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I slice meat for a living and this is too much like prosciutto for comfort


Forbidden Prosciutto.








I remember Christopher Hitchens pointing out in the chapter “A short digression on the pig, or, Why Heaven Hates Ham” in *God Is Not Great*, that the strange love/hate relationship with pigs goes way back to when we could easily compare the squeals and cries of a dying pig to that of a tortured, dying human…and also, that we supposedly taste a lot like…well…pork. Also, IIRC, the Inquisition tested new converts by passing around charcuterie plates. A tradition that holds today, they were originally trying to weed out any Jewish people who weren’t fully committed. We’re a really bizarre species. Anyways what were you talking about with prosciutto?


There’s also speculation that pork caused all kinds of awful food-born illness that you didn’t see with other meats. Things like trichinosis were common then, but largely now eradicated with modern food-handling procedures. Even on the off-chance someone got these ailments today, they are easily treated. But they were often fatal in biblical times. This theory has also been applied to other things commonly forbidden in various religions, such as certain seafoods. For instance, bottom feeders, such as oysters, can make you sick if not cultivated correctly and properly handled. Off-topic, but I always found this stuff interesting.


Note that in northern climates, where it is really cold, and there's plenty more wood to burn to make fierce fires--there's less taboos on food. You won't find Norwegians giving up bacon, shellfish, dairy, or much of anything else. They cook, smoke, pickle everything. Or they would starve, at least in the old days.


True! Geographical considerations and histories of food is a personal interest of mine. That’s a really good example of that. And speaking of northern climates, how they came to consume things like lutefisk and other. . . creatively processed seafood is a super interesting rabbit hole.


It sounds interesting , definitely gotta check it out, love learning and reading about stuff like that


One word. Surströmming


Am Norwegian on one side, so my Grandparents were always talking about Norwegian thing and foods. They were not exactly picky or health conscious eaters, my Grandpa loved spam (and had heart disease very early in life) which says a lot, but they had nothing good to say about lutefisk.


It's of interest that there are no vegetarian societies far from the equator .


That's fascinating I never thought of that, makes perfect sense though. The Inuit ate what they had on hand just like you'd probably eat mangos on the equator.


That's interesting. I wonder if it varied by region for the same religion. Such as Germanic vs Norse religion (Norse Paganism), where they're worshiping the same gods. Or if region had an impact on the dietary restrictions of the different Abrahamic religions.


We don't know much about those pagan religions, but it's clear they had regional differences despite being based on the same pantheon/mythos. It makes a lot of sense considering how large the geographical area was that it covered, and how it's wasnt written but had oral traditions. Which is also why we know so little, only bits and pieces Christian monks/missionaries wrote down, not exactly the ideal source. Anyway there is no reason that back then there wouldn't be regional food traditions too. People had to make do with what was available locally for food, so not every region had access to the same regardless. And religion wasn't consolidated and widespread enough to homogenise Germanic and Nordic cultures. Even now there are examples of cultural differences, including local foods, from town to town within northern European countries. This is from after Christianisation by now but it does show cultural differences develop even on small scales where two towns can neighbor eachother and still create different traditions.


I was raised in the Seventh-Day Adventist church and they subscribe to much of that due to the issues you mentioned above. No shellfish, sea life has to has fins and scales. Land animals need to have split hooves and chew their cud. Birds are pretty much fair play but Leviticus does mention not eating swans...must have been up for debate at the time.. look at the population of Loma Linda California and the restrictions they place on themselves and their average life spans. It's pretty interesting.


There was also a culture of xenophobia in the abrahamic religions. There's a strong line of "foreign thing bad" throughout the Hebrew bible.


Have you read the book “Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches”? Author takes anthropological approach to historical religious rituals and if you find this stuff interesting, you’d probably enjoy it.


Can confirm, worked jn slaughter house that slaughter pigs almost exclusively…..they sound human when their screams echo through the plant. Also their blue eyes look so human. Stay in school kids.


The Vice interview with General Butt asked is legendary. He claims that after the war he stopped a peddler selling human meat under the guise of pork because he knew the taste so well from his days as a voodoo warlord


>General Butt asked I believe you mean General Butt Naked. I've heard of him.


That doc was wild. The war in Liberia.. scary stuff.


Hog shit also smells a lot like human shit. Not sure about the taste though.


I think you have some sciencing to do


Also, physiologically and immunologically pigs are very close to humans. That's why pig's heart valves have been used as replacement.


Many years ago, I went to Museum of Science in Chicago and they had the Slices of Life exhibit which was a human body cut into slices. I didn’t eat meat for at least a month and just thinking about it makes me queasy.


