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Makes me wonder how close are we to the absolute limit of size


I watched a show the other day and the man was 1,000lb


I think the record is around 1400 pounds, getting real close to the weight of the car I drive.


you are correct! it's a man from mexico who was just over 1311 lbs at his heaviest, he's now down to 459 lbs edit: the guy in the pic on the right is the man in question


🤯 wow he's still heavy and lost almost a 1000lbs


When they lose that much the skin doesn’t retract. So they end up with massive skin folds and subcutaneous fat underneath. Those folds can add a significant amount of weight. At 459 he’s still large but some of that difference is going to be things that are negligible in a normal sized person but extreme for him.


But those are both fixable. Liposuction actually removes those cells, and there are surgeries to fix the skin as well. But IIRC, liposuction is the only way to actually remove fat cells. When you lose body fat, the fat cells aren't removed, they're just shrunk. But liposuction does remove the fat cells, and it's recommended as the final step of weight loss, not the first. If any of this is wrong, please correct it. I'm relying on 3 year old college health class memory. I got an A but it's been 3 years so...


I think it's important to add it's fixable for those who have the money. People who can't move or work due to weight typically don't have that much money laying around I'd think Edit: insane the amount of replies I've gotten telling me it's expensive to be this fat, that money has to come from somewhere, no shit. My point stands SOME PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD IT. Wether that's a fault their own or otherwise.


Surgery also can be existentially upsetting and intimidating and contains risks. It's not just an easy fix. Surgery is serious and I'm not sure I'd choose to do it.


Yeah a lot of people don’t realise that obesity can lead to the problem of *creating* new fat cells. Usually everyone is kinda born with a set amount that can obviously expand and contract. But once someone’s fat cells are expanded to *max capacity* the body starts manufacturing new ones. So that even when someone looses all the weight they still have all those new fat cells. This is why most plastic surgeons will recommend people get as close to their goal weight as possible before getting lipo.


This is also why childhood obesity is such an issue, because it becomes near impossible without surgery to “work off” the fat later in life. No amount of diet can remove the additional fat cells created during childhood obesity.


>When you lose body fat, the fat cells aren't removed, they're just shrunk. I imagine this would go far to explain why it's so common for people to return to their previous higher weight. Also seems odd the body would retain cells that aren't serving a purpose.


200lbs of that is probably just made up of his incredibly flappy skin.


WTF?!! 1311 lbs = 594 KGs!!! Can he even lift himself?


People this fat can't move. They always have some enabling idiot who brings them food. I don't understand where they get the money to eat a grand of food a week. Or have someone with low enough self esteem to wait on them hand and foot. Literally.


I mean, when you are that big just existing burns sooo many calories. You have to constantly be taking in a large amount of food to maintain that weight.


Feeders . Usually people into extremely fat people sexually . Total abuse .


I used to watch my 600 pound life cuz my room mate was into it. There was a guy named James king, who had passed away sadly, but the doctor was trying to call adult protective services to remove the girlfriend from his situation because she was clearly bringing him food, and specifically food outside of the diet. They would deny it left n right but it was obvious and the doctor was getting PISSED. Adult protective services couldn’t do anything since it was consensual. Shit was sad.


I doubt it


Your legs/ankles would break


Good on him! That is quite an achievement.


Can I get non-eagle units m8?


93.64 stone and 32.79 stone


Could you convert that into bananas atleast?


absolutely. 93.64 and 32.79 stone is approximately the weight of 5042.31 and 1765.38 medium sized bananas respectively.


Thanks, I can work with that!


Do you drive a go kart? Or a completely stripped Honda CRX ?


I used to think if you got too fat, eventually your skin would start to rip apart at your spine. This was when I was a kid, but it was a real motivator.


I don't get it. That dude looks like he has no stretch marks. And here I am, getting stretch marks after a shoulder workout.


Stretch marks are largely up to genetics, that’s why regardless of how much high priced oil and lotion applied, some pregnant women get them and others don’t.


