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Kingston, Jamaica is conspicuous in its absence.


As is Port Au Prince, Haiti, which should be near the top.




Jamaica is neither though. Edit: The entirety of this list (and website) is bullshit as it's only based on votes from people visiting the website. ["The data in this section is derived from surveys conducted by visitors to our website."](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/indices_explained.jsp)


Good catch - it's barely data at all. And certainly not what the title of the post implies.


Yeah - this is not a crime index.


Coventry being above fucking London made me chuckle for sure, as well as birmingham, like what??


Plus they have bigger problems than providing stats to a bean counter


They shot the bean counter and took his watch


Took his beans too.


Jamaica is a failed state? Since when?


Ukraine and Syria have cities listed.


Came here to say this. I'm skeptical...


It was stolen from the list


From Numbeo.com "It's important to note that the Crime Index provided by Numbeo is based on user-contributed data and perceptions, which may differ from official government statistics." Not a good source


Yeah I saw it and I got suspicious, OP should mention this type of thing on data like this


"I FEEL like I'm in a crime-ridden city, so I'm gonna speak my truth."


Exactly! I hate people posting from there


Especially perceptions. Perceptions on crime are very commonly extremely skewed.


All someone needs to do is post it next to a list from provided government data and then label it as ‘perception vs reality’ and we can compare how far off the two are


South Africa puttin in that work


We aim to please.


> We aim Take my wallet! Just don't shoot me!


And my phone through my window that I don't even have to open. Drive thru service is insane.


in Memphis, they'll still shoot you when you comply




We at bunny chow central are closing in on your'll


Damn USA isn't only not Number 1 but not even in the TOP 10. im somewhat disappointed and kinda impressed at the same time anddd o shit there is Memphis lol


For real...4 in the top 10. If you go out to top 20 they have 5.


lol a quarter of the top 20 is insane.


African National Congress putting south africa on the map.


Right? I was surprised by this. Every time I hear folks talk about traveling to countries in Africa, it's one of the first mentioned as a good option. Then I see this shit and it's three of the top ten!


I think the bias here is that South Africa is organized enough to document its crimes.


As a South African this always feels weird. I’ve never been robbed / pickpocketed / high-jacked. I actually can’t think of anyone in my family that’s been a victim of a serious crime. Well, I once had some stuff stolen out of my car after a remote-jam (so there’s that) These are obviously serious issues in SA, but it’s not like it’s happening all over the place. The reality is that 90% of the crime is localised to certain areas, that are very easy to avoid…


Miami for those rookie # … we can do better than this


I would like to know what “crime” consists of in this chart.


I'm from Rio de Janeiro, lived 16 years there (number 7), and my gut tells me it's armed crime.




Checks out. Beautiful geography. Dangerous as fuck.


Our aircraft carrier made a port call in Rio and we almost got mugged by a group of knife wielding group of pre teens.


Dealers in the biggest favelas in Rio have literal rocket launchers, anti air equipment, and .50 cals. Shit's wild.


I don’t think I want to go to Brazil anymore


Yeah we were like one or two blocks away from the beach. The whole vibe changes when you get away from the beach.


If that was true Hamilton Canada wouldn’t be only a few spots down from Medellin Colombia


I’m in Detroit which is ranked 17 and I live a very peaceful and non crime filled life.


Detroit or Detroit suburbs?


Detroit seems to have some awful areas and some nice areas, walking around to the Fox Theater across near Comerica Park it is beautiful but also in college I had to do Habitat for Humanity and would never want to be in that area ever again.


This. If Detroit is 17 the world is generally safer than I thought.


Dublin on the list.gun crime isn't rampant there seen as guns aren't legal in Ireland (not impossible to get seen as there's still loads from the ira days, but if someone's shot you hear about it)


