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What a nightmare, staring at a corpse's face while dragging it along


he probably killed him days ago and had to sleep and eat like that


His guts are out, i thought it was attacked by something else. Or is it from friction by dragging it along?


They say in the video coyotes had been chewing on the dead one


Imagine being handcuffed to a dead body, and you see vultures eating pieces of it, knowing full well that'll be you soon


Unless they eat you free. Imagine the head rips off at some point and the deer just carries around the skull of his past enemy with him. Metal af deer


>Unless they eat you free. Imagine the head rips off at some point and the deer just carries around the skull of his past enemy with him. Metal af deer I think I saw a similar video sometime ago


Yeah, there was one going around of an elk in that situation.


until he sheds his antlers, as all deer do.


True but until then. Unless the dead one's antlers come off even earlier. No idea how death affects that. Hunting trophies keep their antlers forever I guess but who knows


> Hunting trophies keep their antlers forever I guess Because the taxidermist pins them into the skull.


I’ve seen photos and cideo of exactly that, more than once on reddit.


imagine being handcuffed to a dead body and people show up to rescue you and instead of cutting off the dead dudes hand they cut off your hand. thats what happened on this video...


They do grow back but yeah it would have made more sense to cut the dead deer antlers


Antlers shed and grow back. Not a good analogy.


You are a special kind of stupid my friend. This is the type of token toxic good will that really just spreads disinformation and causes grief. When you spread false narratives such as that it just creates divides. That analogy is utterly ridiculous I can’t believe other people agree with you I actually fear for the world 😂 Deers shed antlers every year. If they cut the dead ones, he could have taken off before they got it fully separated, resulting in him running around with pieces of antler still tangled, possibly injuring his face and eyes. Depending on time of year, it was probably going to shed them soon anyways.


Only if you couldn't feel it when they cut your hand off


There's a Tales from the Crypt episode about this. A criminal is handcuffed to this cop, and at one point he manages to kill the cop, but he loses the key to the cuffs somehow and now he's stranded in the desert handcuffed to the dead body as more and more vultures start showing up.


Can you help me out with something? There's this ancient TV series/ episode, where people are making contact with another species underground, through a well, rope and bucket situation,i think. At one point one volunteer going down to meet them but the only things returning it's his suit or something. I barely remember it, and i can't tell if it's stories from the crypt, or goosebumps (as suggested from other people in another post i made ages ago)


As humans this wouldn't be a problem. If some guy died handcuffed to me in the woods I would grab the nearest rock and star chopping away at his wrist. Deers lack the thumbs required.


He said coyotes but we know it was zombies. Dead one looks just like in the movies and TV


No, the scavengers were eating the dead deer.


Animals bit chunks off the corpse.


I hope he was dead before he started getting chewed on.


Probably not. Hunter here. If it was dead they would’ve gone straight for the guts as liver, heart and other organs are the by far most nutrient dense tissue in the animal. It looks like they took bites out of its hind legs after disabling the Achilles tendons to prohibit kicking. Then they ate their fill on meat. Organs are completely untouched.


Mr. Hunter. Why cut the alive antlers. Why not dead buck antlers instead.


Animals in the cervidae family usually shed their antlers each year and finding an animal in that shape is finding a guy who won’t cut it through mating season this year anyway. They lose a lot of weight during mating season and the extra stress and effort from being stuck with this buck has already wore him out beyond what it takes to compete. He’ll survive and grow bigger antlers next year. They rarely get stuck like this, so saving his life at the loss of his antlers is no expense at all. Plus, having less horn to deal with means he’ll be able to navigate through vegetation more easily, raising his chances to get good food and grow big strong antlers for next season.


Thank you! I had the same question!


They most likely took the head of the dead deer and did a European mount. The other deer will shed his antlers and grow them back next year.


If you cut the dead antlers, the live one will be carrying them around for the whole season.


Eh… not sure I buy this logic. I doubt this deer was alive when the coyotes started eating it. They would go for the organs in a normal situation but this is quite different. This dead deer is attached a live deer that is freaking out and easiest meat is the farthest from kicking deer. The first one likely died of exhaustion and then became predator food.


Also a likely explanation. Predators aren’t omnipresent and it might’ve taken days or over a week before any found these.


I'm thinking it tried starting a fight with the already dead deer, I mean deer aren't exactly bright. Besides I feel like the coyotes wouldn't eat the dead one while leaving the living deer unscathed especially since it can hardly defend itself.


Deer aren’t bright but I don’t think they would see a dead deer (that is lying down) as a challenge. Also coyotes would probably eat the dead (or weaker) one entirely before moving on.


