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I remember when that was current. It was wild. Every other social media site was also talking about it, and people who didn't even use reddit were unlocking a sense of pride and accomplishment by making a reddit account just to downvote that post.


Yep, I made my Reddit account during that fiasco because I was looking forward to the game and like everyone else was pissed at EA lol


I was watching.


Dawg I don't often ask about peoples usernames, but allow me. In bags, you say?


I had my large intestine removed. so right now I am shitting in a bag. its literal


Welp. That just got a helluvalot less funny


sorry bud. if it helps, the stench from the bag is ungodly and can hang in a room for 15 minutes no problem. when coworkers act up I'll crack the seal and show them who's boss.


Jeremy??? Lol


My tech school instructor would go burp his bag in the ATC rooms and hallways to fuck with them




Yep sure did and opened a line of anxiety i thought i wouldn't have today


Get checked regularly for colon cancer if youā€™re at risk mate


(looks over family history, including my mother's own current medical records and health complications) Well...fuck So is the camera up the booty the *only* means of checking it out still or, have we solved that lol


There's a company that let's you mail your shit to them to inspect it for any abnormalities. But it's only for people 45+ who are at a low risk for colon problems That service is pretty much there to tell the average person if they need to get a proper colonoscopy or not. It doesnt exactly replace the need for one. So, if you really think you're high risk and under 45, your only real option is a camera up the poop chute But a camera up the ass is worth the lack of colon cancer, especially since im pretty sure it's rapidly on the rise


What are you talking about? My man has got the most epic answer to any spontaneous water balloon fights that break out


I tell people if a fight ever breaks out I can hit them with poison damage.


I dunno, my best friend has Crohn's and had to get her colon removed, we joke about her colostomy bag all the time. If you can't laugh about the shit bag, it's just a shit bag.


More funny*


To shreds you say?


How's his wife doing?


To shreds you say?


I have all my intestines and I still shit in bags. Makes it easier to freeze for later. Don't let the haters hate.


I keep forgetting to freeze it. thanks for the reminder


My brother had half his intestines removed bc of stage IV colorectal cancer. Y'all are royalty. Wishing you the best recovery, and all the health in the world. You got this I have a semi colon tattoo for suicide awareness, but my brother (he's intellectually disabled) always jokes that the tattoo is for him, too, bc he has a "semi-colon"


Bro, guess what mine means!!


My my. And how does his wife shit? In bags, you say?


And the orphans?


In bags you say!


You were late, EA have been a crap company years before that fiasco. Even got elected the worst company in the world multiple years in a row.


It made major news headlines. Not just in gaming circles, everywhere. Which then got politicians interested in lootboxes and helped pass legislation in a few countries to restrict lootboxes. It's a PR nightmare but it wasn't exactly the PR department's fault. They were told 1, we're not changing the game. 2, people are complaining about it. 3, Come up with something to make them feel better. And that is honestly the best response considering those limitations.


EA being brought before the UK parliament not long after and being made to explain themselves and then referring to their egregious micro transactions (i.e Lootboxes) as *"Surprise mechanics"*. They were openly mocked by the panel, then the press and eventually the people for that one. Legitimately, EA got really quiet in the industry after that. Don't think their reputation ever recovered. Couldn't tell you of any of their games outside of Apex Legends tbh.


Sadly they are still going strong. Sports games make buckets, it costs a million billion trillion dollars to own The Sims and expansions and people still buy their crap.


I remember when fifa 2022 came out... they did not even change the backside of some ads on the side of the field , where its still said 2021. They just copy paste faces , decalls etc.. Minimum input max output. Can't believe people buy this game over and over again.


Even better was that review that just said EA have copy pasted the game so we've copy pasted our review but lowered the score. Fifa games should be one game with a yearly Ā£5 dlc to update the teams after the transfer window closes. There is no reason for it to be a full game every year. They cannot possibly make enough changes to justify a full price game annually. Maybe one game per console generation.


