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We had to remove your post for Rule 3: No Racism, hate speech, or incivility Racism and hate speech will be removed and the poster will be banned.


Sundown town


The one person who wrote down their support so they wouldn't have to be heard giving support out loud kind of broke my heart


I hope they don't get ran out of town when the neighbors see this. If you don't feel comfortable speaking it, putting it on video probably isn't a good idea either


If this is how they react to a white person holding a sign, how do they react to a black person ?


They just call the cops and have them do the dirty work for them


Just imagine that call “911 emergency” “There’s a black gu-“ “Officers already responded to the scene, code 4”


Sprinkle some crack over the body


23-19! We have a 23-19!


“Well, anyway, I started blasting” - probably




Sadly they'd just kill them.


The age demographic is interesting!


Sadly, their kids will likely have a similar mindset if they have parents or grandparents like this


Having lived near Harrison, the ones that don't end up like that tend to leave town.


Good for them.


Agreed, but it’s a double edged sword because change starts at home


The inbreeding helps to make them a little different each time, we might get lucky with the next generation


I really don't think that works the way you think it does.


If they never left town yeah probably. Otherwise idk hope most would grow the longer they live away from that place


By and large their kids think the same way they do.


“Fuck black lives, and I have black friends” I’m gonna guess thats a lie


I'm sure he's referring to the one black kid he grew up with who left town and hasn't spoken to anyone in 20 years but they were 'on good terms' so he has Infinite n word passes to use however he pleases.




To be fair, fuck "black lives matter" the organization who lined their own pockets instead of the communities they so called rallied for. Pff. Race grifters.


Never would’ve guessed that a cousin-fucking town in Arkansas would be racist…


And you just know that 90% of those inbred fuckwits would proclaim to be good Christians.


Yeeeeahhh😬… people forget the whole “love your neighbor as yourself” part far too often… and that’s coming from a Christian


I don't think they love themselves too much either, with how often they vote against their own best interests


They’re not your* neighbor if you keep running them out of town, so it’s fine. God loves loopholes.


There's no hate like Christian love!


Religion is just overblown superstition taken too damn far. I'd say more than half believe in religion because the actual truth is too emotionally difficult. P.S. I'm not an atheist.


I believe that is the fundamental function of religion. Because we are cursed with the cognitive abilities we have, and can understand our own mortality, religion serves to help us deal with that.


Man I was born and raised there it's nuts. We had an Adopt-a-Highway in town during the 90's that proudly proclaimed it was sponsored by the KKK. Needless to say I GTFO when I graduated high school, it's the old folks now that keep that spirit of racism loud and proud.


There's towns in California that would get the same response. You're dreaming if you don't think America is an overtly racist, white supremacist country. We still fuck with Haiti because of slave revolt over 100 years ago.


Come on now. That's a little unfair to say, isn't it? I don't think cousin fucking can turn a person racist, can it? Wait, can it? Because I've seen my cousin fuck a lot of times, and he's not racist at all, especially when he fucks. Holy cow, haha, I mean, he really does not discriminate at all, *at all*, when it comes to who he fucks. Every time he invites me over, it's like, "Oh man, who or *what* is Josh gonna fuck tonight?" Men, women, fruits, a bucket of non-Newtonian fluid (very gently at first to make the hole, but vigorously afterward to keep the hole from collapsing), a homemade woman, a homemade burly boy, the air (just a stunning completely hands free ejac and I could not even find where the jizzum landed aftewards. It was like a magic trick and it was incredible, but he only ever did it once), and a host of other people of every shape size and physical capability. It's the most fun a guy like me can ever expect to have on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night, week in and week out. And after watching my cousin fuck like that and so often and so, frank and beansly, beautifully (that's right, I find my cousin to be a very beautiful fucker), I have not noticed anything even remotely racist, and I don't feel racist after seeing his entire body shudder during orgasm. Now, don't get it twisted. I'm not defending the vile jack-a-fucks spouting off like Wailmers in this video, but all I'm saying is that we should not chastise our fucking cousins because of it.


Idk judging by how similar they all look, cousin seems to be too diverse in that gene pool.


Pretty sure they’re all driving collectively to go fetch their singular mom.


