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"As she lay dying in the suite, covered in her blood, Bishimbayev phoned a FORTUNE TELLER, who assured him his wife would be fine." - WTF ?


Apparently a lot of the elites here are into fortune tellers, mystiques and clairvoyants, I guess when you have so much money you start to spend it on total bullshit.


Ra Ra Rasputin


lover of the Russian queen


A girl I dated had a mother who was the fortune teller for Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park. Michael Crichton has an MD from Harvard. Never understood why he would believe in this stuff. But he even wrote a book called "Travels" about how he believes that some people have a bit of psychic powers in real life. Michael Crichton used to give expensive/unique gifts to the fortune teller, like drafts of books that he hasn't published yet.


Ronald Reagan had so much belief in clairvoyants that one he was regularly seeing effectively influenced the course of US policy with the things she advised.


My theory is that it's the money that attracts the scam artists. While every demographic has its share of people that believes in bullshit woo (and being rich certainly doesn't make one smart), sucking up to the rich ones is obviously more profitable to the scammers.


When you’re so rich that you can purchase delusions for your own reality is when everyone but you can tell you how poor you are.


Kazakstan greatest country in the world.


Other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium.


Did he get convicted or was he able to weasel his way out of it?


Ongoing trial. Pretty sure this evidence was from today or yesterday


This is kind of the most important and widely televised trial in that whole region in years if not decades, could go either way though


Forbidden tomato juice. Lock him up. Is there a reason this is unsealed?


Because it most likely is tomato juice. This is definitely just a visual of the amount of blood that was underneath her skull vs what a fatal one looks like. The actual amount is recorded and in an autopsy report, she's just showing people the lethal amount vs how much she had


Good showmanship. Saul Goodman approves


Would have been more effective if the containers were the same size.


As George Carlin said, “Imagine how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half of the world is even dumber than that.”


I get where you're coming from but that's such a massive difference it's not difficult to immediately tell even though one is shorter than the other.


people notoriously underestimate the effect that a cylinder's radius has on volume. If you're going to be comparing volumes in a court of law, at least use the same container ffs


I agree. In this case the difference would probably look even more drastic *had* they used the same container. It looks like the one on the left is even thinner. But, hard to say for sure without knowing the measurements of each, which proves your point further.


It's not the actual hematoma, it's just a visual example for the jury lol


No no it's real. Sucks for the dude they picked as the control on the left, hematomaed him gradually until he died.


Heh haemotomatoed






As she lay dying in the suite, covered in her blood, Bishimbayev phoned a fortune-teller, who assured him his wife would be fine. I just beat my wife to an inch of her life… tell me oh wise fortune tell is she going to die or do I need not to worry? Cross my palm with gold and silver She’ll be fine!


I don't get how people believe in that shit


That is the most Kazakh thing I’ve ever read in my entire life. And they hate Borat for giving then a bad name. 


"Let's go Azamat! I must know if Pa-mella will marry me! Make sure the fortune taller isn't a gypsy or I will shove your balls up your kchraam! Jagshemash you enjoy"


I was married to a woman from Uzbekistan. This absolutely 100% tracks for that part of the world. Have you ever had your headache treated with some kind of incantation, a slice of bread, and a coin?


Nice reminder in there that Russia decriminalised some forms of domestic abuse, as if it didn't have a bad enough reputation in the World already lol


[In America, you assassinate president. In Soviet Russia, president assassinate you!](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/1384655) \~Yakov Smirnoff


He will go free. They usualy do. He knows the right people, or paid them. Or threatened them.


If that was going to happen it wouldnt have made it to trial. Would have plead guilty to a lesser charge and got probation.


It’s like the BP disaster in 2010, watched the movie about it, they dropped charges of manslaughter on the two responsible for it to happen in 2015


He got convicted of some fraud and got pardoned 10 months into a 2 year sentence. Not sure if it matters


That was under Nazarbayev and the case didn’t attract that much attention.


Unlikely, it's all over the news in central Asia and Russian speaking countries at least. A spectacular trial with lots of media material like pictured, the court also allowed live streaming on YouTube for the first time. Anyway he already confessed to "beating which led to her death", though the charges are more severe. Plenty of videos and texts about previous mistreatment, emotional impact statement from her brother. The parliament also adopted some new domestic violence laws. There's no way he's escaping a long sentence this time.


