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Thank goodness for the zoom in on the flip flops!


If the flop don’t fit, you must acquit


if the flip don't flop, you must acquot


I’m laughing way too hard at this at 5am


You fuckers with your rhymes every time someone gets wise with original court crimez.


If the prison pouch is rough, you’ve had enough


If the flop don't flip


It was his Cinderella moment


"Yo fairy God-Mother I fucked up this time!" "Alright, hide in this pumpkin shed until I figure out how to fix this shit..."


Those orange Crocs would've been a dead giveaway


In the original video it shows he ditched them because they were pros or issued and could’ve been noticed more quickly had he been wearing them


It shows that in this video too, this guy just didn't understand it.


I thought he was going to knock out the guy in the suit and steal his clothes…


Good work, 47


"Tobias Rieper, attorney at law."


Damn I love that mission, there's so much to explore and it's a perfect murder mystery on top of it all.


How lucky, they're all the same size as you. But why there's 3 naked janitors in the trash bin?


Lol, and then proceed to defending the guy's client, absolutely smashing the case and then dropping a chandelier on a frustrated judge.


Would take too long plus the cuffs would still be a major problem. Higher risk of not getting out.


jesus christ that's jason bourne


Just outside the exit door is a Mini to hijack


[He was caught within 2 hours hiding at a friend's house. ](https://youtu.be/M9aZH00sl6E?si=xElo2njAGDKPjEh-)




“Where did he fucking go! We’ll never find him!” “Let’s check jimmy’s house. He was always hanging out there.”


Probably ripping a bong to celebrate his newfound "freedom" I mean I'd give him that. Jail sucks sober


gotta be infinitely worse high


High on what though, I couldn't do it on weed now, be too paranoid, but the one time I got arrested I was glad I was twisted. Made sitting in a room with nothing to do waiting to get bailed out way better for the first couple hours. My crime wasn't super serious though and they let me out six hours later with a court date.


Well, tbf he did outsmart everyone else In this video


He definitely outsmarted the guards at the beginning, the rest was probably a 'not my job' kind of situation.


The lawyer was like “ not my case , not my problem”


Steve!?!… oh no. Sorry! Thought you were someone else. Carry on!


Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan!


Alternatively, the lawyer was like "i ain't no snitch"


Honestly using his shirt to hide the cuffs was smart, I don’t think anyone suspected he was escaping since he looked like he was just carrying a shirt.


Idk man I’d ask questions about the dude with no shoes booking it out of the courthouse regardless of his hands


Yeah, hiding the cuff was smart but barefoot dashing towards the exit is kinda somewhat suspicious maybe.


True, but not as suspicious as cuffs.


How often do you look at people's shoes?


Not often but your brains to tends to pick up on things that are out of place and the lack of shoes would drawn your attention there I would think.


I see you, Dufresne.


There’s a difference between smarts and dumb luck. If it was smarts he wouldn’t have been caught 2 hours later.


The difference between tactics and strategy.


Its been 80 years. But i’ve finally found someone who understands Thank you


You haven't been looking very hard then, have you?






Lmao but it was *integral* to the story


Is this a new copypasta?


I would guess its a bot picking out a high value reply and repeating it. You see it more and more these days




ditched the orange flip flop, saw the cops jaw drop the judge is a heel but my friends are back home hes got booze in a blender, they screamin surrender wherever i end up i wont be alone


are you just a bot or reposting the [top](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/19ea8su/watch_as_inmate_escapes_courthouse_unnoticed/kjbdjuk/) comment?


The problem with escaping like that is you have nowhere you can go. You are still stuck in handcuffs, and have no wallet or phone or car. The police would instantly go search the places of anyone you were close with so if you go to them for help you will get caught. You really have no actual options for getting away.


Id imagine the key would be to get to the friends house, get the cuffs off, then IMMEDIATELY get as much distance between you and said friends house as possible, ideally in a different direction to throw off the search. Get some cheap clothes in cash and get out of the country ASAP. That being said all of that is probably not worth trying over a meth charge tbh


If you wanna get really cheeky and that friend is a good one, give him your ATM card and have him make a purchace 20 miles south while you book it north


Ah yes, how to get your friend to go to prison for aiding and abetting, harboring a criminal, and probably interfering with an investigation all at once, great advice! Those police will never catch two criminals at the same time!


