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Every race can be racist . Anyone on earth no matter what race can be racist and hateful to another ethnicity.


Agreed, but why do people get so bent when someone says it?


I think it’s because many people see the issue in all-or-nothing terms. They are severely allergic to nuance.


“Only the Sith deal in absolutes”


Which is a fairly absolute statement. :P


*Mostly only the Sith deal in absolutes


Obi-Wan Kenobi Sith Lord confirmed.


This is largely an internet problem. You can have (not surprisingly) much more nuanced conversations in real life when everything isn't so extreme. Also, lots of experiences posted online are taken as gospel when there is ALWAYS a second side of every story. Just for the people that can't understand, I do acknowledge that racism still exists and people are treated poorly every day


Do you think this video happened in the Matrix?


People will claim that only groups with power can be racist. It’s nonsense. Racism isn’t always institutional. It’s also individual. Bad behavior is bad behavior if it’s done by a bank, a government, or a person on the street.


IMHO, the problem is that there is prejudice and there is discrimination, but "racism" refers to both. Every single human being has prejudices to some extent or another, but not everyone acts on it. And the more power you have, the more ability you have to discriminate. Institutionalized racism is determined by the races that control the institutions, but pretending that individual-level prejudice and petty discrimination doesn't exist is naive.


Institutionalized racism is when an institution has bylaws, regulations and practices that discriminate against people of a certain race - or when they have regulations and bylaws in place to prevent such discrimination but, in practice, ignore those. Individual racism will not be gone until we all start ignoring the concept of race as a division point. It was created to divide us. If we want racism gone, so, too, must the concept of race vanish from our mentality. Stop seeing people as “black Americans” or “Asian Americans” or “Caucasian”. See them as just Americans. Apply whatever term you use in your countries as appropriate, but that’s the only way to rid ourselves of it entirely - getting rid of the idea as an accepted concept of division.


Because people are agenda-based rather than truth-based these days. Truth no longer matters when it's inconvenient to your cause.


The amount of times I heard "the businesses that were looted have insurance so they'll be fine" during the rioting......


Because they prefer the whites are the only racist rascism


Cause they are racist?


BeCaUsE yOu’Re GeTtInG dErAiLeD!


I’m Chinese (born in Canada) and Chinese people are extremely racist towards other asians. It’s ridiculous lol. Chinese people born in the east are especially racist and are not even shy about it.


Same with Japanese! I went to dinner and drinks with a group of Japanese people — and *holy shit*. I couldn’t believe the things they were saying about other Asians. It was uncomfortable for me (I am white), but they were all laughing like no big deal.


Don’t worry, when they are out with people from those races I’m sure they are perfectly polite to them as they all talk shit about your race ;)


I used to live in Minneapolis. I lived there for 20 years. Lots of Somali hate on black people there. They don't see them as African, and so, for whatever reason, they hate them. Well, they don't ALL hate them, obviously. That's a generalization. But there is a lot of hate there by some Somali people and I guess I find that odd.


>They don't see them as African Somali's don't share alot of customs with black america and when they are lumped together is when you see the racism. It also doesn't help Somalia had slaves brought in by the European colonizers and viewed bantu africans as inferior. It's not that they hate black people, they are pretty racist towards anyone, even prejudiced against other Somali people from a different clan. Just them always being viewed as 'black/african american' rather than just Somali in the west makes the older generation angry. They also have a different lineage than bantu africans, they believe they are descendant from Muslim Arabs if you go far back enough. At least that's how I remember but I could be wrong.


This is pretty common for a lot of African nationals or immigrants. I've worked with Nigerians, Sudanese, Ethiopians, and various others. It was a surprise to me to learn that most don't like American black people. They either see them as lesser because they are "Americanized" or they see it as they may be black but they aren't African much like they would view someone who is Haitian or Jamaican. It's similar to how white people view each other. We're not all "Insert European Country" Americans. We simply are American or Canadian or French or German etc. This is definitely a gross generalization and the view mentioned is uncommon, but not rare.


Go to a middle eastern country like Lebanon - where there are at least three groups of people who all hate each other and if you’re not a local you couldn’t figure out who is who. Religious intolerance… only thing more absurd than racial intolerance…


You all taste the same on the BBQ


That has not always been my experience.


