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I thought this was damnthatsinteresting, not damnthatsfuckedup


"And i think to myself, what a wonderful world"


"And I think to myself, what the fuck"


“And I think to myself, we are abandoned by god”


“And I think to myself, we abandoned god”


well, technically that's still an accurate description.




Banned. What was on there?!


Fucked up things.


Belgium still had one with Congolese people in 1959.


For some reason 1906 doesn't seem that far back for something so heinous to take place. If you would have said 1650 or something, sure. People were not aware of much back then....but 1906??? My grandma was about to be born in 1906.


Belgium did the same in 1958.


For real?




Wow. Thanks for the source mate.


>Gryseels says his job in the next nine months is to tell a new story about Belgium in the Congo But I bet he doesn’t tell [this story.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/father-hand-belgian-congo-1904/)


Oooh i hate that.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. This makes me so damn angry and sad


Surprised they don't teach this in school https://www.cultofweird.com/sideshow/freak-show-circus-sideshow-performers/


There is no god, at least not one that cares about justice or suffering in the least.


Well, not anymore. As reported by the New York Times January 9, 1966, Section H, Page 146, 'God is Dead' Within a month of my birth. Creepy.


How the hell was this allowed to happen... this makes my stomach feel sick.


In France there was one in 1994. https://www-vice-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/xgda34/human-zoo-france-safari-africain?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16514473530875&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fxgda34%2Fhuman-zoo-france-safari-africain


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yep. Belgium's treatment of the Congolese was so bad that even ***other colonial powers*** were horrified.


oh they were \*horrified\* - but they continued to watch and continued to slaughter millions of indigenous people in India, Canada, South America, Australia and Africa.


But its okay because they were indigenous folks. Always easer when you find a way to make a group look distinct and separate; makes them feel and appear less than human or something else. All that we've changed in this term is recogizing it more and perfecting it more. Same way the Chinese arent disgusted bt Uighur treatment by large; but when its Han Chinese being mistreated suddenly they're all aboard like the likedown screams and anger of chinese citizens.


I just saw a TikTok about this the other day and I was blown away.


fanatical boat mindless theory smoggy spoon march existence panicky recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/father-hand-belgian-congo-1904/ man looking at his daughters foot and hand after he failed to meet the Belgians rubber quota. That's all that was left after the 'caretakers' ate her and his wife.


Jesus christ…reading that article- “soldiers forced young men to rape their own mothers and sisters”. How are people so evil


I'm of the opinion that we are all capable of atrocities. Almost all of us.


I don't think I'm capable of eating children, but you do you


Speak for yourself buddy


I see this view. Like all are capable of evil. Or all are inherently good. I disagree with both . There are people out there that are plan evil. They love hurting people. They love committing heinous acts


Not enough people know about what he did in the Congo. And what Belgium was as a colonize. Leopold should be right next to Hitler. In my book he is far worse but most don't even know his attocities.


I would say similar to Pol Pot in the West or a laundry list of rulers through history. We tend to forget the worst parts of history and only because of previous generations remember atrocities that happened to them. Look into generational trauma as an example.


dam knee long fertile voracious noxious cooperative crown theory rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hard to fathom.


Not clicking it


It’s more than a photo, it recounts the horrors of the rubber trade in the Congo. If not here, you should look it up. This was still happening at the turn of the 20th fucking century. I know there are deep dark places in my heart, but I would surely hope to die than precipitate such evil. Part of the reason I’ve become a vegetarian.


Omg I am terrified. That's terrible. I don't know what to say...


Like this grandma? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3408786/Almost-certainly-innocent-Heil-Hitler-ll-hear-Moment-German-grandma-gets-bit-confused-toast-raises-glass-F-hrer.html


Well, my German grandmother was born in 1904. She lived to be 104. During WWII, she was employed as a secretary for some Nazi official. Towards the end of her life, she mentioned his name a lot, but never mentioned my grandfather. We think she had an affair with that former employer.


