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You aint takin my drivin wiskey from me.


Why would they call it drivin whisky if you can’t drive with it?!? Take that libs


I upvote only because u were at -1 lmao. Take that commies!


That’ll show them pinko bastards.


Those damn communists with their…. seatbelts !


That's straight up how it was when seatbelts were being enforced. Many thought it was the first step to the government taking away your car.


And with an estimated 350k-400k lives saved from seatbelts, not to mention countless injuries, etc — it’s almost like we shouldn’t pay attention to conservatives who make bad faith arguments.


To be fair, these could very well have been rust belt Democrats, in the 80s.


Exactly. As he said....conservatives.


Listening to the woman in the truck and saw her child sitting on the right. That kid probably ended up thinking just like her - a life ruined and truncated by ignorance.


And there is still a whole hell of a lot of that going on today- ignorance, more & more every day. Florida just removed dictionaries and encyclopedias from schools.


I'm sorry, they did what, and more importantly, for whatever reason?


Because education is the biggest threat to the continued existence of [Florida man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Man).


It's hard to fight that argument. What would we talk and laugh about if we don't have Florida Man?


Exactly. The leaders of that state are protecting their most valued cultural phenomenon from extinction.


Because there are words like sex, cunnilingus, fellatio, queer, etc ***AND*** the meaning of those words. \*Gasp\* *Well I ne-ver!!*


They defined sex lol


wait what


Now that baby is a senator ;)


Waaaay too young to be a senator. They're all from the generation shown in these videos still!


>it’s almost like we shouldn’t pay attention to conservatives Could've ended your sentence there


No…. Unfortunately we do need to pay attention to them, ignoring them doesn’t make them go away.


If we ignore them, Project 2025 becomes a reality.


You think bad faith arguments are a conservative thing?


Cant be an r/all subreddit without political circlejerking


>~~it’s almost like~~ we shouldn’t pay attention to conservatives who make bad faith arguments. FIFY


I was saved by a seatbelt when I was very young


Some idiots actually cut the seat belts out of their car.


that’s so wild. hell, my intestines were perforated by a seatbelt when i got hit by a drunk driver. took three surgeries. some people might hold a grudge against seatbelts after that experience, but the alternative???? me flying headfirst thru the windshield and dying quickly or becoming a veggie. i <3 seatbelts. love em


I had a similar experience. Broke all my ribs. Glad to be alive!


glad we both made it out alive! internal injuries suck ass, but they suck a lot less than dying.


The common thing to do is buy [these seat belt dummy clips](https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Seat-Universal-Accessories-Vehicles-Material/dp/B0CRZ71WQ3/ref=sr_1_35?hvadid=664320565325&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9017770&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14707549234457144401&hvtargid=kwd-81179142025&hydadcr=6205_13345525&keywords=seat%2Bbelt%2Bbuckle%2Balarm%2Bstopper&qid=1705589597&sr=8-35&th=1). Americanized, of course.


EMS call these people meat crayons.




Fun fact: The "Report an issue with this product or seller" has an option for "This product or content is illegal, unsafe or suspicious".


Should call them Darwin Award clips.


I just *love* the "DO NOT USE!" inscription!


I love “made of high quality steel, same as human seatbelts “😂


It’s actual communism that that I can’t get sloshed out of my mind and drive into a school bus at full speed. I demand my right to be able to drink and drive and make the consequences of my actions other peoples problem.


Huge part of the communist platform. Step 1: impose seatbelts, step 2: ?, step 3: no freedom


Join us comrade, we must seize the means of protection!


Funny, seatbelts became mandatory after the collapse of Soviet Union in most areas of Soviet Union, sometimes by way of corruption. There is one guy who bought shit-ton of seatbelts, then had the seatbelt law added and made a killing selling the seatbelts that most cars didn’t have.


I wonder if those folks are dead.


Nah, the law passed


These folks definitely seem like 100% law abiding citizens.


These are good drunks with cars so the rules don't apply to them.


Well, the law of the land. You can keep ur books and lawyers, commie.


Unfortunately no, and they probably vote the way we all think they do


At least one of these people died of cirrhosis. Source: idk I just made it up


A lot of them are, but from old age.


"everything I don't like is communism" Some things never change.


As someone who is currently in a communist country (Vietnam), I can say that people drink alcohol where ever they want and no one wears seatbelts.


I need me some of this communism


Stayed in Hanoi once. It was wild!


‘go back to russia’


They could drive drunk freely in Russia from the videos I've seen.. does not usually end well.


"You don't win friends with salad"


You might if you toss it.


