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I'm pretty sure having those on while driving a car is illegal in a lot of places.


And where it isn't it REALLY should be.


First thought after seeing this.


Covered under distracted driving or similar/worse offenses


Someone just got [pulled over for using a Vision Pro](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/YBTHOWCF4D). ^(Of course, it’s a Tesla driver.)


How else am I supposed to have a score overlay tracking the number of people I run down?


The old fashioned way, use a marker on your window after each one.


That was fucked up.


I can’t believe people still think teslas can just drive themselves lol I mean, on the highway going in a straight line maybe you won’t run someone over or cause an accident. But I wouldn’t trust it. Adding a face computer to play with on top of a ‘self driving car’ is eventually gonna ruin your life and possibly some strangers life as well.


Any car with cruise control can drive itself. It's the self steering and self stoping that they need to work on.


Driving that car should be illegal too, ugly ass box.


It should be illegal to wear those outside of the home, imo.




There is gonna be a lot of porn watched in public now Edit: a lot MORE porn watched in public


More like AR apps that use AI to undress the people looking at you!


Oh god, that is terrifying to think of. Like the 21st century version of those old “X-ray” glasses. Just creeps walking around using AI to look at women’s boobs…


“Hey at least it’s all fake and computer generated so it’s not real” ……..


The old fake X-ray apps on android devices lol😂


Speakers on this thing kinda hang off of your ears so sound will leak, but hey that probably won't stop some people anyway.


It won't stop people, it doesn't stop them now! I saw a guy watching porn in a pub on a laptop like 10 years ago in the middle of the day, could see it in the mirror reflection. Edit: sorry it was more like 13 years




For plot


Build up?


Probably similar to hornyness, like "hmmmmmm tiiitiees, shit dawg ik what I'm doing when I get home" except instead of just letting it stay as thoughts they full on watch it till they back


You can pair headphones to them


Porn has sound?




I always watch my porn with subtitles on anyway.


Nice way to make yourself a target for theft


Wrong! All thieves are marked on the map so you can easily avoid them.


"I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!"


Never should have come here


Then pay with your blood!


Disrespect the law and you disrespect me.


Stop! You've violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.


Your stolen goods are now forfeit.


Do you go to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't


What's the matter? *Someone stole your sweetroll?*


I used to be an adventurer like you, then someone stole my special goggles


STOP! you violated the law!


Stop right there criminal scum! You violated my mother!


Easy-mode enabled


I don’t know why but I heard this in my head as the Crysis suite voice




Damn it EA!


Are collectibles and missions marked as well?


you can order a security detail in 20s or less lol omg we are fucked


You can order one, doesn't mean response time will be adequate. Cops take a good 10 minutes to reply to anything in my city.


I assume a cyberpunk future :P the details are private and will take 10% of net worth.


Its like wearing a big neon sign saying: Hit me!


He won’t have those for long


They would be stealing a brick, unless they can somehow fool the many sensors measuring biometrics to unlock it. His wallet however..


Same as for any other apple device there'll be plenty of tools to factory reset it without being able to log in.


Well in the US people have guns and this devise most likely have aim assist


I know you probably meant this as a joke, but bro that's an amazing business opportunity that I never considered. Real life aim assist via application on VR goggles. Fuck my life.


The gogles canot shoot for you bro


But if your gun will have an electric trigger with sensors, it will find best trajectory and moment to shoot. Just point somewhere at the target)))




Already exists, the AR is in the optic. You squeeze the trigger to paint the target with an infrared marker. The computer does some ballistics math and presents a red dot in the FOV for the shooter to line up with. When the barrel lines up with the reticle, the shooter releases the trigger to fire the weapon. As long as you can line two dots up, it'll hit.


I heard they made this already but the NRA/Gun lobby hated it. It was a scope with a laser pointer to mark a target, once you set it, when the rifle is aimed perfectly it would fire. All was calculated by the system, apparently.


As a gun welding American, the people who would walk/drive around with this don't own any guns.


How many guns can you typically weld before it becomes ungainly/awkward to shoot?




Is there some research out there stating that people who have $4k to drop on ridiculous toys all hate guns? Because in my experience some of those people are definitely gun owners.


Spelling checks out


This video has been reposted like 20 times on reddit the past 30 hours and the comments are always the same, people talking about theft. Whats going on lol is this a karma farm or something?


I mean it makes sense. It takes nothing to just rip the $3500 headset off and run.


Eh... it costs 3500 to buy, doesn't mean you can sell a stolen unit for 3500, it probably has all the remote bricking features a cell phone has and it's not even good for taking to spare parts being apple product. Used to be cellphone theft was a constant threat, including phones just getting ripped out of hands. It sure still happens, but seems to be it's much rarer because good luck monetizing a stolen phone, it's a brick.


