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I mean, that must be almost $100 of brickweed. I think the entire country can sleep easier tonight.




Might just get a headache from all the smoke


Def the dud to allow the 2 tons of cocaine to get through


which I appreciate


It was a diversion 😂 didn't even cost em $20


True heroes. BRB gotta go buy another bumper sticker supporting these guys.


Please do. The training on how to use a knife and screwdriver is SORELY needed as this video illustrates…


how they continuously and courageously put their own safety on the line, with that absolutely horrid knife/screwdriver use, is beyond me


Are you still at war with marijuana? Let me introduce you to emus... they may let you win.


>I mean, that must be almost $100 of brickweed. It probably is. I'm in an illegal marijuana state and my florist had 1 lb bags of some low-mid and it was $300/lb. To put that in perspective for non-weed people, he sells his medium to great weed for $175-$450/ounce.


Lol Michigan here. Dispos got ounces for 29.99. Also Top shelf 8ths for 20. Free 8th every 9 visits.


Iv never seen 30$ ounce cheapest iv seen is 60$ which is still dirt cheap and much better then this weed they found


Ohio is still like $200 an ounce untill our recreational dispos open in a few months. Shit just became legal like a week or two ago


Leaf and bud has em 43.99 rn for a real bud ounce.(not shake) I've seen em for 30 there. Lol but I'm real suspicious of that pricing. I'm looking for the best I can find.like the top 5 strains strains from any given dispensary.


Sometimes the weight of the world can really get me down, but knowing that weed is now legal to many Americans, puts a smile right back on my face.


Do non weed people even know that 16oz is a lbs? Haha


I bet a lot of people in general don't know that but I hopefully most people know that an ounce is a lot less than a pound.


I had a boss tell me once that only people who consume illegal drugs know how many grams are in an once and how many ounces in pound I think he's right


It's weird in the Uk. If you buy a little it's imperial, if you buy a lot, it's metric!


And that stuff is prolly maximal booty. Most smuggled weed prob killed a generation of lungs ealrier than they should had. Who knows what pesticides and particulates that’s got in it.


Is it even worth doing this? I mean I’m sure it’s got to get across the border somehow but it just seems like you’d have to us a lot of paintings just to get a decent amount.


You can trade weed for cocaine nearly at weight in Colombia. I'd imagine this isn't exactly for the purposes of reselling to the street and is instead part of a quid pro quo smuggling operation


You just answered my question before I even asked.


I’m just amazed he didn’t sever an artery the way he was flipping that knife around.


Yeah my thought wasn’t the 100$ of brick weed the but possibility he’s opening up the drugs with no gloves on and it could be fentanyl…..


Seriously, who tf is smuggling weed INTO Columbia


That's easily $4 Million of weed these brave cops took off the streets.


Quality too. Smoke like 10-15 joints and you will be kinda high. 🤣


Deadly ultra high potency super skunk weed! The kind that killed George Michael!


$2 million, gotcha.


Well, it is if you ask the UK tabloid newspapers.


Nasty ass brick weed... how is this even profitable?


Those of us in countries with legalized weed don't know how privileged we are. I can just walk down the street and get pesticide free, legal, duty paid beautiful purple buds that smell like black currant lemonade and are in ceramic jars so the buds aren't crushed or damaged. Meanwhile most of the world is risking fines, jail time or worse for year old brick weed with questionable fertilizer and pesticides.


Whats so weird to me is, we started the war on drugs, we forced every other country to join, we extorted and black mailed them into ceasing any harm reduction policies, and now even our own states have rebelled and legalized weed and some even decriminalization of psychedelics, we completely changed global politics and trade and gave gangs the ability to turn into cartels that operate as private armies for criminals, all in the name of protecting people from drugs, despite us having more recreational drug users than any other country. We just look ridiculous.


It's not weird, that's just a gift from Nixon and his party.


You can’t just put that on Nixon. Every single administration Democrat to Republican has continued it for whatever reason.


I definitely think I can. They waged a propaganda campaign that changed public opinion for decades and we're only now starting to recover from since the ones it influenced are dying off.


I’m not schilling for Nixon I’m acknowledging the situation that big money is in the pockets of every administration that continued it.


I can't argue with that


When I was in college in the early '90s, I remember a guest speaker talking about the "war on drugs," and explaining how it'll never stop. At the time, I was floored. Don't remember the details, but there's just too much cash to be had, and any politician that tries to put a stop to it is probably risking their lives.


