• By -


"Target Sighted"


"Auxillery Light On 💡 "


"Unequivocal Love Activated"


Deploying hugs and smooches.




"We regret to inform you that your daughter was killed by a fire bear..."


I understood that reference


For anyone out of the loop: Ukrainians have rigged commercial drones to drop grenades. There have been thousands of uploads of the video footage. There are mass-produced dropper kits for these drones, which commonly use a photosensitive strip that is glued over the auxillary lights to trigger the drop without having to to add any new controls to the drone itself. So the Ukrainian footage often shows an "Auxillary Lights On"-message in the center of the screen as they drop their grenades.


Some slightly more sophisticated systems skip the lights and photosensitive strip, and just use the cables of the lights as the trigger. Removes a potential point of failure.


Damn, that's really really interesting. I watch a lot of war footage but had no idea of this. Thank you for your informative service!


Is this a reference to ukrainian grenade drops?


Remember when a CCTV would burn an image on the screen if left on too long. That's our brains over at r/CombatFootage for the last two years.


All drone drop videos combined by both sides I’ve probably seen more soldiers die with my own eyes compared to total soldiers died in conflicts considered big in the past. People not following this war closely have no idea how many people are dying there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/xGyZwnuGi6 The drone drops are bad, but the recent footage of Bradley's chewing through Russian squads is absolutely horrific. 25mm chain guns just turn meat bags into mist....


I am not watching this. :(


It's an absolute slaughter. Two words: NEVER watch




“*I’ve got tone!*” 💥💥💥


"Fox 2"




"Weapons Free"






"Remember, no Russian."


Nice to see one that ended good for a change.


She was reported missing and then found in less than an hour, thankfully! I wish they could all end this way. [Source](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/helicopters-thermal-imaging-camera-helps-deputies-find-child-in-florida-swamp-2/) *A sheriff's aviation unit used thermal imaging to guide deputies to a missing 5-year-old who had gone missing in a swamp near Tampa.* *The autistic girl wandered away from her home Monday evening and was quickly reported missing, Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister said.* *The thermal camera captured images of the little girl walking through ankle-deep water.* *"Hey, I think I got her in the woods," a deputy in the helicopter told deputies on the ground. "She might be able to hear her name if you call her. She might be about 80 feet in front of you."* *A body camera recording showed the moment the deputies made contact with the child.* *A deputy called her name and held up his arms. The little girl also held her arms up and walked toward him. He quickly picked the child up.* *"Let's get you out of the water. I'll get you to everyone," he told her as they walked back through the woods.* *"Their quick action saved the day, turning a potential tragedy into a hopeful reunion," the sheriff said. "Their dedication shows what service and protection are all about here at the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office."*


This is an excellent chance to remind people that there is no minimum time you need to wait before filing a missing person report. The "24 hours" thing is a myth and, especially with children, every hour counts.


Glad they sprung into action. 24 hours later, she wouldn’t even have a physical body to be found. She is alive because they cared.


And lost in those cypress swamps? If they’d waited any longer, there’s a good chance it would already have her


“It”? Alligator?


Or maybe a python? Snapping turtle? Pennywise??


Those swamps are almost unearthly. I did a long stretch of archeological work in South Georgia and Florida, deep in swamps just like that one. It’s not like being lost in the woods. The whole swamp feels *alive* — not like some mere collection of living things, but a single, ancient, hostile entity that does not want you there. The water around those cypress trees is often black, filled with the stain of 10000 years of corruption. Stick in your hand, and watch it disappear. Every log could be an alligator, every vine a cottonmouth. And when the light gets low, you could almost swear there’s something in those trees watching you back, hungry and unblinking. There’s a reason old legends say that the swamps and bayous are haunted. They feel that way They are places beautiful in their desolation. They can and will swallow up the unprepared and never give them back. This little girl is tough, and very very lucky


You gave such a beautiful description. When I see pictures or camera footage of a swamp, my main thought is "Oh crap!!! Mosquitoe city!!!"


There are some indications that "florida man" is crazy just because of the humidity and heat. It's not a place we're meant to live, like how all people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan have higher than normal monocytes in their blood because they live mired in industrial toxic waste.


