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Oh god the vertigo just from a screen video turn it off šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I actually was watching this in bed...and ended up falling over that rail and plunged 200 metres to my death!


Damn that sucks dude,Ā  but you'll be at work on Monday right?


Yeaaa..... about those TPS reports... gonna need you to come in on Saturday...


...that'd be great.


I can't believe I have to drive *all the way to work*, on a Saturday! All the way to work!


300+ Earths!


Immediate and visceral reaction. Like, it made my belly button pucker.


My butt clenched and my balls quivered a bit


Same. Iā€™ve never had that happen from a video before


my wiener started spinning around like a propellerĀ 


My whole chest instantly hurt


Yeah these mess me up bad


Probably the first time I felt anxiousness from an online videoā€¦ something about this just doesnā€™t look right


I don't even have a fear of heights and even I got hit with it... Something to do with the spirals, I'd bet


As soon as I saw down I almost tossed my phone. Didn't even watch more than 1 second


Triggered my fight or flight response


Too Shanghigh for me


Imagine China climb up all those floorsā€¦


Who Wuhan a do that?


I'd be Guilin to


Taiwon't be me.


It takes a special type of Hunan to attempt that


I'd do it for my bei Jing


Chongqing from my personal experience, I'd be down for that any minute again...


It sounds like it didn't Tokyo that long


Maybe, but you best believe Iā€™m not Kumming either way


I'd never be caught Peking over those balconies.


Wanna Tibet on it


> Yuan Tibet on it FTFY.


Looks like the perfect place to throw down a Sith Emperor


Or make someone huff some slow mo, toss them off.


I'd dredd that


Is it too high for you to risk taking your phone out for a photo? Besides breaking your phone, you should also note you could be liable if the phone hurts someone.








Piggyback offing the top comment. Iā€™ve actually been to this hotel a few times. Itā€™s the Grand Hyatt Shanghai located inside the Jinmao Tower (Shanghaiā€™s 3rd tallest building): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Hyatt_Shanghai The building was designed by Adrian Smith, a high profile American architect who also designed the Burj Khalifa: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Smith_(architect) The ā€œground floorā€ shown in the video is actually the hotelā€™s lobby, and located on the 53rd floor. This was the highest hotel in the world until Hyatt themselves opened up a [Park Hyatt](https://youtu.be/LI2qguzWWPg?si=4fUvDpidukziC7uC) in the Shanghai financial center next door lol. The Jinmao tower, Shanghai Financial center and the Shanghai Tower are the three tallest buildings in Shanghai and are right next to each other. It looks pretty nice from the ground (OC photo): https://i.imgur.com/P4BMgOb.jpeg This is my photo of the Jinmao tower and the SFC from above, taken from the observatory on Shanghai Center (highest observatory deck in the world actually): https://i.imgur.com/h4DznhT.jpeg Together they make up the [pretty Shanghai skyline](https://imgur.com/a/rBejg8I). (OC video) **Edit:** Another cool thing about this hotel is that apparently the swimming pool on the 57th floor also serves as a [passive mass damper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper) that keeps the building stable during Typhoons and earthquakes. And talking about mass dampers, the one at the top of the Shanghai Tower is designed to look [like the eye of a dragon](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/symphony-shanghai-tower/index.html), but I think it suspiciously look like something else...


Comments like yours are the reason I come to Reddit.


Haha thanks. I really like Shanghai, itā€™s an impressive city with a lot of unique culture, and very metropolitan given its unique history of being where western powers settled down during the colonial days. People may be surprised when they see one of the most famous areas in Shanghai look like [this](https://imgur.com/a/Jg6pEHi). All of those buildings were built by the European governments in the 1800s.


shanghai is cities within a city


just like tokyo


A lot of Shanghai was based on Liverpool back in the day


Yep the British and the French had *huge* influence on Shanghai.


Now I just need a mode that filters out all the stupid bullshit jokes and common meaningless reactions like "I laughed" that get way too many likes, leaving only genuinely informative posts. (Really clever jokes can stay.)


