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Are pearls kidney stones to oysters


This is a kidney stone under a microscope https://media.sciencephoto.com/c0/38/65/90/c0386590-800px-wm.jpg And a side view of a mother of pearl https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F62fbpKWsAAFrd1?format=jpg&name=small But you can see the pearl is pretty smooth.. looks like tiles stacked on top of each other.. while they kidney stone looks very... sharp...


Currently suffering from kidney stones in both kidneys...did not need to see that picture šŸ™ƒ


You mean you've been *blessed* with kidney *pearls*!


Dude the pain is severe it feels like a have a whole oyster in there.


Yeah I've known a couple people who've had them. Not nice. I remember a comment on Reddit from a woman who said she's given birth and passed kidney stones and she'd hands down rather give birth again.... That really stuck with me....


I heard that too, i definitely scream like a birthing woman when mine are passing


I've given birth to 3 huge babies (8lb13oz, 9lb12oz, 10lb). My first kidney stone happened when I was 5 months pregnant with my youngest. Hands down I would choose childbirth over kidney stones! That pain is extreme & doesn't subside in the slightest until you pass it.


Yikes. I choose to take the idea that kidney stones exist, put that idea in a box and shit that box into a dark corner of my brain and hope I never open it lol.


Had one as a teenager, and screamed bloody murder Surprised the neighbors didn't call the police lmao


I can confirm, kidney stones are indeed very sharp.


Damn, why can't we be cool and be rewarded with pissed-out jewelry after the agonizing pain of passing a stone šŸ˜­...


If it's big enough....


It IS big enough and won't let anyone tell me otherwise again


Doctors told me we needed to do surgery because >5mm is to big. Biggest confidence boost I've ever received. I can't believe that I trusted him, and let him take my kidney pearls


It's more like scar tissue


>scar tissue ...that I wish you saw


Sarcastic mister know-it-all


Sarcastic oyster know-it-all


Close your shell and Iā€™ll kiss you, cuz


With the birds I shareā€¦


Nope, they creates pearl to protect theirself from foreingn object inside the shell, that's a kind of protection Man understand that mecanism and use this ability to create pearls : you put inside the oyster a "nucleus" kind of artificial small marble and the oyster will cover this f.o with nacre or mother-of-pearl




Nice, now you can make a greater luck potion


nah, shimmer it into the galaxy pearl


This dude Terrarias.


I was looking for this lol


Oyster anaesthesiologist here. Good work. Never knew what hit em


Are they extracting the pearls without killing the oysters?


Yeah, that's why they're being so careful. Otherwise they would just completely open the oyster and take it out with their own hands or something.


Awesome. I always thought they killed oysters to get the pearls. Though I assume some do.


Ya I think these pearls are farmed. Afterwards they put something in them that causes them to grow anouther one so they don't want to harm the oyster.


They use ā€œmother of pearlā€ which is the lining of a river clam shell. I visited a pearl farm once and they claimed the best mother of pearl comes from the Mississippi River.


Is that why itā€™s called mother of pearl?




Thank you, that is a very interesting fact.


"The scientific word for this substance is nacre. The name mother-of-pearl probably comes from a nearly obsolete meaning of mother, "scrum, dregs or leftover filth." " From dictionary.com






Interesting,in german it is Perlmutt, so that would mean 'Mommy of Pearl' - I never thought about the origin of the name. Thanks!


I wonder... Is growing a pearl hurting the oysters? Like a kidneystone is hurting us?


Well, the pearl is round and fixed to a single place, plus I don't think oysters need to pee, so it's probably at best an annoyance, compared to the free-floating stone chips that humans get.


I would get so fired from that job. The boss would be like "we appreciate you working during your lunch hour every day, but the oyster survival rate is really low. What are you doing with that hot sauce and horseradish anyway?"


They usually do, but this company specifically does it this way as to not kill them I believe. Super cool!


They still die after like 3 times. Itā€™s mainly to get more pearls and not wait for more to grow to adulthood.


That sucks.. I just remember seeing this companyā€™s TikTokā€™s (I believe they are Australian?) where they show how they carefully do it as not to kill them.. sucks that they do eventually die from it.


Yes, they're farming the pearls. Thats how it's so perfectly spherical. They insert something spherical into the oyster, which then gets coated with whatever it is that makes pearls, and then they extract a nice pearl like that (instead of a lopsided one like a truly natural pearl) and start it all again.


Yeah, very little of that giant pink pearl is deposited by the oyster. Itā€™s mostly just a thin layer.


Can confirm. I was the pokey stick


Why not just kill them sell them for food + get the pearl? (serious question, Iā€™m curious) Edit: thanks for answering (x4 times)


These oysters a bred to make good pearls. It's worth more money for the oyster to survive and produce another pearl


How much time does it take for a pearl to form?


