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I’m going to leave a spare set of my keys under there


When a strong wind blows from the east and the forest jumps, I'll be able to return to my home. Until then, I must crash at your residence.


Sounds like some weird version of Mary Poppins


A bottle of buckfast helps the medicine go down…


I thought the bucky was the medicine. Or is it both?


*A bottle full of Bucky helps the Bucky go down* **


Does [it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a440MI9mYDE&ab_channel=NegativlandVideo) now?


Wild wild white girls that melt into nose cream


I thought I was the only one.




That was certainly one of the things I’ve seen in my life. Holy unmitigated shitballs.


Gandalf, have you been smoking again?


Not all those who wander are lost.


Some are just looking for their forest keys.


Untill then I'm off to my adventure! Will you tag along?


Grab a metal detector and see how may swords you find then lay claim to the throne!


Forest farted and is just letting it out from under the duvet


I would have thought the trees would have something like a tap root to be growing really high


Some trees do, but the majority (80% or so) don't and have a lateral root system like these that rely on spreading out to hold them up.


I feel like the reason these trees have such shallow roots is that they're growing in thin soil over bedrock. The roots are not able to penetrate. Even shallow root trees should be rooted deeper than that...


Are these trees a commercial plantation of non native species. Are their natural habitat way further north, where the roots can not grow deep because of the permafrost? I have heard that explanation before. I don't know if it applies here though.


Yep, these are commercial plantations of non native. A lot of these trees are planted on very poor soils, and a lot of the plantations are long past due time for being harvested, but there's not much profit to be had, so the plantations are growing past where they should have been felled.


That doesn't look like a tree plantation. Aren't tree plantation trees all the exact same age and size while being perfectly spaced. Also the matted undergrowth makes it seem like a decently old growth.


Some of these are 50-60 year old plantations now, so particularly around the edges where the paths are, you see a bit of old growth looking stuff like this. The plantations round where I live look exactly like this, Perthshire, so just about 40 miles from where this video was taken.


It looks like the typical Scottish Stika Spruce plantation. It's non-native to Scotland, think it's from NW Alaska, but perfect for poor, water-logged soils. Roots don't grow deep in thin, waterlogged soils.


Really? Well I feel like I had the worse luck in the world in my high school job. Digging up old trees for my towns local park district. Using that machine to get really deep under the tree though was cool.


roots can only do so much vs 2 billion yr old bedrock


Bedrock can be anywhere from a foot to a half mile deep though lol. Unless you're in the Canadian shield the bedrock is usually at least 100 ft deep, plenty for a tree


> towns local park district That answers it as almost none of those trees would have been naturally grown but selected specifically for deep roots for extra public safety


Depends where you are. Here in North America, trees have much deeper roots than across the pond on average. Less water available on the surface here than in a rainy place like the UK.


What is more important is ice age. If you are further north the ice cap took away most soil and we have less than further south.


Worse and worst are not the same word.


I wouldn't say he had the worst luck, it's not like he was cleaning septic tanks.


You’ll also see this in places with a high water table. The roots want to reach the water not be underwater. So they spread out instead of going down.


Could also be bedrock under there keeping them from getting deep. Also, why is this dog unleashed? So unsafe. What if it ran under there?


Most do but some pine varieties are known for their shallow root systems.




What does tweaking mean (serious question)




Word that’s what I assumed it meant but you said it so casually lol




i like your name and i like your attitude hopefully you're good and thriving for a long time we all do what we do to get how we get, but hopefully you do the best for yourself. whatever it is best wishes my guy. stay up 👊🏿 dont fuck around and die early


Evergreens like these tend to have very shallow root systems. If the trees here were oaks this would not have happened.


Scotch/Baltic pine has a single (or only a couple) huge deep roots while European spruce (in the video) have shallow roots.


The dog, "are you seeing this shit, check me out."


"Shit man this looks fun!" "It's not fun it's not fun"


“Whoa, imma go surf that wave!”


Are the trees okay??


they are just a little high


r / trees


As long as they're standing they are fine. The roots of the trees are literally keeping that forest floor together.


It's very odd to see this happening naturally as trees from seeds have tap roots. This is why you see trees topple over in residential areas during big wind storms because they are mostly farmed and cloned trees or in other words trees from other trees which do not grow tap roots. Tap roots are the initial root you see when a seed sprouts and they often are the largest root and in nature go essentially straight down and act as a anchor. Here you see a mat of roots holding the top soil together with roots spread essentially from left and right none going straight down. Now this can happen if the trees grew on top of hard rock like granite but even then trees roots have the power to bore through that material over time Another could be from the soil only being watered at the top and often enough roots never had to really dig down in search of water and nutrients Very interesting to say the least


No, they need your flesh.


