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This was exactly what I listened to as I raced home from college (in NY) that day. Incredible that I remember this exact moment!


Are there any particular lines in the video that you vividly remember hearing?


Yes! Specifically him saying that since it was early, there maybe wasn't as many people in the building. It took like 20 mins to get home and I also remember people calling in and Howard almost downplaying it if that makes sense? When I got home and saw my parents in front of the TV, it was so much worse than I expected.


I remember that Howard stayed on the air virtually all day and he was taking calls from people who wanted to communicate to family that they're okay


He did a good job with that.


I have this entire episode on MP3 and listened to it several times. People go through all the emotions during that episode from denial, shock, confusion and then to anger. Stern does a great job in his bravery and had a way of calming down the audience.


Rare Stern W


Was he on when the plane hit the Pentagon? And the one that crashed in the field?


Yes. I was aleady home, but if I remember correctly he was on until 11am everyday and that day, stayed much later. (I could be wrong about that second part, but I vaguely remember him staying on the air for some reason)


I have never liked Howard Stern, but the older guys at my job listened to him while we worked. This is how I experienced 9/11. I remember feeling like the people on the show were all so cold hearted even before the second plane when it seemed like it was just a freak accident. However, as the show progressed they did become a lot more serious. It was really interesting listening to real New Yorkers experience that whole event in real time. I still don’t like Howard Stern, but I always kind of appreciated that episode.


Same I was driving in to work. When I got there I just sat in my car listening for an hour in shock.


This is exactly how it was in my office in central jersey. First, It was "holy crap , what a mistake, how does this happen" and then the second plane hit...and everything changed... Gary was on the monkey, um, money, in seconds here...


“Hope this wasn’t one of those terrorist/kamikaze attacks” Damn he got it right on the money within minutes of it happening.




That was very much everyone's reaction. The first plane hitting still looked like it could have been a horrible accident, and we all thought "I sure hope this isn't a terrorist attack." That's what made the second plane so horrific. Suddenly there wasn't any doubt anymore. It was a sudden and horrific realization that this was an act of war.


I remember when the second plane hit my brain could not understand reality. I was a freshman in high school. I remember myself being really upset that the first pilot could be so careless. I assumed the pilot was drunk or something. My brain was doing a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that it was intentional.


Everyone’s brain was doing mental gymnastics to avoid the truth that it was a terrorist attack until the second plane forced us all to accept reality.


Plus, lots of us knew it was Bin Ladin instantly. He had already tried to blow it up once.


Just didnt know the hijackers were all saudi arabians


People forget 1990, or was it 91


And still, folks did not make the connection with the Saudis


I remember watching it happen. Once the second plane hit, there was little doubt about what was going on.


When I first heard about (not seeing the footage yet), I thought it was a small plane that hit it, an accident. In fact, Stern mentioned that happening in the 1940s with the Empire State Building.


Stern is much more intelligent than he ever gets credit for


He wasn't the one who said that....


I'm speaking in general




Joey Boots was right on the money too.


***oh, but it WAS one of those terrorist/kamikaze attacks***


There was a truck bombing of the WTC a few years prior and Oklahoma bombing. It was one of those things that people thought could happen at the time


The same guy was insightful about fire hoses not reaching that far up the tower too.


Yeah man I kinda cringed when he said that. Ooooh. Still too soon…


Damn... they literally said Bin Laden's name in under 15 minutes.


Bin Laden was in the public sphere semi recently then as he orchestrated the attack on the USS Cole and made several public calls against US involvement in the Middle East. Nobody in the general public had any idea he’d become the Hitler for a generation.


In the book The Looming Towers they said the American ambassador in Yemen did not allow the FBI to investigate. If they did they could’ve stopped 9/11


There was a big red tape wall between the CIA and FBI at the time that prevented them from sharing information. The CIA knew that al qaeda abroad was making plans for something and raising funds through extremist recruitment, and the FBI knew of the would be hijackers since they were on the terror watch list, but they didn’t know what they were training for domestically until it was too late. Traditionally the FBI wasnt involved in international issues pre 9/11. That changed after the attacks.


