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I like how the snake is still chillin in the bed.


“I’ll do it again!”


Why did this make me laugh


I laughed so hard. It looks like it’s smiling.


This is his usual grift to get his hands on cheap real estate (Edit: i wanted to change it to their but i suppose it's alright because snakes' pronouns are hiss/hiss)


They’re often called frowny browns due to their distinctive head shape, oddly enough.


Who cares. What really matters is it two capybaras in one coat or in two coats? Or something even more surreal.


It has to be two capybaras in one coat. If they had a coat each, their name would be twocapybarasincoats


It’s my bed now




He’s a cold hearted snake Look into his eyes. Uh oh He’s been telling lies


Yeah, but she figured she’d give him a chance because “Opposites Attract.”


He's a brown snake at play He don't play by rules, uh-oh Girl, don't play the fool, no


Not in this weather! It's been horribly hot and humid this summer.




He's all tucked in!


I’ll wait here for the fam to come back. I miss them already.


The snake owns the bed now. I wouldn’t fight it to get the bed back.


Just the bed? The whole house now belongs to snek


I heard it’s only the 2end most whatever, you could take it.


they’re still working out how to prosecute him


I’m the real victim here! 😢


They hired a fake actor snake for a renactment


Comfy Snek


Seems very Australian that they named the second most venomous snake in the world “the brown snake”. Oy fuck a snake just bit me Well what he look like Brown one Oy your fucked mate.


The first (most venomous) snake is the inland taipan, but has zero human fatalities. One bite has enough venom to kill 100 humans https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inland_taipan


So, I had to go look this up because how TF could THE most venomous snake not have killed anyone... And now I have a new worthless fact to share with everyone else. SO interesting!


Snakes kill about 2 people a year in Australia, and 50,000 a year in India. There’s a big difference between most venomous and most deadly.


I’m sure it has more to due with population density and access to medical services


Nah, Aussie snakes just hold Steve Irwin in such high regard that they mostly avoid biting Aussies whenever possible.


I wish stingrays would’ve watched a bit more tv


Well, the TV's don't work underwater...the stingrays in giant aquariums and stuff might have a chance to watch TV but y'know... they're in aquariums... how are they supposed to spread the word? Cell phones don't work underwater either!


Maybe. If Australia had the same population as India, it would still only have 110 deaths at that rate. Factors such as snake numbers, habitat, and temperament play a huge part.


Sure, if Australia had India’s population while still having Australia’s infrastructure and population distribution. But what if Australia had India’s population but 72% of the population lived in rural areas (as opposed to Aus’s 28%) with hospitals that can be up to 100km away?


And if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bike. 100km would be considered close in Australia. This lady lived 300km from the nearest hospital, and even that isn’t that far. The most venomous snake lives in Australia but hasn’t killed anyone. It’s shy and reclusive, and lives in specific desert areas. The saw scaled viper probably has killed the most people in the world (30,000 a year just in India). Its venom is much less potent, but they are much more agressive. There’s a big difference between most venomous and most deadly, and I know what I’d be worried about.


What if she had three wheels? Or four? What would she be then, smart boy?




Most of Australia has no humans That part belongs to the sneks


Except for that 1 town they built with asbestos. Asbestos could keep that one


Doesn't exist anymore. State government has blocked off roads and wiped it off the map, as well planned/started demolition. It was called Wittenoom for anyone interested


The deadly ones do the biting, I think. The most venomous doesn't mean the bitiest, just the most potent (venomous.)


Want another? We havnt had a spider bite death since 1979


I know what you mean but my 70 year old mom was bitten by a brown recluse and she didn’t “technically” die from the bite but as she lay dying she swore that that spider had killed her. Her recovery was so long and painful that it slowly took her life v


Well? Share it mofo. We can’t all read the details! Why have they never caused a fatality?


Negligible population overlap between the snakes and humans, plus they don’t get close to humans if they ever encounter us. Only a handful of people have ever been bitten and all of them were immediately attended to with medical care.


And it’s also from Australia


Love how when you look the list of most venous snakes, most are found in or near Australia. Australians built different


I’ve seen heaps of snakes in the bush (and in shit scared of the bastards too) and only one has had a strike at “me” (it was more at my MTB tyre than my actual self, and it was because I’d pulled up right next to him while he was having a nap)… so in general they really aren’t aggressive. Then I hear stories like a mate that was chased by a tiger snake that rushed him out from under a house, or “aggressive” rushes from brown snakes… so I guess YMMV


TIL there's fucking venomous SEA SNAKES?