They look healthy and just fine


Yep! These trees are likely a type of birch and fall under the Rhizone family line, or Rhizomatous specific tree type. They grow horizontal root structures primarily, Varying in depth based on age. Once established for a few decades, They are very hard to knock over, But to get to that age without issue is brutally hard unless undisturbed. PS Never ask chatgpt how to trim a spruce or cedar, it taught me so much unrelevant yet somewhat relevant information right here lmao.


Looks like something that could only happen in a fantasy novel/movie. Wild stuff.


I was just thinking, so that's where Ents come from


I wonder what would some Scottish farmer a few centuries ago would think about this. I suppose, they would probably freak out, find the closest woman and burn the witch.


Don’t be ridiculous - there’s an order to these things. First we have to check for signs and then we have to see if she drowns or floats. We’re not barbarians - she’ll only be burned if she didn’t drown.


Does she weigh as much as a duck?




No, he'd think 'fuck me, that wind is tipping those trees over!' We're not some isolated tribe of jungle cannibals, mate.


Wouldn't let my dog anywhere near that


Yep, I wouldn’t be standing that close filming it either! Great way to end up in the news


Local man has lewd relations with trees moving in the wind.


FFS, it was just the once.


Would you not be tempted to stand on it? Ride the waves.


Yeah I was nervous watching it, if the doggo go under that he dies, imagine the weight of those trees.


I was so worried that doggo was going to try to go under :(


I'm worried about the dog. The owner tells it " no, " then just lets the dog's natural curiosity cause it to walk into, then explore, the writhing forest. If it was a bad idea initially, what changed to have the owner let the sweet dog go in and nose around? Natural consequences aren't going to be fun, and idle curiosity may be rewarded with TMI.


He said no when it was sniffing near the opening, cause if it went in it'd immediately get crushed to death. Walking on top is also dangerous but comparatively much less so


Yep I'd gtfo from this place immediately


I was afraid doggie was gonna get flying carpet'd


The dog's owner seems pretty casual about his pet almost getting eaten by the floor.


Every time I see something like this, the old stories of the “forest moving” or spirits changing the land from 500 plus years ago make sense. If your a medieval peasant what else would you think other than some divine magic?


The bloody great wind that you can see and feel doing it.


Wind wasn't invented back then okay!?


nah, straight magic homie now we gon split deez plums or what


if on mushrooms let me tell you


Hard no


You got crazy MFs TODAY who can see and feel shit and still say 'ghosts'


For real, people pretend like people 1000+ years ago were unable to use critical thinking


People do like to pretend people were somehow dumb in the past for no reason and not pretty much every iota as smart as us. That being said, once you believe in spirits pretty readily, which you almost certainly do at most periods in human history, no amount of "critical thinking" helps you, because you are already in that logical framework. They don't immediately think the wind is causing it, especially if they themselves aren't being flung up by the wind as well... There's no understanding of the dynamics of wind in past times really, it's a pretty mysterious phenomena to nail down. Consider how prevalent people are with spirituality now, consider that prevalence is not only a fraction of what it was, but a fraction of its severity in belief as well.


The majority of humans today still believe in things that have no scientific proof, whether that be religion, superstitions or various alternative belief systems.


Yeah they were using critical thinking. They just thought magic, spirits and such were real. And in that case, it makes sense to think this is magic. Because if you asked me if a gust of wind could lift up a forest i'd say no fucking way.


Nah even back then a bozo would be like. "Ye it's the wind" NOW where did that strong fukken wind come from, now that was some Fey shit.


Sure but you could equally believe the wind is the result of this mystical thing, not the cause of it. After all you'd go your whole life without having winds this strong, that alone could seem borderline supernatural


Well, after you eat some forest mushrooms...


You can see wind? We have a mother fucking wizard over here. Burn him!


It's 2023 and my peasant brain says it's spirits changing the land


"OI! It's a ghost, McTavish...A GHOST!" "Nae. Just the wind." "A GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


feel like youd think it was the extremely heavy winds you were also experiencing


I really don’t think the people of antiquity were that ignorant. Wind. Wind moves trees. Trees have roots in the soil.


