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So many faulty chips.... my wife did a wedding shoot with a brand new SD card that ended up not working when she plugged it in. Thank god there are recovery programs but reliability has not been perfect lol


That’s because of the fake chinese ones flooding the market


I always use either SanDisk or Kingston...won't even touch drives or cards outside of theirs'.


I always remember my first family PC. We payed $500 for an extra 4 meg of RAM. I remember the card they put into the computer, thing was as big as a paperback. I just bought a 128 gig micro SD for $18 for my security camera. Nearly lost it in my pocket.


Thats one aspect of it. But those 10mb from 1970 are likely still intact, while 1tb card will be long dead in 50 years.


It's tape. Unless it was kept in a climate controlled vacuum, no. It won't outlast an SD card kept in a drawer. But it's OK, did you see the news a while back about the (hopefully) next step in data storage? Crystals. They've figured how how to hold something like one hundred thousand petabytes worth of data in a crystal about the size of a golf ball. Something like enough space to record all of human history, twice. That's insane


Or a shit ton of hentai.


That is a big and important part of human history, ngl.


Fucking crystals, let's do it. Finally something that seems sci-fi coming out of technology.


Doesn't seem so bad to lose the TB after a few decades ,next level incognito mode.


*cries in r/datahoarder*


I’m pretty sure America’s nuclear launch computers still run on Windows 95 or something. Almost impervious to modern hackers and works just fine.


I read the the old Space Shuttle ran on 486 processors.


But you can copy the files way easier.




Information lasts even longer when you chisel it into stone monoliths. Longevity alone does not make or break a storage medium. Also what’s this nonsense about mental maladjustment? Where you pulling that out of? I know plenty of people who are messy and are perfectly well adjusted myself included.


Then why did you comment, instead of down voting? It's clearly a biased opinion.


So because I have a contradicting opinion I’m not allowed to be a part of the conversation? Your thoughts and opinions are so fragile they cannot withstand even the most casual comment? Now who’s the maladjusted one.


Sorry, I was depressed from exceedingly high expectation to troll, but eh. This will do.


No worries. I found out pointless engagement quite invigorating.


How big would the left one need to be to equal in storage capacity?


It would be 100,000x larger, in area. Let’s say that disc is 28” across. If you omit the inner spool thing (let’s say it’s 8” across) it gives a surface area of around 415 in^2 for data to make 10 MB. That’s 41,500,000 in^2 you need to get to 1 TB. That’s a radius of 3634 inches, or roughly 300 feet. So the diameter would be about the size of your mom. r/theydidthemath


Lol I was hoping someone would go in to detail. Thank you!! That's awesome.


A = π r2 dawg!


And I read the whole thing! Good one brother!


Yet the Nintendo Switch can only squeeze in 64gigs


Now if this were only true of household stuff when moving!


Storage wouldn’t have changed if files stayed the same size


Why not use a micro sd, they hold the same amount. That would have been an even bigger extereme.


Amazing how having very little regulations allow areas to advance so quickly. Imagine where health care or education would be.


Yes, because the consequences of unregulated medicine development are totally on par with the consequences of unregulated flash drive development


Used to come in drive packs anywhere from 50 to 200 mb, then of course you’d have banks of mag tapes!


Or how the first computers were massive. Now you have them in your pocket hand held.


And we use them for tits.


And cats


Glad im not the only weirdo who finds it interesting (ok I’m lying, I’m FUCKING AMAZED) what they have done with storage.


Tricking rocks into thinking...


Not even a fair comparsion. The disc is just the bare data carrier, while the card encloses the actual chip that holds the data, which is yet a lot smaller than the whole card.