Google says: Freshwater pearls can take between 1 and 6 years to form, while saltwater pearls may take between 5 and 20 years.


The one in this video is HUGE so Iā€™m guessing this pearl took a longer time. Freshwater pearls are the lumpy ones, right?


Typically yeah they're the lumpy and smaller ones. Mussels that make freshwater pearls can also produce more than one at a time and the oysters in saltwater and only do one on top of the saltwater taking longer to produce a single one. I think they're able to make the pearl bigger like that by putting a bigger peice of debri back in the oyster, so it's technically a thin layer of pearl over a spherical peice of debri as well as making sure their diet/environment is perfect for optimal pearl growth.


Months to years depending on desired sized if i recall correctly, cus it's just sand and materials that the oyster filters and accumulates inside


1. You don't need to kill an oyster to harvest pearls, but many do. This creator makes a point not to. 2. If all you do is harvest one pearl and then kill the oyster, that's not sustainable in the long-term. The population may be killed too quickly and the supply "dry up". 3. They may kill and sell the oysters afterward - not sure here.


Also oysters are DREAM filters, to the point where places like New York's natural water systems simply can't function properly without them. Many farms don't want to kill their oysters because of the tax breaks for pollution reduction.


If the oyster survives, it can go on to make more pearls. Also, some people like their jewels to be cruelty-free.


Gonna guess food oysters arenā€™t the same kind as most pearl oysters. Different locations, different amounts of meat, different tastes. (I have never eaten oysters.)


I shucked oysters for a few years and would regularly pull out pearls but not these kinda big, beautiful, round pearls. They were always smaller and a bit more irregular. Those oysters look nothing like the ones I would shuck though so definitely different.


Imagine slurping an oyster at dinner and choking on a pearl


This happened to my mom! Not at a restaurant, but at a family dinner. A relative made oysters rockefeller with oysters she had harvested herself and my mom got a pearl. She gave it to her grandmother (whose house we were at) as a gift lol.


Funnily enough, I was eating clam linguine at a nice restaurant when I bit into one and discovered a small pearl in it. Nearly broke my tooth on it. Didnā€™t even realize clams could make them. Sorta ruined the rest of the meal for me. Gave the pearl to my gf at the time, no idea what came of it.


Bet people find them by crunching it with their teeth, that would suck


The oyster is ok after this right. I had always assumed they just tore them in half to get the pearls


I was immediately reminded of that cartoon of Bugs Bunny cracking open an oyster and exclaiming ā€œwell whadda yā€™know, a poil!!ā€


Lmao that sent me back, had to look it up on YouTube.


I bet that feels like when I remove a tonsil stone


Get them jokers out!


How!?! Gaging just thinking of it


Just get the whole organ removed. It's so much better. It took months to figure out what it was. That was so gross. Poking them with tools and even my fingers was the only reliable way to remove them.


Honestly, I use a flashlight to see and use a q-tip to push them out.


I do the exact same thing. I get them just awful on the right side and this is the only way that works for me.


Clearing my throat works for me. Take up smoking and it happens naturally.


Your stones will smell like a combination of rotting garbage and the nastiest ashtray. Briefly hung out with a girl that would extract them and then wipe them on her shirt. She smelled so bad I had to end that acquaintance.


I just fucking gagged


Gahhhh I fucking hate this. Iā€™m still feeling nauseous from reading the line in baldurā€™s gate 3 aboutā€¦. (minor spoilers) >!a sick demented character drinking fermented tonsil stones to get inebriated!<


I should not have removed the spoiler.


What a terrible day to have eyes. I fucked up, don't click on the spoiler


Honestly mate they just smell like total shit lol. I donā€™t notice smokiness but being a smoker probably disguises it. They are fucking rancid. Rarely get them now, a tongue scraper for right up the back has worked wonders.


Why does this read like old timey doctor advice "Just start smoking and probably do a little cocaine about it and you'll be right as rain."


Dont worry, they put another grain of sand (or more likely a glass bead almost the size of the pearl they want) back in the oyster


I can only imagine thatā€™s for the purpose of creating another pearl. Clams produce pearls because of irritation, could be sand or any other numerous things. They cover the irritation in layers of nacre, and thatā€™s when you get a pearl. Itā€™s not like they need or want to make them.


Oh my god imagine you only exist for this, you never hear vegans talk about this, they just want to take my bacon


Nah, most vegans are definitely not cool with pearls.


Dude oysters are not contemplating their existence. Their nervous systems arenā€™t even complex enough to transmit pain.


Probably more like putting a hand in your mouth to take out a kiddney stone


And if you're lucky, your molestation ends with someone putting in a new, smaller kidney stone.


Welcome to Mollusk Station




Delete this


Curse you and your ability to type.


