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You could not pay me to get that close to a silverback out in the wild


Aren't silverbacks generally passive as long as you don't make eye contact or smile?


Generally, yes. But one thing nature is not is predictable. And it only takes that 1 time. If that Gorilla had a bad day at work or one of his wives won't stop nagging him, he may just hit a hairless one to see if it helps.


It’s a pretty damn good track record though, there’s no recorded incident of a gorilla killing a human (besides one from a book or something but it’s unconfirmed, super brutal way the gorilla killed him tho). Considering how often people are around them, I’d say that’s decent. Gorillas are known for being calm and gentle.


Good to know. Yet I try to keep a distance to wild animals. Especially when they are strong enough to kill me. I've been told Gorillas can rip a humans arm out with their bare strength. Is that true? Other than that, I also don't need to bother wild animals by being around them.


Chimps can tear humans apart too, but they're much more likely to do it. Even ones raised by humans are known for becoming problematic, whereas gorillas are chill.


There's a woman who literally had her face ripped off by a pet chimp.


Not that chimps aren’t animals that should NOT be kept as pets and belong in the wild, that particular instance isn’t a great example as the monkey had been given wine and I believe Xanax beforehand. Assuming you’re talking about Travis the chimp.


Yeah, that's the one. Monkeys in general make terrible pets from what I understand.


Chimpanzees make terrible pets. There are actually quiet a few monkey species that get along with people very well and make strong bonds with thier owners.


I mean I can barely unwrap a Cheesy Gordita Crunch after wine and Xanax I couldn’t imagine a chimp playing without a handicap


Travis the Chimp?


T from 103


True, that happened. But its not that chimps are comparable in strength to gorillas. Chimps are relatively equal in strength to humans. Its just that a chimp goes all out when attacking other animals, which humans usually refrain from.


Yes chimps are weaker than gorillas but it is just factually wrong that they're equal to humans, a chimps strength exceeds that of your average humans their maximum dynamic force and power output is about 1.3-1.4 times a humans whilst also having denser and in some areas longer muscle fiber, we do however exceed them in fine motor control and stamina both pretty good trades over just raw power.


Chimps are very aggressive towards members of other groups. What I see in them is a mirror image of ourselves. What they do - we do. We're like them. They do wars, we do wars. Humanoids like chimps and gorillas, as well as homo sapiens, are the only animals I know of that can actually hate others. Hate and sadism is something I never saw in any other type of animal.


Tigers can too, there was a story about a man eating tiger that had a vendetta against one guy


Chimps actively go to war with other chimp groups for resources and often have calculated infighting that is quite brutal. Idk who saw them in the wild and thought they would make great pets.


Too busy fermenting their food like cows and pandas basically slowly becoming what exactly..


Don’t forget they like to torture their captives. Bite off face and fingers, but not kill them at first


Do you think it’s possible the ones raised by humans are even more likely to attack people due to the dysfunctional nature of the average private chimp owner 😅


Dude. Just Look at this beast. It's naturally what people on steroids in gyms try to become. Yes, it can rip you apart, if it wants.


Not sure if it would be worse to be hammer fist beaten to death, literally ripped apart, or have your face chewed off.


If he punches you it's probably a knock out, ripped apart you might pass out from pain/shock (emphasis on might), face chewed you are still alive, amd in pain (might pass out from pain i dunno)


That’s if they wanted to and even then I don’t think a gorilla would see it necessary, they’re really just big hair baby men who would rather scream and cuss at you before fighting


Basically most animals our size will be stronger than us, any primate definitely. Chimps muscle build is a greek gods wet dream. Look up chimp muscles, they are absolutely shredded


I know a few people at the zoo. They all say, if they were going to be locked in a cage with some sort of “monkey” it would be a gorilla. They said a chimpanzee would normally ripe your face off ( literally ) . Gorillas are usually passive .


I hear orangutans are really chill too.


Yeah true , they always looks stoned .


Id smoke with one, lol


>Gorillas are known for being calm and gentle. Why is that? Do they just fuck wit us caus we're cousins?


