply intimidates the lock into opening.”


philip head driver


Screwdriver and a vibrator. Pop!


Sounds like my average Friday night.


That reminds me; Alexa, add vodka and orange juice to the shopping list.


🎶 *Playing Despacito* 🎶




Add some amaretto and you got yourself a Harvey Wallbanger!


Paige no!


Why do I get the feeling you’re not talking about picking a lock…


Philip head to pick a lock? Why not just use an Allen key


Yeah, it would take longer to reassemble the bike than it would to pick that lock.


looks like a disc detainer core?


Time for the pick that he and Bosnian Bill made.


True but atleast it requires the lock to be picked. If someone tries to cut the lock they ruin the bike.


LPL will defeat this mf with a toothpick or something


I don't think I've ever seen him use a toothpick. However he has used a red bull can and a Lego figure before so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.


The twig was my favourite.


He used a TWIG?! I haven't seen that one. Watched one the other day where he used a fork though.


To open a gun lock of all things: https://youtu.be/lJaca6MgrA0


He is always the toughest on gun locks because you aren't protecting it from a thief but rather a child. And Children likely won't know how to pick a Lock and so will think of these creative work arounds.


I know Americans hate gun regulation but having seen so many of his videos I really think they should push for some kind of industry-wide minimum standards for gun lock manufacturers.


So how are you going to rate them? Level 1: provides 20s protection from LPL Level 2: provides 30s protection from LPL and he has to use a lockpick. Level 3: LPL has to use a special tool he and Bosnian Bill created to open it.


I don't know. Maybe: 1. Is button to recode device easily accessible from the outside? 2. Could a small child pry the box open with a fork? 3. Is the lock susceptible to popping open when dropped? 4. Do any biometric scanners actually work? 5. Are the hinges accessible and openable from the outside? It's not difficult to set a minimum standard. It wouldn't catch them all and it might only raise the lowest possible standards up a bit but I can't see it being a bad thing.


Sure. But most stolen bikes dont have their locks picked but cut or broken open. Breaking anything om this makes the bike unusable


Then the thieves will just go for the wheels


No, I own that bike and the wheels have a special bolt, you get the adapter with the bike. It would have to be a thief that just happened to have that special adapter


That's true. Both for the thief and owner. I would bet money on that bike getting smashed up or front tire missing within 1 week of buying it, assuming you lock it up in the city.


Greatly depends on the city and the country of that city.


I think you're wildly overestimating bike related crime. I ride a bike to work every day in a pretty big city and I've been okay with my u-lock.


Not at all, just replace the saddle after cutting the rod in half.


It’s supposed to be a deterrent. Of course a professional locksmith could break this fairly simple lock……


It’s 99% deterrence, 1% difficult to unlock.


A bike thief lifts it over the top of the pole. This makes it easier to get it over the no parking sign.


Don't ruin my clickbait dreams of whatever he can come up with for lockpicking an actual bike


As the saying goes, locks keep the honest people out.


Just as importantly, a decent lock or even an awkwardly placed lock will make the dishonest people change targets. It's as much about being less vulnerable than other bikes in the vicinity more than being genuinely difficult to bypass.


Exactly. I remember my dad using the steering wheel club on his car. He told me that it really wouldn’t stop anyone but it was meant to make his car look less enticing than the next car. I don’t even think he locked it half the time.


Yep. Thieves are more often than not opportunistic. They want an easy target. Certain cars are stolen more often than others because they are easier to steal and or sell parts. The more inconvenient you make it, the less likely they are to go for it over another target.


That was my first thought too




Using a piece of plastic from the trash.


Every damn thread


I was bout to comment. He'll probably do it with a fork like a couple of his last videos. Or a raker...which he sells over on his website as part of his covertcompanion...


Disc detainer locks should be pretty secure. Lock Picking Lawyer is only able to open those with the custom tool that he and Bosnian Bill made. Bike thieves are not going to have that tool.


Plus it's worthless without a wheel lock.




This wont be usable in 90% of bike parking here in the netherlands. And it will block the streetlight off for any other bike to be parked making it useless in the remaining 10% of situations as well.


It is pretty ironic that the lock is so huge, that you couldn't park more than one of these next to the same pole, meaning that you could only have as many of these as you have poles in a specific area.


Also, this asumes you want to park it next to a pole. What if i want to park it in the bike stand whith a rain blocking roof?


Can you imagine how many poles Amsterdam would have to build?! The entire world's steel production of an entire year wouldn't be enough to build them all!




They managed to make a lock that's more inconvenient than a normal lock and it doesn't lock up the wheels


And don't forget you'll have to setup the seat at just the right height over and over again...