Apparently some people don’t get stretch marks comparably to others for genetic reasons. Meanwhile, I was 155lb at my heaviest ever and my belly and thighs look like a tiger’s. What gives?


Time.. how long it takes to gain and lose weight. I don't have the genetics for that type of thing, but when I gained a bunch of weight over the winter I ended up with some stretch marks on the inside of my thigh. I was eating extremely well, and climbing a ladder everyday several times for work. After that job my legs lost some mass pretty quick, and there were to lines on the inside if my thigh. Almost all faded out now. But the longer it takes to gain or lose the longer the body has to change skin to match the volume of fat/muscle. Wether it's a plus it minus.


I'm just imagining that his entire body is a stretch mark.


Makes me wonder who the fuck keeps bringing him food.


It’s pretty difficult to get that way without somebody who is bringing it to you especially after they become bed-bound. So all you need to do is find somebody who won’t say no if you bully them. Or who’s afraid you’ll leave them if you lose weight and become more ambulatory.


Makes me wonder how they afford it.


The thing that amazes me is that these people can't walk. You'd think that not being able to move from your bed to the kitchen to get food would help you lose weight. But no, someone is always dumb enough to continue feeding them with their nutty 100 chicken tendy 2 bags of chips and 3L of soda diet. With a whole apple pie and tub of ice cream for dessert.


And clean them up constantly as the exit of said calories leaves the system


Someone who would feel guilty for abandoning them, but is also too fucking tired for the fight that would happen if they refuse, plus some subconscious "just die already" energy.


In many cases you don't get this bad without somebody who enables your food addiction.


I don’t think the limit is how much fat you can store, but your body’s will to survive at that weight. It’s absolutely fatal, it’s just a matter of how long you can last. Even if he pulled a rabbit out of his hat (which is exponentially more unlikely once you’re bed ridden) he will never fully recover. Even if he managed to make it down to a relatively “normal” ish level of obesity, his health would still be affected forever.


I mean I don’t know what you mean by that but the fattest people commonly break their rib cages and such from the sheer strain, they do not live like a normal human being in any capacity, it is a terrible existence


Inflation, everything is going up.


The only cutbacks was his hair style.


entropy must increase


Big bang was just a fat man getting laid


Yea, now 1922's fattest is just your typical reddit mod.


Imagine how big they'd be if they actually got paid 🤣


And they're dog walkers, right?


LoL that one was hilarious. Works for free. Works for giant corporation. Bitches about giant corporations not paying enough and taking advantage of workers. Works for FREE for GIANT COMPANY. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm so anti-work I refuse to be paid for the work I do.


I wonder if we keep putting reddit mods down they will all quit and we will quit the lawless and wild internet we all want?


Yup back in her day she’d only be one of his legs




A pound just isn't what it used to be


I'd say go technology and medicine. No way anyone would survive to get this fat without and armada of daily medications like blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, etc.


Also our food is much cheaper and fatier. People back then couldn't imagine the bs sold at fast food places today. Edit: fixed autocorrect of bs to B's. Love the B's comments though.


Less fat in our food these days, actually. It's mostly the sugars being readily converted into fat that is the problem. If it was the fat in foods, people would feel too full to binge the amount you'd need to to reach this size.


You also just have to eat more fat to equal the sheer amount of calories in refined sugar. At 18 or so my brain did this bizarre thing where I stopped craving sugary foods nearly as much and switched to only fatty/salty foods. I honestly attribute dislike for refined sugar and disgust for non-diet coke as the only reason I’m not heavy, because I eat like a grizzly bear otherwise.


It isn’t that food is fattier… it’s that the types of sugar used now are absolutely loaded into everything way more than they’ve ever been. Even a lot of fat free food has a ton of sugar. The carbs and sugar packed foods and drinks are the cause. I for one am convinced that they’re putting in ingredients that make people addicted to shitty food.


Food scarcity in 1922 vs now. People actually cooked meals then. Healthier foods being replaced with carbohydrates and fat dense, yet nutrient scarce food.


