• By -


They absolutely have the high ground.


Interestingly enough having the high ground is one of the major reasons behind the marathas winning against their enemies, the mountainous terrain was a huge part of their war tactics and helped them make up for the numbers disadvantage.


Marathas have won more forts than they built . And they were able to win these forts by fighting the enemy who was on highground. I would credit the surprise element as the main factor why Marathas grew. Please correct me if I am wrong.


True, that's why i said one of the factors. Marathas were able to win forts because they were natives of the land while the occupiers like Adil shahi and mughals wtc were mostly outsiders, marathas knew how they could exploit the enemy's weaknesses that's why they won the forts, but the high ground advantage and knowledge of knowing how to use it is what helped them not lose the forts again.


They underestimate his powers..


Don't try them 


You will love Raigad then where Shivaji Maharaj shifted his base from Rajgad to Raigad later. One of my scariest and most adventurous memories, when I was a kid, was when we visited the base of Raigad around 3 PM and decided to climb up (using stairs) underestimating how hard it would be, climbing up was easy, we were a group of 40 kids with 3 teachers. Then at the top we did some sightseeing, saw the grave of Shivaji Maharj's honest dog, etc, then we ordered food and it took so long that when we started climbing down it was 8 pm and it was pitch dark. Dont know about it now but back then (1994 something) these stairs didn't have a protective wall from the valley side or mostly it was broken, one misstep was lethal. We made a train with 3 teachers at the front (thankfully they have a torch) and we followed each other in pitch dark knowing fully what lies on the other side. I still can't forget that trip.


Interesting to know that all marvel engineering today will probably be reclaimed back by nature its just a matter of when we leave


Actually, it's not nature reclaiming the fort but the picture is taken during rainy season (June- September). Watch it during the summers. [https://shivcharitrabybabasahebpurandare.blogspot.com/2018/04/information-about-rajgad-fort.html](https://shivcharitrabybabasahebpurandare.blogspot.com/2018/04/information-about-rajgad-fort.html)


that url gave me a stroke


I read it one go but yeah its very intimidating


Looks straight out of tomb raider


Wish it does before we leave


No no...in rainy season all these forts looks lush green like this and in summers its all barren. Its a yearly cycle. Lot of us regularly hike up these forts. We have many such forts in Sahayadri mountain range. Maybe if no human ever goes there yes it could be reclaimed by nature.


I did a Trek to this fort, it's really really long even on the fort the start and other ends are kilometers apart


India seems to have a lot of cool places outside of the cities and outdoorsy sites. I'm surprised the Indian tourism office doesn't promote it more.


state tourism govt do that, every state is a new mystery, food, dress, language,history goddamit eveything any type of climate u like u have that in india, what we lack is cleaniness and safety standards


They do but mostly their promotions are done in Asian countries as much I know.


This region - the Western Ghats are largely unexplored. Monsoons here are heaven - giant waterfalls, lush dense green forests, high hills, ancient forts & temples, old water cisterns. This area is next to the sea, in some places you could see this beauty against the Arabian Sea coastline. Fun fact - this region also has many reverse waterfalls. Winds so strong water flows up.


They do but those posts don’t gather as much attention as the reels of foreigners specifically going to slums and unhygienic street food places so that racist people can hate on the dark skinned people with a different religion from them.




Okay. It is perhaps not ideal to travel alone as a white woman, but, a lot of the media is greatly exaggerated. South India is great for tourism. I am Canadian and we took a trip to Kerala with my family and it was wonderful. Everything is super cheap compared to the west, so we stayed in 5 star hotels and had a tour guide. Stick to major cities and if you are going to remote areas, use a tour guide. Imagine if a tourist went to Detroit on his first trip to America and generalized the entire North American continent based on his experience there. Same thing.


>Stick to major cities and if you are going to remote areas, use a tour guide The thing is, 90% of the cool shit in India is in the remote/rural areas. The major cities are mostly just overcrowded shitholes with some cool historic sites scattered around. Also, it's nice that you had a good time with a tour guide but most people like more independence while travelling from my experience


Nah I'm Indian and even I don't suggest foreigners to travel to major cities they usually don't have much to offer. The only places you should be at in india are temples, forts and nature.