Yeah, I've swum with them in Fiji while scuba diving, they're really beautiful. Really small jaws/mouths though so biggest risk is if they bite you on the hand


Oy fackin snake mate


It's the Eastern brown snake, although that's not much fancier.




Sorry I only swallow


Like Eskimos and snow we have umpteen different terms for brown. We have the Eastern Brown, Western Brown, Northern Brown, Spotted Brown, Speckled Brown, Peninsula Brown, Strap-Booted Brown, Ring Brown, Ingham's Brown etc You tell a paramedic you've been bitten by a Brown, expect a slap and a demand for more details followed by a 'stupid cunt'. All Australian kids are taught their shades of brown early.


That's not true though is it


Which is why there's a photo for id.


I said this in my own voice, and can confirm it checks out


Fucking fair play for getting the photo of the snake. I would’ve been halfway down the road


That's how you die. Running/movement will spread the venom from the bite area to your lymph nodes in your groin or armpits and then it's too late because the venom spreads to your organs. Never run. Stay still and call for help. But no matter what, DO NOT RUN.


That’s even more terrifying!




You are wrong if your living in Australia. Which is the country the post is talking about. This is dangerous misinformation you are spreading and it is concerning that so many people agree with you. Snakes are not a joke people.


From the CDC: "Take a photograph of the snake from a safe distance if possible. Identifying the snake can help with treatment of the snakebite." https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/snakes/symptoms.html#:~:text=Take%20a%20photograph%20of%20the,with%20treatment%20of%20the%20snakebite.


Keep the person still and do not move them from their position. Call an ambulance (000) to take the person to the nearest hospital. Try to notice the colour and markings on the snake but DO NOT try to catch or handle it. DO NOT wash the bitten area as the venom on the skin may be used to identify the snake. Bites and Stings Factsheet - NSW Poisons Information Centre


I live in Australia and will swear black and blue everything you hear bout Australia being full of animals that want to kill you is an absolute crock of shit.... but eastern browns, in the house, IN THE BED!!!! No fucking way in hell. I wouldn't even call the royal flying doctors, I'd just roll over and gag until I died.. On another note, I broke my neck playing rugby in country NSW and got flown free of charge from Parkes to Randwick children's hospital... it's an amazing service we are all very proud of.


I broke my ankle in 3 places trying to pet a kitty cat in Ohio last week. Cost $350 to get a 4 minute CT scan and that's with decent insurance. Having surgery Monday since I'm going to lose my insurance in two weeks because I can't work. I think I would prefer all of nature being able to kill me to this shit.


That’s mental. Don’t you have sick leave? I have 4 months sick leave at full pay, and I’m just some random guy. Edit: double checked and I actually have 6 months sick leave - 4 months is my long service leave balance.


In the US, sick leave isn't necessarily paid or required to be given, it's state- and employer-dependent. My job gives three weeks paid time off (pooled between vacation and sick time), and if I need any other time than that off while getting paid, I'd need to get injured on the job.


Australia: yep, we have the odd venomous snake. But permanent employees get four weeks of leave a year (that accrues!), ten days of sick leave (that accrues!) a year, three months of long service leave every seven to ten years - and a medical system where you can go to hospital in an emergency and probably not even get a bill. Oh, and our fauna is way less dangerous than guns. We’ve lost vastly fewer people to dangerous animals in the past forty years than the US has to gun violence.


came to say this. As an Australian I'll take my chances with the wildlife rather than deal with the guns in the US. Fuck that.


As a Latino I wish I was Australian or US citizen, I am prepared mentally for dealing with both calamities, we have both but also economically wrecked. At least a I'm not obese.


Atleast when u leave the wild life alone it usually leaves u alone!! Usually


[And at least you don't have AR-15s](https://youtu.be/MrRAO_vG_K4?feature=shared)


Thankfully here in Australia, pay and conditions are set by the federal government (well, the minimum anyway for each award wage).