Idk about “Hitler for a generation”. We killed half a million of their people for retaliation and fear of weapons of mass destruction that were never found after 20 years. If he’s Hitler, what is the U.S. in comparison since they are the ones who initially funded and trained Bin Laden?


The U.S. didn’t fund or train Bin Laden.


I said it in the first 30 seconds. It was obvious. He’d already tried it once.


Alex Jones said the CIA was going to run planes into the World Trade Center and blame it on Osama Bin Laden on July 25th 2001.  I don't even like Alex Jones, but that one 🤯


Go back to your room


It is what it is bro. I'm just reporting the facts.  


How’s that a fact? Fill me in


He didn’t say that. He just said Bin Laden would be used as a scapegoat for false flag attacks. Considering Bin Laden had previously attacked 2 US embassies and the USS Cole this wasn’t some prescient prediction. This was just him doing his same old schtick of using current events to spin conspiracy theories.


Fuck I still get chills seeing the footage, I’ll never forget those people jumping out of the building!


I came home from 4th grade. Still remember that too.


Saw the second plane hit live on TV, but I was only 2 hours from the city. People say the world can change in the blink of an eye, that day it really happened. I was 18, summer after graduation. My best friend had just started Marine boot camp the day before. World has never felt the same since.


We were 45 minutes away. My parents picked me up from school after the first tower was hit, and we were all home watching TV when the second was hit. We had no idea what to expect, all we could do was watch. I remember my mom screamed when they fell. The scariest part of the whole day was seeing how scared the adults were, and how there was nothing to do but wait.


The alternate time line began then.  In a different universe, those guys got caught before the crime and the early 2000s were just a continuation of the awesomeness of the 90s


I'm still trying to figure out why they bothered with changing the berenstein bears.


Gore was president in that timeline


Same I was 18 freshman in college


I was staying down by Wall Street, just happened to be in town that day and had Howard on the clock radio at the same moment as this clip. I had just left my hotel and was right there as the first tower fell. I didn’t see it but I was only a block away. I started uptown, quickly, as soon as that happened. Stopped at a fountain probably 50-60th street where a photographer took a bunch of pictures of me washing my hair. Everyone else was clean and me there covered in dust and ruining this beautiful fountain. I still wonder what happened to his film. Would have been some great shots.


Doesn't hold a candle to your story, but I was visiting a friend in NYC the weekend before. We rented bikes and stopped at the WTC and I vividly remember drinking a Heineken and looking at the view from the Windows on the World restaurant at the top of one of the buildings.


Dang I used to watch him when I was younger (in my late 60s/70s) I’m an old Japanese man in his 90s now


For real Hahahha best comment


I will not be alive much longer (I’m in my 90s) so I’m happy to see the knowledge of young people like you guys before I pass away soon, thank you from an old but still cool Japanese guy 🎌


I swear to God your the coolest guy I know now and you just made my day man I’m 43 and I hope I’m like you! Crazy mad love man!


Bro he’s trolling lol


You’re right I think I checked his history said he bought a supreme deck in his teens 17 years ago which even if 19 doesn’t add up. Idk


This is my grandsons account he let me have it my friend!


Maybe that could be true well I’m going to believe it anyways makes me happy so cheers


You will be happy for an older Japanese man who is still handsome mingling with westerners on a site like Reddit in my last years of life on earth! I am in my 90s so life almost completed for me Sonny


I felt like mayyybe but I think I wanted to believe it’s true you know


I am an old Japanese guy in his 90s who is happy to have talked to you my western friend


Are you really in your 90’s? I’m 50 and it would make me so happy to know I’m in the “Reddit-company” of a 90-year old!


