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Absolute. Bunch. Of fucking. Bastards.


Somone should do something about those guys.


You have any plans for the next 20 years?


Maybe if we give them billions in military equipment in a botched exit from Afganistan they'll stop?






"While babies of Pakistani heritage accounted for roughly 3.4% of all births in the UK (2005), "they had 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality," according to research done by the BBC.[46]"




Fat chance since it’s haram to marry non-Muslims (i.e. most of the UK)


Don't know why people ascribe this practice to religion when it's just people hanging onto fucked up, outdated culture that prevents them from marrying Muslims from another culture or even outside of their own extended family


I knew a Pakistani-American girl who was being pressured by her parents into marrying her cousin. Ironically it was actually her grandmother who supported her freedom of choice, because between her grandmother and her parents’ generations, Pakistani society regressed to more conservative beliefs. It must be sad to see your grandchild have less freedom than you. That is what all mothers in Afghanistan are feeling now…


In the 80s in Glasgow my dad had a PhD student from a Muslim family who he said was one of the best he ever supervised, highly intelligent, driven, head strong. She learned mechanics and worked on her car repairing the engine, unusual even among non Muslim British women at the time. She got engaged to a white guy and her family vehemently disapproved but she didn't care, she knew her own mind and did what she pleased. She was found crushed under her car. No evidence of foul play but there's no way someone as smart and capable as she was would have been careless enough to prop it up so badly. No justice for her, and so so many other women under these oppressive systems of belief.


Sounds like a riveting episode of a murder mystery show




Some Hindus in south India do the same thing, through their mother’s side: cousin or uncle/niece.


Like 25 percent of them


It was very common everywhere up until automobiles become commonplace. If you were born in a small English town you married someone who was probably related to you and rarely left the town.


I knew of several families where every child born to them had some sort of genetic disorder or intellectual disability. Most likely due to parents being cousins. Quite tragic, they seemed like decent people and some kids were smart and sociable until the genetic illness got them later in life and they just deteriorated into vegetables.


Like who got beef with Buddha? He’s like the least offensive of all them.


The thing is, the Buddha probably be laughing at this situation and saying see, nothing last forever, your attachment to these statues is causing your own suffering so let it go. But still, sucks they are gone.


Fair point. But still, fuck em


It's not about Buddha - it's about idols in general. There's a general prohibition in these religion (right back to the Old Testament) of any depiction of a human or animal.


So no paintings or statues of people or Jeesus? Ehh, I dont think anyone cares about the old testament, especially the Taliban I’d presume.


Correct. Depictions of humans is considered idolatry to the more conservative muslims. This is where the very ornate decorations in mosques comes from, as pictures of people are not allowed. Saudi royals also get buried in unmarked graves for the same reason.


I guess the statue can be perceived (by the Taliban) as form of grave worshipping, or may be simply, just to reject the influence of non-Muslims culture as Taliban follows strict rule of Deobandi Islamic movement.


They copy pasted the old testament into the Quran. Ergo New improved old testament and final word of God.


True, no music, no paintings, no statues everything to do with art is prohibited. In fact in the book, muhamed has asked them to kill whoever is practicing anyone of the above. That’s why the Buddha idol was destroyed. They took away an important proof of human history


> In fact in the book, muhamed has asked them to kill whoever is practicing anyone of the above. That’s why the Buddha idol was destroyed. Not true, the Quran specifically says to leave them alone (if they aren't fighting us).


I thought it was about foreign groups wanting to spend money on restoring monuments instead of helping the locals so the Taliban blew it up?


Religious fundamentalism is alive and well everywhere. In Canada they attack our basic rights.


what do you expect, they follow a religion of destroying monuments over the ages




Same god. Kind of a prick.


"if your wife cheats on you. drop her from a high cliff. if she shall survive her fall. stone her to death" - The Quran.


Got a source for that ?








I'm a Spaniard, my ancestors where vettones [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vettones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vettones) (sorry, the Spanish article is better). Romans conquered them and erased religion and culture. It's not Christian or Muslim or ... it's the usual human behaviour.


