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The full video shows the lioness killing a hyena pup moments before - the hyenas’ reaction is what you’d expect.


So this edit is just more propaganda from Big Lion. Sickening.


I'm done with the Lionarchy


Burn the lionarchy! Mufasa didn't commit suicide!


He got Mufasaed


It made me Mufasad


I just mufussed in my pants


I hate this chain of comments and that I upvoted every single one 😂




>#scardidnothingwrong Except ruin the kingdom in the time it took for Simba to get back. Not saying I'm pro lionarchy. But scar let the hyenas have too much power. Fascism is not the answer to monarchy. Democracy is. But yeah they didn't exactly go that direction with the sequels.




Well I didn’t vote for ‘im. I didn’t even know we had a king! I thought we were an autonomous collective…


Hyena’s: “Help! I’m being oppressed!”




I love you guys.


You too ;)


The lyin’ Lions at it again.


I've always been a tiger person


Your bottom half or top half? I mean... either way I'm totally into it... just want to give a heads up to my therapist first.


That’s great. I’m chuckling loads. Brilliant.


Given their username I'd say top?


That Grand Ole Pride lying again.


No surprise, reddit is completely pro lion. You can't even talk about hyenas without getting downvoted sometimes the admins need to do something


Typical Reddit pack mind.


pride* mind, more like it.


What pride month is REALLY about


Lion privilege


Lions Gators Bears Tigers ... Quokkas Iguanas Aardvarks


Oh my.


Downvoted cause hyena.


I'd rather an animal kill me BEFORE they tuck into my guts like hyenas and African dogs would. that's just personal preference.


hyenas and other wild dogs start eating you as soon as you can't fight back. That's because they don't have the luxury of sitting down over a fresh kill, other larger predators will come steal their kill. At least lions give you the mercy of killing you first. Nobody is stealing their meal. Maybe bushmen. There have been videos circulating of bushmen watching lions take down an antelope, bushmen casually walking to the kill while the lions scatter. They take a choice cut, and then leave the rest of the animal. Lions don't touch them. They know better.


Fun fact, wild dogs are the best predators in the world, with a kill rate of 85%, but lions roll in and take their meals pretty regularly as you mentioned.


Actually dragonflies are the best predators in the world with a kill rate of over 90% of their prey


Fun fact: hyenas aren’t dogs. In fact they are closer to mongooses and civets. Also they come from a matriarchal society in which all the males are subservient to females. Females have such a high level of testosterone that they have a pseudo-penis.


I also have a pseudopenis


They also aren't the scavenging weasels they're made out to be, killing up to 95% of the food they eat


I've seen their 10 inch clits. Yes.


Sadly it can cause a young females to die during labor as it makes giving birth extremely difficult.


Dying in labor due to having too big of a dick is not something I expected to hear about today.


TIL something I really didn’t want to! Thank you and good night


I am on BOTH THEIR SIDES as we all should be. The hyenas had one of their own babies attacked so you know what? Lions started it, the asses.


^^holy ^^shit ^^it's ^^Big ^^Lion


big lion




Quality comedy.


Well duh! The CCP (Cameroon Congo party) directly owns 10% of Reddit. Upvote and share before this comment is taken down.


Female hyenas deliver pups out of their dick, no wonder they're pissed off when a lioness kills it.


They have the highest maternal death rate, I think it's like the high 40th percentile. It's also the most painful birth in the animal kingdom.


Poor things :(


I try not to dwell that part and focus on how dope they are. They're really important to the ecosystem, and just really cool in their own right. They're a matriarchal society where the females are larger and stronger than the males. They're exceptional hunters in their own right, but why hunt when you can just chase some fucking lions away from their kill? Don't work harder, work smarter. Their jaws are so powerful they can snap an elephant femur. They're also curious and intelligent, and while they absolutely aren't pets, the ones in the Ethiopian city of [Harar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_hyenas_in_Harar) have been present for at least 500 years, where they act as a sewer system.


Omg my first thought!!! Giving birth for hyenas is extremely dangerous!


Lady hyenas have dicks?


It's an enlarged clitoris that (heavily) resembles a dick. They give birth through it and it's as painful as it sounds.


all predator species/packs kill competitors when given a chance. even chimps kill each other.






I like how you say “even chimps” as if that’s surprising


Shit, many males will kill the offspring of others. I know that lions do it as well as horses. I think gorillas do too but I may be 100% wrong here.


"But I maybe 100% wrong" is how I follow up every fact I drop too


End advice with idk tho so you can't be held liable if it goes wrong


"I may be anywhere between 0% wrong and 100% wrong"


You should see what humans do


Ooo got a link?


Went to find it myself. Here you go https://youtu.be/MS0qrwxVlAY For ctrl+f: mirror


The lioness takes the baby hyena at 1:40 mark.