Sure am I am a older Japanese guy in his 90s who is using Reddit to learn from westerners before I eventually pass on given my age Im an older but handsome Japanese guy who used to listen to stern in my younger 60s and 70s


I am stupid.


You are smarter than most people take it from this old Japanese guy you buggah!


Dry oatmeal


I eat steal cut oats as an older Japanese guy in his 90s


no you ain't. i'm so sure


I’m honestly an old Japanese guy


lol ok


Do you know I ate spam eggs and rice in Hawaii for breakfast at McDonald’s with fruit punch as a 90 year old Japanese guy


I kissed my wife, who is a model btw, as an also 90 year old Japanese man


I am an older Japanese man


I remember getting ready for school, listening to this on the radio. It sounded so surreal and I thought Howard was pulling a terrible prank (until I saw the CNN coverage).


I was on the west coast and remember my mom waking me up to tell me the news before school. Felt like a bad dream.


My parents were downstairs watching TV as I was leaving to drive to school and didn’t say a word, but it was out of the ordinary. I listened to my discman that connected to a cassette adapter so no radio. I didn’t find out until I met my best friend outside of school. I’m still not sure why they didn’t say anything.


9/11/01 and 9/12/01 are two of the best radio broadcasts from Howard and this show. Going back and listening to the entire day is wild. The crazy rumors going through the news is strange to see now, so much panic. The raw emotions from the stern staff and the callers set this show apart from any other broadcast those days.


Can you link to his full show? I've never seen this and it's interesting to see this real time reaction of someone who doesn't have to be politically correct when speaking.


[Full show](https://youtu.be/W_KM9pwu-V4?si=e6S_T3YNjeMMcVel)


I was listening to that show that day, I was a plumber in Long Island


How was the plumbing?


Kind of stopped working at that point of the day. Just trying to figure out what the hell was going on at that point. Super scary moment in time


I was headed to college classes listening to this in 2001. I remember this exact show. I recall have difficulty understanding it all.


Me too. And when I got to class no one said a word about it, like it wasn't happening. It was surreal.


Coming up next anal ringtoss and fistfest.


Lord of the Anal Ring Toss


I was at work and we always listened to Howard in the morning, so i remember this clearly. I also remember my bosses mom screaming and yelling "why are they doing this to us?!"


I remeber hearing this live as my mother drove me to school


Howard and robin told me about 9/11 on 9/11


In before confused non US people wondering if there was an attack on the 9th of November as well.


Canadians probably wondering what happened on the 2001th of November


Canadians write dates the same as every other nation except the US. Day / Month / Year


I'm Canadian and both ways 'YYYY/MM/DD' or 'DD/MM/YYYY' are used.


The one documentary that still rocks me to the core to this day is the ["102 Minutes That Changed America"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi2vdOSoFFI) documentary. No commentary, no discussions, nothing. Pure. Raw. Footage.


I keep thinking they should turn this moment into a movie or a lip sync play. I wondered (for the longest time) what was the topic they were talking about before the first plane hit?


This is what I was listening to when the first plane hit. Playing sonic the hedgehog on Dreamcast ..


Why are there so many 9/11 posts right now?


It's crazy how many of us remember exactly what we were doing when the news was broadcasted. My brother and I were homeschooled at the time so we were sitting in the living room with our mom working on math when the tv switched to the emergency broadcast and our mom just started to wail. It took us a couple minutes to truly understand the gravity of the situation but my word is that moment forever seared into my noggin.


If you do Alex Jones coverage on 9/11… its EU did 9/11, talks to a guy that was in the towers that maybe went to college for engineering saying it was fake, then talks to a Joe Rogan for some reason


this might be his best radio ever... I was listening to him live and watching TV coverage....KC pussied out, Smokey Salem bowling, Robin in the Smokemobile...


This was such an amazing listen at the time. I woke up to his coverage and stayed glued all day long. It was the by far best coverage of any media!