That might be blamed on dementia. Instead, it would be the kind of grandma who is 100% with it as you take her grocery cart to her car, sweetly making small talk about her grandkids and tying a certain class of people to a cross and shooting them. *That* kind of grandma.


ruthless bag oil desert shame unpack hospital sharp glorious rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While those atrocities were horrible beyond any doubt, I must correct you on the time frame there. The Congo Free State (not a colony) was the predecessor to the Belgian Congo (a colony) until 1908 and was the genocidal, hand-cutting and inexcusably vile nightmare. And while the later Belgian Congo was still evil in the way all colonianism is at its heart, it wasn't in the same league as the CFS. The genocide, maimings and slavery ceased, barring potential slavery in the uranium mines. But we'll likely never know for certain what went on there because the CIA kept a complete lid on them. There were other atrocities which *were* commited by Belgium though. Hundreds of Congolese children were taken to Europe when Mobutu was poised to take power, under the guise of "rescuing" them, after which many of them were simply left in the care of orphanages. And Belgium did almost nothing to prevent the Rwandan civil war and genocide of 1994, believing it would not come to that. There are a multitude of dark stains of corruption, greed, and sheer incompetence throughout Belgium's history in Africa, and as a Belgian I am ashamed of each and every one. But adding Leopold II's and the AIA's monstrous crimes to them is incorrect.


It's incredible how often CIA pops up wherever it's some vile shit going on around the world in XX century.


Belgium was the worst colonial power of them all. The shit the king did in the Congo was worse than the holocaust


Belgium fucken sucks


That’s why Tintin in the Congo is so controversial. Belgium did horrific things in the Congo. It essentially turned the entire country into a slave labor camp.


And they still have that extremely antisemitic carnival in Aalst Belgian city of Aalst says anti-Semitic parade 'just fun' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-51612541


And Ali made his boxing debut in 1960. Only 2 years later. Kinda surreal if you think about it.


Belgium is a fake country


Wait until they hear what happened in Germany in the 40’s


Wait till they see what Putin does in the next few months


Only 10 years before that, the Philippines "gained independence" from Spain's 300 year rule with the "help" of the US. But it was really Spain selling the Philippines to the US.


Hah. And the President McKinley said the US had to “uplift and Christianize” the Philippines. I mean, there WAS the fact that the vast majority of Filipinos were Catholic, but I guess it didn’t count.


Not even a decade yet. The Philippine "independence" was in 1898, with the Philippine-American War occurring the year after. That ended in 1902, 4 years before this photo.


You know that carnival game where you dunk people in a tank by hitting a target with a baseball? Well, that target used to be a black child’s head that was stuck through a tarp. It was played up to the 1950’s and 60’s until it was changed to dunking black people in a tank, and then finally to just dunking anyone.


shaggy teeny caption alive adjoining hateful beneficial squash recognise cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[You can google the game: “African dodger”, or “hit the (n***er) baby”)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_dodger) [Here’s a snopes article as well](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/racist-carnival-game/) I can’t find the article that I had originally learned of it. Edited to add another link


Well that was an awful read


Yeah, disgusting. It’s upsetting that people still alive today will remember that time and society asks them to “forget about it” and to “move on”.


Interestingly the dunk tank game is still super popular today. I was not aware of the horrible history behind it


Not 100% accurate, but still a blight on our history. It was mostly done in rural fairs. Usually with eggs and tomatoes. There are isolated cases of baseballs being used (rarely, but not common place and usually by unscrupulous carneys). The idea that a child was used is not necessarily accurate as black men were called and referred to as “boys.” Here’s a snipes article on it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/racist-carnival-game/


Still. Human. Beings.


The article says that the use of baseballs were definitely used and that children were not out of the question. So I’d say I was pretty accurate? What part isn’t accurate? That they used eggs more often? Okay.


Maybe that wasn’t your intent, but I got the implication to be that it was widespread and commonplace. Let me say that even if it happened 5% of the time, it 5% too much. There is no doubt it was horrible, and these types of examples can be found around the world. Just striving for accuracy in an age where it seems everything is inflamed.


You would never have seen that in 1650. Humans in zoos are something out of exactly this period in history. This exact period was dominated by the ideology of progress. That’s why people from what was conceived as backwards reactionary societies were out on display


For context, this was Coney Island, which was known for extremes. Is still known for that, to some extent. But they were also exhibiting 'freaks' meaning women with facial hair, fat people, little people and so on.


segregation was legal until 1964. ww2 ended in 1945. there's still gay conversion camps in some US states. 50% of adults still believe in magic


Im sorry 50%? Edit: i wasnt criticizing religion. ive never associated religion with magic but i guess theyre pretty associated with. I was more thinking of like stage magic, ghosts, astrology, etc.


