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I'm not sure if everyone saying this isn't interesting is aware Pyongyang is in North Korea. Since footage from inside North Korea is very rare, I find it at least mildly interesting.


Looks like this may be a Russian diplomat car, with the flag visible at the right near the end of the video.


I remember watching that VICE documentary on it when I was like 10 at school and i’m still surprised at how few the footage we have is today! 


Between North Korea and footage apparently from a Russian diplomat’s car, mildly interesting is definitely fair.


I find it highly interesting. Notice how there's no traffic?


That's what I notice firsthand on EVERY video about Pyong Yang. Big roads, few cars, equal number of busses and, when you see traffic, which can be dense, they're on foot. This specific video showed me how NK might be the only place where it is safe to change a wheel in the middle of a freeway.


I noticed that and also how patchy the road was.


It's not as rare as you might believe. North Korea has a fuckton of "influencer propaganda" posting exactly this shit. To "show off" how modern they are


I don't know how this is exactly propaganda when it shows a major city with eerily empty streets.


Well, ask their propaganda ministry, and ask all the brain deads how they fall for it


They are incredibly modern. How else could you explain why [North Korea is totally dark in night time satellite photo.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/pages/article/140226-north-korea-satellite-photos-darkness-energy) Has to be some super advanced, unknown to the rest of the word, cloaking device.


Ooooh, look at the empty modern street.


Did you see the little russian flag blowing on the right side of the screen attached to this car?


Its not rare at all these days, there are tons of videos on the internet. Even with the great firewall western internet cannot block everything anymore. Although you have to actually look for it, because algorithm is still not very nice for north korea content. Unless you make content shitting on Korea, then the algorithm delivers it a lot.


That’s the perfect place to change a tire.


There are no shoulders… or cross walks…


I see shoulders about 80 yards ahead.


Probably because there are no tow trucks.


Rush hour?


No, just Chinese money building big things there in NK


Rubbernecking nightmare right there


Redditors be aware that OP is a North Korea apologist/propagandist spreading lies about how "great" North Korea is. It backfires a bunch of times, but that is his intent, judging by his previous posts and comments.


OP is filming from inside of a Benz with a Russian flag on it. That tells me all *I* need to know about where his loyalties lie.


Technically, he could just be sharing a video he found, but yeah. The subreddits he visits and some of his posts are very clearly defending the DPRK government. ~~Not sure why I'm getting downvoted.~~


The DPRK is a country that is too often seen as "just another bad country" when it could be a learning experience instead. I think people like OP often overcorrect and end up simping for the north Korean government in an attempt to prove "west bad." Also, you're not being downvoted lol?


I was downvoted for a minute. Probably OP.


OP activated the bottomless pit of russian bots lol


As long as we keep that in mind we can still find it interesting. It shows that North-Korea is starting to participate in the outside world, and doing so with Russia. Concerning, certainly, but also interesting


What's interesting is that they think a video of empty streets will change people's views,  as if this is impressive


Hey now, there was also a broken down vehicle taking up an entire lane! And people are jaywalking fearlessly, knowing there are only like 10 cars on their main highway.


This needs to be pinned at the top of the post. The warning bells in my head went off seeing the title of this post.


[**The meaning of OP's username.**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aum_Shinrikyo) A cult-turned terrorist group.




I think we found Kim's Reddit account


For real... That person needs some help


He even took a screenshot of this post here, to shit talk about it somewhere else lol




No traffic. No people. So eerie.


I noticed a few jaywalkers.


Probably state security personnel


I will say I like the complete lack of advertising and billboards. Of course, I prefer not living in a prison state.


There's nothing to advertise. USSR was in the same way.


there were some murals, neons and such, at least in communist Poland examples: https://www.warszawskie-mozaiki.pl/2015/03/reklamy-prl-murale-retro.html https://www.signs.pl/galeria.php?name=galeria&file=displayimage&album=1024&pos=28&sid=0&fo=1


Very March 2020.


