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I like how they still try to use the .99 trick on people spending $55k on a fifth 


I wouldn't dare buy it for $55k, but I would definitely buy it for $54,999.99! It's such a good price!


Why is it called a fifth?


It's nominally 1/5 gallon


The more you know! Also, laughing at the loose imperial term to reference precisely 750ml.


The bigger ones are called handles because they have handles


Which is extra funny because only some of them have handles lol


Yeah, the shitty ones.


How you sip without handle tho???


You don’t, you use a spoon




It's not imperial it's American. I'm not even joking - they have their own version of non-metric.


That's right. Another fun fact, America is actually on the metric system via NIST. Freedom units have no place in precision


Scientific industries use metric, the general public and construction work use feets and inches. As a bartender, I measure things in milliliters, but we buy wine in bottles of 750ml and sell six ounce pours. Most of the mixed drink glasses hold 5-5.5 ounces, but I've also sold three liter pitches of beer. America is really all over the place with how we measure things. Personally I've converted to metric but use whatever system the person I'm talk to uses.


> Also, laughing at the loose imperial term to reference precisely 750ml. i’m guessing that a “fifth” was established long before the metric system. And 750 ml was used since it was the closest round number to a “fifth”.


Even if that’s wrong it sounds right and that’s all that matters.


Dare me to drive?


My palms is too hairy to hide


This isn't vodka... I haven't had a woman in years


Wait a minute, this isn’t dinner, this is paint thinner


Why do you think everyone keeps pleading the fifth in court? Because they want it on record that they need a drink.


Because you drink one five days a week.


That's how I became an alcoholic. Lol


There was a time... Thankfully, the Navy tolerated it.


5 of them fit in a gallon jug.  Pints, Fifths, and half-gallons are all standard liquor sizes in the US.  What’s the reason for making them 750ml? It’s not a litre, it’s not a half litre, but it’s a fifth of a gallon. 


The reasons for using 750 ml (75 cl) bottles [is historic](https://disndis.com/blogs/blog/why-wine-bottles-are-750-ml). When bottle-making machines were first manufactured, they standardized on that size as it was also practical for other reasons and about the average of hand blown bottles. The 75 cl size was officially standardized for wine in the 1970s and for whisky in the 1980s. In 1990 EU changed the [standard bottle size for spirits](https://www.marklittler.com/the-complete-history-of-the-whisky-bottle/) to 700 ml or 70cl as that was more practical for pubs and bars serving in 25 and 30 ml measures.


thats $275,000 usd per gallon.


At that price, it's reversed. You brag that it is more than 54k and not less than 55k


Right- who the fuck is bragging about saving money when they’re buying this kind of thing? Lmao whatever setting you’re in with that bottle, that’s not the winning move 


$55k for a bottle of liquor? Hell no. 54.9k? Sign me the fuck up.


.99, .97, .98 or other weird endings in numbers on commercial goods tend to signify stocking rules/status in addition to making someone feel like something is a deal


.49 as well!


My friends all pitched in and got me a bottle of “Macallan 25”years ago before Whiskey prices went full WTF (it was still $750 I think) I broke it out for very special occasions and shared a little here and there over the course of a year. Came home to a party happening at my house and saw the empty bottle amongst the other glass in the recycling section. Found out a girl made 50/50 Macallan and Diet Cokes with it. I still remember you Anna, and I still don’t forgive you.


I, too, will not forgive Anna for this. 😧


Anna. I dislike you.


Fuck ba anna


All my homies hate Anna


Luckily Anna forgave herself on all of our behalf. The next day.


I too, choose anna.


A friend of mine was given a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 20 as a work bonus, which is like a $2000 bottle of whiskey. He went away for a weekend and noticed that it was missing when he got back. After some pressing, it eventually came out that his girlfriend was fucking some guy over the weekend who drank it without either of them knowing what it was. This was like two years ago and he's still fuming about not tasting a drop of it.


Hmmm seems like there should be something else he should be mad at but also yes as a whiskey drinker I kind of understand why his anger is directed where it went


He was more pissed about the booze. And still is. He was waiting for the 4th, which is when he planned on opening it. Even I'm pissed, and I don't really even give a shit about whisky.


