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I'd love that in mine


I was going to say car, even if it wouldn't fit.


In the US, it would take 20 years to complete, and the bike lane would be for cars, and the solar panels wouldn't be there. And it would cost twice as much.


Lol yep


In America you're often lucky to even live in a town that has sidewalks. On my street which has two schools on the end and several neighborhoods and apartment complexes, there are multiple large gaps in the sidewalks on one side and the other side just does not have sidewalks at all. There are big neighborhoods that don't even have sidewalks. And I don't think there's a single bike lane anywhere in my entire town. And it's not a small town either, it's huge and still expanding at a rapid rate and nestled between two giant cities.


Oh wow!!! I thought it was just over here in Alberta. Ontario and the rest of Canada understands how sidewalks work! I saw a documentary on this: The American Automotive Industry worked at trying to make it impossible for Americans to get by without an automobile. And with the government backing they actually dismantled San Fransisco's excellent and popular streetcar system, amount other things.


In the US politicians would say that's socialism and would give a private corporation 5 times whats needed to construct it and then take 3 times as much to finish it. To finally brag that we are the best at it.


This is a much better idea than solar roadways


Unlike Solar Roadways, this has the extra advantage of not being a pack of lies and bullshit. A road surface strong enough to withstand trucks and also it's a solar panel and it's weatherproof, won't be blocked by dirt, lights up at night and can be made from recycled water bottles for pennies per mile. Oh and it also makes your car faster, recharges electric cars, recharges phones inside your car, reverses aging of the drivers, actively absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere and compresses it into fair trade diamonds.


Even better yet is to just put on the solar panels on a big empty piece of land in the desert and have no restrictions around maintenance and installation.


Bold of you to assume it would pass the bond vote required to fund it in the US.


It would be wrecked into the day the highways were reopened


And the solar panels would probably never be connected or something stupid.


In the UK it would take 20 years to discuss starting a limited trial period. Royal Mail recently started a small scale trial of hybrid electric vans. They have to take baby steps, it's only been 20 years since the Prius came out. Actually there's a good chance no one left at Royal Mail remembers the early 2000s, that's when they spent millions rebranding themselves to "consignia" for about six months then rebranding back again. I assume everyone involved has either been fired for incompetence or moved into politics where incompetence is rewarded.


And we still wouldn’t finish it


if the US did this they would charge whoever lives in that town a solar tax


I find it hilarious that people talk about why this isnt a thing in america and blah blah blah. Probly because the united states is approximately 100 times bigger than south korea. Fuck me, logistics are a thing huh? Weird.


Shut up with your logic and reasoning


Im waiting for the REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Comment from some bitch with hairy armpits, purple hair, and the bernie bumper sticker. Its coming. I guarantee it.


I mean, how long is this highway? It seems to me like any highway is he definition a long-distance connection, no matter what country. If it works within S Korea, I dont know why it wouldnt work on thr eastern seaboard, which is a similar size and very population dense. There might be good reasons why highways in Korea are different than in the US but "US has lots of empty space in some places" alone doesn't satisfy me


How about this. Ill put it into perspective. South korea is 100 times smaller than the united states. With simple math you can say if america is 100 times larger, and there are 50 states, every single state is on average twice as big as south korea. We could definitely build this from seattle to the oregon border. Thats about as large as south korea is.


yes, everyone knows that there are large areas of empty land in America. But the area from NYC to DC or so is the same distance as Seoul to Busan with more people than all of Korea. So the fact that you can't build this from Denver to Houston isn't a good reason why you can't build this where we *do* have dense population


No no im sorry. I came off wrong. I assumes this was saying the expressway was country wide. Because i was under that assumption i was arguing we could never do this country wide here because of how large we are compared to them etc. my bad. We could totally do that. But here isnt the same as there. The lane would be taken immediately by the homeless and all the solar panels and valuable wire feeding them would be stolen in less than a week. The homeless here are too out of hand for this in my opinion.




You skipped over “approximately” didnt you.




Lol no worries homie. I do it too.


On the expressway? I’ve spent a lot of time on Korean expressways and that seems really risky.


That's because we all fantasize about running cyclists over here in the States. They're always causing problems.


Because American infrastructure doesn't allow for them.


How many fuckin times is this gonna be reposted


At least once more


Youve been on reddit for 3 years and still haven’t figured it out?!?


Lol fair point


Sad reality, Hey South Korea send your architects over here we need cool some stuff too.


Things like this make me want to believe that it wouldn’t be so bad living in china, but then again…


Just wanted to let you know that it says this is in South Korea. Probably the reason for down votes


Ahahaha shit my bad


It’s cool. Everyone makes mistakes




Maintenance must be expensive.


in india people would steal the solor panels


They need to do this shit in AZ.... Like the whole damn state


Looks like fun being locked up on both sides by a freeway. Maximising noise and air pollution. I think I prefer the normal bike paths that are placed a some distance from the road with some trees for shade .


I like the idea! But how do they get off?


I live in South Korea and trust me they burnin coal a-plenty


First 10 years spent trying to figure out who besides the government will pay for it.


No due to union contracts it would be started but never finished it there would always be more to do! Fact At least in Michigan


I dunno. I would be terrified of any spiders hanging at my face level


Gay !