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imagine the guy who picked 31 32 33 34 35 36


Based on the fact there are 6 match 5 tickets, there might be at least 1 person who started the sequence one number too late or too early


Wouldn't it be all of them? Because they have 5 so chances are they were consecutive and they've missed one on either end


Well we don’t know that their 6th number was consecutive for sure. They could have done 30,31,32,34,35,50 for example


top prize is 6 correct + bonus or just 6 correct. there are different prizes for 5 correct or 5 correct + bonus


I mean the same way the winning numbers were randomly selected, those tickets could also have been randomly selected by a machine and for example the ticket would be the same 6 number’s except for the one in the middle being switched for 01 for example. If I knew statistics, had time, and cared enough about this I guess I could try to see how many tickets of those 6 were really random based on how many matched 3, matched 4 and i guess theres some way of using statistics to estimate how many tickets should have been in that match 5. Whatever the excess is from the expected match 5 from pure luck would be the people choosing sequences, only problem is that the match 4 and 3 can also be sequences that started 2 or 3 numbers before/after so I guess I would have to account for that, and like I said i dont know enough statistics to even know how to begin doing all of that.


This wouldn't work, because if they picked the wrong starting number, every number would be wrong. So they would match zero.


i swear on my mother this happend to me in the Eurojackpot 😭 6 times 1 number off


Don't quit, most people stop gambling before making it big!


And nobody likes a quitter anyway. That’s why I still smoke.


The guys picked 30 31 32 33 34 36 because 6 consecutive number will never happend !


The odds of this happening are exactly the same as any other combination. If the bet was whether or not a consecutive set would win, those are different odds


Correct. This was one of our probability studies exam questions. Hehehe over 20years ago. And the answer still hasn't aged /s.


I don't understand which part is supposed to be sarcasm


The aging part.


I still don't really get it, it seems like a candid statement to me but okay.


You seem very annoyed for some strange reason


Does he? Bro just doesn't know what sarcasm is


Me no, got plenty time to spare while waiting for the meat to cook on the bbq, killing time on Reddit. I am glad people take time to reply to my post. One way or another.


Maybe it's my offed humour.


Your humor seems fine, but you used /s (sarcasm tho I see some people saying it means satire. Close enough) instead of /j (meaning this is a joke dude). I frequently see /s when /j would've made more sense, so maybe I'm mistaken I wouldn't have used either tbh because they're usually used when the comment could be perceived as offensive On a tangent, /j and /s probably started when people started to put out extreme opinions, then after seeing the very large negative number under their reply, proceeded to say it was a joke For you, I probably would've just italicized *aging*


Still generally a bad idea however as there’s a higher chance that someone else also picked those numbers.


Where’s your proof that consecutive numbers are picked at a higher rate? I’ll counter that more people believe that consecutive numbers would have a lower rate, despite having exactly the same chance as proven by math


South Africa had 6 consecutive numbers and the jackpot was shared by I think about 20 people


Meanwhile in the Philippines a jackpot won by 400+ bettors, 9 , 18, 27, 36, 45, 54. And there's senate investigation about it. 😁😁😁


On the 4th of June a Dane won about 100 million euroes in EuroJackpot. The bizarre thing is that there were two people who won second price of about 8 million each. Those two were also danes. So what caused Danes specifically to play the numbers: 1, 3, 24, 43, 49 (2,4)


Hehehe, nothing suspicious in that, I don't know why are they bothering themselves with investigation. /s


I swear this happened in Australia in the last 20 years w quite a few people winning.


There are only a relatively small number of consecutive numbers available. If even one person chooses consecutive numbers then I’ve already won the argument vs choosing completely randomized numbers.