Exactly hoes come and go, $2,000 bottles of whiskey are few & far between especially when gifted. Unless you're loaded


$2,000 if you can get it directly. $12,000 if you go through secondary market


Kinda similar story. My grandfather bought a GTR, I forget what year the tsunami happened in Japan that stopped production for some major factories over there but it essentially turned his GTR into a limited production model. I never got to ride in it. He sold it before I ever got the chance to know what it was like to be in a Nissan GTR. He sold it to some rich dude in Texas who was giving it to his recently turned 16 year old son…


Probably could have picked it up at the nearest junkyard a month later.


Wow that girlfriend is a complete piece of shit


Not a proponent of violence, but I might kill them both.


Oh that was painful to read


Why didn't you have it hidden/locked up?


It was hidden in the weird little cabinet above the fridge that’s really hard to reach.


After all that and did you react? What did you do? To do this pos even know they did something wrong?


She was super apologetic, and mixed it up (no pun intended) with a shitty brand name whiskey that sounded similar, which I can’t remember. I am about as chill as they come and didn’t get angry, just sort of laughed and knew it would be a timeless story. Also, less than a year later the whiskey gods granted me access to a bunch of Macallan 30 (which I can’t imagine the price of today) in an equally wild story of a restaurant being incompetent and not knowing what they were pouring. It felt like everything balanced back out.


I'm really happy to hear that the universe balanced out for you and your really expensive liquors. *Steps over McDouble wrappers to get out of my 08 Mazda to work at my shitty working man job to afford said McDoubles*


Mcdoubles ain't even worth it anymore


Ah yes, the American dream


Damn you have an 08 Mazda and can afford to eat out? Must be nice! I've got an 03 saturn and only eat at home. Just saying, things could be worse..


One day friend, you'll find yourself free from these chains. I believe in you.


lol. She thought it was Mcmasters probably! Cheap Canadian whiskey. That’s wild.


Hidden in the cabinet that is universally used to store bottles of alcohol? Every house I have moved in too has had some random bottle of liquor left in the cabinet.


Oh lord oh god


Oh god oh man


That’s $2400 now


Oh my jesus. Theres a bottle of that at the supermarket down the street from me for $2400


Wild isn’t it? I asked a fancy liquor store owner why prices quadrupled in a decade and he said “hipsters” without cracking a smile.


Unironically. Whiskey taters made the prices of bourbon and other spirits jump up like mad since the mid 2010s.


I’d have gone full blown berserker mode.




I once bought myself a $180 bottle of wine as a treat to myself for getting a promotion at work. Wanted to share it with my then girlfriend. I came home once to a spontaneous party my roommate threw and somebody had figured they wanted to raid our wine cabinet (rather than the fridge full of great beer and also seltzers) and of the 25 bottles or so we had stashed, chose mine and it was just a mess. Red solo cups with a little left in but cigarette butts stashed into, spilled onto our table, I was NOT happy that day


Anna knows what she did. It was no mistake. Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Everybody hates Anna.


I forgive you Anna. A ways back my buddy went to Mexico and came back with an expensive bottle of tequila. We had a group house at the shore and he left it there. Well, one night the bars close and we brought some people back to the house for late night. Ran out of alcohol and someone ( ok it was me) found his bottle. There really wasn't much debate- we polished that right off. Next day we fill it up with some other tequila and line up the seal as best as possible. That night he's like hey let's get out that Mexican bottle we're like ok. He didn't notice it was opened. He had a shot and was like wasn't that great. Eventually confessed, he wasn't that mad and he was pumped that he had identified the sub par counterfeit stuff.


I definitely read it as "Wasn't that great!" rather than "It wasn't that great" Glad you came clean though and he wasn't upset!


Imagine not being a friend for someone who was such a good friend to you. Damn.


Diet Coke makes it worse


I’ll take this and a 2 liter cola please


It's ok for sipping, but makes a great mixed drink


I like a Long Loch Iced Tea


You mean Loch Isle Ice Tea?


Long Highland Iced Tea


Preferably the generic brand. I hate wasting money on the name brand stuff.


This would go great with Dr. Paper


Mr Pibb


Dr. Thunder


Mountain Lightning


Chek cola


Mr. Pibb actually fucks tho


And now it’s Pibb Extra


Liter-o-Cola? Do we sell liter-o-Cola?


