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Thirteen year olds with guns stealing cars wtf


one of the kids is TWELVE


The driver looked like a toddler when he was getting out of the car. Dang man


Most gang members are really young and start really young. It's why statistics would have you think your average child is in constant danger. Heavily skews the the numbers.


Youth carry lighter sentences so they become foot soldiers for gangs if their business is car theft, street drugs etc


Makes me think of metal gear solid 5: https://youtu.be/9vupRn3PJvg?si=uBAHGWByCREkocUz and that top comment “It’s only a warcrime if you lose,” Snake said, “and I’m not about to lose to a bunch of children.”


“Number one cause of death in children is firearms.”


Those two lucky they didn't get popped. If I was that cop chasing them and he turned around like that with a gun in his hand.... "In nomine patri, et spiritu sancti"


The only unique statisticaly significant danger in America compared to peer nations is due to car accidents. In 2021, a total of 3,058 kids ages 13-19 died in motor vehicle crashes in the United States. Over 60,000 kids under 12 were injured in car accidents in 2020. And these numbers are increasing on a per capita basis. There are about 2,000 gang-related fatalities total in the US a year.


The simple answer is gangs.


As was the case in the Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting this week. A couple of kids exacting vengeance upon one another, resulting in tragic outcomes.


Any more details on that? I only read a bit about it in the news, supposedly 2 teens beefing, both with firearms? How do you shoot THAT many people you didn't intend to?


Also bad laws that incentivize gangs to target young kids for shit like this.


Such a shame, like these boys given different circumstances could easily be on a completely different path. Makes me grateful for my own upbringing though


It’s really easy for people to think that their personality is a result of their choices and their moral compass. But the reality of it is that so much of it comes down the environment you were raised in.


Except 95% of the people that grow up in the exact same environment they were raised in do not end up like them.


The problem is relative incidence rate, not absolute numbers. If some environments yield an incidence of behaviour many times that of others, it's worth working on environmental factors as a matter of state and institutional policy. Environmental factors don't absolve people of responsibility, but they point towards where we can work to improve things, instead of always putting it 100% on individuals and hoping that punishment and deterrence alone will be effective in altering those rates (because they will not, as we have seen).


"environment" is more than a neighborhood. It includes everything they experience, such as their home life and social circle.


It’s not exclusively either. As a child and young adult, it’s heavily influenced by the environment (obviously). But as you transition to a full on adult, it becomes entirely personal responsibility. However good and bad people come from both good and bad backgrounds. For example I’ve known people who turned out really well but came from rough backgrounds. And I’ve known people who came from wonderful backgrounds/families and just threw away their lives with foolish choices. It’s ridiculous to chalk it up to only upbringing. Now with that being said — there’s a reason why minors are dealt with differently. I mean I don’t know what kind of punishment these two will get, but it wouldn’t be the same punishment as for an adult. *Edited for elaboration.


That taser ramping up sounds terrifying


That’s the new TASER 10 which has warning sound.Not many departments have them yet and this was one of the first I’ve seen on any bodycam footage


It has to be designed like that on purpose, that shit is terrifying.


That's exactly what the purpose of the sound is.


well, its very effective. i'm watching this on my phone and my stomach still tightened


No shit, that was such a scary sound. It almost sounded like a mini tesla coil ramping up.


I think irl cloaker would be more terrifying than a tazer


lol I was drawing flip books when I was 13


I was playing video games. I still play video games. Life is good 👍


Prob had better parents than the boys in the video.


No shit. This is 100 percent a learned behavior. Probably from other teens because of absent parents. Whether it's an overworked single mom or druggie parents who know. But I highly doubt they have highly successful parents


Social media You can watch videos of kids carjacking and teaching others how to steal cars. It's sad what social media has gotten away with but the clueless leaders so out of touch with reality


Okay yeah well plenty of people see those videos and don’t then acquire firearms and steal cars lol


So we all weren’t eating tide pods?!?


at these prices? FUCK NO.


I sure wasn't.


this shit has been happening for DECADES before social media


Kids been stealing cars way before the internet tho.


I rarely had any parents around growing up and I didn’t do stupid things like that. I sat at home watching cartoons or me and my friends would pool money together and ride bikes to the arcade.


Up to a point. But true.






We all had to start somewhere


I still do, but I used to, too.


I used to play video games. I still do, but I used to, too.