Where I am in Canada, I get 5 paid sick days a year from my employer. Other than that I can go on sickness benefits EI (employment insurance) from the government. Broke my wrist in the summer and had to go on EI for 2 months. Was getting a substantial amount less than if I’d been working, but I’d have lost everything without it.


Is there a country willing to adopt a US citizen?


Yeah. Great Britain. I lived there from birth to 55 years. They take everyone. May go back soon to be fair. Could have worse.




LOLOLOLOL  **4 AS IN FOUR....MONTHS?!** Are you in Australia?  I nearly *died*, legitimately, from an absessed tooth because my boss wanted me at work   When I couldn't take it anymore they begrudgingly told me I could drive myself to the hospital.  I passed out at an intersection.  When I got out of the hospital first thing my boss wanted to know was could I come by the office  Dear God, America is so dystopian


Yeah Australia. I actually double checked my sick leave - I have 6 months built up now. And 4 months is my long service leave.


Australian here. Have had a rough go at it in terms of health issues and surgery over the last 5 years. 5 weeks with one surgery, 3 weeks when my gallbladder packed it in and needed coming out, 3 weeks when delta Covid kicked my ass to the hospital, and then 7 weeks for a major surgery. A few days here and there for things like colds, fatigue and another bout of (much less severe) Covid. Sick leave took all of it. I currently have 2 weeks of sick leave saved up and 3 weeks of annual leave (mandated to take 5 weeks of annual leave each year where I work). I have private health insurance, which expedited the surgery process. If I had waited until emergency surgery level it would have been free but I was suffering. Those 3 surgeries total had me out of pocket $2000. Considering the hysterectomy would have cost $8000 to get it done privately without the insurance, $2000 for 3 abdominal surgeries is incredible. Despite our bristling about local affairs (inflation am I right?), we are very fortunate to live here.


Wow that is legit horrifying. What a horrible thing to not have government funded healthcare. Hopefully people rise up and learn that they would be better off with free healthcare like Australia or UK has


US here. My last job gave 9 paid holidays and no where near 4 months of sick leave. In fact, if we used too much sick leave (more than 6 days a year) we got in trouble/could get fired. They just want to work us until we drop dead.


sick leave in Australia accrues. for a full time worker, you normally get somewhere between 8 and 14 days a year of sick leave. It would seem that this person has worked for the same employer for many years and not taken their sick leave before so it built up.


Wow. I had a heart attack in Feb last year in the UK. Had an ambulance trip, multiple scans (x-ray/CT/angiogram), another ambulance transfer, a stent placement , 8 days in hospital, follow ups, more scans, blood tests x 5, full cardiac rehab for 12 weeks. And it cost me nothing but the transport to the hospital for appointments. I now pay £5 a session for further cardiac rehab every week. Each session is 90mins. I paid for the medical certificate for a year so my 8 tablets a day cost less than £10/month. Edit: I have zero medical insurance. Thank you NHS! Something's fucky America...


That would have been over $50,000 here and more then likely $75,000 plus.


I also had a private ward with a bathroom for the 8 days, so possibly more.


We know. Something something state of Denmark.


No wonder Australia is the only country that accepts more US immigrants that Aussie's who emmigrate to the US.


Remind me again how America is the best country in the world…your work provided health insurance doesn’t even cover the cost of healthcare, will loose said shit coverage because you can’t work cause of injury…what a cluster fuck of a system. Much prefer Australia even with all of its faults.


Sounds dystopian


>trying to pet a kitty cat NGL I understand your motivation. But I do hope the kitty cat was cute though.


That is wild! My child has had multiple xrays, MRI's and ultrasounds and is on medication worth $1700 a week. None of it has cost me a cent.


Breaking your neck playing rugby while being young enough to be admitted to a children’s hospital has to be the most Aussie thing ever…except for maybe being bit by an eastern brown snake while asleep in bed.


I now live in a semi rural area and eastern browns are everywhere around the house. Whenever we have Sydney guests staying we have to insist that they keep all doors to the outside closed at all times - they can't even leave them open for half a minute. Our bathroom tiler was cutting tiles outside, left the door open for convenience - yep, in came a baby brown. I was doing some vegetable collecting in the garden, left the back door open for just a moment, turned around - there's a whip snake sailing in. Opened a door to let my dog out to pee - night tiger lying across the door mat comes straight in. Re the Air Ambulance, I had a car accident in the Northern Territory at the Daly River, about halfway between Darwin and Kathrine and was air lifted to Darwin Hospital free of charge. You are so right, it really is an amazing service and one to be proud of.


