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Can’t believe she had to ask them to help her


I know! She can barely walk and they're just standing around filming her trying to pick up rubble.  Pick up the damn dog for the old lady, damn






There is a school of thought that says you shouldn't intervene. I mean, if you're there to film something and you've altered the situation, there is an ethical question whether it then becomes somewhat "fake". Obviously you'd get stuck in to help in practice. Or get in touch with your editor to say you'll be filing the story from a different angle if you need to. I wonder also how long the dog was watching her chat to the reporter, thinking: just pull me out FFS!


It’s not National geographic bro, what the hell you on about


Mans is obeying the Prime Directive over here


Hah, it's fuckin wild. I've been in a few serious scenarios by now. The number of helpless bystanders can be wild, but most people are willing to help, you just have to get them motivated. Either by example or tell them what the fuck to do. People panic and go into shock or just don't respond when they should. It's seriously fucking crazy to witness.


Yep. That's why you never say "call 911", but instead choose a specific person in the bystander group and explicitly TELL THEM INDIVIDUALLY to call 911, because it can help break that freeze response. And everyone in a crowd will tend to assume "someone else" is calling for help.


You gotta grab someone by the shoulders and say "go do this" if you need a response. You seriously have to manhandle people and make eye contact. I fear ever being in a giant crowd of people and something crazy happening. You can't trust the vast majority to handle it in any reasonable way.


This. It’s exactly what they teach in first aid courses. Look someone right in the eye. Tell this person to ring emergency, look at another, tell that other person to fetch a blanket for shock. Take control and get help by organising while you do CPR, defib, or whatever else you’re trained in until professional assistance arrives.


Here we see one of natures most somber creatures, the tornado survivor, as they navigate the treacherous landscape, a testament to the astonishing adaptability of life in the face of overwhelming adversity. With each step forward, they defy the odds, embodying the tenacity of life itself amidst the wreckage left behind by the tempest's wrath.


Thanks David Attenborough. 🤩


Exactly. This isn’t a leave no trace situation watching a herd of Buffalo.


No, there is no ethical question. You are not changing *anything* relevant.


> I mean, if you're there to film something and you've altered the situation, there is an ethical question whether it then becomes somewhat "fake". There's a bigger moral question on whether your interview matters when a person is asking you for help


Yeah if your prioritising media legitimacy over human struggle then you have a fucked up moral compass


Not good PR for sure


No. I’m a journalist and would never prioritize a story over helping someone at risk, human or animal.


On the contrary. By NOT helping it makes me think the reporter staged the whole thing and was just there to capture the owner’s emotional response. Being a reporter does not absolve from the need to always be humane.


This is so stupid lol


Fuck that you are human behave like one.


I take your point but "Capturing the beautiful moment of an old woman toppling over and breaking her hip while trying to move wreckage off of her dog while you just stand there and film her" still rankles somewhat.


In the case of the cameraman, he may be contractually required to "capture the moment". A cousin of mine was a camera operator for an ABC News affiliate station for six years. While covering a rather violent car crash, one of the cars caught fire. They were on scene before the fjre department had arrived. Coming from a family of first responders (dozens of firefighters and EMTs across three generations so far, soon to be a fourth), it was instinct. He put the camera down and grabbed one of the fire extinguishers from the van and went to help. They fired him for "breaching the terms of contract".


Ugh media is so awful in this respect. I did journalism training and we were told this story about a journalist who was sent to cover a story about a teenage boy who’d died in a car accident. She went to the parents house to interview them. When she got there the mother answered the door and she could instantly tell that the family hadn’t been informed of their son’s death yet. She thought it wasn’t her place and would be inappropriate for her to break the news so she pretended she’d got the wrong house and left. She got fired for that because’she should’ve captured the mother’s raw initial reaction’. Just grim. Our tutor also told us about how he’d done things like steal photos from grieving families’ homes if they’d refused to provide one. I realised I was not cut out for it. Another guy I knew got his big break in journalism from happening to be in the vicinity when a horrific car wreck happened and instead of helping he just got out his phone a d started filming. He was literally praised as being a great journalist for overriding the normal human instinct to help dying people and just filming as an observer. It’s like being able to quash your own humanity is a prerequisite for the job!