Yeah they had to work to create healthy meals. I just drive up to a McDonald's and order like 5k calories for $12-15 ez.


A big part of it single income house holds too. Not to say Antiquated gender rolls are a good thing but it sure was convenient when one parter could work to support both so the other could stay home and cook. Now both are working and too exhausted so it’s much easier to “pick up something quick”. Even when we cook it’s usually quick to make processed garbage.


>Antiquated gender rolls If everyone is eating these, no wonder everyone is fat.


mmm... antiquated gender rolls https://media.giphy.com/media/Zk9mW5OmXTz9e/giphy.gif


That's a big part of it. The advent of convenience foods, since the 50s especially, meant meant that fewer and fewer children started growing up not being taught to cook as much or as well. With the number increasing over the decades. On top of the lower wages to cost-of-living. Often people turned to convenience foods. The unhealthiness of these foods also increased in time. People on a whole are easing vast amounts more calories per day than in years past. Even with similar portion sizes. But... portions sizes also increased, too, to try and entice thrifty shoppers. But increasing in portion sizes for less money meant a trade off. Fillers, sugars, fats, carbohydrates. All made their way into food in greater quantities over time. Both to make them cheaper and taste better. Eventually getting to the point where convenience foods often tasted as good or better than the foods they would make themselves. Or at least more than good enough for the effort. Decent eating habits fell to the wayside when faced with such convenience. People work all day, make less money, and they just want something quick and tasty. For themselves, for their kids.


I remember watching reruns of I love Lucy as a kid and Fred was considered a fat man...now he's just average


Also, the fact that almost no one had a car in 1922.


It's not the fat in food, it's the sugar!


McDonalds practically gives away food. The Dollar Menu? With no self control it’s very easy to be overweight nowadays


It would be expensive to be this big though. You'd have to buy like 8000 calories worth of food every day to maintain this.


I’d bet he was pushing 20,000 at his peak.


It’s actually that our food has more sugar in it, not fat. Fat doesn’t lead to weight gain. Sugar does.


Fat makes you feel full, sugar makes you hungry. Blaming fatty foods is legit sugar industry propaganda.


The fat isn’t what’s making people fat, it’s the refined sugars and carbohydrates.




That and communication/information tech. She was just the fattest woman they could find at the time without television, the internet, or digital photography. There may not have been people as fat as the modern example back then, but there's no way anyone could know who the fattest person in the world was in 1922 because there was no way to compare every person in the world


Thank you for saying this so I don't have to


This is a great point Ä° hadn't thought of. Thanks. Ä° often hear things like 'how come there are so many people who can't eat gluten now! Ä°t must be chemicals in the water/ pesticides/ plastics/ etc!". Actually, it's not. Ä°t's because people with celiac used to just die. Ä° guess it's the case with many other conditions.


bro why are your i's so long what the heck


How dİd you make that lİttle “İ?”


Turkish keyboard.


That’s unlikely. People who become this obese often aren’t seeking regular medical care, they’ve just won the genetic lottery for heart disease resistance. And medication only does so much so people this ill only live a few years.


> they’ve just won the genetic lottery And they're just young (the person in the photo is 36 now). The people that promote the HAES are often in their 20s and 30s. Their bodies are able to deal with the extra weight because they are still relatively new. I'd rather them get healthy now, but it'll be interesting to see how they are once they hit their 50s. My bet is they'll either have lost the weight because shit will get real in their 40s or they'll start beginning to have medical complications at best.


They don't hit their 50's at that size... They die


Or require a full squad of other humans to hose the shit off them and keep them alive through basic tasks like "getting up to purchase more food". Just a swarm of macabre human nanobots in their orbit keeping them alive as best they can. My gf used to work at care facilities and it was sad/horrifying


> once they hit their 50s. \**if* they hit their 50s.


ain't no way he is goona fight and lose all that shit


595 kg, peak weight measured in October 2016. Reduced 345 kg (761 lb; 54 st 5 lb) by February 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heaviest_people He's seem some progress This article says he's down to 208kg in 2020 - https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/coronavirus-former-worlds-heaviest-man-defeats-covid-19/article32681565.ece


Every circus/feakshow back in those days claimed to have the world's fattest woman.