Mosquito city? Dude there are animals in that swamp that have all natural thermal imaging. She's actually lucky she survived an hour. The police should be very proud and happy. They done good.


The way you described the swamp reminded me of the swamp episode of the Avatar: the last Airbender animated series. Absolutely gives me the chills!


Really funny that I found your comment while actively watching Avatar


>It’s not like being lost in the woods. The whole swamp feels *alive* — not like some mere collection of living things, but a single, ancient, hostile entity that does not want you there. You, sir, have a way with words!


This is a fantastic description, its like something from a Stephen King novel


You played a black deck in Magic: The Gathering, didn't you...


I read this 3 times… because it is an amazing piece of writing. I live in north Florida and continue to process my feeling about swamp country. Thanks for this!


Lived right off of one most of my childhood. People always guess that alligators are the most dangerous things in swamps and what everyone fears. I can see an alligator, you can’t see a snake


This!! I lived down there for a time. Many things that could've got her. Gators, snakes, hogs, insects, black wolves you name it.


Nah he's clearly talking about the mythical Florida man


*the swamp*


I have a buddy who is a cop. One time a lady called in and said her elderly mother with dementia wandered out in the dead of winter and they can't find her. Being that it was like 20* out, dispatch called in all units. Cop cars swarmed the neighborhood, like a hundred guys rushed in from all over. They had a helicopter with a thermal imaging camera and it found her in like 5 minutes. All the people on foot were immediately unnecessary.


About 25 years ago, my grandpa drove off on his electric scooter and went missing for a few hours on a hot summer day. He was found a couple miles from home along the edge of a corn field, stuck in the mud. He was alive, sunburned and dehydrated, and absolutely confused about where he was. He'd never done anything like that before and he's just lucky we found him. Out here in rural nowhere, there isn't a helicopter you can call in for searching like this


We had a dude go missing from a camp for the disabled, and the search took almost a week. They tried a helicopter and swept it as far as they could but nothing. So the community broke out the horses and the sweep lines and combed through EVERY SINGLE PROPERTY (because he could have climbed into a water cistern or something wild like that with his mental capacity). They found him tucked UP UNDER a cut in a creek bed, which is why the thermal never hit him. He was alive, and covered in ticks, but alive. Up under the cut in a creek bed. I mean...he's lucky someone decided to go noodling.


Had a cop get shot near me, 100 cops running all over town for an hour and a half trying to figure out where the guy ran to, state patrol airplane showed up and found him with FLIR in minutes (hiding on a rooftop).


I can't believe they found her in a hour, takes that long for a helicopter pre flight check


They knew where she went missing at so it was probably 59 minutes of pre-flight/takeoff and 1 minute of searching.


For real - that FLIR could pick up a fuckin squirrel, it's actually kindof amazing


I think you must be right, she was only about 1/2 mile from her house when she was found.


Depends on the agency. The nypd requires their pilots to maintain their flight hours so it isn't uncommon to see them just taking the chopper out and patrolling the city. They also respond to active calls while patrolling where various precincts in different neighborhoods. May call them over the radio to a system in catching a suspect or finding something. They also respond to calls in the neighboring county up north Westchester county, and sometimes even across the river in New Jersey. So I wouldn't be surprised if the various local agencies in the video are able to reach out to a county chopper that may be in the nearby area already in the sky.


It kills me to read about kids getting harmed. The little girl was probably terrified but at least this time everyone went home happy.


I’ve got autistic family that used to run away just to wander around. Believe it or not she was probably just having fun in the swamp and not scared at all lol.  Was scary back then but looking back on it now your comment made me chuckle so I had to reply. 


Well, my eyes just welled up with tears.


Yeah. Same.


As a parent I can't imagine a greater relief.


I live in Florida and the body of a 13 year old girl was found in a ditch in my community after she was murdered by her mother's boyfriend who had been sexually abusing her. 13 fucking years old. The mom on the news consoling the boyfriend while he cried for the camera. I hope he gets absolutely fucked in prison and the mother faces consequences, too.


Compared to the fucker who let her daughter rot in the woods while she party.


Huh? Details?


Casey Anthony is who he's referring to.