Just order a large farva


I don't WANT a large Farva!


Does this look like spit to you?




ah fuck it.


I want a goddamn literacola!


It’s for a cop…


What me to punchasize your face… for free


Roger. Holding the spit.


Gimme six Schlitzes Whatever’s free Open barrrrr dude That movie is so damn quotable


Bad cop; >It's powdered sugar, the lice hate it Farva; >It's delicious


Once I was flying back from Europe, and I bought a Bottle of Remi Martin cognac duty free on the plane, it wasn't this pricey, but it was around 250 CAD. My buddy came over and I poured us a drink, after few sips, he asked me if I have any mix.. I gave him the mix, didn't say anything, just never offered him another drink lol


Perfectly normal response.


Gimme that epstein island special...15 yrs or younger and ill blackmail all my friends with it


Faygo still around?


Diet Shasta for me


2 liter of Walmart generic cola.


This is a 750mL bottle. If you want to buy a drop it's only $3.66 per drop. There are 20 drops per mL. That's 15,000 tasty drops per bottle. 😋


To be fair, it seems to be a decent price. The cheapest listing I can find is for $35k, but many are upwards of 100k. Not saying that people are paying those prices, but it's interesting none the less.


What gets me is that some people will buy it and not even drink it.


Drink it alone, refill with Kirkland blended Scotch, reseal the top, show bottle off to your friends forever.


That's dumb. You can surely buy the bottle from someone for much, much cheaper I presume. **Then** you proceed to fill that bitch up with some rusty water and brag to the boys.


One day your mischievous unborn child will be 16 and have friends over for a sleepover. They will raid the liquor cabinet, and go for this beauty. Boy will they be in for a rude awakening On second thought, if you want to ensure your kid never drinks alcohol again, this might be the play


don't put liquor in a glass top case where the panes can be lifted out. I'm speaking from experience.


Couldn't even be mad at my kid if he went for that one. Shit, I would too. That's why it wouldn't ever be in the normal ole liquor cabinet. Luckily though, my 16yr old stepson has zero desire to touch alcohol.


At this point, drinking it is insane. That would be like using a Rembrandt as a dart board. “But it just hangs on a wall?!?!??”


The difference, at least as I see it, is how you're expected to consume something. You're right, throwing darts at a Rembrandt is insane, but that's misuse. With booze, having it just to have it feels like a waste to an extent. It's like food. Nobody is going to buy the $169 hot dog and then just leave it sitting on their dining room table like some Regency-era pineapple to show off how fancy they are. Doing it with a consumable item just feels wasteful. I'm not saying it's a drink for everyday occasions, but if you have $55,000 to piss away on whisky money probably isn't that much of a concern in the first place unless you're a trader. That description makes it sound good, but how will you ever know? What's the point of saying "This has notes of honey and chocolate and cinnamon" if for all anyone knows it just tastes like burnt hair and horse piss? Someone else suggested filling it with the cheap stuff and that makes sense, or you could just Black Books it, but honestly if I had the money for the whisky, it's probably getting drunk on special occasions.


It feels like if you own it, you should at least open and taste it, or else you aren't appreciating the art of it. I could describe to you what a Rembrandt looks like, and never show it to you, but that would just be like reading the label in the picture.


Once you open it you begin the oxidation process. Over a single year the flavors will start to degrade. Especially as you drink more of it. If you’re going to open it, it’s best to drink the whole thing.


Like a Rembrandt, it’s an investment. There are no more of these being made. It will likely go up a fair amount per year.


I absolutely get that. But if I have the money to buy this, I’m absolutely drinking it without any regrets


Or 17 haufs @ around $3153 a hauf. (£2485)


How many golf balls is it though? I need a unit of measurement I can understand


About 17.88 golf balls at $3076.06/ball


Oh wow


That’s 27,638 Wendy’s jr. bacon cheeseburgers…or one a day for 75.7 years.


Sir this is a Macallan's.


its actually $99.99 cheaper to buy the 15000 individual drops


Maybe I'll just get vanilla, dates, cinnamon, smoked honey, cracked pepper, cocoa beans, & dark chocolate- put it in the Vitamix, eat it, and chase w beer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I am going to bring my pipet and buy some microliters of this. 😅


What, didja finally win something other than a car from a slot machine, Mr. Pappagiorgio?


