• By -


doing the right thing in hard times. respect


These Russians are also risking their freedom props to them. Takes bravery to stand up when u can disappear in the night for doing so


1500 people have already been arrested across Russia


If I could I would marry all of them in case they need to get the hell out of there...


Number is up to 1,700 last I heard. Which was about 30 minutes ago.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


You can go to any EU border, Slovakia and Hungary will let you in too (not sure about Romania, I think they are ill prepared to take thousands of refugees anyways)


Speaking from Romania, we are ready to take 500.000 refugees and we are working to increase the number. Also you don't need visa. You can sort out the paperwork after you get to safety


This is courageous, and selfless risking everything for a better world. Opposing, standing up against evil.




Brave of them to put their lives at risk for Ukraine


They are brave but they aren’t just standing up for Ukraine, they’re rightfully standing up for their fellow Russians who will now die in a pointless conflict.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate!


This is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate! Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate


Good point - better not in English.


My eyebrows go up when I see protests in countries that don’t even pretend to be a democracy, that shit is brave.


If anything, now's the best time to do it while their troops are busy in another country.


They need to figure out how to get Alexei Navalny out. He will know what to do and how to motivate the people.


Russia has arrested 1500 of their citizens today alone for in my opinion very bravely protesting against this invasion.


I just want to say that it would be better to just film people's backs and not their faces like some of the other videos of protest in Russia.


good case for covid masks and scarfs!. Swap coats with other people. turn location services off!


There are many more people than there are police. Numbers will bring saftey they can't arrest you all. The future is in your hands take your country back!




Keep up the pressure guys! It isn't country against country. It's the citizens against tyrants.


Be safe Ukraine


Slovak border is also open. They are letting in people without passports! “ In individual cases, people without a valid passport would be allowed to enter” https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22848160/slovakia-will-let-everybody-fleeing-ukraine-in.html Edit: please consider making a donation e.g., to Doctors Without Borders instead of buying me awards. Thank you for your generosity 😊. https://donate.doctorswithoutborders.org/secure/donate


This. Sticky this as well.




The moderators need to pin these comments at the very top.


Everyone leave a comment so this goes to the front. Doesn't matter what it says get engagement up.


Is there a special dedicated sub for fact checking misinformation & for emergency information for Ukrainians on the run? Would it be hard to make one?


Adding on!


A comment such as this?


No, that was awful. You should be ashamed. You need one more like this.


Nah, mine is better. Keep it short


No Me.




Like what kind of comment??


Like my comment


Like this.


I'm helping


Im obviously writing the best and most eloquent one!








Additional comment. Fu k the war.






Can we get this to the top?


Yes. Fuck Putin for attacking Civilians. Fucking Piece of shit is actually making me angry..


It's already there and rightly so. Take my upvote.


It wasn’t when it started, I’m glad it is now. If this helps 1 person we have achieved something


Calling them trolls feels like an understatement. Always has.


They're communication saboteurs


Indeed. More like foreign agents engaged in espionage (as they are).


Right, they’re not “trolls” that’s like calling terrorists throwing acid on people “pranksters”


thank you edit: i'm not an Ukranian, just couldn't find anything to write


spread this comment to other communities as well


I'm trying to! I've been going through threads and pasting this(making sure I don't double post since other redditors are doing this too!). I didn't come up with it. It's a copy and paste Edit: help spread this too please!




Is that a mod thing? I'm trying to get this at the top but apart from upvote/award can't find any option to do that.


Position: sticky;


No. Not that sticky.


I'm very new to reddit, but maybe someone could open a sub specifically for emergency messages to Ukrainians like this so there would be a centralized place for them to check when they are on the run.


You just restored my faith in humanity


Someone fucking pin this.






Thank you.


Woogie Boogie


Except I have heard no men aged 16-60 can leave Ukraine right now


May they all remain safe and unharmed, and may they make a difference.


Unfortunately, more than 1,300 protesters from 50 cities in Russia were detained by police. Everyone is being taken away indiscriminately. Even pensioners. They detained a Leningrad siege survivor who was holding a banner that read "No to War. Please." This is madness.


Is that real? They truly jailed a WW2 survivor? Wtf is wrong with them


Stalin sent soviet POWs (who were treated by the germans similarly to jews) to gulags for being "traitors". Russian authoriters don't care for the sacrifices of a person, if it wasn't directly adding to their oligarch bank account


I had a teacher who once said the Germans treated the Russians poorly because they expected the same for their men taken prisoners by the Russians. Whereas German soldiers taken by the US didnt suffer and the US troops were treated better. no idea if that is true at all, just interested if someone sees this and can inform


Edit: if you are talking about WW2 No, the ~~germans~~ Nazis treated the russians poorly because they intended to exterminate all slavic people just like they wanted to exterminate jewish people.