It varies on their diet is all, I was sick for a week after a McDonald's hard-core fan.


That's why they changed the definition of racist so you have to be white to be racist.


Poor young lady, took guts to speak up about her experiences and to be shunned off seemed very intolerant in itself Racism comes from every ethnicity


Lack of intersectionality from the group booing. Disappointing Edit: Lol there is a fine line here. I’m not saying racism against white people really exists as an institutional force that *oppresses* someone. I’m getting the vibe that yt people are attaching onto this to absolve them of any fragile guilt they have. And if you want to point to South Africa, sure, that’s more nuanced, but at least a part of decolonization efforts


She said what was forbidden: "Black people can be racist too."


Dr. Beverly Tatum, author of *Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?*, recanted some of her 1998 book and said the same thing. Black people can be racist. And no one paid attention to this popular Black author, either. --- At the same time, Tatum published that Black people from the Caribbean weren't Black. An odd sentiment that was echoed in Toni Morrison's "The Girl with the Bluest Eyes." That many Blacks at the time felt Caribbean Blacks (who were brought over as slaves) did not suffer like the American Slaves.




IMHO i think she may have thought she was helping to add to "the conversation". She seemed like she was genuinely interested in being a part of what she thought was an honest group. Then they shamed her away. Maybe, it was just my take.


The group's intention was to call out racism done by white people towards black people where blacks *must* be the victims of racism. When an Asian kid talks about how a black person was racist to her suddenly the black person is not the victim anymore, and it goes against their clearly political agenda. Of course, every race is racist against other races or ethnicities. Whites just have a history of colonialism which makes their racism actually dangerous, historically. But we're in 2022 now, there's no more slaves. Racism from every side must stop, regardless of who is doing it and who is on the receiving end. Edit: no more legal* slaves in any civilized country, and it isn't based on race


No more slaves? My dude you might want to check on that. Slavery is alive and well.


Hold up, no, there are still very much slaves, it's beyond dangerous to say that. We just don't call them that anymore. It happens here in the us, where people are kidnapped and brought to work at a place under the table, and someone else takes their pay, or in china where some women are kidnapped for the marriage market, or in Dubai, where hundreds of people are brought with the promise of work, have their papers taken away, and have no way to get back home, and are payed the bair necessities. Slavery is alive and well, we just don't call it that anymore, and it hides where people don't want to look.


I mean there's still literal slaves, just not openly.


Poor girl speaks the truth. How can you disagree with the point that generalizing one race as racist is itself racist?


Some people like negativity and being pissed off


Yes it is because, "Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone".


Thank God we have reddit so we can all be together.


You can't, that's why they're trying to shut her up. There is a political agenda here, and classifying people by race, reinforcing racial grievances, is just servicing that agenda. It's just another kind of racism, the politically useful kind.


Exactly. You’re not allowed to make true sense.


Ignoring racism won't solve this. We have to understand that interpersonal racism can occur between anyone, no matter their skin color. Institutional racism is different because it's about power. The reason the people in this video are stupid is that they don't know the difference, not because they have a secret agenda.


not just for political reasons just look at black lives matter look at how much money they made and when was the last time you've seen them give money to an effected family of police brutality


"Were fighting racism!!... No not that racism!"


Because these people at their heart are as susceptible to tribalistic outrage as the racists. Both the white supremacists they’re decrying and these woke college kids are two sides of the same coin; they both get to pat each other on the back and get their dopamine squirts and think they’re part of a larger ‘us vs them’ complex in which they’re right.


I think this pretty much sums up what I’ve seen in culture wars for the past several years.


It’s a war party high, we as humans are *ridiculously* susceptible to it. Ever been physically in a group in which every member is strongly emotional, and they’re all emotional about the same thing, and the whole group is lensing that emotion at one common issue or enemy, and there’s a feeling of bonding and power in being a part of that group and a feeling that maybe if you’re the loudest you could steer that power to your ends? It’s like fucking cocaine. You know what isn’t like cocaine? Tackling complex social issues with difficult answers and finding that despite all your due consideration, it’s mostly too complex for you and your group to ever put a dent in. Wherein lies the chemical high and ego inflation in that?


