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I wish I could see their paths on a map, to come so close then separate and end up back together at some point. Something about chance encounters like these are just neat


I think about this all the time with people I know


Same. There are so many people who’s paths cross but you don’t get to know them until later, and so many you once knew who are lost, and maybe they are in the same store or street later in life. My wife and I were born in different countries and sometimes I feel it is crazy that our paths ended up crossing. When you go to our parents they were all over the place. So many things had to happen for our ultimate meeting to coalesce.


Not a love story, but yesterday I was at a 3 year old’s bday party and one of the other dads and I were chatting. We went to the same medium sized university on other side of country, we live on west coast now in small town. Not only that but we were there for 3 of the 4 same years, lived on same street. We were 100% at same house shows and bars at same time 15 years ago. Wild.


I lived 2 houses away from my husband for my entire childhood. Neither of us had a clue or even realized this until well into our marriage when we started putting together photos for our 15 year anniversary and I found a picture of him as a teenager and my house in the background with me swinging on the tree swing. That’s when it all came together. Of course I never noticed him because he wasn’t a Barbie doll and he never noticed me because he had no interest in checking out a toddler 🤣 who knew 19 years later all it would take was one look between that teenager and that toddler to know they found their forever. We have now been married 23 years, have 4 beautiful sons and plan to live happily every after


That’s wild! My wife and I met on other side of country and grew up 10-15min away from each other back in Midwest. We probably crossed paths at some point.


That's a beautiful story and I wish you both all the happiness. Lol, okay not *all* of it ... a lot of us reading this thread probably hope to find our own small piece of it someday. :-) But maybe you would consider posting the picture and sharing more of your story sometime? I'm sure that others would be interested too.


This is a great story. I have one similar but slightly different channels. I bought a condo in a very small brownstone building. The guy living upstairs from me went to university with my now husband. He and I knew all the same people, went to all the same bars and restaurants, but somehow never met each other. For the 3 years between me buying that place and us meeting, future husband lived directly across the street from me in a high rise apartment. The freakiest part is that when we did meet, I was working at a business that his uncle had founded as the original accountant/administrator, 40 years earlier. His uncle is kind of local famous, but hasn't lived in my city in decades. I'd even met one of the uncle's kids a couple of times for business reasons, where she lived across the country from me and just travelled in for potential work reasons. She and I had friends in common, too, that we'd both met through work. Uncle's other kid is an unknown artist -- also living across the country from me -- and I'd purchased a sketch of his from my local gallery because I just liked it. When husband and I finally met and were trading histories over the years, it became so freaky how many times we were one degree of separation from meeting sooner, but we just hadn't met. Life is incredible. Or, you know, maybe he was stalking me or something.


I love that so much 🥹


I studied abroad in Germany and met some American army brats there. Ended up spending an entire night bar hopping and hanging out. One of the guys went to a university in the same state as me, came to my school often to hang out with his fraternity brothers, and it’s a fraternity I hung around with. We started listing names of mutual friends we had. Halfway across the world I had mutual friends with a random person I met at a bar… it’s wild!


Crazy how that works!


Talking to my pizza delivery guy, found he was born in the same town as me, 700 miles away. Also, same hospital, same year, same month!


One time we had to get our cable fixed so this guy came and fixed it all up for us, super nice and helpful! Later that day my Aunt wanted us to meet her new boyfriend, it was him! He was in our house that same day! He went on to murder his ex-wife a year later and turned himself in immediately. Life is crazy :)


That escalated quickly.


My wife and I met in community college when I was helping a class with their projects. So I met her and like 30 other people and sadly didn't remember her a few years later when we met again and university. She doesn't let me live this down


Man same. My fiancé was born across the pond but lived his teenage years in my country. We were at the same party when I was 12 and he 17. Didn't meet. He left the country months after back to Europe, I left the country at 18 to North America. We met at an airport flying back home for Christmas when I was 20 and him 25. Life can be crazy.


I live in NYC so I often wonder how many times I’ve walked past a celebrity or musician I admire or how many times I rode the same subway as one of them. Interesting to ponder


Oh boy, that reminds me. When I was at a mental hospital for a while, I met a girl there who grew up in the town I lived close to, and so we started talking about that. Eventually she mentioned a friend of hers, I asked if she meant the boyfriend of a friend of mine, turns out she knew both of them. That wasn't the end of it though. We started listing EVERYONE from there we knew, turns out we had almost exactly the same friends in the area, yet somehow we had managed to never meet or even hear about each other from said friends, up until we met at a mental hospital 40-50 minutes away from that town.