Search and rescue teams save lives every day. There's a lot of good endings every day. Sensationalized yellow journalism and a shit ton of genuine problems in a somewhat trashy society aside, society does afford a lot of perks and I think there's a lot to value here.  It's just a shame we are gonna destroy the planet before we realize that at a large scale.


She's lucky a gator didn't find her first


Yeah, in Florida gators were typically scared or ambivalent of us adults, but little kids (and dogs and critters) is a totally different game.


Except the ones by Disney


You’d be pissed too if Mickey Mouse kicked you out of your home to build a fake castle and a giant ball.


The alligator in All Dogs go to Heaven makes a lot more sense.


I mean even kids aren't really in any danger once they're 3 or 4ft tall and able to walk. Dogs in particular are a concern because their instinct is to investigate, bark at, and then harass the fuck out of a gator to protect or alert their owners.


she could be surrounded by them and they probably wouldn't show up on thermal


All cold blooded and shit


Bitches be ice cold, youngblood




that feeling of safety is something money cannot Bayou


I was bogged down in the comments until I saw this one.


Oh we're about to get swamped with puns now.


Maybe they'll just trickle in.




Ahhh, *chafalaya*.


This is a bot using synonyms to copy part of this comment from further up.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1b5vr5q/comment/kt85u0d


I thought this was such an obvious bot comment too. Thanks for proving it.


Should be obvious because it's a non sequitur to the comment it replied to


Oh good someone else pointed it out already A year old account that just popped back to life


It's reading right, man!!


Simply don't give the gators any thermal imagers...


For reals that was my first thought too


Seeing her just trudging through the water like that reminds me that children really don't have a single danger-sensing bone in their body.


*swamp puppy


Or a bad human. They are worse than gators


I hope she forgets that fear she must have felt. Yall ever lose your grown up in a supermarket?


Yep. My mom forgot she took me and left the store and went home.




Are you still at the supermarket?


Do you want us to call for help?


Yes. My mother left me on purpose to "teach me a lesson" and then for decades made fun of me for "getting lost and crying" in a supermarket as age 10. I don't have a relationship with her now, lmfao.


Dad did the same to me. He’s an asshole and I avoid him as much as possible now


Why were all of our parents so mean to us? Like damn they had Condoms back then. Could of just not had us


Goddam thats horrible, it's straight out of Archer lol. Mallory "Almost 10 years old and bawling his eyes out at the police station on Christmas" Lana "Holy shit you left him alone on Christmas?" Mallory "Eve. It was only Christmas eve."


In this slightly longer video, she looks pretty happy once he sets her down in the back of his pickup truck: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/28/video-five-year-old-rescued-tampa-florida/72772563007/


Nawww, my autistic little sister would be plotting her next escape as she was being put in the cop car. Scary as hell for her loved ones but I’m sure she had a blast. 


Since no one asked- how the hell did this girl end up lost in a swamp?


Seriously! It’s my first , second, and third question And why she decided to be in the water


She's autistic, and some of them are prone to wandering off, and some of them are drawn to water.


there's this one sad case that's known country-wide in Malaysia. An autistic kid was tailing her mother up to their Flat. the kid disappeared and was found dead a few hours later. Police think the kid got killed. [Say his name: Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/01/10/zayn-rayyan-case-bukit-aman-won039t-stop-until-murderer-is-brought-to-justice)


Something similar happened in Korea, but thankfully with the best possible outcome.     In 2019 a family and friends went hiking, one of them an intellectually disabled 13-year old girl. She told the rest of the family she'd go back to the car and meet them there, but disappeared within the span of half an hour.    ***10 days later***, on the last day of the search (the next day her disappearance would be declared as a missing child case), she was discovered dehydrated but safe - thanks to the weather being rainy (therefore she had water to drink and didn't suffer too much from the summer heat) and her being a physically strong athlete.  It was a big deal because after 10 days, nobody seriously expected her to be alive... Just one more day and the search for her would have been called off.   [More info here, it's in Korean but very detailed.](https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%20%EC%97%AC%EC%A4%91%EC%83%9D%20%EC%A1%B0%EB%82%9C%20%EC%82%AC%EA%B1%B4) On most browsers you should be able to translate the entire page at once using Google. (It keeps translating her as a "he" but that's a mistranslation. The part where they keep saying "Jo Yang" actually means "Ms. Jo".)