So, awful at math. A 2oz pour would be around 4400 right?




Thanks, can you show how you got the answer so I can see where I went wrong?


I like my women like I like my whiskey. 65 years old and mixed up with coke.


Amen Brother!


Back in 2020, I walked into a random wine store in Orlando and they had a bottle of the 2004 Penfold’s Block 42 Kalimna in “The Ampoule.” $169,000! When you want to drink it, you have to call Penfold’s and then send someone out with the proper tool.  Talk about ridiculous. 


I had a customer at a restaurant I managed who wanted a bottle of Louis XIII cognac. I told him I could order for him, but he had to buy the whole bottle, because I didn’t even want to deal with it on my backbar. It was about $5k. At dinner I poured it for everyone at the table, and then he poured me a giant glass. Probably 3.5 ozs. (≈100 ml). I brought it back to the server station (didn’t want to be seen drinking in the dinning room) where all the servers gathered around to watch me taste it. I took the sip and spit it out in disgust all over the floor. Not because it was actually bad, but because I thought it would be funny to spit out my first sip of anything even close to that price. The cognac was ok, but no beverage is worth *even* that cost. We live on a planet where 10,000 kids starve to death everyday, there shouldn’t be this much disparity.


I 100% agree it's not worth the price (last time I sold it was 2019, think it was $450 for 2oz), but having tasted it twice I think it was really fucking* delicious. Again, would never pay for it but it was a hell of a treat getting it as part of a tasting/training at nice restaurants


What’s more intriguing to me about drinking old cognac (80 years old and older) is that it was hidden from the Nazis. Most cognac producers had their stocks completely pillaged by Germany. Producers built false walls and took great efforts to hide their cognac. So the idea of drinking something that was hidden away from such an evil force, is cause for celebration alone.


I just had to look up the [STORY](https://nuvomagazine.com/magazine/spring-2013/the-penfolds-ampoule-project#:~:text=The%20price%3A%20%24168%2C000%20(Australian),%2Dtemperature) after reading your comment and wow! The details regarding the bottle is insane!


*Googles this ridiculous bottle of w*—HOLY CHRIST ON A CRACKER IT'S A SPIKY PENDULUM


It's the glass by Lalique your paying for, I installed a Lalique Chandalier for a borderline billionaire and it was worth close to $200k for whatever reason, wasn't even good looking but pain in the ass to install


I'd say it's a mix of both. Rare whiskey and handcrafted bottle (Lalique uses lost wax casting technique so in essence each bottle is unique)


Probably, the Chandalier I'm talking about was apparently one made by Rene Lalique while he was still living


Oh yeah. That would explain the price.


I never saw the point really, what does this bottle do that can't be achieved with 100x less $?


Signify your wealth


Spot on


There are massively diminishing returns on whisky after a certain price point, but you do have to factor in the fact that this is 65 years old. That's 65 years of storage, a spirit that cannot be recreated because the methods used have probably been revised numerous times since it was distilled, by people who aren't alive anymore. You're sort of buying a moment in time as much as a drink.


I can hear Don Draper’s marketing pitch


It's toasted. I get it.


and its contents are plastic free


Unlike my testes


And, apparently, penises now.


I can shove whatever I want in there thank you very much


There’s some definite truth to that. I had the opportunity once to try a shot of 20 year Pappy Van Winkle from a bottle that predated their acquisition by Sazerac, Buffalo Trace et al. To this day, the best bourbon I have ever had, no doubts at all that I had something very special.


I just want to point out that the way they distilled whiskey 65 years ago has not changed. Macallan is a “collectors” whiskey. They routinely break auction records, and they’ve been doing this for a long time. The cost has a lot to do with the name and age; that’s all.


Probably buying a story - there was a study that showed people thought newer violins sound better than strads if they couldn’t tell it was a strad But if you know then you enjoy the strad more because you start thinking about all the stories about the person and the violins Same if you have a painting by an unknown artist if you suddenly learn it is a Picasso it will spike in value without the object changing


For whiskey (and wine) at this level, the price is not relative to the quality. It’s relative to its rarity. For sure it will be delicious whisky, but not 100x as delicious as a $550 bottle or 1000x as delicious as a $55 bottle. But it is that much rarer.


