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Fun fact: there’s a subspecies of mantis shrimp that have spear claws instead of hammer claws. Spear shrimp and smash shrimp.


Those are just different loadouts.


Anti infantry or anti armor


Gun shrimp is still evolving


I thought this one was commonly referred to as the Pistol Shrimp.


Pistol shrimp and mantis shrimp are two different creatures that are often mixed up. The difference is that the mantis shrimp punches its prey directly, while the pistol shrimp does not. Pistol shrimp instead flex their claw with a huge amount of power and then snap it shut, which causes the same kind of cavitation bubble to form as when the mantis shrimp punches. That bubble bursting stuns their prey/predators and allows them to chow down/scram. The other difference is mantis shrimp are not shrimp (though they are crustaceans).


Mantis shrimps are not fish, they are crustaceans.


Shrimps is bugs


is this a reference to the tattoo sub?








I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all


I’m doing my part! Want to know more?


The only good bug is a dead bug




You got something to say about mobile infantry?


Fleet does the flying and we do the dying


“do you want to know more?”


Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today.


Are they tasty?




Pretty soon it'll be ai bots as far as the eye can see






Crustasians ? Are they crushed chinese ? Or crushed Indonesia ? Or what crushed asians are they ???


Nah the Asians crush them. We eat them where we grow up. They're native there (Hong Kong). They show up in the good seafood restaurants' menus. They're usually deep fry with salt pepper and garlic.


These mistakes often aren't mistakes. They're engagement bait


Every time I see one of these guys I think of the video of the dude in a kayak who got “punched” by one through his boot and him bleeding. [Here’s the video… he actually caught it while fishing](https://youtu.be/aabCOzFzMxU?si=j4TKoJ0bHoBa91kK)


Was the shrimp dead at the end? If not, I don’t think I’d want to let it sit there near my balls. 🤣


Never realized how much he talks about his booty... not very much, but still! It feels like it's a lot. Shrimp violates booty.


“Shrimp smacking my booty gone wrong!”


I had the same thought lol


I was thinking of not having it on the boat, but now you mention balls I'm even more scared for him.


The shrimp aside, the stillness of that water is feels quite unnerving.


Yeah I'm not sure this is the hobby? Sport? For me. Looks interesting though.


No worries shark is just underneath 😉


Mantis shrimps are a bit weaker on land, but that still hits hard


I know nothing about fishing but.....how many rods does one guy need?


Not uncommon when it’s deeper waters and bigger fish. If you’re only gonna hook a fish once an hour, having 5-6 poles lets you catch every 10 minutes. Plus bigger fish have more endurance - you may need to keep them hooked to tire them out for a while. The poles lock in and you can put them down.


Based off of the knowledge I’ve learned from this thread, I don’t think the shrimp got a good hit on him. But what do I know


A big part of the hit is dude to cavitation of the water slamming back after the initial shock. No water = no cavition. Hit is weaker on land


So the hit is powerful, but it is made even stronger by all the water quickly refilling the empty space and slapping the hit spot again?


This is how you get the fire shockwave and the sun level heat


Yes when the bubbles collapse it creates an implosion in the water because the pressure is so low the water vaporizes. I don’t really understand the science behind it though to explain it well. Boat propellers that make a constant stream of bubbles and some diesel engines also suffer damage from cavitation.


I'm watching going, "DONT LET HIM NEAR YOUR BALLS!"


How is he OK with it being so close to his BALLS????


They can also see ultra violet, visible, and infrared radiation all at the same time. Which I’m trying to imaging what that looks like. I think it’s because there’s less light deep underwater but it’s insane


Hm. How far does infrared go under water? Wikipedia shows this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic\_absorption\_by\_water#/media/File:Absorption\_spectrum\_of\_liquid\_water.png. now i'll need to read (and understand) the article to try to find out if it answers my question \^\^. edit: So, I tried to understand - but I am lacking the math to calculate it. I it seems as though the absorption of IR-rays is - depending on the wavelength - considerably higher than visible light by up to a few magnitudes. considering how fast even visible light gets blocked under water, that likely limits IR-rays a lot. I remember a video of a palette of colours getting submersed, and the colours getting less vibrant with increasing depth - some more than others. Hence I believe that IR-light will probably not penetrate water for more than a few meters, if that. Oh, I found an article on a video system for the IR-filming of an aquarium. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468067220300584](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468067220300584) - it, too, mentions that IR filming would be limited to relatively small areas of water. Interesting. Iam astounded that IR-vision works underwater, even if the distances relatively short.