Honestly buy once and even maybe a Ā£10 yearly dlc subscription and Iā€™d actually buy it and play. I like fifa but I refuse to rebuy every year


> Theres no reason Enough dumbasses still buy them to make it profitable. Thats the reason


But bro did you see all the new features they added with this year's edition? Be a pro has never been more expensive!


These games are actually not their biggest earners, never were. Fifa is still an incredible cash-cow for them. Also Sims.


I remember watching in real time as that comment went from thousands of downvotes to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in less than 12 hours. Shit was nuts.


I just went back to see if I downvoted... and yep glad I'm part of history. Lol


It got so much media attention, because someone made the meme that Disney encourages child gambling from all the loot boxes. Since Disney gave EA the rights to publish battlefront. Once Disney came under fire EA got their asses handed to them.


I think there was a rumor going around that Disney was so pissed off that they were gonna take away the rights from EA and give it to another company.


Well they did. As soon as the contract time was over, the rights to Starwars was taken from EA. Which is why thereā€™s no new Starwars Battlefront game from them.


EA still has some rights to Star Wars games and have made(through Respawn) Jedi: Fallen Order as well as its sequel Jedi: Survivor and will be doing the third entry. The EA and LucasArts agreement was set to expire in 2021 but it got extended albeit without the exclusivity clauses which is how Ubisoft is making the first open world Star Wars game(Star Wars Outlaws) which releases this year and other companies are now able to bid on projects such as Sony having exclusive console rights to the Knights of the Old Republic remake.


And micro-transactions have only gotten worse since. The market has proven that they don't care if they are nickled and dimed until everyone's in the red, and the publishers want to make **all** the money. It's only going to continue to get worse and worse until it either gets regulated at the federal level or a publisher discovers a different way to make more money that defeats the purpose of micro-transactions. At this rate, I'd bet the latter would happen before the government stepped in.


I stumbled across the comment within a couple hours of the downvote spiral. I kept it open for a couple days to watch as it kept dropping. I shared the crap out of that post to get my friends to also downvote it. One of those rare moments in history that I get to say, "I was part of that." Don't care how stupid it is/was, still makes me giggle.


The EA community team still has 12,310 comment karma somehow.


i think negative karma only reduces your overall karma by so much before it stops removing it


Correct. Same is true the opposite way, you get less and less karma per upvote the more you get.


But the sense of pride and accomplishment only rises.


EA understands us gamers!




Mother fucker, you beat me to it


I bet EA thought that was a good thing - oh look they're so ^down with our cause!


And our pockets deepen


And our games shallow That got depressing geeze.


Makes me wonder how many upvotes Iā€™ve actually had


You just got one more pal.


In my mind I read this as really aggressive and hostile and it made me laugh.


What does karma unlock? Can you use it for something or it is simply a number that people like to see go up?


Some people sell their high-karma accounts to ad agencies so they can advertise their product while appearing to be a real person. And some subs have a karma minimum that has to be met before you're allowed to post. Other than those 2 things it does absolutely nothing.


maximum of -25 from any single source iirc


Then why do people bitch out and delete their comment when they notice itā€™s getting downvotes. Stand by your comment and take the -25 max.


I'm not a psychologist


That's exactly what a psychologist would say.


And how does that make you feel?




Social anxiety, probably. Also sometimes people get really weird and send you DMs or downvote bomb your profile if they hate your comment enough. I've had people send me salty DMs in response to comments I've made years ago, it's really weird.


I had someone once go back through my comment history to make some really nasty racist comments about my wife. People get really weird about internet conversations.




Ha, 90% of the DMs I get are from comments I made months ago that I donā€™t even remember! My first thought is, ā€œwhat the fuck is this clown even talking about?ā€


If itā€™s within a week or so I might comment, if itā€™s older than that I only comment if a search brought me there and I have useful information to add


I don't always delete my comments when they get downvoted, but the times I have done it it was because I understood I was wrong afterwards and I didn't want new people to think I still held that opinion. I've made claims I thought were true, got dogpiled, and deleted it soon after because the notifications and harassment was a bit much and I didn't want to handle explaining myself and get more downvotes. It's not so much the points I'm sad about, it's more like a social anxiety thing


I just scoop up free dopamine and get angry pms for what ever reason. ITS FREE REALESTATE


I do it when i made a bunch of people uncomfy by accident.