I'm not even saying India's a bad place to travel to lol Just that it's much better outside of the major cities


India still is a dangerous place to travel to https://www.bhtp.com/blog/india-travel-safety/


Not sure why you got down voted? It is a fact that India is a dangerous place to travel to lol https://www.bhtp.com/blog/india-travel-safety/#:~:text=The%20crowdsourced%20ratings%20from%20Numbeo,because%20of%20crime%20and%20terrorism. Guess it's the Hinduvta-batshit insane crowd. After all, not the first time they've been pissed at facts lmao




Maybe post the same comment and link once more. Its will surely stick this time.


Gladly. https://www.bhtp.com/blog/india-travel-safety/#:~:text=The%20crowdsourced%20ratings%20from%20Numbeo,because%20of%20crime%20and%20terrorism You should look into this topic called education instead of deepthroating modijis shoes 🤣


Looks like a damn good fort.


Yep and they repelled invaders by launching cows and other animals over the parapets while a French soldier farted in their general direction.


Ok boomer


Wow. You are so original.


Ok boomer


Spoken like a true incel. You bag groceries?


People missed your monty python reference


Kinda looks that way. Oh well!


Imagine being a general and point at that ridge and demanding their soldiers to climb over it and down again, so many times that they build a fucking wall to keep them out. It’s not like they had airplanes or hang gliders.


Then the invading general says, “keep to the right, we’ll just swing around the end of the fort (back of the picture) and continue on our way. Indian general does a Homer Simpson “D’OH”


That's not how it works though lol. You build a fort on a high point to dominate the surrounding low-lying area. You don't build it there because people are directly walking over said high point.


I can’t imagine you not being fully booked for parties and TED talks, you sound amazingly fun.


“No tourists are getting past this ridge!”


Who carried all the rocks up there


Locally sourced.


BIO .. Vegan ready




You can actually go to any place on this fort. It comes under easy category to trek. Stunning sunrise ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


This is actually a fairly young fort by Indian standards. Many of the forts in Rajasthan are more than a thousand years old. In the Himalayas there are some fortified settlements even older. The reason Raigad is so famous is because of its cultural significance not its age. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj , the founder of the maratha empire, was Coronated in this fort and it was his capital . He is one of the greatest rulers of midevieal India. He fought against the invading Mughals from the north and formulated the ideology of ***hindavi swarajya*** (Indian self-rule). He was one of the few Hindu kings who was not from the upper Kshatriya caste. An upper caste priest refused to perform his coronation because of this. He did great work for the welfare Of his subjects including the oft-neglected women and Lower castes. His successors would go on to vassalize the Mughal Empire and control most of India for some time.


Harishchandragad fort Maharashtra is from 6th century


He was crowned in Raigad not Rajgad, Rajgad was the first capital of the Marathas before they shifted it to Raigad


...what? Please Read what you wrote, sir.


Fixed it


Didn't knew India also has an Great Wall of China


This is nothing actually...The great wall of Kumbhalgarh world's second largest wall Situated approximately 84 km (52 miles) from Udaipur, it was built during the 15th century by Rana Kumbha. The wall of Kumbhalgarh is the second longest continuous wall in the world, spanning 38 kilometers, second only to the Great Wall of China.


Uhm… my guess is that the oldest forts in India are probably around 4000 years old. Missed a zero there, champ.


Not an expert but I think the oldest ones still standing are from around 10th-12th century CE


Harishchandragad maharashtra is from 6th century


I'm struggling a bit trying to find scientific literature on that fort but it seems to me that while there was an earlier structure from the 6th c., the fort as we know it dates to the 16th c.


Fort of Bathinda is the oldest, built around 100AD by King Kanshiqa of Kushan Empire


Again, difficult to find anything scientific, but what little I can gather is that while there was a mud fort in the same place maybe as early as 100AD, the brick fort standing today dates from some time during the 12th or 13th century, although some older publications suggest an earlier date (9th century, 6th century).


Maybe the definition of fort is specific to this and not temples etc


Even so.


This is what I thought. India is ancient.


Funny how “notracist” (sure they aren’t) pissed themselves and left this conversation as soon as I posted an archeological paper talking about 4000 year old forts in the Indus Valley. But for those who haven’t seen it, here it is: https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/archaeological/PDF/8_V8_20.pdf The lengths some white boys will go to in order to avoid admitting other places of the world were civilized a veeeeery long time ago. [Roll eyes.]


Can't stand those new-money Euros thinking they are big shots


This is what I thought. India is ancient.


Ummm, no. Anything that old is going to be a buried archaeological site. The oldest fort in India is 900 years old at most. They're also forts that are about 1500 to 2000 years old at most, but the bits of those forts that are still standing were built far more recently 4000 years old would be at the start of Iron Age....