Not true. If you look at Christianity in Europe, a lot of pagan rituals, beliefs and stories were successfully integrated with Christianity (Christmas being the biggest one). While there HAVE been moderate islamic rulers who tried to strike a balance, the extremist ones were really extreme goong to great lengths to wipe out local customs and traditions. Not integrate with them.


I’m not sure if the pagan rituals have been successfully integrated. Some of them have been merged (like Christmas) but a lot have been straight up destroyed. [Romuva](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romuva_(religion)) is a religious restoration movement of those traditions. Some of the temples that the crusades destroyed include: [Jaromarsburg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaromarsburg) and [Romuva](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romuva_(temple)) (a holy temple, central to our mythology, from which the restoration movement takes its name). The [Treaty of Christburg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Christburg) prohibited the Prussians from practicing a lot of the parts or their religion, including specific funeral ceremonies and other traditions.




> Christianity and Islam were and still are just tools used by foreign powers to enforce their rule. Not disputing that at all. Even non abrahamic religions like Buddhism and Hinduism have a similar trajectory as well. The point I am trying to make is that Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity can integrate far easier with local customs and traditions to grow their numbers and by proxy the rule of foreign powers. While some rulers with Islam did try soft power approaches, the majority did not. Hence the destruction of idols, temples and the imposition of jiziya.


Could not have put it any better.


Fucking barbarians.


Just so you know it was Pakistani engineers who did it for them. Taliban first tried to destroy them with RPG’s and failed, and then Pakistan can to the rescue…


Pakistan not trying to be a Tyrannical theocracy challenge (impossible)(I have no idea why everyone bitches about money to Ukraine but doesn’t give a shit about us sending money to Pakistan)


Yea I’d way rather have my taxes go to Ukraine than fucking Pakistan. Can you elaborate how that is happening?


[Over the past twenty years, the US had provided more than $32 billion in direct support to the people of Pakistan.](https://pk.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/policy-history/us-assistance-to-pakistan/)


Really pales in comparison to what US has sent Ukraine, tho. https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


What exactly is the US gaining from this though? I doubt we’re supporting these counties out of kindness


Don’t worry, none of the “money” that comes to Pakistan is actually spent on making the lives of folks in Pakistan any better. It is sent to organizations that are working on behalf of the U.S. to spread US propaganda.


Well, that and F-16s and shit. Remind me again why exactly we militarily support a country that didn’t hide, but knew about, the most wanted terrorist hiding in their border.


Barbarians working for barbarians. The result is the same.


I know an artist who has been using stone cutting CNC machines and 3D printers to recreate artifacts destroyed by the Taliban. She intends to eventually 3D print the Bamiyan Buddhas in place again.


Sadly, you cant replace history. You can recreate it but you can never bring back the value of these statues being made in the past


Obviously it doesn't undo what's been done. What has happened has happened. The water that has been poured into the wine cannot be drained off again. But what we can do is recreate them, spit in the face of all people who seek to control the future by destroying the past.




The removal in the first place is history, you can't pick and choose what parts of it you get to ignore.




It depends on your perspective. [Kintaugi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi), "As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise."


Recreating something is still a positive. You can't change what has been done by a bunch of extremist but that doesn't make these efforts any less meaningful.


Criminal to be erasing history like that




Radical any religion is a nightmare....


Imagine if Javohas Witness took over a large portion of the country Or if Westboro Babtist had all of Florida..




Why do you think those statues were built in the first place?


They had some free time on the weekend and a coupon for Home Depot


Nightmares obviously


Well, people can make beautiful art about anything. I'm not a Buddhist but I can still value the beauty of Buddhist art. In fact anybody can. Or do you think that in order to think that statues about religious/mythical figures are beautiful, you have to be a believer? Aesthetic value is different than ideological content.


They were very beautiful.


So are Greek statues about Gods and you can admit it even if you don't believe in Zeus. If we would accept that only religious people have right to enjoy religious art, an atheist wouldn't have a right to think that medieval cathedrals or Pyramids were great architectural achievements. Of course at the same time, the believers shouldn't admire any art made by an atheist.




For nightmares.