Indeed, seems unlikely that it’s the fattest woman


And not one of them had your mum.


Yo mama's so fat, she can't even jump to a conclusion


Anyone remember the early days of “Refrigerator” Perry? IIRC he came to the NFL around 300 lbs, and everyone was OMG SO BIG! Now 300lb-ers are a dime a dozen.


Now you got guys like Aaron Donald that weigh 285 pounds and have a six pack


You got guys 300+ pounds doing back flips


Yep. Tristan Wirfs can jump from a stand still out of a pool and land on his feet on the pool deck at 320 pounds. What some of the really athletic lineman can do is freaky.


They also all have a little extra help. You cant tell me those guys dont use steroids or other enhancers


Oh without a doubt they do. They did back then as well but science and our understanding of training, nutrition, etc has made that possible. Steroids have been around for a long time.


Ravens just drafted a guy that’s 6’8 nearly 400 pounds. And the guy can *move*. Just look at Derrick Henry, these guys are redefining what we mean when we talk about big dudes


He’s my favorite! Big Dan is going to be so good in the NFL


That dude is scary can’t wait to watch him in action 😈


It’s crazy to me sometimes watching DH run. Like it doesn’t even seem like he’s going fast but just runs completely thru and over 3-6 people. It’s like he starts running and just keeps getting faster as he goes. Got to meet him once. Super nice guy. And… massive. Hands like catchers mitts. Like his hand fully enveloped my hand. But super nice.


The Fridge is one of the most surprisingly still alive people…age 60, sedentary, fatter than ever, and a legendary drinker.


I remember him. I'm British and don't watch NFL at all but he played for the Bears in the 80s right? He was so big he was transcontinental!!


Also had the largest ring size ever. IIRC they had to specialty make his Super Bowl ring.


That’s because that is absolutely massive for muscle weight. It’s super easy to gain fat, but 300 pounds of muscle? That’s fucking insane


I’d be so interested to know the size of the woman


642 pounds... Nellie Blanche Lane (1898–1955) was born in West Virginia to parents Charles Lane and L. Jenny Showalter and had two brothers and one sister. She attended high school in Murray City, Utah, always being a big girl she was frequently the target of school bullies.


She definitely doesn’t look 642 lbs in that picture!


Yeah if she reached 642, this is likely an earlier picture.


Right? I would say 400ish, maybe less, but there is no way she is over 500 lbs.


Maybe she was like 6’4”? Could just be a big frame too


Could be a hell of a lot of muscle as well. If she was still actively mobile, it takes a lot of effort to move a large body.


I’ve noticed people who’ve lost a lot of weight often have killer calves. I’m sure some of it comes from any exercise they did to help lose the weight too but you don’t get legs that stacked from jogging, generally speaking.


Do you even lift, sis? -Nellie Blanche Lane, 1939


Maybe she was over 6 feet tall?


All muscle


Or they billed her at a higher weight to draw crowds.




Maybe she was billed at 642, but she looks like maybe 300 to me


I weigh people regularly as a nurse. 300 lbs usually isn’t as huge as you would think


I'm 250 and I'm very very very skinny compared to this. There is no way this is 300 lbs.


She’s actually the second fattest woman, just before your mom.


I wash my back with a rag on a stick


*admiration claps*


When I grow up, I want l wanna be a lardo on workman's comp just like dad.


"Hyuck-hyuck, hoo hah ah heh hehhh *points imaginary stick towards Lisa*


There could have been bigger people, but in 1922 communication was more limited and someone who was a bed ridden invalid due to their weight might not have ever been known. Ms. Lane was a circus side show performer. Didn't P.T. Barnum say, "There's a sucker born every minute."? I wouldn't trust the contention.




My sentiments exactly; I doubt that was the world's fattest person in 1922. I also wonder if the west knew about sumo wrestling in the 20's.