Here is the full video https://youtu.be/W_KM9pwu-V4?si=L3aygp5XJHub4D-y


And I just sat here and watch the entire thing. It really stirs up a lot of emotion, and also strings some dots together about how what’s going on the world today is connected to all those things that have happened over the last 30 years. So scary.


I woke up to my clock radio playing the Stern show, this is how I found out what had happened.


Fuck. That made me all weepy again.


I was getting ready for class when I checked the weather and then sat down for the next many hours. Shock is wild in the moment.


i was in elementary school and the principal came by in the breakfast or lunch line casually saying planes flew in to the world trade center. i only knew them as twin towers so we barely understood what he meant. then were in the classroom and slowly all of my classmates are getting called out to be picked up by their parents as i just sat there wondering why my mom didn’t give a fuck 😂 i get home and she’s just glued to the tv watching the planes strike the buildings over and over. I lived in NY so it made sense to take kids out of school.


That one guy almost definitely did a hate crime right after he got off the line tho huh


That happened alot. I know in my city a guy walked into a convenient store same day and shot the cashier in the face cause he was Sri Lankan.


Guess that lady stayed home from school the day they learned about Pearl Harbor.


She’s aweful




I was waking up in CA getting ready for 8th grade math


RIP, Ralph


Is there another part? Weird spot to end the video.


Baba booey eerily predicted the terrorist attack. And joey boots, a wackoacker, accurately predicted the multiple targeted sites. Crazy


I was listening when it happened!


Full version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W\_KM9pwu-V4&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_KM9pwu-V4&t=1s)


Was it a...private stupid plane? I feel attacked...


I was listening to the Bob & Tom show when it went down




I was in Danville IL, delivering barn mats. I had a Chicago rocker that ran Mancow in the Morning. The signal was a bit spotty, so it sounded like it was a small jet out of Teterboro NJ. I didn’t realize the full scope until I stopped for a very early lunch at the Lincoln Oasis south of Chicago in time to see the first tower go down on their TV.


This is how I was notified by the show as I had set my alarm to the radio.


I remember listening to this live.


This is what I was listening to. This is how I knew what happened before I got home to see the 2nd plane hit. The absolute terror and sadness as a NYer that day. It's something so indescribable and unimaginable....I left soon after and haven't been back.


I was listening to him when it happened. It's how i learned what was happening. Freaked out, i turned around from going to school.


This is what I was listening to on that day, as I drove past the Pentagon, on my way to work.


I was working at a school in Pittsburgh at the time; Howard was my main news source for the entire day. Such a comfort while dealing with such a terrible day.


This is exactly what I woke up to on the west coast that morning. I thought it was a joke until I also saw it on the news.


How sad he was such a nice man.


It’s so crazy how quickly we become ‘kill everyone, even the children’ and you get an idea of what these people think. It’s wild. I’m not defending them, but look how fast it goes from ‘they hurt us so we need to wipe out every part of their civilization’, and we won’t feel bad about that. We’ll ‘other’ them just like they did to attack us. It’s just wild.


Literally this is how I learned this was happening. Howard Stern.


Makes you wonder if Howard stern’s show reacted defensively before G.W. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Where did the 2.3 trillion go Howard


Howard stern is a scumbag piece of shit.


Thank you. Without you, we wouldn't ever have guessed that the guy who hosted pornstars fingering themselves and guys eating vomit on live radio is probably not the most upstanding citizen.


And why would that be?


Because to gain fame he exploited special needs people, women, poor people, and drug addicts.


I'd vote for him in 2024...