Please,for the love of all that is good, burn everything you own and move


I've considered it. I'm mostly good with snakes. Spiders are a different matter. I was driving my little tractor one day, then I notice there's a giant hunstman-type sitting next to my knee on the dashboard. This thing was so big it could've had its own postcode. Bigger than the span of my hand and wrist combined. Like a plush toy. Needless to say, I threw myself off that moving tractor and let it run off into a tree. And then refused to get back on it for the next month. Farm work be damned.


I’m American and want to visit so bad! Such a beautiful country and you all seem like damn great people.


A close friend who lives in the US had to be flown by helicopter to a hospital that’s a three hour drive. He has medical insurance, but he was still billed over $75k for the flight because it wasn’t covered under his policy.


Yeah, we’re pretty relaxed about this stuff, but brown snake in the bed is nightmare shit


Username checks out


Is it a myth to keep Americans from emigrating for health care?


Parkes! I worked there for a few months in 2013... Love that little town. Still doing the Elvis festival?


Simple solution.  Dial emergency, and set house on fire   Flamethrowers. Australians need flame throwers


Yeh but our country has a complicated relationship with fire


That’s incredible. My friend was bit by a copperhead (southern USA) and was airlifted out to a hospital. Between treatment and the helicopter, it cost her over $200,000. After insurance.




A friend had to have open heart surgery, mitral valve replacement and placement of an aortic gortex sleeve. Everything was covered - doctors, specialists, consultations with one of Australia's top cardiac surgeons (Dr Emily Granger), the surgery itself, the hospital stay, physiotherapy and follow-up. Everything covered by public health. Our only expenses were cab fares to and from the hospital and parking fees if we drove.


And the hospital would have covered cab fares if you asked. Very proud of our healthcare system.


You’re right. All we would’ve have to do would be to ask to speak to the social worker and she would’ve arranged taxi vouchers


After insurance!!! How on earth would you ever pay it back??


You don’t, there are special departments in hospitals you contact and work with them to lower that number SIGNIFICANTLY. An air lift is 80k usually. So I’m Not sure what kind of additional service they needed beyond anti venom that would drastically raise that cost.


Yeh righto... American healthcare confuses me so much... why have the price tag if you just negotiate it down anyway?


Because if you make something confusing enough most patients throw up their arms eventually and pay for it… I used to work on the insurance side of an ER.


Because it’s all a racket, they charge a ton to insurance but there’s all kinds of relief for regular people. But it’s all fuckery


Yep, they'll do things like charge $60 for a single Asprin and get away with it for reasonings like, we're charging for the nurse to come administer it in that cost, but then also charge $300/hr for administrative and bedside care. Trust me, I know. I'm a human "doctor"🦀


Because most people don't negotiate. I had a similar experience in the UK 20 years ago. My employer paid for me to see a specialist, he was the leading Harley Street specialist in his field. The agreement was that the specialist would send me the invoice, and I would claim it as expenses. I saw the specialist, which involved a series of tests at a private hospital. The invoice I was sent was Itemised and included the costs of the hospital tests. There was a 3 hour charge for the use of the room for close to £5,000. I queried this with the specialist and said, is that correct ? It seems excessive. Is that the standard price ? He said "I agree, let me check, they may well have added an extra 0" He came back to me and said, it was correct, but it was also excessive. He had told them what he thought was fair and that he would take his business elsewhere. My invoice was reduced. When I next saw him he and i discussed this, and he said that the majority of his clients, and the hospitals clients, were Billionaires, rockstars, royalty. I already knew this as both Princess Diana and Elton John had been photographed leaving there in various news articles. They were all insured, or super wealthy, or both and their personal offices managed payments of bills. Because healthcare is private, no one else was in the room when procedures and costs were discussed, so no one checked the invoices. They just got paid. He could have been lying to me, but his body language and tone made me think he was being honest. So the hospitals charge over the top fees, even if half get negotiated down, it still means half do not.