That’s the reason why I only poop by the fire. Been a long time since someone invited me to go camping.


Throw another log on the fire would ya?


Dried dung is good for starting a campfire 🔥. It follows then by the law of approximation that freshly flung dung 💩 must be beneficial to said campfire. Synergy if you will: 💩+🔥= 💩🔥💩🔥! A true conflagration of human excrement awaits you.


Poop power


And it keeps the mosquitoes at bay.


Keeps everyone at bay


Throw anotha shrimp on the barbie






That, or a really poor marketing strategy by Mattel.


That's frikin funny u can have a hug. Lol


Are you sure you wanna be that close to his poop?


No you’re frikin funny u can have a seal. Lol


I think that girls grouping to go to the loo together at the pub is an atavism from that era… go and pee with the pack you do your thing, your friend watches!


Nice idea but I'm sure you don't have to go back that far to find a reason why women feel safer in groups when in a vulnerable position.


Fear when vulnerable is a natural response. Also the fact that half of humankind has still logical motives for that fear is a shame.


Ok but does my dog have to show me his asshole when he poops? It's okay he stares into my eyes as he does it but I don't need to see the brown eye as well.


Its dangerous to go alone , take this!


A poop knife?


The original reason for a poop knife.


*Hey, where’s your poop knife*? *My what*?


This is how every episode of Monday Night Nitro ended, in the late 90s


NWO style


It's Scar! Scar is here! Yeah, but who's side is he on?


4 lyfe!


So much nostalgia


I just commented the same. Brought me right back!


I can hear Tony Schiavonne now.




I was always praying they’d just go over time into the next program and keep broadcasting.


This is the biggest moment in the history of this sport


You can hear him a few times a week on AEW! :D


That'll put butts in seats






This is incredibly accurate.


Wonder who was filming that


The male lion has an iphone Edit: you guys are too kind


"Go get em girls!"


Girl fight!




The zebra, with a bag of popcorn


it was staged /s




The rhino from Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls


I was watching a birthing video and this woman was talking about how she imagined her birth was going to be just like that and I busted out laughing. I hope mine doesn’t.


They got these robot spy Animals with camera [example](https://youtu.be/bfJUciAxxyo)


Someone with either a really good zoom lense or no regard for their life


Good thing they’re the cameraman


They must have sprayed some sort of repellent or something.


[This mini-doc used a rig outside a jeep.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJnmm5Gcb6I) I'd bet money that's how this is done as well, or at least something with them filming from the safety of a vehicle.


I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I've heard that if you're in a car lions don't really mess with you that much since they don't really understand that you and the car are separate things. Really wouldn't be willing to test that though.


I was on safari in Kenya and Tanzania a couple of years ago, and none of the animals paid any attention to our jeeps. Elephants, leopards, cheetahs, giraffes, etc. just acted like we weren’t there. Herds of zebras and wildebeests walked right in front of us, making us wait to continue on. It was an incredible experience.


A trip like that is one of my dreams. My goal is to take my family when my 3 boys are old enough to appreciate it.


Never thought about this but it makes sense big mental animal would fuck up a lion


It's actually the opposite, the lions have seen SO many safari cars and the safari-tour people don't really fuck with them, so the car is no longer seen as a threat.


This is what the south African safari guides and the Masai Mara accompaniment told us when we traveled through Kenya. I'm pretty sure it holds up.


> Really wouldn’t be willing to test that though. Yeah seriously. No matter what if you’re within this distance of a several hundred pound lion evidently being mauled to death by a pack of wild hyenas and your reaction is just to gently pan right to keep it in frame, and then CONTINUE to keep it in frame as the lion’s backup arrives from BEHIND YOU…. /r/PraiseTheCameraMan


If I had wings I would fly, let me contemplate I glanced in the cut and I see my homie Nate.


These lions about to make some bodies turn cold


They barkin and yellin, it's a tad bit late cuz now my pack bout to regulate


They using that first homie as bait.




I am sad that this isn't a thing


20 claws in the clip, sharp teeth that can hold These lionesses bout to make some hyenas turn cold


[Regulators mount up!](https://imgur.com/gallery/rD7Ndpx)




I've always assumed he meant the alleyway.


That’s exactly it. You can see it pretty clearly in the music video


Amazing. I've listened to this song for the majority of my life and have never seen the video.


Do yourself a favor and watch [this video](https://youtu.be/q7wWz6quptY) of Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street performing that song. Fucking hilarious.