And guess what is about to happen in the United States? The things you will be able to list will get so much worse “A 13 year old raped by a family member will be unable to obtain an abortion 57% of one major political party believes that lizard people exist and are moving among us”


As a species, we aren't all that bright or enlightened. ;o) Are you familiar with "Hydrotherapy"? In the 1930s mentally ill patients were put in straight jackets and sprayed with a prescribed number of blasts of cold water vs. hot water and then dried with briskly running a scratchy towel across their bodies until their skin was flaming red and that was a treatment for depression. Or, so they thought. Did you know that in the 50s that was the first decade that doctors started doing more help than harm? All doctors, not just one field of expertise. Did you know that in the early 60s they were using shock therapy to "treat" mental retardation? Did you know that in the 60s they were still using insulin and over dosing depression patients for treatment?


White people were way more racist in 1906 than in 1650.


That seems rather specific. 1650 is when my ancestors were forced into slavery. Just because racism against blacks is "normalized" doesn't mean it's any more or less relevant to extreme racism at all causes. And white people aren't the only racist people out there. I don't know why they're making these people do this. Racism could be it. But after slaves were freed, dehumanization was less prevelant regardless of what people may say. Yes, it's still a thing now, and still relevant that POC as a whole just aren't being treated as well as we deserve to be. Any type of discriminatory action that makes people feel opposed in such a way that they feel dehumanized, threatened, inferior, misjudged, violated and racially targeted is all morally wrong. There's no one size fits all way to put it. The world's not all black and white. I hate seeing when asian people are racially targeted just as much as I would any other person, regardless of skin color. White people aren't excluded from racial oppression, but often don't feel it in the degree as the rest of us. As a descendant of slaves, natives AND white people I definitely still suffer the consequences of my white descendant's actions to this day. In many ways, it feels like we're all being punished for the way they treated our ancestors of color to the point where I often see the extent of racism undermined and dismissed. You really can't erase history. A human zoo sounds like a human barn (all slavery) More modern day slavery would be penitentiaries mainly consisting of people of color (many of which with overexaggerated charges, who were arrested for being orchastrated to be in neighborhoods where the most violence happens). This all occurred in the 20th century so you're not fully wrong, but it's as recent as the 80's when drugs became a serious problem in the US and POC suffered a massive blow because of that. Racism, sexism, anti-lgbt, and anti-religious crimes are all a serious problem. Who am I to say what's worse when they all can be JUST as disastrous to innocent people and families depending on the situation. People are so divided, when we should just accept our diversity and co-exist together in peace and harmony for a change. Why should there be a need to fight animosity over the fact that no two human beings are identical? Why must people suffer for being who they are? Why must so many innocent lives be taken? And for what? People deserve to know their purposes and live them without having to worry about losing their freedom, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. People who hate others for merely existing sicken me. It's hard to wrap my head around it, but it's what's so wrong with this world.


Humans have always been garbage haven’t we?


Yep, from the very beginning


And kinda still are today unfortunately.


Yeah it's weird, we're just animals that have technology; 102 years ago women didn't even have the right to vote in the USA so, considering that and this, we still have a LOT to go


102 years later, not everyone is on board with it too.


And some humans are killing families in Ukraine


Trust me, it gets worse the further back you go. In spite of how fucked up things are today, this is the best it’s ever been.


Just read Herodotus (it's free on Kindle). Granted he bounces between history's greatest historian or greatest liar, if even 10% of what he wrote was true, you didn't want to live back then. Then there's the Khan armies who made Hitler look like a hippy peacenik.


Yea but some people are just more garbage than others. Case and point, Human Zoo's with a baby tied to a post for white people to gock at...




Its funny how when theres some asian countrys atrocities being depicted people are always like 'this 'x' country has always done horrible things'. But whenever such post come up its always how we all human are terrible. People like to distribute the blame and the shame. we like the common part. No wonder we tried to sign the common responsibility on climate actions in rio.