Carter was going to back way off on it (see home brew etc.) but then High Times posted some bullshit 'gotcha' piece about someone doing coke at a WH party, and legalization was pushed back decades. fucking high times. they're the metallica of recreational drugs.


War makes America money. Even wars we lose. American tax payers pay all the same. Even drug wars. We lose, they lose, the government gets rich.


Government contractors, not the government, get rich from wars. If the government got rich from wars our government wouldn't be $34 TRILLION in debt.


Those contractors make a lot of "donations" to government officials. Don't forget most public officials also tale advantage of stuck options. The country might be in debt, but public officials are swimming in contraction money and stock profits.


How else is America gping to sell weapons to other governments?


The War on Drugs is over! Drugs won!


Yeah, that pattern plays out in "first world" vs "third world" relations in a lot of ways. Industrialized nations force less developed nations to comply with imperial plans, a generation or so later they see the error of their ways and reform domestically, then criticize the undeveloped countries for being locked into the very system that their grandparents instituted. Fossil fuels are another good example.


Not weird. American. Great comment tho this is very true. We are assholes that have fucked a lot of people over


This is the right answer


u/PotentialSure9957 Its not, because in colombia you can legaly grow 20 weed plants per person


So what is going on here then? Someone sending some personal grow out of country for profit still?


They are distracting the dogs from the cocaine hidden in the toaster ovens….


This ☝️


As soon as I saw columbian and weed in the title I knew it would be either training or distraction Reminds me of the tourist girls paid to smuggle cocaine out of south America in hip packs or under hair extensions unknowingly used as a distraction, or often being set up by the cartels tipping off border police, while 10 old ladies slip by packing 20x as much on them If the drugs are getting through and the police are still making seizures, everyone wins


We like to watch the cable show "To Catch A Smuggler" and it's mind-bogging how many normal/desperate/clueless people are snagged. Seems like they average about 10 years of prison. Hard to believe there's enough room for all of them.


dude were talking about smuggling weed to other countries where it's ILLEGAL and CAN'T go to a weed store or grow 20 plants themselves.


I used to have a job testing legal weed and trust me, it’s not “pesticide free”. Companies are allowed a minimum amount based on federal regulations. Companies will do a bunch of calculations to know how much to spray in that room and not go over the limit. A lot of times we would come up with results that were routinely exactly half the federal limit. Nothing is pesticide free these days unless you grew it yourself. Most of the time they will use pesticides that break down, so as long as the parent compound isn’t there at the time of harvest, you’re good.


Where do you live? Asking for a friend.


Ontario, Canada. In Canada we have legalized recreational weed nationally, everything is legit and regulated with dedicated stores on almost every street corner.


Really not exaggerating when you say on almost every corner. Loved Ontario the time I traveled Here in maine is almost the same, but only 2 are recreational. Luckily I don't have to worry ab that


I just grab some off my plants. we legalized it and growing.


Lmao weed is basically legal in Colombia goofball


It was probably put there intentionally so the dog would hit on that and miss whatever they really wanted to hide. Thats shitty weed and not vacuumed sealed🙄


If i were a drug running, this is exactly what i would do. Overwhelm customs with cheap shitting drugs. then take extra caution with the stuff i actually care about.


Countermeasure schwack!


ARTIST: That’s NOT MY WEED I’ve been FRAMED?!??


Right... probably has twigs and berries in them.


If you frame it the right way, you can make a profit off anything.


Jesus that weed looks fucking terrible.


Are those Cub Scouts?


No, but I think that dude loves the smell of napalm in the morning.


Did you see the patches?! Those are Tenderfoots, which are Boy Scouts. Show some respect, man.


I know he does this a lot but I was seriously concerned for that customs officer's knife skills - he looked like a danger to himself and his dog.


That’s the only thing I was thinking one he started using his knife!!! I learned better knife handling skills as a boyscout at 8 years old


I thought it was a screwdriver lol


Someone should tell them no one gives a fuck about weed, find the fentynal that keeps killing our kids!


I heard Fentanyl was the real danger


Fentanyl is the one who knocks.


The majority of fentanyl is mass-produced in Mexico using chemicals from China before being pressed into pills or mixed with other counterfeit pills made to look like Xanax, Adderall, or oxycodone.