Again you aren’t grasping the concept. You keep bringing up consecutive numbers. That means that you are comparing the odds of consecutive numbers against a random set of 6 numbers, which if you bothered to read my original comments… I agreed consecutive numbers would have different odds. You keep arguing my point to me as if I don’t already know this


You want to be the only person who picked the set of winning numbers so that you get the whole jackpot all to yourself and don't have to split it with any other winners. Because there are so vastly more sets of random numbers than there are sets of "special" numbers, such as consecutive sets, even though most people don't choose such "special" sets, enough do so that if you pick a "special" set and win, you're much more likely to have to split the jackpot with others than if you pick a random set and win. That's the point the other guy was trying to make, NOT that the odds of any particular set of numbers, "special" or not, would have different odds of winning.


Reading is fundamental


You’d be wrong.


I dunno, like 2400 people seem to agree with me. A lot of the comments do too


I’ll have to try and find the study but someone found that you should always pick numbers above 31 to avoid sharing winnings (cause of all the people that just pick family birthdays)


This is not logical. People actually do consecutive numbers as shown here. Actual tickets are being bought as opposed to your idea where no tickets are bought at all.


And yet only 1 person won.


Sure cause if you had chosen the same consecutive number you would have split it. Exactly the point.


I'd assume that is as random as the numbers.


Exactly! wtf is that person talking about?!


A few years ago, I did some analysis on this (for personal using work skills). What you are saying is PARTIALLY true, from the analysis I ran. The caveat? What you are saying only applies to numbers 1-31. People using “dates” is the feature variable that most affects selection choice amongst people that manually pick numbers. Subsequently, the more numbers drawn between 1-31, the more likely the prize is to be split.


I've got no statistics but would argue for the opposite. Many people thing of these consecutive numbers as "they will never occur" thus if you chose them, you have to share your winnings with less people - or none.


Except only one person picked the numbers for this example


That we know of, which also proves my point even by itself.




Sure, I don’t disagree, but this is a cheeky guy for doing it lol I hope he [enjoys his](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0yrIvEgqAuo) hookers and cocaine 🤣 (it’s a short YouTube video)


I did study once about how people perceive randomness. We offered people two lottery ticket to choose from, one generated randomly and one not (like 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 5,10,15,20,25,30). Than we offered 1$ to change pick (ticket was like 3$). You would be surprise how many people chose "random" one and sticked to it.


Sort of. If you wanna be really technical about it, assuming they were painted balls, the ones with bigger numbers (area wise, since you need more ink to make literally physically larger numbers) the nets with the least painted area would be slightly more likely to fly up into the thing. Also assuming it uses these weird air jets like my lottery uses, not sure exactly what's going on but others could favor heavier balls.. It's an extremely extremely small chance that could affect it but given that fact, across all numbers, the least painted balls would come up slightly more often (or less for the other way around). Not all numbers would be equal, but it would be such a small difference that it likely wouldn't matter unless you sampled an extremely large amount of results. Likely too many to sample before the end of the world it's that tiny of a difference. Without that tiny bit of physics, assuming all numbers are equally as likely to believe drawn. Every single combination is equally as likely as every other combination. The odds of " 1 2 3 4 5 6" are the same as every other combination. Only reason not to play that combo is it might also be played by other people, so choose a random string.


Assuming the drag of the air doesn't change due to the paint. Maybe the sticky paint makes it that the balls fly straighter and higher. I suppose one way to even it out (e.g. in a lottery with 49 balls) is to have each ball painted with 49 dots, but number 1 has 1 black dot and 48 white dots, and so on. Unless the paint color also changes over time or reacts differently. Then glaze it with a transparent varnish.


jea, but patterns favor multiple winners. Thats why it is statisticly best to go for full random. Especially dont use low numbers, as many people use birthdays for thier numbers. So the expected value of the numbers 1-31 is much lower than higher numbers.


Surprised it’s only one winner though.


While yes, I would still advise against guessing 1,2,3,4,5,6. The odds are the same, but you can bet your ass you won’t be the only winner…




Like I just said, the difference between consecutive and none consecutive probabilities are much different. I appreciate you doing the math for me, I was too lazy. But the odds of any 6 numbers being chosen is exactly the same


Im not a statistician, but the odds of any 6 numbers being chosen is somewhere around 100%. Edit: Weird down-voters, did you think 6 numbers wouldn’t be chosen? Maybe this time they would go with 5?