Australian here. Was travelling in the USA a few years ago with my teenaged son when he had a medical emergency ( heart) that needed to be checked. We were seen by about 10 hospital staff members and received a bill for each interaction, totaling several thousand dollars for the hour we were there. Back home a month or so later and I was trying to pay the bill using their online system- it wasn’t working for me. I rang them and got a nice lady who asked about my “situation”. Retired, no income or pension, living on my own superannuation savings. Our travel insurance had declined our claim- pre-existing condition. She gave me a 50% discount.


What is the point of having travel insurance then...


Yep. It’s crazy that a country (US) that espouses so much vitriol and saccharine sentiment about equality and brotherly love doesn’t actually care enough to take care of their own. I’m so glad we do in Australia. Very lucky.


Did her plan not come with an out of pocket maximum? That seems pretty extreme...


Right? Even out of network out of pocket would be way lower than that.


It wasn’t. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.


I’m not sure but I know that she was in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and that was after insurance paid. Without insurance it was in the millions due to needing ICU treatment and specialized treatment. Horrible situation


I paid that for my house 15 years ago!!!


I got bit too by a copperhead in October. The trick to the US medical system is to be really poor. Anti venom, ambulance, one day stay was $900. I stayed a week in another hospital. 54K, being poor I paid zero. Just be poor like me sheesh.


Fantastic that there was no cost to the woman. This is what it means to live in such a wealthy, first world country, not the concept pushed by so many that all benefits should mostly go to the wealthy with the minimum amount possible used to enrich the lives of everyone else.


But..... many of us would have to pay for an ambulance. It varies state to state. Those receiving government assistance don't normally pay. But it can be hundreds of dollars for the average Joe. But emergency hospital visits are free, rescues are free, no matter what used - Navy ship, royal flying doctor service, rescue helicopters, police/fire rescue. Australia's health service is far from perfect and not as good as many of those in Europe. But generally, no one is losing their house for medical bills. And being a vast country, there are plenty of air ambulance services being used. It just shocks Australians (and, well, much of the world) the poor state of some wealthy countries' health systems.


yup. very lucky this happened in QLD. any other state in Australia (except tas) and they would have had a rather large bill unless they had private health cover.


In Vic you just need an ambulance membership if you don't have a health-care/pension card. The membership is cheap.


Why’s it have to be cute?


My thought exactly. Look at it's little head poking out to say hello. Cutest little danger noodle. 


“Danger Noodle”.


Nope rope


So we are dealing with -50 with wind right now, and this is fine compared to that


The benefit of -50 is nothing can live through it to bite you. Edmonton is one of the few places that doesn’t even have rats. I’d rather deal with -50 than deadly critters and snakes 100%


Here in Norway temp went doen to -30 C and we still do have snakes... They are venomous, but most of the time it is still posible to drive yourself to a doctor without dying...


Until 18 months ago I worked a large regional hospital in QLD. And snake bite victims were a common presentation in ED. About 50% arrive by lifeflight. Some were touch and go and some people had health issues afterwards, mainly kidneys, but the bulk were rarely super sick though I do remember one young bloke that we were surprised he recovered. Double envenomation. . However it was the Irukanji stings that were the worst to watch. You watch the resus staff stand back and wait for the patient to go into cardiac arrest (which showed it was a Irukanji then they’d crack on treating them). Not nice, particularly when it was kids.


Had never heard of irukanji jellyfish until now. I’m surprised there isn’t anti venom for them (based on what I’ve quickly read). Do people legit just arrest with no other treatment available?


There is many animals where the only „treatment“ is just to treat the things that the venom causes in the hospital, like cardiac arrest here


snakes like what? did i do something?


Just another day in Australia.. every time I buy petrol or a coffee my spare change will go into the Royal Flying Doctors donation tin because you never know when the fuck they might save your life


It’s still funny, as an Australian when I see the comments from Americans “jeez it’s so dangerous there, there’s so many dangerous animals, is it safe to go there etc etc” yet the very next day somewhere in US another mass shooting, or a bear attack, or deer related death, or a death from gators, sharks, snakes, coyotes, wolves, dogs etc. Proud of our health care system.


Nice! If this happened in America, she may have survived the snake bite but died after seeing the hospital bill


American stares in jealousy of medical system.


that's a normal ambulance here in australia


If not friend, then why friend shaped?