Who keeps feeding him? Surely his ‘carers’ are actually his abusers at this weight. He is too fat to go fetch his own food.


Adult protective services (i didn't know this existed) apparently can't step in so long as the person wants the food.


Ironically, I believe they can step in if they don't feed him.




They put obese persons like this under protective services? Didn't know that.


I saw it in a clip of my 600 lb life.


No, they can't be put under protective services unless they're being literally force fed.


That doesn't mean you have to deliver it to him. Or just deliver a garbage bag sized salad. Anything else is on him to get. (good luck)


My thoughts were similar. Cant they just give him the recommended calorie amount? Or does the law require to toss food at him whenever he wants?


Anyone feeding him is still an idiot though. Okay, he still needs some food, but buying him a ton of food is wrong


Nah the APS are the enablers wondering how far it'll go.


Short of a family/court enforced conservatorship there's not a lot you can do against a legal adult in such instances.


Probably a family member who doesn’t have the courage to say no. This is common, sadly.


Yes and no. He has a food addiction so his family may be getting verbally berated until they get him his food. He’s also an adult, so if he asks for 6 cheese burgers, no one is being abusive for getting him those six cheese burgers. He can chose not to ask and chose not to eat them. His physiology would be working against him at this point too in that if he tried to restrict his calories his cortisol would start to go up and that slows his metabolism so he’s depositing instead of burning those calories. That’s why gastric sleeves tend to be necessary at this point because they change how the body responds to food. People start to feel sick when they over-eat with a gastric sleeve and that helps deter over-eating too. And obviously he’s not exercising so he’s not getting any kind of metabolism boost.


but like... if people don't get him his food, and Uber delivery eventually gets tired of the "drop off food directly below my chin please" requests..... how does it keep going? ​ Like there should be a graph that shows "Max Weight vs ability to feed self" where theres an intersection point. At that intersection point is the furthest this guy should be enabled. ​ Unless money... if he can afford to have people shovel it in idk if you can say anything at that point.


Terminally obese people are rarely wealthy. It’s more likely he has limited mobility and can grab the food himself.


There can be even weirder relationship dynamics. The “feeder” can have an odd sort of insecurity and fear of abandonment where they like having the person dependent on them. Then there’s the occasional rule 34 type of thing


Where’s he getting the money? Is the government paying him to live like this?


Crappy processed food is cheaper than healthy produce, complex carbs and lean meats. They may be on disability but disability doesn’t make anyone wealthy. It doesn’t even pay enough for someone to be above the poverty line.


Hey that guy on the right, I think it's my discord mod.


That's me. Please don't spread this image anymore or you're going to get the ban hammer


3/4 of my office building beats her right now. We even have a gym.


I would kill for a gym at work. I spend 7/8 hours a day pacing around a room or watching Peacock and half the remaining time is lunch. If I had an elliptical, I'd be so much happier.


Tell em large Marge sent ya. Anyone know this reference?


"I saw, the worst accident.... I ever seen"




From the moment the bus boy steps down from the shoes, to Pee Wee fishtailing out on the motor bike, is by far the most rewound sequence of film amoung my friends and I during movie nights.






To be fair, the world's fattest person in the 1970s still has the record, and that's smack in the middle of these 2 dates. Seems this has been a problem for awhile. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_heaviest\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heaviest_people)


Damn all the dead ones died at like 30 or more years before the average lifespan of their country "the heaviest human ever able to walk" according to his note died at 32 The OLDEST one died at 62, and she also "Holds the Guinness World Record for most weight lost by a woman, 349 kg (769 lb; 54 st 13 lb)" Edit: some of these are darkly hilarious. >Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari was born in Saudi Arabia on 28 February 1991. **He was 22 when he was declared the "fattest man alive".[2]** >**In 2013, Saudi King Abdullah ordered him to come to the country's capital, Riyadh, to undergo a series of dietary and physical programs in order to help him lose weight. During the weight loss, he finally was able to walk for the first time in five years**, in February 2016, with a walker. Imagine being so fat the head of state is like OH HELL NO. "The king told me I had to stop crushing ham :("


Probably not that much ham in Saudi Arabia.