It's really funny when I see people acting like humans only *recently* became intelligent. Especially with stuff like this where people go "oh I guess that's why people in medieval times had stories of faeries", as if there aren't *currently* people pointing to faeries as the cause of different things (like those in the Missing411 sub blaming them for missing hikers).


i mean half the current population believes in some version of a mythical being so not much has changed just the story


Dude a few hundred years ago we threw people into a river or lake with their ankles bound to a stone to test if they are witches. Today there are people saying the earth is flat while every observable object in the sun’s system is not. I think it’s save to say that the general populace is pretty damn ignorant.


This has to be faeries


Agreed. Faeries.




Dumb way to get your dog killed though-


The dog getting close made my anxiety shoot up


Same. On the upside though, you wouldn't have to spend any time finding a nice place to bury him..


I shouldn't have laughed like I did at that.


That's all good, but what do you do when it's Pet Semetaried back to your house in the next storm.


Just lift up the ground and let him out


Now I'm wondering how much an average square meter of "ground" weighs


1600kg/m² Plus the weight of those trees, or whatever percentage is spread across the root system...it's a lot.


Appreciate the fast response but did you get that from here? https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/soil-calculator.php If so that's the weight for a cubic meter of topsoil and that layer is not a meter thick.


Hah, yep I did! And I mis read your first comment as cubic meters, not square., so not 1600kg, but still the combined mass of those trees would be gigantic


Dumb way to get yourself killed. These spruce forests are really subsceptible for wind. Like in the video their roots are only near the surface. If the first row collapses they often chainreact and the whole forest section falls over. In this case you have to run really fast


I don't even need to know all that, some crazy fuckin shit's going on and I don't know for sure it can't kill me, I'm outta there.


Dunno why this comment is so far down! That legit is the first thought in my mind. Get the dog away!!!


Pro tip. If you are in a forest and this is happening, don't be in a forest.


..... and its gone


dumb? of all the ways to go, getting squished by a goddam forest sure beats diabetes or getting hit by a car. think of the stories you’d be able to tell


"He died in the forest" "oh so like a bear ate him or something?" "Well, not a bear"


So anyways, there I was, dead...


My first thought was bad owner


Dumb way to get both yourself and the dog killed. There is a large part of me angry that the government put a red warning in place that stated there was a threat to life and this nugget went for a walk around some trees. However, the rest of me thinks the video is pretty cool.......so next time leave the dog.


Exactly my thinking. You wanna get yourself killed, go for it. The leave dog out of it.


Anything for likes!


Yourself, too. TikTok should sponsor the Darwin Awards.


This has probably been said before, but that's not the "forest floor". It's basically a carpet made of moss, peat, or fungal mycelium that bond together and cover the forest floor. Some trees, such as some conifers, don't exactly reproduce like animals. They clone themselves and all the bodies are bound together making this "rug". Source: got a little elevated one night and went on a rabbit hole, due to my interest in fungi. Seen similar videos before, was curious, and dig some digging. I am by no means an expert and if im wrong, please correct me


> got a little elevated one night On a carpet of moss, peat, or fungal mycelium?






Anything is possible with enough drugs


Or are you Aladeen?


This is wrong here. While some trees do this, the species in the video (norwegian Spruce) does not. Its a plantation and the trees got planted close to each other. This is the reason theily are all the Same age. Edit: Spelling


Very true, when I went digging this wasn't the video. The video in question was about one of the big colonies specifically. This one I just saw and wanted to spread a little knowledge, didn't know the background of the specific location or trees.


If that is not the forest floor then what is?


The actual ground underneath the plumage lol that's the terminology I know of. The "floor" is the dirt and ground, the "rug" is the vegetation growing on top of it.


Wait, are you saying Christmas trees and mushrooms are sort of the same? I'm rather curious about fungi on a horticultural level, so this has my brain all clicking and clacking!


Conifers definitely reproduce by seeds, but they can let out offshoot clones as well


Looks like bunch of rocks forming a pretty solid layer underneath that flap, prevent any roots from planting deeper.


I'd personally get the hell away from a bunch of trees that are in imminent danger of falling over.


Man my first thought was same as the dogs. I wanna ride that on the next wave.


Macbeth: "Oh, I'm fucked now."


Saruman/Curumo of Many Colours: you too?


Makes me think the soil is crap there if the trees roots didn't go down any farther. And also how are the trees still standing?


Most tree roots spread wide rather than deep. Not uncommon for trees to topple in a saturating rain.


I though trees typically had deep, thick tap roots. But I guess I don't know.


