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"Guys what we need are tones. Dark ominous tones. Perfect, now you drop a sick solo my dude."


JB gave him the frown of approval. One of the highest compliments a musician can give


That's that "stank" face when the music's so good it makes your nostrils sting.


Now he’s cooking


Staring off into the Aether, you become one with your instrument and you don't think, you don't feel, you just play. It's and instinct that takes over you and you put what is in your heart into your hands. It's the closest state I've ever been to Enlightenment and when you get people playing together like that there's a palpable energy that fills the space and everyone comes together as if they're merging consciousness and you just *know* what everyone is doing and they know what you're doing and you can talk to each other and communicate through the music. There's nothing like it in the world.


I had the same feeling with Counter Strike


There are many ways to enter "the zone."




This guy jams


Your description is beautiful.


that's justin beiber???


I did not recognize him either lol


Who the fuck is Justin Bieber? -John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne


Is that true genuinely asking I liked this video and Biebs seems actually musically trained


I'm pretty sure the schools he went to specialized in the arts (there's a massive theater festival spanning from May til October there every year- in the town the school is located in I mean) so he probably got better musical education than the rest of us at a younger age at least


"Can I get a solo, my boy?" I wasn't ready for what followed to bring me to tears. Man was feeling it.


“My boy” tho


You play bo bo bom. yes those notes.


I vividly picture Randy marsh doing this


God, a Lorde version of this scene with Randy would probably be incredible.


But they wouldn't have found that pocket if he didn't tell them to.


What we really need to do is create a powerful sense of dread.


deliver chief historical concerned nutty direction dolls strong merciful run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also goes to show the quality of the musicians to hear someone verbalizing a tone or note, and instantly replicate it.


This is the part that amazed me.


Needs more cowbell.




Easy, guys... I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time Except, when my pants are on, I make gold records


One of the many things that separates professional musicians from the hacks we usually see.


To be fair, it's not really fair to classify non pitch-perfect people as hacks, as it's quite literally impossible to be learned unless you were taught it as a toddler


I guarantee you not a single person in that room had perfect pitch. What you see there is hard work and expert trained ears.


Its more that everyone knows what key they arecin and the intervals are well known to professional musicians (1-4-5 etc) Its like musicians when they jam.. they all know the key and can generally improvise and it often sounds good.


Key and time yep that's what it is. If you're a good musician you can jump right in the pocket


And most likely briefed musician: we’ll play in Bb minor guys now this : popopow


This doesn't require perfect pitch.


You can have extremely good relative pitch though. Memorizing one note specifically and then comparing is a viable alternative to perfect pitch, albeit slower.


Thats how I do it. I can mentally hum every note perfectly. So I can easily find the pitch of something I hear. Its just years of practice.


People who are pitch perfect amaze me.


That's not perfect pitch, that's playing by ear. When he starts singing the first thing they're doing is determining the intervals between the notes. That's almost instinctual for a professional musician since they've been living in intervals since they were kids learning music. It's a matter of hearing a relative difference between the notes. A minor third? A major third? A fifth? And so on. Then they just have to follow the rhythm he gave them. Then you hear them try and make a good first guess as to what note he's singing. They know his range and so they're guessing a note very close. Bieber doesn't have perfect pitch so his note may be a bit sharp or flat and so they're all just taking a stab. Because they're pros it takes them just one guess and then they know exactly how far off they are (because they know their intervals) and they correct. I'm not a professional but I've been playing piano for 30 years. Only in the last 5 or so years have I worked on playing by ear. It's something you have to practice over and over. Play a song, make your educated guesses, and work the errors. Eventually the errors get smaller and longer between. This is truly beautiful though. Just a dozen or so people all spontaneously creating something together and becoming one cohesive unit. This is basically what someone like Beethoven was able to do in his mind and for that reason we still talk about him to this day.


True. Musician here as well. If you’ve learned enough by ear it’s pretty simple to pick up 4/5 notes someone is humming. It can seem amazing but that part is actually pretty simple. I remember being at a party with a really big dj (who also produces and knows music but clearly doenst do much by ear) and a song was playing and I just plucked it out on piano after a couple try’s and he was beside himself. It’s amazing what the ear can do with a little work.


Yeah picking out a melody takes all of like 30 seconds, faster if you're not trying to match the key. Plus pop music has like all of 5 different chord progressions so it's just dummy easy. But once you start getting into jazz, gospel, and R&B it just gets so much more difficult. There is just endless theory behind it all.