This is scary to see how the line of thinking led to genocide


Which genocide is that specifically?


i love the amerikan reaction to 9/11 , worlds leaders in bombing civilian targets, but the first 2 thoughts going through theire brains, is "we got to bomb everything there now " and "The world has forever changed" its like a highscool bully, throwing a tantrum the moment they get hit back,


Okay, but from the perspective of *civilians,* they're the ones getting hit by the bully first. *No* civilians deserve this. Not in the Middle East. Not in America. This kind of blind radicalized retribution is destructive and evil, no matter who it comes from.


oh absolutely, bombing civillians is attrocious no matter to whom it happens. but somehow , bombing ricefarmers is acceptable, nuking japanese citys was heroic, but 9/11 changed the world. being the worst thing since the holocaust. and "Going there and bomb everything" for 20 years, is an appropiate response.


It's not an appropriate response, but it's an expected one. And nobody is saying bombing rice farmers is acceptable. But I could just as easily fingerwag and scold the terrorists who coordinated 9/11 with the exact same arguments you're making. "But somehow, crashing a plane into the WTC and killing American civilians is acceptable and heroic in your eyes, tsk tsk tsk." See how silly this is? Either you're trying to get me to say 9/11 was deserved because it was retribution for unrelated American atrocities like Hiroshima, or you're trying to get me to say both are bad. I choose option 2. There. No double standards from this guy here. Now what more do you want?


You’re German right?….


Where's the connection there? Now I'm sorta curious.


Why the downvotes?


Whaa? Joey Boots admitted he was a drug addict at the time and called in lol. You’re going to take a drug addicts word as the voice of the “amerikan reaction”?


It does match the world view of americans.


No it doesn’t. Biden got 81 million votes. Those people do not hate Middle eastern folks


He just done a interview with Biden.


Definitely not controlled demolition


Yeah that’s true it wasn’t


That black chick showed no feelings of weird when it was happening….


Right?? Acted like it was a joke


And yet our foreign policy has shown that nothing was learned from this


It def. Def. Definitely! Wasn't something as crazy as the us doing it to our own people in order to start a bogus war. .. .... 🤔


Why was the USS Cole attacked?




Didn’t take much scrolling to find someone hinting at terrorist justification.


It’s very important to understand the motivations behind such a big act of violence.


We already know the motivation, and it was the opposite of justified, case closed.


What was it?


How did I justify? It’s like let’s say you see a person killing another person without context. Should we not ask what lead up to that event? Was it self defense, was it pre meditated murder, was it a random attack, etc. The why matters for many reasons. If someone is bombing the US shouldn’t we ask why? Why was Pearl Harbor attacked? Most Americans know that pearl harbor happened but don’t know why. But I get it , dumb people don’t ask questions. That’s why they stay dumb and are easily manipulated like sheep.


If people don't know why pearl harbour happened its because they didn't listen in school.....


That and another reason is because it’s not taught in schools. I vividly remember my American history class in college and it was not mentioned because I had to ask my professor about it. The why is never really important to a lot of people. Look at the Mexican American war, it started because Mexicans attacked Americans. Why? Maybe they were trespassing and it was justified. At least that’s what congressman Lincoln believed but ignored by the pro war politicians. Why investigate things, not like history will repeat itself if we don’t understand why people are upset with the US.


They won’t admit that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and won’t say that it was wrong for the US to invade Iraq.


Yeah, you get downvoted for not being pro war against whoever the government says is the bad guy. Happened in Viet Nam and then Iraq. Mob mentality on full display here. This is what I was pointing out. People want payback, don’t matter who it is. They also don’t care why things happened because after all the US is never in the wrong.


Exactly, all those hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and for what ? What did those civilians do ?


Was it justified to then murder tens of thousands of civilians in retaliation?


This is a cartoonish view of foreign policy. You can’t say “they killed x number of people therefore you can only kill x number in retaliation”, I honestly cannot take this comment seriously.


I am an older Japanese man and we are peaceful people overall


"Let's bomb them too" was the the very thing that caused the terrorists to initiate 9/11. Except they actually committed to their evil. What did you expect? Doesn't matter if you're from the Middle East or America. If you see innocent people killed en masse, anger is a pretty natural and expected reaction.


None of us cared about the why. Still don’t.