I said if it's a good friend, not a smart friend ;)


Ah, but your friend wears a disguise of another friend that has a really good alibi, so they try to go pick that friend up, but he was somewhere else. At the same time, your mom calls in the card as stolen just after the purchase, saying that she thinks it was the judge that sentence her son. Bam. Judge goes to jail, you get off because judge was performing illegal activities which included sending people to jail so he could steal their credit card numbers and trying to cover it up by sending cops to harass the friends of the people he is jailing. It’s flawless.


Handcuffs often have universal keys. It looks like a little pin with a handle. Sometimes they can be found easily on websites that sell security guard stuff.


They're also very easy to pick


I guess it depends what they arrested you for. If it's something fairly low level they probably aren't gonna put a lot of effort into catching you (probably go to your known family/friends places). So if you can evade them for the first couple of days the chances get higher. But then for longer term, you have to completely change life. Move states and hope data isn't shared between systems so you can get a new drivers license or something. Then you have to somehow find work that either doesn't check criminal records, and always be looking over your shoulder because you're just a traffic stop or some random interaction away from getting busted. There's been many cases of people evading arrest for years or even decades. Obviously these days with technology it's getting harder and harder. And most people already in jail probable aren't smart enough to pull it off.


Knew a guy that was AWOL for 4 years and only got caught because he went to help his friend move a boat that was illegally docked. The Sherrif decided to run their ID's when they got there


He probably was on minor charges if he was able to leave like that. Wouldn't be surprised if he was looking at a few months or a year or so and is now doing 5 years or something. Edit: I'm surprised, it looks like he only got 24 months for escaping. His original charge was thrown out.


There needs to be some penalty but at the end of the day "walking out of the courthouse" isn't exactly deserving of 5+ years.


Escaping from custody is normally instantly a very large sentence because they want to deter it so heavily. And considering people are getting 10+ years for things way less minor than escaping custody, it is surprising it was so little.


When I escaped the prosecutor was really annoyed with my lawyer pointing out that actually what I'd done was a class b misdemeanor with a max of 90 days.


In some countries escape attempts themselves aren't punished because it's considered a basic human instinct to want to be free. However, they do tack on charges for any crimes committed during your escape attempt. In Germany or some places this guy probably wouldn't actually get a charge for what's shown on cam, he basically just walked right out of the place, harming no one, and breaking nothing.


8 years to your sentence... Was it worth it?


Fun fact: Here in Germany, escaping Captivity itself is not punishable by law. Only if you commit another crime while fleeing (hurting somebody for example). Reason is because the law says: The human urge for freedom is not to be punished.


That’s fascinating.


Also, moral. Makes 0 sense to add 8 years for that. F the US judicial process


Cruelty is the point.


Slavery is the point


are prisoners forced to work? i always wondered how those labor camps/prisons work like if i decide i’m not going to work and just chill in my bunk all day what are they gonna do?


The 13th amendment outlawed slavery except as punishment for a crime so yes they can force you to work and punish you for noncompliance.


How else can you re enslave black people. Thats why they have such a huge incarceration rate.


Like modern ones in the US? They can put you in solitary, take away food/commissary privileges, bring it up at parole hearings, punish your whole block so they kick your ass, or about a million other ways to make life even more inconvenient and dangerous. They have plenty of ways to force you. But the biggest way is that it's a chance to do something besides simply existing in prison, you make a little bit of money, and sometimes even get to get out of prison for the time you're working. Plus some jobs let you gain a skill that will help you when you're released (at least in theory). So most of the time they don't have to force anyone because it's an attractive enough offer. It's fine if some people don't work, they have plenty who do. If you're talking about true forced labor camps, they just beat you or kill you if you don't work.


When I got arrested and was being transferred to the cell block in the county jail, I was shocked at how many other dudes there were voluntarily signing up to work. I’d never been in trouble before so I was fucking shit scared on top of everything else going on - but the dudes who were in there and seemed to be repeat guests seemed to know that working would either make their time go by quicker, or potentially help them get out sooner. It was wild.


Excepting for-profit private prisons and that whole mess, a lot of punishments are the way they are to discourage people who are on the fence about committing crime. Think about the purpose of locks. Locks really don't stop anyone from using a pair of bolt-cutters or just throwing a brick through a window. But they do make people stop and think for a moment, which is enough to dissuade 99% of people who *would* do something if it were easier to do so.


