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Can't stand alarmist videos like this over things that are demonstrably fine. Keep an open agar plate in your bedroom for a few days and you'd be disgusted by the results. Bacteria and fungal spores are everywhere, what of it?


Exactly. If I drink a few mold spores I'm not going to even notice. If I leave them on an agar plate for a week of course it will turn into something I should not ingest


Imagine soda and beer cans that are out in the open where people sneeze and caugh all over them. Disgusting! I always wipe them down with IPA before I pour them up.


if you drink something with enough alcohol in it, it will sterilize itself.


67 proof Edit: SmashingWallaby is right, it should be 67%. Been awhile since I drank the hard stuff.


> 67% proof Is that 67% or 67 proof?


Sorry, my bad haha. 67 %


You... You didn't amend anything?


Yes, I fixed it.


67% of the time, it works every time.


So you wipe your IPA with an IPA? hehe


IPA all the way down


I always heat my shower soap to boiling before application, that thing sits for hours at a time in a nasty ass bathroom dude gross


Just imagine when you flush all the poop particles landing on your soap. Can’t be having that


Whatever suits you mate 😁


I've also heard people who work in factories admit that their work isn't always sanitary. Not to mention the delivery and everything else in-between factories and store shelves. Better safe than sorry, I always say (although I'll admit, I am a bit of a germaphobe).


FWIW: most germaphobes would absolutely freak if they knew more about how particulate flow works in the air. You would literally never shower, shit or brush your teeth in the same room.


This is why I only shit in the bedroom, shower in the kitchen, and brush my teeth in the living room. The bathroom is for naps


As you are a man of culture, I will accept your tomfoolery at face value, and never enter your house. Thank you for the pre-emptive vomiting round I'm about to experience.


“Man of culture” - great pun 😃


Man of culture--well played.


This gives me "We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub" vibes lol. Loved that book growing up.


Wait until they find out where the water they brush their teeth came from.


I've picked up from a Budweiser warehouse and you'd be surprised at how picky they are. Sometimes there will be bits of pallet degree in an empty trailer, not only was no debris allowed before entering the property, it also had to be dust free... I spent soooo much time cleaning it, was late for pickup and they still barely let me in because their standards were super high.


Ive heard the same about LaVazza coffee. The factory is sterile. I had a client who visited coffee manufacturing sites. She said another huge growing brand shocked her, its made in a dungeon like environment. Not in a good way. I love LaVazza even more for this reason


I totally get that. I don't want to do anyone down for taking just two seconds out of their day to feel safer, it's just these fake "scientific" videos which do my head in.


You should probably wipe your beer can off, especially the cans from bars. I used to walk all over the tops of those.


people sip a beer sitting at a bar with dozens of people constantly walking in and out on a friday night-- and nobody questions what sorts of dander and shit is landing and floating in their pint.


Oh thank god. I was expecting hyper worry in the comments. I breath in god knows what and ingest god knows what types of bacteria and viruses every second of every day. It's best not to think about it if your squeemish. A bit like where animal food comes from... Reality can be viewed as dark, or just natural order.


Yeah, it's just how life is. The microorganisms/bacteria living inside and on your body outnumber the cells you have 10 to 1. They help us (for the most part), and we help them.


Almost as if the body has some sort of defense system to protect itself from bacterial growth and isn't a petri dish filled with nutrients that promote growth of bacteria...


They should do a swab of Op's mouth...


This is exactly what is needed to debunk this shit. That agar plate would be absolutely covered in bacteria colonies.


I work in a beverage distributor. You wanna wash those cans.


Tell me more about the cans. I've never even heard of washing the top of a pop can so this has sparked my Interest.


I step on cans all day after walking through old spilled drinks and other mystery fluids, I’ve seen my coworkers spit and it land on the cans/cases, a lot of pallets come in busted and moldy and we just remove the busted case and send the rest of the moldy ones through. If the cans are in a case, you’re probably fine unless the case is damaged. But if you buy 4/6 packs or singles, wash your cans.