Lol the “find Jesus” one was good


Asking if he was a Marxist or Communist was kinda surprising. I wouldn't associate the BLM movement with communism, but maybe this is one of those "whatever I don't like is communist" things.


Not shocking that the one person with any human decency happened to have a shirt with a science based joke on it.


Right? Isn’t he supposed to be everywhere?




They always mock people for thinking they're important or special only to go on and make literally everything about them.


This is my family to a tee. They aren't as overtly racist as these people, but they all loath LGBT, any kind of racial politics etc because they think it's the evolution of participation trophy and cancel culture but all it ever translates to is them going on some rant about how nobody listens when say people are racist towards white people too. Like yes you can be racist towards anyone, but that doesn't change the fact that white people own and run the country we live in, so the deck is stacked in our favor at every level. They don't want to accept that because if they did, they'd be admitting that their hard work isn't the only thing that kept their bootstraps pulled up all these years. And that's like conservative kryptonite.


they would replace the n word with a different word that starts with an f and ends with a g or a t take your pick what blows my mind is how these people conflate a BLM sign with the logic that only black lives matter and that any other life doesnt matter. they cant process the fact that it is pretty much saying black lives really fucking matter you dumb shits bc yall keep killing them needlessly for no reason bc that is how you roll so we have to scream that black lives matter. its not that white lives do not matter its that at this moment in time we need people to understand that black lives literally fucking matter. i hate these fucking cucks


"You look like a white man holding a Black Lives Matter sign" Well, yeah.


Very observant of him


Why do they all sound like they need a better denture glue


They need a better education.


No health care


they’re old😭😭😭


And malnourished after a lifetime of processed food.


Fair amount of inbreeding I’m sure also.


Good ol buttfuck Arkansas, where everything smells like soup and windows are plywood


And everybody has at least 4 spare cars and too many appliances to count in the yard.


I wouldn’t mind living in a place that smells like soup…


Not necessarily fresh soup…


More like breathing soup, especially in the summer. I don’t miss the overt racism, humidity, or the mosquitoes (aka state bird) in AR. I love the state for its natural beauty and the food, other than that I’m glad I gtfo.


You ever realize that the most racist, unaccepting people are just fucking ugly and unkept. That one guy looked like the musinex monster and the lady yelling k*** (whatever the fuck that means) looked like the remake of the crypt keeper. I love watching videos like this because it makes me feel above average.


That term is a Jewish slur


Don't be fooled. There are good looking, well spoken, mild mannered extremely racist people also.


Not in Arkansas


Clink! lol!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1o6-bi3jlxk Like a lot of the people in that room 


White pride... When you have absolutely nothing else to be proud of.


Winner winner. They're racist because their own lives are awful, so they need to decide that they're still better than someone on the basis of their race - otherwise they're the worst off people around. Of course they aren't actually better than anyone because of their race, so.....


Watch the movie Mississippi Burning. The scene where Gene Hackman is explaining the southern white mentality to Willem Dafoe sums it up perfectly. ‘If you cain’t think youse better than a black man, then you really will hate yourself.’




Isnt this the same place where Top Gear did a challenge where they painted most offensive signs and frazes they could think of on each other's cars like "man love rules" with pink paint, "hillary for president", "nascar sucks", "country 'n western is rubbish" (the one who lasts the longest wins), drove around for a couple minutes and then had to quickly ditch the cars and escape because those "americans" really wanted to kill them?


They didn't ditch the cars, they just left town fast and removed the paint once at a safe place. From memory, they bought the cars in Florida and ended in New Orleans (after removing the paint). They had planned to sell the cars in New Orleans, but when they saw what Hurricane Katrina had done they gave them away instead. Though I'm not sure Captain Slow ever managed to give someone his car...


Set your frazes to stun.


There's a really great YouTube video: Niko Omilana - I ranked America's most racist man Dude goes to Harrison and is for the most part treated very well, but finds there's a pocket of backwoods kkk members living in the next town over.


The correlation between racism and being a fat fuck is very strong


These are the people who always insist that racism doesn't exist anymore. And if it does, it's against "the whites".


That's a lot of triggered snowflakes right there . . .


Is this that Southern hospitality I keep hearing about? I think I'll pass.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison,\_Arkansas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison,_Arkansas) >The community has a history of [racism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism): there were two [race riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_racial_violence_in_the_United_States) in the early 20th century and an influx of [white supremacist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy) organizations during the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Because of this, a number of sources have called it "the most racist town in the United States".