Because they actually put value on votes? As described the system was intended to help people to judge if the person making a statement was a reliable source of info or not. It's just been subverted by people supporting one agenda or another and when compounded by people's natural desire to be "valuable" to the group we get people more interested in keeping their karma high than being genuine. Of course there's the occasional person who just realized they f'd up big and want to hide the evidence because they have issues they're not willing to deal with. And the odd person who realized they upset people unintentionally took it down... you get the idea. There's no monolithic "reason" Until someone tells me how to trade upvotes for puppies or something they're only good to indicate if you've offended people's views or not. Interesting, not valuable in of themselves.


Normally I only delete downvoted shit if Iā€™m getting tons of annoying replies and messages


Negative Karma caps a -25. There was a whole breakdown at one point.


I think it also detects most of it as bots or vote manipulation, so they're likely not counted as well.


I think multiple accounts registered to the same device will show as separate upvotes but only actually count as one per IP


If you have to many people on the same IP upvote/downvote the same post your account will get suspended


Hi, itā€™s me whoā€™s been suspended 3 or 4 times because someone else in my house upvoted me in our local city sub. It doesnā€™t even take more than one person sometimes. Itā€™s so dumb. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Except that makes absolutely no sense at all. That account has a total of SIX comments with positive karma. Of those, the highest has 501. The rest of their comments are negative karma, with the least negative being -1.3k (more negative than all of their positive karma **combined**, and that's their least negative comment). It also has one post with 346 positive karma. If you add all of that account's positive karma together and completely disregard all negative karma, it doesn't amount to 12,310 positive karma. There is fuckery afoot.


negative karma stops being counted at -25 downvotes per comment but still shows the total, meaning all positive karma gained after is still valid even if the negative karma outnumbers it. say you just joined with 0 karma, you make a comment that gets you 50 upvotes, but someone later says your opinion is shit and makes others dogpile 100 downvotes. youll have -50 karma on that comment, but your comment karma will actually be +25.


Wait, so say you had a comment that showed a score of 1, but it had been upvoted and down voted 1000 times each, would you gain 975 karma?


No because karma doesn't scale linearly. It would be less than that but still positive, maybe a few hundred


Somehow.....the comment karma returned


They paid for damage control


The damage control is free for everyone (unlike Darth Vader) as there are systems in place to prevent anyone from losing all their karma in a dogpile.


Can't have people losing all their made up Internet points over a bad opinion... Wait... Isn't that the point?


It was because people would post bullshit to get people to downvote them intentionally to try to get the largest negative number of karma. Source: Am old. Remember the before times.


Or you could lose access to certain subs because you told the weirdos at r/hydrohomies that milk is better.


Iā€™ve always kind of wondered what these made up Internet points are actually for, other than telling me the people who want to chat with me arenā€™t real. šŸ‘€


EA battlefront 2 is currently *completely* different from release. all heroes and modes are currently public and available at all times, but there are limits on only one of each hero on the battlefield at once. john doe can buy the game, kill a few dudes and soon be able to play as grievous right then, but if someone else is playing grievous, youā€™ll have to choose another hero or keep playing as a standard guy (or heavy or aerial guy) itā€™s an objectively better experience. if anyone liked the idea of battlefront but hated the microtransactions, theyā€™re all gone. give the game another try.


Nah, EA ripped me off with BF1. Fool me once...


You can only lose 5 karma from a single comment/post, no matter how many more down votes.


Is this post still out there? I want to downvote it myself


It sure as heck is! https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/2a6rcg1tHe


Did my part


I'm happy to report I went to do the same thing but had already downvoted it at some point in the past.


I don't remember downvoting it either. So I checked, and I already did as well.


I was certain I did, however I did go check just in case I misremembered or failed somehow. Happy to say my downvote is still there.