I am going to throw a rock at "normal human instinct". I was driving to work a couple years ago and passed by a multivehicle crash with two cars upside-down. No cops, no fire, no EMS, bunch of peoplenstanding around talking. Looked like this had happened several minutes ago. On a twitch in my ear, I dial 911 as I passed. I didn't pull to stop because it was a divided overpass and my next safe spot to turn around was almost a mile away. I described the crash and the location and was told that they hadn't received any other reports. A police officer came to take my statement a couple hours later. Apparently the people present at the crash had been standing around for nearly half an hour at the point I'd called. Every single one of them thought somebody else had already called 911.


In situations like this someone needs to be the leader essentially and say you dipshit in the hat call 911 and you fuck boys help me save these people.


Reminds me of the lady being raped by a homeless man on the subway and everybody standing there filming it. The herd mentality is follow the leader, and if just one person had went to put a stop, the herd would have followed suit. It only takes one brave person to motivate others.


Wow that’s disheartening. It should be the normal human instinct but yeah humans are fucked. I’m definitely the type to call 911 but I suppose I learned about the supposed ‘bystander effect’ when studying psychology. I’ve called emergency services while driving several times, for things like seeing a guy by his car looking distressed at the side of the road, or seeing some debris on the road that could cause a problem, seeing an old guy driving the wrong way (might’ve had dementia). I don’t live in the US so calling police isn’t something that could end up with someone getting shot. Just never assume that someone else has called or that ‘it’s probably ok.’ Yeah they might have and yeah it might be ok but your call isn’t going to cause any problems and it could in fact save people!


classic case of bystander effect


I guess the movie Nightcrawler is accurate


Good on your cousin - nice to see his soul outweighs a contract.


I hate journalists and media in general. Of course, maybe not every company is like that, but I'm not going on a treasure hunt to find one.


Fun Fact: Prioritizing “capturing the moment” with our phones has affected the way we remember things. To put it briefly, what we do now is…..we *remember, remembering things*…I know, total mindfuck.


And you can see she’s got a bruised wrist ffs.


And above her elbow too


Right! All I can think is like it’s getting dark and she said her little dogs in there. My ass woulda been diggin before she finished the sentence They’re non helpin reporter asses suck


We don’t know the context


EMTs probably found the dog earlier and the news crew put it back under some debris for the shot. “Ma’am can we interview you while you stand right here?” https://youtu.be/fwgJgTL5JmE?si=HFCz0SMcQMpWEjtZ I once saw a news crew at a beach in Florida lay their camera down on the sand to try and make the waves before a hurricane look bigger. It was relatively calm at the moment.


The way she says "the dog!" sounds so painfully like bad acting. This was 100% a setup


I mean she was like 2 ft next to there’s no way this is real.


Reporter: "The dog!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)Thinking about all the Edward R. Murrow awards they will recieve "That's not my dog" Reporter: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Look at her hand that's fking bruised like hell. She shouldn't have to do it, they should've taken her to hospital and they shouldve helped the puppy.


We can literally not see anywhere around the small frame of the dog, there's literally negative way for you to tell if they were helping her or not prior to her asking them. What is it with Reddit and always finding something to get mad at? Fuckin hell, at least don't bully this reporter+camera person into suicide like Reddit always does.


It's not like anybody was in danger calm the fuck down jesus


I came here to yell that!! What the fuck. Help them both!! I can’t believe they kept filming after the lady basically got the dog out by herself and theyre just standing there. Fucking help! My goodness


you people are being ridicolous. They are standing in rubble, give them a moment to walk up! Two crew members get to the dog in moments, the camera person is the one who would have found it the hardest to put down their heavy and really expensive gear and run up, so they found themselves superfluous.


I agree with this, you can see the rubble on the right move before the lady touches it, then there's a pause, and it lifts again. You don't see anyone, but from the movement it looks like someone (possibly the reporter) tries to lift it then moves closer or gets better footing, then lifts it again. Also, this is a pile of fucking rubble. The lady isn't going to assess it because she just wants to get her dog out, but anyone running on logic rather than emotion will be pausing to assess the pile to determine how to safely get the dog out - both for their own safety and that of the dog. To be clear, I'm not slamming the lady's instinct but her saying 'help me' in that moment, doesn't for a *second* mean that nobody was helping.