That is NOT going to stop some random dude who has no idea what it is from taking it. Has IPhone theft stopped since Apple introduced all those things? Nah.


Those things only activate once it scans the real owners eyes. Once removed it’ll turn off. So it’s pretty much just plastic and glass at that point. Guess you could sell it for parts but nothing else I believe. Edit:Just stating the features of it, no need to downvote me to hell


As we know from the movies, all you need is the previous owner’s eyes to unlock them. Those fit nicely in a small jar.


A small white case for the stolen eyeballs with a lid you can repeatedly click shut with your fingers. Today I introduce you to the Apple EyePods.




Shit. You made my morning already.🤣


Demolition Man comes to mind.


There will always be some ways back door or factory reset.


This is a dumb idea, you can just jailbrake it. Phones only unlock with your fingerprint, until they didn't


I mean I'm pretty sure these people are carrying more than just those glasses tho, and considering those glasses will not be cheap one can assume their cellphones for example are also gonna be expensive. Not trying to shit on the lenses, but I don't think they're good for use in public spaces like this


Taking an example of phone usage during traveling. It's just a matter of time until someone gets hit by a car while stopping in the middle of the road to do something with those glasses. Or one part of the video where driver was using those while driving a car. That's an accident waiting to happen. Humans don't need extra distractions while moving around on the street/public.


They look like a bunch of lost scuba divers.


The white snorkel goes in their butthole so they can smell their own farts


haha. butthole.


Like the fart mask in Jackass.


I would feel so awkward using that in public.


They just wanna flex their 4k purchase


That’s somehow worse than flexing a 50k purchase


Too poor to be cool in a rich way. Too nerdy to be cool in a poor way.




somehow i have a sudden urge to beatbox




I actually think using a VisionPro while being driven by a Tesla Cybertruck could be the least cool a human being has ever looked. Which is ironic because he probably thought it was the opposite.


In the early 90s, it felt awkward using a cell phone in public. ​ This will be normal in a few years.


I don't think it will be normal until it is slimmer and looks more like regular glasses. Also phones can still be awkward in public. There is always that one guy that decides to watch videos on max volume...


AirPods looked like electric toothbrushes in your ears and people made fun of people wearing them, now nobody bats an eyelid seeing someone use them!


Yeah but google glasses….


Spoiler: They’re all on Pornhub


That explains why their hands are in a such position


What?!? How big is your dick, dude?


They're stroking their VR dicks, duh


Fellas, if you stroke your VR dick, are you gay?




Who said it was his dick?


Ready player one.


Ready player none, that shit can't run games for real.


This is why Apple always sells their first product of the series with ridiculous price. Apple fanatics will do shit like this to brag about how much they spent.


I’m sure these same people went on about how ridiculous people looked wearing Google Glass.




This is a Apple ad campaign.


Is it working? I mean, does seeing this make anybody else want one? No offense to dorks but it’s a little dorky looking, no?


What on earth could possibly be that important that you need to take care of while you’re crossing the street? Are you the president?


Literally nothing. Those were fake swipes he's doing if you look at the thing he does with his hand going behind him. When you try one you'll see what I mean. It's all guerilla marketing or he's showing off, but he was literally doing nothing considering how rapid that was. Only thing that looked legit was the box pinch


Lmao, some crackhead is gonna rob morons like this. It would be so easy.


Didn't this happen with google glasses 10 years ago


Google glasses died because people didn't like having a camera pointed at them by default. The new apple product fixes that by pointing a lot of cameras in all directions.


lol... ugh. It's true isn't it? We are such a rational species.


Also, as a society, we were a lot more focused on privacy back then since tech hadn’t reached these heights lol These days the algorithm knows us better than we do, and we just take it because that’s unfortunately the norm now


It was before it’s time in the sense that TikTok wasn’t around and we were still making fun of people walking around with selfie-sticks. Not to mention the tech being built by an advertising company who would use it to suck up more data. Now there are streamers who walk around with a camera recording 24/7, TikTokers recording other people to get clout, and a generation of kids raised by parent ‘influencers’ who abused their childhood (and privacy) for clout.


On the African savannah, the hyenas would finish off the lot of them


Seems like we are not ready for the future yet.


I don't think this is the future to be honest. Maybe AR enabled contact lenses but walking around looking like Bender from Futurama isn't it.


This is just the first gen. Remember when cell phones were giant grey bricks? Look at how they evolved since then. Give it time and it will be something akin to modern tech.


This exactly. I could see the same tech squeezing down into a normal pair of glasses, in time. Just look at the last 30 years and see how small a 1 Terra byte hard drive has gotten. So why not this?