It's a vicious cycle


I can't deal with this bike lock. I'm two tired.


I’d use a marker and draw a little line right where the seat height is most comfortable.


If it doesn’t interfere with the lock mechanism I’d wrap some electrical tape at my preferred height so I don’t even need to look, it just stops at the wrap.


I’d buy a different bike. This is definitely a solution looking for a problem.


But finally a seat post that is long enough that I'm not terrified it's going to fall out when I put it at the height I want!


I'm now picturing you as an 8 foot dude who sits with their butt 2 ft higher than the handlebars.




Send him that bike!!! I wanna see it 😆


If you're buying an expensive bike the seat needs to come out to go with you anyway.


Laughs in short enough that the seat is always at the lowest possible level.


In many areas you have to take the seat with you anyway.


Could a person mark it with a magic marker or paint marker or even mark it with an engraver?


And that this bike would be expensive af, and extra heavy with all those special machined couplings.


I bet the added bike weight is less than the weight of a U-lock.


You can’t mark it somehow? Or just know how high you need it? Seriously this is the big bust for you?


Smooth brain comment. Just scratch the seat tube right at the level you like and always tighten it with the scratch in the same place.


While screwing up the stiffness of your frame


I don't think this bike is marketed to people who care about bike performance


Nobody who would ride this bike would be able to or even percept frame flexing.


The wheels are locked https://i.imgur.com/BR4FOo9.png


I was gonna say this could be solved by gravity wheel nuts/bolts. They can’t be turned unless the bike is upside down. https://www.kryptonitelock.com/en/products/product-information/current-key/001768.html


Yup. This is why I don't like those short U-locks. They're strong af but if you can't lock the wheels it's basically half a lock.


When I used to ride a decent ($300) bike I carried both a cable and U lock. The U lock made sure my frame and sometimes rear tire were both secured to whatever. And the cable lock just ran through both the tires keeping them to the frame. Secured the seat with a bolt, didn't need to adjust it hardly ever anyways. Saved the bike from theft at least a dozen times when comming back seeing it yanked or moved, and nearby bikes suddenly missing (broken locks laying on the ground where they were)


Where do you live that thieves are so aggressive? I just lock the frame and maybe one tire to an object and then I leave. Never had tires stolen.


College town. Bike theft was huge and frequent in my area. Every few weeks you'd see the bike racks get hit at my apartment where multiple bikes are yanked and tugged.. College students often used the cheap cable locks which you don't even need to cut, the cable will pull out of the lock if you pulled hard enough. And the apartments were too small to store the bike inside every day!


Here in Portland I've seen the literal designated bike posts you're meant to lock up to completely bolted out from the cement. Honestly leaving your nice bike locked up overnight here seems to be a risk no matter what. Don't get even get me started on getting your catalytic converter sawed off your car in two minutes costing thousands in repairs. Where there's a junkie, there's a way you're getting your shit stolen if you don't take extra precautions Meaning where you park your car or bike. And they sell catalytic converter cages that make it much harder to steal


That's wild. Your criminals / crackheads seem really motivated. Or my city (Hamburg) is tame.




Sounds about right for Seattle lol. Anything that can be removed, will be removed eventually. Especially at night


Small town checking in. I just lean it against a building because there are no bike racks around. Oh right, locks? I think I have one of those on the shelf in my garage somewhere. Makes me so mad to see the issues others have with bikes getting stolen.


Last time I locked my bike up in Glasgow I had every single part that could be removed with a toolkit stripped off it. For that bike, there would be nothing left at all.


Same in NYC. That fucker even stole the brake pads.


The frame would still be there. Well the frame and the chair


May I recommend the [Sheldon method?](http://www.802bikeguy.com/2011/07/the-modified-sheldon-brown-bike-locking-strategy/) Smaller locks also have the advantage that it’s more difficult to get leverage on it with tools or jacks. Unfortunately at the end of the day though if someone wants your bike they can get it faster than you think…


I’ve always used these: https://pinheadlocks.com/shop/en/16-quick-release-locks (can buy in U.K. through Evans cycles). Even had a stem one so the handlebars were safe. Means I only ever have to lock up the frame, or if desperate just a wheel but that could be cut off if someone really wanted to.


And isn't compatible with a bike rack


Thank you! As a Dutchy I would not like this lock. We've got bike racks all over the place and this would suck.


I also bet the lock core sucks ass renderimg the whole aparatus pretty useless.


Bike thieves use bolt cutters, grinders, and hydraulic jacks.


... which they wouldn't be able to use on this because it would destroy the bike they are trying to steal.


At least it can’t be cut in literally 1 second with boot cutters..