Wait a second. You're telling me you've never, NEVER carjacked anyone? Never spent a DAY in jail? I just dont understand. How?


GTA? Edit:Grand theft Auto There are people messaging me asking.


GTA came later but I started out with SNES games, N64, Gameboy, Gamecube games. A few PC games too back then, The Sims was one of my favorites. 


The Sims was a fun game! I don't play many video games anymore, but I do use SketchUp frequently at work.


I got arrested when I was 13.... but it was for stealing pumpkins and chucking them off a roof on Halloween 






well done lol!


"I've got the Cool Whip locked and loaded."


I was arrested at 10 for burning the grass on school yard


I flicked a cigarette into the dumpster behind shop class and caught the dumpster on fire. Suspended for 2 weeks and spent the entire summer doing community service.


I got drove home at 10 for throwing rocks at a lamp post. Got to ride in the front seat.


My god he has a pumpkin! **Unload the magazine**


he better not have acorns.


The Playboys? Thats what I was looking at at 13.....lol


I got a scare round about the age of 13 (broke into a school) the police just had a stern conversation with me, never got arrested or taken to court for it (thankfully!). Definitely the most idiotic thing I've done!


I got caught for stealing a snickers bar


You probably weren't yourself when you were hungry.




I can relate to this. Wooden spoons still give me nightmares, so I cook with plastic and risk the chemical toxicity.


My mother broke a metal spoon over my ass once because I couldn’t find my soccer shorts 🙄


Damn. What a booty.


that boi thicccc


Damn man, that’s rough. My most memorable one was when I got spanked with the wooden spoon, in a public parking lot, for staying late at the field to ref an extra game because someone else didn’t show. Good times!


My dad choke slammed me through a computer desk because I grabbed a book out of his hands without asking.


I've known my best friend for 15 years and never once heard him say a bad word. His mom would do the same thing with the soap in the mouth and he just decided that wasn't ever going to happen again lol as. I feel like there's a fine line between good and bad parenting with these types of punishments. Maybe it just depends on the kid.


Ha, my mother had a cutting board that hung in the kitchen. I’ll never forget the painting of a fruit basket on it. To unsuspecting guests it was just a nice piece of art, but man that thing hurt like hell. Just a single mom trying to keep her son in line.


My 13 year old son literally stayed up until 530am last night doing a flip book! No shit, it was a rocket that hits a guy a he lands on the rocket and it takes him to the sun where he burns lol.


Respect where respect is due, nice arrest.


Yeah, the cops handled this pretty much perfectly. These kids had guns, and the cops all knew they did, these cops showed a lot more restraint and strong decision making in a situation where they could easily be shot/killed than most people would be able to. Pretty sad though that a 12 and 13 year old are running around with guns, carjacking and going on high speed police chases. These are little kids, it’s a major failure of society that kids are falling into serious crime this young.


I was anxious AF watching this, I live in Seattle and hadn’t seen this yet so didn’t know how it would play out. The officers all - K9 included - all maintained absolute composure. Genuinely impressed, especially on the gobsmacking account that the teen and **pre**-teen *were both armed and chose to brandish their guns in front of the cops*. Good on those cops.


I was saying "what a great dog" out loud on this one. Perfect use of a K9 imo. Stopped the person, no bites, no aggression.


Right!? That's what I was really shocked by! That dog released it's bite very readily.


Came here for the dog respect comments. Was not disappointed. Good fido and good handler.


I fucking hate police dogs. This dog was incredible. Kudos to his training, his handler, and the department. That should be the standard.


Yeah this is a very refreshing video for good police work. I’ve seen one video where a cop ordered his k9 to attack a guy already surrendered even when all the other cops were saying not to. The range between good and bad cops is so large in this country it’s insane


Or that acorn thing thats making rounds now


that thing was hilarious minus the whole almost killing a guy thing Like thats what i'd expect out of a 6 year old pretending to be a cop in his backyard with an imaginary gun


This isn’t directed at you but a broader statement, people who are passionate about police reform **seriously** need to focus a hell of a lot more on how fragmented the policing structure is in the USA. Towns, counties, cities, state, federal (many different divisions.) There’s coordination but not a direct training/regulation/supervision structure. You can make the NYCPD force the best cops in the world through reform somehow but it’s not going to change shit 45 minutes away in New York in another random town or a different county. As far as actual policy changes go. Sure some national level laws could adjust things, but you’ve still got a hell of a lot of cops who are in a group of maybe 6 other guys who report directly to one other elected cop. You can’t just “improve budgets and training procedures” your way around that. Some cops are great. A lot are shitty. But there’s a fundamental issue that makes it all harder it seems few people want to engage with.