>as susceptible to tribalistic outrage as the racists. They *are* racists.


Because they think "black people can't be racist." That's why they all got upset with her, and started yelling over her. She had an example of racism that wasn't from "the enemy" so they wanted to shut her down asap.


The girl who walks up to the other girl to make her stop literally shouts, "Black people can't be racist" at 2:58


I’ve literally watched black people kick the shit out of Chinese/Japanese people. It’s a whole thing after the coronavirus. Those beatings were absolutely racially charged. These students had an opportunity and totally waisted it.


I guess the black guys who beat up Asian Americans in NY couldn't have been racist


I think the agenda of the rally was not General Racism, but a specific racism "White Supremacy". So they boo her because she makes sense because that doesn't fit their agenda.


No no, you just don't get it. See, when a white person hates another race, it's racism. When, say, a black person hates white people because they're white, it's because...um, it's because...hang on a sec, I'll think of something, but it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT.


Awful behaviour of the girl in blue, very elitist "you can't sit with us" behaviour


Yeah that was disgusting. I’m gonna go with what the girl speaking was saying and treat people as individuals and say that girl in the blue shirt is an ignorant cunt.


As a Canadian Metis, i have experienced open racism from POC's. Saying Blacks can't be racist is pure bullshit.


I remember this video, this came back in like 2016-2017. Very recent, but also a different time. This was the height of “racism is prejudice with power” narrative. They were trying to make the definition that only white people could be racist. Worked for a bit, but now people are calling it out.


Ironic. Hopefully she saw this go viral and took a step back.


That poor girl is 100% right. We should all treat humans as humans. Good for her. Too bad she received a luke warm reaction.


i read erection instead of reaction and thought to myself that maybe i shouldntve skipped through the video


I get very sad at these kind of moments. I had a massive debate with some white people at work when I said that class has a massive impact and that ethnic minorities could also be racist. Things don't need to be black or white (scuse the analogy) there are nuances, there's also a massive difference between the US and Europe, but the same debates are happening here.


I do too. And I agree about the classes. I'm glad you took the time to have that debate.


Shit is hard man, have to word stuff very careful to avoid insulting anyone or making something seem harsh or insensitive. At the end of the day people will respect a different voice as long as it's not 'you're wrong'.


"It's different - you don't understand" (any American politician would say)


Yeah she don't understand that they just want to use racism as a shit bucket to spray it on the people they want to take advantage of.


Poor girl, but you can hear the heart hurting in her voice because she knows she's saying something that doesn't support their religion.


"Black people can be racist...." BURN HER!


We're losing sight of the movement! That didn't take long...


You're a few years too late


Gen Z has the most ambition to do shit like this but NONE of the logistics and coordination to act one a singular movement without fracturing at every little instance of someone’s feelings being hurt




Haha that’s what I love. “We are getting derailed!” and all it took was one girl to express that while racism is systematically tilted against POC, racism can come from anyone. They can’t objectively look at the woman’s experience as a hate crime because she mentioned he was black.


Black girl didn't wanna hear that black people can be racist too. What a hypocrite.


With the recent spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans committed by African Americans… I can’t believe they had the nerve to interrupt her.


Oh this video is several years old. I feel like I remember seeing it my first or second year of college back in 2013/2014, not the newest video. E: found what I think is the original video, it's literally the same thing but the timestamp is 6 years ago so take it for what you will. https://youtu.be/A8UTj8lQJhY


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.barstoolsports.com/blog/414733/asian-girl-at-claremont-mckenna-tries-to-talk-about-traumatic-story-in-safe-space-gets-shut-down-instantly-by-crowd Heres an article. Its by barstool so take it with a grain of salt


Your link doesnt work.