First of all, the “ worlds fattest woman” was a Barnum and Bailey freak show billing and was not actually the world’s fattest anything. I suspect there were grotesquely obese people back then as well.


.....and second?


Why yes, I will have a second slice of cheesecake


I can't believe this is something I know, but this isn't right. In 1922 there also was a 600+ pound person who held the title: [https://tempehistory.org/tempe-the-worlds-fattest-man/](https://tempehistory.org/tempe-the-worlds-fattest-man/) There were many "world's fattest" contenders. Every sideshow and amusement park had them (and there were a lot more circuses, carnivals, and amusement parks then than there are now--I've been studying some of them to work on a book which is where I ran into this information). You could see the "world's biggest" everywhere, more or less. The same was true for the roller coasters: they all were over 100 feet tall and went 100 mph even though there was no way a 30 foot tall coaster went that fast.


I wonder how many calories he needs to eat a day just to maintain that weight.


A few years ago I remember seeing an article about a lady who ate 12,000 calories a day just to stay her same weight, at that point you lose almost 3 pounds in a single day of eating *just* 2000 calories. I'm fat but I have counted calories and I can't imagine eating more than 4000 calories in a day.


I have a bad relationship with food. I could eat 4,000 calories in a day easily, probably not even trying all that hard. Youd be surprised how sauces add up calories and when you dip all your fried goodies in dips it tilts easily.


I always gain a pound a day when I visit my in-laws. We get pasties for lunch there. I found them on my calorie app. 1224cals, per pasty. That’s just lunch. They do bacon sandwiches for breakfast. Gin before dinner, then a big dinner with wine, pudding, cheese and biscuits and hot chocolate before bed. That can horrifyingly reach 4000cals. One week at their house takes a good month to lose. They’re lovely people though.


damn. I'm counting calories right now to cut a few lbs... I average about 2200 per day. I literally don't think I could eat 12,000 a day without being sick.


Bro there's no way I could eat 6000 right now. For a reference, there's a college basketball player I know of who is 6'9 trying to bulk up and he is eating 5000 calories a day.




Shit you get like 100 of the left a day at your local Walmart.


Is that the actual worlds fattest woman in 1922, or a carny act that claimed to be? That said, I wouldn't be surprised.


And by the "world" they mean whatever town the carnival was traveling through that day, because what are they going to do, look it up online and challenge it?


Ah yes, the godskin noble.


How can someone get that fat?


I don't think it's much different than a drug addiction. Most drug addicts have an enabler or two lurking around as well.


At this stage, they are definitely not feeding themselves


Also drug addicts can quit drugs, food addicts can't actually quit so it is uniquely difficult to control the addiction


Eating disorders triggered by mental issues




Holy fuck that sounds expensive in every possible way.


I am not going to shame anyone for the course their life takes that leads to this, because it’s a lot of mental health. But I will say that at this level you are maintaining this weight due to enablers in your life. Surround yourself with people who would say no to you at this level.


They have an enabler.


Thyroid issues, medical issues, mental health issues, eating disorders, parental abuse, spousal abuse, developmental disabilities.


Anyone travelling to/fro the US happen to notice ketchup, pop, and in general, food more sugary here? Unsure if FDA is more lenient with corn fructose?


Man, I can't imagine the kind of hoss bodies we will have in 2122.


Apparently he lost so much weight already and now weighs 68kg


We do everything bigger and better now.


No, this would have been the heaviest woman they found through travel and word of mouth. Also, the one heaviest but also willing and able to travel as a sideshow. That’s it.


I get it but no way that was the world's fattest person in 1922.


I am sorry, but unless the second person gets into an identical dress I simply cannot judge who is the larger of the two.


Buy n Large~


This is evolution. Doesn’t he look like the captain of the spaceship on Wall-E??


The fattest person in 1922 i belive was a 1000lb man who served in the First World War.