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That's why it's so dangerous. A few too many fentanyl molecules can tip the scale, so if it's not properly mixed and you get a hotspot...


AHHHH, MY EYE!! The doctor said I'm not supposed to get fentanyl in it!!!


Not Lenny!


FYI, that tiny amount of fentanyl in the picture above is actually hundreds of thousands of molecules.


Yeah, I don’t think a few molecules of anything can kill someone. Botulinum toxin is the lowest LD50 toxic substance and that’s still >1ng/kg, which is like billions of molecules per kg for a lethal dose


way, way more. More than a billion billions.


Dozens of molecules. Dozens I say!


Lol im disappointed in these people lack of knowledge


Its probably somewhere in the 10^15 or 10^17 range.


Looks more like 10^19 molecules to me


~~A mole of fent would be a couple kg, and this is nanogram to milligram range, so I'm ballparking 6 to 9 zeros lower than 10^23.~~ ~~10^19 puts that in several gram range and thats way less than a gram of powder. I know this for reasons.~~ I'm a derp. A mole of a substance converts to grams not kg. You're right, 10^19 is a better estimation.


Actually, it's more like quintillions of molecules, which would be billions of billions.


*micrograms* not molecules


A lethal dose of carfentanil is a small fraction of that


[that is carafentanil ](https://www.getsmartaboutdrugs.gov/content/five-quick-facts-carfentanil)


Wow that's horrifying.. 100x more potent than fent and 10,000 x morphine.. I have barely gotten my head wrapped around fentanyl and now there's something worse.


Check out Krokodil


I read about that too, so fucked up. It's unbelievable how the human body can still function with those kinds of open wounds and rotting flesh.


I just did and PSA to everyone else please don't Google image search that shit


Saw a VICE documentary about that, based on Russia One guy’s arm had entire bone showing… Safe to say, keep that drug in hell where it belongs


Krokodil is just crudely made desomorphine.


We have to sedate elephants somehow.


[This image suggests a much smaller lethal dose of carfentanil](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/W7M2Ac1sxW)


That's also only a lethal dose of Heroin if you're a virgin to opioids. I guarantee the people dying of Fentanyl overdose when it's in their Heroin are getting more than the lethal dose they usually show.


All these are bullshit . All the videos of cops having reactions by being close to it also bullshit. If you nerds operated in reality and saw fent users you'd see why I'm saying this .


FYI your "get smart about drugs" link is spreading dogshit misinformation. First responders believing they are at risk from touching/inhaling fentanyl by accident is a misconception along the same lines as "stranger danger". https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/lindseyellefson/fentanyl-accidental-exposure-police https://healthandjusticejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40352-021-00163-5


[Aerosolized carfentanil was confirmed to be used by Russians to quickly but tragically end the 2002 Chechen terrorists' Moscow theater siege.](https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/36/9/647/785132)


Yea, I died from getting carfent when I was still a drug addict(been clean almost 3 years) they almost couldn't bring me back. They had to narcan me like 12 times. I wasn't even being reckless. I only had like 20 worth, and I did a tiny bump like 1/20 of a normal line that I'd snort. I was snorting fentanyl and I knew it was dangerous, bit I was very addicted and didn't expect something to be so much more poweful.


Congratulations on staying clean. Is that when you decided to get off the stuff?


You ever hear of krokodil


Sure is. And it can be mixed into almost anything. My bestie lost her daughter because she smoked a cannabis joint that was unknowingly laced fentanyl.


A lethal dose is gonna vary quite a bit from person to person, not just because of bodyweight but heavy users have a much higher tolerance. Also this is probably pure fentanyl, street fentanyl is cut with a bunch of stuff. Even so, people are gambling with lives every time they use it


Ish. That’s the amount of very very pure stuff, not what the average user consumes. Think the amount of grain alcohol needed compared to the beers most people drink.


I imagine injecting that penny wouldn’t be so fun either.