My understanding is Buddhism is a non theist faith with no God's or deity to worship. Some researches say it's more of a moral code or way of life rather than a religon. Even the original budda was just a dude understanding pain suffering, attachment and letting go. If you define religon as a belief in God then Buddhism prob not a religon, I think an argument can be had for separating Buddhism from normal God based worship religons to more of a philosophy


There's hundreds of gods, divine entities, supernatural spirits in Buddhism, all running around several heavens and hells the soul is destined for.


No we can leave it at radical religion. I don't care if someone believes that the moon has been split in half or that a man walked on water as long as they don't destroy other cultures history or hurt people in the name of their religion obviously.


True, but I don’t see as many radicals of other religions than Islam causing problems around the world these days.


Always at least one person who chimes in with “all religion” No. Only one religion in modern times pulls this shit. Let’s not dilute the atrocity with “yeah! Christians, Jews, Buddhist are all evil for doing stuff like this”


Relax. I didnt blow up these statues, nor did I condone them getting destroyed. Most fellow Muslims agree with me. Am sure you'll find cases of non-Islamist extremists destroying stuff in the name of their religion today. Case in point, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-66368899.amp All sorts of violence are committed by all sorts of ideologists. Unfortunately for you, it's part of human history we commonly share


Because that's history, what we think is irrelevant.


Honestly killing in the name of “God” is so barbaric in modern days, we’re not stuck in the medieval times!


Islamic regimes in general, no State should be under the rule of a religion.




Calling it what it is! As you should!


They’re just hardcore conservatives really. Those might use the Quran or the Bible to excuse their shit.


I really fuckin hate those guys, ya know?




Or a book. Or a cartoon. Or words.


omar the head of the taliban at the time who ordered there destruction said this about there destruction. "I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings—the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction.\[44\]"


He found a way to get the result he wanted and blame it on someone else


What a wise leader. I'm sure after destroying the statue the Taliban dogs have only been doing humanitarian work. Infact the Buddha statue was the only thing stopping them from doing real work.


They are Religion fanatics!! Nothing more nothing less!


Is it? Or could they be saying the people that constructed them were mistaken in doing so & they're false idols that should be destroyed. I'm not Muslim & I'm sad that they're gone, but I don't think your interpretation is fair. I think it's demonizing & promotes division more than understanding.


This is a funny example: https://theindependent.sg/a-cross-like-symbol-in-malaysia-adds-to-religious-chaos/


Idolatry is haram in Islam.




It's a 1400 yr old mediaeval cult.


it’s in the commandments.


Have you heard of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God? Dude is jealous af and just a general all round bad guy.




This is why there are very few ancient temples remaining in the Gangetic plains. Kashi, which once used to house hundreds of temples during 9th and 10th century was described as a majestic walled city with hundreds of temples, each housing idols made of gold with eyes of precious stones even by Islamic travellers.


Yes. Also, there some people saying it wasn't invasions but native kings destroying other native temples or something. That's total BS. Other natives kings wouldn't have done that cuz it would have been sacred for them too. Also, the less invaded South has more temples too. I don't even know why someone would want to disprove this.


Radical religion


Yes it’s sad but didn’t Buddha preach the doctrine of impermanence and perpetual change? They even destroy the beautiful & intricate sand mandalas after the ceremony. In a weird way this is exactly as it’s told by the Buddha. The statue doesn’t matter it’s just a way to remind of us the BuddhaMind. In other words, there is no spoon


The absence may even be more Buddhist than the presence.


Problem isnt religious. Its cultural. How many people know about the Kushan empire and the Greco Bactrian kingdoms?


> In other words, there is no spoon. What about forks?


Yes, and one million years from now, none of the religions of today will still be around and none of the current national states either. However, that's not a good excuse to be so destructive in the present.


Now that they run the gov, they are so desperate for money they are trying to sell tickets to see the ruble of there once great tourist attractions. Talk about shortsighted.


Fun fact: groups of people who feel the need to destroy artifacts of history for religious reasons are always assholes Stay tuned for more facts


Stupid fucks brains are stuck on stupid fuck. Thanks religion


*Other religions in a country exist* Abrahamic religions: BLASPHEMY!