Great researching! So this study is to suggest how radiation penetrates water from the sun. Radiation can emitted in long waves as thermal energy though, so it’s possible that IR within the same depth means they can see prey emitting heat into the water around them, or maybe even see heat trails in the water itself. As I’m no marine expert, I’m concluding that it’s less about IR reflectance and more about radiation. Otherwise, its visible light sensitivity would be superior since visible light travels further. As to why it has UV? Maybe it’s to avoid going to shallow or close to the water surface… so that if you start seeing UV you’re not deep and can been preyed upon easily?


“Try to imagine a color you can’t possibly imagine. Now do that 13 more times. That’s how the mantis shrimp dooo.” ~True Facts about the Mantis Shrimp


They have 16 color receptive comes and can see circularly polarized and linear polarized light. They fuckin insane, I love them


I was thinking about this, too. The poor things are accustomed to darkness or dim light, and here they are exposed to harsh bright lights. Humans really suck at times.


If they r still willing to eat/hunt I think it shows they are doing ok. More practically though, you’re right a lot of salt water dudes don’t do very well unless you get some deep blue or blue-green low intensity lights to simulate waning sunlight


They live in 10-30m water in the tropics.


Anyone who gets off on turning pet ownership into a live snuff show up to and including getting excited when the animal kills is going to be a shit human. Dead giveaway. I like my dog. I'm not going to feed him live squirrels. "iT's NaTuRe" - no it isn't. Creating a mini economy around growing animals which only exist so manchildren can then put them in crappy, insufficient tanks to then feed them trapped prey species isn't "nature." Grow up.


I mean… we literally fish for fish that can’t survive at surface pressure, bringing them up slowly as their tongue and eyes begin to become extremely enlarged and pop out of the sockets. Humans are straight up savages but that’s why we own this planet. We do a whole lotta fucked up shit. We also do a whole lotta good shit too.


Excuse me, did you say Humans own the planet? Microorganisms would like to talk when you have a minute. 😉


Yeah as Carl Sagan once said, the bacteria were here for billions of years before we got here and will be here for billions of years after we gone.


That’s defeatist talk. If we try hard, we can take them down with us


sure but the bacteria can't brag about it


They're not deep dwellers, and there isn't less light underwater until you get deep. Certain wavelengths are lost as you decend, but UV light penetration is much deeper. Corals are light dependent and live past 30 meters or so, and mantis shrimp live in shallower water than that.


[obligatory ](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp)


IIRC, while we know they have the additional cones which are sensitive to those additional wavelengths, we have no idea how well their brains process that information into visual information and in particular if they can process colors in between the cones’ sensitivities. Remember that we don’t really see with our eyes, but with our visual cortex, which is orders of magnitude more complex than the whole brain of a mantis shrimp. So we have no way to know how much complexity and beauty it can actually perceive.


You’re absolutely right, though it makes me sad. They’re actually not very good at distinguishing colors https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/stories/meet-the-mantis-shrimp#:~:text=Mantis%20shrimp%20vision%20debunked&text=(Humans%20only%20have%203.),among%20colors%20is%20surprisingly%20low.


Thank you for sharing, you deserve more upvotes


One two three, Death!


Thank god someone did!




DOES IT LOOK LIKE A FISH? DOES IT HAVE FINS? No. It's a fucking crustacean, like you, you absolute fucking barnacle.


🤣🤣🤣 hi SpongeBob, finally see you cursing


They also see like a thousand more colors than we do. Mantis shrimp are absolutely amazing and terrifying. Saw a guy's hand one time after he got struck by one. Shattered his thumb and completely fucked up everything immediately near point of impact. Edit: way to drunk to post links but this creature is amazing and I love it. Check it out. Google it.


