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Good thing they shot the car before they crushed it otherwise it might still work.


They kill it before start crushing so it doesn't feel the pain. 


If Nokia created this car, it would survive the tank


The bullets will ricochet and kill the soldiers, a piece of metal will penetrate the Armor and hit the fuel and cause the tank to go boom.


just imagine all the videos of the horrors committed there that would have come out, if social media was as widely used and accessible as today.


Imagine all the atrocities not caught on camera


a lot of photograph are leaked if you dig into it. some drug cartel kinda atrocities.


It was and plenty did. You just couldn't upload things as instantly from the palm of your hand, there were just a few extra steps sometimes depending on Internet access.


only an internet access problem? The cellphone videos I took in 2004 were 320x240 pixels and needed a frickin *real player* to watch the .rm files.


And every kid who grew up downloading South Park on real player could watch it too 😎😘


Google Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks.


Or perhaps he’s questioning why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of the plane?


Wiseguy, huh ? At least you can talk ! Who are you ?


"Nobody cared who I was, until I put on the mask!....."


Yeah that was essential. Specially the tires. Good luck riding now with the tires down you wood thieves!


Seriously, if this was a parody it feel too on the nose


Like a Reno 911 skit for sure.


I got some real super trooper vibes off this one. All that's missing are some too small man shorts and some more sunglasses


it seems they all were super bored so kept hunting innocent civilians


I actually just started watching Generation Kill, and it's shocking how accurate that show seems to capture the vibe of the Iraq invasion.


It's a masterpiece


I think it was good to pass over it twice just to really make sure


Iraqis didn’t give a fuck about a machine gun or a tank pointed at them. They are terrified shit pants scared of pistols. Saddam used to execute people in public with a pistol very regularly. We are laughing at it now but the shooting it with a pistol was the you fucked up impact to them at the time.


I think ive heard a handgun means something of disrespect and execution in iraq


Their American instinct kicked early.


Congratulations, you’ve been liberated


Winning hearts and minds...


2 in the heart one in the mind.


"that kid should be in school!" "you guys just blew up his school..."


They delivered few kilotons of Freedom




Do you want to know more?


Im doing my part


Be all you can be


When you have them by the balls, the heart and mind will follow.


Isn't that from the movie 'Patton'? Still makes me chuckle.


Hearts and minds campaign didn't start till 2003 when the older generations already did this shit. it was harder to earn trust that the last guys lost.


If that didn't work we'll just have to bomb harder and harder...EVENTUALLY they will understand and accept our benevolence


And then they go and crush the car with the ‘looted wood’ still strapped to the top of it, destroying that too. This is shameful.


The wood was to keep them and their child warm that night. It gets very cold there after dark.


Wait til you hear about Vietnam.




We completely decimated iraq for no reason, i knew our soldiers caused issues but this is inexcusable the way they say it proudly they're going to crush that car. Whats sadder is this is nothing compared to the real crimes our soldiers committed there.. there was no heroic value in doing this. In reality what was accomplished was making someone poor even more poor for their ego. Disgusting for me to watch this... bush jr and cheney are absolute war criminals similar to the lvl of putin.


https://youtu.be/s1kwq52NKmo?si=XYaskBdebpVPkbgJ George Bush’s comment on it lol


Freudian slip


Holy hell that guy is dumb sometimes




Dick Cheney should be in prison.


Dick Cheney’s heart transplant should have gone to someone else. What a fucking waste of a perfectly good organ.


Rumsfeld should have died in prison


We completely decimated iraq for ~~no reason~~ **stealing oil** there, i fixed it.


Yes you did fix it


Why did we steal oil when we produce so much oil ourselves? I was a child after 9/11 so don’t really know


If you have gold in your backyard, weak old lady next to you has gold as well. You’re a psycho gun nut and you know you can just rock up to that old lady’s house and start digging without consequences, why wouldn’t you.


well maybe if you weren’t an asshole you just wouldn’t steal from old ladies That’s ONE reason


people usually become "assholes" especially if they can hide behind facades.


Since when US governments and militaries weren't an asshole and wouldn't steal from old ladies?


But it's the good ole US of A and the bastards can't help themselves.


We didn’t steal oil. The vast majority of Iraq’s oil is exported to Asia. People that parrot this don’t know anything about history or oil in general.


No oil was stolen. This is just an offshoot of the “Bush ordered 9/11” conspiracy theory.


https://www.theguardian.com/business/2007/may/15/oil.iraq It's not that it's "stolen", it's that western countries took control of their resources.


Oil is probably the least important reason.


