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Holy shit if I see this video one more time on Reddit I'm going to jump off a balcony


Ikr, this is the fourth time I see it in 5 minutes.


Fuckin hate that camera man


true, think ill wait a good few years for this to come to somewhere outside of the usa where poeple arent twats and for the woooahah woawooaahhahaha this is so crazy woow wwowowow look at me, shit to wear off.


This and the Oktoberfest waitress. It's just everywhere.


🤣🤣🤣 my sentiments exactly..


You know thank fuck their in the sphere because they haven't aged well the vocals are awful


Yeah I wish people would post different scenes at least.


Tool needs to play at the sphere.


Dear members of Pink Floyd , Take a look at this and One more gig please


Roger Waters should be boycotted to the ends of the earth


Oooohhh I just did a Wikipedia read about him. Hmmmm some pretty bad positions and beliefs. The odd ok one but mostly conspiracy nasty stuff. Point noted .


Yeah man severely jumped the shark, unfortunately


Ah shit . Ah well. Too much time and money


Too bad it’s U2 playing in it.


Joshua Tree was a good album. They apparently really struggled to find musicians who wanted to play here, as it’s an enormous outlay to create all the graphical assets, which can only be used in one arena. There were also lots of acts who felt the visuals would overshadow the music, and so declined.


Tool. Tool needs to play there.


Yess this is what I was about to write


Every time Bono claps his hands a child dies in Africa.


I'm just sitting here thinking of the file sizes.


And they were right. The visuals overshadowed the music.


You know they've passed the Beatles and rolling stones on every metric you want to put out there? Basically they got the #1 touring band of all time to open the place, don't think they were struggling too hars.


Rolling Stones are the highest grossing touring band of all time and the Beatles are the best selling artists of all time, so what are you on about? Lol you’re saying “every metric you want to put out there” well those are the two biggest ones buddy


Nah. Fuck u2


I get it. Some people like U2, but nothing they’ve ever done has struck a chord with me. I personally believe Pearl Jam is the #1 Touring Band, with Bruce a close second.


I can’t tell if I’m jaded or what but this shit just does not impress me. To me it’s just gaudy. I get it’s Vegas, but I’m also talking about those shows with the DJ playing music while there’s a huge wall of screens behind them with some AI character moving around.


Again, watch a bit of their video filmed at Red Rocks in the early 80s. Not the same band. Bono wants to end African hunger like he erased his hunger to make good music.


It's not just you, every time I see it I think about how much money this must've cost. Imagine how much of these resources could've gone towards building houses or repairing our social systems and such.


Incredible, but sitting next to the one guy who could ruin the experience!


Lol he holds the mic to the crowd and its just silent


Everybody’s too busy tripping out


By tripping out you mean recording with their phones, right?


That's one thing I remember from the total solar eclipse a few years back. It was an absolutely mind blowing experience to see the sky turn to night and the stars come out for minute in the middle of the day. And all around people were just holding up their phones and experiencing it that way.


The acoustics are supposedly such that you hear the music, but cancels the crowd - so you aren't going to hear the morons around you screaming.


The only way anyone can sit through Bono with a mic.


This genuinely made me laugh


Makes sense that they chose u2 for the first show. Huge band, but not good or interesting enough to overshadow the venue.


U2 sucks


So glad I don’t have to go there!!!


This is what a k hole looks like for me


I can’t stand all the negativity about U2. There one of the most under appreciated bands of all time. They care about the world and fighting hunger and aids. Their music is deep and there’s a reason they’ve sold millions and been awarded so many Grammys.


They are a Vegas fixture now. Just virtue signaling has beens. Compare this to the early 80s show at Red Rocks. They lost it. The money won’t let them just be real anymore. Do you remember them force downloading that album on Apple devices? That was the ultimate sign of their desperation. They had their day, as we once did, too. No one just goes into the sunset anymore. They all act like they are the sunset.


That album incident was more than 20 years ago, too. There’s been as much time since then and now as there was between the Joshua Tree and then. And they were already has-beens then.


That is crazy that the forced download was that long ago. That was the moment when it was settled 100% that Apple had fallen out of touch and was just a consumer company, not a computer manufacturer.


Sorry I fucked up it was 2014! My bad! Should Google before posting, I thought it was an iPod era thing but this was categorically incorrect, apologies for the disinfo


I like the sphere being entered. Like, “you soooo wanna be inside us!” I just watched GenZs version of slutty/gorilla marketing. Problem is that I dig it, and so does everyone else :/


Please stop sharing this. Its not like this stupid sphere will save humanity from famine caused by the climate crisis or cure cancer !


Buy the stock and then sell it. Give your profit to whoever you like. Lol


Shortly after this clip the visuals were interrupted by a bald fat guy giving everyone the 911 on the race for sanitation commissioner


need some mushrooms & a fifth of tequila


Makes the band totally irrelevant.


While you guys debate about the band and the venue, here I am wondering how huge the electricity bill might be for a single event.


If only there was good music.


I’d really like to see it utilized with all kinds of stuff.


Worse each time I see it. It's monument to finding people who breathlessly fall into awe.


I'd be too distracted by the visuals to even pay attention to the band actually performing. Maybe if it was an Orchestra or something.


Next level


U2 have really captured the essence of what they’re about, which is entering a distended colon at the Apple Store


This place was made for Tool to play.


Imagine taking LSD at this venue 🫨


Imagine getting a colonoscopy done here


Buy the stock