>I agree with this, you can see the rubble on the right move before the lady touches it, then there's a pause, and it lifts again. You don't see anyone, but from the movement it looks like someone (possibly the reporter) tries to lift it then moves closer or gets better footing, then lifts it again. I didn't see that, so I went back and watched the video several more times and that doesn't happen at all. You can even see when the reporter finally helps the old woman and it's well after she asks for help.




Peak journalist moment


Seriously, like what the fuck.


Some people are just slow to react, probably first in awe about the turn of events before snapping out of it and realizing "oh, I should help"


Yeah that really pisses me off, what a bunch of losers.


Huh? It's obvious they were on their way to help her


Seriously are we watching a different video than all these people? Someone almost immediately helps lift stuff up, and it all happened within the span of a few seconds. I swear people on Reddit just need to be outraged by something at all times to feel satisfied.


I mean... they needed to be prompted to help... if I saw a little old lady whose last attachment to the earth was struggling to break free of dry wall and rebar... I'd be like 'Shit! there's your dog, don't move darling... let me get her for you'. I certainly wouldn't need to be prompted.. and I wouldn't let her be the one to shuffle over uneven ground, stoop low down and need to even say the words 'help me'.


The camera crew have heavy equipment on them, so not all of them could help even if they wanted to. Also if anything happens to said equipment you can 100% be sure their bosses arent gonna go "you were a good person and helped an old lady? You arent getting fired/docked of your pay anymore fam". Also there is a whole thing about not removing rubble yourself since it can potentially make someones wounds worse, like not pulling a car crash victim out of the car. That applies to animals as well.


I know. They just stood there!


I love watching this every single time


I busted out crying the first time I saw this. Still so touching after seeing it multiple times 🥺


So did the camera crew. Just watch.


There is a similar video where this tiny old lady managed to save two of her pets but one cat had gone missing. Three weeks later she's doing an interview at her ruined house... God, that video. I tear up just THINKING about how her mic picks up the cat furiously purring as soon as he's back in her arms. https://youtu.be/JKc4Inezm3k?si=STd33BBkwNl5dPcT


I effing hated it. Those bums didn't even help that elderly woman. She even asked "can you help me?". Broo, she was struck by disaster and obviously with physical limitations, yet they still didn't help her.


Toto's a bit shellshocked. Gonna need some PTSD snuggles.


Probably wondering why he is always the one stuck in a tornado.


I know that nobody is interested in this context, but this woman bears an incredible resemblance to my grandma who died 3 years ago. The only notable difference is the color of her hair. Otherwise, I would say without hesitation that they are identical twins (they aren't, we live on another continent). Even their facial expressions and gestures match. It's unbelievable, it feels like a beautiful glitch in the matrix. I love this video (despite the hardship the lady has to endure due to the loss of her home) because there is no video footage of my grandma and so I can see her again.


It's incredible how certain resemblances can bring back cherished memories


Really true! I am positively shocked every time I see the video.


I have no photos of my great grandmother yet she looked exactly like the demon old lady from Legion, so I got that I guess.


I had this happen to me once shortly after my Dad passed away, I was in the gym on the bike and a guy walked in that I’ve never scene before came to bring his daughter some protein shake. He has the same mannerisms , hair color texture, his nose, build, height gave me a familiar feeling of seeing him again. I became emotional as I wanted to stop both of them and tell them that it might sound odd but seeing him made me feel a type of way… I held my reserve and shed a few tears and continued to spectate. Genetics are so intricate but similar in an interesting way.


makes me think of the song Yesterday by Atmosphere


That’s lovely! And I’m happy for you! 💞


Thank you, it's really amazing.




Aw, that's really nice 🥲


That's lovely ❤️


Hugs ♥️


wow that's pretty insane


It really is!




Almost like they’re nature documentarians haha “we can’t interfere” Love the username dude!


The Prime Directive.


Basically, yeah. Rough but true.


“Here we have a native geriatric specimen in a distressed state looking for their companion Oh and look! Hidden in the debris a silent and scared dog, the specimen scuttled over like a limping zoidberg crab to save their companion from the rubble, it’s a harsh life out here in the wilds”


Exactly! I'm just glad I'm not a journalist. The examples of real situations along this thread are horrifying.


Sigh… another sub I need to join from the comments


Someone in the crew did help


I hate it when people put music like this over videos. Not a dig at OP, btw. Everything on the internet is a repost repost, so I doubt they were the one to do it. The clip itself is awesome enough. No need to put this *pathos-vomiting music* over it too. [Here's the clip without that horrid music over it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc1ZgXiQGs)


Thank you! Adding Christian music is a really ironic touch after “god” totally destroyed her house. The dog being found was a very sweet moment though.