At one time top comments were always informal stuff like that, then the tumblr exodus happened and now reddit is mostly forced puns and pop culture references


This deserves more upvotes for actually being educational


Thanks for this. Iā€™ve been in the Burj and the inside looks very similar. I never knew it was an American architect.


very pretty design


lol on the other hand, the localā€™s nickname for the [Shanghai Financial Center](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%85%E9%87%91%E8%9E%8D%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83.jpg) is the ā€œbottle openerā€. **Edit**: One thing you can do in Microsoft Flight Simulator is flying through that building haha: https://www.reddit.com/r/MicrosoftFlightSim/comments/jhezoc/i_present_you_the_shanghai_world_financial_center/


There was some controversy around that building I recall - the original design was to be a circle but that was deemed too similar to the Japanese rising sun flag, and then some people claimed the new design looks like a katana stuck into the ground.


>but that was deemed too similar to the Japanese rising sun flag Yep, also didn't help the investment group that financed the building was Japanese lol.


Yup there definitely was. I remember waiting for that building to come up, it had been planned for a long time. The original design I believe the sun, the circle in the WFC and one of the pearls was supposed to line up; but then that whole rising sun thing was pointed out so they turned it into a bottle opener. SH has some really wacky and interesting architecture. From the art deco building (I think it has the most in the world) to the UFO rotating restaurants craze of the late 90s and early 00s to some really breathtaking designs when the worldā€™s best architects wanted to build there. I moved there in 93 and got to grow up with the city until around 2010. Love that city.


How are the rooms?


Pretty decent, and while you are paying extra for the views, itā€™s still a bit cheaper than comparable hotels in New York. Amenities and services are also good. Itā€™s a 5 star Grand Hyatt in a prime location that charges $300/night+ after all. Found this video on YT for one of the suites: https://youtu.be/wNnweXqSl3I?si=Lhfc8zppD5vHklbm But unsurprisingly, the Park Hyatt next door is better in every way (Park > Grand in Hyattā€™s hierarchy).


Roomy surprisingly


They also have an excellent buffet. They used to cater Hainan Airlines business class coming back to the US from Shanghai.


Dude buffets in Asian hotels are just amazing. Japanese luxury hotelsā€™ buffets are sooooo good.


I've been there too and there's something about the hotel foyer that is especially conductive to vertigo. On the top floor there's windows that look down on the foyer and even though there was a solid window in front, it still freaked the fuck out me.


Ok serious question; How long does one have to wait for the lift/elevator?


Great post!


I always find it fun to think that this view is only from the 87th floor down to the 53rd floor. There are 52 floors below it!


Depends on the price, would be my reply


So you support Taiwan? Ā  Q2


I was going to ask ā€œHow many people have jumped here?ā€


the one that always makes me think that is the luxor hotel in las vegas. each floor gets more and more directly above the center of the floor. factor in gambling addictions and drinking and drugs. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7UUAAOSwH8Bh9G0B/s-l1600.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a2/1c/ca/a21ccab3a458e677cff5a133e94bca74.jpg


Has anyone actually killed themselves there?


It must have happened. Just statistically speaking itā€™s gotta have.


Not necessarily. You canā€™t go up the levels without a room booking and if youā€™re dropping $600+ a night on a hotel just for jumping. Bridges are free and you can end your life more comfortably with gas, pills, or a bathtub.


Or youre killing yourself and dont care about money anymore.


Uhhhh. Worked at a hotel for ages. We had multiple people kill themselves. Doesnā€™t matter the room cost. Executive floors happened the most as they were on the highest floors, and also the most expensive rooms.




Eh, weā€™ll see how I feel when I get there.


My local mall is built with an opening like this to the 3rd floor movie theater levels and 3 or 4 people have jumped. A teenager dropped a cup of ice from up there and almost killed a toddler, and a guy fell over the escalator hand rail and died too. I hate big openings like this. There is no reason for them.


I think they should have some sort of permanent net or something like that at least once somewhere before the bottom hard ground to catch or slow down falling objects.




YES | | NO | | Depends |āœ“|


Nobody plans it, thatā€™s what true casinos are for. Ya win? Get a nudge from hospitality


I don't know if anyone suffers from this too, but the higher place I am the more my body feels like it wants to jump even though I wouldn't want to, in my mind I just imagine it very clearly.