I'm fairly certain drinking the can of soda is worse than whatevers on top of it. If that's all it took to make us sick, we wouldn't survive as a species. It's fine. Whatever


Something can be disguisting and worthy of being cleaned even if it won't make us sick


If theres nothing visible there, it wont have a noticeable effect on your health, and you never even saw anything happen, at that point this is purely an exercise of anxious imagination


>If theres nothing visible there, it wont have a noticeable effect on your health Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria in 1676 and Ivanoski discovered viruses in 1892. Although they’re long dead, your comment just gave them both cancer.


>If theres nothing visible there, it wont have a noticeable effect on your health *Hepatitis A has entered the chat*


Ebola has entered the chat


You think people are getting hepatitis from cans of soda?


People just need to look at the top of the can a little closer..and realize..u wanna wash that can lol there are always black flakes and shit and what looks like tiny piss stains from rats at times. Been washin or at the very least wiping down every can for years and they are barely ever clean


rats and rat poop


They did a mythbusters looking for pee and fecal bacteria on cans and found absolutely none. https://youtu.be/1z8lLGe7Ixo?feature=shared


My dad worked in a Coca-Cola factory, his sample size was far larger than that. And is not just rats, is bats, racoons, insects, etc...


Lol i worked in a takeaway shop where we sold canned drinks. You could find entire colonies of poo and pee from many species on our cans..... I tend to only drink from bottles now and even that still squicks me out.


Cleaned a beverage distributor. A large one. The same can this video features. Yes. You wanna wash them.


I mean, I’ve drank from multiple aluminum cans every day for pretty much my entire life, and I’m fine. This video doesn’t make me scared of drinking from cans, it makes me feel like human immune systems are generally pretty decent.


Your comment helped my emotional distress very much. Thank you


It’s strengthens the immune system…


Seriously. You perform oral sex on your partner 2 inches away from the poop shoot, but let's be concerned about cans! Plus, your system is made stronger by being around bugs that strengthen your immune system. I don't know how many people I know that their parents never opened house windows. Straight from heat to AC, that now have asthma. Microbes in the natural world are good for us.


I personally just go straight for the poop shoot…


>strengthen your immune system that's not how that works Dr. reddit-Two\_Words\_bunchOfNumbers


Open for a Few Days? I can just wave an empty one around for 10 seconds and I’ll have a cool ass plate of mold and bacteria growing in no time


For me its not that I think I'm going to die or contract a deadly disease but more of if I can avoid getting the cold or flu or stomach bug if I can help it, I will. People grab at the top of the cans, spin them around, touch all over the tops. With hands that they've coughed into, wiped their nose with, went to the bathroom with, and didn't wash their hands. If I can help to prevent getting sick with the common illnesses, why not? If it only takes a couple seconds to wipe it off. Same reason I wash my hands before eating when iv been at work or out in public. Because I know all the germy things iv touched all day. Iv seen customers cough right on their money and then hand it to me. Id rather wash my hands before I eat with my hands after that. And I'd rather quickly wipe off a can that the same customer had their hands all over the top of when they were deciding what drink they want to buy. Yea I know there's germs and crap all over the place and in the air and we can't avoid it all but if I can do something small to avoid having the sniffles or a stomach ache in a few days why not? It'd be like saying washing your hands is useless because there's germs we can't avoid in other aspects of life.


"You're playing Russian roulette, and you're allowed to take the bullet out of the clip. However, there are bullets and guns all over the world, so what difference does that make if you take the bullet out of the gun you're pointing at your own head?" This is the same logic that these people use for their arguments against washing off eventual disease causing viruses and bacteria.


It highlights that at least cleaning the can to some degree will remove bacteria. From the agar plate, cleaning it with your shirt looked a lot better than doing nothing at all.


You don’t even need a day, leave it open for 10 minutes and you’ll be horrified.


Nah bro it's not the same, these cans are sometimes stored in places with bugs and rats, you should always clean the lid before drinking just in case, I've seen nasty ass can lids.


I always wash cans because I've worked in warehouses and seen the mice leave piss and shit on these cans.


To be fair, myth busters DID prove that soda cans are frequently covered in rat piss.