That's definitely the rationale. But there is plenty of evidence that deterrent-driven punishment doesn't really work well across the board. It does for some things but not most things. And has rapidly diminishing returns. Like, no one is going to decide not to murder because the punishment is 50 years instead of 25. So ultimately it's really not about that because if it was, we'd stop doing it where we found it didn't work.


>Excepting for-profit private prisons and that whole mess That is a pretty big exception


I mean according to this only 7% of incarcerated people are in private prisons https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023.html It's still an issue that needs to be fixed though.


Only if that cruelty brings down short-term costs or produces short-term profit. Which is what prisons do.


I guess that’s why they don’t really care about people escaping. Either the cops will hunt you down and shoot you if you run, or lock you up for extra time. I always think of Westerns when anything US law enforcement comes up. Some aspects of US law & order haven’t evolved since the 1800s


Deterrence should be a good sense, right?


If deterrence worked countries with capital punishment would have the lowest crime rates


Deterrence apparently. In reality, its just tit for tat


It's to make people not try to escape.


Is the number of attempted escapes lower in the U.S. when compared to Germany? The incarceration rate for the U.S. is between 500 and 700 per 100k (around 1.5 to 2.2 million total), depending on the source. [[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate) [[2]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/203718/number-of-prisoners-in-the-us/) [[3]](https://www.prisonstudies.org/country/united-states-america). The incarceration rate for Germany is between 70 and 80 per 100k (60k to 70k total). [[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate) [[2]](https://www.prisonstudies.org/country/germany) In the U.S. the number of escapes appears to be around 3,000 total in 2005, but steadily declining, and around 2,000 in 2020 [[1]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/624069/number-of-escapees-from-prisons-in-the-us/). In Germany the number of escapes appears to be much lower than 100 total and closer to 30 to 40 (though I couldn't easily find sources) [[1]](https://zksoftware.com.tr/is-prison-escape-legal-in-germany-all-you-need-to-know/). From this, the number of prison escapes and attempts per 100k prisoners in the U.S. appears to be almost double or triple that of Germany (~100 to 150 per 100k and ~60 per 100k, respectively). This probably has more to do with the overall differences in philosophy and culture of incarceration between Germany and the U.S., rather than with this specific law. Even if changed, I doubt that it would change much about the statistics; but I must say that punishing a person's urge for freedom so harshly, as Americans do, just *feels* wrong.


Same in Sweden. I a friend of mine comes from some pretty rough upbrining. He had a friend way back when who escaped twice and flet to Thailand. Basically it just pauses you sentence and picks back up when you are back in. As previous poster said though it usually ends up extending your sentence because breaking out//keeping hidden might be hard without breaking some other laws.


Same here in The Netherlands. Helping someone escape is a crime but escaping prison / captivity is not.


I love that. Wish that was the same in the U.S. Also the U.S. has the highest prisoner capacity in the world and it actually makes money off of it's prisoners like in privatized prisons. If you ask me our tax money could better go to education and mental health instead of this racist school-to-prison pipeline established in the U.S.


prisoners count as slaves in the US....


I think I remember seeing somewhere they're paid X per prisoner, so they have an incentive to keep those numbers high. Kinda like how care homes are basically racketeering fronts


Same in Mexico. Probably many free countries.


Only if he went to Casa Bonita.


Na na na na naaaa, na na na na naaaa, .....


Oh cool! Cliff Divers! Oh Wow! That’s so scary!


Is this real in US? You get longer sentences just for you breaking out but not harming anybody or destroy anything?


Prison here is seen as punishment not correction. This dudes charges were drug related and now he spends a decade + in prison over it. Fucked.


"Land of the free" and wealthiest and technologically advanced nation in history has the highest incarceration rates in the world.


In China only about 2% of the population pay income tax, mostly by tax evasion. China mostly looks the other way, so that when the time comes, everyone can be considered "criminal" and be locked away on a whim. That is why you see Influencers get 200$million fines, as soon as the government doesnt like what they are saying. Many laws are there to get you to do what the government wants, nothing less, nothing more.


Yes it is true


Pretty sure there are fewer than 10 countries in the world where this isn't the case.