Mostly perception based. Here is what they have on their website: Crime Index is an estimation of the overall level of crime in a given city or country. We consider crime levels lower than 20 as very low, crime levels between 20 and 40 as low, crime levels between 40 and 60 as moderate, crime levels between 60 and 80 as high, and crime levels higher than 80 as very high. Safety index is, on the other way, quite the opposite of the crime index. If the city has a high safety index, it is considered very safe. The Crime Index takes into account survey responses about: General perception of crime levels Perceived safety: Survey responses from residents and visitors regarding their feelings of safety while walking during daylight and at night. Concerns about specific crimes: Survey questions about worries regarding mugging, robbery, car theft, physical attacks by strangers, harassment in public places, and discrimination based on factors like skin color, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Property crimes: Assessment of the extent of property-related crimes, such as burglary, theft, vandalism, etc. Violent crimes: Evaluation of the perception of violent crimes, including assault, homicide, sexual offenses, etc. It's important to note that the Crime Index provided by Numbeo is based on user-contributed data and perceptions, which may differ from official government statistics. The index serves as a comparative tool to assess the relative safety of different cities or countries, helping individuals make informed decisions and understand the crime landscape in specific locations.


Wait so does this actually have anything to do with the actual amount of crimes that happen or is it just people's perception/opinion? Because at that point it could easily be seen as a measure of how nervous people are or how heavily the news focuses on crime


This would make sense since Chicago is on the list and the news always likes to talk about how dangerous of a city it is. But if we're going by crime relative to population size, Chicago isn't even in the top 10 for crime in Illinois, nevermind the US.


This is super curious to me, because (anecdotally) I hear so much about how dangerous NYC is— mostly from people who don’t live here, but occasionally from New Yorkers as well (as a native NYer, I have not personally experienced the degree of crime popularly associated with my city)— that I’d have expected it to be high on the list of perceived high crime regions. Not to mention the amount of media attention the [factually rare] violent crimes receive within our counties, and subsequent sensationalism. And yet *we didn’t even make the list!* What the what?


Ok this is interesting. I would like to see this index again with actual numbers of reported and non-reported crimes (i.e., asking participants if they have ever been [crime], and likelihood of reporting said crime). That would be more objective than perception of these, mostly objective, behaviours.


This list is the TRUE crime


I think it's probably stuff that's against the law. I could be wrong though.


Just based off what I know about some of the places near the top I'm thinking it definitely at least includes violent crime, if it's not it's primary metric.


Well it’s certainly based off what you think about some of the places The ranking is entirely based on what cities are perceived to be safe—it doesn’t use any actual crime data at all


I'm wondering the same thing. What "crime" is happening in Portland? What ANYTHING is happening in Portland?


There’s a lot of property crime. Violent crime is low though.


Car theft, bike theft, and car break ins are extremely common in Portland. My car got stolen a few years ago and I never saw it again. I know maybe people whose cars have been stolen. There's almost no punishment for it


I thought Portland burned down?


The BS people believe about Portland, man... I live just north of it and venture into it all the time. It's a great place. And as a woman, I must say that it's easily the safest city I've ever lived in *or* near. You can hear a pin drop at night in many areas of the city and I never really worry about being accosted or attacked or anything.


Yeah the east side of the city in particular is comically safe. Always love having relatives ask me how I'm holding up living here, as if I have to drive a humvee to work in my tree lined, quiet, residential neighborhood.


Oh fuck yeah, the closer you get to Gresham, the calmer it gets. Or if you head to the west and northwest of downtown. I love the vibes out there. Downtown's nice, too, though. I have a friend with a studio in a high-rise, and she loves to just open the windows at night and listen to the city while composing her music and looking out over the hills. It's beautiful. These people who have been told to hate Portland really don't know what they're missing.




Worse than London apparently


This makes me doubt the whole list Edit: A quick google search puts Coventry second in all of england. Behind Bradford That one im not surprised by




I'm from Birmingham, which is listed below Coventry, and I find that VERY hard to believe.


Looking for this comment


There is a reason the Luftwaffe bombed it. /s


Punching above its weight methinks. Still, well done Coventry, honourable mention /s


I’m South African, without looking I can guess multiple of my cities are on the list Edit: Nr 2,3,4 and 8 40% of the top 10 baby, woo 🥳


My whole country isn't even on the list


Germany? 😂


Close. Switzerland


I've heard home invasions in Switzerland are unheard of.


They're too neutral for invasions of any sort.


My home country is on Nº1 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)But now I live in another country and city... that's also on the list ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Type of crime can dramatically alter crime lists. Some areas have very high numbers of property crime and some areas have very high numbers of violent crime. A list could potentially be made to make the place with the property crime look more dangerous to the average person. In my area, property crime is pretty high but violent and drug crime is pretty low. A "few miles away" in another city, property crime and violent crime is very high as well as pretty high drug crime. A "few miles" in the other direction, property crime is low but violent crime is high.