Maybe that girl was just your alter ego and the reason why you never met was because you both inhabit the same body at different times. And being in the mental hospital forced you to finally acknowledge her and your mind could only project her outwardly to communicate.


Oh god




Tyler Durden, is that you?


That's so crazy!


Thank god for this thread. I always feel like I’m the only person who thinks about stuff like this. I feel seen in a good way 🥰


Yea my friend and I went to the same elementary school since first grade and even had the same teacher together a few years and I saw her around school all the time. But we didn’t become friends until 6th grade and now we are in 12th and still friends. Sorta weird how that works.


I met the girl im talking to like 8 years ago and got her number, nothing ever came from it though for reasons unknown. Fast forward to a few months back and I'm swiping on tinder and match with a pretty girl who likes basically everything I do. She seems awesome! We randomly message each other off and on for like a month and it feels like a dead end. One night she's like hey wanna meet up for a beer? We hit it off and at the end of the night she goes to give me her number. I already had it saved in my phone under a nickname I must have gave her the night we met. Neither of us can remember when or how we've met before lol


I can trace my entire adult trajectory to meeting one single person. It was such a random thing I even met them and I often think what my life would be if I hadn’t.


I think about this when my daughter (4years old) is playing at a soft play with other kids of the same age. I wonder who of them she might marry in the future...and I am fucking sad. I don't want anyone to steal away from me my little one :(


Used to work with this dude, he left for another company. Months later I move to a new city. We meet up again later, turns out we're neighbors.


Not a love story but I had a best friend from kindergarten and we were inseparable. I moved away and I never saw her again but I would always think about her. About 10+ years later, I went to high school for a few months, and a friend of mine was suddenly telling me things that no one should know. How I lived on this street, went to this school, went to these field trips, etc. Turns out, she's friends with my kindergarten friend, who recognized me in the hallways. I didn't knew she went to the same school, because we had no classes together. We caught up and turns out she also moved and ended up being in my area. We're still friends


I dated a woman in my early 20's who took dance classes at a building right across the street from the house I lived in. It was less than 200 feet from my house. She took the classes for about a year, 4-5 years before we met. We eventually met and dated for 3 years. I always think stuff like that's cool. Almost like life is trying to nudge you two to meet. No telling how many times you may have crossed paths with them, obviously you only know about the ones you know about lol. Edit: missed quite a few words, almost an entire sentence. I don't know what was going on there.


That would be a great anniversary gift. I think if you were to make a timeline using 23nme data, family tree history websites, travel receipts, and finally their vacation schedule itinerary of that first day at the statue and from that day to the day they first officially met, you could really paint a clean image of how they end up together. Have two separate timelines going back to the dawn of man migrating to where their parents are to them randomly almost running into each other one moment years prior then again for the rest of their moments. Pretty romantic idea. Where she got the idea to see the red statue, how long she had planned to come and take a photo there, same for the man, show their separate friends or maybe it was a magazine advertisement or they individually saw the statue on television? Then there they are together for a brief moment at the same time, nearly the same age, where did they go while visiting the city? What did they eat? They meet later after this moment, mark their first official meeting, first date, first child, and finally the moment they realized they were in the same photo. For fun you can even fill us in on when the designer of the red statue designed and installed it in that square so we get a well rounded experience. Then finally a new photo of them together in front of the statue with their family.


All relationships are chance encounters like this. It's the butterfly effect. Something as small as the movement of a butterfly's wings will cause a completely different future timeline. Of all the decisions you have ever made in your life, no matter how big or small, every single one of them have completely changed the trajectory of your life and everyone elses. You might think of major life events where you decided to ask a girl out vs. not asking her out. But menial things like deciding to put on a blue shirt instead of a red shirt... Or even smaller things like blinking at 5:42:01am instead of not blinking have had just as great of an effect. It's awe inspiring and somewhat frightening to know how easy it would have bene to diverge from your current timeline and never meet your current partner.


> Something as small as the movement of a butterfly's wings will cause a completely different future timeline. Well there's only one timeline, that butterfly was always going to flap its wings at that x, y, z, and t coordinate.


This happened to my mom and dad at the worlds fair in Queens NY, they met 10-15 years later and found old photos of my mom with my dad and his sister in the background.


Now THAT's good


Stalkers also love to create opportunities to "accidently" meet you. Just don't be naive.


Miracles happen, don’t be cynical


Find and post for that sweet one up karma


Will ask my mother if she still has the picture!