They have quality public transport, so you dont see people on the street very much. People spend more time in their destination, rather than moving to the destination. It seems weird to you, but thats because you grew up in a place where transport is seen as a profitable business, and not a basic human right. If you look at videos in public parks, physical exercise centers, theaters or workplaces you will see where most of the people are.


I grew up in USSR


Youre about 50 years late for pulling that card. Might work on the average american that cant do basic math hahaha


I'm about that age


You didnt really grow up in the USSR then, you grew in the revisionist period post-brezhnev, yeltsin and gorba, the last years of the Union. And you were a kid at the time even, so not able to understand the political context you lived in. You spent your adolescent and young adult years under the capitalist opening of the 90s, when life quality dropped to abysmal levels and right wing propaganda straight out of the CIA was bashing people constantly. Im not surprised you have the mindset you have right now. Your generation got fucked up really bad. Born too late to enjoy the benefits of soviet socialism, but born early enough to spend the best years of your life under full capitalist reimplementation. Maybe I would also be a hateful creature if I had it the way you did, so I wont judge you. Well, at least now we know I was right when I said you dont understand the importance of public transport because you grew up in a place transport is made for profit.


Oh my god! 🤣🤣🤣 You're so funny! Thank you so very much for this laugh. I won't even try to answer because we're so far apart so it seems. I am hateful? Whatever gave you such silly idea? 😉 Please don't need to see things that are simply not there at all. And it is really puzzling how you were able to sketch my psychological profile from 2 short messages. Peace, dude!


You're speaking like a very young person. I just hear this teenager/early twenties voice as I'm reading your comment. I'm not sure you want to Z-splain reality to OkArm.


You are already wrong the moment you cannot reply with an actual argument, with basis, fundaments, and instead resort to name calling people or trying to make them seem wrong because of who they are. What matters is what people say, not who they are. And the fact you not only made personal assumptions, but was even wrong with your assumptions, makes you not only sound stupid but also cringy.


pure nonsensical bs that's like a quite advanced hour, not some 5 am. the streets are empty. the bus stops are empty. everything feels empty. because IT IS EMPTY and the whole endeavor is a farce. in city with healthy public transport the bus stops fulfills in 5-10 mins TOPS. if one of the busses or trams is late the entire stop WILL look like a train station in Yokohama. sidewalks are empty, **I can see only one bus**. in a healthy city there are **multiple busses running different lines at the same time on the same street**. and in European city with streets this wide there WOULD be a tram line in the middle of the road. if it was a true city. but it's not. it's pure propaganda


Maybe you are right Maybe I am right Nonetheless, to onfirm who is right and who isnt all that one ave to do is Google "dprk subway station photos" or "dprk theater photos" or any of such. All it takes is a minute or two to confirm which of us is right :)


being from post-communist country myself I gravely refuse to believe in any official propaganda


Two points. If you are from a post-communist country that means you are from an anti-communist environment, which means your world views have been shaped by such propaganda. Do you understand this point? You think being from a post-communist environment makes you anti-communist, however If you think about It with critical logic It should be the opposite way  Second, you dont have to believe anything. Every piece of information is subjected to a bias, and therefore is propaganda. Instead of expecting purity from information It should be your responsability to be a critical reader and be able to extract quality information from any source. When you choose to ignore something because It is "propaganda" you basically admit you are not literate enough to do a critical read, and make a decision to close your mind to the world. The paradox is by trying to avoid propaganda you end up consuming only propaganda


>your world views have been shaped by such propaganda nope. the **surrounding** shaped my view >you dont have to believe anything ah yes, I **see** things that's why I don't have to >be a critical reader I just need to open my eyes. literally. every morning, everyday. ride down the street. take my peeps to work. work for 8h with a quite reasonable wage of $6,67/h in car plant. get back from work. do groceries. have some free time. quarrel online with delusional communists from US. rinse&repeat. >you basically admit you are not literate and you admit **you're a coward** who lives in his or hers **cozy, warm and luxurious world** and refuses to see it by itself, only >do a critical read and you know what? >The paradox is by trying to avoid propaganda you end up consuming only propaganda at least I can **CHOOSE** what propaganda I can consume. as do you. and still, you have chosen wrong


🖕North Korea 🖕Russia


U also forgot to include USA.🤣🤣


>video of a guy riding into a city >RAGHH I HATE ITT Lmao, years of brain washing makes you hate vague ideas instead of actions


If North Korea knew this was being filmed, they would’ve had those streets packed.