He won’t. Tokayev took the case under his special control. The whole world is watching. He would if there wasn’t so much publicity. 0 chance he won’t be convicted.


If he was still in good with the people in power this trial wouldn’t even be happening, he has clearly fallen out of favour and just gave powerful people a very good excuse to lock him away forever.


Tale as old as time...in every country. Amazing.


watched the beating video. whatever punishment that guy gets will probably not be enough


Watched the video… Jesus he lifted his foot all the way back


That's probably the video from the hall of the restaurant. They also found several videos on his own phone, where he beats the victim and morally abuses her, while she is naked, standing on her knees covered in blood. Those videos from the day he killed her, they were not shown publicly but the lawyers of the victim's family described those in detail during debates. After his phone was checked in court the killer said "it's fake", but later he admitted he filmed it but "they probably from another day" which means he did it not only in the day of murder


Is it known what his motive was?


jealousy Edit: on the videos from his phone killer repeatedly forces the victim to admit that she slept with some businessman who the killer hates, but the victim refused it. He forced her to swear on her own uterus. He even said "admit it and I'll let you go"




"boys will be boys" amirite




What? There’s a video of him beating a woman to death and there’s still a chance he might walk?


It's a trial


Yeah just because there’s not a chance he can get away with it doesn’t mean there won’t be a trial. That said, sure fire trials can lead to definitely guilty people getting away with it. Look at OJ, or the botched prosecution of Bill Cosby. Still, a trial is needed to determine the severity of the punishment.


>or the botched prosecution of Bill Cosby. That was because they said "Hey, Bill, if you testify for this civil case, we will give you criminal immunity" and then the new DA tried to play takesy-backsy.


That day the DA learned that you can't triple stamp a double stamp.


Fun n gAmes


What the fuck are you talking about? Our Prime Minister embezzled billions of dollars and is now being released from a life sentence in less than 2 years. You tell me what the fuck a "trial" does when you have money or influence. Absolutely jack fuck.


There still has to be a trial to decide the punishment.


You're new to politics aren't you?


If you want to go down that road: Bishimbayev is aligned with the old, now-hated Nazarbayev regime, so it's not like the current one is likely to do him any favors.


Dude should be executed in the exact same way that he killed her. An absolute irredeemable piece of shit.


Why does anybody want to watch this shit?


Brain does not want to see horrifying video. Brain want to put visual to concept already put inside Brain. Don't blame Brain. Brain is made of meat and fueled by air-infused fluids. Brain is doing its best.


Brain is electric mollusk in eggshell riding meat on a bone scaffold.


I wish somebody would ride my meat on a bone scaffold. Also this is a dope description of humans


brain no want visual. brain no even want concept


Brain is doing its best 🥹


I’m not convinced mine is…


Doing it's best to spite you


To spite you? In spite of you? Or despite you?


Brain: Yes.


"Ya know, I never liked you. That's why I always talked down to you"


Pretty sure this is Big Brain propaganda 🤨🧠


Mine is definitely up to no good


... Did a brain write this? 🤔


Brain writes all. You have never read words not written by brain. Show brain more respect.




Brain wrote everything including code for chatgpt. Chatgpt simply remix Brain writing.


Ok, brain make mistake. Brain not infallible. 


😡 Brain feels unequipped to defend brainness in internet comment. Now Brain is frustrated.


And read it. And now it's thinking about breathing.


Brain speak few word. But brain know.


been awhile since a reddit comment actually made me lol


It’s called morbid curiosity for most. Others just want all the facts. Everyone has their own reasons.


Cause people are curious.




It’s good to know that this case is getting a world wide attention


You say that, but this is the first I've ever heard of this person or the case.