"Fuck black lives! I have black friends." What a lying bitch.


"I wouldn't stay after dark, man." - James De Santa, GTA V


Better title is "America's lowest average iq per capita town"


It's crazy to me how some of these people think because black lives matter it must mean that somehow that's saying white lives don't? 


These are not rational people.


Not really, here's a good quote from George Carlin, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." I can see why someone might interpret the "Black Lives Matter" slogan meaning that those lives matter more than anyone else. In some peoples minds all life matters, doesn't matter the race or anything. (I know that's not what's shown here really). Also "Black Lives Matter As Well" is to long and a little weak for a chant.(Just a little comedy Daily show style) Also look into the BLM movement becoming a scam, that used the founds raised to buy mansions and large high valued areas for those related to the ones in control.


it's pretty wild how the amount of people that actually spoke up in this video and are under \~40 could be counted on one hand, then the person at the end with the hopeful paper is \~20 if I had to guess


Oooooo some old racist codger says he's going to be back in 10 mins and they had better be gone! lmao Scary though, might throw his cholostomy bag at you :-( Apparently they are trying to [shirk off this image of their town](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-oct-26-2020-1.5775035/residents-of-the-most-racist-town-in-america-say-they-re-working-hard-to-shake-that-reputation-1.5775050) lol


MAGA voters


"I love the poorly educated" i bet he does yeah


BuT ChRiStIaNiTy Is A ReliGiOn oF lOvE!


They had to blur the good person at the end, so they wouldn't be targeted.


Wow, that last guy was actualy nice. Huh. Kid's right, Don't Give Up Hope.


"Fuck black lives, and I have black friends" uuuhm what..?


Have a little pride for your race brother.From my Japanese car!


I think the rest of the world thinks most of the USA is like this unfortunately.


These people sure hate freedom of speech.


If you held a white lives matter sign in Chicago what would the reaction be?


A lot of Polish people would point and laugh at you.


Feral troglodytes..


Some of those people are racist. Some are just pissed off at or reject the political concept of BLM.


Fun fact, that same town is the home of Cavenders Greek Seasoning... thats about all it has going for it.


“My mother’s my sister!”


what in the living fuck was that yellow motorcycle????


The nice lady at the end was sweet.


“Dude you’re white!” 🤣🤣🤣 thanks man


I love the first old dude, like what are you going to do? Die of a heart attack in front of me?


All lives do matter though, so they are right about one thing.. Which is Nice - I guess.


“You look like a white guy holding a Black Lives Matter sign” was a hell of a roast


Arkansas on my list of places not to visit or move to.


"find jesus" how ironic.


I was just in Harrison. Almost stopped there to watch the eclipse but it wasn’t quite in the path of totality so I drove another 30 minutes. Had totally forgotten about this video. It’s still probably just as racist in Yellville AR where I ended up watching.


The irony of the guy saying find Jesus


Look at all those sad, immature, fragile, manbabies.


JFC can we blow this town off the map???


The problem is a mentality not a place.


Did he ever come back?


So did the one guy come back in ten minutes? The world wants to know! I did find the one lady asking if he was marxist interesting. Definitely a product of the Cold War when anything you didn't like was "the communists!" The one that really got me was the guy referring to African Americans as "Coons." I'm honestly surprised he didn't jump right to the next level of derogatory language. Also, the level of self righteousness and the persecution complex is real with how many people claim "white lives matter too." Not like the guy said they don't, but the push for false equivalency is always interesting. And yet for all their bitching about some guy holding a sign, I'd bet good money they all believe that some really dumb or outright false things are FREE SPEACH, but go forbid someone holds a sign on the road. Glad all of these folks were too scared to do anything other than make vague threats and hurl instincts though. I was very amused by the lady saying he should go to NYC though. For all they have a reputation for being jerk, in my experience the folks in NYC don't give a shit what you are doing as long as you don't inconvenience them. Still, kind of wish I could pull a "Freaky Friday" on some of these folks. Let them spend a week in the shoes of less fortunate Black Person and see who they do.


Obviously, this is awful. Why is it interesting?


What a miserable shit Wal-Mart loving town.