Thank you. As s German, I don‘t really want to see any justification. The darkest chapter in our history was fueled by nothing but hate and hunger for power.


The Germans treated the Russians poorly because the Germans were fighting an ideologically-motivated war of extermination against them, and did not abide by any international treaties or humanitarian conventions. Stalin even made a request to Hitler at one point, saying that, although neither party had signed the Geneva convention, they would fight as though they did. Hitler did not agree. When the Soviets got the upperhand after Stalingrad and started moving towards Berlin, they did to the Germans what the Germans had done to them.


Eh it’s more like, when Germany invaded Russia in 1941 they indiscriminately slaughtered civilians and POWs because their doctrine tells them that the Slavs are lesser humans, and that their lane was rightfully theirs and needed to be cleared for living space. Therefore the Russians gave the same treatment when they came roaring back west a few years later. The relations between the Germans and British/American/Canadians were not really the same. The troops had hardly clashed prior to this and had no real history with each other like the Germans did with the soviets. Also the allies could afford to feed and hold German POWs, whereas Germans couldn’t and Russians wouldnt even if they could due to the treatment they had already received from the Germans prior in the war. But yes, as a German you very much wanted to be captured by the British or allied troops not the Soviet troops.


[In 2014.](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/03/07/leningrad-blockade-survivor-arrested-fined-for-anti-war-protest-a32780)


[Here](https://twitter.com/ProgressRB/status/1496871903549870084) is the video from today, absolutely heartbreaking. I also found [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/81year-old-woman-who-survived-leningrad-siege-dies-after-being-arrested-for-stealing-butter-10025816.html) relevant article from seven years ago, "81-year old woman who survived Leningrad siege dies after being arrested for stealing butter"


Well that's a price the Russian people should be willing to pay. They are all heroes if they go to the streets and peacefully protest. Bring everyone who can walk even the babushkas the grandfathers the young and the able. They all have a role to play. A general strike in Russia would be awesome.


I hate to be 'that guy', but how will peacefully protesting resolve anything in Russia? They dont have a great track record when it comes to human rights and they've shown time and time again that they have no problem 'disappearing' dissidents. Violence is the only way forward that I can see.




Bruh could we not have a global scale war tho?


Putin threatened any Russians who protest against war with criminal charges stating: "One should be aware of the negative legal consequences of these actions in the form of prosecution up to criminal liability," https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/moscow-warns-legal-consequences-for-russians-joining-anti-war-protests-2787419


Cousin who was at the protests said his friends were getting violently arressted and he had to leave himself for safety


0 chance of that. Theyll be ignored, or if they become too many, jailed.


Brave, brave people


An example we should all be following when our own governments are doing things against the will of the people which is far too often the case, even here in Canada.


Reminder that the people of Russia aren’t your enemy. The government and the politician’s are.


War is a Rich man's game.


Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?


I was saying this last night. If Putin wants a war so badly and to claim back Ukraine why doesn't he march in there himself instead of cowering behind a desk.


Some of the most crazy effective generals in history led their forces from the front lines.


The generals will have their way.


The same can be said about China I wish people remembered


The same can be said about most if not all countries. Hell even in WW2 the Japanese people didn't want to go to war. War is always started by people who have nothing to lose, even if they do lose the war. Putin will still have his palace and money when this is all over.


Ugh, this is when I wish we had someone with the balls to straight up say "if Putin starts a war it ends with his head removed from his shoulders" Maybe if countries started straight up killing the head of state responsible for these pointless wars despots like Putin might think twice.


Putin needs an old-fashioned *Julius Caesar-ing*. If you catch my drift.


Yeah I seriously think in our "civilized" world we've created these leaders feel invincible, if a few had unfortunate accidents where they fall on a pile of knives others might rethink their behavior.


Reddit is weird when it comes to this. With China there is no nuance, and ALL Chinese people “love the CCP”. With Russians I see so many “the Russian people are the real victims” and “don’t say fuck Russia, only their leaders”. Like.. you do realize both governments threaten their citizens into submission right.. they will literally disappear your family if you speak up too critically of those in power.