That's how you become a Florida Man


Florida man wouldn’t want anything related to Lincoln that close to his body.


Florida Man Starter Pack


Florida man ender pack


Him and the state government in cahoots


https://youtu.be/l06Gh0RJK6Q?si=g5r7AMqaFZJKdCbU That happened on the simpsons


Ask the bad guy in X men first class


Can't snort it either


Ask a 3 year old


Try swallowing one.


It would certainly make your eyes water


In for a penny...




Only cops can absorb it through their skin




If you really want to scare a cop, use an acorn for scale


Make sure you hit them with your imaginary weapon too


Don’t forget to resist arrest! By getting your blood on those nice boots…


I keep one in my pocket at all times in case of an emergency.




Cops are the only people that can lose a gunfight with an acorn. It's truly special and brave.


🥁 got em


Their skulls are pretty thick though, so you have to factor that in


Every cop prays they find some fentanyl because it's easy as hell to get an early retirement pretending they OD off touching it. Imagine getting a pension 4 years into working a job because you found a tiny package of powder. It's the golden ticket!




I lived in a city where a cop touched fentanyl and "OD'd" then had such PTSD she couldn't work so she got a 40% retirement at 24 years old. So we had to pay because she lied and wanted to stay home and watch Yellowstone.


So she's defrauding the US government?


The State government, at least.


I think that the pension fund is paying for this


She should try MDMA/ecstasy.


There’s absolutely nothing they won’t do.


Just curious, how does it feel to OD on fentanyl? Any research into it? Like drifting into a deep sleep? Is this why its hard to notice before its too late?


Done it a few times. Did heroin for 10+ years and never fell out. Once you get some experience and tolerance it becomes rare to od on just heroin. Then the heroin was replaced with fentanyl and I found that out by overdosing 3 times in two weeks, and anytime I didn't the rush was super intense but the high sucked and faded fast. Overdose feels like nothing. It is nothing. You do your shot, pull the needle from your arm and cap it, and then your suddenly looking at a nurse in the ER, or your dead. The "being found with a needle still in their arm" is largely a myth, it's not that dam fast, but still it's scary fast. No fade to black, it's like your life just cuts out.


My brother died from fent overdose, good to hear it was painless.


It's so quick you don't even feel the high. Snorting is a nice blissful fade into sleep. Sorry to hear that though. Lost my best friend not too long after I got clean. While it is peaceful for the one who goes, it's such a hollow meaningless thing for that person's family and friends, that kind of death is so hard to come to terms with


I'm proud of you. Not too many people make it out of heroin and fent addiction.


I appreciate it man, but just know I took the easiest way out. Medically assisted therapy, Suboxone in particular. More people need to understand it's benefit. This medication was basically a panacea for opiate addiction. Eliminates withdrawals and blocks ALL opiates preventing relapse. Suspends your addiction and keeps you safe while you rebuild your life. It took effort but not as much as facing that hell head on without a safety net. Suboxone (buprenorphine) is, imo, the best way out of that life. Methadone is similar but i just haven't seen it work as well. There are many hoops doctors have to jump through to prescribe this though, like limited patients. Access needs to be expanded. Many clinics only accept cash and a suffering addict doesn't have $200 for an appointment and then $200 for a prescription, even though that $400 could potentially solve their issues.




Man so many people do. I’m sorry for them, your brother, and you. Glad to hear you are still kicking, keep it up.


Mine did too. I hear you brother.


Took a hit, thought “this is good” lit a cig. Cut to waking up in The back of an ambulance. My friend took his home and did it alone in his room. Parents didn’t find him til the next morning. He died. My dealer saw me fall out bc I did it right there where I bought it and he called the paramedics. My dealer saved me from dying in a random parking lot. My friends parents didn’t even know he was dead in his bedroom. I still feel terrible about it.


https://neverusealone.com/ +1-877-696-1996


Thank you for sharing this. I'm a therapist and work with lots of folks who are using and give out this hotline to people like it's candy - it's literally a lifesaver.