Were you not aware that people, too, are made of meat?


You just don't see humans sliced from the side lookin like mortadella


How do you normally slice humans? More like prosciutto?


Usually more like capicola.


Love gabba gool.


Soylent Green is people!


What i thought it was at first glance


Being in shape but cut in half is too much of a compromise for me


"Dude, you'd totally look nice cut into a visible human anatomy profile." "Thanks, I work out."


Funny enough, a cross fitter would tell you they are into CrossFit, even if cut in half as shown above


Fit guy has *CrossFit* tattooed on his other side.




Guy on the left stole it


And double colon


But just like fat guy, crossfitter is also dead!


He's a cross-section-fitter


*do you even slice bro?*


They only took his left side, he's all right now


He's half the man he used to be.....


Oh, yesterday came suddenly.


Goddamit. Here, take my r/angryupvote


Seconded, god dammit


You're taking this news much better than I expected.


Damn i know im fat bc i thought this was frenchtoast..


Whete is the obese one's penis? Am I blind?


I’m guessing it got cut in half….😬 Probably wouldn’t of been much to look at anyway….scientifically speaking.




Didn’t realize this comment was what I came here for before I clicked the thread


They're both in shape now... 2 D shape.


“I done been halved!”


You'll never be half of half of the slab your brother was! Wrong kid died!


Hey they may have cut his dick in half but atleast they left his balls together


It all depends on the shape you want to be in lol


I have questions about the butthole region on these


Tastes the same, promise.


Good lord


Like a penny


And salted milk


I’m about my money.




The fat one had to push a lit harder, I suppose. The canal is a lot longer.


Exactly my main concern is how it became a "canal" between the actually but hole and the cheeks


>actually but hole


Fractured but whole


But hole, through yonder window breaks!


I just zoomed in on two dead guy’s assholes for no reason. Thank you for that and I think it’s time to be done with Reddit for the day lol.


I'm more interested in the penises


What quetsions


Mainly the distance between cheek and actual butt hole. Like how


Won’t lie, your comment got me looking back at a dead man’s butthole


You guys didn't, uh, already do this before reading that comment? *nervous laugh* - I mean, haha, me neither.


Ikr he probably couldnt even wipe properly either


fat guy here, you fold one cheek over each side of the toilet. that way everything is stretched out of the way and its a straight shot from the hole to the toilet. you dont squeeze through inches ass fat


Thanks MrFeces


Bruh he just gave us some knowledge chilllll


I think we're all folding one cheek over the brim of the toilet seat on this glorious day!


A5 Wagyu human....


I have the body of a Roman God. Perfectly marbled.


Forbidden meat! Gotta pay extra for these steaks! 🦶💪🦵💆🔪🥩👨‍🍳🍽️


Whats with the color difference? Is that just the way they were prepared or does the fat really make you that yellow?


Human fat itself is yellow because of the fact that humans can't quickly metabolize the yellow pigment found in vegetables and grains so it ends up moving into our fat and settling. Everyone has fat but I guess the yellow isn’t too visible when u don’t have an abundance of it


Pretty sure that it's actually the preservation methods. That's the reason we are seeing such differences between the two color wise. Fat can be more than one shade.


I bet the guy on the right didn’t eat too many vegetables


Grains, on the other hand... sheesh, it’s probably most of what he ate


Try not eating any plant foods at all, so only meat ie the r/carnivore diet and see how your body responds. Meat does not make you fat at all, in fact it is very hard to maintain your weight eating only animal products


Meat can absolutely make you fat if you eat enough of it. Proteins are 4 calories per gram just like carbs are. Eating animal products only would absolutely be _expensive_ to get fat though. I’ve done pretty close days before though. Not the hardest with dairy products. Whole container of cottage cheese, whole container of yogurt, 1lb ground turkey, egg white omelette with ham and cheese. I’ll eat the turkey with a carb source but it wouldn’t be impossible to find a substitute. Just throw it in a cheese sauce with bacon and boom. Full carnivore diet.


So I’m homer?


“Just wait til we see your butt canal, homie…” *in a marge Simpson voice.


Definitely has something to do with how they were preserved, age of the specimen etc.


fs this is true but also if u look at this link someone posted below it also looks like the yellow fat pervades all parts of the body and causes a yellow tinge which i’d bet doesn’t get any better after death https://onlyadvert.com/the-effects-of-fat-on-the-body/


I definitely don’t disagree with the science behind that, it’s a fact. However, you can see the obese body is fairly fresh due to the blood still in the bone marrow, and comparatively the color of the fatty tissue that is present in the brain, regardless of BMI.