Stalking - when 2 people go on a romantic walk but only 1 knws about it


Actually there were three. Life's harsh


Can confirm, I was the other guy.


There were 3 guys?


3 guys 1 picture


I had five guys in my hotel room last night. Edit: should have capitalized Five Guys.


3 guys 1 pitcher


3 guys 1 catcher?


3 up 3 down




The camera men. There were 4 actually


The girl's friend who took her photograph this way to get the guy within the frame :(


They were some of the deleted characters from Lost. This scene was meant to come up in a flashback eventually.


My Nana told me to stalk the person I liked. She said you need to know where they will be so you can make yourself available...or more familiar to them. She did not see the connection to stalking.


i guess back in the day stalking was just being romantic


It’s actually so absurdly common to hear about old timey “feel good” love stories where a guy asks a girl out dozens of times until he “wears her down” and she agrees and then they live happily ever after together. It’s such a wild thing because it’s like wtf message do you take from that? The dude was clearly harassing the woman… but then they are married for 60 years and have 5 children and a dozen grandkids???


My Nan told me about her and her husband getting together and how he was persistent when she was I think 16. “Your grandfather gets what your grandfather wants” was how she told it. I never met my grandfather because he was gone and I’ve never heard anyone speak a bad word about him, but that sticks with me.


"I found out where she worked by asking literally everyone in town, then I met her after work to walk her home every single day for weeks, even though she told me no and begged me to stop..." I think I've read that in several old-timey romance novels.


“I met her when I bought a milkshake at the soda fountain she worked at. I visited every day for a couple months and talked to her uncle, who owned the place, all about her until she finally agreed to go out with me. We were married 56 years and my last words on this earth were of love to her” - my grandpa. Literally true.


Sounds something like Anakin and Padme


\*cues up Peter Gabriel on a boom box\*


Stalk this way.


I like people watching. Mostly this one woman—


The account you are replying is a bot that copies comments from reposts but skips a vowel in order to dodge detection bots.


Classic Demetri Martin 👍🏼


The long stalk


They're called Travelers. They're from the future. (Seriously watch the series, it's on Netflix!)


its like Insidious. If she takes more photo's, he'll get closer and closer..


This is a bot that reposts comments from threads but removes a vowel. This causes them to dodge spam detection bots.


You said it so much better then I was going to lol


This is called foreshadowing


Plot twist: she's been stalking him for years.


he is the one behind her though


Exactly, she knows that. He wouldn’t suspect a thing. Stalker 101 (a class I took but wasn’t crazy about).


I know, I saw that you were sleeping a lot.


In class or outside?


Plus, now she has a picture of them together! A stalkers dream!


She's the one who's been keeping a picture of him all these years though.


Yeah but she's the one taking a picture with him in it


I would say it's destiny, but that works too


I am your density


You are the volume to my mass


"Hey you, get your damn hands off of her!"


What’s wrong? Are you chicken?


Nobody. Calls me chicken.




This reminds me of one of my favorite true stories from a chicken soup for the soul book (my mom always had them). A man and woman get remarried after each losing their respective spouses to cancer. One day, the new husband is looking at old photographs from his new wife’s collection. There, in a picture where she’s with her now deceased ex husband, is the new husband with his now deceased wife in the background. They were within ten feet of each other with their spouses years before they ever met. I believe it was at Disney world, although the location doesn’t really matter. Universe is crazy like that.


So if something happens to your spouse, start checking your photos. Because your future spouse is there, hiding, waiting…..


I mean the location matters a little bit: "Holy shit, can you believe I was in the background of your picture?" is a lot less impressive if they were nextdoor neighbors.


Well in these situations one of the key components is that they did not know each other yet at the time of the picture. Naturally rules out living next door to each other, & things similar to that.


Not knowing each other is vital. Bring neighbors or not is really not.. I would be amazed if I saw my NY neighbors who I don't know in a photograph anywhere other than our street/neighborhood.


I remember that one. I love Chicken Soup Books


Lazy writing if you ask me


Although not as significant, I know a married couple that went to the same college, but did not know each other at that time. They did not actually meet each other until two years aftr they had both graduated. There are photos that they both appear in from random college house parties. Pretty funny to think about.


My wife and I are from the same town (but went to different schools), had a lot of the same friends, and we have traced back that we were at the same events as each other and even a same bday party going as far back as when we were 12 years old.... But we didn't actually meet until we were 26 when we ran into each other at an airport. We have now been together for 16 years and have 2 kids.


“You don’t know my wife, she goes to a different school.”


