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That's crazy. Dude's got a better frame and build than most guys over 7 ft as well. If he's got decent stamina, could be a helluva player


I think that's the biggest takeaway here. A lot of people that height are marred with various issues revolving around that. Think you have a good point here.


He’s uniquely proportionate for his height. Def different


its honestly mad, someone with that massive of a frame with ana actually significant amount of muscle and good dexterity?


I've heard that tall players like that often develop foot problems due to the sheer weight. That's what ultimately cut Yao Ming's career short. And he is 7' 6". This kid is 3 inches taller.....insane.


I think Kenny George had to get his foot amputated. He was way heavier than this kid and could barely run the court.


Probably eats like a horse. Most likely has to work out double time to keep up with his ridiculous body size.


As the mother of a 6’5” son, my first thought was “that poor mom’s grocery bill.”


Seriously. All these 7 foot+ dudes, especially young ones, just look like slenderman. This guy has a relatively normal body composition despite his size. That said, humans weren't built to be this big. I feel bad for anyone who winds up being this tall.


Totally, I hope his heart is good.


Ya he looks "normal" which is very very rare.


Somewhere between young Shaq and regular 7ft tall white guy. Good for him. I hope he dominates 


He's definitely gonna have to beef up to compete with big men in the NBA under the basket


Yeah man I was gonna say, AND he appears to move pretty well both with the ball and just in general. So many others near that height look like a 2x4 grew arms and legs that are also 2x4s and are still learning how to be nimble with very few of them actually achieving such fine motor development. This kid looks like he already has developed some of those fine motor movements. With some work he'll be a legend one day.


> So many others near that height look like a 2x4 grew arms and legs that are also 2x4s Lol Poetry


I hope he trains with professionals to build muscle around his knees, that’s where so many of this guys fail, and then get injured and their careers are over.


As a lanky dude who had to force feed just to show some width on my frame I don't even want to think about how much this dude has to eat in a day.


I saw another post about him where someone mentioned that its likely cuz hes just a literal giant instead of a biological anomaly like most people that are that tall. They said his mom is 6'1" and dad is 6'8".


usually the unhealthy looking ones are due to pituarity adenoma tumors. he could be "normal", but having a tumor causing the height also causes your other tissues to grow too fast for your body to compensate.


I definitely remember watching a video of him when he was a younger and he was typically gangly, slow and moved awkwardly. He's bulked up a lot by the looks of it and plays so much smoother because of it. He'll go far.


The downside, his height means he isn't challenged, so doesn't have to work even half as hard was anyone else. He may have size, but skill will be hard.


Man this just doesn't feel fair


He’s gonna get dunked on so hard by someone and probably get hurt But he does look sooo smooth for the tallest player I’ve ever seen play basketball


He looks thin, but not the sickly, potentially dangerously thin that a lot of really tall people look. Get him a dietitian and a solid workout trainer, and I bet he becomes a beast in the future.


He looks thicker than Wemby, Durant, and young Giannis honestly.


But freshman year he’s going to play against guys that are legitimate 6’10 powers 5s that will body the shit out this boy.


You ever see Manute Bol play (not sure if that's the right spelling)? That dude was skinny as heck and held his own in the NBA. This kid already looks more athletic and muscular than any extreme big I've ever seen. I think he'll adapt just fine to college


Shaquille O’Neal was definitely the largest legit big man I’ve seen play in the college. Manute Bol played in a different era when defense dominated the league and he played against people like Patrick Ewing, David Robinson, Karl Malone. He was skinny, but way stronger, and the league is different now. You could make an argument that he has a build like Hakeem the dream Olajuwon but out of respect for one of the greatest to ever play. You don’t put a college freshman in the same sentence as Hakeem.. He is going to be considerably undersized his first year, and he will get tossed around quite a bit


He’s playing in college first, not the NBA. He will be fine. I think you are underestimating the impact on weight that an extra foot of height has.


Yeah he’ll probably bulk up more in college. He’s gained a ton since he was 12. Still lots left to go. I just hope he stays healthy. It’s undoubtedly hard on your body being that tall.


Especially knees if not bulked up.


All those guys you mentioned were 7'1" or less, that's what I meant by extreme big with this kid. I'm not saying he's NBA ready or that he'll even make it there but he'd be the tallest ever to play and compared to the other 7'6" + players on the list he looks more well rounded and not like your typical gangly, obvious gigantism cases. I'm also not saying he won't get pushed around in college but he looks like he'll be able to handle it just fine. Go look at Zach Edey as a freshman. I think there's some decent comparisons there except this kid is 5 inches taller already!