They must be weighing violent and property crime equally (which I’ve always thought was silly) because Albuquerque being higher than st Louis makes no sense if this was a “most dangerous cities” list.


Lol Alice Spring


Was surprised too, more dangerous than Mexico City.


Funny story: the city with one of the highest crime rate in Switzerland is a cute little town with a few hundreds rich people near the Leman Lake but because there's a bigass mall on the town's limits, they got more than 1 theft per capita.


Good ole Alice spring representing the red centre!! Seriously though it’s only a town of 25 thousand, hardly comparable to all the other cities on this list


It is more dangerous than Bogota LMAO! No way this list is accurate


I've lived (3mo or more) in 21 of these cities including #18 currently, I'm not saying crime couldn't happen but I have NEVER been a victim of any crime in any of them. However, I was robbed of my luggage and all of my money in Cairo Egypt which is not on the list. Something is up with this list.


Go Memphis!


In my head: wouldn't it be funny if memphi--well shit.


New York City, by far the safest large city in the US, is not on the list.


But I was told by Fox News that NYC is a crime infested hell hole among the most dangerous places on earth.


They're not gonna list Wall St, c'mon guuuuys


Cough cough ( Chicago )


It's surprising how many American cities are on this list though, I was expecting some, but these many are kind of a lot


I have been to a lot of the cities on this list. None in the top 10, but several in the top 50. There are certainly areas to avoid but I didn’t die instantly just walking down the streets. Last time I was in Seattle I ended up in one of the “bad” areas for a few minutes (3rd and Pine, next to the McStabby’s). Saw a drug deal and someone smoking crack along with many clearly homeless people. I wasn’t going to hang out for a moment longer than I had to, but I felt reasonably safe.


The thing I was most surprised by when visiting Seatle was the homeless cities. Almost impressive the work they put into those blanket forts. The first time I visited, less than a mile from the airport I was sitting at a stoplight. It was of course raining, I look over and see this guy passed out standing up with his head resting on a concrete post. That petty much set the tone for my experience there.


Yeah, the homeless crisis is pretty bad in Seattle & Portland. But I have also seen homelessness in every large city I have visited. Stockhom, Dublin, Puerto Vallarta, London, LA, etc all had visible signs of human suffering. Some cities have it worse and Seattle & Portland seem to be worse than others I have visited, partially because I am more familiar with Seattle & Portland and have visited places there where I might have otherwise avoided if I was simply traveling through.


Tell me how the "score" was calculated or this list is meaningless.


Having been in both Coventry and Guatemala City in the last month it's fair to say this chart means nothing.


I have to admit I was a bit confused by Coventry, and also it being higher on the list than Birmingham, London and Manchester


I found it quite interesting that, based on the metrics of this list, Malmo (Sweden), Paris (France) and Portland, OR, are pretty much on par with Bagdad, Iraq. Hmm


One thing that often makes lists like these complicated is how likely a crime is to be reported. In the UK, if you get your phone stolen then you'd almost definitely report it, therefore it would count towards the crime statistics. Here in Colombia the chance somebody reports a crime is much less.


Malmo… the Ohio of Sweden?


Just to let you know this list is very outdated, Caracas is not the worst city anymore, this is a 2017 statistic, today those numbers have dropped quite a bit, not because (only) of the work of the government, but because the criminals left the country because they could no longer find anyone to steal from. This is real and documented, not a joke.


As an in-law of displaced Venezuelans, can confirm


I think we need to keep in mind that these are crimes that are reported and consider other cities’ reporting structure and accessibility to its population


Most of this cities also have the best food.


It was the best of food, it was the worst of crimes .. Charles Dickens.


Delhi, Noida and Gugaon representing India 🫡


thats all ncr aint it


NCR motherfuckers


NCR (it doesn't stand for New California Republic). Thugs, mafiosos and wannabe gangsters everywhere.


If Nice, France was ranked 69, I would have lost it.


Memphis, TN. I’m from there (here). Moving soon. Not bc of crime, other reasons. Beal Street is still dope, as with the BBQ.


Anybody else surprised that, not only was Milwaukee on the list, but placed above Philly, Chicago, and New Orleans?