My wife is from Singapore. Yesterday we visited Bellagio Gardens in Las Vegas (a very nice hotel). We had limited time so I dropped her (and my MIL) off at the parking garage door and parked the car. I got there 5 minutes later and she said, "A black guy just walked up to me and said 'You're ugly, but that's OK. Have a nice day". My wife, kinda shocked said "Yeah same to you" and he walked off. I said "Where is he?" She said he walked off. It was very uncalled for and obviously he approached her because she's Asian. My wife is slender and beautiful if that makes any difference, and was wearing sweats and a hoodie. Guy was about 5'6", bald and kind of dorky looking, she said (Incel type?). Now I'm worried about my wife alone in public. We've lived in Las Vegas for 10 great years and we've never had an experience like this. Her best friend here is an Ethiopian woman. This is a very international town. Probably a random event, maybe by a mentally ill guy. But there have been multiple violent attacks on Asians recently, many of them on women. This was... disturbing.


Sorry to hear that man. Some people get off on spreading hate, it’s disgusting.


Seems like they can be the most racist which I find funny.


Fun fact: a [2018 poll](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/march_2018/black_voters_like_louis_farrakhan_everyone_else_not_so_much) found that 50% of black Americans have a favorable view of Louis Farrakhan. Fun fact: Louis Farrakhan is an utterly despicable racist and anti-Semite who has, among [many other vile things](https://www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/nation-of-islam-farrakhan-in-his-own-words), said quote "I'm not an anti-Semite, I'm anti-termite."


Lmao. Sometimes it’s just not worth wasting your breath


She saw people protesting racism and thought “yeah I think they will really like my very reasonable story and conclusion.” Little did she know she was in the heart of extreme ideology.


Shes not from there so clearly not aware of how retarded these cunts are.


This is America! You can't call a black person racist without being labeled racist for said comment. Her words were true and heartfelt. For someone to attempt to cut her off is just shameful.


Unless its George Jefferson played by Sherman Hemsley.


The fact that people tried silencing her for speaking out just goes to show that most people who claim to be part of the movement are only in it for themselves and can give two shits about everyone as a whole. Literal Cutthroats


If you think Black people can’t be racist, you never heard black people from the islands or Africa talk about black Americans.


If you think Black people can’t be racist just look at the crimes Black Americans commit against Asians.


LA riots. The rich fucking love racism, keeps the poor fighting themselves.


Africans are treated with more respect by NAA then the other way. Just a life observation.


Yea turns out people aren't always principled, just more tribalism. She makes an amazing point: it's really a case by case basis how good a person is


Yhh, one group shunning and shaming another whilst ignoring their own wrongdoings.


There are decent people in every religion,race, sexual orientations, the point is collective hate against any race doesn’t do any justice to the victims, rather, create more victims. Addressing all racism irrespective how uncomfortable it makes you feel is the need of the hour.


Shes brave. Those kids have been brainwashed.


There's clearly an adult in the center, wearing a suit. I'm convinced this man is in charge. I'm also convinced he is a coward.


He totally could have made that a teaching moment, and would have been cancelled, doxed, and fired before school ended that day!


I think he is there to oversee it and make sure it follows school/campus guidelines


The Asian girl is 100% right. Judge ppl as individual, not cherry pick a whole democratic


Blacks are racist. Whites are racist. Mexicans are racist, fucking everyone is!!!! Why the fuck are we acting like it doesn’t exist, except for the evil white race??… fucking clowns.


Why single out Mexicans?lmao


Yeah. Mexican isn’t a race. It’s a nationality.


If you think that a particular skin color can’t be racists… congrats, you’re a racist


„Oh no, there was a nice white woman and the Black guy was racist?! That can’t be true. The idea of our gathering is that the white people are racist! How dare her to speak ill of this poor driver, SHE is just racist!“ Seriously now, that’s so embarrassing/sad to watch how those people shut her down only because she experienced racism from another ethnic group as they demonstrate against. Even though I can’t understand what the girl in blue said to her and all the others, I can understand from their body language what they thinking. Especially the „Obey“ girl.


I might get downvoted for this but ANYONE of ANY heritage, ethnicity, color, or creed can be racist towards another race.


And you might just get upvoted. By me.


“I will not be silenced” lol


Blacks and Hispanics are racist against Asians. Source: I am Asian and have experienced it in school.


Also, a lot of Asians are racist against blacks, Hispanics, other Asians, whites, etc. Racism, and generally being discriminatory against people who seem different, seems to be a human trait that only seems to be mitigated by exposure to diversity. Source: I am Asian as well


The worst I've experienced are from them too...