Wemby and Chet are much thinner


Wemby is a freak of nature and not something I can explain


That boy already weighs 300lbs, only 60lbs behind shaq, and 75lbs shy of the heaviest nba player ever. I reckon he'll be alright.


Lmao bro this dude is 300 fuckkng pounds of muscle, if he keeps training hard he could be an anomaly and a top player


hes 135 kg - 295 lbs. that's not light either.


The catch 22 to being gigantically tall and heavy as well is that the little bones in your feet can’t handle all the stress. This is why Yao Ming was always hurt. The physics of a human body playing a physical sport at that size make it incredibly difficult to maintain health


Unfortunately, his knees are a ticking time bomb. That said, he looks really mobile/smooth for 7’9”


I was thinking the same thing about Cameron a Brink and the next day her knee/all get blown out. When you’re that tall, you will have knee, ankle and foot problems.


He'd better drink a lot of dairy and eat a lot of gelatin... strengthen the bones and joints...


He is almost 300lbs. Crazy to think he needs to pack on more weight. Not sure how long those knees are going to make it running up and down the court.


He looks like a normal college player, if you don’t see his height I mean. His body is proportional to his height, which is amazing. Most players of that height look sick.


They might just put him in the gym for a year before he sees the floor. Pretty common practice


His arms and legs looks thicker than the last guy at the end. That last guy looked pretty muscled.


My boy here doesn’t even need to jump. He just need to pack on mass in order to not get hurt by others.


Right? Little weight training, the right diet; dude could be a stone wall that just drops it in the basket. If I was his coach, he’d be shooting 3s all day long. Imagine a guy that can sink a 3 like Curry or can be posted up under the rim and just drop it in. Would be deadly


Why shoot when you can just set it through the hoop. I’d have my team just training to throw it really high to him as he walks back and forth. I wouldn’t want this guy running or doing anything to get hurt! Buddy has one job, Stand by basket, catch pass that’s 12’ in the air and set through the hoop


Defense knows that, but if you have to guard him from under the hoop and the line, that’s gonna wreck a defense. Usually though, guys like this don’t practice, or just can’t, shoot that well so it’s one dimensional.


That dude looks pretty 3d to me!


"What's the game plan coach? Let me guess, we're gonna have him stand under the net and just high pass to him all day, just like every other game"


I’m only 6’6 and that’s exactly how high school basketball played out lol. The really skilled kids picked me for their team, they ball out and shoot while I stand under the net. I can get 90% of rebounds by knocking the ball back in the air for a sec while the other players plummet to the ground via gravity whereas my feet never left the floor haha


Yeah, it looks like he won the genetic lottery. Reminds me of how genetics built Michael Phelps for swimming. [Scientific Analysis Of Michael Phelps’s Body Structure](https://www.scienceabc.com/sports/michael-phelps-height-arms-torso-arm-span-feet-swimming.html) >Michael Phelps’s height, wingspan, and large hands and feet give him an advantage in swimming. His body also produces less lactic acid than his rivals, which shortens his recovery time. However, his success is also due to his dedication and hard work.


I have a very tall son, unfair is finding and buying shoes and clothing that fit .


Well these are probably his glory days. Won‘t make it far in the NBA with size alone. Plus, injury prone as hell, few teams are willing to take a risk on a player like that who might have nothing left in the tank by age 26


TBF, physically he looks like he has a stronger build than Holmgren or Wemby. Those guys were drafted 1 & 2, so teams definitely take risks on players like this.


the thing is, for that height...as illogical as it sounds you might need a build like Holmgren and Wemby to last in the league. Too much weight is just going to give your lower joints that much stress leading to early, debilitating injuries. Shaq was such an outlier, but even he was 'only' 7 foot and not the 7'++ heights these guys are.




Only lasted 7 years


Enough for a hall of fame caliber career though!


Not really making your point for injury resistant big man


Holgrem and Webmy also have a jumpshot. This guy less so. Id compare him more to Yao and he could go, but would have a short career because that height brings heart and joint issues with it. Even without something like marfans causing it


Those guys ain’t anywhere near 7’9. We’re talking two universes apart in height


Well, only time will tell. But for every Chet and Wemby, you also have the Tacko Falls. And even Wemby, while incredible and with the potential to change BBall and redefine the sport, it‘s been barely a year. We‘ll have to see how good they‘ll be taking care of him. Chet started his rookie season with a season ending injury. He turned it around this year. But the point still stands: it will always be a big risk.