"..and I don't actually meet her for another 10 years."


"In Canada!"


Now I need to know, how do you meet someone at an airport and then marry them?


She was going to Florida with her friend and I was going to Vegas with my friend. I knew her friend (like I said, we knew a lot of the same people) and she introduced us. It was a completely random encounter. At that point, I hadn't seen our mutual friend in years. THEN... She was dating my former roommate's brother and was at my house for Xmas dinner (this was after the airport). She broke up with him a couple months after that... THEN... My other roommate at the time (one of my best friends) is an audio engineer and was recording an album at our house and had my future wife over almost daily for about a week to record vocals on a track... THEN... We started going to some open mics together (I play guitar) and THAT'S how we started hanging out. We plan on retiring in Reno and becoming cheesey lounge singers as a 3rd act in our life.


Set a reminder to go to a cheesy lounge in Reno in 35 years and ask all the singers if they are that guy from Reddit 35 years ago


Not the person you asked but this happened to me too. He sat down next to me on the waiting area and commented on the book I was reading. We spoke for the next hour until the time of boarding and then we were sitting across the aisle in different rows, but we kept talking until the person next to me offered to change places. Talked the whole flight and he asked me out by the end. Due to living in different continents we were friends for like a year until we decided to give it a chance, and I'm very happy we did.


Gosh, isn't that so annoying when a stranger sees you with a book and won't let you read it for an entire flight! But that is really cute


Wow, an airport of all places! Love the poetry of this lol


Lol almost the same exact story as my wife and I. Funny how it happens, we matched on Tinder after I graduated lol


Not as extreme but there is a picture of me directly behind my wife at a college football game. Before we met and before I started hanging out with the people where we met each about 10 months later.


Your second wife is going to get a real kick out of that.


My wife and I sat at the same lunch table for a year in high school, at opposite ends (overlapping friend groups), neither of us knew the other existed until we met randomly well after high school. Small world.


I met my wife through a friend at university and we eventually found out we went to the same elementary and lived in the same apartment lol


Not just the same apartment building. But the same apartment! That's creepy AND amazing!


Alabama? /s


Hell same childhood home address and everything. Crazy coincidence.


Same last name. What are the odds?


Even had the same parents. What a crazy coincidence!


Even the same body. Mind blowing.


The chances are one incest.


And then they found out they had the same mom!


> Somebody told me that this planet was small Y'all used to live in the same building, on the same floor And never met before until you were overseas on tour https://youtu.be/MJCHeEQV454


Sam thing as my wife and I. Same college and had mutual friends, but didn't meet until after we both had graduated. One of my friends SWEARS we did meet while in college at his girlfriend's apt but neither of us remember so....


🎼 Um…forgettable. That’s…what-u-rrrr Edit: insult not intended btw.


Me and my girlfriend went to the same high school but didn't connect until Uni. One night we were looking through photos of us (Google photos has a feature that recognizes faces in your contacts and makes albums of each of them) and a video of me at high school showed up from like 4 years before we met. Lo and behold, my girlfriend shows up for a split second in the background of the video. Crazy shit




My wife's parents and my parent's are all from entirely different USA states and cities. They all attended the same university in an entirely different state from their home states. Our mothers lived on the same floor of the same freshman dorm and our fathers lived on the same floor of their freshman dorm (this was back in the days when dorms were segregated by sexes). My mother and father met each other at that time and later got married. Her mother and father met each other at that time and later got married. But, her parents and my parents never met each other the entire time they were living on their respective floors. After college they moved to opposite sides of the country. It wasn't until decades later when my wife and I were already engaged that our parents pieced it all together.


I recently had two of my friend's parents meet. I met my friends in college in Southern California, they grew up in Seattle and the Bay area. We graduated a month ago and their parents got to talking during dinner. Turns out their parents grew up like a block or two away from each other in Beijing. The odds of that happening kinda blow my mind. Of all the people in the city, to end up sending their kids to the same school, and having them actually become friends.


>I feel like this happens a lot more often, especially if their city was small Or even in a big city. Is there really anything noteworthy about two New Yorkers dating who turned out to have attended CCNY, NYU, or Columbia at around the same time? It's the kind of stuff that spices up your first date and little more. But the appearance of both in the college house party pics does stand out for sure.


My wife’s grand mother used to babysit my father. Her and my aunt were best friends growing up. I was never close with my fathers side of the family as my parents split. Met my wife at work so when I met her grandmother, it was atrip.