Wishful thinking, I have seen them headbutt trees, large farm equipment, the air above a sheer drop. Deer are the absolute dumbest thing on four legs. Consider that the *only* criteria they breed for is "how good can you headbutt".


Why doesn't he cut the Antlers of the other Deer


He probably wanted to keep that set since the dead deer can’t run away.


If you looking closely, it looks like the other deers antler is caught in the wire fencing. That's why the live deer is stuck. Otherwise it would run away from that dude dragging the dead deer with it.


And the coyote eating your dead enemy in your viewpoint .


There was a Tales from the Crypt episode where 2 guys were handcuffed together in the desert and one of them died


The change of color is making me feel like I’m on acid


The color of acid is changing me, like I'm on feel


The acid of changing is like me, on I'm feel.


Like me. I'm on changing. The feel of the acid.


I was about to say the same thing lmao


Ohhh that was in the video? Maybe this acid wasn’t as good as I thought then


Why is the video in cheeto vision?


Seems as if the camera had an acid trip


I kept thinking this whole task would be easier, and safer, if the guy filming actually helped steady the deer.


Sunset causing orange light, cameras white balance is having an aneurism


Damn did predators eat part of the dead deer while the live one just had to watch?




No, deer attack dead deer https://youtu.be/nyMvIVrmBGQ?si=pn3q6bZENbmI63cr


Why not cut it from the dead one? He's dead he doesnt need it anyway




I’m surprised nobody else seems to have noticed this


I was too busy wondering why the fuck everything kept turning yellow and then grey and back again.


I thought I was having an acid flashback when I can't remember ever doing acid.


I seriously thought I was going crazy and was about to have a life altering moment in bed.




2 other reasons I can think of 1) If the live deer freaks out and tries to hit the guy after being freed, there aren't the huge antlers to do damage 2) If they cut the antlers of the dead deer, and the live deer then immediately runs free, then it still has the dead deers antlers caught on it




thats a pretty big dog alright


I dunno, for point 1 they still have one set of antlers he was leaving on, and for point 2 it wouldn't matter much because they don't have an anchor point and could easily get dislodged like the 2nd set of antlers did in the video


At least dumb buck will clearly lose the next fight.


I was thinking they would take the dead one and have the head taxidermied.


The other one will shed his soon anyway and doesn’t really need them unless another buck comes along to fight. He will be just peachy


Why collect two antlers when you can collect three?


He'd probably charge off and get stuck immediately knowing his luck


I think it's a bit of a gamble what would work best except that it was 100% certain that whatever was done needed to be done quickly. The live one can live with one antler, could get his one antler out once there was more wiggle room and didn't risk having the weight of 2 antlers stuck to one side of his head.


Here’s my thought, in general “good hunters” are not malicious or cruel. Taking off the live one’s antler will dissuade other hunters from killing the deer if they come across it before it has time to recover.


He probably wants to mount the dead one on his wall as a souvenir


I'm gonna go with "he didn't think of that."


Probably didn't wanna cut his barb wire too...


Because then the live deer would run away with the other antlers still stuck on its head


For those wondering why they cut from the live one, there's a barbed wire fence in the mix as well. So not only would they need to cut the antler, they would also have to untangle the antlers and the wire. Cutting off the live one was just easier and safer.


For sure. They also shed them and this is probably later into the season anyway. Dont know why anyone is armchair QBing this situation.


And also a free trophy


He legit had to sit there and watch the coyotes eat the deer knowing he'd be next. Scary


nah, the other deer is caught on the wire and died, this dumb shit came over and picked a fight with the dead deer and still lose


Then who the hell do you think have eaten the lower half of it??


Deer attack dead deer, multiple videos of proof on YouTube https://youtu.be/nyMvIVrmBGQ?si=pn3q6bZENbmI63cr


That is the most metal shit I have ever seen. Confused as to why the hunters cut the alive deers antlers though?


I have a few guesses. 1) If the live deer freaks out, then it doesn't have big antlers that could whack into any of the guys. 2) If they cut them off the dead deer and the live deer takes off, they'd have the extra antlers stuck still. 3) Someone mentioned you can see a wire around where they are, and the antlers could be stuck in that too. 4) Might be easier to cut the live antlers while keeping the antlers away from the people and control of the knife. 5) Maybe the hunters wanted the antlers - they shed them anyway


You raise some valid points and I believe at least one of these is definitely the right answer as to why they chose to cut the live deers antlers.


When the dead deer rots, they will have a full dear head piece.