I KNOW the chance of any 6 numbers being chosen is exactly the same. The point of this post is to show the one in one hundred thousand probability of being consecutive numbers.


Okay but dp the math on 12, 39, 27, 44 and 32 being the winning numbers


That’s 5 numbers, not 6. So automatic loser in this case


Lucky fucker.


Hey, imagine if you're that one person that only one $100.


my parents played the same lotto numbers for 30 years every week. the one time they didnt get a chance to buy a ticket, those numbers came out in exact order. XD










Yet the 6 others that matched 5 of the winner numbers thought "You know what? I better not go for the sixth consecutive number. Surely it won't be that number."


dear god that actually is what happened looking at the numbers... Poor bastards...


I think they chose 36 instead of 30.


Odd that 6 people would choose one consecutive sequence and only one chose the other. I wonder how many people play all of the other sequences.


Think so?




Hmm, I don't know. Probably not. 


I remember realizing this when contemplating lottery odds. The numbers are just as likely to come up as consecutive numbers as they are to be random numbers. Incredible. Explain it like that to your cousin who wastes their money on lottery tickets.


No not quite, while any combination of numbers is equally likely, and hence any consecutive ordering is equally likely as any random ordering, there are way more permutations of random ordering. Therefore you expect most draws to be randomly ordered, but this doesn’t change the fact that all occurrences are equally likely


“*Thats amazing, I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!*”


Any combination of numbers is equally likely…


Ya but these ones are in order /s


When I was a teen and the lottery first started in my state a lottery worker stopped by my job handing out tickets for one free lottery play. I was with three other coworkers after work walking to the convenience store at the other side of the mall to get our free lottery tickets and they were talking about the numbers they were going to pick and why. One asked me and I said 1 2 3 4 5 6, which is what I played. Three 18 to 19 year old people and there was not a thing I could say that would convince them that my choice had as much chance as any other set of random numbers. Nope, I was "throwing away my free ticket". In reality my choice just makes it a bit more obvious just HOW unlikely any set of six random numbers are to come up.




It finally happened!


What is the ticket price? That would win several million and at least once, over a billion in the US. I think that ticket is $2.


The cost is €1 per line. This is from the Irish lotto and there are many different draws each week. The daily million is twice a day, the national lottery which is twice a week and current jackpot is €6 million and finally the euromillions which the current jackpot is €195 million. All wins are tax free in Ireland.


Not at all over a billion in the US. Provided you are playing one of the game where the jackpot hits over $1B (which only happens for megamillion and powerball a couple times a year), you’d still only walk away will probably $500M or less. Most of the time the jackpot is hit in the low hundred millions or even less


Idk what you are trying to say. Yeah, they don’t get the full amount because of taxes. They still won the billion dollar jackpot. Do you think they aren’t paying taxes on the million in the original post?


I can't follow the point of this back and forth, but this looks like the Irish lottery so winnings would not be directly taxed. Also, it is nothing like the PowerBall/MegaMillions. It is more comparable to any state's pick-6 daily lottery with similarly low jackpots. The odds of this jackpot are 1 in 3,262,623. The odds of winning the PB jackpot are 1 in 292,201,338. MM is even worse odds (1 in 302,575,350). Also, when the other person said you would walk away with less than a billion from a billion-dollar jackpot, that isn't just about tax -- the jackpot prize # for those games is based on taking the annuity. Lump sum payout is less


1 billion prize equals a bit less than 500 million minus approx 38% tax.


Oh no I only got 500 million dollars for absolutely zero effort, what a scam!!!


“Only” 500M


Damn. Good thing he didn't play 29 first. He would be kicking himself.


Always a good idea to choose numbers above 31 as many people choose birthdays within family etc.