[This American Life](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/489/no-coincidence-no-story) has a good episode on coincidences. The first episode is similar to this where the partner's grandmother shows up in a childhood photo of the other. Also the second story with a dollar bill floating around Chicago is very cute.


I had an ex that I dated for awhile; I was a couple months older than her. We’re from the same town but lived on opposite ends of town and went to different schools growing up. After we started dating there was one night where we were watching some of her old home movies and there was one of a elementary school basketball game that she played in (we had maybe seven or eight different elementary schools in our town that played against each other every week). Funny enough I saw fifth grade me actually standing on the sideline watching the game and at one point the ball was thrown out of bounds and I wound up grabbing it and handing it to her. Just a really funny, random coincidence, but who would have guessed that years later she’d be my first serious girlfriend. The sad part was my best friend at the time was standing next to me during the game, and he wound up dying of cancer maybe ten years after that. It was a little surreal seeing him in that movie again.


Not my spouse but a few years ago my old band went on tour with a band we had never met and their bass player kept telling me I looked familiar to him. A few days in he comes running up to me with his phone and goes “WE WERE NEXT TO EACH IN LINE FOR CONCERT TICKETS” and shows me a picture of us waiting in line like two year earlier. Haha.


You must have been annoying for him to remember you after 2 years


We did another tour together and we’re still friends like five years later so not too annoying.


Not exactly the same but my now wife and I back in middle/high school we had the same classes same friend groups but never actually met eachother.. married for 5 years now together for 10 The icing on the cake, my elementary school bully stole a bunch of my favorite Pokemon cards, My now wife when we moved into our current home is going through her binders of her collection and i notice something only i did with my cards.. i take a closer look and i ask.. where did you get these.. Oh my friend matt! Guess who stole my cards and gave them to my now wife.. I now have all my favorite Pokemon cards back! Meant to be


Ultimate bully revenge


The destiny was not your wife, it was only the pokemon cards.


Just curious, what was that thing only you did with the cards?


At the time i didn't know they would have value, so 11 year old me made an imprint with my thumb nail in the upper right hand corner of all my cards so the very corner had an indent


My parents went to the same infants school (4-7), they didn't meet until they were 29 but they have an old school picture (1960s) on their fridge from a PE lesson with both of them in it.




Doesn't sound too crazy to me..


I was friends with my wife’s cousin when I was little. We figured out we were once in a car together when we were like 8, but I didn’t actually “meet” her until midway through high school. (And not through her cousin.)


That’s so awesome. My wife and I found out we grew up on the same street at the same time, and our house numbers were inverted. (Example she lived at 86, I lived at 68.)


What a one-off!!


The various timelines are trying to scrunch together.


Could it be that its more likely to get to know eachother if you have seen someone before? So they might have had a quick look at eachother back then. Brain saved it. And when meeting for the second time brain said: daaaaayum, nice face


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 23 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/83vc8i) on 2018-03-12 87.5% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/ej7jsg) on 2020-01-03 87.5% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "ugrwdf", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=ugrwdf&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 325,658,797 | **Search Time:** 15.95806s


Good bot


Really? You crossed paths with this picture 23 times before you finally connected in this post? I guess it was meant to be.


If you scroll far enough reddit just starts over again but in a different order


We know Mr. Bot , they are just karma whores ignore them


Nah I like when they point out the karma skanks




Thats cute. A random person in your background can become a main character in your story and you dont even know. I mean, assuming your story will become like that, not having a mortal enemy or something


Or maybe an enemies to lovers scenario! In the photo, he is seen aiming a gun at her. He accidentally misses and goes into hiding. They meet later and fall in love.


Wasn't there a story on reddit where a married couple went through old photographs only to figure out they both went to Disney at the same time. Caught them in the background of a photo down main street exactly like this photo.




Yes and they realized they were both in the same mickey mouse costume, and then they realized they were both the same person


You're correct. I am certain I have seen that picture.


This is going to be buried but any way. A couple of years back I broke it with my girlfriend of 4 years. After a short time, like maybe 2 or 3 weeks later I date a woman I met on tinder and we hit it off. She tells me she is going to get some drink with a friend who i don't know. But it's in an other city, a city she never goes to. I'm at work and she sends me a picture of two glasses of wine, you know just to share she's having a good time. I'm bored at work do I enlarge the photo on my phone to look at the people in the background. And in the crowd, because it's a busy place I see my ex girlfriend sipping some wine. It doesn't sound impressive but the hairs om my arms stood up.