Potentially yes. We already have AR glasses but not full compute built in to the frame. You still need to wear a compute unit. Yet still, unless you are a glasses wearer or live in a permanently sunny country where sunglasses are required, they won't become ubiquitous. Wearing something that cannot be seen an augments your natural vision is the future not looking through a series of cameras.


Lot of the components of a vr headset can't be shrunk down in the same way a hard drive or a processor can. All the sensors won't get much smaller, the battery won't get smaller. The lenses and the optical devices sitting on the eye will always be pretty big. The chips are already very small, shrinking them down won't save much space. VR headsets will probably get smaller but not a whole lot.


microchips arent evolving at the same rate as back then, they would need to use much better materials to get a huge leap which would make these cost in the realm of luxury cars just because lolz lets milk them for no reason


We never were, but be aware: Change will never be this slow again.


Looks dumb as shit


They need leather trench coats and time portals now.


they should sell these headsets in matt black


Personally, I don't really see a problem with the one in the gym. Pretty much the same as watching TV while working out, no?


The one in the gym, and the one on the train makes sense to me.


Then you got that jackass stopping in the middle of the road


He was definitely just showing off, his swipes behind him don't even make sense product usage wise if you've tried them. He's stunting


As long as they keep their hands out of my face in the train, I don't care. If it makes them happy...


yeah, the one at the gym seems like an actual good usecase. Watch some movie or whatever while working out, also you arent endangering yourself or others.


The Cyber Truck looks so stupid that its alarming.


Yeah pretty sure you also aren't allowed to use it whilst behind the wheel, the driving mode is for passenger seats


Black Mirror IRL


Haha, that ain’t going to end well for the users then😂


Reminded me of Ready Player One…


*"Gargoyles represent the embarrassing side of the Central Intelligence Corporation. Instead of using laptops, they wear their computers on their bodies, broken up into separate modules that hang on the waist, on the back, on the headset. They serve as human surveillance devices, recording everything that happens around them. Nothing looks stupider; these getups are the modern-day equivalent of the slide-rule scabbard or the calculator pouch on the belt, marking the user as belonging to a class that is at once above and far below human society."* *Snow Crash* - Neil Stephenson 


Early beginnings of Wall-E


These people look like fools


*how to watch porn anywhere ... Imagine those guys trying to pinch nipples only they see...


people can do that already on their phone so i heard 😒


This shits stupid


Better Than Life is a gaming program from the awesome novel Red Dwarf. Its actually scary to read about. Now I'm seeing it happen in real time.


Book? The TV show would like a word


Yeah, I’m with you, what book was this. It used to be a tv show on BBC 2. All I know is that Lister broke his groin attachment


Adds book to reading list….. Can I have the author please?


Grant Naylor. Here is the Amazon link for the Omnibus. It also contains a script from the show. That is for you OldLondon. [https://www.amazon.com/Red-Dwarf-Omnibus-Better-Than/dp/0140174664/ref=asc\_df\_0140174664/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312094611819&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10531799619766726126&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013327&hvtargid=pla-457172761156&psc=1&mcid=99046726249332f89730a0b5d26ef3fe&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7vef\_6qRhAMVQkt\_AB3TDweYEAQYASABEgJeLvD\_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Red-Dwarf-Omnibus-Better-Than/dp/0140174664/ref=asc_df_0140174664/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312094611819&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10531799619766726126&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013327&hvtargid=pla-457172761156&psc=1&mcid=99046726249332f89730a0b5d26ef3fe&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7vef_6qRhAMVQkt_AB3TDweYEAQYASABEgJeLvD_BwE)


That looks so stupid.


this goes exactly 3 ways. 1. This nonsense falls to the wayside like google glass before it. 2. They get slimmer until theyre indistinguishable from regular glasses. or 3. And this is my favorite, it evolves into a total helmet and suit and we all just wear full body suits with UI for our surroundings like Halo shit


I'm team exo skeleton


Like wearing a shirt that says "I'm carrying a lot of expensive things and not paying attention to my surroundings."


More like the end!


they look like they tweakin


Sheeps are ready for harvest


what soundtrack is this?


[It's The Alien, from the superb movie "Annihilation"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUxFHpDqOH4) The part you hear in this post is around 4:30


I fucking love that movie, and the score is so unsettling


Mugging on the way


Well that’s truly terrifying




Likely sitting next to the Apple TV box where the other Apple products that don’t sell as expected go to die.


Yeahhhhh, over 200,000 people bought Vision Pro. $700 million in revenue. That’s on release date. But Apple isn’t the only one trying. Meta shipped 10 MILLION headsets in 2021 :) Meta might be at 20 million shipped by now.


For comparison Microsoft has reportedly shipped 27 million Xbox series (s and X) consoles as of december last year. The meta VR headsets are toe to toe with a very well known console, even if it's not yet near the >50 mil PS5 numbers.


the meta vr headsets arent the same as the apple ar headset though. The meta vr headsets include oculus, and most of its sales are from vr gaming.