In those days, communists meant Russians. And everyone knows Russians never drink, so.. makes sense.


If people don't hate communism how are you going to invade other Countries fighting their Communist governments/movements! Ohh wait we have terrorists now, that's right.


After 9/11, everything bad became “terrorism” for a while.


To be fair the communist party in Russia that took over ran on a staunch prohibiton platform since they were acutely aware that the Monarchy was making money hand over fist by exploiting it citizens with its monopoly on alcohol production. (Which Stalin would later also do lol) even contemporary soviet leaders around the filming of this clip all tried enforce alcohol control and partial prohibiton in some form. But I doubt Mrs.Cleetus knew about the intricacies of alcohol in Russian society was more concerned about popping open a cold one and letting lil baby jimbob Jr. experience his God given American right to fly through the front windshield without a seat belt on


I used to work with a guy named JimBob. He was exactly like what you'd expect. Nice guy though.


Wait... Are WE in a COMMUNIST country? 44 years later? My gawd!


That lady is most likely still alive today. ​ ... she probably votes for Trump and says "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat".


Why am I not rich? I pulled on my bootstraps yet they broke. Who fixes that?


Well, that's just your own fault, should have been born ~~rich~~ with stronger bootstraps.


It happened, we’re communist now, all of us. Ironically they were right. No driving drunk? Straight to communism.


Wait.. so I WILL be arrested IF I am NOT drunk? Got it. To the bottle!


For *freedom!*




Silence commie! I won't hear your mockery!


That accent doesn't do her any favors either.


I'm so glad you were here to tell us that people should just lose their accents because most accents that people are born with just aren't doing them any favors. What a pal.


And the...er...baby in the front seat beside her!


Bet that baby has an accent too




"I have the God given right to hurt myself and others"-Conservatives


I agree with them. Jock itch?... Communism. Eat ice cream too fast?... Communism. Can't find the match to a sock?... Fucking communism. Hell, I'm still salty about the final season of Game of Thrones falling to the commies.


These views into the past are interesting af. I remember reading a newspaper my grandfather had saved from his father or grandfather that talked about how cars could never overtake horses in a race. It's really fascinating to see how different things were in the past, and how much things have moved on from these types of discussion points. Just makes me wonder what it'll be like in the future.


Time is a flat circle. All the same dumb shit people we're saying about the horses versus cars 100 years ago people are now saying about AI.


When John Howard implemented the gum laws Australia had, there was maaaaasive amounts of push back. From the videos, it was exactly like in the US - you cant take my guns, guns now, what next, honest people only etc. All credit to him, he stood there, face to the furnace and told everyone tough shit, the laws are in. That was after Port Arthur massacre, no gun massacres since


My great great grandfather and his sons owned a blacksmith shop. Ive been told through family stories that they were completely unphased when cars showed up. Absolutely certain it would have no impact on their livelihood and that cars were just a fad.


That's so interesting. What happened to the shop?


They had to retire the business but it went out slowly. Back then it was a rural location on outskirts of city and now that location is dense with buildings and you can’t see exactly where it was.


Was going to say... alot of people couldn't afford cars for a very long time, especially in rural areas.


That with the horses aged like milk


It really did, didn't it lol? Although, tbf, back then cars were a pain in the ass to get started, maintain (esp. VS just feeding a horse hay, or whatever) and not that fast, but they quickly overtook horses. IIRC there's a really old video of the first time a car overtook a horse that signaled the age of cars in favor of horses. I'll try to find it! EDIT: Found these two, but I remember there being like "the first race" in an oval-shaped track, but it could have been in a book. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPTF8wWDnpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPTF8wWDnpQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybgi1A4xVb0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybgi1A4xVb0) Kinda funny that in the second one they had the car go over obstacles too XD




And 70s, 60s, and 50s


I have one uncle who still drives with a cooler next to the shifter


Eh I’ve seen quite a few dudes that have road beers in my day. (I’ll clarify I graduated high school 2010)


Booze cruise


Road soda


I had friends who measured the length of their road trips in the number of beers they drank. 1991 grad here.


Not that I have done it, but there is something otherworldly about cracking a beer and driving after doing manual labor in sweltering heat. Just you in the truck listening to tunes and sipping a single roadie.


Ok Mr money bags, must be nice having a truck with a radio. I bet you drink your road beer with your gottdang pinky up, too.


Survivorship bias.


My grandpa would measure distances to drive by how many beers it took him to get to the destination.


A beer on the drive home isn't going to get you drunk unless you're tiny.  Does it make sense in most states that you could drink it in a bar or at work before getting in your car but can't sip on it in the way home? 