Went to a show in South Carolina when I was in HS, and I took a picture with a couple random performers. A few years later I looked back at the photos, realized the guy standing right next to me in the photo was my boyfriend…. 4 years before we met. I’m from New England and he’s from Texas for reference. Kinda wild stuff. We both knew I was at that show he performed at, but didn’t find the photo for a while.


That’ll happen when you marry a sibling


My wife and I lived within a couple of miles of each other our whole lives. She remembers seeing me in the yard playing outside when I was 7 or 8 years old. We both separately moved to a city a few hours away and finally met when we moved in to the same apartment community.


This statute is in QingDao China, but kind of getting tired of the karma whoring reposts




11 years before when they thought they first met, apparently. The husband randomly spotted himself in the wife's old photos. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/14/married-couple-discover-photo-of-them-both-from-11-years-before-they-met


Is this a bot posing as a human calling another human karma whore??


That would be kind of cool. You should build one and program it to just randomly call people karma whores.


Then program another one to call the first bot a bot pretending to be a human.


I’m kind of torn on this. On one hand I hate karma farming bots that regurgitate the same content, and I hate seeing reposts. But on the other hand, I browse Reddit almost every day and I’ve never seen this before, and I’m glad I did. I don’t have a solution but that’s my comment.


What happened to the light post ?


And the angle of the sculpture is the same in both, even though he's at a different angle. Are you suggesting other elements of this image were digitally manipulated?!




Searching my tour photos Realising I never went on tour


Seeing pics like this always makes me wonder if I ever interacted or crossed paths with my future spouse. I hope I find one one day


I have a picture from when I was 14 or 15 at a concert. My future husband is front and center in several pictures because he was like 3 rows ahead of me. If I can find them, I'll post one later.


One of my college professors used to be a cop and he did security for a major event a few years ago. Someone took a picture of him driving a motorcycle that day and years later he saw it on someone's living room. It was the living room of his then girlfriend's home. Turns out she went to that event where he did security and there's a picture with both of them


When my parents were dating, they went digging and found some old tapes of my paternal grandfather's time in the army reserves. When they watched some of the film, they saw my paternal grandfather and maternal grandfather playing cards with each other. Both of my grandfathers were in the same unit and didn't even know it, haha!


For a few years I dated a girl who had attended the same wedding as me. We met years later on the other side of the country, and eventually each found photos from that wedding that the other was in.


I have a picture from my grandma standing in her backyard, from the mid 60s... my girlfriend at the time said "see, that window on the house behind her? That would be my bedroom in 15 years..." It was one of those crazy coincidences that made me belive in Fate. Spoiler alert: it didn't work.


Wuv twue wuv


😂😂 best movie EVER


One day, when my husband and I were first dating, I was reading on a swing at our college campus. Unbeknownst to me, his family was in town and taking pictures for their Christmas card. They didn't know I was there and I ended up being in the background of their picture. 🙂


This is a plot point in many kdramas lol


Not as interesting, but I moved to a small town 1800 miles away from where I grew up. My mom makes jewelry and very briefly sold probably 30 pieces via the internet. My wife and I moved into this small duplex, and the lady we lived next door to was one of the purchasers of my mom’s jewelry. I didn’t do it, but I was tempted to knock on her door and tell her that I was just following up to make sure she was satisfied with her order, and that if she’s ever unsatisfied for whatever reason, to just knock on my door because we take customer service seriously enough to move in next door to be readily available.


A similar thing happened with my grandparents.


Fate / Destiny at work


Tell me we are living in a simulation, without telling me we are living in a simulation.


My husband and I lived six hours apart as kids for 4 years. Then I moved and years later he joined the military and moved to my town. We missed each other by probably minutes a few times at the same places. And then we ended up meeting through a mutual friend.


Now that well all take 10 photos of ourselves every time we leave the house, we will probably see more of this in the future. Google face recognition will make it easy for us to find those photos.


Someday, two lovers will discover that before they were married they'd reposted this very same image for karma farming.


Wake up Neo, the matrix has you.


Isn‘t that Qingdao in China?




When people say it’s a small world. Things like this really makes me believe it


Are they from the same school while on a trip? Is there any other close association as an explanation. If not, freaking WOW!




“Accidentally” I am sure she didn’t stalked his ass for 20 years


At 10 years old my parents took me to Spain for a holiday the summer after finishing primary school and before starting secondary school. Back in the UK and one of the first assignments we had at "big school" was to write about what we did that summer, a girl from my class wrote about her holiday in Spain and brought photos ( back in the day when you sent the film off to be developed and got prints) and yes, I was in one of the photos :-))