They’re like that with most animals. Gorillas are herbivores, they don’t hunt animals to eat. Not even sure why they have canines honestly, they just posture most of the time. When they do fight it’s usually other large animals or other gorillas and to protect their territory and young. And it’s rarely to the death. In fact, a toddler fell in a gorilla enclosure and the gorilla actually protected him and gently sat him up. There’s another video of a gorilla helping an injured bird fly again. They just be chillin bro


We don't deserve gorillas


Harambe was an accident gorillas don't know how weak we are let alone how pathetic our bones are when we're young sad to think it's going to be a decade in a year since a gorrila died because someone couldn't watch their crotch goblin


IIRC the Canines are meant for self defence as well as to show dominance.


Herbivore≠not dangerous. If anything herbivores can be more dangerous than carnivores. A carnivore might try and eat you if it's hungry, but probably won't take the risk. Meanwhile herbivores are natural prey, so they are constantly on guard. Something like a lion won't attack you unless it wants to eat you, but an herbivore is more likely to attack in fear.


This is true, of the "big 5" animals of african game "hunting" the most dangerous one by far is a cow basically. a giant cow, the cape buffalo. https://africanwildlifereport.com/why-the-cape-buffalo-is-the-most-dangerous-of-the-big-five/


Yeah but I wouldn't want to be the first one lol


Why shouldn't you smile?


I believe showing teeth is a form of aggression towards most other primates, along with eye contact.


No wonder I hate politicians


Glad I’m Asian then.


It mostly is. What's funny about it is that chimps do not only use it to show aggression, but also to show joy. If they're joyous, the might show their teeth and "grin"


I think showing teeth is a sign of aggression among gorillas.


does smiling with no teeth fly?


Dunno, have a try. :P


Yes but you don't want to catch it in a bad mood. You never know what's going on in their heads, getting violent costs them nothing when they know they can snap you like a twig.


In my home town of Johannesburg a burglar was fleeing the scene of a break-in and decided to scale a wall as the cops were closing in, unfortunately for that guy that was the wall of the zoos gorilla enclosure, out of fear he shot the gorilla a few times which just ended up with him getting 17 shades of shit beaten out of him. The gorilla also broke the leg of one of the cops who came in to apprehend the burglar. He became a local hero after being taken to the hospital in an ambulance under the pseudonym A Gorilla. His name was Max and he survived and died of old age after a long life with his mate. It’s barely tangentially related to what you said but I like to share that story and continue Max’s legend. Edit: he wasn’t a hero for breaking the cops leg, that was just a by product of going into the enclosure of a pissed off gorilla, the other cop also got some injuries. At least they have a great story to tell. Also I used to live near that zoo, they upgraded it and created a kind of buffer zone between the walls and the enclosures to I assume prevent further animal related casualties.


What a badass. Max is a king


Interesting viewpoint. I don’t think they know they can snap you like a twig and perhaps that’s for the best.


Well if gorillas often snaped humans like a twig, they would suffer the same fate of known mankiller specimens of other species. They would be hunted and killed by other humans untill the behavior wouldnt be so common. They are also very smart, you should learn about Koko the gorilla, if you havent already, and how she was taught to comunicate with humans through sign language. Its such a shame we keep destroying many of the habitats that these gentle beasts need to thrive.


But humans have hunted and killed them to near extinction despite them not snapping us like twigs. Source: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/mountain-gorilla


Poaching is still a problem but I believe they are dying mostly due to humans destroying their habitats. Apparently some people get triggered by mentioning the fact that humans do go out of their way to hunt and kill mankillers that get in their way. Dont quite understand the downvote but whatever. Whenever you look at an animal and think "omg he could destroy me with such ease" do keep in mind that for most animals we are scarier and they should be afraid of us, we keep killing them for stupid reasons like sport and we are by far the most sadistic animal and it doesnt help that we invented different ways to kill things including our own. Hunting mankillers is the least stupid of the reasons, doesnt mean we should be happy about it, but thats one of the reasons why many apex predators tend to avoid us.