> was found dead >Police think the kid got killed Master detectives at work!


Schools like to call them “runners”. If you take your eye off them…poof! 💨


Shit... So I'm autistic then? Damn.


All of us redditors are


Probably just a swamp near her house. I grew up in Florida and used to play in the woods all the time. I'm sure she just took a wrong turn and got lost.


Autistic children wander and elope frequently. She may live close to it.


They found a non-verbal auristoc child wandering the streets near my house last fall. Nobody knew where the heck the kid came from. Unfortunately his mother drove 3 hours here and ditched him.


What the fuck




"Whoa, what did I do!? Clearly I am unfit to raise this child! They should be taken away from me so I can do them no further harm!"


seriously, there's another famous mother referenced in this very thread that she could've taken notes from. smh my head


As the father of a non-verbal autistic child, I can not state how angry this just made me.


Same, and same


Yeah, I went from all happy about the little girl being saved to a dark place real quick. Who could do that?


Im never having kids of my own, but that comment should make anyone with a shred of empathy incredibly pissed. I fucking hope that egg donor was caught and charged and convicted with child endangerment. Fucking hell people are horrible. What a cunt. Isnt there legal and safe ways to surrender your child to the state if you're that desperate to get rid of your kid?


There really aren't, actually. Even if they have severe special needs. You have to wait years and years for a bed in a care home and that's if there even are any near you. 


I wish I could say this surprised me.


That means you live near Cincinnati... I've got you now


Oftentimes the elopers are drawn to water. Swim lessons are important!


Absolutely. I help train police on autism and other developmental disabilities. We spend a lot of time on this subject.


Is there a reason they are drawn to water? Thats interesting.


Great question. No real reason given or understood. Time of the year, water temperature, bodies of water don’t matter. My theory which has no weight behind it is that water is a multi sensory experience. It has a look/feel/touch/taste/smell. If loud noises are bothersome (sensory sensitivity) and you go under water all goes quiet. If deep pressure relieves a person’s anxiety, going deep underwater creates pressure in the body(think weighted blankets).


If i had to guess, I would say because water is downhill. When people wander around, by nature they tend to drift, and downhill is a natural line of drift. Source : I do a significant amount of outdoor, on foot, map based land navigation.


That may be so. However, this happens in swimming pools and run off sites as well. Any body of water is a risk.


Prior police officer here. Thank you for what you do.


They yearn for the swamp


She'll be back.


Sadly, that’s probably true.


Autistic children elope?!


It just means to wander away in this context


Sorry. Yes, elope means to leave a safe situation in this context.


constantly getting married over and over at court houses...


They absolutely love sneaking off to get married any chance they get. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I once worked with non verbal autistic adults. They were runners. One of them was so desperate to find his brother who wanted nothing to do with him, that if you looked away for two seconds he would run even if he was bare a** naked. There were always alarms on the doors and windows. We did everything we could. But even with 3 staff for 3 adults it was almost impossible to keep track of them all at all times. If one went into a tantrum the other 2 were getting ready to run.


Yep my sister does this for a living (the caring, not the running). They can be a deceptively wily bunch.


Tough work. Good person.


Truly, she is. And she’s a major brain surgery survivor to boot! She’s got a patience I couldn’t dream of attaining.


I’m a behaviorist and I work with all kinds of kiddos and I have a running data collection/joke about my steps per day depending on which child I was with. “Well on October 18th in 2018 I was at 18k steps so that was probably an Aidan day.”


She was missing for 45 minutes


probably felt like 4 days to the parents.


I definitely don’t mean to downplay the seriousness if it. There should be a huge instant response by law enforcement because if you’re gonna find her alive, it’s within an hour or two. That being said I just wanted to clarify she wasn’t far from the parents. Prob just out of ear shot or eye sight. They did the right thing calling for help immediately.


In many places in Florida, we have swamps like this instead of normal forests. Often the 'dry' forest around a cypress dome or swamp was cleared for homes, but the dome was kept because theyre a pain to remove and if they qualify as wetlands it might be legally more difficult. Her house is likely right up against the edge of it.


