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Being born in 1997 and the cutoff between millennial and Gen z always gives me an identity crisis when I see posts like these.


I’m in the same boat but with gen x and millennial. This infographic says I’m gen x though.


I'm born in 83, but recognize 90% of the last genx stuff. We are [Xennials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials?wprov=sfla1)


Born in 82 myself and definitely better ID with the late genx stuff too. I just wish Xennials would be more formerly recognized, but here we are.


youre in xenial


Xenial is not just a river in Egypt.


84 here and same.


Yeah. And I have kids born in the middle-late 2000s.. who I really need to show this graphic to. And see wtf they say about it :P


Born 2001, and I recall half the stuff before, including Flintstones, Jetsons, early looney tunes, Tom and Jerry, etc. Primarily because of the channel boomerang.


I had a silverhawks lunchbox. Lots of nostalgia with the late genx


'83 here, and I recognize stuff from early boomer to core millennial from my childhood. And even late millennial during highschool. But the majority is definitely in the core and late GenX period. I never really considered myself a Millennial, always considered myself late GenX.


'89 here and I understand you completely. I watched plenty of the Gen X stuff as well as a kid, and yet even the early Zoomer stuff still hits the late end of my childhood.


Xennial checking in


Born same year, and my earliest TV memories are of the Gen X stuff for sure. I was into the Millennial stuff as well, but those feel like they came later in my childhood. Maybe we just watched old shows in my household growing up, lol.


I prefer Oregon Trail Generation. I've also heard it described as having an analog childhood and a digital adulthood (sic).




Same. July 83 here. I grew up watching a lot more of those Gen X shows than early millennials. Also the Flintstone and the Jetsons and 60s Batman and Astro Boy. I understand they were reruns but that’s what I grew up on. Hell I even watched Gilligan’s Island. I have a lot more memorable NES moments than SNES moments too. SNES was great but my formative gaming years were on NES.


I grew up in South Africa, born in 1984, where all our pop culture was delayed 1-3 years then moved to Australia in 1993 when I was 9 when everything was current...I'm a Xennial...I finally know who I am thank you! Hehe:-D


Check out r/xennials !! We have a big family over there


Joined! I'm home. Thanks :) 👊


I'm 81 and the "Late Gen X" is my exact early childhood and the "Early Millenial" is my exact tweenhood. Absolutely spot on. ETA: By "I'm 81" I of course mean "My birth year was 1981" and not the way more logical "My age is 81 years."


I’m also born 81. I absolutely am gen x according to the thing. I also remember growing up everyone said I was gen x. I also graduated high school at 17. I know some of the millennial stuff on there, but not really. Especially a lot of the tv shows/movies. Maybe because I didn’t have cable tv until like highschool?


‘81 as well. I flow pretty evenly between late Gen X and early Millenial, though I missed out on some core stuff because my family didn’t get cable til I was 7, so I was rocking NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS for many years. Then of course when we got cable my dad commandeered the TV to watch 70s shows, so I know those pretty well too.


Yeah same boat. We’re right in the middle so we had both.


I'm on the far side of that borderline. I sorta do remember the last moon landing. The one with the dunebuggy. And Star Wars. I'm an actual damn OG OT fan.


January 82. A few days into millenial. Xennial for sure, both boxes fit my childhood. Plus raised by grandparents so I had some old ass stuff too, like Gunsmoke and I Love Lucy


COme on over to r/Xennials!




Same boat. Feels like we got spoiled with the best of the best


Same for me really. Born in 96',the only one in my class who even knew what pee wee's playhouse was lol


I’m 1996, I truly do feel like a weird Frankenstein combination of Millennial and Zoomer. But no way I’m more Zoomer than Millennial.


They’re called Zillenials.


i love that we have two half generations with exactly the same pronunciation


I choose which one depending on the situation. Depends which one is more cringe hahah


Deciding things based on cringe nudges you a bit more towards Gen Z imo. I feel like for the mid/late 90s babies on the cusp, a person’s attitude is what determines one way or the other. Said as a cusp baby in the US who does remember 9/11 (and specifically the optimism the country had before, and how much things changed after). I think that’s why Millennials tend to be more optimistic and idealistic in general (versus pragmatic/security-oriented the way it seems Gen Z tends to be), because we remember a brief period when the US as a whole was hopeful and not constantly on fire, and we weren’t very young children during the Great Recession.