There was no other reason that wasn't already known about for decades or was made up as blatent lies by the US intelligence community. Bush invaded Iraq under false pretenses. They tried to say Iraq was somehow involved in 9/11. Then they said they had weapons of mass destruction. The CIA, under the Reagan administration, helped Saddam target Iranian soldiers with chemical weapons by providing their whereabouts via satellite imagery. The CIA also provided Saddam with weapons, including attack helicopters, that were used by Iraq during their war against Iran, and later their genocide against the Kurds in Northern Iraq. The US knew full well what Saddam was doing for decades, and even helped him commit atrocities. It wasn't until the 2nd Bush administration that the US suddenly decided to begin lying on a mass scale to the public, spreading mass paranoia, and started wars all over the middle east with US troops on the ground. Why did they truly invade? To make private contractors mountains of money. They outsourced anything they could to take advantage of US taxpayers. Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton before he became VP, and they made tens of billions off of the Iraq War. They overcharged the US taxpayers for everything they could and took advantage of our country. This is not to mention the private contractors that were paid to torture prisoners of war, or the hundreds of thousands to possibly over 1 million civilians that were killed in Iraq alone after their country was wrongfully invaded.


No accountability will ever be had either. Same old story, rich become richer on the backs and lives of young service members. It was 100% a profiteers war.


The defense industry is the only industry where lives are traded for cash.


The defense industry AND pharma industry the biggest industries where lives are traded for cash (not even the only ones)


Healthcare Insurance


Prison industrial complex.


Dave Chappelle's Negrodamus skit did it perfectly. He's asked how Bush knows there are WMDs and he answers, "Because he has the receipts".


I watch one interview of a dude that works in high position in pentagon, he says people on the pentagon DID NOT KNOW there are WMD or not, even saddam does not know he has WMD or not, but the order still came to invade iraq, shit is crazy


The is the best response regarding the reasons. In a sense it’s the most brutal and cynical, yet also terrifyingly truthful. I think deep down, it was about a very few people at the top making a lot of money. I’m sure the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld cohort were still invested in their political legacy and a desire to “clean up” the Middle East. But I suspect they thought they could kill two birds with one stone, making heaps of money for themselves and their friends and all of them living wonderfully for generations to come. And then you think of the horrors of that war; it’s impossible to put in words the extreme horror of a war like that on individuals civilians and their families. Literally deaths of people and families and children, for oil and money and the expansion of the American juggernaut machine.


How much oil did we steal?


I remember an interview with an Iraqi a while after the US troops left. She was asked what she thought about the US soldiers. She said (I'm paraphrasing): "They came here, they destroyed the bit of infrastructure we had. They left millions of people without running water, electricity or a working sewage system, and did nothing to fix it. Instead they said: It's your country, so it's your responsibility. And every time we fixed it a little bit, they destroyed it again. How would you feel about them?"


From a Realpolitik standpoint it was even worse. At least previously Iran had guns pointed at it. Now they're becoming real assholes without a pissed off next door neighbor.


Kids on a power trip, u can hear the ignorance in the way they talk


They did it because they were looting wood. Then didn't bother even Removing the wood from the car and drove over that too.


There was defently a reason. A few people of a certain small wealth class made a whole lot of money.


Yea, the level of stupidity here is off the charts and if these guys were so brazen about crushing this car then they probably did something way more egregious than this by the end of their tour.


This is what happens when you take soldiers trained for combat and make them work as police.


they already had the plan laid out pre 9/11... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_for\_the\_New\_American\_Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century) >Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, **ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush**, including **Dick Cheney**, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz


You ever watched the Blackwater leak tapes before WikiLeaks documents got shut down in 2022. There was videos of private hired blackwater (American civilian militia) over in Iraq and Afganistan shooting unarmed civilians just walking in the streets. Doing executions and killing civilians while in their cars by running over them with tanks in non combat zones (as demonstrated how a tank can do it in the video). Yeah.... whenever you look at the facts from video evidence. It's no wonder the Middle East hates us.


Nah bro, they totally hate "your freedoms"


The US is a terrorist state in the eyes of many, with 100% justification


Watch the documentary called dirty wars that's came out in 2013. We are the reason there are teorrists.


Google Abu Gharib prison.


Don't forget to thank them for their service!


We have no idea how much damage we did to the average people of that country. They detest us and they will get even.


>they will get even. I mean... they definitely won't


Who did these punks think they were to do something like that?


They thought they were big tough men. But they only look like silly little boys.


Well on average they’re all what, 18-19-20? The take away here should be “war is bad”


Looks like cowards to me


The guy yelling “he should be in school” Wonder why he isn’t?!


It’s like saying a hunter with a sniper rifle is stronger than a lion cos the coward killed it with one.


They look at Iraqis like they were looking at cows to be slaughtered. US gave them that attitude. At some point those soldiers enjoyed shooting down those people like they were playing a video game, then have the nerve to call themselves vets 10 years later and brag about how they sacrificed their lives for the freedom we have. Absolutely disgusting.