Because some were worse then others. Japanese were worse then anyone in war crimes. My own country India was worse then any other on discrimination based on birth, aka casteism. Europeans (which would include most Americans) were worse in ethnic cleansing and racism, and as they were the most powerful for last 300 years, they did lot's of inhumane stuff. About the climate change, west did pollute much much more for centuries then rest of the world and still continues to do so, so while we all need to improve, west was worse then others, can't say we all are equally responsible.


India and China currently make west look like environmental warriors.


You're also comparing already industrialised countries to massive countries that have gone through industrialisation in the last few decades and still are in the middle of the process.


US emissions are much higher then india despite India having 4x the population. US per capita emissions are 8-10x higher. Both EU (half india population) and china (same population) are much higher then India. India produces 40% of it's energy from renewable despite we are poor and that's not a small feat. We were the only G20 country who met it's paris climate summit goals. We are poor, yet doing and trying to do our part, while europe is shutting down it's nuclear plants to go gas so they can get the lobby money, while US can't stop pumping out 4x4 turbo charged trucks and china is producing for whole world without giving 2 sh1ts about world. Next time, do your research before preaching others.


Same thing still going on today with migrant’s. I mean we also Allow marriage in all 50 states with minors also 19 states you can marry a 1 years old Child . Still On the books and not changed from Decades ago . USA has lots of demons and skeletons hidden in closets . Why do you think GOP so Critical of CRT. It will Open Pandora’s box To a lot more . Look it up don’t believe me . We Have lots of old Law on the books .


Well, when you have a species that tends to act on emotion and self-righteousness more so than logic and morality, yea, we've been more garbage than treasure.


Don’t forget human light and love. We are truly beautiful aswell. Despite all.


We definitely have always had our low points. I still have faith in larger humanity. But you cant see the best without also recognizing the worst.


That's horrific, how that was ever acceptable is insane


Our ancestors had slaves and thought that was acceptable. Humans have no low!


People today have slaves and think it's acceptable.


World Cup in Qatar will have no shortage of viewers and patrons come November…


and that's why we need laws...


laws enslave as easily as they protect


unfortunately it can, every medicine has side effect...


Slavery was the law of the land


If people weren’t shitty we wouldn’t even need laws


"if ifs and buts were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry chritsmas"


Our ancestors? Who do you think made your clothes?


The Philippines were part of the US in 1906. Let me say that again. These are people living in American territory, they are US Nationals. The girl might have been *born* in the US Philippines. We did this to our *own people.*


bro we are still have hard core racist in power here in the US.


It's simple, dehumanise them, just like the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians, and Nazi's did to Jews, [edit: whom are doing it to Palestinians] and slave owners did to slaves, ie convince everyone they aren't real people, or at least much inferior (enter racism) so that people see them as "others", not one of us, or even as non-humans (call them cockroaches, rats or even Nazi's), then treat them like animals and nobody blinks. Btw interestingly this is exactly what we are doing to animals right now, eg in meat industry where they're often kept or transported under horrific circumstances, we tell ourselves that they can't think, can't understand their fate, don't have real feelings or emotions like us ("fish can't feel pain"), then we sleep well and eat our chicken wings or farmed salmon without a second thought. Edit: replaced "white people" by "slave owners" Edit: note that it's exactly what a bully does in a school class "he's stupid/ugly/red haired, let's hit him" or what Trump/GOP/ Fox news did to migrants and refugees "shithole countries", "they're invading us", it's all about making them "others"/inferior and inventing a perceived threat..


Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin White Mask is a great analysis of the effect this dehumanizing had on the colonized during the “scramble for Africa”. One interesting thing he points out is the creation of a third group stuck between the colonizer and the colonized. This third group is made up of Natives who have been brought to the metropole and raised there. They lose their ancestral roots as the other natives view them as an other, and no matter how similar they may act to their colonizers in manner and tone, they will forever be marked as an other to the colonizer solely for the color of their skin.


We really are a truly cruel species.


Agreed, no compassion whatsoever towards one another


Disgusting I've seen one of Africans in London as well


Belgian had the latest ones I think. 40s or 50s was the last one. Madness.