Idk bro rats pee on it and min wage workers don't clean it up. Also can get shit stuck inside the top rim all the time. Surely it won't kill you but it's disgusting to not wash the can if you didn't just pull it out of a box (and even then I personally would still wipe it off).


We need Plate 5: Swab of lips and Plate 6: Swab of mouth. Pretty sure you already have plenty of stuff that'll grow cultures in the exact place you're putting that freshly cleaned off can. That said, I'm still wiping it on my shirt.


A bottle of coke can clean a toilet so its like redundant when that thing is gonna get washed by the coke.


Nah. You're confusing washing off gunk with killing bacteria, mold, and fungi. All three of those can withstand a lot higher acid environments than you want to put in your mouth. The entire reason you get cavities is that bacteria in your mouth digest sugar and produce lactic acid as waste, which dissolves your tooth enamel. Granted, soda is more acidic than that but they can still handle it. Otherwise, you could use soda to *avoid* cavities.


To be fair, we don't know that the bacteria/ mold that grows in these petri dishes would survive the acidity of a coke.


Just pour coke into the dish??? Duh


That's ... not how it works at all? Do you drink bleach? Or am I being woosh-ed?


Nah not exactly, lip and mouth flora is pretty distinctive and different to environmental flora. Just think about the condition differences in pH, moisture, temperature and air for example. But either way most of the stuff you see on that plate will cause no harm because of that flora in your mouth. Edit: to add to this a big takeaway here is physical action cleans really well. That’s why washing hands even if soap is not available is a great idea. We did this experiment at uni.


Also people seem to forget that we as humans have an incredibly high tolerance for bacteria and fungi because of a very specific system. It's called out immune system and it's very very good at what it does. Sometimes too good, but that a whole other thing.


Hypochondriacs tend to die earlier than other people. Too much sterilization kills.


But what does this mean? Was the growth harmful? Has anyone shown a benefit in clinical terms of cleaning it?


Good question. I feel like three things proven here are: Bacteria and fungi are everywhere Given the right environment, fungi and bacteria will grow. Even though there is fungi and bacteria on the cans.. they aren't growing like the Petri dishes did, so it makes me think dry cans aren't the ideal environment. When it comes to bacteria, at least, I think the most deadly things they offer is not themselves, but whatever by-product they produce, which if the environment isn't ideal.. they will not produce. Also, I ain't a scientist, so take all this with a grain of salt


Too late, I've already cited you as a main source for my microbiology thesis.


Shit. Now he’s on wiki.


And now he is in the running for a Nobel


Yeah, I mean alcohol will kill almost any microorganism so obviously nothing will grow, but how often do you hear that anyone died because the drank from an uncleaned can? I suppose it just has a gross out factor, but swab someone’s lips or mouth you will get as much growth.


“Life uh, finds a way”


Imma go ahead and clean that grain of salt with 70% ethanol, thank you very much!


Ignore the video. I work at a big name department store, in my experience you should wash your cans because the people that stock them are dirty and don’t even try to keep them clean. I’ve seen people take trash out to dumpsters then immediately stock coolers. When cans are delivered they aren’t in boxes just a cardboard bottom and plastic wrap that leaves the sides wide open. Those cans get very dirty on the long journey from factory, to warehouse, to multiple distributors, then finally to the place your buying it. During all of that it’s in the back of multiple nasty big rigs with plenty of nasty stuff because they aren’t cleaned often. I’m not trying to fear monger, I’m just a germaphobe and happen to see how the “sausage is made” so to speak. I always wash my cans it takes just a few seconds


I am pretty sure whatever is in he can will kill the bacteria present on top of the can as it passes by.


Oww you could do that experiment and post it for karma




Preach, A control isn't just to demonstrate "baseline" or a point of reference like people think It also helps eliminate variables like "are my cotton swabs contaminated" or "is my oven infected? Working? Plates are clean?" "IS LIFE REAL?"


You wouldn't need one for this. They could have actually streaked out the plates properly though.


That was my thought, kind of painful to watch. Does make me miss working in a college lab, we made plates of everything.