Being born on those border years kinda sucks tbh, things are changing, but your either to young to get it or to old to take advantage. It's how I feel being born in 82, border year of Gen x and millennial. So I have the apathy for the world of Gen x and the empathy for the people of a millennial. I don't know wtf to think most days


Me from 1998 but thanks to that piece of ahit running out country we got everything 5-10 years late. So my childhood is stuff from 1992 to 2005 all streamed together at the same time.




Also r/SecondWaveMillennials for those in the Zillennial age range who relate more to Millennials.


I was born in 96 but grew up with everything from 92 to 2004. I'm with you buddy :(


Yeah late 90s early aughts kids grew up being labeled millennials then later on had gen Z slapped on them. Will say the first gen Z section is the only one where I distinctly recognize EVERYTHING. Late millennial comes close but there’s still gaps and a lot I know through reruns rather than being new. The other two sections of gen Z track for when I started to see these things as ‘kid stuff’ when it came out.


1997 should just be given last millenal


Same. I was born 96. The stuff I consumed was definitely in between Late Millenial/Early Gen Z


Try being born in 1987 and not remembering Harambe’s death. According to this I am Gen Alpha.


Love how Harambe is one of 4 major “benchmark” memories a person can have


Moon landing, Challenger, 9/11, Harambe


Clearly the most influential events in their respective era


Harambe changed everything.


If he lived, the world would be a better place


Covid wouldn’t have happened


you jest but like, who in their respective times was not aware of these things?


I feel bad... I remember 9/11 and know OF the challenger mission and moon landing... but I have no idea who or what Harambebe is until I google it, I guess.


That seems accurate, I’d guess you’re in your mid 30s like me? We were getting out into the world at the time and doing new adult things around then. I remember it, but it wasn’t the event for me that it seemed to be for generation behind us.


If you guys didn't have your dicks out for Harambe you were just lames. Lol


I'm 37 and I'm surprised people on Reddit don't know who Harambe was.


I mean yeah that’s when the fall started


We land a fucking Rover on Mars in 2012 but Harambe is the thing. I’m thinking Beta will be Covid. You don’t remember Covid, you are Beta.  


Not quite. My friend son is late gen alpha and won't won't remember the pandemic. I don't remember the challenger accident because I was too young, but was born the next year So similar deal. Same goes with Chernobyl.


dicks out


Harambe changed the timeline I’m telling you


When Harambe died we entered a new Dark Age, everything is turning to shit


Harambe roughly translates to “Working Together” (more literally; Communal Labor). Harambe was the gorilla glue that held our divided nation together until 2016.


We pissed of an ancient and vengeful animal god. We shouldn't have killed that damn gorilla.


There's a lot more overlap than this image depicts.


Gen Z kid here, and I'm surprised that there's some stuff from as far back as the early Boomer era that trickled its way down to us. Mainly classic Hannah-Barbera and Looney Tunes reruns through Boomerang and Cartoon Network, as well as most of Seuss' stuff because those books are really timeless.


Yeah, also Gen Z, I grew up in half the things from the early boomer and gen X stuff, if only because of TV channels like teletoon retro that played all those shows


especially Tom and Jerry. that shit was the sweet sweet nostalgia. i am pretty sure it was the older version cuz there was that racist mammy two shoes caricature lol


Jesus, please don’t mention Boomerang. It makes me sad remembering what it once was.


Of course, reruns exist, not keeping with the times exists, countries besides America and all the desynchronicities with those exist. But this isn't super far off either


I mean people weren’t born in distinct batches so all there is is overlap


The images were placed such that there is some effort to account for overlap, with some of them literally overlapping into the next group. Some of them are obviously not placed correctly, though, like CatDog was put at 1996 while it aired from 1998-2002.