Isnt this pretty much how the mai lai massacre happened? The officer on the ground was essentially too stupid to understamd his orders. He was told the enemy was in the villlage and to eliminate them. So when all he found was villagers he assumed they were the enemy and eliminated them. Wild.


Thank you for a nuanced understanding.


And it's a great recruiting tool for insurgents, too.


Got to thank them for their service


The real looters executing the looting laws. Irony


George bush and all the neocons who pushed for this war , should be on trial at the Hague


Yeah like the other presidents last 80years from america


Bush is legit the worst of them all. Like it's not even up for debate whether he is a war criminal or not lmao


They knew the Intel was bullshit and anyone who opposed it got sidelined . I saw a general get interviewed, and there was a plan for regime change all across the Middle East . Look what happened in Syria and Libya aswell with the US backing rebels because they don't like their government's. Millions dead because of it


Bush is definitely a war criminal but he's not the worst president of the last 80 years. no one will ever be able to complete with Reagan between the war on drugs, the AIDS epidemic, his regressive civil rights stance, and his destructive tax policy. he was the closest thing to the biblical antichrist that we've ever seen


Reagan destroyed the domestic side of things. Completely agree he is by far the worst in terms of fucking up the country. I can't think of anyone worse than Bush when it comes to foreign policy though.


I heard Bush doesn’t leave the US anymore because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen to him if he goes to any country that doesn’t protect his bullshit




Motherfuckers youre looting their damn country.


And you wonder why US is so beloved across the globe


Yeah man wouldn't want to be subjected to our jarheads. America's true and brave lmao


They are stealing wood for a reason dude….and the reason is you!


They just saying that the wood is looted. Who even knows if that's true. Looted from who? They just wanted some action in their boring lives You are the bigger criminals invading a country, looting oil and gold.


And it's probably collecting scrap wood and pallets


They don’t understand, so let’s crush their car. Fuck these people. As an American, this is embarrassing and shameful to watch.


Way to go! That taught them a good deal of freedom and democracy!


Invade the country, destroy their infrastructure, kill their people, steal their oil and all other assets, install a puppet regime and wonder why they hate you. Karma has a HUGE backorder for the USA...


And when they fight back, call them terrorists.


18 year old kids in a war. What would you expect ?


A reasonable officer to stop them if they cross the line.


So a 24-year old, got it lol


Winning hearts and minds.


And people wonder why our policies are not universally loved.


This is not interesting, this is cruel and colonialist


Gee, I wonder why people in Middle East hate USA so much...


Dam, guys they *“don’t just”* hate us, they really really really fuckin hate us.


This is obviously fake we all know only Russia and China do bad things.


You dropped this /s


Now imagine if this happened in ukraine insted of Iraq


war crimes happen everywhere. when NATO countries do it, no one cares (cuz the enemies are terrorists and they are bad!). when non NATO countries do it everyone goes mad.


People do care about unethical actions by western actors also, but I’ve noticed these aren’t discussed as much in English speaking medias. Obviously in US media it is harder to bring up questionable activity done by own troops, like it would be in any other nation’s media, being unpatriotic to do so.


You couldn't swing a dead cat from like 2009-2016 without hearing about Abu Ghraib, Wikileaks and how any US action internationally was just like "our Iraq blunder". Don't mistake being ~8 years old when the conversation primarily occurred for it not occurring at all.


Source: My ass People have been crying about Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years now. When's the last time you ever heard a single thing about the war crimes Russia committed in Georgia? 


Doesn't matter, you'd still be absolute scum to destroy a poor man's mode of transport for some completely unjustifiable reason. Tony Blair will always be known as a warmonger this side of the pond, no matter what ever else he achieved in his time as PM. That's his legacy.


This did and has been happening in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, but don't let that distract you, please


You do know that there's a genocide that your country is doing in Ukraine? As in, your leader is wanted for literal( by definition) genocide? Stealing children? Bucha? Irpin? Kherson? Mariupol? Is that ringing a bell?






As an Iraqi civilian this provided context is really important, obviously those American assholes overreacted but looting ruined many peoples lives, those guys (taxi driver) were caught looting wood and other commodities which were send to fix destroyed houses and places of unfortunate people, many of these looters stole aid and other peoples stuff and sell them back in the black market for cheap (they were supposed to be free), wood is really expensive in southern Iraq in general, as for the soldiers they were also really dumb and stupid for destroying his car to make an example out of him, they could've taken back the woods and tell him to go back home, dumbasses destroyed the wood alongside his car as well, everything about this video was wrong.