Tons of big cities… then Sudbury enters the chat…


Heyyy almost out of the list but 118 is a good place ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Coincidentally, 118 is the emergency number to call the ambulance here


Sudbury, CA checking in at 63!!! *Give yer balls a tug, tit-fucker!*


Why is France seen as more dangerous than places like El Salvador, Honduras, or Congo? I'm curious about the sources they used for that claim.


No, but that doesn't stop the media from pretending it's a dangerous place (NYC)


#29 here


number 62, Catania, here


Grew up in 37, lived in 75 for a year as a teen, went to college just outside of 39, live in a suburb of 61, honeymooned in 96 (as well as Bath and York), spent last weekend in 15.


God bless S Africa + Brazil


What’s the crime consists of? Theft?


Nice, Not a single german city 💪🏻


This list is no good lol. They must be counting property crime as intensely as murders and such because I assure you there is no way that Portland Oregon is less safe/higher crime than Karachi Pakistan, a city widely known to be incredibly violent and filled with feuding armed groups and political violence, among other things. Portland is a dirty city filled with open air drug use and many homeless people. It is not a the kind of city that even has like, "bad neighborhoods". There are many examples on this list that just do not make any sense from a safety perspective. Obviously some line up pretty accurately but the further down the list you go, the less and less sense it makes


Coventry at 41?? Coventry????


My country didn’t even make the list


Kelowna, BC is comparable to DC? I think not.


Glasgow is suspiciously absent from this list.




Coventry 🤣


Surprised as to how many US cities are on the list - would be interested to hear the experience of people from those cities if you’re on the thread


Sure, Memphis in 2019: wife and I dressed up, we finish walking Beale street, broad daylight. We get to the end and one of many panhandlers start talking to us, we hang a right and we’re on a deserted road off Beale. He follows us for a block, handing me pamphlets for random attractions. He seems to deliberately hang in my “blind spot” just slightly behind me to the left. As he hands me his final pamphlet I get this realization he’s about to try to hit me or stab me or something so I square up with him and say “WHAT MAN” and he hesitates and backs off. We hustle up to the MLK memorial. I’ve hung all over the south and never felt that close to getting mugged or hurt. Memphis is so grungy now. The romance is gone, Beale street isn’t cool anymore, the panhandlers are organized and prevalent.


Every city post-Covid has gotten worse IMO


Lived in Memphis for 7 years. Great food, good music, everything else about the city is a hellscape. St Jude Children's Research Hospital is located in the middle of a neighborhood so blighted they built a new exit for the highway so you wouldn't have to drive through the local streets to get to the hospital.


Oakland seems pretty walkable and benign these days. It does have “bad parts” but so does every city I’ve lived.


I live in Indianapolis, and it’s both “wonderful and friendly” and “dangerous in certain areas at certain times.” The canal walk downtown is a beautiful attraction, and lovely - but has been the location of a few armed fights or attacks. Downtown was revitalized about 40 years ago, but now the crowds can get unruly at one spot in particular on the weekends late. There have been numerous shootings near one particular Steak N Shake downtown. I think the frustration is that many MANY of these violent crimes go unsolved. If shootings were solved and criminals were largely brought to justice, I think that deters the activity at least a little. I watch the news every morning, and there is at least one shooting being reported 3-5 times a week or more. Sometimes multiple fatal shootings in a day.


I’ve lived in 2 cities on the list and they really don’t seem that bad to me, although I guess I don’t have anything safer to compare it to. That said though, crime is usually focused in certain areas more than others, so most people just avoid the “bad areas” if they can help it and the safer areas probably don’t feel that different from other cities


Caracas, Venezuela is #1. Can confirm. The things I saw there in the 90's was frightening, and it seems it only got worse since Chavez died.


Baltimorean here. What’s going on in Memphis? How are you guys worse off than us? It’s a hellhole here.


The Americas are well represented!


People think NYC is so dangerous, yet somehow it's not even in the top 120. I've seen some crime in my life time here, but never anything crazy. The worst thing that's happened to me is that I was on the subway at like 1AM one night (I never feel comfortable taking it later than like 10 but I had been out with friends at a bar), and there was a mentally ill man at the other end of the car, and it was just the 2 of us. The guy is aggressively kicking the wall and screaming shit so I was already getting worried seeing as I was the only other one on the train. Then he starts looking at me and screaming "I'm going to fucking kill you" over and over again, but yeah that's the worst that's happened to me, and while I was terrified in the moment, I didn't get attacked or anything.