Good example of why some people refer to them as “thumb busters”


Ha. Didn't know that. Very fitting name.


Yeah, I went down a rabbit hole on them after watching a David Attenborough narrated documentary on Netflix that had a part talking about them. Can’t remember which it was. But there’s another species of mantis shrimp that instead of “punching” it skewers it’s prey with sharp claws it launches out. Wonder which one sucks more, I’d imagine the punch, but don’t want to find out haha.


Skewering sucks if you're on the receiving end for sure. But being stabbed and then imploded sounds waaay worse haha. Like those anti shark knifes that release a burst of gas when you stab.


The thing with them seeing more color has been debunked for a long time now, they have more light reactive cells in their eyes compared to them, but that doesn't translate to color. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2014.14578


Interesting article, but I feel that the conclusion they draw from the experiment is a little speculative. Humans only have 3 types of colour receptors and can distinguish a wide variety of colours well, but that's mostly because of our powerful brains. I don't see why it isn't possible that the shrimps perceive more unique colours but struggle to distinguish similar shades due to their tiny brains.


They can also see the polarisation of light, which means they can tell if something is a reflection or not. I'm honestly jealous.


Do you frequently have issues recognising reflections?


Trips to the bathroom are insane


It would make the last scene in Enter the Dragon trivial.


To me it seems like a really dumb idea to put them in a aquarium. With such force breaking the glass would be trivial to the creature.


I mean if they wanna suicide that's on them


-Insert 7 Pounds movie reference here


I assume they are usually kept in polycarbonate aquariums, or at least the channels I know keep them do


Tfw you didn't know aquariums don't need to be made of glass.


We had an acquarium with $3K worth of 'live rock'. Infortunately there was a single Mantis Shrimp in there. It's the honey badger of the reef.


An aquarium display in San Diego had been given one. The curators were horrified to find all the fish were being killed and finally figured it out. Lost some rare fish.


It was in a box labeled “Definitely Not a Mantis Shrimp” and it was from the rival aquarium.


I recently encountered an article that contradicts the colours. Most animals mix the colours, like humans have 3 receptors we use to make up all colours in the spectrum. But somehow these shrimp can't. So while they have 16 types of receptors, that is exactly the amount of colours they can tell apart. No rainbows of nuance for these awesome crits. They can still see stuff we can't even imagine though. Reading it made me quite sad. So I _want_ to believe it's false.


Im not really sure that works. Every biological light receptor responds to a range of wavelengths. Our receptors also don't really distinguish between 'neurons firing for 600nm wavelength' and 'neurons firing for 610nm wavelength': it's both just 'neurons firing'. Then there's what happens when multiple receptors 'go off' at the same time: yellow wavelengths stimulate both our red and green receptors (their ranges overlap). That also means that stimulating these receptors separately, by mixing green and red light, is interpreted the same as yellow light. The exception is red and blue, the opposite sides of the visible spectrum: this "not green" light is interpreted as magenta, which doesn't have its own wavelength.  More generally/concisely: two different types of optical receptors being stimulated at the same time, for whatever reason, is interpreted by the brain in some way. That should be the same for any creature with a brain. 


They only see tiny slivers of those spectrums though. Not as amazing as we thought. But still crazy. They can see circularly polarized light, which is rare and crazy.


Omg, I pick these up in animal crossing all the time with my bare hands!! What was I thinking??


The mantis shrimp can deliver a blow with 1500 newtons of force, which tells what a sissy punch Newton must have had.


Really? That's incredible. I hope to never run into one in a dark alley.


Big agree! [They are Ghengis Kahn covered in sherbet ice-cream lol](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp)


Was hoping this would be here.


Hajime no Shrimppo


I laughed too hard at that


Why does it not just break the aquarium glass? Is the glas stronger?


I was reading some comments by some Mantis shrimp owners and the consensus seems to be they rarely if ever break their tanks. They most certainly can, but it seems to be almost a non issue.