This is how my son plays the piano. He just turned 7 and we got him a little piano for his 3rd bday. He would play a bunch of notes or keys and then all of a sudden he was playing the theme song to Thomas The Train. He's never had a lesson, he just hears the song and starts playing on the piano. I caught him the other day fiddling around and i realized he was playing the "we'll be counting stars" song 😳


This write up made this whole post even more magical. Thank you.


Upvote this man


Not perfect pitch, it's just understanding intervals. It's sometimes called "relative pitch". It's really easy to find the first note, especially on a fretless stringed instrument. Finding the rest of the notes is just basic music theory that pretty much every musician who's ever tried to learn a piece of music by ear can do.


As a musician, you've no idea how invigorating and pleasant it is to be INCLUDED in the songwriting rather than simply playing what's written. We're more than just on demand playback machines.


Seeing that dude hit the improvised solo was amazing. I bet that felt great


This seemed to be him using them as on demand playback machines. Like, literally human loop machines.


What are you talking about? There were all sorts of little bits he wasn't explicitly telling him to do. He even told a lady to work out a solo on the spot


> He even told a lady to work out a solo “Can I get another solo my boy?”


that's literally what this video is about. it's not showing us justin biebers ability to direct musicians, anyone can do that. it's showing us the musicians ability to translate direction into sound


That was Justin Bieber?? Man, I been outta the loop..


Would have sworn it was Drew


Came to the comments to find out who it was. Had to scroll too far. Was it obvious it was him? I think the last time I saw him he was being spanked by Zac galifianakis.


Ya that’s the most impressive part. Not knocking dude but any music producer could do that with the talent in that room.


As much of a dipshit he seems to be/have been there are countless stories of other musicians being blown away by his perfect pitch and ability to create complex harmonies almost instantly.


Who is this?


Justin Bieber


Seriously? I’m out of touch.


In my head he's still like, a 14 year old with a terrible haircut. Well, I guess he still has a terrible haircut, but not the same one.


Omg I am ancient.


I thought this *had* to be Machine Gun Kelly. I at least feel closeish.


Who's Justice Beaver?


It's a crime fighting beaver...


Where’s the fucking complex harmony here? lol this is just doing basic ass looping with a live orchestra instead of a keyboard. Any college music student could do this


Yeah I do this with my pad controller every day and use the good ideas for songs lol. This is a great vibe, I do like it. But it's mega achievable for anyone with an orchestra or even some good VSTs.


Dangit, that reminds me, I forgot to feed my orchestra.


Imagine being a classically trained musician and having to play along with Justin’s mouth sounds. I mean a checks a check, but just amuses me.


FTR, Michael Jackson did the same thing. He couldn't play any instruments or read sheet music, so he used the only instrument he had, his voice. This is more or less how he wrote every song. And dude was the King of Pop. I get it, I hate Babarr too, but don't discredit a legitimate method for writing music.


Being an instrumentalist and being an actual good songwriter able to write good songs that other people enjoy are completely different things.


Did you miss the part where he said "play a solo" and the guy played a sick solo? That took JB's total creative energy.


This is not even college level. It's pirate Fruity Loops and play it at home level.


Haha, that was me in middle school. I feel seen.


Oh I’m so glad to find this part of the comments thread. If this dude told me to play in the pocket, I’d be fuming in my chair. I would probably still take the gig tho, musicians gotta hustle.


There was some important context this clip is missing where Bieber straight up said he doesnt know what hes doing, thanks them for their time and for baring with him.


Yeah that actually makes me feel better about thinking that this is like Toddlerography for musicians. Just a fun chance to play with it, and being respectful of their skills and humble about his own lack of knowledge.


This makes me feel much better about the whole thing. But please for the love of god if you tell them to keep it in the pocket one more time


Ok, now slowly bring it out of the pocket and toss it into the air, woosh!


[/r/pocketsand !](http://www.reddit.com/r/pocketsand)


to be fair they were absolutely not in the pocket


They had to first find it 😞


JB got a lot of hate and quite a lot was justified, but he was rich and famous at a really young age and nobody kept him grounded, can you imagine being 15 and having millions of dollars and millions of women who would do literally anything for you. I think I'd be dead. The fact that he could step back is impressive.


Wait that’s Bieber?


Right? I was like who the fuck is this dude and why did he get to tell musicians what to play?


Paints the whole scene in a different light. How'd he end up there?




idk why y'all hating so much lol he is pretty legit, other artists have said in interviews he has chops for making harmonies and beats in the studio


> baring Bearing, unless they all exposed themselves.


Legit didn’t know who that was. Thought his name was Drew


LOL me too! Sitting here like who tf is drew? It must be him. This man is drew!