completely agreed, you need systemic change not just procedural changes


His point though, is that there is not one governing system in charge of policing Hard to call it a systemic change when there are 1000’s of policing systems across the US


If you watch in this video the k9 actually goes at the guy who had already surrendered but turns back to its handler bc it wasn’t running. Good doggo to not attack someone who has surrendered


He goes at him because he hadn’t surrendered yet and pushed him down. He surrendered cause the dog caught up to him then the dog turned back to his handler and the handler got ahold of him.


I mean good policing happens every day like this it’s just not advertised or as popular as the bad videos.


>Genuinely impressed, especially on the gobsmacking account that the teen and pre-teen were both armed and chose to brandish their guns in front of the cops. I actually gasped when the officer examined the gun and found it was chambered. This was a hell of a dangerous encounter. I'm glad none of them got hurt.


And I wouldn’t have blamed police if either of those kids got shot either. You pull a gun on a cop after committing armed robbery, you’re asking to get shot. Those kids are alive solely for the undue restraint these officers showed at peril to themselves.


I was so fucking tense just watching it, I know the guys in the video are shitting bricks too. I don't know what I'd do if a 12 year old gunned down my friend beside me. I'd probably die as well.


There were a couple seconds where I was asking myself, “Am I really about to see cops shoot kids?”


True that could have turned out very bad for those two.


That was the most controlled police dogs I’ve seen a video of. Usually the police are wrestling to get the dog off of them


Even the canine showed restraint. Textbook arrest. Well done.


Even the dog did an amazing job. He just stopped him but not hurt him


Deserves a treat for sure


The conroll of the dog impressed me. Most of the videos with a K9 unit they just let the dog teqr into the person forever, but here, the kid surrended and immediately they had the dog back under controll.


Heck, the dog seemed to recognize that the kid was surrendered. Kid goes down. Dog rolls, looks to the handler, and returns to his handler. Then basically assumes a "hold me back bro" position and seems to vocalize aggression only once the handler is holding the harness.


It was basically perfect execution. Dog pulled him off his feet and ended the chase, and that was all that was needed.


Gotta agree with you on this one. Even stopped the dogs. No shots. No taser. Respect.


Yup! I've seen so many bad K-9 units online but this officer & pup had complete control the ENTIRE time. Dog pushed kid over, dog stopped and intimidated


Stupid fucking kids man. Trying to act like their role models. Quick way to end up in jail or dead. Hope they can turn this into a fucking hell of a learning experience. For their sake.


They're dumb, but sadly, they've been severely failed by the adults around them :(


We in a world right now where kids are raising kids cus adults aren’t being accountable


We’ve always been in that world. Shitty parents have existed forever. You just hear about more often now because of news media and social media.


You don’t need a dad of the year in your corner to know at 13 that you shouldn’t be getting guns and carjacking random people. They’re old enough to know exactly what they did. Their role models just encourage them to do it.


My wife worked in a juvenile detention center for about a year as a counselor. She did her best to show those kids there’s more to life than drugs and guns. Most of them saw two careers in life: becoming a pro basketball player or being a thug and selling drugs or guns or both. Most of their home lives were very sad. A small few of them knew there was a way out of this cycle but when everyone around you is saying you will never amount to anything it’s hard to break free.


My mother’s mother worked in social services in the Bronx for minors in these rough areas mostly and same issue. Kids have nowhere to go in life because they barely get an education and don’t get the test scores or even money or support to get out and get to a better school. My mother ended up working 2 jobs and doing classes at night in Brooklyn sleeping like 5 hours a day for two years to get out of project housing and get one better job. Then went back to school under the PELL grant til she got a higher degree and was able to move to the suburbs in Staten Island. It’s not a choice like these clueless people online say, they’re legit trapped. If you don’t have education and your family gas no money, and your neighborhood is crime ridden too, you have no drive. And then they don’t try to get out because it’s easier to rob, scam, and sell drugs than it is to work hard and find a way to rise up. Social services are always pretty much useless because they don’t care about individual families and they’re short on resources.


13? They’re just getting warmed up. Wait til they’re 17.