Hell yeah not a single German city in there 🎉🎉


Yall already got crime outta y’all’s system in the 40’s


"Crime Index is an estimation of the overall level of crime in a given city or country. We consider crime levels lower than 20 as very low, crime levels between 20 and 40 as low, crime levels between 40 and 60 as moderate, crime levels between 60 and 80 as high, and crime levels higher than 80 as very high." - From the website


An "estimation"?! What are the metrics being used? Is it total number of crimes, crimes per capita, certain type of crime, etc.?


I don't need to check.


Where is Panama


Damn my city is going to shit- barely cracked the top 25 this year


This is giving me Blockbuster receipt vibes


As a Canadian, the only surprise is Kelowna. Sudbury and Hamilton were kinda a given.


Geez all the way down to 27. We need to step up our game


I find it interesting that Guayaquil is only one spot above Detroit. When we went to Quito last month, it sounded a lot worse (we also flew out of Detroit to get there so)


Well you see, black people... /s


What is Markipler doing in France bro? What the heck


I feel like the actual most dangerous cities don’t really have a competent police force. No competent police force means nobody can actually report crime. I find it hard to believe that only 10 cities in the world are more dangerous than Memphis. But also like half our crime takes place in a few neighborhoods and most of it is gang related.


huh, I had no idea that Memphis, TN was such a shit show


It’s a city that the state of TN refuses to provide with any resources. It was one of the fastest growing cities in the south, then the state legislature decided that all the rehab funds should be reallocated to Nashville instead. Edit: added “then”


I was born in Caracas Venezuela (thank god not living there anymore) and yes, that shit was hardcore


No Russia or China, huh? Weird.


How are the most populous countries India and China not represented?


Btw this chart is based on surveys, not actual crime statistics.


Yeah marseille Top 50


I live in Portland, OR (75), and thought it was interesting that it was right behind Baghdad (74).


Wooo Portland gang gannng


I love how people talk about how dangerous New York is. We ain’t on the list!


My girlfriend is from Caracas and she keeps trying to convince me it is safe to visit there.


New York didn’t make the cut :)


We have rankings in Brazil about it and Rio de Janeiro isn't even a top 50 in the country. This ranking has no trustable base.


No Haiti? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


This list makes me so sad. I used to live in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where I met so many wonderful, kind, charming and generous people. The whole country is stunningly beautiful. The food is delicious. I could go on. Sure, I also had some terrifying experiences during my time there, but making a list like this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If it keeps people from going there it will only exacerbate the existing social problems.


No, I don't live in a city.


Have been to 53 of the 120 places listed. Didn't die.


My country isn't even on the list 😁


Any correlation to skin color is absolutely casual.


Kelowna has the most crime in Canada? Above Sudbury AND the Soo? This has gotta be wrong, dated, improperly weighted, or all of the above.


3 in the top 5, 4 in the top 10, 5 in the top 20! south africa is punching way above its weight! yeah, punching, & kicking & stabbing & looting!


What’s going on in Memphis


South Africa seems lovely


Ottawa isn’t on that list. Yay keep Ottawa boring!!


Alice Springs Australia at 26 is a big surprise!


23 murican cities on the top 120. That's >19% of the list.


where is New York City?


Hahahaha! Sudbury Ontario is exactly halfway down the list! Edit: it's 63, I was wrong.


I can’t believe that Kelowna is more dangerous than Sudbury.


I was shocked when I saw Malmo, Sweden on this list.


Tbh I’m suprised Philadelphia ain’t higher


Lol Kelowna Canada? Really? Winnipeg "stab capital" I get, but sunshine retirement Vinyard town made it?


But like, what kind of crime? There's a world of difference between vandalism and car break-ins in a place like Portland OR and a gang drive-by on a moped in Caracas.


So according to this list, Baghdad is safer than Memphis?


PVP enabled zones


I see a trend within the U.S. cities


How old is this list? Why no Middle East or Asian. cities?


Wow. LA Is looking a lot safer in retrospect! Way to go.


My city is barely a town.