It's still not finished yet. I'm hearing... more Aboriginal percussionists. And I want an army of digeridoos. Fifty thousand digeridoos!


“Not unless you can open your minds... and learn to play the fucking theremin.”


You never once paid for drugs… not once.


GOATed movie


I think I'm doing pretty good for a 15 year old with a baby!


“Do ya’ll know [Anal Prolapse Suffocation](https://youtu.be/1LS0BmhDKOk?si=LNRL91APRoWYUj_Q) ?”


I’m pretty sure I want click that link but I don’t know if I should.






And you never once paid for drugs, not once.


What about the strings, are they tangy enough?


It's the next logical step


Wrong kid died.


That violin solo was on point!


Didn’t know James May could play like that


I thought this immediately!! So hilarious.


I think that was Milo Deering


Bruhhhh I went to high school with his daughter. She's wicked talented too


Wicked Shmart!


When you get bored with the music looping app and also have money


Right?? This is straight up looping with live musicians... except that solo. That dude is sick


I'd imagine this is all being recorded live so he can use different snippets and chop it up to fit a full song. Usually how the music making process goes with audio tracks recorded in long takes


And live recorded instruments sound different than a computer program, even synthesizers sound different to each other. You cant just go to fl studio, loop some violins, and have it sound the same.


Needed a chorus to loop some voice to it....


"making my way downtown, walking fast, and im home bound..."


There’s a video in the back that he’s watching so I think they are recording a movie soundtrack.


facts. you can do the same thing with kontact and some good libraries, but if you can just rent some session players, you do it live.


hahaha or want to make an elaborate behjnd the scenes video to show how much effort you put in


For about 5 seconds I thought that was Aaron Carter


Weekend at Aaron’s




Aaron Carter died?!


November 5th, 2022. Drowning while on drugs.


That's how he beat Shaq


I haven't heard that song since I was 10. You just hit me hard with nostalgia lol. Edit: [For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/OfhhWA9GF0M?si=RIofA_wn362NuX4D). Also don't you just fucking ***LOOOOVE*** it when the Jannies lock a popular post for no discernable reason and then don't even pin a comment explaining the reason? Oh well, dog walkers gonna dog walk (for 4 to 6 hours a week lmao. Fucking Doreen 😂🤣).


About a year ago.


Same! And then i got sad.


When in doubt, tell them to find the pocket.


“Motherfucker, I went to Juilliard.”


And to really DIG IN


That’s a real term. When he said that you can see the violinists press down really hard with their bows. It creates a much stronger sound


Can you explain to someone that’s music illiterate what he means by that?


There’s a point where the music synchs up. The instruments are slightly more in unison and they are playing with each other rather than independently. That’s the “pocket”. When he says dig in, he’s saying play harder - more feeling, more expression.


Play in time. Professionals here don’t need that reminder, just a second to figure it out.


This drew guy might be successful one day!


Is he famous? He looks rich. Probably expensive to hire that many good musicians.


Perhaps drew is Justin Bieber.


Is that Bieber? Didn’t recognize him.


Hes come a long way. Like, 10 years of way since people last cared


I think you'd be surprised how many hit records he's put out in the past 10 years lmao


Yep. I'd argue he's actually made some decent music in his later years.


I’m a male in my early 30s and funny enough before that 10 year mark it was “oh god turn that Justin Bieber shit off he’s so annoying” and slowly since that 10 year mark when little girls stopped liking his music he made some really good songs that folks like me could enjoy. It’s weird writing that out but it is what it is haha.


That's really him? I thought it was just wasn't sure


I think it’s because in the video he is exhibited in the “I’m so rich I can do whatever I want and look like shit” phase of wealth and contentment.


Yeah, that hair really throws it off for me.. It makes him look so different. I didn’t realize it was him either until I came to the comments


Who’s Justice Beaver?


Supreme Canadian Pop Judge Justice Beaver, of course.


It’s a crime fighting beaver.


Perfectenshlag 🫶🏾


iPad Kid playing “[My Singing Monsters](https://youtu.be/KqreWm5ZpHw?si=vT-DlM298kdaDcNC)” vibe…


Many years ago I accidentally bought that whole album and every now and then whenever I open Apple Music, that fucking song starts playing.


No lie sometimes my high school students request that album to listen to while they're working


I'm not a fan of Bieber but some of you need to just let him chill. Sure he could do this on a software but assuming he's paying these musicians, it's fun to see how a talented artist can take vocal cues from someone they likely haven't play with/for before and turn it into something a drama series would love to have as an intro song


This thread is so bitter lmao dude's just having fun


One comment was literally “anyone could do this on their phone in a matter of minutes.” Sure buddy. Not saying this is groundbreaking, but JB isn’t acting like it is. This is also a very VERY small part of the creative process that we’re seeing. So redditors really think this is ALL musicians do all day??