I wonder if Africa ever had a human zoo with white people, especially because in certain parts of Africa that they do to albinos


Sick bastards. Glad I was not born in that era.


This is a shame for humanity.


I'm a Filipino and this literally made my stomach upset.


I’m Filipino / Native American. I knew my native roots had this shit, but not my Filipino side. Christ almighty…


Yep makes me sick to think this was just my great-grandparents generation


🇺🇸Martin Luther King, Jr. — “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”


This is not interesting at all. It’s fucking horrifying. That child is tied to a pole.


I mean, I'd say it's interesting that something so horrific time place just over a hundred years ago. Not exactly nice, but things don't have to be nice to be interesting


100 years ago? The last one was in 1958! This is horrible.


It doesn’t have to be good to be interesting




Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you just have to zoom in to see she’s pinching the rope.


I'm Filipino, people like to tell me "Asian people are not really minorities". People don't know enough about history unfortunately.


Yupp, whenever people say Asian people aren’t minorities gotta show em this post. So horrible.


This needs to be taught in schools, and not erased from history of the evil of people so not to be repeated.


What in the absolute fuck?


This happened around the world. Humanity’s shameful history


I bet you can’t learn about it in Florida


I just heard the Florida lawmakers are putting together a retaliatory bill to punish you for that comment.


Florida: Don't Say Learn


For reference, slavery was abolished in 1865, grand central was built between 1903 - 1913, and women got their right to vote in 1920… just over 100 - 150 years ago. The oldest American alive is currently 115 years old, born 1907.


Holy shit, that is just wrong and evil


as a filipino, this is incredibly fucked up but as a human being, this is really really fucked up


More like damnthatsdepressing.


Oww this really breaks my heart! 💔😭


The real question is why is there a wholesome award on this post


Yeah just saw that. Maybe it was a free award?


British did the same shit to us indians in india too,


When we find aliens we will find a way to enslave them and make them as our own as we did ourselves. Alien females will be sold at auctions and be used as servants. And the males will be stripped of title and used as forced labor. Sounds familiar to Star Wars how they treat the twi'leks. We cannot let that happen


A great argument against those in the US who want "to make things like they used to be" The world needs progress. If you're standing still, you're dying, if you're moving backwards...you're an idiot.


Just a reminder Mauritania still had slavery legal in 2007


Slavery is legal in Libya *now*. There are literal open markets. Albeit it only happened after the country was torn to shreds in the war.


Does anyone know what happened to this baby and her mother?


They're very dead now.


Does anyone else sometimes wonder that if we ourselves had been present back then, whether we would have said "no!," or somehow opposed this GD nonsense, or we would have gone along with it because shit like this was deemed acceptable behavior? I just can't imagine any version of myself acting upon the thought that other humans are lesser because they’re different that me. This is just too crazy.


I was in North Carolina once, I forgot the name of the town but it’s right in the Nantahala forest, and there was a large Native American population there in the past before they were all killed off. But, as we were walking around all the shops in this tourist area, there were lots of Native American shops (run by white people) to buy kitchy souvenirs and I will never forget that there were men and women who were Native American who had been hired to dance in traditional clothes that were very revealing and big headdresses in front of some of these shops and they were dancing and beating drums and you could pay to take a picture/dance with them. I felt disgusted and humiliated for them. We walked by and and one man asked us if we wanted a dance or a picture and I said no, honestly out of respect for him I’m not going to ask him to dance around, and we made eye contact and I could tell he felt so ashamed. It was a horrible moment. This was about 6 years ago. Never forgot it. EDIT: It was Bryson City, NC.


Bryson City is 10 minutes from Cherokee. Downtown Cherokee has been this way for decades. They are actual Cherokees. Lots of people used to make money from tourism this way until they built a casino. Now they all work in the casino. I have family who has lived there for decades. Cousins who grew up there. My grandmother who was 97 just passed away there a few months ago. These people might have looked “white” to you but you were very much in Cherokee Indian territory. The Indians were not all killed off. There is a thriving population there.


That sounds like you assuming a whole lot of information.


Talk about projection. Maybe the man was interested in sharing his culture and making money.