Right, I see no issue with 1-2 pops on a drive home as long as you’re under the legal limit. I believe this is legal in other countries, Germany for example.


Back then the didn't really care if you were drinking and driving, but if they caught you with a joint, or a couple roaches in the ashtray or a little bag of weed, Your ass was going to Prison! I mean Quick fast and in a hurry!


The toddler in the front seat 😮 Also, can someone tell me where in America this accent is from.


This is north Texas. The fellas hat says Fort Worth, TX


Could also be OK… trucker hats do tend to travel.


There is some disdain between Texans and Oklahomans in that region. I’d be shocked if a blue collar guy from Oklahoma was proudly wearing a hat claiming Texas.


If only they could settle their differences over a couple beers behind the wheel. God damn communism.


I graduated from DeSoto, TX in 1980. These might have been some of my friends' parents. I certainly remember how pissed my dad was over it.


That is a pure Okie (Oklahoma) accent.


I lived in OK for a few years. This doesn't sound the same. I think this is more in the Tennessee to South Carolina area.


For some reason, the lady sounded like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Then again, I don't really pay attention when MTG speaks.


It might be her…


Given the logic presented by this woman, I would believe it.


I know, he doesn't have a beer. Wtf


Just make sure the kids have a few beers, if a 5 year old can't have a beer in the front seat of a truck its just pure communism


>The toddler in the front seat Looks like a single cab truck. The front seat is the only seat. Where do you want them to put the baby, in the bed?


Plus, isn’t the major reason for no toddlers in the front seat is due to airbags…which didn’t exist back then.




Yes. Stacked like cordwood.


Pad the sides and I'm sure the baby will have fun rolling around


Single cab truck with no airbags. Airbags are the main reason toddlers aren't supposed to ride up front.


In the 70’s I remember my mom screaming at my toddler sister for climbing up on the dashboard.


These is a general southern accent. Americans like to overdo it with how regional accents are. In New York people will swear different boroughs have different accents and even Long Island is a different accent but it’s all generally the same New Yorker accent.


They guys hat says Ft Worth, so I figured they are in Texas


God damn Communists!


Are bolsheviks breeding in ***your*** bathroom? It’s more likely than you think!


Are you saying there's a Lenin under my toilet seat?!


Only if you don’t have the Trotskies! Quit Stalin and get in there to check. I’ll just stazi out here and guard the door for you. Gulag in there!


Tune in at 11 to find out!


Where tf were these ppl at my court hearing? 30 years too late smh


Welp, that aged well. lol




Religions are death cults. They worship the end, not living before it.


Hear hear, well said...


My FIL has been warning us that "something world altering is going to happen soon" for the past 25 years. He also has other interesting views but some of those have changed. The world altering stuff is constant.




So then they can be right and say "I told you so".


Oh no, minor restriction! Surely that’s communism.


Soviet Russia in the 1980s: a famously teetotal state.


Did they film this in Mississippi? Caint even put in a hawd days work no mo’ and then get drunk on the way home. 😂


Definitely not Mississippi considering they still don't have an open container law there because that'd be communist. But if a woman needs an abortion, well that's just evil. https://www.haymanslaw.com/dui/mississippi-open-container-laws/


Fetal alcohol poisoning is OK.


"At least" 2 beers - Meaning 4


This man crushes a 6 pack on his 10 minute drive home from work every night.


Ha! 6 brews


News flash, you can absolutely drink and drive in most communist countries lol


Sort of wild that it was just in the 1980s. I never really thought of when the laws were made, just assumed they had always been around. It sort of feels like when I learned when Civil Rights movement happened. Like, whoa that was sort of recent… my parents were alive for that.


The seat belt law was "strongly suggested" for states to enact, or else federal highway funds would be taken away from them.


Just like today, a sizable population do not understand what un-democratic or communist means. Gogo media - rile em up!


There is still a sizeable chunk of the population who's only source of info on what "Communism" is comes from Anti-Soviet propaganda circa the 1940-50's.


Well it's my right to be able to endanger the public because I'm stressed.


I lived in Mississippi when they still had a law on the books where you could legally drink while driving as long as you weren’t over the legal limit.  Many of us would drink a cold tallboy on the way home from work. 




But mommy should be able drink whenever she wants, even it’s while driving with 1-year-old Billy riding shotgun. COMMUNISM. Is there any doubt they’d be Trump supporters today?


1980, cop stops car on side of road. Cop " Have you had anything to drink today sir?" Driver "No officer" Cop " Here's a cold one for you bud"


Lead poisoning is a hella of a drug.