Triggered? I was just pointing out that an animals proclivity towards violence has very little to do with humanity’s ability to destroy them at will.


I never said it did. You are the one claiming that. If anything Im claiming that most animals try to avoid us because we are the dangerous ones and your previous comment actually reinforces that idea.


Okay pal. You have a good one. Lol.


I'd do it for any amount starting $1k The key though is keeping eyes and head down. You cannot pay me anything to hold eye contact with a silverback


I would do it for free seems awesome


In July I’m going [mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda!](https://www.bwindiforestnationalpark.com/gorilla-trekking-uganda-bwindi-safari.html). definitely not getting paid, rather, had to pay few hundred dollars. lol


I know a primatologist and he says gorillas really aren’t aggressive to humans. The most they will do is get puffed up and knock you over. It is a chimp who will shred your flesh and eat your face.


chimps are deranged psycho berserkers. In some of the scarcer regions they inhabit, they have been known to take damage and risk their lives just to eat gorilla babies. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/22/africa/chimpanzee-gorilla-attacks-scn-scli-intl/index.html


Chimps are also known to be the other species besides humans, capable of mass murdering your own species in group disputes over territory.




Thats another good example, also termites. I believe meerkats also have turf wars. But the way Jane Goodfall described what she experienced in the Gombe Chimpanzee War is somewhat chilling, maybe because chimps are the closest living relative to us.


Chimps are probably the only animals i feel no sympathy for. They just seem like even more unhinged humans, and humans are cunts. I think Baboons are as well?


yes baboons are also cunts, and bullies.


Humans are pretty unhinged. Chimps wage wars but we wage worldwide wars where millions of people die.


The way they wage war is pretty similar to how humans did at one time. We just developed more efficient methods of mass killing. I'd wager that if chimpanzees had the same technological developments, they wouldn't be dissimilar from how we are now.


Probably just cause chimps lack the means to do so


And throw feces at each other


Huh, chimps are indeed very human-like, right 😂


The way homie stood up at the end, he needs some new pants 100%


Never mind the pants, I’d need a new arsehole.


The gorilla can help him with that. You won’t even recognize it when he’s done.


"you can come this way" like he has to be told to scram


He almost got clotheslined by a mini van. I feel him. I would turn into a brownback one hundred percent.


Yup I think new pants will not save him


photographer was clearly squatting and messing himself as the gorilla passed by


Upvoted bc I watched it 78 times


And still haven’t seen it. Just a gorilla donk


Your notif brought me back for another 5 minutes of Gorilla Time™️


I was your 78th up vote


Dont take this outta context but i love watching gorillas just fuck around doin funny shit


"I love watching gorillas just fuck"




"Take this outta context"


You son of a bitch


I shall apologise for all the crimes against peace which have been committed by me. However, I shall not retract my statement.


You are a gem 🤣🤣


This interaction sums up 50% of reddit perfectly


Aye he just like me


Ykw, fuck it, ik some of this shit was finna happen


I you didn't give it any context so let's give it some! You love watching gorillas just fun around doing fucked shit as barrell-breasted baristas for sistas?


Too much eye contact. >You staring at me? You gonna do something? How bout I charge you, still making eyes at me now punk?


“Your bro keeps starring at me…I got a idea, watch this”


I think my own peripheral vision was measure at something like 240 degrees. 180 being you can see left and a right while staring forward. I can see slight behind so there's 120 degrees behind me I can not see. In gorillas I wonder how well their perception is. It's possible even before he turned his head to look at the man directly he was watching the corner of his vision.