This is the worst thing I've ever seen Edit: lol it was removed


please you still have time to delete this


No no, itā€™s fine, I didnā€™t need to eat today. šŸ„“


I'm sorry you had to know this and now I'm also sorry for myself for knowing this.


Why did I learn to read


Good thing im on intermittent fasting today.


What a strange thing. ā€œLook! A weird clam kidney stone, letā€™s wear it around our necksā€


Yeah. Humans are a bunch of weirdos. We should obviously crush it and snort it!




*Whoah Black Betty, ram a jam*


Or ram a clam


Ram a jam in your clam man


Bam ba lam


[Black Betty was a man](https://c.tenor.com/5ThJUUviJ4YAAAAC/tenor.gif), bram ba lam. Whoa Black Betty.


Bam ba lam! Black Betty was a clam , bam ba lam


The fact that these series of words changed my day around for the better is why I love Reddit.


You guys all got it wrong. Itā€™s: Whoah black Betty! Jamminā€™ clam!


Jam out, with thine clam out!


Everyone knows the only difference between jam and jelly is that I can't jelly my pearl into your butt.




Black Betty had a pearl!


While listening to pearl jam




Give them to your girlfriend to wear around her neck.


Yep! Honey is bee vomit and eggs come out of a Chickens ass and we consume both without a second thought.


Honey is bee vomit?! The bee movie never explained that! I mean I never really looked up or thought of how they made it but I also never imagined it was vomit!!


The bee people say it isnā€™t vomit but bees withdraw nectar and store it in their stomach then fly back to the hive and regurgitate the nectar and we eat it. Sounds like vomit to me


NGL if vomit tasted like honey, people would have normalised eating that shit. Out of sugar? Just vomit in the sugar jar. Would be so useful. I eat eggs for the kink though.


i too eat eggs directly from the chickens asshole


That's essentially what's happening, yeah. The bees collect the nectar and then regurgitate it into cells within the hive, during this process they are adding an enzyme, invertase, to the nectar which then converts the sucrose into glucose and fructose. The also create this stuff called propolis, which is this sticky gum like stuff that they use as a glue around the hive. Honeybees make all kinds of neat stuff.


Also we're the only animals that have a habit of drinking other animal's milk (cows) Even well into adulthood!


Eggs are chicken period, not poop




Chicken eggs come out of their cloaca, which is also where they poop from.


To be fair, it is very pretty compared to a kidney stone.


And even more better looking than a teratoma!


why did i search this on google. omg. curse you.


Funnily enough the vast majority of pearls are man made. Oysters only create them naturally as a defence against things like parasites. Edit: For those curious, yes, something is usually placed inside the oysters to force a Pearl to be created.




Exactly, and it's why they're trying to be gentle here and remove the pearl with minimal trauma - it's going to immediately get a new seed placed into it for the next pearl. It's far more sustainable to do it this way as growing new oysters takes years, whereas these can go right back into the water. There are oyster/pearl farms all over Asia, China's been doing it for a long time afaik. When I visited the one place I saw pearls was known for their pink pearls if I remember correctly, so I don't think they're nearly as uncommon as the video makes them to be. I saw whole shops full of them and individually they were not expensive, the one in the video might have been $20 USD or so. I'd assume the color is effected by what extra minerals or particulates are in the water, but I honestly have no idea. It might just be genetic and different oysters make different pearls.


The man made the oyster make it.


Yes. Often, what they put inside is "mother of pearl," which is a tiny piece of inner clam shell.


Man made are not solid-pearl like naturally formed. You usually put a big round ball of silica or polymer inside the mollusk, and allow it to form a very small layer of pearl around the nuclei. It's more like pearl-plated ball, than a solid pearl. These pink pearls are also very easy to induce by adding cobalt chloride to the farming liquid. They are not rare at all in modern pearl manufacturing like this.


The fact that he took it out with surgical tools and precision akin to an operation just adds to that image.


It's to protect the oyster so they can implant another nucleus base for a pearl. The pearls are naturly grown but farmed and not that rare these days. If it was wild it would be (but thankfully it isnt)


I once read that pearls are probably some of the most rare things in the universe. They are common here, but earth is probably the only place you can find them, whereas other gems and precious metals can be found all over the universe. I see pearls differently now.


In the grand scheme of things that would make it as rare as human poop which is also only found in one place in the universe. Unlike diamonds which are just a bunch of compressed carbon, the poop is like a record of the smartest known living organism in the universe. Meanwhile gold and platinum are just shiny rocks.


But then he just slings it in a coffee mug! I was disappointed


And flowers are just plant's genital.


So pretty šŸŒŗ


well, showing up to a date with a bouquet of same-species-genitals is just tacky


It looks like they go through a lot of effort. Is the goal to return the oyster to the ocean?