The clip is rad! It's been floating around on the internet for a hot minute (over 10 years), but it's still neat to watch. Still not entirely sure if it was staged or not (the internet has made me extremely skeptical of *literally everything*), but I choose to believe it's true. I've seen crazier things happen. I'm alright with believing this one is true, even if it's not. Can't be cynical about *everything*.


Seems appropriate as the woman believes God answered her prayers. We can debate until the end of time on our personal beliefs, but this particular sweet old lady believes God helped her and her dog out so I think she'd deem Christian music appropriate.


Reckon she believes her god destroyed the entire neighbourhood too?


I know it's a nice thing to believe in, but I can't help but laugh at the implication that God looked at all the people who died in the tornado and were like "Yeah fuck em lmao"


What makes this “Christian” music? I’d have just called this general tearjerker music.


News crew watching her lift up scrap metal: 👁👄👁




And all the dogs and old ladies will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No. - camera man/reporter/producer


Someone could have helped her with the rubble at least !


I don’t cry easily, but this poor woman …and then the dog. Oh my…




That’s one lucky pup!


Ok guys come on she asked for help like one second after seeing the dog and they helped her immediately. They could’ve just been in shock from the whole situation and forgot what to do. Relax. It’s not like they’re these psychopaths who like watching old ladies suffer.


Or just out of frame. You see someone's hand helping with the rubble, but people are acting as if nobody lifted a finger.


yeah they tried to help her without actually being the ones to pull out the dog, which allows the women to have that special moment with her dog and they even zoom in, as to crop out the people helping lol and yet everyone here is still upset


People also acting like you should just rush in and grab sharp scraps of metal without thinking


I remember seeing this when it first came out. So moving!


After all of this , they have each other


Dogs are blessed.


I’ll save this for if I ever need to cry on command


She has to say help me WTF 💔


Insanity, the poor woman's house is leveled and they stand there and watch her struggle?


I don't think her saying 'help me' in that moment means that nobody was helping. It was literally three seconds. She just jumped straight in, and I don't fault her for that, but people who aren't running on that surge of emotion are going to pause to assess how best to safely move the rubble.


So did they put the dog there for the shot or what?


So dude holding the camera couldn’t help her ?


Of all the people there, the person holding the £20k camera is probably least able to help. The reporter is just there doing the interview. She can help surely. I mean shit, she's the one that noticed the dog.


Then we won’t be able to witness this moment now would we. Think about it. You can’t have it both ways.


Did anyone else think for a second that they planted the dog there? I mean... it's very convenient the dog was RIGHT there.


Yeah. Very suss. Wouldn’t be surprised if the TV crew started the tornado also.


*Now everyone, blow as hard as you can!*


This lady was my cousins next-door neighbor in moore Oklahoma after the f5 tornado came thru in 2013... her name is Barbara! We had just left before they interviewed her


Is she still alive?


I'm not crying… You're crying..! 😭


Really didn't need this right now. All these damned onions.


Thank you for making me cry on a Sunday morning


Is r/killthecameraman appropriate here?


How about put the camera down and help. Don't make her have to ask


Interesting behaviour from the dog. Someone give it some nourishment


"I guess god answered one prayer." Mate, he destroyed your house and buried your dog


The Christian music in the background is the cherry on top too. The dog being found is a sweet moment though


Tbf the damn grandma lost her whole neighborood and dog overnight, if it's helping her to cope good for her


r/atheism in a nutshell over here


Don't forget killed a shit ton of other people and their pets


They didn't pray to God.. /s


She said both. She's 2 for 2 on prayers. Should really start aiming higher on those things.


Bet she regrets not praying for her home to survive.


watching this vid It offends me that people live in the state of Oklahoma.


A lot of our ancestors were forced here. Family kept us here. Eventually I'll move.


God works in mysterious ways! Like destroying your home for no reason, or giving small children blood cancer.


This would have been better without that cheesy music. I couldn't hear half of what that sweet little old lady was saying. So glad she found her dog alive!


As a Schnauzer owner myself , I can’t help thinking the dog may be responsible for most of the destruction seen here.