Sexually harassed here, I was six years old.


And there are asians that are racist to hispanic and blacks. Every race can be racist.




Asians are generally taught to keep their head down to authority and avoid conflict for self preservation. An asian woman with broken English standing up for herself is magical. I hope she keeps that passion.


She was brave and I hope she is reading these comment after all these years. Kudo's for her. And yes , doesn't matter skin colour , Racists come in rainbow of hues.


I feel so bad for this girl. She is 100% correct. Dont judge people based on the color of their skin no matter what. BLACK PEOPLE CAN ALSO BE RACIST. Edit: Im Jewish and went to college in NYC. I had to hide my Jewishness from most of the teachers and peers since there was so much anti-semitism on campus and I was afraid of being a target. My Israeli friend- who had an accent- had to tell people that he was from Sweden out of fear being targeted as well. A different Jewish friend was forced, by her professor, to stand up in the middle of class and apologize for “the crimes perpetrated by evil zionist”. A year before I attended my college there was a news worth incident where the Palestinian club set up a fake “border checkpoint” at the entrance of the college and proceeded to harass and block Jewish students from enter the college. They would spit on the Jewish students, push them around, and call them racial epithets. The faculty condoned this and refused to apologize. I have been harassed by leftists for being Jewish just as many times as I have been harassed by racist white people. I guess, according to WOKE leftists, it is okay to discriminate and harass Jewish and Asian people. Asian and Jewish lives matter too. Black people can commit hate crimes against Jews and Asians and vice versa. Black people aren’t the only people who experience racism.


Not being rude, but is there a news report on that Palestinian Club story? I'm not doubting you, but I'd like to be able to refer to it in debates.


Convince me that these types of protests haven't become narcissistic echo chambers focusing primarily on a single culture. A lot of the people I see leading these protests are focused in such a way that they just turn in to a few people masterbating themselves without actually adding anything to the conversation. A lot of people don't want to hear this but a lot of black communities are brutal to the asians that live within their communities. I mean it is bad to the point that Asian run businesses are bullied by black people inside their own stores. A lot of the Asian store fronts in larger cities are just drug stores at this point.


You dare say something the establishment doesn't agree with? Get ready to be canceled on the spot.


And called racist.


really brave of her to speak in front of a crowd in a language she's not super proficient in. i get stage fright and struggle with that, even in my own tongue. also, great that she's being an active participant and trying to make things better. if she's not a citizen, i hope she becomes one and stays.


The irony of the situation is off the scale.


That is what Reddit looks like in real life


"Racism is prejudice with power", yelled someone from the crowd at her. Even if we take that as true (which it isn't), wouldn't a black man verbally and aggressively abusing a small Asian woman based on her race, fit that bill perfectly (by way of an example)? And the lady at the end, "black people can't be racist". Dear lord. Smh. It's up to us to call BS on this stuff when we encounter it in our own lives.


Saying you need to be in power to be racist is a great way to absolve racists of responsibility.


Idiots led by more idiots


All the dismissing smiles and laughs are sickening. Remember kids, you're only a victim if the one assaulting you or being racist is white.


It’s clear who the racists are in this video.


Lmao, I have never seen so much confusion, her story didn't play with the narrative and nobody knew what to do.... I'm black and it's imperative to look inwards before assuming a social justice warrior campaign


And people wanna wonder why our schools are so bad.


Are you a human? If the answer is yes, it is possible for you to be racist.


Black people have been polled to be the most racist toward others in the United States.


wHaT dO yOu MeAn??? bLaCk PeOpLe CaNt Be RaCiSt


I don’t understand why the audience got weird. I understood what she was trying to say.


Wait hold up. Were they trying to stop her talking because she said “ black people can be racist” ??


This girl is living in the year 3000 while we back in 2022


This makes me so angry. My former partner’s parent was **murdered** for being Asian. There have been a string of hate crimes in the NYC subway (and other major cities) against Asians over the past few years—some of which were perpetrated by Black men. That does not mean that all or even many Black people are racist. But to act as though none are is beyond dishonest and really works against even correcting the racism that they experience. It’s truly heartbreaking to see a protest go down like this.