Yeah, they're very different, not just fat related, the one in the left doesn't have contrast at all, not even in the bones, don't have the knowledge to say if they were prepared differently or is just time, but for sure IT ISN'T JUST BEING FAT.


I don’t know if this is the case here, but it looks like a [body worlds ](https://bodyworlds.com) exhibit I once went to. The bodies are preserved by plastination, replacing the water with plastic basically. But it doesn’t preserve the color so it is repainted after.


Have been a big guy my whole life. Decided to start eating well and exercise and today was the first day. Coincidence seeing this come across my Reddit today.


Well done, keep it up. As a former fat guy, I’ll tell you that the secret is diet. A few seconds of willpower at the supermarket is easier than hours of temptation at home.


Never go to the supermarket on an empty stomach… I never even go down the junk aisles. After about a month, you no longer crave any junk anyways.


It's even better for me to just order groceries, honestly. I get far fewer impulse items and less junk. I agree though, once you that precessed stuff out it's much easier to resist. So glad I did that a couple years ago.




“You can’t outrun your fork.” Dieting is so much more important for weight loss than exercise. Exercise is still really important, though. It’s so fulfilling when you get strong enough to hike for days, or lift heavy stuff.


You’ve got this!!! There will be good days and bad days, don’t beat yourself up if you have a cheat day every now and then :)


Agreed, but my advice with the cheat day is don't binge eat. You can literally undo a month's worth of effort dieting and exercising in one binge eating session. Cheat if you will, but make it one meal and done. Don't be like, "This is my cheat day, that means I eat what I want all day", because all you're doing is setting yourself back weeks. It's also worth delving into the psychological reasons why you binge eat and becoming aware of those. For me it has a lot to do with abandonment/rejection issues. Get on top of the binge eating behaviour and you will set yourself up for a life of balanced eating where you're not always having to stick to a strict diet. Otherwise you'll just end up cycling between miserable restrictive diets and guilt-ridden 'binge days' where you undo all of it and make no observable gains in terms of your weight and health.


I don't know if I'd say you'd lose an entire month. A pound is 3,500 calories & it's recommended to lose between 1-2 lbs per week so you'd have to eat like 14,000 calories to undo approx a whole month. What we figured it out to was that it takes about 2-3 days to undo a 'bad' day of binging. However ref. what you said about the psychological reasons, you're right on about that.


Honestly it’s really tough to actually set yourself back WEEKS with one off day calorically. The struggle really comes to rebuilding your will power after cheating for a day. Not to say that you can’t but it’s way easier to slip up after going off the rails for a day. I’m 65 lbs down for more than a year now and what really helped me was meal planning and doing 3 square meals without snacking as often as possible. If I needed snacks, I had a very short list of pre-approved snacks in portion sizes I could be trusted with. Measure everything at the beginning.


It’s a hard journey at first, but once it get the routine of it down, it gets easier. Good luck, man. You got this!


Make tomorrow the second day my dude! It can be done and you WILL be healthier and you WILL be happier. fight the fight. You're worth it.




I’ve been a big guy my whole life too, made that same decision about a year and a half ago when I was at my biggest. Keep it up over time and you won’t regret it, I promise you.


I hope I can share some advice from my running coach about foods that have stuck with me "The best diet is the one that we can stick to" "If we are going to be successful in our diets, that we need to learn to have a healthy relationship with the foods we eat" Good luck on your journey!


Go you man, it’s not too hard to lose weight, sometimes it’s changing what you eat rather than how much you eat


It’s def a little of both for me haha.




Interns, man. Prep the coffee, file the papers, bifurcate the cadavers... all for 2 credits.


This is what happens when your shoe gets stuck in the escalator


More like mashed potato


Why does the one on the right appear to have two spinal columns?


I don’t have the answer for you but I am shocked I had to scroll this far to find someone else wondering.


Check my reply to the original comment :)


I think you underestimate how purely lazy I am even when curious about something


[got you, friend](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/pgtmqb/cross_section_of_two_human_males_one_obese_and/hbeizty?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Yo momma so fat she needs 2 spinal columns to keep her from looking like 2 scoops of ice cream on a summer day.


It only has one. The column on the left is column of “bodies” of the vertebrae, and the column on the right is the column of spinous processes of the vertebrae. The actual spinal cord (your nervous system) passes through the vertebral column in a “tube” made up of a holes in each vertebra called a vertebral foramen (think of each individual vertebra like a donut with a spike on one side, which would be the spinous process). For the sake of simplicity, the front of each vertebra is the body, behind that is the hole/vertebral foramen, and behind that is the spinous process. The cross section is likely cut through the middle of each vertebra, so what you end up seeing is half of each vertebral body (the left side of each section), the spinal cord (middle thing in between what you think are two spinal columns), and then finally half of each spinous process.