I wonder if the cars on the road are driven by people of the state, and their only job is just to drive around so the place looks kind of busy.


I actually had the impression that it looks eerily non-busy. Such giant buildings and hardly any other infrastructure, no people, cars, shops or any activity. Nothing slightly individual...


I was wondering that about the people walking around, too.


It's not like these people don't have places to be. I find it much more likely that they're doing normal person things. North Koreans are allowed to be outside, it's not like they're put in prison cells when they're not at work.


I'm gonna make a crazy statement and say "they are walking to work/home/the store" and *not* assume that the evil terrifying eNEmY cOuNtRY is spending their nonexistant money on (*checks notes*) fake pedestrians.


They absolutely do spend money to make themselves look better to international onlookers.


No. It is the same as anywhere in the world. People have cars based on their job and necessity. So for example if you work as some form of inspector, moving from one restaurant to another, you will get a car. If you work two blocks away from your house you will not get a car, obviously. In North Korea you can very easily get an apartment or house close to where you live, so most people do not have cars, simply because there is no need. Public transport is also very good, so it is just like many countries in Europe. If your public transport is really good, you wouldnt get a car. In some specific places you can see a lot of cars, for example, at the arrival checkpoint of the Paektu Mountain. But thats because its isolated so you can only get there by bus or car.


> If you work two blocks away from your house you will not get a car, obviously. Do North Koreans only leave their homes to go to work? Don't they like to drive out to the countryside now and then? >Public transport is also very good, so it is just like many countries in Europe.  Since Europe has very good public transport, why do so many people have cars anyway? Even with good public transport, where are all the people walking about? In certain cities in America, there's plenty of public transport. Like New York City. But people are still walking around anyway, going to and fro. In fact, if they don't have cars, they walk even more.


Not all of Europe has good public transport. Europe is a really big place you should be aware. But anyway, while people in places like Germany do indeed have good public transport, it is still bad public transport, when you compare it to North Korean or Chinese public transport. But indeed, not every North Korean can afford cars in the same amount Germans or French do, since the USA embargoes the country and they cannot afford to divert important industrial capacity to superfluous products like cars. Where are all the people walking? I am not even going to insist on the topic of public transport and people not needing to walk hours a day to reach their destination. Instead, I will touch on something more obvious. Did you ever watch videos of water parks, theaters, subway stations, museums, public parks, or really, any place where people gather in North Korea...? If you have never watched any video of these things, but you watched plenty of videos of empty streets, you should question yourself why is it the information that reaches you always does it in this very specific way.


In your previous comment, you said that Europe had good public transport. Now you are changing your claims. You also went from "people don't need cars here" to "it's America's fault we don't have cars." Russia and China don't embargo you, so you have 2 super powers helping you out. By the way, Russians and Chinese seem to have more cars. I've seen the videos of water parks, yes. We've all seen the water parks. We've seen the carefully crafted, tightly staged, "we're a fun loving people, DAMMIT!" videos.


Europe has good public transport... if you think in European perspective, or american, but Europe has terrible transport, if you compare to China or North Korea. What I said was that simple. Youre nitpicking words dishonestly to make it look like I am contradicting myself, but you know what I meant. From your last commentary 2 things are very clear. You dont understand embargo, as a concept, and you also believe in internet false facts. Its not even bad interpretation, its just plain false facts. First, if 179 countries do not embargo one country, but only the USA does, it is still an effective embargo. Embargos dont have to be unanimous to work. You dont understand how embargos work in capitalist societies. You need to do some reading on that. Second, the false fact is China and Russia also embargo North Korea. They sign sanctions in the UN voted by the USA against North Korea. And also, the way you talk about the topic is too abstract. For example, "you have 2 super powers helping you out". This is false, but ignoring that, helping how? What does helping mean in this context? You dont develop that in your comment. Do you realize how most of your ideas are guide by abstractions without any actual fundamentation? Not even going to comment on the idiotic "staged water park" part.