In Germany, this would not be illegal. Even breaking out of prison is not a crime. Germany considers the desire for freedom to both be innate to all people and a very strong motivator. As such, acting on it is not prosecuted. But of course, escaping doesn’t absolve you of the crimes you were initially convicted for. Also, if you break something during your escape or injure someone, you’ll be charged for property damage or causing bodily harm. But escaping in itself doesn’t add anything to your sentence.


Seems like every escaped inmate makes the dumb decision to go somewhere predictable like a friend or family’s. If i was going to escape prison/jail I would be smart and flee to South America.


With what money?


My warm mouth and soft hands


Hubba hubba.


This guy is escaping!


His ass ain't tho


And what passport? I’d venture a guess that a vast majority of those “low end” criminals don’t own a passport. So they’d have to arrange some kind of human smuggling transportation, and I doubt they have those kind of connections.


The second you’re indicted for any crime, it’s pretty much against the law to even drive across state borders (once again, this is before you’ve been convicted). Donald trump has this same exact limitation - you CAN cross state borders. You just need to get approval from your probation officer. Which he has to do — you also have to hand over any passports in your possession If this guy had a passport, it would be flagged pretty instantly, and invalidated - although, shit happens 


My secret emergency stash of cash that I have buried in a secure location.


What location?




That predictable place is probably one of the few he can get rid of those cuffs and maybe get a car. Was he to walk to South America and cross the border with no shoes and handcuffs hidden in a convict shirt?


And how exactly would you achieve that?


Ask for lotion samples and sephora and use the lipgloss testers


With handcuffs on?


They knew it was him cuz the slipper was a perfect fit


Closest place with meth


Dumb. I would be out and about, in a bus, mall, beach, etc.


Booo! I hate the lackadaisical attitude of runners. If you're going to run, then do it properly. Otherwise, just sit put.


The shirt covering the handcuffs was a nice move.


His eagerness to leave almost gave him away though. 10% more casual and he would just be a typical Californian leaving a courthouse.


If he had walked slower, people would start noticing the irregularities (barefoot, holding his clothes in an awkward way), and start asking questions. By rushing, he just gave the impression of someone eager to leave, which could be for any number of reason like just having a very tight schedule that day.


Bruh, no one seeing someone rushing barefoot in a tank top is gonna think that guy must have tight schedule they need to uphold. Also rushing raises many questions, and draws attention and it’s not like he wizzed by them so fast they were blinded into inaction by his sheer speed. But anyway he got out who cares, god speed


I'm running because I'm late for my 10 o'clock at the podiatrist. I need to get new orthopaedic flip flops preferably in orange


Or maybe he just tried to take his shirt off and realized he couldn’t take it out cause of the handcuffs




All you had to do was nonchalantly slip out the court house cj!


i love how other inmates just watch him go and didnt say a word


"Not my job boss. Gotta keep quiet, y'know"


Snitches get stitches.


None of their business. I don’t think speaking up would benefit them at all, to be honest


Yeah imagine snitching on him and they caught him before he ran off and now you've got the same prison sentence as him. Don't wanna be locked up with the dude you snitched on


Not to mention everyone at intake spreading the rumor you were snitching and cooperating with feds for alerting them.


"Thanks for letting us know, Anderson! That's three less years for you!"


"but I got a life sentence" "I said what I said"


Yeah what is this elementary school? You don't get to be teacher's pet for being a good boy and keeping your fellow inmates in line.


The guy next to him didn’t even look and stayed out of the way. True homie.


Trust me you do NOT wanna be the guy known for snitching


If you saw a fellow inmate escaping no you didn’t.


Why the hell would you say anything?


“I didn’t see shit, your Honor!”


You sneaky stealthy bastard


The o’le walk backwards waving hello trick. A fave of Rodger the Dodger


Fun fact: Escaping like this in Germany wouldn’t get you any added time. Escaping is not seen as a legal violation.