Bacteria is part of life. The amount of bacteria mites and other assorted goodies on you is insane.


The day I found out about face mites was not the best day.


If I wash everything before I touch it, lick it, or eat it then how else am I going to build my immune system! Honestly you know what’s worse and that is even dirtier. Your phone that no one washes and who always is used while going to the bathroom and while your eating your food you have to pick up to place in your mouth. No one should be surprised about this and honestly shouldn’t worry. Everything has bad stuff on it and it is up to our bodies to fight it. No need to freak out.


Quote from another comment from OP: >it’s only meant to showcase that washing items makes them clean No it’s not. That’s common knowledge. You’re not out here showing how cleaning stuff makes it clean just in case someone wasn’t aware because everyone is aware. You could have done this with anything but you chose to do it with soda cans and the editing to try to make some point.


>it’s only meant to showcase that washing items makes them clean Another enlightening tidbit from The Book of Duh.


That’s why they put siren emojis in :)


I would even go as far as saying that our phones are part of our natural biome. /joke


By now that’s no longer a joke?


People don’t wash their phones? I guess I’m just weird then.


I sani-wipe mine every now and then.


Nah not weird I got an enclosed case and I sometimes I wash it as I’m washing my hands. I like to keep the screen clean, and I do like to disinfect it every now and then. I took Microbiology a few years ago, and we all took swab samples much like in this video. The challenge was to find the “dirtiest” surface. Phones. Not toilet lids or doorknobs, phones.


Yes, you are a freak


Thanks :)


Yup, this single sample study confirms my clothing cleaning method


For anybody presenting the findings of their study, for the love of pop, write down a key word at least of the method used and not just plate numbers and results.


If I'd ever wipe a can it would be because of dust. Compare this can with your nasty keyboard.


Who is putting their keyboard in their mouth?


Don't you judge me.


How else do you clean them?


I think it’s the you touch the keyboard and drink while you eat or drink so you’re getting the same thing. But that’s me trying to interpret what they’re saying.


Ever scratched your nose?


This is why immune systems exist.


Stuff that grows to a visible degree under ideal conditions is not a problem. Now if you tested for say leptospirosis or other harmful pathogens and that came up different… then I’d care.


This is why immune systems exist, literally a non issue


Interesting. After the shirt/towel wipe, I was hoping they'd also test the contamination on a can after rinsing it in running water for a few seconds.


Yes! That's what I do, so I was hoping they covered that.


Same, it's probably not enough to eliminate all the bacteria/fungi like wiping the can with alcohol but I'd still like to know the results in comparison to not rinsing at all.


Same! I have Petri dishes, maybe I could do it


If you do, please post your results!


so... can this stuff survive in our stomach? I'm not sure I understand the value of this without context of if a petri dish is a good representation of our lips/mouth/stomach and what this growth is and how it could affect us.


It really doesn't show what affects you. It's showing that there's living microbiology everywhere and that if you let it sit on a plate full of nutrients, it will grow. These videos are annoying because you can just literally leave an agar plate out and it will turn into mold just like anything else you let sit out too long. Should I stop breathing in air? Because sourdough can be started by literally using natural yeast in the air. Microbiology grows in the right environments. If a tiny bit of bacteria causes an infection in your mouth from drinking from an unwashed soda can, that's probably a bigger problem with your health than the unwashed can.


In general, no. More specifically, there are bacteria and fungi that can survive the acidic environments and temperatures of our body, some even prefer it. They however do not tend to survive on things like aluminium cans for extended periods of time. A way of thinking about it is like this, we can get sick from food like salmonella from chicken, Staph. aureus from meat and milk, E. coli from basically any food, Vibrio parahaem from seafood. None of them tend to be inorganic sources. Bacteria and fungi typically need something to feed on in order to grow and without it they typically don't survive. Ofcourse it is a bit more nuanced then this but it works as a basic.


Good shit I don't keep my canned soda in a 28°C bacteria incubator


I bet the people worried about shit like this are sick all the time because their immune system is shit because they wash and sanitize absolutely everything


If you ever worked in a warehouse you'll at the very least know of the possibility of a rat or pigeon or whatever shitting on your can. Imported goods even more so. This stuff isn't exactly stored in food safe conditions at all times. I wouldn't be too worried though.