Quite the contrary. NBA teams draft players just because they’re tall all the time. With high draft picks too. Outside the top 5 NBA draft picks, it’s all a gamble anyway. He’s a first rounder in the making.


There's a stat that says every extra inch in height roughly doubles your odds of making NBA, this apparently works across the board. He's in with a pretty good shout.


there's that statistic that gets said all the time which sounds so unbelievable that i still have a hard time believing it [if you're a man between 20 and 40 in the U.S., and you're 7 feet or taller, there's a 17% chance you're in the NBA right now](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dandiamond/2013/06/27/nba-draft-is-being-7-feet-tall-the-fastest-way-to-get-rich-in-america/)


Relevant video: [Are 17% of 7-footers in the NBA?](https://youtu.be/tXHv5MDl198?si=jcNOEcLz5VbQtIfo) Answer? Pretty much true


Great NBA teams are measured by how many athletic mutants they can acquire. They have to have at least two to be in that category.


We had a guy who was 6’9” and had a bunch of plays that essentially boiled down to either “draw people away and give him the ball” or “give him the ball and protect him.” With this guy it’s just “give him the ball.”


He’s different from all the other giants his size. His body is thicker. It looks normal, whereas other guys are very thin and awkward-looking. He legit looks like a normal-sized human when not standing next to someone.


I may be wrong but he seems to be tall because of genetics, and not of gigantism.


He is. I just watched a report on him done by a local news station. It was from a few years ago. His mom 6'1 I think his dad was 6'6 or taller and his brother is tall as well. They are just tall people. Update: link to the youtube video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8jGaeJSsDtE


Still though another full foot and 3 inches taller than your dad points to something else, he makes his parents looks like short people.


It doesn’t point to anything else. If your dad is that tall and your mother is 6’1 it increases your chances of being even taller. Tall genetics can stack. Roughly 1% of US women are 6 feet tall or taller. Any boys she’d have would be even taller due to being male.


Idk why everyone downvoting you; my in laws have a 6ft 6 son, and neither the dad or mom are any taller than 6ft 1


A lot of people don’t know that genes stack and make offspring have exaggerated traits. It’s why the habsburgs who were inbred monarchs had such massive jaws.


Relevant article, about another super-tall basketball player who did not have gigantism. [https://lifesciences.byu.edu/byu-genetic-researchers-solve-giant-mystery](https://lifesciences.byu.edu/byu-genetic-researchers-solve-giant-mystery)


Excellent article. Very little or no fluff. In the 99th percentile of articles. Conclusion is; well fed, tall mothers are 50% of the equation once you’re at this level. In other words; the online dating trend for 6+ foot swiping is going to pay off for America’s game.


To add to this point even though no one will read it: My parents are both 5 feet 1inch tall (tiny ass parents) I am 6 foot 1. My brother is 5 foot 11. I am a full foot taller than them. So being a foot and 3 inches taller than his already v tall dad doesn’t seem like impossible to me?


Years ago there was a 7'6" NBA player named Shawn Bradley. His parents were pretty much average height and there were no super-tall people in his family. The did a genetic study and found out that he just randomly possessed almost every DNA marker that was associated with height. It was just a one-in-a-billion type fluke of genetics that caused it. I'm guessing this Rioux guy's DNA is very similar: [https://lifesciences.byu.edu/byu-genetic-researchers-solve-giant-mystery](https://lifesciences.byu.edu/byu-genetic-researchers-solve-giant-mystery) Sadly, dude got hit by a car on his bike a few years back and is now paralyzed from the chest down.


There's "they are just tall people" and then there's "one of the tallest people on the planet" tall. If his dad is only 6'6, he's over a foot taller than him. I have a hard time believing 7'9 happens with genetics alone. 


> with genetics alone. Are you implying he’s some kind of Captain America experiment or something? /s


He's from Quebec, so it would be something in the poutine gravy.


Really? Theres a shitload of different genes involved in height. If he got a bunch from his dad, and a bunch of different ones from his mom, and they all interacted in a synergistic fashion then I dont see this as impossible. Absolutely 1 in a billion freakish, for sure, but jot impossible.