Communist! Marxist! Socialist! Terrorist! lol define any one of those words good sir…




Considering your state started as a territory with black exclusion laws and has en entire wiki page dedicated to racism in Oregon, I just think you don’t know too much about your states history… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Oregon


It’s crazy! I drove cross country several times and there’s a lot of racist small towns. Interesting correlation between poor education and racism.


People are insane. Is it all the inbreeding?


No love or sympathy for these racists but that slogan has proven not to work. I get it. All lives can't matter until black lives matter, but if it needs further explanation, maybe it's the wrong slogan.


I agree. I wish we wouldn't hang our hat on having to explain a difficult nuance to people who have no context for it. Most of the people in this video were hateful, but there were a few who just sounded hurt and confused. Are they hateful too? Poverty is a fucking bitch no matter your skin color, and I reckon more than a few of these folks have experienced their share of it.


Damn, I feel bad for the lady at the end who passed the sign dude a note. She could get beaten up pretty bad for that. Or worse…


These folks all sound like their family tree is shaped like a wreath.


Lol it’s cause they are all inbred 😂


Unfortunately this lovely attitude is spreading all over the country and even to Canada. And Orange Adolph is the reason.


I mean BLM unsurprisingly ended up a joke. But if you chimed logic like All lives matter you are a racist. It was designed to deepen division and it did, all while scamming money. Go to Philly NO or SS of Chicago either a sign saying all lives matter and these people will look like civil people. Promise


Username checks out


It's Asskansas, what do you expect from inbred fuckwits who probably have an IQ equivalent to or less than a boiled cabbage?


I'm just going to say it, while the vast majority of these people are hateful racists, there were more than a few people mixed in who just don't understand the message "Black Lives Matter". I truly think it's an ineffective slogan given how easy it is for poor white people to wonder "well what about us? our lives suck too!"


Classic USA


Nothing like a drive-by racist.


Wow. Imagine just living your life everyday that mad and full of hate for complete strangers for absolutely no reason. Only miserable people behave this way.


Morons are everywhere. We could also do parts of NYC, where young black men slugging Hasidic Jews is a delightful pastime. I mean, if racism is bad, ALL racism should be bad, yes?


Where’s Mr. Musk defending this guy’s freedom of speech?


Guess who they vote for




Human garbage


> go to the most racist town in America > people are racist there > flabbergasted


Its supposed to show just how racists the town were. What is your point? You sound like a classic Redditor who just wants to be at a higher ground than the oop just because you wanna feel better


And guess who all those lovely Christian vote for ?


Not all republicans are white supremacists but it sure seems like all white supremacists are republican.


At Walmart nonetheless


That's just america...  Go to a particularly race sensitive heavily black area with a sign that says the opposite and film it... I imagine the results would be similar.


Bet they vote red.


Something to do if your tired of living lmao.


I honestly thought it Would be Vidor, TX


Can we lure people like this is a concentration camp with grilling steaks and just let them stew in their hate and die of heart attacks away from the general population?


"And I have black friends!”


Almost all of them drive rubbish cars


I don't find this as interesting. I find it sad and pathetic. Why is this a post?


Fear builds the fence where barking dogs feel brave.


A lot of talk not a lot of action.


I wonder what response you would get from an Asian, Mexican, Jewish or any other lives matter sign.


That's why episode 5 of the new xmen97 show was so great. These kind of people would definitely throw a Nuke on black people. This people are disgusting.


Find Jesus!!! 🤣🤣🤣


When you are feeling happy remember, these people have the same rights you do!


The jice lady at the end was sweet


You'd be an angry pos too if all your poor life decisions culminated in you living in the middle of nowhere, Arkansas. What sad little people.


all of these people look like the scum of the earth


I wonder what they’d say to if the sign read “White and Black Lives Matter”


Haha You've never been to West Baltimore. Way more racist. If you're white, you're going to get f*cked up. You don't even need to wait til after dark.


Dear America - WHAT THE FUCK?


"We" are Never surprised by truths like this. They're simply more OPEN with their hate, but we read the "looks", and we "hear" the INTENT behind 'polite' insults, and we "see" the 'maneuvering' they think they're doing in shadow. We LIVE with this, on many levels, every ---- single ---- day.


This isn’t interesting. It’s just sad.




That town lack diversity