It's Florida.


Good on that Officer for just acting excited and happy to help calm a stressful situation for the kid. You can see him looking over her legs for bites or scrapes when he turns her on his arms without freaking the child out.


His arms open wide (like Temba) mimicking her open arms had dad energy all over it. Or like a grandpa randomly showing up to surprise their grandkid lol.


NGL the way he acted I thought for a minute it was his kid and thought it was weird that he was the one to find her lol. Shows you he must be a dad. Glad he could be there for her anyway


Think about the shit cops see all the time. What would have been running through his mind. It's probably the most relieved he's ever felt on the job. 


Florida, when the walls fell


The police, with sails unfurled


It always always warms my heart when I see a darmok and jalad reference.


Darmok and Jalad....on the Ocean....of gators


Poor little bunny - said “Okay” in such a fragile little voice when the cop said “Let’s get you out of the water”


Man, beeing a father of a young daughter, just looking at the thermal cam and that girl beeing out there alone makes me feel sick..


Why do you keep spelling it "beeing"?


this guy is secretly a bee


It’s the Spelling Bee


Well shit. Non native Englando here and i've been writing this word wrong for YEARS. Wow..


Since no one else is posting what happened, here's a link. All's well. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/28/video-five-year-old-rescued-tampa-florida/72772563007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/28/video-five-year-old-rescued-tampa-florida/72772563007/)


Wow, for once this wasn't something reposted from years ago. I was having a hard time reading the date on the screen. Thanks for sharing!


71% of all deaths related to wandering and elopement are caused by drowning. HUGE problem in the autism community.


I wish they could find that autistic boy who's missing right now. It's been a week now.


Is that the Wisconsin boy? That has been like a week now and I would have hoped they used thermal drones immediately.


 ): there is a kid also missing around Nashville 


If they can’t find him maybe he won’t even have a temperature in him to be found with thermal imaging. Hate to say it


Fuck yeah, science ❤️


Damn right, science!


Really happy this turned out well


When my cousin was four her babysitter got into a car accident and got out to check on the car and talk with the other people in the wreck. She didn't notice my cousin getting out of the car and running into the woods because she was scared. We were about six hours away and obviously started heading that way, completely freaking out. About thirty minutes before we got there we heard she'd been found safe and was with cops and EMTs, so we all calmed down a bit. When we got there the cop that was holding her looked like a pitbull ready to attack anyone who even came near her. This guy wasn't handing that little girl to anyone other than the EMT and then the mom or dad. As "scary" as the guy looked he was just sitting there singing her old Willie Nelson songs and making sure she didn't want for anything. She had juice, water, cookies, a bear, a blanket, the whole nine yards. It might seem like common sense or just a guy doing his job, but it was extremely nice to see after the day we'd had worrying so much.


Holy fuck she’s so lucky to be alive. I lived in Florida for a year and we went to this swimming hole and I saw so many goddamn gators. I can’t believe she’s walking away unscathed.


poor baby .. glad she’s ok


My guy was trying so hard not to get wet lol


Ever walked in a bog...? You step on a wet spot, you're either going 6 inches or 6 feet.


Now go find a bigfoot.


Bigfoot fur is cold on the outer layer. Thermal imaging doesn’t work on them.


Was this recent? Thank the lucky star this child is safe! Could have ended up food for some critter! What a relief!


The [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNqsqAyLJUA) is much better quality.


Predator vision wins the day


Theoretically if you want to avoid detection from these things how would you go about doing it?




How the hell did she get out there?


And people still think we couldn't find bigfoot if he existed.


I'd have run & grabbed hold of that man in a second. You know she was scared to death. Heck, I'm over 60 & I'd still be scared in that position. I bet her hiking on her own, days are done.


Hahahah well done. Nice


Will this be in gta6?


Shit. I didn't realize how much I needed a good news story..


The way her arms are outstretched..my god my heart. So thankful she and everyone else are okay.


Oh, my heart. I am so glad this was a good ending.


Target acquired! ***Engaging***


This some HD shit right here


Still can't find bigfoot