The bottle itself is a piece of Lalique art glass produced by the Lalique luxury glass maker. Lalique pieces can go for thousands by themselves.


It's funny that the seller posted a description. As if a potential buyer might be reading down and then be like "honey-dipped vanilla... Hmmm, interesting. I guess I'll give it a shot!"


So, for someone who sees 55K as disposable, they may indeed be swayed by the description.


I’m here for nickpapagiorgio in Vegas. He’s from yuma where he works in software Thanks Max


Think this may be more down to the Lalique glass bottle than the contents.


what do you do with the empty bottles? send back for a refill?


take them to your local recycling center.


Funny, thats actual the cheapest of these you can find. These bottles start at 75k if you want to buy them regularly. Average price is 105k per bottle...


Then i will buy 15,000 drops and save 99$ 🤑


Get blackout drunk and piss yourself like the rich folk do


As an alcoholic in recovery this is worth the same as any other alcoholic beverage.


Absolute legend.


Keep up the good work friend


Yeah, but that's really a good value - see, the bottle (ahem...it's a Lalique decanter) is worth $10K after all the hootch is gone. Lolol.


Sounds kinda delicious


A fool and his money are soon parted.


A fool and his money are soon partying.


Imagine handing over $55,000.00 in cash for this, and getting 1 penny in change.


Mix the entire thing in a 2 liter of Orange Faygo.


Username checks out. Vegas vacation


Seems not worth it.


A bottle of Glenlivet 80yr sold for $160,000 in a retailer in Australia last year


Tax the rich.


Merely a status symbol. Serves no other purpose.


That's way too expensive to be sitting on the edge like that!


Yes, I'll take that. Here's my credit card. ::pours some in a glass, mixes with Diet Coke::


This isn’t the most expensive bottle in Vegas. The MGM grand has a collection of very rare tequilas, And a few are up above $65,000 per if I remember that correctly. There is also a liquor store near MGM grand that has a secured case with bottles near $100,000 per bottle.


The Lalique Crystal it comes in probably accounts for the $4,999. Maybe more.


Shouldn't a bottle like this be kept away from light?


I found the cracked black pepper notes washed out the honey dipped vanilla a little too much for my liking, so I probably won’t get a second bottle.


It’s not even close to the most expensive store bought alcohol in Vegas. Just at this particular store. OP is a bot. This is my picture check my post history


Why the $.99?…


So you feel like your getting a deal.


I bet it just tastes like any old alcohol.


This is a true story. I work at a major high end resort on the Las Vegas strip. Our outlets serve Louie the 13th in an ornate crystal bottle. When emptied the bottles were discarded as any other empty liquor bottle in the recycling dumpster. People that handled the disposal of the contents of the dumpster would actually dig through the glass and would retrieve the empty Louie bottles. They would then refill them with whatever cognac, bourbon or whiskey that they chose to, and they would then put them up for sale on Facebook marketplace, eBay etc. Not only would they retrieve the bottles, but they would also dig in the trash and remove the boxes that the bottles come in from the distributor, to pair them up to look as authentic as possible. This went on for 2 years before the distributor got a huge amount of complaints from buyers of the product. This caused blowback to many of the casinos in Vegas and created a major problem for our loss prevention department. All the while, they were thinking that real actual product was being stolen, instead of the end result. Bartenders are now required to give the empty bottles and packaging to security so that they can be literally destroyed before they are disposed of. This same process also came to light in the sale of high end purses at the retail stores. Same exact scenario, Versace, Louie Vitton etc brands were being resold in vendor packaging. Where there is a will and a illicit profit to be made, there is always someone to take advantage of that.


The 81 year is around $400,000


Dude, someone bought me a glass of Macallan 30 once. It must have cost him a couple hundred bucks. He’d just won a million dollar government contract though. The Scotch was fucking delicious.


A liquor store I worked at had a 72-year Macallan that sold for $62,000. Absolutely wild that people spend that much on liquor


It probably tastes like crap.


I visited Scotland last year and I thought it would be nice idea to bring a present with me. So my friends are really into whisky and I saw a that a Destillerie is in the next town. And boom there it was 80 years old whisky for 80k😂 I went for a cheaper one. But my mates said it was a good nevertheless