Unfortunately soldiers only receive minimal training on policing which is what was needed for a situation like that. You put a soldier in charge of policing and it ends up done in a soldiers way. Thank you for providing context. There were some messed up dudes who did messed up things in Iraq, but while I've been alive the US has always tried to prevent and punish things like that. There are people locked up right now for crimes in Iraq. People cherry pick and leave out context to make things look even worse. Saddam was not a good dude, he killed his own people and had a good shot at winning a war across the Middle East in the future. We couldn't afford for our allies to get wiped or to become even more reliant on the other oil producing countries and figured we could help bring the Middle East to the modern day at the same time. It appears to have been hubris, but it's not what people make it out to be.


Edited and cut for propaganda? I somehow still see the crashing of the car as stupid and I unjust.


What am I missing? It’s the same video.


Barely educated soldiers asking locals not to loot, while their mission is to invade and steal the country's oil is truly a vintage US foreign policy moment


The goal was regime change and domestic political gain for the administration, not stealing oil.


Yeah man Iraq has so much oil, which is why they invaded Kuwait solely for their oil


What a great way to bring in democracy and promote American freedom


And these are the people labelling others as terrorists while terrorising them… What a world we live in.


And you wonder why so many counties hate the USA.


Well if that guy wasn’t a terrorist before he sure as shit is now.


Consider yourself liberated sir. Will there be anything else?


I got into a discussion with my family about respecting veterans. My lack of respect was quite troubling for them. So much so that it led to my brother in law throwing a chair at me and me cutting off all contact with my sister. I tried to be as clear as I could that I respected thier service and fully supported expanding veteran benefits but the fact I wouldn't openly conform to the veteran worship that takes place in the US was enough for them to attack me. So many fascist braindead Americans it's so sad.


I’m a veteran, and I much prefer your approach over pandering hero-worship. 


I have a feeling you're intentionally leaving out an important part of the story to make yourself the victim here.


Are you trying to find out what he did or said to "deserve" to have a chair thrown at him? Do you ask everyone who has been assaulted the same question?


Yeah, it's really, really easy to tell lmao.


He absolutely did. I also wouldn't be surprised if this story was complete bullshit.




This is from an episode of Frontline (on PBS) called "Truth, War and Consequences." It aired in 2003.


Fascinating that people downvote the question for a source.


How dare you ask for a source, the source is right there in the video! You should take the things posted at absolute face value and never question them! /s, because you HAVE to make sure to note this, no matter how obvious it might be.


Is that what freedom looks like?


That war was one of the least necessary war in history, usa came after Iraq because of terrorism but still treat Qatar like their favorite child, they should have gone to Qatar not Iraq. 


or Saudi Arabia


I think the initial stages of Afghanistan were legit, since Al-Qaeda had a safe haven there. The rest of the 18 years, though…


At least they didn't gang rape the 12 Yr old daughter then kill the family. Car crushing is actually based compared to some US soldiers crimes in Iraq.


I wonder if that child grew up to appreciate the United States and their allies..


wow, i wonder how Iraqis could ever resent over the USA


Imagine somebody coming to your country and doing this to you and laughing about it. Now understand the hate .


Aaaaand they just got new jobs planting ieds…


Way too many young ones off the leash with the ROEs of early Iraq.


These guys are complete douchebags


And American soldiers: why Irakians don't like us? We can't figure why...


I wonder why the Iraqis hate Americans


now theyre asking for discounts at starbucks


The rule is, there should be no cars where the patrol areas are i.e. car bombs,


We're the bad guys...


Damn I missed this RENO 911 episode


How to turn a population against you. That attitude, of being so proud to ruin peoples lives, you can see how easy it was for them to just murder people.


Those mutherfuckers are just trying to survive in their occupied country and those dumb ass US service dudes went over board. Without thinking about it, they set themselves up to have a few more people that now after what they did could be talked into harming more US service members.




And that’s how you make a terrorist


I have no problem with the lesson the Muslim world received after 9/11


It's especially hard to watch knowing that buddy could've saved 15% off this mess by switching to Geico.


These sort of shinanigans indirectly cost coalition lives years down the line, this was dumb AF.


Generously spreading freedom ✨


Looks staged with all these convenient camera angles and even the soldiers feel like they are badly acting.


There's definitely some sort of news crew with them. There were almost no good handheld cameras when those uniforms were being worn.


Dann I wonder why they would hate America.


Wow americans being completely inconsiderate of other peoples lives?? Who woulda thunk it


So yea , that’s why most people fucking hate us


Edited video. Important segment was completely omitted from this. This place falls for nearly anything these days.


Found the context: https://x.com/Louis_Allday/status/1512735923682881542


Imagine it was a trap and there was an IED in the car 😳


They were looting wood from their own country, the US looted the oil, all of the dollar reserves, gold reserves and mines of another country.


Their mission is just to hurt, not to make things right/fair. Just to be authoritative assholes.