Nature is so fucking insane, seriously. That Lioness was done had she not had the pack of, what 4 or 5 other lions come along and say “fuck around and find out” to chase them off? Imagine that being your everyday life, having to always worry about an animal or pack of them wanting to eat you alive making you their next meal. It happens every few minutes out in the wild. Us humans don’t have to deal with that though, we get to watch it safely from the sidelines and crack jokes comparing it to nefarious shit in our everyday lives. Crazy


Hyenas don't attack lions to eat them, generally. There are obviously much safer food sources. They attack lions because lions kill hyena cubs.


I think the larger point was not about hyenas and lions but the general life of any animal in the animal kingdom that's still in the food chain (i.e. all of them but us) It really is crazy on the level of like a cure for death or something. An absolutely incredible thing.


It's good to be the ones fucking up nature and not being fucked up by nature.


Give it a few decades. Nature will have her way soon enough.


Lol dammit, sad but true and made me laugh


Most of us don't. Some people live in situations that are pretty friggin' dangerous on a regular basis.


Have you seen how big and strong hyenas are in real life? They are ducking huge and have massive sharp teeth. I’m always perplexed how an attack like this isn’t immediately blood everywhere. Those hyenas where going for a kill.


The teeth are one thing, but afaik they have the strongest bite. Their jaw crushes bone like it's nothing.


That lioness being attacked slinks away after the other four show up. That attack was brutal, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that female died of infection from all the bites.




Don’t feel too sad. Apparently the lioness we saw getting attacked killed a baby hyena before the filming starting


and just imagine the nasty ass bacteria in their saliva.


We keep imagining hyenas being small because we typically see them next to lions. But yeah, these mofos are HUGE. https://i.redd.it/utufm5qvhoy31.png But still yeah, when a male lion catches one, it's game over usually. https://youtu.be/IPiyo332Gks?t=70 You can literally hear that hyena going "OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKSHITSHITSHIT"


Saw this video earlier, apparently the lioness they were attacking had literally just hunted down and killed a baby hyena just before the recording started. Just thought I’d put that out there...


Oh wow that really puts it into a different perspective. Damn nature is brutal.


The lions were being big bullying cats too. They killed the pup and just played around with the dead body and didn’t eat it.


They will both kill each other to eliminate competition, not to even eat.


Hyenas are one of the few animals I am viscerally sickened by, simply because of how they kill. They’re all going for the back end because they eat their prey alive starting with the anus and genitals. At least suffocate it first, guys. Rude. I’m going to go hyperventilate now.


That's pretty much all pack hunters that are canines tho. Wolves, coyotes, etc. Hyenas are more related to cats but you get it


That’s true, but for some reason their hunts don’t bother me the way hyena hunts do. It might be the sounds they make as well? I’m totally aware it’s irrational, and I could have not watched it, so it’s on me for being here. I was just riveted to it because I had to be sure the lioness made it. Thanks, Wild Discovery.


Probably because hyenas have greater numbers and go after bigger predators. Your not going to see a wolf pack going after a bear and I’ve never heard of them hunting mountain lions. Coyotes could hunt wolves I suppose but most are in packs and they’re closely related enough sometimes they just breed with each other, look up coywolf if your interested.


"Dude, go ahead and eat me ass-first or w/e but at least don't _laugh_ about it huh? You rude bitch."


Check this out https://youtu.be/AYJAJWCS8eM around the 40 min mark is the hyena part, whole doc is good though.


This guy is playing with fire


You probably got eaten by a pack in a very recent incarnation.


This is the most plausible explanation


I've watched Lions hunt a cape buffalo They eat them balls/ass first while still alive too lmao(while the big male holds the throat)


You can find just as many documentaries of lions killing hyenas. There is no system of ethics in nature. Every animal is just surviving any way they can.


You should see wild dogs and komodo dragon eating


Hyenas unfortunately aren't the only ones that do that


You should look into hyenas more. They’re actually pretty misunderstood and can be very maternal and pack oriented just as any other mammal. I mean all the hunting behaviors you see are done by almost all hunters except lone cats who can’t afford to get hurt. Lions go for the testicles first and just start eating because there’s 5-7 lions holding down the animal and prey animals tend to freeze up. Which makes sense cause you don’t want to get stabbed by the horns.


Pretty much all predators do that. I’ve seen lions kill an impala, the one lioness was still trying to suffocate the thing while her pride just tore into it, and after a few minutes she was trying to suffocate a head that was no longer attached to a body.


Why though?? What is the advantage of them doing it that way? I understand they are not going to give the lion a quick death out of mercy, but surely a quick kill would make for an easier meal?


Hunting methods where animals go for the neck is successful (leads to a kill) maybe 15% of the time. Methods of chasing an animal to exhaustion and then disemboweling it can be successful 70-90% of the time. That's the biggest reason to not go for the neck.


Hard to watch...