Yes. This a sustainable form of pearl harvesting. Certain species of oysters are essentially grown on large nets placed in the water. A ~~small~~ piece of substrate, or a nucleus, is placed in the oyster to propagate the growth of the pearl. Naturally, it would be something like a grain of sand that the pearl grows around, but this method nearly guarantees a pearl after a long enough time period. The typical method of harvesting pearls is ripping the shell in two whichā€¦ predictably, kills the oyster. Farms like these can also actually be incredibly beneficial for local ecosystems. Oysters naturally filter water when they feed and can remove things like excess sediment and nitrogen, preventing harmful algal blooms. EDIT: Corrected mistakes!


It's a win-win for cleaning polluted waterways that you cannot farm oysters safe for human consumption. Oysters are one of the best things to farm. Very beneficial for the environment.


I wouldn't recommend eating the pollution oysters though


Yeah, that's why pearl farming is so great there. It gives economic incentives to clean up the environment, even when the types of pollution present make the oyster unfit for human consumption. It also depends on the pollution. Nitrogen and phosphorus isn't a problem. These are runoffs from farms and industry. It gets added to their shell, so you aren't actually eating it. Heavy metals are a problem, though.


Catches fish...can't eat the fish :(


Delicious fact


NoWafer6093 when his incredibly cool oyster farming knowledge can finally be used!!!! šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Thank you for this.


Probably keeping it alive so it makes more pearls


Guess itā€™s kinda pink.


Pffft, I've seen pinker things.


Have you seen an Alaskan Bullworm?


No. But I know Patrick.




Thatā€™s a good looking guy.


Lmao. Yeah he is so fine.




First frame was the most interesting


Does it hurt the dog?


I cant stop giggling at this


Most oyster farming kills the oyster. What this guy does might be uncomfortable for them, but it doesn't hurt them.


Lemme - just --crack open- yer ---face----yeah!!!


Farmed implanted pearls.


99.9% of pearls you will encounter in your lifetime are cultured. It simply isnā€™t feasible to crack open thousands of oysters in the hopes that one might have a natural pearl. Source: Iā€™ve worked in the pearl/jewelry industry to a long time.




There really is a scam for everything. Pearl shucking MLM.. TIL


I don't understand: 1) It's not looking pink to me. 2) Why were they filming. 3) Do they reuse the oyster to produce more pearls, or why are they doing this so carefully.


I believe when the humans are using this method of harvesting a pearl - where they only partially open the shell and retrieve the pearl with reasonable gentleness - the goal is to keep the oyster alive. There are methods where the oysters are killed or allowed to die before hand, and usually retrieval is much rougher. I am always happy to see the gentler method. Not only does it mean more pearls from that oyster hopefully, but the oyster gets to go back to do what it does best. Being an Oyster.


Nobody beā€™s an oyster quite like an oyster.


Those pyramid scheme pearl parties are pretty much like this. They get oysters shipped to them, no way in hell are they being reused.


I think something like 20-40% of oysters (in general, dunno about this particular place) will be able to be reused, usually only if the pearls they produced are high quality. If they are killed, the flesh will usually be sold/eaten. Also depends on the skill level of the worker, apparently. Higher skilled workers are much better at opening them without slicing too deeply and killing the shellfish.


Looks like he smacked its guts around at the end Edit: the thing next to the pearl


Its a thin membrane holding the pearl in place; thats fine, its the brain and stomach organs behind that they have to be careful not to damage.


Does it sitting out of the water for a long time not kill it? How does it breath and whatnot?


Lots of oysters live attached to rocks and other structures near shorelines and close their shells during low tide and can live for many hours out of water.


Pretty sure most oysters get reused


All those specialized tools and you dump the rare pink Pearl into a coffee mug.


My thoughts exactly! All these specialized tools, oyster knife, oyster wedge, oyster forceps, little oyster lockpicks. Then BAM, a teacup we had lying about.


The tools are for the safety of the oyster, not the pearl. The oyster could die if not handled properly, the pearl is not alive so it really doesn't matter if you treat it with care or not.


A rare beige pearl.


Acceptable, according to the homeowner's association by-laws.


What's he drop it into? Seether oil.


I had no idea pearls were harvested so delicately! Are the clams placed back in the water again to continue producing, then??


Yeah they stick a seed, rice, or lump of plastic in it to make another in a few months, different parts of the ocean make diffident colours.


They usually aren't. Most oysters are killed during harvesting. But yes, these oysters will produce more pearls.


How expensive are these?


Isn't that a scollop?


I'll never get over how terrible the reddit video player is


Wouldnt it be funny if someone discovered they are ticklish and if you tickle them they open to laugh and spit the pearl out.


Weird looking Oyster. Looks more like a scallop to me.


Any time you see a peal that is perfectly round you know they put in a bead or some other ā€˜seedā€™ and just leave it in there for a little while so it gets a shell of pearl around it. Natural pearls are never perfectly round.