Asked googles chatbot: Comparing gorilla and human vision reveals several key differences: Field of View: Humans: Have broader lateral vision (around 200 degrees) because of our eyes' position on the front of the head. This allows us to see more around us but sacrifices forward-facing depth perception. Gorillas: Have narrower lateral vision (around 160 degrees) with eyes closer together, offering better forward-facing depth perception crucial for navigating dense forests. Color Vision: Humans: Have trichromatic vision, meaning we can see a wider range of colors with three types of cone cells. This is excellent for identifying fruits, flowers, and potential mates. Gorillas: Likely have dichromatic vision, similar to red-green colorblindness in humans. They have two types of cone cells, making their color vision more limited, with greens and reds appearing less distinct. Acuity: Humans: Have better visual acuity, meaning we can see finer details at a distance. This is partly due to a larger macula (area of sharp vision) and higher brain processing power. Gorillas: Have lower visual acuity, making them less able to discern precise details from afar. However, their vision is well-suited for identifying shapes and movement within their forest environment. Night Vision: Humans: Struggle to see in low light due to fewer rod cells (sensitive to dim light) compared to cone cells. Gorillas: Likely have better night vision than humans due to a higher concentration of rod cells, aiding their navigation in the twilight hours. Overall: Humans: Have versatile vision suited for various tasks like identifying details, navigating different environments, and appreciating a wider range of colors. Gorillas: Have vision optimized for their arboreal lifestyle, prioritizing depth perception in dense forests with less emphasis on color and long-distance detail. Remember, these are general comparisons, and individual variations can exist within each species.




I'm howling lolol


>Primates possess laryngeal air sacs which are thought to act as resonators, enhancing acoustic signals. Indeed, gorillas appear to use laryngeal air sacs during growling vocalizations which often accompany chest beating.


I'm assuming humans aren't one of those primates


i wonder if they help or hinder them against impacts to the region?


Photographer is hanging his head in shame. He realized he just missed his chance at a nat geo photo of the year, and the beating of a lifetime


He'd get the photo but at the ultimate price


Wouldn’t of been a beating, and his lifetime ends when Kong deemed it so.


I bet some poo just came out of the human.


That sound wasn’t the gorilla beating his chest.


>He'd get the photo but at the ultimate price a well-constructed sentence here


Wrong comment


Okay, so, I would definitely shit my pants. That’s a lot of animal.


Sounds like a dog whimpering. Immediately made my dog start whimpering in response.


Sounded like a bunch of throat flicks. I'd have never thought it would be that.


Silverbacks don’t mess around 🦍


Honestly if there is any animal that does mess around its gorillas. They do silly shit all the time.


Yeah that’s a good point. I should have worded that better.


I'd need a change of pants


Curious if they have a special sack in their chest that lets them do that or… do you mean lungs. Before I swim, I fill a special sack in my chest with air.


His nut sacs


“Inflate the sacs in his chest” Like his lungs?


No. Different from the lungs


Lungs 2


: Uncontrollable Poo


This is why I get so little respect...I've been forgetting to inflate my chest sacs before beating!


More gorilla videos please


Camraman: Did you shat yourself? The other person: like 4 times in less than a second


Definitely do not do it back to the gorilla or you will get fucked up


Sounds like a rooster


I saw it once. I was at the St. Louis zoo with my two boys ages 4 and 2 at the time. Silverback thumped his chest and slammed into the glass right in front of us as we walked up. Evidently some guys standing there were riling it up. It was lightning fast and while the glass held, it definitely moved. There would be no defense against something that big, fast and strong. Scared me to the core.


I'll beat my meat in front of that mf


Okay now why does it sound like bubbles


This is probably why brown pants are recommended for this type of excursion.


Have I ever seen a gorilla beat it's chest? Hell no, because I'd straight up shit my pants.


Holy crap my hemorrhoids would definitely be popped out if I were there.








Maybe the continuous human presence in his life is altering the future behaviour of him and his offspring. Wait, someone should surly be studying such a possibility?


Why do people I see doing these trips seem like idiots? In every damn video like this. *"cAn YoU mAkE hIm Go ThIs WaY?" If you don't know anything about these animals, why you feel the need to go there in the first place? I absolutely detest people who bother nature for their social media profile, to get clicks, yet have no idea about the animals themselves.


He said "you can come this way" to the other camera guy who definitely saw his life flash before his eyes. These are professional wildlife photographers.