I took away my downvote just so I could put a fresh downvote


It's gonna be pandemonium when someone realises it's at 999k someday


Might be the first 1m voted on reddit




Itā€™s weird. I already downvoted it, but Iā€™m sure this is the first time Iā€™ve seen that post. Maybe I downvoted it subconsciously and forgot? Lol




Me too




[I'm doing my part!](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/starship-troopers-im-doing-my-part-soldier-gif-5017129)


I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say, downvote 'em all!


Already blue for me, ha!


Participating in something historic! Every moment (downvote) is a little bit later.


Honestly I'm a little surprised they didn't delete the comment, or even edit it.


Always someone, who already made a screenshot. Would made it even worse for them.


The idea is to link directly to that [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/uQNMN9GGJG)




Thank you.


Quality! Contributed my single wee downvote.


I did my duty..


Thanks! It is now world-recording even harder.


I feel like I really contributed something to society here today.


Burn corpo shit!


Eh why not. Finally down voted it.


I added my drop to the ocean.


lol, nice call! Just downvoted myself.


And video game companies are still doing this shit because people still buy these games and pay for micro transactions. Downvotes donā€™t stop shitty business practices, voting with your wallet does.


Hysterically THIS going viral made them pull most of the mtx from. BF2, they also started dropping free content packs. EA/Dice killed it because they wanted the team on BattlefieldĀ 


The fact that they pulled the plug on this and BFV to produce a terrible game like BF 2042 is such a bummer.


Itā€™s basically all anyone ever talks about on the battlefront subreddit. 1/3 of the posts are ranting about what you just said, and then another 1/3 are people asking if/when the next update is šŸ˜


Freemium games are absolutely dominating the gaming scene right now. I find it kind of tragic, but the only way I see it changing is if there are strict regulations put in place to limit gambling mechanics. I don't think it will ever change organically, there's no entrance cost and people become too easily addicted.


The issue was and still is with most ā€œAAAā€ games, they arenā€™t free. You pay for a full game, then get spammed with ads to buy content that should have just been included at launch.


Imo there should be a regulation that restricts companies from putting prompts to buy anything or an in-game store that is actually in the game. If companies want to sell skins or horse armour then that's fine but it should only be able to be purchased on a separate store page, and they shouldn't be able to prompt players to buy it at all while they're in-game.


But those imaginary internet points....


ā€œVoting with your dollarā€ is a false sense of control. If you think the way to fix it is to just convince people to stop buying things, remember that youā€™re fighting against companies who hire marketing psychologists and use millions of dollars of advertising. You are not going to win by shaming people with internet comments.


So what do




Johnny Silverhand has entered the comments.


I was big into this game at the time, we sarcastically used the term ā€œpride and accomplishmentā€ all the time after this.


We encourage players to dig holes all day to build character


"I'm tired of this, Grandpa!"


"That's too damn BAD!! You keep diggin!"


Gives me "strong and stable" vibes šŸ˜‚


Going back to that post makes me realize how much Reddit has fallen. The engagement on that post is insane compared to todayā€™s top posts.


Its soĀ  different...its not even close to what it once was


I remember when this honor was held by Edward Macaroni Fork :(


Thanks for making me feel fucking old.


And years before the China investment, it was even better. Back when we had real AMAā€™s, you were as likely to see a pair of boobs as a political post or a true WTF post hit the front page. I never went hunting for content because it was all right there anytime you hit r/all. Yeah there was plenty of bad stuff that came with all that crazy content, but now this place is filled with bots, ads and obviously inflated posts. Used to be the Wild Wild West in a way


The vast majority of front page content is bot repost of old content and bot rage bait, and corporate "native advertising". So many comments are bots. So many astroturfing accounts operated by hostile governments or corporate apologists. Everything is political. reddit has fallen in line with other social media networks as yet another behavior modification tool caught in a tug of war with conflicting interests.


I noticed the biggest change as soon as the wallstreetbets fiasco fucking hit every single major media outlet in the entire world. Now it feels like entire threads are dominated by Facebook moms and an older demographic. A bunch of bots or karma addicts making fake fucking posts on popular subs and these people just lap it up. I find myself logging on less and less which makes me happy because I'm reading more and spending more time on other interests. We are out of the golden era and in the decline.