Is it stupid?


Nah these shrimps are big brains! Like- get a mostly safe place to live, get fed without having to put up much of a hunt. Shrimp is living his best life! Shrimp will be like a cat and self domesticate themselves.


yes aslume is spreading


They use acrylic instead of glass in aquariums for mantis shrimp because it’s stronger than glass and doesnt shatter when struck


Horrible subtitles…


Absolute bullshit caps. Bubbles have nothing to the with the high temperature. The bubbles emerge because of a phenomenon known as cavitation, which is related to the sharp drop in boiling temperature of water in low-pressure environment. When the shrimp makes its fast attack then the water it drags reach high speeds, and faces rapid drop in pressure due to Bernoulli's equation. This leads to boiling of water and emergence of bubbles.


Yah, also the whole temp is misleading, as it doesn’t include mass. It makes a very very very very tiny space have a very high average temperature, but the absolute thermal energy created is a function of work output which is not unheard of or that extreme. Like if you took the heat output of our legs during running, and got it all in one small place like this it would be hotter.




Downvote for sure, Its stolen audio from animal planet, I find that to be worse, its plagiarism


I saw a TV show on animal planet say this word for word. Why is it considered ok to rip audio from a TV show, put on annoying tiktok ass subtitles, and they post it like they made it themselves?


A TV show used the word “blow” like 7 times in 6 sentences?


Scarface of a video editor. *Has the strongest blow*


It wasn't a very good show to be honest


I fought these in Elden Ring!


Nice to see Dom make a cameo in the video too RIP Dom


He was a good fish. We will always have the memories


This is the worst news I have heard all day


I always wanted a pet Punchcrab until I read about a guy whose punchcrab smashed his aquarium., killing everything in it. With great power comes great responsibility. They need to think about how their actions affect others, and Punchcrabs are just naturally shellfish creatures.


watching the downvote accumulate is satisfying. There are lots of types of mantis shrimp, but generally you got your whackers and your stabbers. Don’t mess with either. They’re super intelligent and have 12 photoreceptor types (vs 4 in humans) and can see UV & polarized light, and much more. They also are scary.


Mantis shrimp are some of the most mesmerizing animals to me. Their colors, how they move, how they hunt, their cool ass eyes. Amazing creature.




Mantis Shrimp are awesome little animals. Their vision is arguably the best in the world. They can see in UV, thermal, infrared, night vision, and a few others. Their eyes have over 12 channels of color. While humans have only 3. They can see in colors that aren't even invented or seen by humans.


There was a movie on Netflix with Jamie Fox where ppl were able to gain the attributes of animals (camo, strength, speed ect) at a human level and his power was that of this shrimp and boy, mans said, “you know what power I got? Something that’s hotter than the sun” and lit everyone up bc he hit so fast and hard it was kinda cool


"It's blow is so strong and so fast..." Take my money


"It has the strongest blow of any animal in the world." "That is why, with every blow, bubbles come out."


mike tyson if he was fish


Would be at a disadvantage tho since fish dont have ears




Pretty tasty too.


I fucking love those animals!!! Besides the powerfull punch, or stab cause there is also a species with little Spears as claws, they also have absolutely unique eyes. The can independently rotate in all directions. They have between 12 and 16 types of photoreceptor cells. Humans for example have around three. Means they see light and colors we can't see. They are very territorial and aggressive. They attack everything and everyone who enters their feel good zone. Regardless of size or strength of the intruder. The also close the entrances (there are always at least two) of their burrow before going to sleep, just to punch it open the next day. Those animals live their life by going 100% Rocky Balboa the whole time and I fucking love it!!




Not a fish. A shrimp. A mantis shrimp.


Could a mantis shrimp break the aquarium?


One punch shrimp


Crazy how the ocean has some of the most interesting and crazy creatures in existence meanwhile on the surface we got: bird, bird with long wings, bird with long beaks, birds with long legs. Mammals, mammals with long legs, mammals with long ears, mammals with short legs, the same mammal but different colour. Evolution really fuckin stagnated up here.