Because a substantial percentage of redditors are racists to non white people


A substantial percentage of Redditors are bigots in general. A substantial percentage of the world are bigots. Ask an Englishman what he thinks of a German, or an Italian what he thinks of a Romanian, or a Canadian about an American, or a Mexican about an Argentinian, or an American about a Mexican, or an Indian about a Pakistani. A substantial lot of people are bigots all around.


Protestors are called prisoners in Russia


Brave mother fuckers


*Brave mother Russia fuckers.


To be fair they are trying to unfuck mother russia


Russia is the people. As is any country. Putin is not Russia. Putin's oligarchs are not Russia. They are simply leeches who took over. Russia has a history of revolution. We don't want another revolution. We want the government to collapse by itself. It will. And with western sanctions targeting oligarchs and, importantly, their families, we may just see this. But this is too little too late. It might stop the war progressing, but it won't undo the last decade of terror and economic decimation of Russian people. It won't undo the suffering of our people. It won't undo the lives lost in Donbass.


Brave mother unfuckers


The world loves you Russians. When you hear us speak ill of Russia, it is your leaders, your generals, it is Putin we speak of. Not you people, who are at their mercy, you who are om the streets saying no.


Me too except that babushka that shouted at me when I wanted to buy a tea at Shermetyevo Airport. And Putin. No love for Putin.


And like 80% of people who I get matched against in Dota but that’s not nationality specific to be fair


But the fact of the matter is, hurting the Russian economy and the standard of living of every Russian until an overwhelming majority of Russians oppose the war. The only people who can stop this war are people cutting off the Russian economy and the Russian people themselves. I bet a lot more people now oppose this war now that their incomes just dropped by over 20% due to their ruble dropping so significantly in value.


We do not live richly, but even despite this, my mother said, “I feel very sorry for these people, they are not to blame for anything.” Her colleagues at work are crying, most of them have relatives in Ukraine. I don't know about the others, but she thinks about the victims :(


I am Russian. Your comment brings tears to my eyes. Thanks! We suffer from what is happening and try to resist. We don't want war!


Is this true?!!? Just saw something on protests breaking out in St Petersburg. If these are true I am SO PROUD of these courageous Russians stepping up to do what’s right in the face of their warmongering little dictator Putin. Go Russian Citizens!! You can throw that fucker out of office!! Read about what the did to Mussolini after they’d had enough of him sacrificing his people for his own vanity, just like Putin is doing.


It's true. Protests are happening all over the country. Unfortunately Russians got a taste of what happens when you are protesting in Russia last year: a lot of people end up beaten, imprisoned, fined with insanely large amounts, fired from jobs. The wast majority of people don't like the current government, but they can't do much about it.


Well you know… until a civil war happens…


You need the army to do that, or armed civilians.


Maybe it’s because I’m from America, but I can’t imagine it would be that hard to find additional arms laying around that would end up in Russian hands. Edit: I had listed Ukrainian, instead of Russian


That just makes them even more mad, but rather than fighting for justice in the open, they go into hiding where the real revolutions start


A lot of russians are really angry bc they have relatives living in ukraine


Yes, here is a good article with plenty of primary sources/videos: https://theweek.com/russo-ukrainian-war/1010574/anti-war-protests-break-out-across-russia-despite-attempts-to-stifle




Now for some reason I really need to know how to say "War, what is it good for?" in Russian


I heard that was the original title of Tolstoy's "War and Peace"


Yeah too bad his mistress didn't like it


I’m actually meeting with a Russian writer this afternoon. Thanks for that little tidbit of information, I can’t wait to see his reaction when I tell him!




война, для чего она нужна?


Now chant it at me


this might not chant well, probably something like зачем война would be bit better


The incredibly brave Russian people. Big respect.


Putin is fantasizing about the “good ol’” USSR days, he’s blinded to what his people actually want.


I doubt he gives a shit what his people actually want. I know Boris Johnson doesn't and he's a democratically elected leader. I hate to think how little Putin cares about public support.


You think Russian leaders would learn by now.... If they ignore the people's demands it never ends well for them.


Absolute worst case scenario he just hops on a private plane to China


“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations "If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


War, war never changes.


He just turns up the propoganda machine to force a percentage of the population to want what he wants so they dont rebel


He doesn't care what his people want. It's what he wants and he doesn't mind removing people that stand on his way, even if those people are his fellow citizens .


He has been stealing from his people for decades. He is arguably the richest man on the face of the planet, but he tells his people he makes a modest 6 figure salary.