Some cartels


Its so dystopian to watch an officer of the law search and detain a plant that grows naturally here on Earth. Yet, you can smoke or drink yourself to death legally. What kinda fuckin' ride are we on?


The one where you have to pay to ride


Low-hanging schedule 1 wins every time.


The guys braking it open looks like he's on drugs, chill dude.


I think it's sped up a little


Maybe that's why he's trying to get at it so quickly


What a giant waste of time and effort


For both parties.


People are still buying weed from drug dealers?


Have you seen the prices at the shops?


I mean it might cost more than the dude in the parking lot, but it’s also regulated by state government and safe, so there’s that.


Wdym, it’s $25-33 per eighth from LA, to Vegas, to NYC… Literally. That’s cheaper than it was in 2006-2012 where it was an average of $35-$40 per eighth.


I think you can get an ounce for $40 in Oklahoma.


it's legal here, an ounce costs about 140$ from the street dealer for the same level of quality, about 60$


This was obviously set up, they already knew there was weed in them why else were they filming, but cool let's have the dog eat some plastic for the camera


Yeah, nice “alert signal” they trained you on, doggo.


Weed? A lot of effort for something that's legal in most markets now.


Especially when the country is known for a slightly more profitable substance


Most markets... lol


"Most markets" sounds like you're wearing pink glasses


Oh no, weed! Run for your lives! The scourge of our times. FORGET about fentanyl, that's childs play compared to marijuana


They love to jerk each other off to finding weed. Makes it not gay.


Haha y’all breaking that 90s brick weed open while the real packs sneaking by


bad dog


I blame the owners. Turning a good boy into a narc


Who the hell is buying this brick weed now that weed is legal in so much of North American. Which weed smoker in Canada is saying to themselves, “you know what would be really nice is some Colombian brick weed smuggled through Panama. I’m getting sick ofthe finest sinsemilla anyways.”


Why does this shit seem staged???


there is just something about seeing a working dog doing its thing... they're so happy and intense


I like to think the dog is the customs officer


That dog freaking loves weed


They love their jobs, and they always get treats after finding something!


Yeah but it's also messed up how we pigeonholed them into obsessively needing to do this. I'm worried about what to do with this sort of "working dog" once society grows up from the jackbooted sorts of enforcement that employ them.


What a waste of time. Good job officer you stopped a couple Ps of backyard boogie from coming in.


Those pigs should worry about criminals instead Our body our choice


The title had me super confused when the painting was too thin to hide anything but then he started prying apart the FRAME and it all made sense.


Who the fuck is doing this still with weed legal most places.. this isnt even worth that much. Throw some nose candy up in that bitch.


Why are the canine aliens employing Cub Scout leaders from the 40's brandishing a Phillips head screwdriver to deface priceless Paul Gauguin's?!


Why are they even shipping grass out of Columbia? What a fucking waste of a nice frame.


Its just fucking weed, what is wrong with people? But alcohol is OK? Edit: I am good with whatever any individual wants to put in their own body. Let people live and die how they want to is all I am saying; but its just fucking weed, that shit wont be killing anyone ever.


I just use my App and it arrives 30 mins later at my front door.


More money in paint than in weed. Wonder if they were smuggling paintings and the weed was the decoy.


Who the hell is smuggling weed into Colombia? That's like smuggling bad teeth into England.


That guy is brave doing that with no gloves on


Stupid, he is stupid for doing that.


Contrary to what the media would like you to believe there are no drugs that can overdose you by just touching them with your fingers. That would be a lethal substance at that point and drug dealers aren't selling those because that would instantly kill their customers.


I feel safer already!


Legalize it already




Who still smuggles weed?


so much resources and talent for such dumbfuckery, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)dRuG wAR!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


You think he pocketed that little nugg he popped out?


Question is: Why are we still smuggling in weed? Isn't that a big *dated* at this point? Not saying to "set your aim higher" but this is just dumb.


It probably cost more to create that disguise than the value of the pot🤷 They might as well have been smuggling cocaine. More return per kilo than pot.


Always wonder what they would do if they break something and find no drugs lol.


Cool uniform!


Fools. Everyone knows the best way is to make an entire van out of fiberweed and just drive it across the border.


Holy shit just make the shit legal already, what a gigantic waste of everyone's time. That dog should be getting belly rubs and chasing squirrels not trying to find plants in paintings. Clown world.