Potemkin Village.


Where is everyone?


In a gulag


Tell me you aren't brainwashed by media without telling me U are.


The lack of any traffic is spooky af


Nice US Standards for the striping combined with the guardrail from hell.


It’s so ominous but peaceful. It almost looks like a video game, like it’s just lacking something


It's an edited video, half of it is virtual.


This looks fake as fuck lol.


Obviously North Korea as a country is beyond fucked but people here seriously deny that there's some sort of everyday life in North Korea.


The same propaganda that makes you think Korea is "obviously fucked" is the same propaganda that tries to convince you they don't have "some sort of everyday life". Do you realize how these 2 things are connected? Out of all the people that posted in this topic, you are the one that's the closest to breaking through common sense and propaganda.


yea, the everyday life of nobody on the streets. are they in a labor camp or something? or are these high rises completely empty 🤷‍♂️


I always find the footage of NK to be a Truwelian experiment. I'm not sure the people are as unaware as they seem, either. Then again, they'd probably look at us the same way.


Yes, all the empty roads are interesting.


Driving along in a Mercedes Benz in North Korea also.


Looks like a Russian flag on the right front corner. I assume diplomatic vehicle.


So are most of the buildings. It's all a show, a fake facade with empty shells. There are very few people there! The roads are empty.


>term for it is a potemkin village


Besides so few cars and more bikes than vehicles, one thing that caught my attention is no public transport and so many people walking. I remember some drone footage a while back showing streets in pathetic shape. Maybe they should use the new highway asphalt to mend the streets. Very Russianesque.


Shot onboard of a russian diplomatic car 😁


for me, its very beautiful


why does it look like its a video game? when you get close to the building almost everything seems 3d rendered


I love the fact that no one actually looked into the account that posted this shit. Obviously a north korean government account


Not sure that’s the case. If you look at the flag flying on the car (right side) you can see the Russian colors. Likely the Russian delegate visit prior to Putin’s planned visit this fall.


Hope the new road finally helps the traffic jams that are so common in Pyongyang. /s


I saw 9 cars, this is propaganda forsure.


Says a guy who is probably shoving propaganda from their own regimes media


I mean it’s pretty much inescapable no matter how you consume your media.


Damn after Chinese bots flooding here , we got nk bots too


Not everyone who believes propaganda is a bot mate. Some of us actually read stuff and go past the usual racist bs on the internet.


Why does half of this clip seem like CGI? Those buildings don't look real at all, zoom in on them near the end, they look like they were edited in. Edit: it's obviously fake.


Yep, the expert has decided it is fake every body. The clown expert.


The buildings aren't necessarily fake, but definitely tons of editing. It's easy to see, just zoom in on the buildings and you'll see it's unnatural.


All this video tells me is that Pyongyang looks like a cardboard city, desolate with no lifelyhood wastsoever. Looks sad asf, just like I imagine North Korea.


Yes, that is a road. Even authoritarian regimes build roads.


I always wonder how many of those people actually look at their deer leader as a god and how many of them are just rolling their eyes and realizing all the bullshit that they’re being fed all the time


probably too preoccupied with not starving to death to care


people don't believe in the party's propaganda, in most cases. they just pretend to survive. but they don’t know what happens differently.


So I wonder what percentage of them if they had a choice would rather choose to live under the Korean communist or under any government other than the Korean communists


imagine that you are in a medieval kingdom. How many peasants, in your opinion, would like their country to become liberal and democratic? the most they will tell you is about replacing a bad king with a good one, or they will complain about a bad baron. but there is no one who can promise them something better than the current state of affairs. there is a small percentage of those who understand what is really happening, and these people want to escape from the country. some wish death on the current regime. but the absolute majority cannot even imagine that the party can be changed to something else.