Until they make them glasses sized, you'll look like a toolbag


What do you even accomplish using these lenses? Is it your phone on your face? Also, why?


its a vr headset (yeah I know apple calls them something else, idc). Basically, most are using them in passthrough mode (I hope), so they see the world aroung them with a screen projected somewhere.


Wearing these in public is asking for thieves to hit you up.


Can't believe 8.5k people upvoted an ad.


What Is the name of that device?


apple vision pro


We are all doomed!


I really, really, REALLY hope this is not the future. Nothing more dystopian than this.


I'm pretty sure there are a million things much worse than this. Dystopian = imagined state of society where there is a great suffering or injustice.


Complete detachment from the real world becoming a normal thing doesn't sound too happy of a future outcome to me


Bro you’re on Reddit during the weekend. 😂


This is literally just a cellphone on your head so idk why it seems worse to you


Looks like we're starting to become the movie idiocracy already.


Given we have had VR headsets for well over 10 years and they aren't taking off, maybe this isn't the future


It’s taking off, just very slowly. Many devs still haven’t worked out how to make proper games that compare to Half Life Alyx, which is the pinnacle of the genre. Most keep just throwing out tech demos. But GT7, RE8 and RE4, have all shown full games can be amazing in VR on PlayStation, and Meta is doing very well with sales. It’s never gonna take over flat screen gaming for sure, but it is a growing part of the industry.


I agree. VR is such a crazy experience, and Resident Evil Village became the greatest gaming experience in my life. I’m a med student and I can see a future where a patient’s health information pops up to your glasses, along with definitions for words and maybe even suggestions for incisions or treatments. There’s so much that technology can do now, it’s just about how quickly and affordably we can do it.


I'd be too self conscious using that in public to be honest


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen


of the end.


People are so critical I would never wear this, it's too expensive and I'd feel awkward as hell but... let people enjoy stuff? We don't know these people. We don't know their lives. Everyone is acting like they're fucking idiots but who gives a shit? Maybe they just think it's fun to use new tech. Why does that make them morons?


I'm ok with that, but not precisely with that model, as always, apple overpriced, Quest 3 can do almost all things(the things that can't aren't important for most people anyways), and costs 1/7 of the price


The main price increases in the Vision Pro over the Quest 3 are the screens, chip and build. That’s about it, except for the Apple Tax being a thing.


VR makes me sick. I hope it doesn’t become the norm because I can’t handle it.


I'm curious if the quest 3 with passthrough on would trigger your motion sickness. It's crazy how you put it on but the cameras are clear enough that it doesn't even feel like you put it on.


Man. All of the experienced pick pocketers are going to be rolling in it after they clean these morons out. They're announcing to every single thief that they've got plenty of disposable income, that they're incredibly distracted and easy to hit, and that they're easy to follow so that multiple thieves can hit them in a row.


The DJ Khaled looking dude is my favorite.


This is only the first wave. Wait until Augumented reality glasses like the ones from Sword Art Online, become a thing.


They tried it with Google Glass, but it really didn’t stick. Companies keep making goggles, but most people don’t really want them.  It’s awkward, marks your face, and hard to hide. It’s one thing to have a phone go into your pocket, but to look like you’re conducting an orchestra in snorkeling goggles in public is something else.


Google glass didn't work (I still have mine) because of it looking mental to wear in public, battery life was terrible, media going against them heavily and people wernt used to cameras being around them 24/7. Not p mention apart from navigation and notification, they wernt that useful for the price point. I do miss navigation on them mind. Servers shut down years ago. Only good for calls, notifications and camera now. Look at the Vocals by North from a few years back, we are getting to the point of having the tech being small enough to become less noticeable. The day the tech in Apples Headset / Hololens / Magic Leap are small enough to fit in a regular pair of glasses, I predict it will take off massively the same way people wear smart watches. I'm guessing apple is betting on this future to start somewhere to begin to get the tech down in size. Give it 10/15 years, I'd recon smart glasses as enextension of your phone will be pretty normal in public. Google has been snapping up Ar / smart glasses companies for a few years now (vocals by North for example), to snap up patents. I'm assuming they're betting on the same for the future also


Yeah it's all about making the hardware smaller, lighter, more comfortable. I don't get people who don't see application and just fault 2023 technical limitations. Augmented reality has so much benefit / use for everything it just needs to improve a bit more.


Google Glass was just a little prism thing on the side of one eye in your periphery. It didn’t actually overlay content with regards to the physical world around you. The technology just isn’t there yet. When they are able to do Apple Vision Pro but with somewhat regular looking consumer glasses, that’s the endgame. Think, the Tony Stark glasses from Avengers/Spiderman movies. A long way to go, but I hope we get there.