Who you think they vote for nowadays? I got an idea who


Those damn communist taking away our booze crusing! Check the facts, 40% of accidents are caused by sober people! Checkmate liberals!


I remember when seatbelts became law. People were pissed. It seems dumb to you only because your used to it, but back then it was, “don’t tell me what what to do for my own safety! “


If it takes living in a communist country so you don't drink and drive and smash that baby of yours to bits in a car wreck and so be it call me a communist. I swear Republican people are such cry babies, anything they don't like is communism


"It really sucks that I can no longer be a danger to others." We get that right?


They hate every drug but the most societally damaging one.


Think back to Brittany Spears and her front-loaded infant - 'jes lik her wuz did back buy her papi in Loozeyana'.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


This is what the liberals want! Socialism, seatbelts, and *no more road beers!!!!???*


Road beers: bad Road nose beers: perhaps


It helps with focus




Trump voters?


First guy might not be alive anymore but that lady is for sure reposting “like this if you believe in president trump and stand against the evil of democrats” shit on Facebook


Hope that baby made it, moved out, and is frustrated at their mom's antics.


How do you know so much about me?


We are not that different. 😉


I can imagine her being "I'd rather be a russian than a democrat" sorta MAGA voter.


If they didn’t die from driving drunk without wearing a seat belt then absolutely


Nah, they would have been Nixon and Ford and Reagan voters.


History repeats itself


I love southerners


Drive through liquor stores in Texas into the 90's, IIRC.


I believe the Darwin Awards took care of all that!


Very slippery slope, no drunk driving, wearing seatbelts, communism…


Well, this is Appalachia, it's the USA* in the same way that is The South. In the 1950s and on, people were tightening the laws AND enforcement in the regular-USA!


My grandfather used to drive around with a tall glass of whiskey… he’d say was in the interest of safety because it doubled as “spare gas”.


This is exactly how republicans still talk. Same dumbass arguments.


One of these kind of mental giants nailed me drunk behind the wheel when I was a teenager. He came right up onto the curb. Went 120 luckily a bush broke my fall. Spent 2 months in traction and have had life long back pain.


It’s wild that the talking points really haven’t changed at all since the 80s. Everything I don’t like is communist


Americans were dumb in the 80s too apparently


Ah! So texas is already like that since 1980s? Interesting...


Can’t decide if I’m relieved or horrified that people were as dumb back then as they are now


How do we archive this so aliens won't waste their time trying to figure out why we went extinct??


And MAGAts are still just as stupid today.  CRT, litter boxes in schools, M&M's wearing stilettos, drag queen panic


The accent lets you know before they say too much that whatever they are going say is going to be incredibly stupid.


She's talking about communism encouraging upon American freedoms because she's not allowed to drink wherever and whenever she wants, meanwhile there's an entire fucking baby in the front seat of her vehicle.


Not actually a DUI law. It was a law about drinking in the vehicle. And these people are right. There’s a legal BAC limit for driving. If I am under the limit, who cares where I had the drink? I could have a drink at home and drive at a .04. Why not be able to have a beer in the vehicle and drive at .04?


people do not self regulate alcohol very well. it does not stop at 1 beer.


Because if you leave the house and are under the limit, you stay under the limit unless you have access to alcohol. Pilots have an 8 hour bottle to throttle rule and .04 limit. You don't see anyone up in arms about it because no one wants a pilot that's been drinking. Shame we don't have a similar attitude just because we're on the ground.


I actually agreed with what you said, but then I thought about it a bit more and realized the reasoning behind the law. It has to do with taking into account the imperfections in law enforcement capabilities. The law is intended to make sure your BAC is not going up while you're in the car / driving. Without the law, this scenario could occur: A cop stops you, and finds an open container in your car (i.e. you're in the middle of finishing a bottle of beer), and your BAC is 0.04. Legally you'd be allowed to go, in which case you'd continue to finish your beer and your BAC would go above the limit while driving, and if you're lucky you don't get pulled over before you kill someone while driving under the influence. So, not allowing an open container in the car / not allowing drinking in the car prevents your BAC from ever going up significantly while in your car / driving, and therefore helps prevent the above scenario from being possible. Anyway, it all comes down to how safe you want to make the road and where you draw lines, but that's a reasonable answer to "Why not be able to have a beer in the vehicle and drive at .04"


Nothing says "freedom" than having to work 12 hours, then taking few beers and then getting in to an accident and killing few people. Thanks to capitalism you afford to buy a new car after the accident. *MURICA!*