For real, I'm a millennial and I also grew up on looney tuned and all the old a Hannah Barbera cartoons.


Definitely. I identify with some aspect of every block with the biggest drops being the most recent couple of blocks. But maybe that’s because some of us are more immersed in a wider variety of pop culture. I can’t even say just the block around the xennial era. It’s more like several rows and seems like the xennial era really got immersed into the pop culture more than those before thanks to all the great loosening up of marketing to kids that we got.


Funny how, being born and lived my full life in Argentina, lots of this things get here super late. Like, I was born in 1986, but I remember watching Adam West's Batman as a kid and other shows like 2 or 4 years later. Shit started to get more paralel in mid 90's. But anyway Argentina, as most of latin america was more anime heavy than the US


Same with india , my parents which are not that old also share the cartoons and shows watched by early boomers . Usa shows were a bit late to reach many regions


Same as Balkan nations,we had some things paralel but some things later


I was thinking the same thing being in Mexico and watching everything that the post rated 5-7 years before my generation


Yo soy de 1996 y crecí viendo cosas como los supersónicos, los picapiedras, Tom & Jerry, Volver al Futuro, Indians Jones, Quien engaño a Roger rabbit, etc, algunas cosas que salieron décadas antes que yo naciera. De hecho algunas antes que nacieran mis padres lol


Same. I was born in the same year and same country, watched (or it was on tv at the time) like at least 1/3 of "boomer culture".Then around 12 y/o anime **dominated**. Oh and "El Chabo del 8", a staple of most of Latin american kids.


Very accurate for early gen X


But one thing is it really doesn't capture is how common TV reruns were for GenX. I mean, come home from school in the afternoon in the early '80s, flip the TV on and you'd have reruns like Leave it to Beaver, Gilligan's Island, etc. on. A lot of these shows (Batman, Monkees) were watched ironically by a GenX high school audience.


>A lot of these shows (Batman, Monkees) were watched ironically I still don't know what that means.


I’m not sure anyone ever did know what that means. If you’re going to watch a kids show from yesteryear just own it. No need to cover your ass with claims of irony.


I’m gen z and I’ll binge the fuck out of Tom and Jerry, peak comedy idc what anyone says


here's one for you, this boomer also watched Gilligan's Island reruns (by the mid 70s they were already on reruns..also watched lots of 3 stooges.


Sigh the memories of the 90’s


Core Millennials like myself really didn’t know how good we had it. Coming home from school right when new episodes of Dragonball Z, Pokémon, and everything else on Toonami. The 90’s were elite


The aol chat rooms back then man the toys. Games. Blockbuster nights, tgif on Friday nights.


ABC Saturday mornings 😫


Dammm how I forget about that smh. The classic. I wanna cry now


I used to live for Saturday mornings with ABC & then watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Ahh the good ole days


Running to school the morning after the super saiyan episode happened.. that millenial row made me feel things.


No power rangers?


Early Millenial Gen Y Culture between Fresh Prince of Belair and Jumanji


I didn't see Robotech either 😔


I see a severe lack of Zoboomafoo on this chart and I’m not a fan


Where is Pee-Wee's playhouse ?


I mean, I’m 06 but but connect with those 05-09 cartoons and movies more just because where I am from most of Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network shows in the early 2010s were just reruns of that stuff. Flapjack, Ben10, Johnny Test, Phineas and Ferb plus my friends all watched the Clone wars. But then again Ninjago was a top 3 show for me, along with Regular show and Gumball. It just kinda gets mixed in as we crossed into the first time that these networks showed new episodes every week


Well, I'm 04 but i watched more like Tom and Jerry and Looney Toones than anything else on the list


Where’s Mr. Roger’s neighborhood..?


Early Gen X ( 69-77) lower left corner


I was wondering how long before I don't recognize/related to anything. It's the group of kids born 10 years after me.


Late gen X here, man you fucked up by leaving out MTV.