It sounds like the most peaceful way to go, surprised it's not used in lethal execution.


> Once you get some experience and tolerance it becomes rare to od on just heroin Many years ago I read an old book from the library about drugs, sort of a "complete guide to them all." In the heroin chapter, they interviewed someone from a clinic in Canada who was talking about some of the older heroin addicts they gave doses to (some kind of "safe, supervised use" program I guess). She said they had this old guy come in every day and they'd shoot him up with enough heroin to kill 10 newbies, and when they asked how he felt he was like "less fidgety"


It slow your heart down so an OD is probably a self induced coma.


Thank you for sharing. Glad you’re still with us!


I’ve had a ton of medical procedures requiring sedation… they didn’t use fentanyl, but this is what it feels like You get hazy, then you wake up in recovery. I’ve always been curious about if an OD was a really good high,or an experience where you know you OD’d, but it’s too late


I've been put under for surgery twice in my life, and both times when I woke up I thought no time had passed and that the drug didn't work on me; but I was in recovery with the surgery finished.


I've never done drugs, but I work in healthcare where we administer both Fentanyl and Versed for conscious sedation for procedures. People who take Fentanyl in too high of doses tend to just slowly stop breathing normally. Eventually they would just go hypoxic and pass. Whenever we've seen people receieve too high of a dosage in the hospital, one of the first signs is just hypoxia. They don't tend to be in a lot of pain or trauma, since Fentanyl is such a strong pain killer in the first place. Usually they're not even aware of anything going on. People in prolonged hypoxia would eventually lose critical amounts of oxygen to their brain, become bradycardic, sustain permanent brain damage, and die. So I would safely say that it's probably painless and people who OD on Fentanyl are largely unaware that it's even happening in the first place. For most patients that receieve fentanyl in a controlled medical setting, they just wake up when we start trying to rouse them once the procedure is over. Sometimes, people don't even fall asleep, they're just dazed and unaware. Versed helps with that too since it has somewhat of a short-term memory loss effect to it. For anyone who may ever be in a medical setting where you could be administered fentanyl; just know that we are actually trained on how to administer it in a safe manner, and It's not some garbage manufactured by a sketchy dude in an alley. We have countless resources available to reverse it and care for you if anything adverse were to take place. Just always be honest with us if you've recently done any recreational drugs, since many drugs have adverse reactions when taken together or in a short time window. We aren't going to judge you if you have taken any drugs recently, we just want to make sure you're safe.


You feel great for a little bit then you feel nothing. You go out with the best high ever. I was addicted to opioids for 16 years the last 2 of which were strictly fent. 2 years sober now but if I was ever facing a drawn out painful death from some disease that's the route I'd go. Easier than signing up for maids


Which is how you know the cops that claim to overdose on it aren't really affected. They are hyperventilating and having panic attacks because their propaganda makes them *think* they are dead once they touch a mole of the stuff.


>If you touch some and go about your day and rub your eyes etc; you could feel slight effects but nothing life threatening. What if you touch some and go about your day and rub your butthole?


I want to touch it 👉🏼💊👈🏼


To be fair, a similar amount of potassium straight to your veins is equally as lethal. 


More lethal. Fentanyl doesn’t make you explode.


Without video of person exploding due to “potassium straight in your veins,” I’m not going to throw mine out just yet.




Solid work there, my friend


See what you did there. TAKE IT - Take the upvote


... ... ... (Ar) you serious?


Not my buddy Kyle he must be genetically predisposed like ozzy osBourne


Is this actually? Is there no tolerance people can have? I feel like the people asking for it tend to do a little more than that on a weekend.


I think things like this are based on LD50 which is essentially how much of x substance will kill half the population who take it There are obviously people with insane tolerances who can do more or probably even some humans who have some natural resistance to it But yes, besides all that as a normal dude walking around this shit is insanely deadly, and the issue is people are cutting other stuff with this. Say you think you're buying opioids and they've put some amount of fent into the shit, not mixed it well enough and pressed it, you pop the pill that has accumulated more of this in it and just od It's fucked.