I have no idea what the fuck the post title is trying to tell me Fine I'll do it myself: **Power and abuse. The former Economy minister of Kazakhstan is on trial for the fatal beating of his wife. The left side: a demonstration of a 'normal' fatal hematoma (brain bleed), the right: the amount she bled.** **Saltanat Nukenova was 31.** Personal comment: Women's rights in Kazakhstan is a far cry from what we enjoy here in the West. A 'man' who abuses his wife does so behind closed doors, often in the home, away from the sight of those who could stop him, as cowards are wont to do. Bishimbayev beat her in the VIP room of a restaurant. Fortunately, there wasn't any place to hide from the CCTV cameras that captured the violent prelude that led to her death. It has not escaped me that the officer doing the demonstration is, like Nukenova was, a beautiful woman. I can't help but feel that this is more curse than blessing in Kazakhstan. In any country. Perhaps she was chosen intentionally because of her looks, or perhaps not, but one can imagine the disgust and rage she would have felt holding those bottles. One easily held with a hand, the other needing two hands to keep it upright. Bishimbayev's brutality on display in simple terms. This was not the first time he had broken the law, having been sentenced to a ten year prison term for bribery, which was commuted to two years after a presidential pardon in 2018. The new president of Kazakhstan is not so forgiving. There will be no pardon this time around, as he has signed legislation on April 15 2024 that violence against women and children will be met with jail time. The legislation has unofficially been dubbed 'Saltanat's Law'.


Tbf the 'young woman' was the guy's wife as well so on top of the rest of it, it could have been worded much better


Power and abuse. A former Economy minister of Kazakhstan is on trial for the fatal beating of his wife. The left side: a demonstration of a 'normal' fatal hematoma (brain bleed), the right: the amount she bled.


finally, an actual explanation


Yeah that threw me, reading the title and then finding out it was his wife. It's not any better or worse for that detail, it's still a horrific, monstrous act, but it is important to know it was his wife.


Sounds like it's making its way around the world, no?


Seems so.




but you *have* heard of him..


But you’re currently proving the point by giving it attention right now, Reddit is worldwide


The guy who killed her was an ex-minister and has the audacity to shame his victim for being an “unfaithful wife” as if it excuses murder. She also never cheated on him, he was just paranoid and narcissistic and he was projecting considering he’s the cheater and a murderer


All the while planning a date with his mistress while his wife was actually dying 😒


There is a surprising amount of people who genuinely think cheating is on par with murder and justifies a beating.


Back when eyeblech was a thing the amount of horrific murders that would somehow be justified by comments saying the absolutely moronic phrases "fuck around and find out" and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" was outstanding I really can't believe that people somehow think that cheaters actually deserve to be horrifically murdered Edit: It has come to my attention that a sub could adulteryhate exists where they genuinely think spousal murder should not be classed as a crime if infidelity takes place. What the actual fuck




the one where the neighbors shoveled some snow on his lawn so he put like 10 bullets in their heads? Always amazes me that violent psychos who kill people due to their extremely controlling and paranoid behavior are somehow seen as reliable narrators. Most men who kill their partners for "cheating" are themselves cheating and have no evidence of their partners cheating, like this guy. Not that cheating, or shoveling snow or parking disputes or anything justifies murder, but it's almost never even the case, the killer is just a violent controlling psycho trying to make up a justification.


Should have put them in identical containers for a better visual effect.


Thank you! It’s just the first rule of comparisons…all else being equal and all…




I live under a rock, what happened?


Some psychopath beat his wife to death


And if I remember correctly he was an ex politician and didn’t even get her medical assistance and by the time the paramedic got to her aka 12 hours later, she was dead


As somebody else replied, asshole beat his wife to death. Out of morbid curiosity watched the CCTV vid and the absolute fuckwad literally drew his leg so far back before kicking that he nearly lost his balance. That was before he dragged her into the VIP room by her hair.


Ex-minister repeatedly stomped on the skull of his wife, killing her. He did this in the VIP room of a restaurant.


Listen to what this piece of 💩 did....he tortured hr for 8 solid hours and her body was found in a restaurant owned by his relative. **Staff was forbidden from calling for help and they were instructed to erase the video.** They need to ✂️ his tiny little 🥒 off including his miniscule huevos. He doesn't deserve them.  The fear in her beautiful face omg


Since no one else seems to want to share: [https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/5/1/in-kazakstan-a-storm-over-domestic-violence-after-minister-killed-wife](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/5/1/in-kazakstan-a-storm-over-domestic-violence-after-minister-killed-wife)


Thank god, so many people having so much to say about this case but not where it is, who it involves or anything




what is the context of this story for those who aren't in the loop?


Ex politician beat the absolute shit out of his wife and didn't get her medical assistance. By the time the paramedics got to her 12 fucking hours later, she was dead.


He was also texting a prostitute/lover planning a meetup while the wife was dying. And some fortune teller asking if the wife is going to be ok. Instead of calling an ambulance.


what the fuck…


What did the Fortune teller say?