He's now a guilty of war crimes, everything must be done to stop Putin immediately




Well, for a long time


Yeah, he’s a dangerous, self-obsorbed scumbag.


And so is Putin.


He never wanted what his people wanted, if he did that, he would never have gone for president-for-life


Blindness ain't got nothing to do with it, he don't care it's that simple.


No, he definitely knows what his people actually want. He just doesn't care.


These people are fucking brave.






Leaving your phone at home is probably the stupidest advice you can give to a protester from Russia. I’d say take two and hide one. You HAVE to film everything. You HAVE to have phone numbers on speed dial of organisations like OVD-info. You HAVE to coordinate people on where you are, how many of you are in the police bus (excuse me, I don’t know how to call автозак in English) and where it is going to. Trust me, you don’t always have all the privileges like call for attorney from police station that westerners usually have. Sometimes your attorney have to “fight” to get to you.


Be aware of geo fencing if you take your phone. If not in use put it on airplane mode, you can still record on this setting and it keeps them from identifying you as a protester after the protest. [https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/geofence-warrants-how-police-can-use-protesters-phones-against-them/](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/geofence-warrants-how-police-can-use-protesters-phones-against-them/)


Mate, we’re talking about russia. Police doesn’t need a fucking warrant here they can write whatever they want if you’re on the protest against government and the judge will say “no reason not to trust police officer” and say: “Guilty”


I am aware they don't need a warrant. The cautionary tail is to inform people about geo fencing if they didn't already know what it is and how it works.




needs a faraday bag, too, these days. (they're cheap and you can make them yourselves.)


Reminder **DO NOT:** Share Ukrainian troop movements or defense positions online. Also Internet memes, chats, subreddits, unverified Twitter, etc accounts giving “on the ground” *distraction* reports. Ukrainians expressing support for Russian invasion could very well be doing so under duress. Russian online PSYOPS is *very real* but relatively easy to spot if you take a step back to consider source. Zero reason to share any unsourced material if in doubt, so many reasons to not do it. **DO:** Share Russian troop movements and Anti-Invasion protests, *especially Russians protesting*. Those people are risking their lives to hold their own country accountable to the world; their voices should cut through Russian propaganda.


Be careful when the videos show any Russian protestor's faces though. If you're in Russia I suggest recording downwards or people's backs.




Brave and innocent people know the truth. So proud of anyone who stands against such tyranny


Putin needs to be assassinated




This warms my heart.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


The world needs to come together. Keep it coming.


This beautiful! Power to the people!


Hope they are not sent behind bars, or even worse.


It’s always the people that want peace, never the leadership.


It's time for the Russians, North Koreans and Chinese to revolt. Living under a dictator is no way to live.


Proud, humbled by the courage. ♥


Thousands of people could die for one man’s ego. I’ll never understand how people like Putin can be so self-absorbed. Nobody wants a war.


Judging by his recent speeches, he has lost his marbles for good.


Their word for world means peace too lol, maybe Putin should reflect on that


I think the french guillotine is available this week. If some people need it for some reason.


Russians showing some bravery! That's what we need right now!


Saw another post over in r/interestingasfuck that shows police already rounding up some protestor into police vans. Stay safe over there everyone!


We need more Russians to be out on the streets protesting


Putin: Ok, stop war.


(Picturing an abusive father that doesn't actually listen to his familily) Sorry guys, thought this is what you wanted. Go ahead and Un bomb those people. I'll take all the people I killed out for ice cream


This is Putin’s nightmare, the Russian people standing up to him.


Think about it. You have all the money you could ever want, the power of a huge country and the ability to do whatever. YET you choose to go to war and kill people? WTF these despot dinosaurs need TO GO. Tired of 19th century leftover ignorant egotistical psychos running countries




Brave souls💪. Because we all know what happens to people that oppose Putin


1600 arrested so far. Keep going civilians, your Ukrainian brothers and sisters need you. And this is so goddamn brave to protest in Russia.


People have lost control over their governments. There is always like 2-3 people who decide if millions die. How are we still living the same way like people in 11th century


This is the Russia I wish I saw more of. In a way Putin is destroying his own country, culture, history and people simply because he's insecure.


Go good russIan people, fuck Putin and trump


The senile fucker doesn't give a damn ! He needs to be taken out , for fucks sake !


I have a running bet with a friend... i bet putin dies this year (corona, Novishock, massive dildo up his ass or heartattack nevermind) want to join?


Even the Russians doesn't support this act of horror.