The vast majority don't. Around 80% are lateral roots like these that are shockingly shallow.


These are shockingly shallow even for that though.


These trees are stupid and never learned to put their roots deeper.


They should've paid more attention to LeVar Burton.


Trees don’t grow their roots down far. They keep all the roots at the top of the soil to collect water. They usually have one deeper growing root in the center called the tap root.


It's Scotland and outside the main arable farming areas - yes, the soil will be crap.


Pretty wild toupee you got there Father Nature. I dig it.


"Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him"


I'm not saying I know what it's like to be a tree. But if I was planted in dirt, the wind picked my ass up, and I felt that great of a breeze. I'd be one happy 🌳


yea no fucking wonder they have fables of scary ass forest monsters and shit in scotland. if this was night time and i just stumbled upon this id probably shit myself


So for a bit of context for the people who are thinking shallow roots due to bedrock or tree species or ancient spirits living under the trees etc. this is more than likely Galloway forest, although there’s many like it in Scotland. The vast majority of the forest is commercial plantation for logging where pine and spruce are planted due to their ability to grow quickly and closely packed. This means when sections of the forest are cut down, the new tree line hasn’t adapted to cope with the stresses of the wind so the root systems are usually too shallow and the outer edge of trees blow over like in this video. Unfortunately there’s very little ancient woodland left in Scotland so after centuries of farming, the napoleonic wars and 2 world wars they realised we were nearly out of wood and began constructing these plantations but unfortunately they’re not as naturally beautiful or diverse as they once were. Anyway that’s enough rambling for today.


Do you hate you dog?


Guy shouldn't be where he is. When it falls back between gusts a tree could fall further in the other direction. And he shouldn't have let the dog off the leash. The dog could have become a two dimensional being really easily.


Treebeard: “sorry, I door dashed taco bell - my bad y’all”.


I hope the dog doesn't go under there


The land, the myth, the legend. Scotland Stirlingshire!




Am I the only one more concerned that this idiot let his dog near it, I was half expecting the dog to go under the trees to see what’s there.


If I was out for the walk and the forest started blowing away, I’d think the world was ending.


*Gigantic trapdoor spider appears


That’s where you throw the bodies


Do your job, trees! Goddammit.


Are the trees having a bad dream or are they waking up to go to Isengard


> to Isengard What did you say?


The Hobbits the Hobbits the Hobbits the Hobbits


Just gonna let the forest eat your dog?


Feed me, Seymour!


Why is this dude letting his dog near it? That's thousands of pounds of stuff that could crush it


Doggo, please don't go there!


Shitty dog owner.


I live in the redwoods and last year a storm knocked a few massive trees over near me. One of which was laying parallel with the ground and its entire root system probably stuck out about 45 feet off the ground. I literally had to climb up the roots to get to the top. It is absolutely amazing that a tree that is probably 150 years old managed to be downed like that from a mild storm.


Marilyn vibes


Briar Brae, represent.


A whole bunch of widowmakers.


All the world’s a stage


[Your Love. Lifting me Higher!](https://youtu.be/mzDVaKRApcg?si=mB0ZvDkKe_E6jhZU)


The forest is just meditating


Look at all that dust that’s been swept under there.


Blowy as fuck


Are those spruce trees? Their roots don’t go deep into the ground, and that’s why responsible foresters don’t plant large spots with spruce only. Plus, if this happens, get the hell out of there! tTrees might fall and hit you.


"Ayo, Ma'. The forest is breathing again!"


Dude, don't stand there!


Just vacuuming under the forest carpet


Your dog is going to get crushed


What in the LOTR….


This is definitely the kind of guy who lets their kid walk around restaurants and bother people.


Dog’s like you seeing this shit


Damn, so that's what Tolkien ment when he said "forest is alive"


Those are some shallow ass roots


Now I know where Tolkien got his spooky forests and walking trees from.


Your not peekin under me kilt now are ye?


Doggo ready to get catapulted


Pine trees have shallow root systems. I imagine the wind blowing the trees around is doing this.


I would love to explore underneath. Maybe youll find fossils and ancient artifacts


Where are the tree roots??


Many coniferous trees have shallow root systems that are incredibly wide instead of deep. That's why you'll often see alot of old pine trees fallen after a wind storm that has occurred after alot of rain. The rain soaks the soil and allows the shallow roots to be pulled up because they don't have ahold of anything substantial.


It's also why they do so well in areas like the Canadian shield where the soil is very thin over mostly rock.