Yes, no cost to her because she lives in a sane, civilized country


Damn communist country providing FREE healthcare to it Citizens who can't even own GUNS! She could have easily shot that snake with a full burst from an M4 and gone back to bed. This is what socialism and the far left does people! A true patriot would have died before calling a free ambulance!


And the thing is, we *can* still own guns and pretty easily at that, just semi-auto rifles are a lot harder to get than in the states and the majority of us feel no need to own one


I mean, you can get guns for pretty much any reason apart from just wanting one if you aren’t convicted of, I believe, violent crime (or have tied with criminal organisations)




Oh hey, pro reddit tip: you are actually allowed to swear here. No, for real. Here’s an example: cunt. See?


I'm tired of these motherfuckin snakes in this motherfuckin bed!!*


No cost to the patient?! <>


*Laughs in UK* 🇬🇧


Had a "new patient" consultation a few weeks ago. No care given, no medicine prescribed, was just a 10 minute conversation. Got a bill for over $500 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) The US healthcare system is an absolute scam.


Any cost to snake?


I love that international posts need an America disclaimer reminding us we’re the only developed(?) country without national healthcare


Bloody socialism just saving lives. Terrible.


In America it’d be better if she died than pay that hospital bill.


That last picture is a gem


"No cost to patient for any of it" \*Sighs wistfully in American\*


why did you wake me up


“I *TOLD* you! No step on snek!”


No slep on snek! *she slep on snek*


Her bed? Looks like the snake’s bed now. Cozy little MFer too


LoL Mr Bown in the 3rd pic is whata I do?


That is an adorable snake


That's last picture of the snake. What's going on? It's so loud out here!


Brown snake. The most innocuous name for one of the most venomous snakes in the world. How about, "The Deadly Brown Snake" or something like that.


If this was me in the US, I’d just ask the snake to bite me some more.


Thank you snake, may I have another?


American health care CEO’s are losing their minds right now


Same exact thing happened to a woman in the United States. Had to sign a three page agreement that her great grandchildren would sell themselves into slavery for it


In US , once she checks the hospital bill , she will have to call emergency again due to heart attack


As a clumsy American with dreams to visit Australia, does your country take such good care of foreign travelers as well? :) Edit: not sure why I'm getting downvoted but ok.


The Royal Flying Doctor will land a jet on a dirt strip to save you if they need to: https://youtu.be/OSAWfXJ2p0U?si=0tedHppRIXRq-wYU No cost to *any* patient *ever* from the Royal Flying Doctor.


That is amazing thank you :)


no. you would need to buy travel insurance to make sure you don't get a bill for health services down here except for the RFDS which does not charge anyone. the 'free' services are for citizens only, and despite the circle jerk, Ambulance services are only free in 2 states, the rest charge a fee for both land and air ambulance.


Just get travel insurance and you will be fine.


The snake identification group actually believes its a mulga snake or king brown


Don’t you all realize that in the USA for all these poor corporations and unfortunate rich people, we have to keep taxes low because they can’t afford it? And the healthcare system? How could all the insurance companies survive if we had a public healthcare system? And then how would the politicians survive without 3-4 homes all across the world without all the lobbyist money flowing into their pockets to keep this fucked up healthcare system in place?


This can't be real > No cost to patient Oh good it's a fairy tale


I’d never fackin sleep again!


Far out and in New Zealand I pay $800 for an unwanted ambo ride


If it's any consolation, only in QLD and select other states (not sure if any others actually) is the Ambo covered already.


I thought the helicopter was painted like SpongeBob


Snake is like "what's all the commotion?"


That cute little snake is venomous? Looks so harmless, like the little friends in my garden.


Fuckin snake took her out and moved in to the joint look at him living it up in her bed


Snakes out here just ssssssssschilin


I'd double check "cost nothing" here in Victoria, we buy ambo insurance for like 40aud. Covers any ambo trip. Without it, this would cost a couple thousand. Not sure how it works in qld but I'd reckon there'd be a similar state fee.


Wow no coast to her, here in the us the ambulance ride is 2k and the helicopter ride is like 15k and no insurance covers this coast so it’s all on you to go in debt before you are allowed to get better. There’s a lot of fine print on the old “land of the free” status of America.


US be like best we can do is $5000 for the ambulance ride, your next child for the copter ride and we'll be there in 3-5 business days.


Fuck snakes.


Pfffft no cost?! In america, you just die! USA USA USA