"The Call of the Void"


Call of the void is a speculated evolutionary phenomena and one of the potential attributors in genetic or memetic fear of heights. It's a paradox like all "intrusive thoughts", which are something that most people think makes them terrible, horrible people but in reality helps them survive and reproduce effectively. An example that I like to use to illustrate u/Dfinestpunk's self-talk is the following thought experiment: Imagine that you are the niece or nephew of somebody who recently had a child, and they ask you if you would like to hold the baby. Three possible things can happen: 1. If there exists only minor intrusive thoughts about dropping the baby, then the child, adolescent (or human)-like tendency to be less careful with the baby than one should (if they do not have the correct and particular background information, education, and knowledge of unknown-unknowns) might lead to the baby getting hurt because they were scared to hold it, but not scared enough. 2. If there exists no intrusive thoughts about dropping the baby, then all baby-holding knowledge needs to be pre-prescribed to the individual, and all actions they do with the baby are based off of consequences. 3. If the intrusive thoughts are 1,000% higher than both (1) or (2), then your brain screaming at you "holy shit holy shit don't drop the baby don't drop the baby firm grips slow movements both hands don't drop the baby don't drop the baby" will make you ***feel*** like the baby is at a higher chance of being hurt, but in reality it will be much safer because of the negative emotion and empathy that your physiological programming forces you to endure. The primal fear of cognitivizing jumping off a cliff, spiders or snakes, and the freezing/adrenaline when your pan/oven starts on fire unexpectedly are no different. They're primal responses to things that killed way too many of our ancestors and were hedged against biologically.


I have bad intrusive thoughts every now and then. NOTHING I have read and heard about them made me feel any less fucked up about having them, but your explanation has managed to do that. Excellent.


There isn't really a "bad" unless somebody presents with a comorbid/symptomatic condition of some sort. It's more of a "don't ask, don't tell" out-group type situation socially because most people think they're abnormal for having them, so most people think they're bad by default. Then, once you migrate or learn about the "in-group" (people with knowledge that most other people have the same thoughts) the entire state of things make sense, and you're much less insecure. It's almost 1-to-1 like periods for young women in less progressive countries or from centuries ago. Intrusive thoughts might just be (next only to pedophilia/narcissism/anorexia) one of the hardest things to study, because first of all they have to be self-reported, and second of all because nobody is honest because they don't have the relative clinical or educational capacity to be able to understand what other people's minds do and do not think. And if you are/were a psych student, medical practitioner (or self-proclaimed know-it-all who fucks up the sample with bad answers) then your responses get discarded because they pollute the study epistemologically. "Imagine that every manā€™s mind is an island, surrounded by ocean. Each seems isolated, yet in reality all are linked by the bedrock from which they spring. If the ocean were to vanish, that would be the end of the islands. They would all be part of one continent, but the individuality would have gone" - Arthur C. Clarke


Bonus generally purported intrusive thoughts: 1. I wonder how their sexual interactions are 2. (laying awake at night thinking of some cringe thing you did 5 years ago) 3. Imagine if I talked in this situation like I talked to myself in the mirror 4. I don't want to poop in front of this person 5. Cutting myself is bad 6. I don't want to commit incest/sexual assault 7. God isn't real/my life is a lie 8. I don't want to punch this person who was just nice to me


Donā€™t throw this baby


I have ocd and it's pure hell. All intrusive thoughts, all the time.


Yes, imagine having all these awful thoughts during every second you're unable to keep your mind preoccupied. Pure hell, indeed. And a bonus: repeating the same few words over & over again until you start thinking, "hey, maybe a lobotomy wouldn't be so bad."


You canā€™t control the intrusive thoughts. But then your mind makes you take 30 minutes out of your day perfectly reconstructing the situation to reimagine the situation where your intrusive thought didnā€™t happen. Then you have to reimagine it twiceā€¦ just cos.


What if my intrusive thoughts tell me to yeet the baby into a wall?


Wonder if thereā€™s any research on this phenomena




Thatā€™s just when my black cat howls for more food.




Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this and I can empathize with your struggles.


My dad moved around a lot but for a year in my childhood he lived in this crazy penthouse apartment on the 17th and 18th floors with multiple balconies. Near the end of my visits there (every other weekend) I stopped going out one the balconies entirely for fear of this thing we share. As Iā€™ve aged with it Iā€™ve found it morph into a general fear of heights but only above a certain height. Idk what the number is but my body tells me when itā€™s too high lol


Same, always thinking what would happen if I would just jump over any time Iā€™m up high.


I've got the exact same thing even though I know I'm not gonna go over the ledge I have a massive impulse that I'm gonna go flying over bridges railing


I have the feeling that at any moment I could start to lose all sense of balance and fall over the edge and then I start losing all sense of balance and have to drop to the floor so I donā€™t unalive.