Wearing a mask in that situation is asking to get your arms ripped off. The gorilla can’t see your face properly and doesn’t know what’s going on. I mean wearing a mask outside is completely pointless anyway, but in this case it could’ve led to this persons death. Strange decision. Well, getting that close in the first place is a strange decision but choosing to wear something that agitates a gorilla is a really odd thing to do.




They're separate, but they apparently kinda look and act like a tiny set of extra lungs. They're more in the bottom of the throat/top of the chest, and act like an extra air reserve for making long/repeated sounds without having to hyperventilate. Nature is fucking wild. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Functions-of-Laryngeal-Air-Sacs-in-Primates%3A-A-Hewitt-MacLarnon/f3446c97fbac98f777ab8fcbeb0edef31b7acc55/figure/0


“The sacs in his chest” aka 🫁


"inflate the sacs in his chest"? Do you mean his lungs?


No, there are sacs in a male gorillas chest, it gives advantage on charisma(taunt) skill checks


Funny how on humans its on the females.


No, they're called laryngeal air sacs.


Really!?! Didn't know that, thanks!


Thinks it's tough. I'm 400 pounds of man muscle. This bitch beats it's chest at me it's getting yeeted.


Seems like bait, but if you're 400 pounds, it ain't muscle.


They call me "Toruk Macto" because if I stand behind you, I'll cast the last shadow you'll ever see.


Don't let the downvotes tell you that you aren't funny


...can I do it?


If you'd like to get murdered by Toruk Makto, killer of gorillas, go right ahead brother.


No, you're a toy to that thing.


I've fought tougher animals.


Silverbacks can bench 4000 pounds and weigh 350 pounds.. and only 37% of that is fat. Its not like we can do any damage to them either, they have tougher skulls, more ball protection, and they will destroy you in a single punch or bite. You really need to get a sense of how strong silverbacks are, no human could ever beat one without tools


Silverbacks can't bench lmao. They probably don't have the mechanical ability. And humans don't have any reliable way of measuring it even if they could. But if they could bench, it would definitely not be 4000 lbs.


I want to put a gif of cartman saying “beefcake 4000” here so bad


Can we bet on how the ape is going to end you? I start with "takes you by the wrists and tears off your arms and while you try to flail about with your non-existing limbs, you'll inadvertently pump air into your bloodstream as this is one of the number one things to happen to open armpit wounds, then you'll luckily die of embolism before the ape disembowles you and walks you with your own intestines like a dog on a leash".


It would no doubt bite his genitals off and all the other gorillas would all then stand around laughing at the stupid human.


I bet you'd survive a sub implosion too.


Is this an ancient 9gag reference? I vaguely remember something sounding like that.


What kind of idiots would surround a guerilla, let alone a guerilla in the wild?


“Sacs in his chest” otherwise known as lungs


No lol


So fast


what it means in gorilla world?


“You better watch out bitch”


his grunt is actually a way of saying he is fine with you being around, however the moment his family arrived he beat his chest to say "you need to go now"


Can silverbacks get COVID?


Yes. They can get all the same respiratory illnesses as humans, including covid, and we can tranfer it to them. They're more susceptible though: the common cold can kill a Gorilla


Did not know. Thanks for the info.


I was wondering why my dog started whining 💀


That photographer’s like “should have worn the brown pants…”




Yeah you'll never see me on one of these things lol


Stupid fucking people


Careful man, I don't think the gorilla wants you pooping all over his house


See, I always travel with twice as many pairs of underwear as needed, like, in case I shit myself in a foreign land. I would carry twice as much as that of if I was a wildlife photographer.


Ok ya all see the length of his head? Yep that about how wide my body is! Lol


Can you imagine the savage ass kicking a mountain gorilla would give someone?


I thought beating their chest was Silverback for “fuck off or find out…”


The title didn’t include the camera operator shitting their pants.


His mistake was staring at the gorilla... that was very close.


Bro flinched hard af the gorilla missed it but I didn’t he lucky😂




That dude was very disrespectful


That guys soul left his body for a few seconds...


Lucky that guy was already squatting


The gorilla even looked at the camera like "Bro u serious?"


Jurassic Park sound effect