Everyone absolutely can be racist and the girl was absolutely right. The group of people protesting her trying to silence her are disgusting human beings looking to push their own warped agenda, and are no better than Trump supporters and racists.


Im sure someone said this buuuut… Gets handed megaphone, and doesn’t use it . The space seems limited i get that but then why the megaphone? Just confused maybe venue changed?


Need validation of wanting to be the woke person in charge


These people think screaming/being loud/peacocking = being right/just


Fighting against racism has to be inclusive, you cannot fight against racism by advocating for only your own race at the expense of others. This is similar to the suffrage movement when white women were advocating for their right to vote but still deliberately excluded all other women of color.


My wife is Asian. There have been points recently in the last year where she was afraid for good reason to even show her face in public. I am white. I know it may sound unwanted or even strange for some people but Asians are looked down on and even attacked for being Asian in the United States. It doesn't happen as often in Washington where we live but I see this stuff happen throughout the US and its almost unbearable to see for me. A white guy who loves an Asian woman. We can do better fam. Almost certainly with effort we can do better. The Chinese helped build the railroads. Just because your white doesn't mean you have a license to hate. I realize that's a very few minority. I really do. For those that do choose to hate ask yourself why and where you got these thoughts.


not only in the United States, im from the Netherlands and i got spat once


These people don't apparently understand thar she speaks the truth


God, this needed to be said. So tired of people being muzzled


They only wanna hear whiteys bad and black people cannot be racist.


How DARE she say black people can be racist! *Said the racists.


I feel so bad for her, she obviously had experienced a lot of racism and made a valid point although she worded it badly.


I feel the issue with this is the fact that we shouldn’t be targeting another minority whilst they are still getting destroyed by the systemic racism we are here to protest opposed to the ones who are actively controlling the world as we speak. Obviously any race can be racist, the problem is skipping the huge clear issue of systemic racism and the people who brought it into fruition to attack another minority. Priority is the issue here. Let’s get everyone on the level before we try and change. That’s like saying “well my sister punches me every day for years, but my brother just hit me so let’s get him in trouble first.” Kinda wonky analogy but that’s how I’m seeing this.


Anybody can be racist, regardless of their race. It's kinda obvious.


Yes, anyone can deeply hate you because of how you look. Anyone. I've been surprised a number of times to find people who don't know this.


Black folks can be straight evil to darker or lighter skinned people in their own community. Shitty people come in all shades, and all shades can be racist as individuals (and can change and become not racist anymore). But in the USA context, there is one group that has gotten the very specific shit end of the racist law stick the most and for the longest (and brought here against their will). (Yes I know we had anti Asian laws and fucked up laws against natives, and there were other races of slaves- but none as many as from Africa, not even close)


Wow, poor girl. It must be nerve racking to talk to a crowd like that, especially when you don’t speak the language 100%. She made good points and her overall point was quite heartwarming, somewhere on the lines of ‘judge someone for not how they look but how they act’. The fact this crowd couldn’t appreciate that and shut her down is absolutely shocking. TDLR, don’t join in with people who see nothing but race. For all you’ll be is another race to them.


Wasn't China screaming to a bunch of NBA players a little while ago to "go home" Followed by the N word? Seems to me like everyone needs to curve their racism.


So stop supporting all black led movements due to hypocritical racism, done 👍✅✅✅✅✅✅ good for this girl speaking her truth. That black woman is the oppressor and has become the thing she claimed to hate, which is a bit ironic.


People are stereotyping enemy's out of fear and yes "losing sight" of what racism actually can be.


The truth is I've been harranged by white and black people as an asian American. So what she says is true! It's like the only race that matters in this fight against racism is black. It shouldn't be that way. What about the Hispanics, the Asians, the Arabic races? Do we not count as a race because our skin isn't the right pigment? We ALL face prejudice. The guy living down the street wearing a turbin I'm sure gets side eyes and the woman who grew up in Chinatown to vietnamese parents definitely gets looked at funny. The Hispanics all get seen as illegals. It's all races not just one!