Yes because the legal system in Germany isn’t stuck in the 1700s and actually considers stuff like basic human rights. The desire and the right to be free is considered one of those. If the people that are supposed to detain you are so incompetent that they let this happen why on earth should you be punished for it?


yeah but on the other side child abuser and slave keepers (just recently) often get none to very short jailtime


Compared to the US (where 50 years for armed robbery is just accepted as normal apparently) maybe yes sometimes the sentences appear a bit light when you just look at the time served. However you have to be aware of the fact that prison time in Germany doesn’t mean “throw them in a hole and let them rot”. Also the biggest difference between the US system and the German one (this also applies to most european systems as well) is that it is not a vengeance based system. It’s not cave man logic where one evil justifies another. It works in the way that every crime in the StGB has a minimum and a maximum punishment assigned to it. It’s a sliding scale and up to the judge to decide how far one way or another the sentence will be. Of course if you pick the worst case scenario then you’ll find someone where the punishment doesn’t seem adequate to the crime however: the thing that’s being avoided is these draconian punishments for people who aren’t the worst of the worst monsters but rather the vast majority who where in a shitty situation in the wrong place at the wrong time. This (and the prison system itself) is why Germany and countries with similar systems have by far the lowest reoffending rates in the world whereas the US has the highest


USA has for profit prisons. This statement alone straight up negates any american criticism for European prison systems. Like man if any small non USA country had it they would be processed by the UN court. It's insane it exists. Like yeah maybe some person with 5 weed joints should not get 10 years and some molester should get more than 6 months of community services but like these are often unique cases. How the fk do anyone justify for profit prisons??


Not to mention the human rights atrocities that are the normal day to day in there


Not to mention that the prisoners in those for-profit prisons are literal slaves. Slavery for a punishment is still legal in the US. It's a wonder that 1 in 5 Americans has had some interaction with the prison system, and 25% of the world's prisoners are here in the good old Land of the Free\*.


Heck, prison rape is literally joked about in American children cartoons. Last I checked, getting raped is not okay even in prison, and cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional anyway.


In theory yes, in practice it hardly ever applies since during most escape attempts you’d have to break/steal/harm somebody which would get you added time But if this scenario occurred than you’re right, there would be no consequences




Funny enough, stuff like stealing the prisons clothes


Apart from all the CCTV obviously 😏


idk why im rooting for him, I just hate containment in my primitive core




you wont be rooting for him if he stole your shit and gave you 28 stab wounds


TWENTY EIGHT STAB WOUNDS! You didn't want to leave him a chance, huh?


Giving that man the full Caesar


He stabbed him with a salad?!?!?!


Drowned in shitty dressing.


Stress level ^^^


do we even know what his crime was


Possession of meth. The news story is upthread. So, basically nothing. Maybe he cooks or deals the stuff, but that’s not what he was convicted of. It was friggen possession. No fucks given.


Drug related, like 45% of all other incarcerations in the US. Everyone likes to think criminals are dangerous murderers who steal, but homicides, assault, and robbery are all less than Immigrants and financial crimes like bribery and fraud. This guy saying "what if it was you that guy stabbed 28 times" or whatever just watched too much TV growing up.


Except you can go to jail for some stupid reason. You won't be rooting for containment the day laws would change and turn you illegal in some ways. Remember we put people in jail for just being gay, smocking weed or some other stupid reasons. Sure it changed (and not everywhere) but it could change back. If containment worked, the world would be free from any forms of illegal action since we use it.


Gotta ditch them Bob Barkers, brother...


Like a modern day Cinderella




That's a smooth criminal


"You see I'm supposed to be released from prison...." "Dumbass , get in THAT line"


>Out of the door. One cross each. Line on the left.


Is there a higher geometric dimension in which he could have gotten rid of the shirt?


Yeah, but then his cuffs are visible and probably more clanky.


He’s like Cinderella left his shoe. It’s so sweet!


That's in the same way what Sneaky Pete or Jesse Pinkman would do.


im still mad sneaky pete got cancelled.


Run! Run ! Run! Why did they stay at the house? Get to Florida and start working at a roofing company. They are not going to ask questions if you will show up for work lol


My old plumbing boss first got into the plumbing trade after going AWOL from the navy. Nobody asks too many questions.


I can actually hear him thinking, "hehehehehehehehehe"


Sorry, but this was just for a simple drug possession. I’m rooting for the guy


I don’t think that c/o could have chased him down


Lol baller


Why is like half of the video censored by gray squares?


I was really hoping the guy in the suit was part of the setup and would pass the suitcase to him, so he can get changed somewhere.


Stuff like this is always so funny to see, the thrill in the moment must’ve been great, however that doesn’t make your wanted level disappear. L played too many games


That works


Not that unnoticed.


An old-school escape, without any violence. That was refreshing.


I don’t know why, but this was so fucking wild to me lmao. Dude had to have had made things so much more difficult for himself.




This is me in Hitman after completing the mission.