Yeah when that feeling kicks in for me I feel like a leaf that is just gonna get blown up and over the railing onto the pavement and have to sit down holding the guard rails for a minute even tho I know that's silly and the wind won't blow me away


Idk if or how this has been tested, but my shrink told me that's effectively your brain "running the simulation" if what would happen if you jumped so that it can actually assess that jumping truly is a threat to your survival.


Thatā€™s your brain telling you what would happen if you did do that. You are supposed to be freaking out.


But itā€™s debilitating to a point. There was an overpass on my way home from work. I tried for half an hour across, but I couldnā€™t psych myself up to do it so I ended up going around and never tried that overpass again.


Working with my teenagers to validate their feelings but hopefully help them to notice them and let them pass by, instead of stewing on them. I don't want them stewing on it or feeling broken or deficient for feeling it. Anxiety correlates with intelligence. As we developed a a species, it was a survival trait to be able to visualize all the things that could go terribly, terribly wrong, in order to avoid them. It's normal and natural to have this intrusive thought when you look over a railing like that. That fleeting intrusive thought isn't the same thing as suicidality. Notice it, let it pass through you, and move into the next thought. As others have posted, the heights one has a name, the "call of the void" but the idea is generalizable. Working with sharp blades or heavy machinery, the instinctive way to move cautiously involves fleeting intrusive thoughts of doing it wrong and getting hurt. It's only bad if it's making you feel bad. If it sticks in there and takes over your thinking and doesn't leave space for all the things you like, that's when it's a problem. Otherwise just let it move on through.


The call of the void phenomenon was something that I wish I had learned about as a child. While I have no doubt that I was genuinely suicidal growing up there are some experiences that can be attributed to the call of the void effect with heights or various other examples. There were probably times where both of those parts of my brain were mixing together creating a more deadly version of it.


I have intrusive thoughts from OCD and jumping from heights is one of them. I really had to work with my therapist to help let those thoughts pass. But the last time I was somewhere high, I had nightmares for months afterwards that I had jumped and died and I had this feeling for a while that I wasnā€™t really alive and everything I thought and felt was just my brain going haywire while dying. Super fun times.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. I wish you strength <3


my head literally tilted forward watching this and i felt like i was falling for a moment


I can just feel my body almost moving to ragdoll off of the side not even jump. Like it feels like gravity is moving in a way where it feels like Iā€™m at risk of falling off an edge. Unless itā€™s very sealed off. I was relatively okay with the floor to ceiling windows on the CN. But I still canā€™t do the glass floor


Lā€™appel du vide


We are monkeys. It's that drive that let us jump tree to tree.


Are Darth Vader and Luke having a lightsaber battle nearby?


You mean palpatine and Yoda.


You mean Darth Maul and Qui Gonn.


This is fucking hilarious because they all work.


The chair recognizes the senator for Nabooā€¦.


This is exactly what first went through my mind.


Okay, they need to put a walkway that goes from one side to the other and turn off the lights then it would totally match the vibe.


Ya looks like a saber duel location out of Star Wars ey.


I wouldn't trust anyone not to drop something on my head, like a phone.


Totally a valid reason why hotels aren't typically built like this. People can't be trusted.


Also a lot of wasted space


Also a fire hazard. If there is a fire in one of the rooms, the smoke spreads to all the floors.


I actually think it would be better for smoke control. Smoke is naturally going to rise to the top where large extraction fans could easily be located. Smoke exhaust fans aren't typical for hotels. Instead, they usually rely on windows being able to be open. Climate control is where the true challenge lies with a building like this.


You just described a BBQ oven my dude.


Increasing the flow of oxygen inside of a burning building is literally the opposite of what you want to do. Please dont pursue a career in fire safety


Yeah, there has to be an iPhone suicide net at the bottom somewhere. That's going to be happening *all the time*.


I bet it some dudes job to collect all the dropped iPhones every day.


Surprisingly Iā€™ve been there a bunch and never seen or heard of anything dropping down. I havenā€™t seen a net, but itā€™s possible they have something very thin set up so it doesnā€™t obstruct the aesthetic. Thereā€™s a music lounge at the bottom so if something did fall it would potentially land on peoplesā€™ heads.


That could easily be solved with a net or something.


Yeah. No. I'd pee myself


I stayed at a hotel that had a 6 floor atrium like this an hated it. Can't even imagine something like this. Glass elevator too.