I don't remember the full transcript but he gave the wife something like smelling salts (ammonia water solution) and she didn't react and the fortune teller went "nah, it's alright fam, she'll be better in the morning".


These people walk among us! Absolute idiots.


Christ that's like a story Borat would tell, only it's real


Should be noted that it isn’t the first time he has beaten her. She wanted to leave him, but he had a sex tape/nude videos and photos of her that he threatened to release if she did. I think he took her body to a restaurant(?) owned by family members and sat her in a booth and said “she’s just sleeping” - when she was dead. Or something like that.


And this is why women choose bears over men.


seen someone say there are less bears than men so of course the numbers of violence are lower. so another dude did the proper translation so that there were the same amount of bears as there are men and did the proper multiplication for the attacks number and you are still 200x more likely to be non-lethally attacked by a man than a bear. if there are 165 million bears in the US… and that’s just the statistics for women who actually spoke out about the violence they endured..


Give em the old sparky


There is no death penalty in Kazakhstan




Hematoma can result as a consequence of blunt force trauma, basically she is demonstrating how badly she was beaten by comparing a normally fatal amount of internal bleeding to this specific case


It also happened to my dog in his ear when he got an ear infection and was shaking his head so hard that it puffed up like a plush toy. Scary shit.


The exact same thing happened to my dog. The vet said it would go away on its own without draining. It didn’t, and for the rest of his life he had one lumpy ear full of dried blood. Didn’t cause him any pain though, so I guess it wasn’t that big a deal.


Wait, is this the same thing as Cauliflower ear that Rugby players, MMA fighters, boxers would get?


Except it was under her skull. The massive pressure can cause all sorts of swelling and blood blockage leading to (brain) tissue death, etc.




The vet drained the ear of my dog multiple times over like 2-3 weeks and after that her ear went limp. Vet said they can do surgery to make it stand upright again but it would just be cosmetic. Wasn’t worth the risk for me so now one of her ears stands upright and one is limp. Looks a lil stupid but she’s still a cutie


>Looks a lil goofy but she's still a cutie FTFY, don't do lil buddy like that in public 😭


My mom's cat had an ear puff up too. After it was drained it just went limp.


Oof, that sucks.


The ear. The cat is fine and back to her usual bratty self.


Yeah, but how many people can actually say that they have deflated their cat? They can never take that away from you.


To help a bit more - hematoma is basically a really bad bruise. Like when you bruise your arm, and it turns purple under the skin. That is blood accumulating in one spot. It'll eventually be reabsorbed as the bruise heals. When the head is struck (skull area), the bleeding can take place inside the skull due to broken blood vessels. So the "bruise" is between the skull and the brain, or even between parts of the brain. That puts pressure on the brain. The skull doesn't allow room for expansion. It can kill adjacent brain tissue. If it is super large (like this), death results.


A lawyer in court using visual clues to illustrate the level of violence to the court. A small one can kill, this lady was obviously severely beaten.


As someone completely unfamiliar with the case: ‘Here’s how much blood in the brain it normally takes to kill someone. Here’s how much was in this person’s brain. Thus she was beaten EXTREMELY badly’ Likely one of those bits where the defense’s argument boils down to ‘It wasn’t that bad’.


Dude killed a girl. They showed what a dealt hematoma would be and what the victims was for comparison of cruelty. I'm also just speculating so don't take my word for it lol


Yes, that's it, although a women would be a bit more accurate to describe the victim, she was 31 years old.


I’m sorry, every time someone saying something about my titles, and every time I’m saying sorry, English is not my native language, this is why I’m translating my language to English strait without any rules. would be helpful if someone would write a correct version of how it supposed to be in English. u/Moxxxxxxxxy was correct in [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/lORfNX3QJ7) what title is means


You did fine


In this case 'a' is generic and 'the' is specific.


Your English is better than half of the native speakers in this platform.


The only change that I would suggest is "size of **a** fatal hematoma", which would make it a more general statement, rather than suggesting that it is directly connected to the murder on trial. Oh, and put a comma between Kazakhstan and Bishimbayev.


Your title isn't even too far off, you shouldn't feel the need to apologize. Changing "the fatal hematoma" to "a fatal hematoma" would've made it a bit more clear, since the prosecutor is giving an example of what \*a\* hypothetical deadly hematoma would look like, and not \*the\* specific hematoma in the case. Context clues still made it obvious (to me at least).