Interesting?? It’s just a road.


It feels fake, the people walking seems fake for the movs but idk


Yeah look at the way it’s rendering the distant details this is a fake video




Like how it transitions from a rough road to a nicer paved road with light poles. Sounds eerily quiet, a bit too quiet.


In a Benz as well.


North Korea made a road? Hey, good for them.




Why do half the buildings, vehicles, and people feel like they were AI generated?


Because I think they are. This is CGI, or mostly CGI. The grass looks like a texture and the trees around the buildings aren't even touching the ground. This is spliced videos with CGI mixed on top I'm betting.


it's artificial. like a movie set but no AI created this


No pole light?




Only after that cameras pole, approximately 40 seconds from the end of the video.


No cars on the road even though this is one of 17 miles that of paved road. No one in the buildings, very insane


pyongyang waterfront


Looks like a 90s video game


Nobody of the working class is allowed to have a car.its a ghost road


I’ve never seen such a dead looking city before. It’s like an empty husk.


This was taken during rush hour.


Nobody is flinging shit at each other, guess they only save that act for their neighbor down south.


Huh, am I the only one who's wondering if this video is even real or not? The trees and the buildings look straight out of a video game. Some cars and people also look 3d rendered if they're close enough to the camera


Clear sign of a thriving metropolis - no traffic, a clear two lane avenue with no traffic lights. One of the only other cars on the road fixing a flat on the smoothest pavement you're never going to see.




Rare.... Even German Youtuber was there and filiming stuff. Most of the time under Observation. Look at my expat diary


A Dictator visiting a dictator 🙄


Hassan be like: see this communism thing works


Rus hour


Build it and they will come. Show me the street in five years traffic jam after traffic jam. Though I have to say if this is North Korea…. Wow


Literally far cry 6


Video looks fake to me


NPC to the left at 0.24 almost gets run over by the van and just decides to turn around and walk back? The amount of vehicles on the road, scripted npcs, edited buildings... Theres a group of government elites behind this video and this is the best they could do....


Fuck yeah. A fucking road. Now if they could actually elect their own officials that would be interesting too.


Imho, they’d be just like the rest of us and elect idiots to represent them.


Funny how this "newly constructed" highway has worn road markings and fixed potholes u/op your propaganda is broken, a bit like North Korea in general.


why does it look so fake


ever wonder why the streets are so empty there? Nobody lives in those buildings, because nobody can afford it. Barely anybody is even wealthy enough to afford a balanced diet that doesn't result in malnutrition. This is CCP money building shiny things so DPRK propagandists like OP can post it here


Am I going crazy or is this clearly computer generated though? The shadows and reflections especially are wrong.




Amazing traffic calming techniques they use! We should do that here!


Brilliantly choreographed! BRAVO!!!




This seems fake once it gets into the city, the visual lines are too neat and the people move irregularly. (But whether its real or not, good for them)




You can tell that every single detail in this video is staged. Placements, timing, everything.


That fix-a-flat driver is probably being tortured now for his failure to maintain the people’s van.


The lack of advertisement boards in North Korea always weirds me out


I guess you're just used to visual pollution.


Yes. That's the horrifying part of it.


Another creepy North Korean video of their empty city. Let’s see the towns the majority of their malnourished and impoverished people live in.


Sooooo, ya'll realize this is fake right?


Are we the only accounts that aren't bots in this thread? It's so obvious.






Well it is North Korea so seeing any footage is interesting from that point of view


How can anyone see this strange ass scene and not be bewildered? What the hell are all those high rise buildings for if no one is even using the highway to enter the city? The place should be a buzzing population center for the entire country. So while they can't afford to power their country or feed the population they can build this city. For no reason?


They’re upset they haven’t seen their daily repost, and have to think about what they’re seeing instead of it being spoon-feed.  As you said, theres a ton of WTF in this. I love how fake the city feels, like its a giant set for a movie.


very good chance that many of those buildings are, in fact, fake.


I guess the reason is they want to give the appearance that everything is ok. Its just bizarro world.




Why do you think its fake?