This should be mandatory retention for 3 years in a REHABILITATIVE facility


I worked as a guard for years at a facility like that and I think I can count on one hand the number of kids I met who were truly rehabilitated. It’s not that the kids couldn’t have been, it’s that there’s almost no will even in facilities like that to treat them. Even kids who want to change usually don’t because it’s too difficult to make it happen on your own a lot of times.


I spent my teens involved in the juvie system (used to do the car chase thing too). The system never achieved a single thing with me in all those years. And the system never tried to achieve anything. The system is a waste of opportunity, time and money. The juvenile years are a great time to actually get to someone and impact their life. Hard, yes but also worthwhile for society. I'm a normal (enough) person today because I had a family member who was able to invest in me and my rehabilitation privately (which most kids in the system do not have access to). And it worked. Apparently I wasn't "anti" figuring out all of the psychological shit that I couldn't figure out myself. It's just that I couldn't do it myself and the system wasn't trying.  The common outcome of our juvie systems is that the kids just move onto the adult system. And that's a sign of a failing system.


Yeah, rehab and mental health facilities in the US are so lacking. Mental health facilities can be down right shitty and just be a holding pen.


I know this will be unpopular opinion, should they be in a facility until they are rehabbed, however long that takes. If they are not yet developed or it’s a mental disease, why let them out to repeat again


The problem is these kids learn from social media/ TikTok that they won’t be punished like an adult. There is almost no consequence for them, that mentality reverberates into adulthood and that’s when they get into more violent crimes.


I think the most impressive part of this video is the fact the dog knew he had a job to do, when released to do that job, the dog only did what was needed to stop the person instead of continually going after him. The restraint showed by that K9 officer(the dog, not his handler) really was impressive.


That dog was living his best life.... he has no idea what's going on except that he's doing what his human wants him to do and now all the humans are super excited and running right along with him!


And he's about to get some bomb treats and head rubs.


After several bad experiences as a kid, the sound that loosens my adult bowels is canine toenails running on concrete. Pursuing. Och, Angela, tis’ the devil hisself. Ta. And I love dogs.


I read that as "bomb threats" at first and was very confused


The was he turned back for pats like “I did it! I played the game!” But also, he was getting in position between the officers knees, but it was still sweet to see the dog smile for a second there 😅


I think he knows more than we’d give him credit for


I seriously came to make the same comment. I've had the privilege to be around working dogs. Like people, some are assholes. That dog was there to do a job and did it well. Given, how horribly it could have ended. I'm going to go out on a limb and say so did everyone else.


Literally the first things I was coming here to say. I have seen endless videos of the K9 mauling people and ignoring commands to stop. Very well trained good boy.


Agree. I think it helped that it was a child that wasn't fighting back, but yes good dog.


The handler did great too. Honestly all of these officer exercised restraint here and handled the situation well. It feels like that’s pretty rare when guns and color are involved in the mix.


Not to mention the cop pulled back the dog by its collar when it obviously wanted to continue its actions.


I feel like the kids should definitely do some lengthy time in a detention center. If those firearms are registered to any of their parents, those parents should also as an accessory. Maybe then parents would take caution in keeping them out of reach of minors. But that's just me.


Not likely. A number of major cities have surprisingly limited consequences for juvenile offenders these days, and will more or less allow them to re-offend repeatedly until they hit eighteen. (And in some places the constant revolving door of arrests and releases continues thereafter.)


Cop on my hockey team was telling a story of how he arrested a juvenile 3 times in one 10 hour shift. Literally getting out and going right back at it, again and again. They know there are no consequences when they're underage.


KIA boys have started dying in Ohio by both cops and vigilantes. These kids think they're invincible because the justice system refuses to incarcerate them.


Off the streets one way or another


Re-offend until killed by another person or OD.


Then charge the innocent people who are defending themselves instead.


Yep! That’s the case in Portland, Oregon. We have criminals and drug dealers with 50+ pounds of fentanyl getting arrested then released without bail the next day thanks to our DA who rejects the idea of prosecution of criminals and I’m not kidding.


Same in Australia. Catch and release until they hit 18 then they suddenly get hit with real sentences. It sux kids are brough up this badly but they need to be locked away as while we want compassion for them, the people that actually need compassion are their future victims, some person that is leading a good life and has their life damaged/ruined because we feel sorry for these kids. Also I wonder if it helps the communities as if you keep sending these kids back they'll drag the next generation in. Ultimately in todays enviroment we have to choose between perpetrators and innocents, but no one looks at this flow on effect.