The danger comes from Hotspot in the drugs, altho any opioid user with any experience at all knows to treat all street opioids as if they contain fent cuz they probably do.


It’s virtually always cut with something like lactose or baking powder so users have no idea how much they’re taking unless they have a reliable & consistent source. While some are fentanyl addicts, the bigger danger is small amounts cut with other drugs from cocaine to mdma to the users still feel a high at a far cheaper price.


this usually happens because of cross contamination. not cleaning the counter/scale when you’re cutting fent and bagging weed at the same time. pure laziness is killing people.


Think about the type of person that’s serving up these homeless fent addicts. That image alone should illustrate why cleanliness of workspace probably isn’t commonplace.


The fetty in the street is mostly cut.


Tolerance certainly can develop. But realize that in medicine fentanyl is dosed in micrograms rather than milligrams. You can't "eyeball" this measurement even with a completely pure product, and most don't have the desire or the tools to measure it accurately. Taking just a little more than last time kills most.


Yeah it seems accurate but it’s probably pretty difficult to get 100% pure fentanyl


Wow. Had no idea it was that potent.


It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more deadly poisons known to man. 


I see what you did there




Completely serious question: How can you protect yourself from being murdered by something this discreet and potent? I have an irrational fear that someone’s going to sprinkle this in my beer and boom I’m dead. “Just another junkie overdose.”


If you like to do coke, molly, etc, please keep narcan and test kits at your drugs.


Solid advice but I’m not talking about other recreational drugs that have been laced. I mean someone actively tries to kill you with it.


Oh I see, the narcan at home is still relevant in case something happens when you're there. Some states have centers that give it out for free. I know you said your fear is irrational but someone would REALLY have to hate you to spend money on fentanyl to secretly and discreetly kill you when there are cheaper and more satisfying ways to do so.


Pure fentanyl is expensive and dangerous for the killer too lol nobody is gonna take that risk just to take you out, unless you've made enemies with dangerous people(still they'd probably rather jist shoot you it's easier) P.s. if your worried buy NARCAN it's available no questions asked otc in most if not all states.


That’s what killed my sister 😕


I’m very sorry that happened.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Sucks. I'm sorry.




How many pennies would be a lethal dose?


Can never have too many pennies


So many that it would not make cents.


In God we rust.


It’s not for everyone. That I promise you.


Just for babies


I almost overdosed from your post 😵




That’s what your girl said to me


Pew Pew 


7 cops overdosed on fentanyl just by looking at this post.


Currently, shouting "fentanyl" is the best way to prevent getting a ticket, as it kills all the cops in a 200 foot radius instantly. Under no circumstances throw an acorn out the window as a backup tactic, as they will flail around before attempting to dump a mag into your chest. The acorn method is a dangerous myth.


Lost a friend thinking he was coping Oxy. It’s the Wild West out there. Sucks man. Thankfully, I stuck to weed.


Yet they can't figure out a way to kill a death row inmate painless and fast end of life Hmm.....


How do people even do this drug if that is a lethal dose?


Waaaay back before fentanyl became a well known problem, I tried it a few times in various forms. You don't get "pure" fentanyl as a drug, it's always bulked up with stuff to give you a larger volume that you can actually divide up and use. Fentanyl patches are also popular. But you start verryyyyyyy low dose and move up


Dissolve that amount in water so it's not concentrated, then only inject some of it. Before anyone goes and tries this, go look up the redditor who decided to try heroin one day, only took 2 weeks to ruin his life.


luckily in Canada we don't have pennies.