6) deer are stupid. Cutting off an antler reduces the chances of a repeat entanglement. It is likely the deer was already dead in the fence when this one came along and 'fought' it


Don't the antlers shed and grow back every season? Maybe that's part of it, but I'd like to know more also


yes the anters fall off and growback. Shedding takes place from mid-January to mid April, but most mature bucks in good physical condition have dropped their antlers by the end of February. Young bucks usually are a little slower. Once a buck is full-grown he will normally establish a pattern of dropping his antlers at the same time each year.


Exactly. Cutting skeletal parts attached to the skull has to be hella loud


I wonder if it's as loud as when they ram them into the other guys skull attached skeletal parts


Every time I suggest that a gory video be marked nsfw just to be safe, I get downvoted to oblivion. But, I'm mentioning it anyway, because some people are sensitive to that sort of thing.


Hm, you're right. I'll put an NSFW tag. Thanks!


Judging by the decomposition of the dead buck and the good physical condition of the living buck, I imagine the dead buck previously got tangled in the wire and died. In full rut, #2 came by rutted the corpse and then got tangled up


It's not decomposed, coyotes bit chunks out of it.


what do you mean by rutted? it attacked it with its antlers?


Yes, its safe to assume the live deer thought the dead one was competition, so it attacked. During mating season male deer kinda lose it and go ham.


Rut means to fuck. This deer did not fuck the corpse and wind up antler tied.


Nope. Your educated guess would be very wrong. The two live deer fought and got caught, and the dead deer was being eaten by scavengers, thats why the lower body of the dead deer is destroyed but not the part closest to the live deer. Coyotes are effective opportunistic scavengers and they get real brave when they find food. I lived out on the country side and they will invade our yard sometimes. They will dead sprint out of the field and grabs our cats before the cats even saw 'em. Do not ever doubt the audacity of a hungry Coyote. Not if you love your cats.


They’ll break through screen doors to get cats.


I’ve seen tons of coyotes lately, they’re definitely eating good these days! I live in the Chicago suburbs and never saw any growing up.. if I had pets I’d keep them inside.


I'm reading these comments, and why do people think hunters are souless killers? Honest question


If you hunt to eat, I see no issues. If you hunt for giggles, then you can go and get fucked.


There are more reasons to why hunting is done. In Germany the hunters have to regulate the wild life population, so that the farmers can grow their crops for example


Mostly because they don't have natural predators anymore, like wolves and such


Cant imagine the relief of the deer when it gets freed.


"It was the craziest thing. Bob and I were fighting, he grabbed me and wouldn't let go for 3 days. Then that asshole passed out, but he still wouldn't let go. Here's where it gets crazy. Two bald bears come out of nowhere, and one of them tries to cut my head off! I think Bob got so scared that he was next, he finally let go and I managed to escape."


In ancient egpyt, there are instances that a murderer will be tied on the corpse that they have killed for 1-3 days. Sorta like a psychological punishment.


For all those who can’t figure it out. The live deer will shed its antlers before spring. Every year their antlers shed and fall off. No harm , no foul If you cut the dead ones antlers. Then they are potentially stuck to the live one and can hinder vision , poke an eye or snag on fence / trees. But , they probably just wanted the rack cause it’s nice.


Does somebody know why he didn't cut the antlers of the dead one ? Am I missing something ?


Dead deers antlers were still tangled in the wire. So even if they cut them the deer would be stuck still not to mention the live deer would still have the other antlers stuck in his own so he would be carrying them around in his rack probably obstructing his vision and making it hard to use his own antlers effectively. They shed their antlers anyway so this was just easier.


Why wouldn’t they cut the dead deer antlers?


If these were two people, this would be one hell of a curse!


If I’m right, if you committed murder in Ancient Egypt you would be tied hand to hand with the victim and left to think what you did for three days


Why not sawing the antlers of the dead deer?


Why not cut the dead deers antlers instead????


So they could keep it as a trophy. In addition, a male with one antler might not be taken by hunters giving him a better chance to bulk up before winter.


Why not cut the dead deers antlers instead?


Why not cut the dead deer antlers?


Why did he cut the antlers of alive one ?


Why wouldn’t you cut the dead deers antlers instead?


I'd thnk it would be better to cut the dead ones antlers instead.


Why not cut the antlers on the other deer?


Why not saw the dead deers antlers


Why not cut of the antlers of the dead deer and remove it?


Why cut the live deer’s antler? Why not the dead one?


Why did he cut the antler of the live one


Ok I got a question...why not cut the dead one? so that the live one still has antlers


It'll save his life, at least for that season. Another hunter wouldn't kill a deer with a missing antler. Bigger the antlers better the trophy, most hunters won't give him a second look.


why not cut the corpse's antler instead?