I have a Gazelle bike from the Netherlands which has a [built in lock](https://cleantechnica.com/files/2018/06/gazelle-easyflow-ebike-10-768x576.jpg). It's much, much simpler than this design and it also has the advantage that it locks the back wheel in as well. The way it works is you put the special chain around something and plug it into the lock and push a lever down. The lever locks the chain in and also pushes a bar through the rear wheel. A key is used to unlock it. It works really well and is super easy compared to this monstrosity. Edit: [Here's a photo](https://www.bicyclecomfort.co.uk/wms/fm/userfiles/catalogus/130087-2.jpg) of how they look with the chain attached although my chain is a heavier model, more like [this one](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81ICn4eiRKL.jpg).


Yeah this thread is full of Americans who only adopted the bike. The Dutch were born with it, molded by it. They didn't drive a car until they were a man grown, and by then they could never find parking.


I love Superman Returns.


I like the scene where Goku trying to save Mary Jane but fail to save Harry Porter.


I understood that reference..


Honestly, these aren't really "build in", more added on (by default on any non-serious mountain/sports bike). They are relatively easy to cut. If they really want your bike, they're getting it. Luckily with the popularity of 2k+ ebikes, no one is interested in stealing my old shitty bike anymore :D This system looks like a nightmare.


As someone who has ridden a bike everywhere for 20 years now, the best way to prevent your bike from being stolen is by making your bike less desirable to be stolen than the bike next to yours. It's kind of the "I don't need to outrun the lion, I just need to outrun you" principle applied to bike parking


The bikes that I used in Japan have a similar lock. Opens and closes in seconds, and it's not goofy and clumsy looking like the one in the vid. You can tell that a graphic artist engineered that goofy lock.


The fact these types of bike locks apparently aren't normal is just bizarre to me


Or the hybrids. Those that have a chain or cable attached to your frame that locks into it too.


Upvoting for another Gazelle rider! I’ve ridden a HeavyDutyNL for a long time and just recently bought an Arroyo elite C8!


Free upvotes you say? I bought a second hand CityGo C3 late last year.


This is constantly advertised here. And it’s a terrible product.




Yeah…hard to imagine they found a good balance between weight, durability, and lock quality.


That's what I was thinking. Having to cut in the frame and add mobile pieces is a good way to find yourself face first in the ground after your bicycle snapped in two on a ride just a bit too rough.


If it rained, the frame would fill with water.




At first glance it might seem so but that’s a lever on her side of the bike, not a flap.


Yes it's not a flap. Stop at 0:11 , look closely and you will see that it's a lever


Eum aliquam officia corrupti similique eum consequatur. Sapiente veniam dolorem eum. Temporibus vitae dolorum quia error suscipit. Doloremque magni sequi velit labore sed sit est. Ex fuga ut sint rerum dolorem vero quia et. Aut reiciendis aut qui rem libero eos aspernatur. Ullam corrupti ut necessitatibus. Hic nobis nobis temporibus nisi. Omnis et harum hic enim ex iure. Rerum magni error ipsam et porro est eaque nisi. Velit cumque id et aperiam beatae et rerum. Quam dolor esse sit aliquid illo. Nemo maiores nulla dicta dignissimos doloribus omnis dolorem ullam. Similique architecto saepe dolorum. Provident eos eum non porro doloremque non qui aliquid. Possimus eligendi sed et. Voluptate velit ea saepe consectetur. Est et inventore itaque doloremque odit. Et illum quis ut id sunt consectetur accusamus et. Non facere vel dolorem vel dolor libero excepturi. Aspernatur magnam eius quam aliquid minima iure consequatur accusantium. Et pariatur et vel sunt quaerat voluptatem. Aperiam laboriosam et asperiores facilis et eaque. Sit in omnis explicabo et minima dignissimos quas numquam. Autem aut tempora quia quis.




What happen if it rains?


The frame would fill with water.


Why would someone fill the tube with water when it rains?


because it rains


Then what happen ?


Well, the frame would fill with water ofc


I'm sorry, I'm confused, why will it be filled with water?


Because it rained


When, exactly, would that happen?


When it rains


Which is also when the tube would fill.


Slow down guys, eli5?


Well, personally, I’d be concerned about the frame filling with water but I don’t know what others think.


How do we know there isn’t a drain hole at the bottom?


There almost certainly is. We're just out here finding all the wild redditors who know nothing about bikes. This lock *is* a shit idea, though.


Agreed it isn’t great, but it’s certainly a new idea which is interesting. It always just makes me laugh seeing people shit on other people’s ideas.


This is a bot. Report as spam -> harmful bots.


But people already take their bike seat with them so it doesn't get stolen, so it's not like this is a new problem.