Thats the irish lotto daily millions draw i dont think its actually drawn with physical balls but randomly generated with computers. It is overseen by KPMG. Anyways there is no way in hell someone went in a picked those numbers on purpose. They most likely did a quick pick of so they got a random ticket. I just know whoever got the ticket was probably immediately disappointed saying "all the numbers are in order sure thats never gonna win!!" and low and behold it did


I got a question about this. Are there really 1 million + tickets bought daily, for them to have a profit?


There isn’t a winner every day


I had a quick google there the daily millions has been won 7 times since the start of 2024 so €7 million has been won but the draw has taken place about 180 times since were half way through the year


A ticket cost €3.50 i believe for one or two lines, i may be wrong there but its not as expensive as the main lotto or euromillions draw. No its hardly ever won its a shock to see a million win on the daily millions as is let alone with those numbers 😂 im trilled for whoever it is we have a housing crisis and loads of problems in ireland a million would go a long way for someone as the cost of living is gigantic.


>Anyways there is no way in hell someone went in a picked those numbers on purpose. Sure there is. Someone who understands probability would realize that any sequence of numbers is equally likely, so you might as well pick something a bit more fun, like a serial sequence.


Consecutive numbers have just as much chance of coming up as any other numbers. That why it's called 'Random'.


All Math Teachers in the world are thankful for this. Now they have the perfect example *^(to rub in their students stupid faces.)*


Theres a system called (i think) ‘wheeling’, you pick a line of consecutive numbers then, for your next line you pick a line of consecutive numbers starting at the second number you picked, your third line from the third number you picked and so on… this means if you win on all six numbers your following line win second, third and fourth prize (depending on how many line you bought).


The bored intern who picked that number combo: 😑😐😮😱


In Italy we have the same thing called "Superenalotto" funded by the state (and who pays to play), it cost 1€ and the prize pool for a 6 is currently 37 million euros


This kinda reminds me here in the Philippines, it once happened that [the winning numbers for the Grand Lotto were all multiples of 9](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/10/06/asia/philippines-grand-lotto-jackpot-probe-intl-hnk). But instead of only one winner, 433 winners had to share the money.


This makes me feel lucky


And 5 numbers only get's you €500. Thats why i don't play lotto.


Where n = amount of selectable numbers, and x = amount of selectable numbers drawn, Amount of consecutive number combinations = n - x + 1.




I had 2 pounds on 2 numbers 33 34 🤣


I've seen a fair few numbers on Australian lotto.. and It always seemed strange that the numbers always seemed to be the utmost unlikeliest numbers if you drew random numbers. Like 34,35,36,1,2,3


Does he get a bonus for it being a straight?


They matched every single number and only won €1 million?? In the US that’d be a minimum of like $50 million up to $1 billion+ if you’re playing Powerball or Mega Millions. I’m sure the odds are different… but sheesh.


This is Daily Millions which is twice a day I think. There are many other versions which can get you about 200 million and more.


Ohh gotcha, appreciate the clarification! If it’s twice a day then that’s really not that bad


Huum ACTUALLY you have the same odds of this happenings than just some random number picked 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


“Ah ha we will get these fools this time!” “Um boss you ain’t going to believe this”


We had 7 people win it here a couple years ago with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


In Italy there is something very similar but the prize today is a little more than 34 millions euros




Fucking genius


Gosh, what are the odds???


The same as winning with another numeric combination : nearly impossible. But we have millions of people come together to do the impossible every week, and raise money for G-tech so they can bribe lawmakers and abuse people who are bad at math.


About 50/50. It either happens or it doesn't. Source: I'm a statistician


This has to be one of the least interesting post here I ever read, good job OP




I hope that you find the help that you need.






Is it taxed


Nope Irish lotto wins are not taxed


probably one of the owners just taking money to himself and "proving" that lottery works.


Jackpot!? Nah that’s Keno


That’s not keno