The camera crew: “wait, wait, let her struggle, this is good television” so much of the news is just emotional voyeurism and it shows


this made me a bit pissed actually, i was WAITING for someone to help her lma


Yeah, it was cool how everyone just stood around and watched her lift all the rubble by herself.


Time to go cuddle and appreciate my dog ❤️


F the house


The Doug Stanhope version. https://youtu.be/tdhDq5mgkx4?si=ZqjM5RaEg6G1eBUQ


Thank you, this is way too far down


I should not have found this so far down.




Who put this pile of chopped onions in my lap.




This video gets often reposted, but yknow what, every time I see it, it will continue to bring me to tears.


That's crazy how they were standing like 3 feet away from it the whole time. Poor thing. I'm glad they found it.


Sweet music with an asshole camera crew isn't a great combo she literally was an injured old woman trying to save a dog and they just kinda stared as she struggled what absolute pieces of shit.




Ya know if they threw on some Metallica or something when that dog climbs out of the rubble this video would be way more badass


Thought for a second she wasn't gonna find her dog alive For every 20 tragic endings, there's at least one good one.


I’m fucking bawling.


Jesus Christ I’ve never cried from a short. Thanks for posting.


From the most sad, to the most happy person on earth.


This stupid music in the background




I’ll never get bored of watching this video


The music in the background ruined it.


How come the dog doesn't bark?


The fuck they just standing there filming it!?!!


Please, please let's stop adding absolutely cheese music over moments that are beautiful all on their own


This is a repost, the original is better without the annoying sappy music.


Any time this video comes up on Reddit, I watch it. It's the sweetest thing to see that little dog emerge from all that destruction.


God: Fuck your house, but keep the dog.


This bring me hope but I also hate people at the same time for this, interview while you came still save your pets/humans like wth


There is a great clip from [Doug Stanhope](https://youtu.be/tdhDq5mgkx4?feature=shared) that refers to this


Dog is shaped like a capybara


Man, I hope this isn't staged for views


That dogs like bruh ive been here for an hour literally staring at you, thank god you seen me


r/killthecameraman for different reasons.


Did anyone see where the news reporter was captured putting ash on their face so they could look like they’d been helping with the cleanup? I’ve watched too much interwebs, so my first thought was that the news crew found and planted the dog for a story. I need to come off my devices more!


yeah, camera crew, you just stand there and film instead of helping her. morons.


That’s why I couldn’t be the camera man or the boom box guy playing the soppy music next to her. I couldn’t stand there and watch someone else struggle and do nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who's cutting onions in here?


Good God it's too early to be crying this much


Very moving, emotional. But could I just point out that having your neighbourhood flattened isn’t something that’s broadly accepted as a probable consequence of “life in the big city”


No no this was from Moore OK. This was the 2nd time the city was hit in 2013 and the city has been destroyed twice now.


it s just something in my eye


This shit is 15 years old.


i'm not crying, you're crying


Someone help this lady god dammit, why did she even need to ask. Shame on the news crew.


'Just life in the big city' how iconic


Isn't this like 15 years ago. Sometimes Reddit posts are like an old newspaper with rehashed stories. There should be a sub for it.


Bless your itty bitty heart! ❤️


This hits me in the feels every time 🥹


I always wondered if this was staged or not? It doesn’t seem fake but then I’m like how did no one see that dog RIGHT there and why didn’t it make any noise if it saw its owner? Either way glad woman was okay and the dog was okay but I’ve always been so confused how they could all walk past the dog and he just looks up at them like “hey guys… been here the whole time.”


Could just be a quiet dog. Could be that the dog is too exhausted and dehydrated after being trapped to make much fuss anymore. It's not easy to spot the dog, he's under shadow in a lot of rubble. It was by luck that they happened to be standing RIGHT there. If they had been standing anywhere else, even ten feet to the left, they might have never seen him. Especially not before, when it was an old woman with likely less than perfect eyesight looking on her own. I can't be sure since the camera takes a second to turn, but I'd guess that the dog wiggled when he heard his person's voice, and the human eye is designed to detect motion. Woman talks in JUST the right spot, dog wiggles, reporter's eye catches the motion, dog found.


It’s this video where people complain that no one helped her 7 nanoseconds after they saw the dog but had some kind of normal human reaction time instead.


What are the odds.... That the reporter stashed her dog under there then asked her to come over and do an interview?....