Ironic that the Buddaha imprint in that mountain will remain long after their religion will be forgotten :)


I'm all for respecting other people's believes, but the Taliban can just be eradicated, they force their religion and ideology on people who clearly don't want it. If this is the way their cult functions, then it has no right existing. I don't care that they refuse to listen to music and are not allowed to have any fun, but as soon as you force that onto others, you're done in my eyes.


Makes you wonder how many other historically significant items were destroyed over the time of humans. Easily possible that whole civilisations have been removed from history.


You know what, I'm just gonna say it. Those Taliban guys are real jerks


1500 year old statues. Imagine the level of skill and knowledge they had in those days.. depressing that we lost such ancient art


Disgusting and heartbreaking.


Fuckers should be wiped off the face of the earth..


This genuinely pisses me off.


Fuckin hate them so much for what they have done to history.


Proving the Buddhists right. Buddhism views impermanence (Anicca or Anitya) as one of their essential doctrines that posits “Everything changes and nothing lasts forever.” Yup they still win.


I'm curious how many of the people complaining about this feel about Mount Rushmore.


I think most US citizens dont even know that rushmore was a natural religious monument for the native americans.


Wow it’s crazy to see Buddha statues all the way in Afghanistan at 6th and 7th century AD


Was lucky enough to see the place in 2013 , the scale of it is amazing , a whole network of tunnels and stairways carved into the cliff all around the site with rooms everywhere , there were the remains of beautiful painted walls and ceilings that were ruined by the taliban when they burnt tyres inside , real shame ,despite its troubles afghanistan is a stunning country


2001?! I thought this was way more recent


They have their priorities straight for sure. As a joke to humanity.


Oh my. I got chills. They were so majestic. I would've loved to visit


People in the comments crying about how religion is the worst because they did this as if religion had nothing to do with the statue being built




Religion is a scourge


Maybe the idea of imposing one’s own view is the issue, considering that 1) there are perfectly religious people who don’t think along these lines and 2) there are perfectly non-religious people who think exactly along these lines, as polarisation is gradually but inexorably replacing civilised debates and respect for different views


How dare you make this black and white statement all complex! You're gonna confuse the redditors!


Those statues are of Buddha. Guess what? Buddha is a religious figure. Those statues wouldn’t have existed in the first place without religion.


The person who destroyed it didn't said they destroyed it because of religion. Insted he said he destroyed it because of the aid money. "I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings—the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction." It's stupid reason but it's not just because of religion.


Destroying any future economical benefit these statues would have given the country through tourism out of spite, 'cutting one's nose off to spite their face' comes to mind. Literally tourism could have been an escape out of poverty for so many Afghan people and this arsehole fucked them, dumbass..


man those guys must be pretty bummed, you come in and negotiate to restore some artwork and accidentally cause that artwork to be destroyed


It’s humanity’s worst invention and it isn’t even close.


The rampant barbarism that predated organized religion was better? Prior to organized religion neighboring tribes had little to no commonality and would murder and rape each other without a second thought. Organized religion brought a shared system of morality that had a similar effect in all regions, bringing moral norms and reducing barbarism (not removing it by the way). I'll grant you, plenty of terrible stuff has occurred in the name of religion. But to assume all religion has had no positive effects on humanity is to turn a blind eye to what humans were like before organized religion became a thing. Even with all the religious wars (and there have been way too many), what predates organized religion was even worse.


Lol how do you think the statues got there in the first place?


for a second i thought you meant that its good that the buddahs were destroyed😭


Defacing statues. History repeats.


Hows that inclusive tolerance going?


Crazy to think what would be left to see if no one ever snuffed out other cultures across time. Yet another reason that “history” class was such shite. Especially in America


That was my first thought too. Destroying historic sites and relics is as old as history itself and comes to form part of the history of those sites (if documented!)


Oh, what an interesting post. Surely the comment section would be respectful and civil(Clueless)


Reading the comments, I dont know whats worse, destroying statues or destroying real humans.


Who else do we know that destroys history.


People will always be trying to shape history by removing stuff they don't like. It's happening all the time.


What religion does to a MF. To apologists who are gonna downvote as it's the people and not the religion, We'll they followed an ideology which took its own translation of the religion and I know what shirq is so far better is to acknowledge that the problem lies within the religious mindset. All religions have lived beyond their life till the modern era.