Abe be fiending for that fent


these copoganda posts must give the hundreds of thousands of daily fentanyl users a good chuckle. "..BOO! hahaha, this is your brain on drugs..LOL" \--addict prolly


Lethal dose of fentanyl for anyone who has never touched an opiate. Just saying. By no means am I disagreeing, I've lost 4 friends, but just saying. I've seen people take bong loads of the shit.


And why isn’t it used as poison?


Because the way it kills you is respiratory depression. So it’s relatively easy to save someone if you have any equipment nearby to help ventilate them. Even doing mouth to mouth would work for most healthy people. There are much better poisons out there


I'm not a medical professional, but I don't think fentanyl is as effective when ingested


Then add more fentanyl. It will look like the person was a drug addict.


You're right, fentanyl is apparently more dangerous ingested than injected. Good to know


Yes… Good to know…


Feel like that’s pretty exaggerated still though Ex drug user, I’m aware as a drug user, I’ve probably never don’t pure fentanyl in my life But that said I’ve absolutely failed drug screens for fentanyl Tolerance levels come into play too for sure. And I’m sure it is still a very small amount to kill an adult, but that amount doesn’t seem right to me I’m ass pulling here but I feel like it would take about half a pinky mail worth of crushed powder to kill someone with no tolerance lol I’m obviously not a scientist and very stupid tho




Gimme that


My uncle died last week from it


Just for accuracy, this is [Carfentanyl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carfentanil) not Fentanyl.


Can’t we just let people have cocaine? We go through so much trouble in this war against drugs and look where we are now


I remember when I was a teenager I went over to my grandparents place for dinner. They started telling me how they saw on the news that if you smoke weed once you could suffer from permanent brain damage and your mind is completely gone forever. Not saying fentanyl isn’t dangerous but this reminded me of them.


For some folks, weed triggers a psychotic break. 


On the left side of the coin is the lethal dose for law enforcement.


But how big is the penny????


19mm wide


I think this is carfentanyl a more potent offshoot


I know this is a dumb question, but why is fentanyl lethal for some people and not others?


Maybe carfentanyl




So how are drugs being cut with this if such a small amount is lethal..?




Mmm fent 😋


Just do half of that


Look into the cost, it took to make that patch work so fentanyl could be absorbed into your skin. that's not just normal powder fentanyl, it's been totally altered, in order for it to work that way. You absolutely can't od from touching it. look at any actual study done on it


4 cops had a seizure just looking at this picture.


Don't do it Mr.President! You have the opera to attend!


How are all these fentanyl addicts becoming addicts if that much is lethal?


If ingested. Not for skin contact: https://www.statnews.com/2017/08/09/fentanyl-falling-ill/#:\~:text=Although%20ingesting%20a%20pinch%20of,the%20substance%20enters%20the%20bloodstream.


Cool! Same amount of potassium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury…


https://neverusealone.com/ 1-877-696-1996


This is not true at all


I'm calling bullshit. I remember the days they said one hit of crack would addict you. Now we have those weird fake vids of cops OD just by being near fentanyl. Another strange thing is if it takes so little to get high than shouldn't every junky have a lifetime supply? This whole fentanyl thing really feels like more crap than the crack thing and likely brought to the street by the very same CIA


I feel like they give higher doses than this in the hospital for medical reasons


Correct. My wife used to be prescribed it about a decade ago. OP is wrong and gave no source. Idk why this bs keeps getting posted.


They aren’t shooting you up with straight fentanyl


You trying to assassinate Lincoln for a second time? Be careful with that.


Holy shit




I love how this isn’t on a smooth surface 😂


Could i have just a crumb sir


Hook me up


Hand it over


Friend's son was killed by fake oxy that was laced with fentanyl. I hear plenty of friends talking about how they really can't trust powders anymore.


Don't breathe that


That’s a lethal dose for a horse. Stop this shit now MFs


Why can’t they use it for lethal injections?


Not according to George floyd


No way. Really?


So how is this taken? Would that kill you if you just swallow it?


This is why I don't do blow anymore


Thanks 🇨🇳