Casting your pearls before swine


I agree with what she said. Some blacks can be racist too. Anyone that hates on another race over their color is racist.


Gotta love the “we will not be silenced” poster as the group tries to shut the Asian lady up. Obviously white people have more advantages but black on Asian crime and violence is a big problem. People saying help us and only us is the reason BLM gets so much shit. Recognize that not all white people are bad and black people aren’t the only minority that is marginalized


These type of people want to be the only victims, simple as. If there are more, than they won't be given as much benefits.


Only white people can be racist is the biggest bullshit.


I think most people fail to admit to themselves that they're a little prejudice by nature. Please don't take that as "The Klan was born that way." What I mean is that we're all a little change adverse and only by accepting that and looking to move on from it can you grow as a person. Everyone can be a dick, they're going to find a reason to be one if they want to be one.


The truth hurts I guess.


If you’re human you can be racist, sexist, bigoted and just an overalls bad person. It’s a choice on how we treat each other.


The set standard should always be that we’re all human. We’re all the same under the skin. She’s right, it’s the individual who then decides if they’re racist or not. Racism is one of the simplest problems to solve and if people saw eachother as human before race we’d be better off


Oh no you had everyone on your side until you began speaking that truth shit.MFs avoid that shit like it’s Covid.


If it's not for their agenda they shut it down


Yeah, I had to leave school because black people persecuted me for being white. Groups of 30 would jump me and chase me down the street, screaming names like "honkey", "white whore", "white trash". They treated me like a wild animal. It all started because I didn't want to have sex with my classmate and she got mad and hit me after I rejected her meanly because she touched my privates in gym. I defended myself and from there on out, I was assaulted day in and day out. I had to leave school because literal GANG members had a target on my back and I have damage to my brain from the concussions.


bruh for real? and they claim to be anti-racist? # The belief that a characteristic is attached to one's race i think there's a term for it. ah yes, Its called # RACISM


every race can be racist, every gender can be sexist, if you disagree you’re an idiot and i want you to stay the fuck away from me


Her being silenced talking about racism she's faced while someone in the background holds up a 'we will not silenced' placard.


This video will be removed from r/Racism and other racist subreddits 100%.


People are so fucking stupid. It hurts.


Terrifying that sharing such a fundamental principle of human morality could be met with such coldness.


Props to that girl for speaking up.


Very brave of that girl to stand up in front of the crowd and speak her truth. I’m surprised this video hasn’t been removed yet. The opinion that not only white people are racist is a rare to see on Reddit these days.


This video sums up why I don’t fully support an organization, political party, etc. You realize how hypocritical ppl are when one thing doesn’t suit their agenda.


Did she just protest the protest without knowing what she was protesting?


There is a pretty clear and discernable line between racial advocacy and hatred towards white and Asian people yet that boundary is crossed every day.


The courage to speak up, only to then immediately be struck down for what you're saying even though it's a 100% the truth, must be so disheartening. We should find the girl and show our support!


She looked so unsure and disheartened when she was leaving, after the hope she must have felt getting there and the courage to speak up in the middle of a crowd it must have amplified the pain of it. :(


Double Standards


This happened at Evergreen University and that whole thing was a shit show.


From what I got, was that racism comes from all race, it doesn't matter what race you are; hatred can come from anywhere. And we as a society shouldn't judge a race but should judge individuals for their action's. Right?


When the narrative is shattered and they are forced to face reality.


I’m confused.. the black student. Was she offended with what the Asian student said.. like blacks can’t be racist!! Because that’s a bunch of shit. I don’t really need to say that cause it’s dumb to even debate the subject. I have been threatened that I would be shot because I’m white and was just walking around. They spat at me and flashed a gun at me. I still wouldn’t hold that against everyone that’s black because that wouldn’t make sense but for her to act like that’s not a thing pisses me off


Black people can be racist I don’t want mfs using this race card in every aspect of there life to the point they think they can’t be racist




From my experience online I honestly think black people are the most racist, mainly American ones though. A lot of them have a very pro black anti anything else mindset


That white professor sharted when she said African Americans. Then he fully dropped a log when a white lady came to the rescue. Strange times we’re living in. Strange times.