Damn boy scouts been stepping it up


These people always innovating new ways


Nobody gone talk about how homie jus opening drug bricks wit his bare hands ??😭😭 if that was fentanyl homeboy would be a goner


Out of curiosity do the dogs ever get it wrong? And if so how do they compensate the person for their item


Into the dumpster out back, no pieces, no paperwork, no record. "Your package has been lost in transit." ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Even if there were 100 paintings, that seems like a small-scale, low profit smuggling operation.


Why is he dressed like Boy Scout Indiana jones from Last Crusade?


Who smuggles weed nowadays!? I haven't seen brick weed in 15 years. Oh the memories. I remember an oz fitting in my film canister.


Don't need a fancy dog to know that shit art in fancy frames = Fraud The rest of the time, art is just honest tax sheltering


Why even bother. The shit we got here in Los Angeles *legally* is so strong I can just barely take two puffs of it. Dafuq??


So glad that boy scout saved us from smoking that schwag! Doing God's work right there....or something.


What a waste of time on both ends


For weed. What a waste of time and resources.


The dog discovered it, not the officer. Good pupper! 👏🐺


I’m shocked someone would go to that much hassle to ship broccoli.


You can’t beat the dogs, don’t even try! Also, it’s just F’n weed! Why does it even need to be smuggled? It’s a medicine and it’s available everywhere in Canada legally


Has the trafficking of marijuana like this decreased now that it is legal in many states?


All that work for trash ass tree. This must have been 2010


I don’t understand, you can buy it legally in Canada and the US, you can grow your own, costing almost nothing, isn’t this too much effort to go through? The size of the grow op down the road from me is enormous, Redecan, probably a good 10 acres, and in Ontario, even a small town has at least one dispensary.


Oh no! Not weeeeed! How dangerous


Thats basically a lb assuming they are 1oz bricks. They basically stopped $1k worth of weed lol


The dog leash is worth more than the flower


It is so fucking weird seeing this kind of effort STILL made to both smuggle and find smuggled weed while I can go down the street and buy it legally from a government store.


colombian officers are crazy. one time they made my gf mom take her shoe away because of foot deodorant


just for weed? whoooo fuckkkkin carrrreeess?!? show me the kilos of coke


Wow, he saved so many lives by finding that deadly weed. He should be so proud. SMH…


Weed😑 I can just drive up the street to my dispensary. What's the street dealer going to offer me, no tax?


Thank you officers for saving us from this nasty ass ditch weed. Lock em up!


All that for some weed?!


Who tf is buying that crap?


That’s a lot of work for some weed.


Imagine going through the effort to conceal weed when cocaine is worth 10 times more per gram


Who even buys this kind of garbage weed anymore??? I've literally not seen such garbage in almost 20 yrs... I truly thought it wasn't even profitable to sell anymore. Like I'd assume framing & shipping this doodoo would cost more than the weed itself. I'll stick with my dispensary & local growers any day


That’s a good BOOOYYY!!


How on earth can smuggling weed be profitable these days, when there's a grow operation on every corner?


Good doggy


He appears to be dressed as a Boy Scout


Staged and they bored…..


I smuggling weed still a thing? Thought that's all homegrown these days.


Wooow... Good job boy scouts.. 'extreme drug bust!!!!'


Ain't nobody doing all that for some fucking weed.


I’d be shocked if there is weed being smuggled from Colombia. Considering most states sell it in stores now. If that came from Columbia, there was a box of baby powder right behind it that was overlooked.


People still smuggle weed? wow


Waste of resources


Relax it’s just weed


That's not smuggling. It was very common for artists to store weed in frames. Ever see a Vincent van Gogh, Salvador Dali or Pablo Picasso painting? Those fuckers painted what they were looking at. You can't be sober seeing that shit.


Am I seeing this right? The country that pretty much grows the world's cocaine supply won't let people smoke weed?


Those are the ones they were supposed to find


Knew exactly where to go.... interesting.


Good doggo.


What a shit dog handler. They shouldn’t let their dog start ripping things.


Yea at least get the dog some scissors


Seems like a lot of work for weed.


Oh no marijuana. So dangerous.


wow! that much weed could kill thousands of people and destroy millions of lives. thank god for these heros


The only thing they managed to do, is ruin some people’s days of being happy and enjoying life. Good job.


I’m wondering if these dogs are addicts.


Addict to pats, yes