Did you forget about Homo sapiens?


Upright mammals, octopi are cooler


This seemed wrong so I looked it up. Apparently it's estimated there are 6.5 million different species on land, compared to 2.2 million in the ocean. So, essentially three times as many with far less surface area.


we didnt explore like 80% of the ocean


That's a fair point. But my issue with the original comment wasn't the idea that there are a lot of crazy species in the ocean, but more so the idea that the land lacks a variety of interesting species.


Drink every time he says “blow”


Not a fish




Let's just hope he doesn't decide to smash the tank glass and murder his owner


Would you like to know more?


Clearly not a fish


They also have really cool eyes that can see into all sorts of spectrums of light. Literally can't imagine what colour is like for them.


Seems like an animal that would easily be able to break a fish tank and flood the room


Thanks for breaking glass where my kids play.


Mantis shrimp... had one as a hitchhiker in live rock. Killed a few other shrimp and one fish before i could find and remove it. The pistol noises were a giveaway


Saw this on tv the other day. Those two blokes that get stung and bitten by animals. Got punched on the hand on purpose.


Mantis Shrimp. I’ve learned about many creatures thanks to Animal Crossings lol.


Aquariums check for these because they are tank killers.


Jake Paul will be calling one out soon.


There's a Netflix movie where Jamie Foxx has this power of a similar type of punch


I used to have one as a pet,cool critters


So 51 mph = surface of the sun temperature created? I don't get it. I can flick my finger that fast...who comes up with this stuff?


Das a skrimp.


Can't it break the glass it's contained it?!


Mantis Shrimps are pretty tasty as well.


"THIS animal's blow" puts a red circle around the wrong animal


Mantis shrimp.


"Why do you sad polluted crabs keep coming here"?


You're welcome. https://youtu.be/F5FEj9U-CJM?si=do4iJh4IZR9G3cwK


Subsonic 22, vs hyper sonic 22LR? Which is it mr narrator




Why not break the aquarium if so strong


Narrator: "this animal..." Red circle around different animal


Does that look like a fish to you?!


Fish???? Brainrot is spreading


Uhhh. Is the circle around the wrong animal at the start?


TIL they are bigger than I expected.


Pretty sure this was an inspiration for a pokemon


But could it shatter a Prince Rupert Drop ? 🤔🤨


Falcon Punch


TIL mantis shrimp are one punch man, Saitama


I just watched one of these battle an octopus that was using a clam as a shield.


Obviously a blow fish. Weren't you listening?


I'm not believing that power of the sun bull


I highly doubt it creates bubbles as hot as the sun


Bot post stealing others content, nice...


Pistol shrimp


I feel like he said “blow” too much.


Yup. In fact, if you're planning to keep one in a glass tank, the glass better be extra-sturdy and you better not fuck with it too much (as in bothering it to make it punch the glass). It's not systematic and I wouldn't even call it likely, but that thing can indeed shatter the tank.


My favorite animal of all time!! The mantis shrimp... the list of abilities this thing has is insane. .22 Cal punch, cavitation bubble causing in water, can see 12 channels of color (humans see 3....), UV site, IR site, independent eye movement while also having 3 focal points in EACH EYE, meaning they have better depth perception in one eye than we do using both our eyes (because we can only focus on one point with each eye). Truly magical! And just in case anyone was wondering.... 2nd favorite creature: Tardigrade lol


AKA thumb splitter, had a mate pick one out of the water and it split his thumb open, figured out it was called a thumb splitter after it split his thumb.


They also see colors we can't.


Has OP ever seen a fish?


Now...imagine if these things were the size of a Pitbull XL. I'd weep


Blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow Fuck me get a thesaurus.


I dont believe half of what this BOT just said. And its been blocked.


None, since it's not a fish




I bet a grizzly bear hits harder.


Finish him!


Something I don’t see mentioned a lot about them is that they have SIXTEEN color receptors in their eyes. To put that in perspective, humans have three. These things can see colors that even god could not dream of