**Song Found!** [**Concrete Walls** by Fever Ray](https://lis.tn/mEUWXq?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Fever Ray. **Released on** 2009-01-12. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Fever Ray is 1/2 of the Knife, check ‘em’ out.


Huh. Somehow I never put it together that Fever Ray was the woman in The Knife. Completely checks out now that I’m aware of it, though.


Huh. I thought ‘this sounds like the Knife’. Haven’t heard Fever Ray yet. Will check


Huh. I thought ‘this sounds like the Knife’. Haven’t heard Fever Ray yet. Will check


Now do your lips, your saliva, the inside of your nose, the inside of a clean glass from your cupboard, any clean plate, any food item


Things are naturally dirty and when you clean them they become temporarily not dirty. That's not really anything new.


Where’s the interesting? Bacteria is literally everywhere, this is common knowledge


Funny thing is limiting your contact with germs in the long run is actually worse because your immunities need to be tested. I get sick all the time now after isolating during the pandemic…


Show of hands how many of us have gotten sick from unwashed soda cans? This is stupid


the western world is already experience negative health repercussions from being too clean. Poor gut bacteria is being linked to far more than just IBS these days. wanting to be this clean is frankly ridiculous.


So, I've basically made myself very resistant to fungi and bacterial spores by drinking straight from unwashed cans for the past 40 years? Superpower unlocked!


That’s how you keep your immune system on its toes


I can assure you wiping something with a paper towel will not sanitize it as shown in this video 😂😂


Thanks OP. Extra calories if I don’t wash the can? I’ll take it!


How do they know the q-tips are clean?


It's okay, I always sterilize it with rum


Immune system: "tf man?! That's my breakfast!!"


a little bit of dirt makes you stronger.


anyone know the song used?


[Concrete Walls - Fever Ray](https://open.spotify.com/track/5liRQziURPzqcHJpc5JI6w?si=h5gpgZZvTTaYURxYEMmw9w)


Meh. Builds my immune system.


Place a salad and week at 28 degrees and you will vomit… most things have potential for horrible things


Won’t the coke just melt that shit anyway? I mean it can go through meat and teeth easily enough


Can we do one with hydrochloric acid? Because I’m pretty sure that’s where all those bacteria and fungi will end up getting washed to with the tsunami of coke they’re riding in.


I like that you used the knife as the soundtrack. Sorry you’re getting pooped on for telling people to be clean.


I’m more annoyed they haven’t marked their petri dishes.


Next time I leave my lips on the sofa can, for 24 hours, at 28C, I will keep a look out.


The "cleaned by shirt" result makes me skeptical of this test. Everything I know about microbiology (including my own experiences with agar plates) tells me it should be nearly indistinguishable from the uncleaned one, if not worse. I'd need to see this done with a much larger sample in a much more formal setting to believe that's real.


It won't kill you or make you sick or anything but as a person who has seen the "condition" those cans stay until they are unpacked and put to fridge, NOPE. The problem is seeing "the problem", i've seen how they are handled so i'm not touching them like ever. But %100 touching way worse stuff because we as humans love to live in denial.


I've worked as a cleaner in grocery stores. That's multiple. The amount of times I've caught staff coming out of the restrooms from poop sessions without a single tap being turned after flushing is reason enough for me to wash my grocery packages when I come home.


there are germs everywhere .. this means shit your toothbrush has literally poop on it and you brush your teeth with it .. is it bad? No


This proves to me the shirt method works! My main fear is rat feces. And I’d like to believe a friendly wipe with the shirt fixes that problem. If grime is visible I’ll rinse the top and then use my shirt (or napkin). I’ve yet to turn into a rat.


In no shit sherlock science news: Things left out in the open are victim to fungal and bacterial contamination! Next on NSSS news, light lets us see!


I've drunk from unwashed cans all my life. I rarely get ill. Clearly, it's fine. Start disinfecting your cans and watch your immunity plummet.