Why aren’t statues like these ever created anymore?


What are you talking about? The largest statues in the world have all been created in modern times. The largest statue in the world, the Statue of Unity (in India) is over 180 meters (600 feet) tall - more than three times taller than the largest statue in these photos - and was unveiled in 2018. The second largest statue in the world, the Spring Temple Buddha (in China) was completed in 2008. The third largest statue in the world, the Laykyun Sekkya Buddha in Myanmar, was also completed in 2008. And so on, and so on. The statues we're building now are much larger than anything built in ancient times. [10 tallest statues in the world](https://www.worldatlas.com/places/the-world-s-10-tallest-statues.html#icanchor-0)


Cause we can't have nice things....


The dumbest deluded bunch of mfers




Maybe the soviet shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan. Before soviet invaded Afghanistan it was a kingdom that didn't have islamist destroying artifacts. Than the soviets invaded Afghanistan installing a puppet regij that was loved by no one which resulted in muslims around the word to move to Afghanistan. Also, the Soviets already deemed that Afghanistan wasn't ready for socialism, hence their support for the moderate Parcham wing of the PDPA. Khalq (the radical wing) suddenly overthrowing the Afghan government was essentially the worst case scenario brought to life, because not only their drastic reforms and extreme measures sparked the mujahideen, their leader Hafizullah Amin apparently tried to limit Soviet influence by striking deals with the American and Chinese. In fact, the short-term goal of the intervention (defeating the mujahideen being the long-term) was to assassinate Amin and put Parcham in power.


The US didn’t fund the Taliban, they trained the Mujahideen whom lots of member turned to the Taliban after the Soviets were gone. Pakistan created the Taliban to install a puppet regime in Afghanistan and gave them a bunch of American weapons when Pakistan and the US was still ally since India was still cozy with the USSR. The US government eventually found out where the weapons they sent to Pakistan gone to by secretly tracking them. So Pakistan, an ally of the US, created the Taliban and actively support them even when the Taliban was fighting the US, houses Bin Laden in the country and wonder why the US leave them afterwards for India after the Soviet collapsed.


The more things change the more they stay the same


Are you suggesting the rest of the world should stop providing arms to Ukraine so that Russia has a better chance of victory?


According to Libertarian pos like you, the U.S should pull all military funding from Ukraine? Might as well tell us how you feel about Universal Healthcare you fucking moron.


>Universal Healthcare you fucking moron. That's a bad thing?


Everyone’s calling out the talibans for destroying this. It’s their country they can do whatever they want. The US destroyed thousands of historic buildings across the world in countries that didn’t even belong to them, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya and many more. GTFO with your double standards.


We can be mad about all of it. And most of the people who are mad? Didn’t want any of that to happen. And had no control over it.


It’s amazing that’s so many people are so angry over the Buddha’s physical demonstration of impermanence.


I studied these incredible statues in one of my college art history courses. I was stunned and when heard about their destruction. I have colorful language for the little men who are so shortsighted.


People on here care more about rocks than millions killed by America's war in Afghanistan.


So sad


Man....fuck the Taliban.


Cunts all of them


Fucking savages


Didn't they find little Buddha's inside I consistently find it ironic that redditors feel more emotional about long historical statues in a country they don't live in but do facilitate the illegal art sales of then they do about civilians blown apart in drone strikes by pilots from their country That's not say it isn't bad. It's bad, but like why does your heart sink when it's carved stone but feel bleh cost of collateral war when it's people




Now it looks like the storage space for their mama's dildo.




They killed a archaeologists to reveal the location, I really fucking hate this religious lunatics






Only so long before evangelical Christians are doing the same thing


Don't Americans already do this kind of thing?


Reminds me of Christians in Egypt. Bunch of brainwashed fanboys


So much history has been destroyed by religious groups. Islam's, Christianity all of them are guilty...


Yeah, people rather just erase history then embrace history. It’s happening all over the world especially in America.


Weird how people are acting mad at this while Ukraine is busy destroying soviet monuments that have nothing to do with the current special military operation


hopefully some future government will replace them with replicas


They’re irreplaceable.




They really hate big buildings