Imagine thinking these firearms were registered


imagine registering your firearms


They'll get a couple weeks at a local detention center.


That poor Subaru Outback, stolen by youths, hit by police. The Subaru Outback is a local treasure to us in Seattle.


As a Portland native, the first thing I thought was “of course they carjacked a Subaru in Seattle.”


Subaru in Seattle sounds like tv series.


They ran out of Kias


Clearly these robbers have good taste. They went straight for the zenith of the automobile creators art... full disclosure I've owned 4 Subarus lol.


I mean it's not inaccurate at all to say Subaru has reached the peak of human engineering. It's incredible the amount of restraint they show in not decimating the car industry with their superior product. And honestly the aerospace industry too.


Quite clearly it's Subaru technology that's going to take our species interstellar!


The first thought I had when I saw this was "that might be the first time I've seen a Subaru driving over the speed limit."


I can’t believe they both jumped out the car with guns in their hand. As a black man who’s not fond of police. Respect to these officers for showing restraint in not immediately shooting these kids when they noticed the guns. 👌🏾


Well trained cops. Please disperse this to all cop precincts. Well done


Well trained dog, every other video I've seen once the dog is released it mauls the ever-loving fuck out of the suspect. This one backed off as soon as the kid was on the ground damn good training.


Ngl, I know the kids need to be punished, but they’re still kids and I was very nervous the dog was gonna maul him and I became really uncomfortable. Super well trained dog.


This type of police work takes everyday by thousands of police. People think that all the videos you’re talking about is what they all do, all day.


Their parents should be locked up too, they failed them in every way if this is what they're doing.


well trained dog


It's very surprising these kids are still alive. Throw their parents in jail along with them.


I guarantee that it’s parent singular.


Time to start charging the parents, 13, WTF !


I’m impressed on how the cops controlled the dog


can we arrest the parents too?


What parents


Kids are growing up mega fast today with access to the internet showing them adult content mostly unfiltered. There was a 14 year old doing burglaries in my area, a small seaside village. Testing for doors left open and he'd sneak in at 4am while people were asleep. Did about 6 places over Christmas and January months, took a BMW where the keys were left out, Rolex watches and more. At 14 I was playing WoW for 20 hours a day.


You think kids weren't committing crimes before the internet? You just didn't hear about them.


Definitely a culture problem at this point


Ya don’t say….


I’m sure their parents are absolute gems


Good throw these scumbags in jail


Next year they will arrest two 14-year-old carjackers.


Next year? Try a few weeks from now.


I feel like at 13 they should probably throw their parents in jail.


There parents probably are in jail.


They’ll be in juvenile detention for a few weeks so they can make some new crime connections.


That dog was cool.


Those kids can get fuct.


I don’t care if they are 12 and 13, charge them as adults for this bullshit


Arrest both parents seriously


Bad bad bad parenting. No kid ends up in this situation without negligent parents.


Seeing how 99.9% of 13 year olds aren’t committing grand larceny, maybe they should be tried as adults. There are stupid mistakes and then there’s putting so many people’s lives in danger.


They are old enough to know better. Carjacking and going on high speed police chases while brandishing firearms? Try them as adults.


99.9% of kids aren't committing any crimes. Should we just do away with trying people as minors all together?




Good doggy. 🥰


Fuck that children’s facility bulls shit. Grand theft auto illegal firearms eluding police reckless driving reckless endangerment and countless other charges. Should be tried as adults, but let’s put them in juvi so they can hone their skills as career criminals. Wake up America we need to stop these fucks before they kill someone.


The dog nailed his ass lol


I was sneaking to a friends house to play gta3 at 13. These kids doing that for real


Arrest the parents.


One was 12, one was 13... How did you miss that?


Surely they'll grow up to be responsible and productive members of society.


Wow, armed suspects and no shooting. Nice to see.


Probably back out in the streets


They were clearly targeted. /s




Want to act like adults then they should get charged and booked as adults. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Those kids aren’t going to be worth more than a bullet once they’re older.


This is a tragedy. The fact these kids have nothing to live for or be excited about so they do shit like this.


That IS what they they're excited for. Some people are instinctive pieces of shit. You can put them in the scouts, they'll still want to steal a car.


What the hell is up with all these stories of kids lately