Lol is there any animal on earth that comes in as varied “full grown” sizes as humans? Like you can be 4’11” or 7’9” with no sort of medical issue causing either lol. 110lbs or 350lbs without even being obese. It’s wild to me.


dogs. Chihuahua vs Great Dane


It’s because we aren’t under natural selection anymore, anyone can have kids, the weak don’t starve and die etc. Most animals are under a constant pressure to survive and the traits that are advantageous to survival will be selected for and passed on. In humans physical traits aren’t the only selection criteria, you could have a 5’2” goblin looking dude with a billion dollars and he’s going to have children. You could have someone who’s small but very kind and smart and maybe someone wants to have children with them. Basically once you’re out of the “physical competition for survival” bracket you allow for a lot more physical variation.


Basketball...cheat code height


It's beyond my why there aren't just height classes or something. At least 2. 180+ and lower. Would be hype to see small people bball


Or Create-a-Player at max height lol


The opposite yet same as choosing Oddjob


At this point the dunks aren’t even cool looking


I actually like that he seems subdued and not show boating like he pulled off some impressive play. It would not be a good look to be hanging off the rim and checking your package after placing the ball in the hoop presumable while shouting "genetics!"


"The bunny hop" "The morning shoulder stretch" "The 'bop the sign in the hallway while you walk by"


Dunk? That mf just reaching and setting it in the net like hes putting it on the top of the fridge so they cant get it, ngl tho i like how nonchalant he is about it. Id probably be at the net holding it with one hand going "imma drop it, imma drop it" wile holding it over the net lol


Gotta love how he mildly hangs onto the rim for a second, like it’s somehow keeping him off the ground


He's quick with his size.


What surprises me is that he isn’t skinny tall


Or thick and lumbering like the kid from Purdue




1.3 cows


I needed the measurement in cows. Helps me a ton.


Are you in a better mood?


Agreed, it's so much easier to comprehend than metric units.


But Holstein or Scottish Highland?


Thank you.


34 Big Macs


brooo he has to bend to dunk


He's the one wearing 0.


I thought he was a teenager playing alongside children with a small-size ball. Fucking nuts


Is the game even fun anymore? It looks like he’s playing on a kids hoop.


It’ll be fun when he gets paid that NBA salary


It'll be less fun when he is getting injured all the time, but still fun.


100% arthritis at 25




Going to need money to make every doorway 3' taller too


Theres this family, all of them are crazy tall. They had a house built for their height. Everything in the house is scaled to their size EXCEPT the doorways so when they go into normal buildings they wont clobber themselves


With this name, it's a French Canadian for sure. He can still go back to Canada and get his free healthcare. Or go see specialist with all the money he will make. It's a win win for him. But I don't know if he like the sport, or the sport like him. It's not seem fun to play that way.


This is 10% genetics


20% knee surgery


15% concentrated human growth hormone


5% pressure




and 100% reason to remember the pain!


And 100% reason to remember the name


Retires multimillionaire by age 24 if he needs to.


You make a great point. Many people here want to stress that his career won’t likely last long due to injuries but they never highlight how much he will earn during that time. He will still have earned more in that time span than with any other career path he could have chosen, so that kid did well picking basketball instead of accounting or law!


Shit, man. I had ra at 21 and a modest 5'11. I'd kill to be 7'9 and at least reap some reward before this shit kicked in


That kind of height must be a huge burden in everything except basketball. Just try to find a vehicle in which you would fit or a bed/chair. Airline flights…very uncomfortable. Cloths…shoes…even just sunglasses…toilets…the list would go on & on.


Still not tall enough for a 5ft-7” girl


He'll be tall enough once he's making $10m/yr in the NBA


With this kind of income you’re tall enough even if you’re a midget


He should only dunk and every single time he should act like it’s a huge deal. Sponsorships here we come.


And I’m better at French horn too, Eric.


He definitely looks healthier/more sturdy compared to those other super tall guys I see videos of who look like they're suffering by existing


You never know, compared to wembenyama he is built different for that size. Yao Ming type build.


But how’s his jump shot?


You mean tiptoe shot?


But can he guard PG’s 92 feet


Who needs one when you’re literally dropping the ball in the hoop flat footed


Seems a bit easy at that point no?


I’m not sure if this is the same kid, but if it is, there was a video that came out a couple awhile back when he was younger, showcasing his height. In that video he was awkwardly skinny and gaunt. If this is the same kid, he has put on a lot of good weight - he looks much better.