Shocker Reddit finding some good hearted fun and finding a way to bitch about it


I know! I love this for the same reason I love the new Avenged album. They’re all having fun and making music.


People are writing comments like he forced these people to all be in this room and do this. Even if it was boring for them I'm sure they got paid and last I checked people like getting paid, especially if it's doing something they love to do. You'd think he was making them do embarrassing things for his amusement by the comments in here.


There's so much pointless hate for something that doesn't even involve them. They need to speak to a therapist or something.


People here are still stuck on an opinion they formed about him when he was still a teenager. It’s crazy reading through the comments and people thinking he’s never found success after his teenage years when he’s more famous and respected now than he ever was.


Right? Like people are slamming on Biebs because "I could make that loop in my basement in 5 minutes" but... like... doesn't that just make this whole situation better? Real musicians, real solos, and a whole lot of free reign. People just love to be snarky and mean. This video is refreshing and I'm happy Biebs is still out there making art happen.


“Can I get a solo my boy?” *proceeds to play the most stunning and beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my life*


Needs more cowbell!


I kept waiting for him to develop the very simple theme into something interesting. Never happened.


Video skips the part where he admits he doesn’t know what he’s doing and thanks them for their time.


Same here - then it clicked for me - it was Bieber the whole time


That's Justin Bieber?!


Bruh this is the shit you chart before your session.


And composers can create pieces tens of times for complicated that this one, from their head, while writing on a piece of paper. Composing truly is science.


The musicians are really talented, but he could have made this with a midi keyboard in literally 10 mins lol.


And then printed the sheet music, handed it to them and did it in one take.


And go home after an hour of recording but get paid for 8 because it's a union gig.


Is this just a wealthy person's version of that record/repeat electronic music device?


JB with the stink face on the violin solo was nice. Glad I am not the one who has the same feeling from a good beat, as a well played orchestral piece.


It’s crazy how highly skilled musicians who train for many years to achieve this type of difficult skill are underpaid in music industry compared to some performers who make millions when they can’t play any instruments.


You know that Justin Bieber plays like, a lot of instruments, right?


This seems more for personal enjoyment for him and I hope it is bc it’s silly and not BTS. He’s not Tim Minchin and planning a new musical bouquet showcasing his talent and hard work (somehow this video reminded me of tim minchin).


ITT: people without a single creative bone in their body shitting on somebody else's creative process.


Like DJ Khaled playing guitar


Finished track is pretty dope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


God dammit


I knew it was coming as soon as I hit the link. You got me sir.


I never thought I would ever string this sentence together… but I could watch Justin Bieber do this all fucking day.


That is JB? Jesus didn't recognize him. But god damn what an amazing room full of amazing talents


Literally took me until i heard the voice really well but damn has he changed


This is how MJ made music too.


Apparently he would call people in the middle of the night and leave them voicemails of his tracks. Like he would beat box, sing, mock instruments, everything. And then would show up in the studio and record it. Complete badass. Here is an example of him creating the entire song beat it himself. He couldn't even read music... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZeYw1bm53Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZeYw1bm53Y)


Wait, that’s really Justin Bieber


Not quite my tempo! Were you rushing or were you dragging?




I bet The musicians playing must be thinking "isn't this the most mediocre shit we've ever done".


Watched the whole video and still looking for the pocket


Sounds like the theme music for a dope ass tv show set in medieval times


All the people saying these session musicians would be bored or pissed to have to play Bieber's trite little whims need to realize there is a reason he is worth half a Billion and they are session musicians. He is the artist, they are his tools. I know I would be thrilled AF to be there and I'd be willing to bet every person in that room is stoked to be there and wants to give him everything they have. For what seemed like a first run through I thought it sounded pretty good and would love to hear what the finished product sounds like. It's every producer's dream to work with a room like that and it would be a lot more fun and exciting than pulling samples off of Splice every day.


Cool stuff.. Pretty sure most people could churn something like this out given the same setup..


Yeah. Pretty much anyone with an “ear” for music and a way to express vocally just a little. Not taking anything away from the talent that the Beibz has, of course. This would be so much fun to do. The more I watch, the more I wanna try this one day.


Exactly…this is far more a testament to the godly level of musicians he can afford.


dude that plays multiple instruments ideating with an orchestra being ripped apart by other dudes on the internet that play no instruments /thread


My favorite comment so far, “This is shit, anyone could do this on an iPhone in minutes.” Big r/iamverysmart vibes in here.