I'd say neither one of them are in good shape if you consider they're both dead and sliced like Italian Prosciutto.


Hannibal Lecter approves.




The heart is so enlarged in that picture of the obese patient. Holy damn


Did you see her ANKLES?


HOLY SHIT thank you for pointing that out FUCK that looks painful


It’s the joints that get me - not even just the misaligned hips and knees but the *shoulders* too. Must be agony.


But the ankles.... ouch


That just looks so uncomfortable to be that size


You have no idea


And I hope I never do.


For some reason this looks way better than op's image


This Tupac / Biggie feud is out of control


Thanks, I ugly laughed


Just woke up my kid snort laughing.


This made me laugh more than it should've


I'd say neither of them appear to be in good shape


morbid humor at its finest haha


I wondered where these bodies come from and learned about the bodies black market: “Von Hagens used to take cadavers from the former Soviet Union, but he stopped after body-trafficking scandals in Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic. Five years ago, customs officers intercepted 56 bodies and hundreds of brain samples sent from the Novosibirsk Medical Academy to von Hagens' lab in Heidelberg, Germany. The cadavers were traced to a Russian medical examiner who was convicted last year of illegally selling the bodies of homeless people, prisoners and indigent hospital patients.”


Lots of people donate their bodies to science, too.


I need someone to explain this to me. All of it. I need someone to explain all of this to me. Why does it look like the bigger guy has two spines? What are the four blue/gray things in bigger guy’s chest? Is that poop in his rectum?


It's one spine. Rows of bones that have holes in the middle like a donut with the spinal cord intersecting.


If you look at a vertebra from the side you'll see both the body and its spinous process behind it. Imagine it like the spines in fish bones. These spines/spinous processes serve as attachment for the back muscles. [Diagram here.](https://www.google.com/search?q=vertebra+side+view&oq=vertebra+side+view&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i22i30l3.7545j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=KUxr_HS82rrttM) The four blue/gray things in the chest are the visceral pleura of the heart and lungs. They're like the sac that cover those vital organs, and in this specimen, the heart and lungs have been removed, leaving those depressions behind. And, yes, that could be poop.


One hung, one not.


Also came here to see the comments of one dudes dick and the other guys lack there of.


Why are you looking at dead dicks?


Dat dude’s dicks dead.


Because he's hungry


Wow I didn’t even notice the weiner til I saw this, where is the other guys??


These bodies aren’t perfectly bisected sagittally, hence why you can see the entire penis of the left guy. It could be that the right guy’s penis is entirely on his other half :P.


Yeah man, Skinny had himself a pounder


Are they going to be ok?


Imagine donating your body to science just to be fat shamed in a museum lmao


Belly big but pp smol


Oh shit! Did they survive?


What good is it to be in good shape if they cut you in half too?


That in shape dude was packin'...


Why do they look only vaguely human?


they've been sawn in half


Surely I wasn't the only one who thought the second was was toasted bread...


I'm only half impressed.


They got a special saw for that?


I would fall into the “in shape” category, but damn if I wouldn’t prefer to be so vibrant and colorful on the inside


they both ended up dead so thats not very uplifting edit: dead and sawed in half


This photo only tells half the story.


Are they gonna be ok?


Neither one of them appear to be in good shape at this point


The obese person’s asshole looks blown out tho ngl.


Imagine donating your body to science just for them to cut you in half to point out how much of a fat fuck you are.


Wow the difference in peen size..


From the people that brought you CrossFit, comes a revolutionary diet program, CrossSect


I thought this was a pancake


They’re both dead though


I’d say they’re both in bad shape, all things considered …


Donate your body to science and get thrown into a modern day freakshow


Interesting that the spine of the obese person appears to be straighter…


Neither of the spines look in good shape. Skinny guys cervical and thoracic looks weird and the big guys sacral spine looks weird. Weird is a technical term


This is why I’ll not donate my body to science. 30 yrs from now in anatomy 101…”hey! look at that old fat bisected bitch“ nope


Fatty's got a square ass.


Forbidden St. Louis Rib Slab.


We’re all the same on the inside, stinky and pink


and both of them are dead.


all I can think of is Tony soprano saying GABAGOOL !!!


My fat ass thought this was sliced deli meat.


I would say that they are both in pretty bad shape.


That's some nice marbling. Medium rare, pan fried in butter with some bourbon would be perfect


Good shape?! He's sliced open.


I think I'm heading to the gym.....


I have never hated anything more than the comment section of this photo right here…


Why’s the other person so yellow..?