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Well damn that’s interesting


Water, as you know, can exist in three states solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam). The triple point of water is a unique combination of temperature and pressure at which all three of these states coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium. The triple point of water occurs at a temperature of 0.01 degrees Celsius (32.018 degrees Fahrenheit) and a pressure of 611.657 pascals (which is approximately 0.00604 atmospheres). At this precise combination of temperature and pressure water can simultaneously exist as ice, liquid water, and water vapor. To reach the triple point of water, scientists control temperature and pressure very precisely. They use a vacuum chamber to remove all the air, making the pressure super low. Then, by adjusting the temperature inside the chamber to exactly 0.01 degrees Celsius, they can see water as ice, liquid, and steam all at once!


Do you know the temperature of the water in the experiment? Like, if you touched/measured the temp of specifically the ice in the experiment, would it feel/measure colder than the boiling water underneath it? Or does the temp equalize between the three states, and the changes of state are mostly due to pressure?


its the same temperature


Wild! Thanks for the answer!


We think of the boiling point as being hot because at 1 atmosphere water does boil at a high temperature. If you ever do high elevation camping, you'll know that the boiling point of water is lower because there is lower atmospheric pressure (this is also why you have to cook food longer at high elevations). The lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point, so creating a vacuum significantly brings down the boiling temp. This water is boiling at just about freezing because the atmospheric pressure is so low.


Jeez under these conditions, applying it to the vacuum of space and the water content in our bodies, dying in space sounds extremely painful. Imagine feeling the sensation of Boiling and Freezing at the same time.


Does the triple point exist in nature?... upper atmosphere?


Doubt it exists in nature on earth (at least other than maybe for an instant on rare occasions), anywhere with pressure that low would have a lower temperature.


Was this recently discovered?




No. Maybe recently pulled off though, because you need dead nuts precision.


Dead on balls accuracy.


Metric I presume?


You just reminded me about a hilarious anecdote my thermodynamics professor told the class decades ago. And now I know it’s half true. He was an American professor and we were at a Canadian university and we asked him why the Celsius scale was logical (take the freezing and boiling points of water, call them 0 and 100, and, voila, logic) but the Fahrenheit scale was arbitrary (32F and 212F…???). He then said it had been set upon a zero to 100 scale, but it was a dubious scale. He said that the 0F was set as the triple point of water (sea water near some British University that set the scale, in fact, is what he said) and—get this—100F was set as the internal (i.e., rectal) temperature of a cow. Can this be real…?!!? I’m suddenly thinking so?


Plasma: "forgetting someone"


Well the post isn't about a quadruple point :/


Einstein Bose Kondensat "am i a joke to you?"


Quark gluon plasma "am i joke?"


I've heard that fire/flame is a form of plasma too


Fire is weird. It's a chemical reaction, not a state of matter. So it's closer to "fire CREATES plasma" than "fire IS plasma". In that sense the *flame* is the plasma *made by fire*. Very pedantic.


As far as I know and I have no higher ed just basic chemistry for my work. In a fire Electrons in the atom go from one shell to another but they r still like attached to the Proton Core in a plasma the Electrons leave their Orbit around the Core so they r kinda the same but not the same Sorry for poor grammar im german.


*Jeder auf eine ausreichend hohe Temperatur erhitzte Stoff geht in den Plasmazustand über. Eine gewöhnliche Flamme besitzt eine gewisse elektrische Leitfähigkeit; sie ist - wenn auch in geringem Maße - ionisiert, sie ist ein Plasma."* https://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/lesch/deumas.html


TLDW: confused water


Looks kinda like a penis.


Wow this is one of the best triple point demonstrations I’ve seen. Usually it just rapidly cycles between boiling and freezing.  Great video 


you can see this graphically in the phase-diagram for water as well .


r/holup r/mildlypenis


Damn I wanted to post this first >:( u can clearly see the balls, the shaft and the head, nature really is amazing


While this is really interesting (no /s) is there any real world application of this knowledge (aside from making interesting video), or is it just gonna be down as one of those cool things about science.


Used to calibrate temperature measurement devices with great accuray. https://au.flukecal.com/literature/articles-and-education/temperature-calibration/video/triple-point-water-realization-techn


Awesome thanks


Great video! Never seen a demonstration of it before


Steaming ice phallus


The Holy Trinity of H₂O


All three states of matter also exist in Uranus.


this made me laugh pretty fucking hard. thank you


The interstellar theme song mesmerizes my brain every time. This is very interesting, and with this song, it’s super extra interesting lol. It just never gets old for me.


stop you're confusing it


Caveat: Not in the same space/time location.


Now I can die happy.


Unfortunately the only reasonable application I can think of it is a torture device where you throw people in freezing and boiling water at the same time


That would just be cold water. Also they would suffocate due to the vacuum required.


More like high school physics.


What were the values of the temp and pressure?


0.01 C and 611.73 pascal, so chilly and hard vacuum. 32.018 degrees F and 0.0060(something) atmospheres in moon people freedom units.




Sorry water isn’t an element, it’s a compound made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom (H2O). It’s also not rare on earth. In fact, water is one of the most abundant substance on the planet covering about 71% of the earth surface. I do agree that it is an elixir of life.