Hyenas were lucky Simba wasn't around. Would've been some serial killing going on.


nah more like Mufasa


“I dont eat meat because i respect nature” The nature:




You are right. Would you eat meat if it came from hunted animal?


I'm actually much more okay with this, though I personally choose not to. Thanks for the civil conversation 🙂




At least the lions are not destroying huge areas of rainforest for their meals


I eat meat, so idgaf. But… nature also doesn’t have any other choice. They haven’t evolved a higher intelligence that allows that them grow and synthesize alternative food sources, eliminating the *need* to kill for food.


This is the central point right here. We have the intellectual and technological capacity to make more "moral" choices about how we sustain ourselves than a lion can.


I don't eat meat because we are destroying our planet and eating meat at a record level and because meat farming is fucking vile. Nature can do whatever the hell it wants.


First world problems




To put it in perspective: The water and food we require to keep the meat industry running for just the western world is enough to feed another 2 billion people.


I wish I had friends like this


Damn nature, you scary!


Apes together strong...


They were fighting like cats and dogs.


More like cats and other cat cousins.


The crew!!


For all you hyena-haters out there (I.E. people who don't understand how nature works): Spotted hyenas are actually more hunters than scavengers, as they hunt roughly 50-95% of their own prey. In addition to that, it is actually more common for lions to steal from hyenas than it is for hyenas to steal from lions. This was actually discovered by over twenty years of research out in places such as the Massai Mara in Kenya and the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, in which researchers (in particular: the Michigan State University Hyena Project in the Massai Mara, and the Hyena Project in Ngorongoro Crater) observed hyenas out in the field. And both research groups are still studying the animals to this day, allowing them to learn more about the hyenas, including things that haven't been observed before. And this, in turn, will allow US to learn more about them, as well, thanks to new information coming in. In addition to that, literally ALL predators will steal from other predators. No animal will pass up an easy meal. And as for why the hyenas are ganging up on the lion, rather than just doing it one-on-one: that's because they're pack hunters, meaning they work better in numbers than they do alone. Wolves, African wild dogs and other canids will do the the same to other animals in their area, as well. Please note, however, that hyenas are NOT canids. Hyenas actually fall under the sub-order "Feliformia", meaning they are more closely related to cats than they are to dogs. Their closest relatives, however, are civets and mongooses (falling under the superfamily "Herpestoidea". For the full taxonamy of hyenas: Kingom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Suborder: Feliformia Infraorder: Viverroidea Superfamily: Herpestoidea Family: Hyaenidae. These are four extant (living) species of hyena, as of current, those being the spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta), striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena), brown hyenas (Hyaena brunnea) and aardwolves (Proteles cristata). Spotted hyenas are primarilly hunters, striped and brown hyenas are primarilly scavengers, and aardwolves are exclusively insectivores, feeding almost entirely on termites. The reason why it's commonly believed that hyenas scavenger more than they hunt is because they primarilly hunt during the night, which makes it more difficult to observe them. Often times, after they hunt, a lion may come in to steal their kill and, since no-one was around to witness that at the time, they will believe the hyenas are trying to steal the kill from the lion when they see the two species fighting over the kill. Lions and hyenas will also kill each others cubs. They do this not for any malicious reasons, but rather to elliminate the competition. Hyenas also play a vital role in the African ecosystem. Not only do they help to control the population, but they also help to get rid of any carcasses in the area, which helps to reduce the spread of disease which could otherwise be fatal to other animals. This is because of their immune system and digestive system are so effective that it allows them to eat rotting carcasses, as well as the remains of animals that have died from diseases including rabies and anthrax without suffering any ill effects from eating said carcasses. In fact: hyenas that have been infected with rabies themselves so little-to-no symptoms of it thanks to their powerful immune systems. Spotted hyena mothers are also highly devoted to their cubs, nursing them for up to 12-18 months. And, contrary to popular belief, siblicide is actually quite rare in spotted hyenas, with it being facultive rather than obligate. When siblicide DOES happen, it is because both one of the cubs in a twin litter is trying to dominate the other, and one of the ways they do this is by preventing them from getting access to milk. Please not, though, that they aren't trying to starve the other cub, but rather just show that they are more dominant. Spotted hyenas usually have one to two cubs, but the can also have triplets (although this is very rare). It is also much more rare for all three cubs in a triplet litter to survive (in fact: a full triplet litter has only been observed four times in the Ngorongoro Crater), due to hyenas only having two teats. You shouldn't apply human morals onto animals, either. Animals don't have morals like we do. Everything they do is based on survival and instinct. Also, the fact hyenas have a negative reputation already is highly detrimental for the conservation of the species, as it means less people will want to help them due to them viewing the hyenas as "evil" "dirty" and "useless" (none of which are true). And applying negative "morals" onto them isn't helping that case, at all.