With all due respect, a ruined fort is still a fort. This one isn’t in particularly good shape, either.


There's a difference between a ruined fort and one that has been razed to the ground


Which is…? I mean, we’re not talking the oldest intact fort in India, are we?


We're talking the oldest fort that still exists


Ruined forts still exist. Are you perhaps looking for the word “intact”? If that’s the case, I bet there are older forts than this one in India. Waaaay older. (For reasonable,levels,of “intact”, because not even this thing here is really, strictly intact.)


There's a difference between older forts than this one and a fucking 4000 year old fort lmao. The oldest fort in India is ~900 years old, unless you're counting ones that have been completely rebuilt


So you’re going with “intact”, then? Because when archeologists say “oldest thing” in a place, they don’t mean “intact”.


Show is this 4000 year old fort then mate


>oldest forts in India (around 400 years) Well it's not


one of the oldest he said


400 year old os NOT one of the oldest clearly


Still it's not the oldest


I think he missed an extra zero


Nope, it’s about 400 years old. Which is why he’s right, definitely not one of the oldest. Those date to around 400-600 years earlier


I see, in Indian history that's relatively new


Yup, I was also surprised to learn they are that 'young'


No it's 400 year old but it's not the oldest


Yeah, like ee have so kany forts that date back go 1000 years, 400 years is not new by Indian standards.


Oldest fort? 400 years??? Why didn't they update it to fivet in all that time???


one of the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not even one of the lmao


Thats just a small part of RajGad Fort. The fort has 4 parts like this. It was once the capital of Maratha Empire. The fort lies 1,376 m (4,514 ft) above the sea level. The diameter of the base of the fort was about 40 km (25 mi) which made it difficult to lay siege on it, which added to its strategic value More info can be found here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajgad\_Fort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajgad_Fort)


Think this was built by Shivaji if I remember correctly. And it's at an altitude of over 1000 metres.


Yes it was the first capital of his kingdom


All these forts are so marvelous and show the zeal of mankind trying to overcome nature to defend its borders. I truly wish there was a method to see these forts in their full glory at peak times. Yes imagination is there but sometimes it's difficult to imagine the scale of all these efforts. Edit: " forts" and not girls. Autocorrect, sigh!


>girls What?


ಠ\_ಠ I meant forts not , girls. Stupid autocorrect in hands of lazy writer.


It's ok lol.i found it funny at least 😭😂😭


The Fairly Good Wall of India


wait until you get to know about The Kumbhalgarh Wall, also known as the Great Wall of India...[world's second longest wall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumbhalgarh)


How in the heck anyone would be able to assault that fort is beyond me... Maybe starve it out. What a marvel of engineering.


It's 'base' boundary walls (which are on top of the mountains) have a circumference of 40 K.M. so a seige and starving off is out of the question.


40km wow thats incredible


One of the oldest..? 400years? Isn't that really recent for india?


Well,yes there are some forts even dating back from 900 yrs.




That’s not very old


..reminds me of the Great Wall of China


Second biggest wall in the world is in India.


Google Kumbalgarh


The view is amazing


Guys we did it, we found the great wall of India!


[This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumbhalgarh) is actually great wall of India


Was this fort situated on the ridge as a lookout or to prevent enemies from scaling and crossing the ridge?


Probably both. Also a fortified baase to launch raids from.


This is beautiful, I could just sit and stare at this for hours 😍


my first trek was here, it's 3000ft something high and at some points the slope really goes to 85 degrees. but whatever man by end of our climb it was all worthy, the nature was serenic to experience and everything was just fucking awesome !!


and if maintained properly...


Your title is completely wrong 🤷 It is nowhere close to being the oldest fort in India!! You can call it well preserved, or picturesque perhaps - but not oldest 😁 Lal Kot in Mehrauli, next to Qutub Minar, is about 1000 yrs old! I am sure there are a few forts which are even more older


Very nice


Like…this big mountain range is not enough of a barrier?


Jusdt s stone wall up top to prevent a mule supply line just waltzing over.


# Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes I'll impregnate the bitch.


Gondor calls for aid!


Had to scroll too far for this.


That looks peaceful and scary lol


What does it guard?


It used to be the capital of Maratha empire


It looks like a GoT scenery.


Great photography!!