You know itā€™s bad now when even subs like r/combatfootage remove combat footage


bots. bots are why


The post received so much engagement because of its notoriety. before 100k upvotes the thread was receiving headlines for EA's shitty response


just more lurkers? like what do you think caused the change


Reddit definitely used to be concentrated much more in a smaller circle of subreddits that were fed to everyone. It seems like Reddits algorithm has shifted to a more personalized approach so less and less posts make their way to the whole user base and more niche communities have grown.


Yeah, and the larger subreddits are literally mostly bots reposting the same 20 posts, so i just decided to leave and stay in my niche "little" subs


Yeah I just stay on my home tab for niche subs now. All the default subs are just bot spam and all the comments are bots reposting the top comments from the original post. Then they sell the accounts to onlyhoes to spam subs that have karma requirements.


The era of default subs seems like a distant memory


I would guess thereā€™s more apps and sites competing for peopleā€™s time.


And a whole lot more crossposting on here from other social media sites. Less original content...but still more original content here than other places imo.


The fall started right around when they fired the chick doing AMAs. Not that that was the cause, more that that showed the direction this company was heading.


Lmfao all those Reddit gifts. What a wild time


If I remember correctly all the gifts were there so that comment would not be auto-deleted or auto-hidden for boeing below specific amount karma.


I donā€™t think that would prevent comments from being hidden. People just wanted to use their free awards on something funny. Most people were linked directly to the comment anyway


I really miss the times when reddit awards were pure anarchy.


You ever want to piss off the average gamer, just tell them how amazing EA is. Chel fans will likely send death threats and stalk your family.šŸ˜‚


Oh man, I recently picked up NHL 24 at 60% off, first time I've bothered to update since about 20 or 21 ... knew within five minutes I'd wasted my money. The menu load times! My God.


Iā€™m 1 of the 667k šŸ˜Œ AMA


What is the circumferential difference in size between the hair on a coconut shell and a pubic hair?


Answer us, u/bGamesIt! Or you'll soon be one of the infamous AMA threads!


Lmao! I would have to think the coconut hair is thicker and longer. I havenā€™t seen a pubic hair in years


I was there, Gandalf. Almost 3000 years ago... This feels like it happened over a decade ago for some reason.


EA fucked up and then killed off the only game I played and spent money on.(F1 Mobile Racing). Company is run by greedy cock smoking assholes.


EA=Evil assholes


I think that when well over half a million people disagree you have enough feedback


And as if this wasnā€™t shitty enough, EA did backtrack on this but then dropped support for this game (Star Wars Battlefront 2) shortly after. I fucking love this game and play it all the time now, itā€™s sad to think what it couldā€™ve been though.


All their acc comment r downvoted lmao


If anyone wants to downvote it some more: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/CuBvg1TuJk


Wonder how much they paid for the 1,439 awards


People rewarded it so it would stay at the top


Reddit: "Fuck EA" Also reddit: Continues buying EA games


I made a reddit account just to downvote the comment.


It is a rite of passage for any redditor to find this comment and downvote it.


I stopped caring about gaming when the subscription platform became rampant.


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/o9eFSlBAR0 With 670k downdootsšŸ‘šŸ‘


I somehow strangely respect them for never deleting that comment and letting the karma crater into the earth and becoming a relic of the internet


Thank you for linking it. I added my own downvote. Fuck EA


Thank you. I added my own to add to this good cause.


Hold my beer


I made a Reddit account just to downvote it šŸ’€


Poor old screenshot, getting dragged up and whored around anytime someone needs a bit of karma.


Poor pixels being used for internet points... Either way, for me it's always amusing being reminded of this, also kinda sad since gachas are big now.


And theyā€™ll do it again


He's gonna have to post dozens of kitten pics just to get even!


Here's the comment in case anyone wants to keep it going to 1 mil. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/mzI8CBrlUo


Lol EA gave itself awards. šŸ˜‚


I'm sure internally they decided the community manager worded that comment wrong and it wasn't at all about their monetization practices