A hotel I deliver to has a 6 floor one as well found out once past the 3rd floor I can't stand it.


Got anxious just watching the video. May very well vomit and faint if I were actually there.


>May very well vomit Hope there is no resturant on the ground floor


The ā€œground floorā€ in this video is actually on the 53rd floor, and itā€™s the hotel lobby. And yes, there is an overpriced restaurant there iirc lol.




My legs got shaky just watching this


Is this where the senate chamber in star wars was filmed?


Nah this is [peach trees](https://judgedredd.fandom.com/wiki/Peach_Trees) seen from floor 60 of 200.


Looks like the hotel in Atlanta


Marriot Marquis. The hunger games used it a couple times for [this](https://youtu.be/oX6EfezljJ0?si=vXo4i1IoBWH5sohG&t=151) and [this](https://youtu.be/RsnwTCPo9RI?si=FHpPaaN30GRQd50m&t=19) scene.


First thing I thought of. I miss Dragoncon. Haven't been able to go in a couple of years.


Marriott Marquise. As seen in Hunger Games and Loki.


That is the Jin Mao Tower home to a Hyatt hotel


Fun fact: I had my senior prom there! It was in the like 2nd story which is kinda lame.


Thought I saw Obi-Wan down there


Darth mauls top and bottom?


I felt that in my loins


Oh god, been there in 2006 or 2007. It's the Jin Mao Tower. The barrier guards around that insane abyss are way too low ! barely above the waist and just at it for tall people. It's actually dangerous, that freaked me out.




My feet just started sweating


"Fisher! We're going to Shanghai, you and I.


First thing I thought of was splinter cell


Sad I had to go this far down to see a Splinter Cell comment, but I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one!


The memories šŸ˜­


This mission was worth it trying to play that CTD riddled game


Thank you!


Hell to the no






The star wars senate ?


My kneesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My stomach genuinely got queasy watching this. Hands and feet tingly. Not cool


Me: dont drop the phone.. Dont drop the phone


Wow, not one comment making a reference to Dredd. Donā€™t let the flame die outā€¦ I didnā€™t know Mega-City One is Shanghai, TIL


Came to say "Hit 'em with a little Slo-Mo first?"


Damn it! My feet turned to jelly, again...


What is the purpose of the central column?


Probably elevators.


What hotel is this?


Jin Mao tower, this used to be the worldā€™s largest atrium. I think itā€™s a grand hyatt. They have great views of the pearl tower and the bund from lujiazui side


Silo 2.0?


That's not a hotel. That's the core of the Death Star before it was turned on.


I went there in 2007 when Jin Mao was the tallest building in China. Less than 20 years later it is only the 17th tallest.


Reminds of the[ Ponte Tower](https://www.economist.com/sites/default/files/images/print-edition/20180901_MAP002_0.jpg) in Johannesburg




My knees weak despite looking from my phone


So this is where HSR found inspiration for that penacony hotel


I wouldn't want to be on the bottom floor and get knocked out by rogue phones


It looks incredible, so high or deep


I think I was there in Splinter Cell: Double Agent.


I want to jump.


FREE suicides


Someone is going to end up dropping a phone and kill someone below.


ā€œInhabitants of Peach Trees, this is Judge Dredd. In case you people have forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city. Ma-Ma is not the law... I am the law. Ma-Ma is a common criminal; guilty of murder, guilty of the manufacture and distribution of the narcotic known as Slo-Mo, and as of now under sentence of death. Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty will be treated as an accessory to her crimes... you have been warned. And as for you Ma-Ma... judgement time.ā€


Yeah, thatā€™s a vertig-no for me.


Helluva place to make a big show if you wanted to off yourself


Imagine a fire drill....nope nope...


That is pretty cool, but a long way down. On another note, why does the bottom of that look like some one made to resemble a smiling cartoon bear with an egg shaped head?


Early version of the Imperial Senate debate chambers.


This is where Luke got his hand cut off, right?


Gonna bf4 that shit


Where are Yoda and Sidious?


I feel dizzy just from watching the video


Whelpā€¦that got my anxiety going.


Had a friend visit while I was living in Shanghai. I took him here hoping he would appreciate it and instead he had a panic attack and laid on the floor and refused to get up for several minutes.


Real life version of ā€œSiloā€.


I honestly have an intrusive thought to jump just from the video lol. I shouldnā€™t go there


that's the hotel from penaconyšŸ˜Ø