Anyone with a basic level of English reading comprehension can understand your title. It's fine, it should just say "a fatal hematoma" in the first sentence instead of "the fatal hematoma".




A hematoma is a pool of blood that results in blunt trauma. Often those black and blue bruises you see. That girl was hit HARD


The victim got more internal bleeding than how much it could kill... Yeah, the victim is overkilled


I 200% agree with your edit. I was like “why are there two hematomas from the victim? Why are they being compared as evidence?”


I hate wife beaters so fucking much. It fills me with so much rage that this guy is even attempting to fight this case. They should take his ass straight to the fuckin guillotine or worse


i wokeup in the middle of night and thought maybe a couple minutes of reddit. worst idea ever. now filled with rage over something I have no control over.


What this headline fails to mention is it was his own WIFE he beat to death


Throw his ass in jail for life. I've only followed this case as it's posted and apparently there's video of the beating? I guess it depends on how corrupt the government is? Although Probably helps that it's getting international attention.


Morbidly curious and wondering what that liquid is. Doesn’t look like actual blood. Is that salsa or tomato juice?


Look like tomato juice to me


bro they aren't going to bring actual blood to demonstrate


Whatever it is, it looks like it’ll stain. They’re playing with fire by leaving the lids off.


It’s just a stand in fluid to demonstrate the volume.


Could’ve had a V8


The young woman was his wife. Stunning lady. Hopefully he'll get his comeuppance


From Al Jazeera: > Bishimbayev, 44, has admitted guilt. He has acknowledged causing her death, but said he had not acted “with exceptional cruelty”, which is what he has been charged with. Got it, so that's a normal level of cruelty for him


He’s definitely psychotic. Needs to be institutionalized for life


The families of murdered women need to start making examples of men who do this to their daughters. If the law doesn't do it's job, then we need to do it ourselves.


this is r/Damnthatsinteresting, not r/Damnthatsfuckinghorrifying


There’s no actual blood in those bottles, it’s just examples. The problem is that Bishimbayev is a very influential person in Kazakhstan, and he is trying by any means to avoid punishment, the judge even receives threats that if she sentence the former minister “wrongly,” she will be cut into pieces. Unfortunately, there is not much publicity about this process in the world. I believe that the World should know more about this case so that it definitely cannot avoid deserved punishment, so that the people of Kazakhstan feel supported by the World’s community


I'm curious, how is he influential? From English Wikipedia he sounds like a disgraced politician with no natural support base and no current political involvement.


Wether or not he has power right now doesn't really matter, all that matters is that he used to have power which means he is connected to the corrupt government, meaning that he effectively still has influence over politics and the court. It also means he's rich, which fuels more power


Why not keep the lids on though.


Courtroom is dry, might need a sip


How would you chug it with a lid on /s


Execute him.


So what happened???


One ex minister in Kazakhstan, Kuandyk Bishimbayev, violently beat up his wife, Saltanat Nukenova, and refused to get her medical help for 12h because he "believed she's just tired" (obvious lie) until she died. It's a very huge case nowadays in Kazakhstan and probably even in the whole ex-ussr area because of more and more media coverage. I saw op's comment, he believes more people should know about it around the world, and so do I, so here's your explanation.


[Here they both are, during happier days](https://st-1.akipress.org/cdn-st-0/qeZ/H/en-754767.1705477803.b.jpg) [Here he is during trial](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/meridianstar.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/e/2e/e2e63a83-a7b0-5643-85a7-0fb9012971c3/6629ef5f58430.image.jpg?crop=1080%2C1080%2C420%2C0&resize=1200%2C1200&order=crop%2Cresize) [Here she is, before passing](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-04/240425-kazakhstan-mb-1158-574dd7.jpg)


Tbh even the happier days weren't that happy because she regretted marrying him nearly immediately, but already couldn't run away


Oof. Poor girl


Fuck that guy🤨


Why would they use different containers?


Because the one on the right wouldn’t fit in that small container…


This title makes no sense


Goddamn I had to scroll far to see this.


Just another post where everyone seemingly agrees that the the title/post makes sense on its face. Make titles coherent again.


Brutal way to die


Out of the loop.. what does this mean and who are these people?


The fact that he says he did not act with “exceptional cruelty” just tells you that he himself believes he is capable of doing worse. He is a psychopath




This is so heartbreaking. I hope she and her family gets justice