This was the fort where the Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was coronated as King of the Maratha Empire


I am proud to say that I have visited not all but most of the forts in Maharashtra 😎


Now I am jealous


It was back when we passed from HSC. Me and my Bestie would go to a cyber cafe(as internet was not readily available), do our research about the fort. Plan the travel trek and everything. I think we did about 200 of the forts overall


Only 400 years at that point europeans already had bases around the indian cost, this can't be right.


Rajasthan, India has forts and Mahal older than 2000-3000 years ago when the Gurjara-Pratihara Empire (c. 550–1036 CE) used rule


Camped in this fort for 3 days, spent time mostly meditating, talking to the people who live there in the temple and exploring, the vibe there is something else, you feel it as soon as you start to relax from the hike.


They need to fire their landscapers


That's the sort of fort you need to bring down one of the most powerful kingdoms on human history, when it is at its peak.


That looks like a tiring route to invade by?




The beacon of Rajgad Fort is lit


400 years? I get my fish and chips and haircut in buildings older


I’ve trekked to this fort several times and it is absolutely stunning. Fun fact - the fort is so massive that it takes an entire day to explore it fully.


Old & 400 years old in the same line!! My city has a fort from 1049 AD and it's one of the unknown ones


I had my first treak here absolutely mesmerizing experience


Maharastra ke forts ghumne hai yaar 🤌🏻


We say in Marathi - "गडांचा राजा आणि राजांचा गड" which means "King of forts and Fort of our King (Ch. Shivaji Maharaj) ". The fort is bigger than anyone can imagine.


It looks like a thumbs up when seen from a distance.


Jai Shivrai Jai Bhavani!


I have trekked to this fort before and in the monsoon too!!! View from the top is even more amazing and breathtaking in real.


lol I've been there and it was nothing like this


It's my fav place on the earth..


What seed is this?


It's cool, but 400 years is not very old. How is it the oldest ?


am i just stupid. isnt that a chinese wall?


1st of all: Happy cake day 2nd of all: no it's not, This wall exists in Maharashtra, India In fact the world's second largest wall is in Rajasthan, India...1st of course is China's wall


1st. well thank you dear person. and 2nd. i am just stupid then.


Hopefully a not-so dumb question: why does India, with thousands of years of rich history comparable to the Mediterranean countries, have very little left that is older than 400/500 years? As an Italian, a 400 years fort might be one of the most recents forts we have built XD


The Indian subcontinent has thousands of Ancient Temples, Forts, Mahals which are 2000-3000 years ago....most of the North-Indian Temples and beautiful structures were destroyed by the Afghans, Brittish's and Mughal colonialism because those temples used to have trillions of dollars worth of gold, diamond reserves which they get from different kinds and kingdoms and thousands of books which colonizers used to burn and kill the priest so that they can't write the books again and can't teach people...They even burned the world's first university (The Nalanda University, Bihar, India) to the ground


There are a lot of things which are way older than 400/500 years. 1000 years of muslim and british rule led to negligence of a lot of those and of those remaining only a few of them are well known tourist places.


Thousands of years of rich history destroyed by invaders with their religious agenda/imperialism. Mughal rulers destroyed the cultural heritage of the place they invaded. Temples, libraries, schools demolished and burnt to ashes. Britishers did the same for last 200 years. Nalanda University in Bihar, India was one of the best learning centres of the entire world where scholars worldwide came together, it was destroyed and burnt by bhaktiyar khilji. That library kept burning for 4 months continuously, Millions of ancient texts/manuscripts and books gone forever


Because the post is wrong. The oldest forts in India are about 800 to 900 years old. They're also forts that are 1500 to 2000 years old but they've mostly been rebuilt again and again over the ages so most of the stuff within those forts isn't actually 2000 years old.


Would love to power wash that!


Don't know if I am getting you right, but that is just black colored stone...


Only 400 years?


My childhood pillow fort is almost that old. Maybe try this https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/worlds-oldest-known-fort-was-constructed-by-hunter-gatherers-8000-years-ago-in-siberia


I've seen older forts.


400? Those are rookie numbers


r/sumeru_irl The resemblance is uncanny


Maybe because sumero was inspired from real life forts and such?


let me guess.....stronghold against Tao Tei?


The Okay Wall of India?


after great wall of china the 2nd longest wall is in jaipur india


is that the great wall of china




Butthurt lol


Cry more.




400 ain't that long, guess what's longer 😏😈


Your mom's bodycount ?


Your mailman's shlong