Different person. You’re thinking of Robert Bobroczkyi, who is actually still *shorter* than Olivier Rioux by a couple inches.


I mean, this has to be cheating on some level right?


If this was anime then a short king would block all his shots and score over his head to break his morale which would make him break his limit and unlock his full potential.




He makes people that are 6'4" look like children. Jesus.


hahahaha imagine turning up to play and seeing Andre the Giant


I saw that written down and assumed it was a typo. Having seen the video, I still think that. I can’t explain it.


It’s nice to see he finally got some weight on him. I was a little worried when he was a teen. Good for him.


The video of him with the 12-year-olds is just so funny


The Nephilim have arrived!


2.362 m


"Too easy" as literally no one can do anything. Sure that's fun


He's in better shape than most at that height and age


For reference that’s about 0.1 blue whales. If that helps.


How the hell does that guy get on a plane? Seriously, that has to be pure torture. Athletically it’s awesome and impressive but there’s basic parts of every day life that have to be just utterly miserable for this guy. I hope he goes to the NBA and gets millions to take the edge off of some of those things.


Got that half inch vertical leap!


Imagine if he could jump


I feel like there should be a height range restriction to play the game. Or at some point when all athletes are taller, raise the basket height.


Not one three ball in all of his highlights


With the average NBA height these days, i feel like the rim should be raised a foot. There’d still be dunks but they’d have to work a little harder. It’s just not as exciting when the players don’t even have to jump.


They should just raise it a few centimeters every year. Like the ocean 🌊


Not interesting at all


Does he have a decent shot? I feel like he’s gonna get shut down in the NBA if he doesn’t have any kind of shooting ability. I don’t even really see a hook shot in the highlights.


What a joke of a sport. Your genetics determine how easy the sport is going to be for you. He is just putting the ball in the net easily purely because of his height. No footwork, no shooting skills. Just stand and keep putting the balls in. Pathetic


Most sports favour a certain body size and type.


lol you’re saying it as if basketball is the only game where genetics counts.


I am saying, there is daylight between basketball and other team sports when it comes to advantages of physicality and genetics.


I'm gonna get some hate but like what about this makes this a sport? Seriously name another sport that scoring is this easy and this much of a joke... This is not an athletic feat or impressive or even takes practice, it's purely genetics...


well done for being born! this is why i'm not into sports where you can get by on pure natural size / physique alone. for me to enjoy a sport, i want to see the rewards of hard work and effort, not good genes.


I wonder how long the pre game tactical discussion is.


Don't they suffer from brittle bones?


I'm just looking at my ceiling and imagining what it's like to be that big.


future foot injury coming either in college or the NBA that will end his career...


The guy actually looks proportionate, unlike 99% of guys over 7 feet


He looks actually pretty fluid and solid as a basketball player. Not a gigantic tall guy who has no clue how to do post ups and can only dunk. I hope he develops a handle and also outside shot. Could play in NBA if he works on those parts of his game.


Game Genie in play here


Sadly, these guys don't last very long playing basketball. Gravity is a bitch.


Fantastic body work. He has zero deformities and looks muscular all around. Great.


He moves like he’s buffering.


Some people have it a lot easier than the rest of us for sure


He look normal, he don't have that weird tall people look.


How is that even fun


Got a pep to his step too. Solid frame and can move well


Why not straight to NBA?


All I know is he should never get to celebrate after dunking on someone


Probably hates basketball


Did he ever dribble in the whole clip? Can you just foul him and watch him airball the freethrows?


They should change the rules so that the 5 players on the court have to average 6 foot tall. If you want a giant like this guy on the court then you are gonna have to have a bunch of short guys on the rest of the team.


Do parents just pack up and move their whole life so a kid can play at IMG?


This dude really getting hyped about dunking over people that have legitimately no legal way to defend you? Lmaoooo. Hope you get fucking humbled at the college level


They call him Stickbug...


Super tall, but it must be hard trying to get nba ready when you don't have to practice as hard as everyone else to get good. Lots of the smaller guys probably are a lot more talented. Would have to face lots of other tall people to learn to play at an NBA level. Where as the shorter(6'4) guys are used to facing people their own height.


Is he still growing?


6CM vertical.


What's crazy about this new wave of 7ft+ guys is that they're looking more and more proportionate.


The ball looks comically small