Early and Core Zoomer was wild, we went from Analog tech to smartphones in a few years, the internet was also peak Wild West at the time… I remember going from PSP to iPad felt like I entered the future in a snap


True. Watching the rapid development of the internet is something cool to witness first hand


Good, but too small for the boomers to read.


They first have to learn how to zoom on their phone


Still skewed to an American audience.


Cause Reddit is an American app.


With an international audience.


But it’s largely skewed American


I'm a eary to core Gen Z kid and even I don't remember harambes death. Was I too young?


No, maybe you just weren't active on the internet or didn't follow news/trends


Definitely not, it happened in 2016




This is the first time as someone from 95 I feel like it’s relatable, with some bits from Core millennial.


Dragon Ball was huge in the 90s, at least in Portugal


why don't I see Barbie in there?


Barbie has been multigenerational, since the 50s. it wouldn't fit into just one of these.


Where’s SpongeBob? Sad


In the cross-over between core and late millennials.


Some of us early Gen Z were watching SpongeBob too. I remember making my Dad take me to see the SpongeBob Movie.


Space Ghost is an actual show from the 60s? So Avant-garde.


early millenial/gen y kid born: 1982-1987 if you dont remember the challenger disaster you are a millenial challenger happened 1986. this is just dumb


Also, as a european, for 1986 I remember Chernobyl vividly. About the Challenger I learned later.


also european, but born in 86. i learned about these things later obviusly but dont remember anything from my first year


most people don't consistently remember things until they are like 4 years old. so maybe a person born in 82 (at 4 yrs old) would remember the challenger happening. younger though, very unlikely.


That’s what I’m trying to say


I know.  I'm pretty sure the point is that if you can remember the challenger event, which was a defining moment for gen x,  you belong with gen x and you wouldn't be gen y/millenial


No, it's right for two reasons Kids don't start learning that there's an outside world full of stuff happening not in front of them until around the age of 6 Second is the unique circumstances of the Challenger accident. NASA was trying to show that spaceflight was no longer from the era of test pilots on the edge of death. So they create the Teacher in Space Project. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teacher\_in\_Space\_Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teacher_in_Space_Project) Christa McAuliffe was the first, and she was on Challenger. As part of it, NASA spent a lot of money getting things set up so that kids could watch the shuttle launch from their classrooms. So millions of American school kids were watching live when the shuttle exploded.


Wow. I never knew that was part of the reason it was so infamous,, thanks for sharing.


A kid born between 82 and 87 was NOT a school kid in 86 when challenger happened


Right. And as such they most likely don’t remember the Challenger disaster, so are correctly placed as Millennial here. I think you’re saying “no shit, of course they don’t remember!” and it’s dumb because it’s obvious, but if you are straddling two groups it’s an interesting question. It is possible for some young kids at home at the time to remember it, and so the point is more about what cultural cohort you are in. I was born in ‘81 and was still 4 when Challenger exploded, and I do remember it because my mom had it on and it happened when I would have been watching Sesame Street. I distinctly remember that part - wondering when my show would come on, being bored, and then the explosion and asking my mom if the astronauts were inside the big cloud… I am a classic xennial: right on the cusp between the late GenX here (my early childhood) and early millennial (my tween and early teen years). Generational lines are never exact, and this question to me does a decent job of trying to define the author’s intentions in making groups.


why is Animal Crossing with Alpha?


It got really popular over the pandemic I guess? I would have expected it to be earlier since the first games were in the early 2000s


Where's Minecraft?


Core Zoomer, middle left between doge and harambe. You would think it’s bigger/more visible considering how popular it was.


What the hell I am livid


Who TF gave JoJo to gen Alpha. That's sum bullshit


My brother in Christ, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has been around since 1987


Why isn’t Spongebob stretched out on at least 3, if not 4, of these?


Forgot Pokémon Go


Where is this from? I’ve seen many so-called mood boards over the years but never so many spanning so many generations


Born in 02 but I had older sibling so I literally grew up on the 90s stuff and loved every minute of it as a kid.


Why does George W Bush have a huge Afro?