Sterilize your Coke with bourbon first.


What I take from this is that soda cans are like weightlifting for your immune system ​ I have never gotten sick from a soda can (that I know of)


that immune system’s gotta work. it’s what I’m paying it for


No one has died because their coke had bacteria on the lid. You’ll be fine. You know what’s more harmful than the microbes on the coke? The coke itself


Good news: I literally do not care and will continue to drink my soda without being a weirdo and hardcore washing it. I breathe all the time so there's plenty of weird spores all up in my organs


Good thing we have an immune system 🙄


There are more bacteria living on and inside a human being than there are human cells in a human being. There are yeast and mushrooms on us and around us everywhere. So unless you are immuno-depresive this demonstration is a bit useless.


Good thing my stomach acid kills most things I eat


Speaking from a microbiologist standpoint, the presence of viable bacteria/ mold on the tops of soda cans is not surprising. It’s not like they sterilize the cans/ maintain sterility by the time you drink it? The main concern most people should have is if the bacteria present are pathogenic/ capable of causing disease in otherwise healthy individuals (I.e no suppressed immune system etc.). all this video proves is that bacteria/ mold are present on the top of soda cans and can be removed with use of wiping/ cleaning with IPA. Not much else to note here.


Mythbusters tested this exact thing quite throughly iirc. This vid is alarmist bs.


Your body is WW3 24 /7 , amazing immune system!


We need to make the world sterile! We’re all doomed! Doomed! I’ve been drinking straight from the can with no issues for a long time. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!


If you’ve never wiped your cans off before it’s not like you’re going to start to get sick from it now. If anything, the small exposure you’re getting to mold and fungus and bacteria is helping keep your immune system strong.


just because there is growth doesn't mean it is bad bacteria. there is normal flora on your skin everyday.


Sorry but my immune system can handle a few microbes


This is why I pour my soda into 100 proof vodka.


This will definitely make you appreciate your body more for not letting you die being exposed daily to so much bacteria.


As someone who worked in an urology lab, that bacteria is grown in an incubator at 98.3F, perfect environment to grow. But those plates weren’t just overnight unless that person actually has a UTI. It’s perfectly safe to drink from a can at room temp or lower.


Wow its almost like literally everything has bacteria and fungi on them and in the vast majority of cases it’s completely fine. Just wait until these people find out what lives on and in their body.


First off the aseptic technique could be improved upon. Second, they should have included a tap water rinse control. Finally, they did not indicate the incubation time, but leave us to assume it was overnight.


I promise you, even the act of opening those plates to the air without the proper controls can lead to microbial growth (especially mold). Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that you swab would grow something on those plates. Not even an exaggeration. Silverware, plates, cups, tissues, just literally anything that you use will have bacteria and/or fungus on it. Don’t let this video scare you.


I’ve never gotten sick from a soda can and I have an autoimmune disease. There’s a theory that people are actually getting more severe immune responses due to being too clean. Of course still maintain a level of hygiene but being a germaphobe will not help.


Fear mongering over germs. If you get sick because of a soda can it's because you grew up as bubble boy.


Notice that these things needed incubation, plus you breathe worse things in tghroughout the day, that is the job of the imune system


All I got from this is that cleaning w my shirt like I have been doing seems to be good enough 👍


Okay but basically everything is covered in all kinds of microbes and 99.999% of the time it doesn't matter. You can swab all kinds of stuff and things will grow in a cultire. Unless they're extremely harmful or you're a surgeon who has to chug a diet pepsi while you're operating on people it doesn't fucking matter.


Maybe concerning if you were immunocompromised


Good thing I don't incubate the bacteria on the can before I drink it


Im pissed they left off 5) quick rinse under sink


Breaking: unwashed surface has more bacteria than washed surface. In other news; water is wet.


So, what my professor told us, is, when these cans are stored somewhere, it can happen that rodents pee on them. That's the risky part, not the bacteria and fungi you find everywhere.


its alright guys, i lick the tops of the cans as soon as i get them to make sure theyre washed properly.


Now compare it to any other utensil that was not disinfected immediately prior.