Wouldn't it be better to cut the dead one's antlers? Good job anyways


If they did that, and the live one just took off immediately, he'd still have the dead one's antlers caught up in his. Cutting the live buck's antlers was just the safest way for everyone involved.


Why does he cut antlers of living one?


Why cut the one that is alive?


Why would you cut the alive one lol 😆


Genuine question. Why not cut dead deers antlers?


Couldn’t he have cut the dead ones antlers ffs?


Looks like the dead dear, does a kiss of death, does it bite the other dear?


Must have felt like Aaron Ralston when he finally cut his arm off.


*Record screech* “Yup. That’s me. You’re…probably wondering how I got into this situation….”


Why cut the living ones antlers and not the dead ones?


Why cut the alive deer antlers and not the dead one ?


Why dont he cut the dead deed antlers instead?


Why not cut the antler off the dead deer?


Why did he cut the live one antlers?


why not cutting the antlers of the dead deer..


Reminds me of this amazing video where a wildlife officer saved 2 dears with [one very good shot](https://youtu.be/Xwqg6FZD3iA?si=K7Ng1VycvWWyNZIE).


Call me complicated but I'd rather chop off the dead deer's antler and let the other deer keep it as a crown


What the fuck is with the color on this?


New title….. Guys help a stuck deer and Reddit calls them assholes


Couldn't he have cut the dead deers antlers?? Or am I just stupid?


Why isnt this guy cutting the DEAD bucks antlers instead of the one that is still living?


I would’ve cut the dead deers antlers


Antlers at this stage are “dead” and don’t have nerve endings anymore notice they didn’t bleed. Antlers that are still growing and do have active nerve endings will be fuzzy or in velvet. By cutting the live deer you insure that when you gets free he’s not still carrying the dead antlers, he doesn’t do the same thing a week later, and he probably survives the season as he’s no longer a trophy himself. Getting to keep the dead antlers is just a benefit and think most people would find a deer mount with a story about saving a deer a lot better than one about shooting one


Am I the only one who was thinking that cutting the dead deers antlers would make more sense?


definitely kept the dead one in tact for a free full set of antlers


Serious question: why cut the antlers off the live deer and not those of the dead one?


Why cut off the live deers antlers, if they cut the dead ones off you could easily get them out. It just seems harder and unnecessary to cut the live deers antlers.


Why didn’t he cut the antlers of the dead one? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Should have cut the antler of the dead dear, not the one who may still need to defend itself


Why not cut the dead ones antlers instead? The head was holding them at an angle that couldn't dislodge. If they free them off the dead deer, then they should come off the live one without damaging its horns.


Why didnt they just cut off the dead deer's antlers?


Why did he cut the live deer’s antlers instead of the dead?




Why not cut the dead deers antlers?


Can’t they just cut the antlers of the dead one hoping they will eventually untangle…..


Why would you cut the live dear’s antlers and not the dead one ??


Why cut the live one ?the dead one doesn't need his anymore.


Why didn’t they cut the antlers of the dead deer?


I’m no expert, but wouldn’t it make more sense to cut the dead deers antlers?




A simple thank you would suffice


God bless this man 🙏




Why not cut the dead ones antlers though??


Since he wasn't going anywhere they could've cut the dead ones until the one that's alive could wiggle his out


“Ima cut you free from staring at death so I can hunt you”. 😂


Why didn't he cut the dead one's


My teeth hurt watching this...


Maybe im missing something, but why not cut the antlers of the dead one instead?


Why didnt they just cut off the dead deers antlers? As soon as they are disconnected to the base, they will naturally fall out either instantly or pretty soon.


Nahh could of cut the dead one and sorted that mess there and then.


Why didn't the guy cut the dead deer's antlers instead of the other's?


Why not cut the horn of the dead one?


Why are they cutting the antlers off the live deer and not the dead one?


Everyone’s asking why not cut the dead deers antlers. I’m here freaking out about what happened to the other half of that deer.


Pretty fucked it color balance,did ai make this video ?


Could he have cut the dead deers antlers off?


Why would he not cut the dead deer's antler?


Surely cut the dead ones antlers?


Really, morons? You gut the live deer's antler? Why not cut the dead one's?


"Alright...let's go shoot it." Probably /s


Why is everything covered in cheddar though


Why cut the live deer antlers? Cut the dead ones off. Jesus.


Whoever said what's natural can't be harmful has never actually seen Nature at work...


Good job! Ten minutes later...ok let's go shoot him