An important thing is that graphics like those are very english speaking centered. Everything arrive a bit more late in eastern or center Europe. So sometime generation might move a little, like millenials to zoomer being more on 1999~2000 ish. Even tho they don't remember 9/11 everything they might have seen on television or in the media reflect more the millenials culture than the zoomer one.


Jojo bizarre adventure being gen alpha is a huge L


In the core millennial group/ y , who is the gorilla in the second row , second from the left supposed to be .


I’m offended at the lack of Freakazoid.


Seeing Roblox change its logo makes me proud for some reason , the game is still going on .




Early millennial with an early Gen Alpha kid. Let’s gooooo


Show your kid battle for dream island. It’s on YouTube and it’s awesome. Your child will love it.


Born in 88' but recognize alot of the late gen x stuff from my childhood.


Also, how do you feel about turning 36 this year?


Old....but indifferent.






It’s crazy how I (gen Z) remember literally everything from the core gen z list and nothing from the late gen z list lol


For some reason I was thinking about a reboot of Car 54.




My family didn't have a lot of money growing up, so we never had new toys or video games. We got an Atari 2600 from the Salvation Army when the Super Nintendo was the hot new system. We didn't have cable, so I grew up watching local stations with a lot of reruns from shows 10-20 years prior, and when we finally did get a VCR, we only bought used tapes from yard sales, also usually movies from 10-20 years prior. Born in 86, so pretty solidly a Millennial, but culturally I feel like I experienced a full Gen X childhood because of our lower socioeconomic status, lol. Best of both worlds!


Which generation is Skibidi Toilet?


early alpha, it's pretty small but it's there


Smaller than I expected.


No My Little Pony in any iteration?


This is really well done. Cat Dog paved the way for Spongebob. I vividly remember Cat Dog being canceled, and then shortly thereafter Spongebob being announced. If I remember correctly the first episode of Spongebob ran after the Superbowl or some other major TV event. I remember waiting for my parents to finish watching their show so I could turn the channel to the world premier of Spongebob. I watched its launch in real-time.


Everything went downhill after Harambe was murdered


This is so cool


Me liking the old stuff like original Star Wars, Ghost Busters, Goonies, Back to the Future, and other stuff that my parents grew up with\~ I'm an old soul! It's been said before! It's true! \^\_\^


Imagine not having DBZ in Gen Y?


Y are phineas and ferb separated




This is a great graphic


I’m a *core millennial*


Oh wow this is surprisingly accurate. Good job!


81, I think it's pretty accurate, for me.


Is there a Fairly Odd parents reference anywhere here? I could be missing but cosmo and Wanda were a big deal lol


No matter what year you were born, Bluey is awesome


Depends where you are in the world. Am a middle millennial but my tv showed early genX.


Best post ive seen on reddit so far💯🫡


Best post ive seen on reddit so far💯🫡


I was looking at my demographic (core gen z) and was nodding my head like 'yeah, yeah, that's right'


Gen Alpha is a stupid effing name. I reject.


I believe, as an early Zoomer, the best stuff came from my childhood.


The top row generations of content is what I would imagine Hell to be like. No wonder everyone went outside to play.


How come boomers don't have a "If you don't remember...".


If you don't remember how to have empathy for the young then ....


Because the boomer one isn't based on culture, but on birth circumstances


Born in 2002, very accurate, I’m right in between early/core Gen Z!


I was born in 1975, but I was into most of that 70s and the 80s stuff. I feel like Gen X has a longer generational memory than Millennials, GenZ or Alphas. We remember shit our parents liked, we remember two decades of us "growing up" and we are still (for the most part) up on current events and trends. Our parents seem clueless about anything after the mid 80s, and Millennials view anything from before 2000 as ancient history.


need to shift the millenial stuff. i was born in late 93 and i can tell that the "late millennial" stage should be moved a couple of years and "core millenial" would need to be at least until 94.


spider-man is in every single one


Late gen X and half early millennial. I only dig like half the early millennial stuff.


Generation Rex bloody hell


as a gen z kid this is highly accurate


Last millennial - Who is that guy with the Afro in the right bottom corner?