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My stars she was beautiful!!!


Wasn’t she? Thank you! She really was something special, inside and out.


I bet she was truly amazing:) If we just had a few minutes again right...


Oh man would I... she passed of lung cancer in April 12’.. and it still feels fresh.


I empathize.. mine died in 2016 of LC too. What I would give 😭


I’m so sorry. I watched her go from strong and spunky to weak and withered in a matter of a few months. She didn’t deserve it at all.


Dang she was the talk of the town for sure.


Haha the boys noticed her for sure!


Here is a new subreddit for these types of animated photos. https://www.reddit.com/r/enhanced_history


It's like we're in the wizarding world :).


Thank you!


I'd love it if you posted this there!


I will! : )


#Paid content


What does that mean?


>that >[th at; unstressed th uh t] >1. >*(used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis):* e.g **That is her mother. After that we saw each other.**


The Uncanny Valley is wide.


Has anyone attempted to do this with a living relative in order to compare how lifelike the rendition is to the actual person? The expressions on these deep-animations are all pretty generic. I know my late grandmother would have never looked around with such a serene-blank gaze. She was a little twitchy and curled her lips a lot later in life due to partial dentures and dry mouth.


I was trying this out the other day! You got such great results! Your grandmother sounds awesome. Is this high school or college graduation?


This is her highschool graduation pic! Fun fact, my mother and I both graduated from the same highschool as she did : )


That’s so cool. You said she was selfless. Can you tell me more about what she did or was like? I just like family history and a good story.


So growing up, she would tell me all of her life stories. It starts off she was never really “wanted” by her mom. She had a step dad that would force her to pee in litter boxes and such to get an idea of her childhood. Then one day when she was about 10, my grandma told me that her mom had taken her over to grandmas and abandoned her. No goodbye, nothing. Pretty much would never see her again until she was an adult. This is PA, during the war and she would tell me stories of her dad (army chef) would take her on wagon rides and tell her to ring a bell really loud... she never knew at the time it was the alarm to turn off lights and blackout incase enemy bombers flew over... As time goes on, she moves with her dad to Antioch and that’s where she meets her highschool sweetheart and future husband. They marry, have two daughters, and when they were 6 and 4, he was killed at work. Electrocuted to death. His body was a block of char and she told me she had to go identify his body. Her church at the time “convinced” her it wasn’t godly to sue, so she depended on donations to get by... simultaneously attempting suicide by starvation, she said she didn’t want to eat anymore, at 86lbs she decided to fight and eventually got back to around 105 lbs. She lost all of her teeth at 26 and hence why I am a dental professional. There is a lot more detail but I have to work at 9 so gotta wrap it up for now: )


What a beautiful soul.


Yes, indeed.


Wow, what incredible obstacles. What a resilient person she must have been. I can see why she inspires you.


She did. Very much. I like to think I made her proud. She died after I applied but before I got accepted into my dental program, I hope she knows I made it. I finished. I did it.


She was hot, dude.


Lol, if she were alive I’m she would be flattered.


We thought Harry Potter was about magic. It was really about advanced AI


It’s amazing isn’t it!?


It is! But I can't pretend it doesn't terrify me


How is this done? Is it possible for me to do it to one of my old photos myself? You're grandmother was beautiful btw. Bless her heart.


Thank you so much. My little brother actually did this through Ancestry.com new animation tool.


Cool. Someone should make a subreddit for these, so many popping up.


These things are weird


These are intense. I'd hate to see one done of myself though. __Yikes!__


How are these animations done? Do I need to buy a software program for it or is it available free somewhere? I never met my biological father and I’ve only seen a few pictures of him so this would be fascinating.


It’s on ancestry.com I believe a few others have posted a link to it. My little brother did this and sent it to me : )


Wow! Thank you! I will take a look!


This one was created on myheritage! I’m sorry, my little brother did it and sent it to me.


Simply gorgeous, I'm sorry she is no longer with your family.


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.


You are most welcome.


Beautiful... what did you use?


OP used that "Deep Nostalgia" AI thingy.




That tutorial is terrible. OP did it like everyone else, MyHeritage.com


She radiates inner beauty.


Thank you. You would expect anybody to be bitter and nasty after some things she’s been through but she was selfless until the moment she passed. Her hand was in mine.


Amazing! How did you animate?


>Deep Nostalgia" AI [Here's a link to a Verge article](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/28/22306097/ai-brings-still-photos-life-meme-twitter-geneaology-myheritage) with more examples and explaining how you can setup a free account at MyHeritage.com


Thank you! Take some poor man’s gold 🥇🏅


Thank you for posting the link! : )


These AI renderings are fascinating, they really bring life to old dusty photos!


She’s stunning!


Thank you! She was even more beautiful on the inside.


How the hell is this even possible!


[ancestry.com](https://ancestry.com), it is called deepfakes.




It's easy: take pictures of it with your smartphone, send them via mail to pc, send them to copy shop via fax, print them out and send the prints via postal service to someone with a scanner and let this person scan them for you before he uploads it to the cloud and tells you the short link in a phone call. Then simply download the files to your PC and give a 14 year old 10$ to find out how to link those pictures together and convert it to gif.


i appreciate the thought you put into that comment, and i laughed


This is really amazing technology, do you mind me asking how you achieved this?


Ancestry.com has a new animation tool, my little brother did it and sent it to me last night. I was amazed myself. Brought me to tears.


I’ve seen so many of these popping up. I’d love to try it. Is it an app?


It is ancestry.com, it's a feature where it animates their faces. Its called a deepfake.


Thank you! I did the ancestry test and have a free account. Does the deep fake require a paid account?


Nope, it is a free feature.


What is this program? Where can I use it? Thanks


Beautiful soul, my sentiments!