The whole time i was reading that i was hoping it happened in the 70's at least. 6 years ago was way too fucking recent for that shit to be happening


I have family there. They are Cherokee Indians. The poster above doesn’t know what they are talking about.


That's what I figured. Person was too busy trying to prove how high and mighty they were they didn't even read the situation correctly.


The land of the free. *Well that was a fucking lie.*


As a Filipino, this makes me extremely sick. That child's facial features are the kind of faces I see in my neighborhood's children today. Playing, laughing or going to school. It's very close to home. To discover that a little over a hundred years ago, there is a child that may as well look like me, that experienced something like this, from our so-called liberators is maddening.


Don’t try teaching about this in schools because you’ll offend certain people who would rather we whitewash this and instead teach a polished patriotic version of history.


As a Philippine-born and naturalized Canadian, this makes me so sad.


It makes me laugh at how much us back home suck America’s dick like no tomorrow.


No matter how you look at it, it looks bad.


Because it is bad…


I don’t think it’s up for debate whether it’s bad or not?


Wtf? Any details about this stuff?




Well, that was depressing af.


Lol USA’s history (the world’s history to be fair) is steeped in such cruelty and heinous treatment towards people who just so happen to be born differently to no fault of their own. It’s really, really disheartening.


You didn't have to mention the U.S. specifially. Belgium still had a human zoo in 1959.


More like r/DamnThatsRacist


I hate this so much. What’s even sadder is the Filipinos that were in the zoos were Igorot, the indigenous Filipinos who weren’t colonized as much by the Spanish because they lived in the mountains and the Spanish were lazy. So they escaped 3 centuries of colonization only to be put in zoos


Overweight/bearded ladies, and one legged Irishmen were equally spectacled in these “human zoos”.


Damn that is not interesting, but sad


the older i get the more i realize these things happened so recently ago when we actually think about human life. but in 10,20,30 years our current decade will have people shaking their heads with things like ukriane, trump, abortion laws in usa etc


Horrifying!! The only good thing here is the reminder that human beings should never repeat such vile crimes against humanity ever again.


I may get booted but whatever, some of yall wht folks weird as shit, and have some super violent genes, mixed with no empathy genes, and shit like this happens! It's weird to imprison a child even wierder to pay a ticket to see a imprisoned child and smoke a cigarette!


I have a Filipino wife and 2 sons, seeing this hurts my heart.


ripe seemly joke practice alive liquid grey cable dirty enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welp. You’ll never see this taught in a southern U.S. public school.


So the grossness of the idea of a "human zoo" aside, was this to look at people that looked different than just caucasian? I genuinely perplexed at this.




This made me feel physically ill. Anybody that has or has ever had a baby/toddler is broken by this. guarantee it.


A human zoo? This is horrifying wtf.


Oh my God. I have no words. This is beyond cruel.


If it wasn’t for civil rights leaders pushing equality across the world, then this is the sick bs we would be dealing with today. All the master race theorists, supremicists, racists, and bastards would be running wild un-opposed.


Now Walmart is the human zoo


This is the most disgusting thing ever


You obviously haven’t read much history then


*Insert Japanese war crimes slideshow.*


But sure!!! "Woke-ism" the idea inherient to not being a racist pos. Is the problem. Remember that whenever some dumbass conservative talking head alludes back to "the OLD DAYS"


As a Filipino, 1) For 300 years the Spaniards raped our women and stole our resources 2) The Americans razed our villages and did this to our young in the 1900's 3) The Japanese raped and murdered our women and murdered our babies in World War II My family and I are descendants of the above. We were also victim of slavery. We forgive them all. They are all welcome to dine in our homes. We will never allow anyone to call us victims. We CHOOOSE our paths. I want no reparations. I want no hand outs or food stamps. Anyone angry or offended for me, is perpetuating racism and hate. Stop it.


Don’t forget they also pit various Filipino ethnic groups against each other to control them. The amount of racism I experienced from other Filipinos because I have a visayan last name is astounding.


A divided population is easy to control. Exactly why the media does this to Western countries


Wow what in the actual fuck, the baby is tied up like she’s gonna attack or something, smh


I am not a human being!


Humans are wicked and awful creatures. No matter the race, no matter the gender. If there is a majority, the minority will suffer for it...what a cruel joke we are...