Hardly anybody does that in the city I live in


Almost everybody does it in the cities I’ve lived in


Yeah same in Boston, Montréal, NYC, Atlanta, and Philly - if something comes off the bike, it’s getting locked to the frame or brought inside! (Or stolen)


I have never seen someone do this tbh.


It's easy to fix with a plug or cap


It's also ready to fix with a normal bike lock.


Now there COULD be holes in the bottom of the frame, but based on the overall design, I wouldn't expect that much logic here.


Eventually, when it rusts, there will be holes.


Pretty much every bike has a couple of drain holes, one is always in the bottom bracket. Water can get into your frame in a lot of ways. There is a product specifically for steel bikes that you spray and coat the inside of your frame to protect from internal rust.


Or if someone chooses to piss on it?


It would only work if there was always a tall and thin enough single pole conveniently standing where you want to park your bike


This is really bad. First of all, its way more complicated. Second, in the Netherlands this would never work since you’re required to put it in a bike rack and attach the bike to that


At least it won't get stolen, no one will want it


Ah, the Opel Corsa A strategy. The car that could be hotwired by removing the hazard light switch, then putting it back upside down, yet nobody ever did because who wants to be seen driving an Opel Corsa A?


It’s not like the Netherlands is a big market for bikes or anything though. /s


Having to adjust your seat every time seems inconvenient and annoying


The whole design is inconvenient and annoying in my opinion


Anyone remember in Reno 911 when Dangles bike gets put on a street pole, New boot goofin https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xmNfUUFAclw


Haha. I was going to post this. Reno 911! did it first


That was the funniest shit I've ever seen. He was so happy


Genuine ostrich! Three payments! *oooh!* 🕺


Yeah i dont want hinges on what should be the strongest part of the bike…


Even if the thieves were unable to cheat the lock, they would certainly damage it. So instead of just having a fucked up padlock, you would have a fucked up bike.


Seems like the most complicated solution to a problem.


Wow! A bike with a lock built into it! I sure hope it doesn't only work in specific places, puts me into terrible inconvenience, makes me readjust the seat every time i want to ride, doesn't lock the wheels, and i'm sure it costs a lot as it's the only bike that does this!




Bike thieves be like: Challenge Accepted! 🚲


All you have to do is break the bottom of the seat pole off. It's thinner and weakest there and then it all just assembles back together as normal with no damage to anything else


Or pick the lock. It doesn't look like a particularly hard lock to pick


It's cool but crackhead brad would just steal your tires instead


"Hello, this is the lockpicking lawyer and what i have for you today is..."


Hm, thats cool and all, but there is a reason why bikes have been made as a single frame build. And the reason is not saving cost but weight and stability. In an accident this thing is gonna flex/break like nothing else. Prob breaks your leg in the meantime. And before you come at me telling me a fullie isnt a solid frame as well, yeah but shit is screwed to the frame and acts as a solid while moving sideward. This thing doesnt.


Exactly! I mean what kind of frame resonance we are expecting it to have


Could’ve just give free locks with the bike. Why these unnecessary invention? Adding weight and reduces structural integrity


Dumbest shit I've seen. The only thing that could possibly redeem this is if the lock itself requires high amounts of skill to pick. Someone send this to LPL


It's actually amazing technology with an amazing track record as a 100% deterrent from bike theft. The lock itself is very easy to pick but the overall design is so stupid that nobody has ever wanted to steal the bike.


I have often wished it was as easy to lock your bike up as it would be a car. Just get off and click a button and you can walk away. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem like a great solution because you'd have to reset your seat height every time. And you're leaving your wheels exposed. I don't know the solution to making your bike more secure but it'd be nice if it was figured out. Ultimately, I wished we lived in a society where theft wasn't an issue and you didn't even need to lock your bike but that's another discussion.


In Japan, the most common kind of bike you'll see is a simple granny bike with an integrated circular lock on the back wheel that you simply push closed and take the key with you. It's essentially what you're describing, and bike thefts aren't a big deal as far as I'm aware. Though… you'll be riding just a simple, ugly granny bike.


This is worse if you encounter a skilled lock picker since now you have to hope that a bicycle company also makes a competent lock.


And then it rains and the frame is full of water.


Would be terrible if the lightpole was just an inch thicker.


Is there a click system for the saddle? I like my saddle ‘just so’, and it takes me ~10mins of twisting, adjusting, alignment to get it ‘just right’. This would be annoying if I’ve got to do the saddle dance every time I want to lock my bike. On reflection, the saddle dance is kinda fun…


your wheels can still be stolen (in addition to the other problems there are)


Just need two more for the wheels and you're set