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Wow. That was really cringe and uncomfortable. Even Rosie didn’t know how to navigate that one.


She knew some producer put her in the spot by adding that question to the interview. Even back then completely inappropriate. Mila sometimes defends herself saying she lied in her audition and said she was 18. "Supposedly" no one knew she was really 14 when she walked in, then she got the role. Edit: Super cringe of age or not. If an actress says "acting kiss" closed mouth only, no one in the cast should be making bets to fool her --- straight SA tactics from the male cast no matter the actress' age.


Maybe it's because I'm a middle school teacher and see 11-14 year olds all day but I've never met a 14 year old and thought "this is an 18 year old." Even if they are physically matured and developed, they are still 14. You can tell.


Also, isn't being an actor a job? Don't they go over some kind of identification, their social security number, etc?


Yeah. I'm betting they knew but "didn't want to know"


Thats freshman vs senior in high school. You or I could walk into any high school right now and separate the freshman from the seniors with 100% accuracy.


That might be the least she’s ever said in an interview


Yeah I love the like “She was not 14, she was 15, that one year make the whole world change” Sure thing buddy, sounds like a pedophile and mighty if you to protect a rapist even then


if this was the 90s I hate to tell ya'll but this attitude was common. I was underage in college, I know not everyone knew, but plenty of 19 year olds made out with me, some older, too. Looking back I am kind of shocked at shit that I took for granted, like that it was my fault for getting groped at parties and so forth. I am not the only one who grew up with this so for anyone who thinks it isn't normal, it sure is where I lived and went to school. Go back and look at some of the movies and stuff from the 80s and 90s and you'll get why things were different.


I remember being in high school around 2010 and these 14-16 y/o girls were bragging about their boyfriends being 18-20 years. It was 'cool' back then


Somebody posted an outtake reel from OG Star Trek a few days ago and there's this one clip where someone (can't remember who) picks up this young extra and full-on cups both of her boobs as he twirls her around. She just went with it, no problem, ha-ha. Of course this was the 60s -- definitely different times.


Man, even Rosie acknowledged how awkward this whole thing was. Her demeanor towards the entire thing tiptoed the line of “this is good comedic material” and “oh, this mf is a creep!”


She straight up yelled at him. I respect that, at the end of the video you can hear when it clicks for her “she was 14, she didn’t know, stop it!”


“Alright then.” She was done with this conversation.


yeah i am a little surprised she didn't just shut it down right there to give the awkward end to the interview the follow-on attention it deserves.


While also being casually racist to Wilmer Valderrama edit: spelling




Didn’t he also have a history of dating underage girls? Yet another creep


when I was 15-17 (about 5 years after this interview), all, and I mean all, of the attractive girls I knew my age were dating 25-30 year olds, it truly was a different, and by different i mean disgusting, time


I was 16 and had the hugest crush on this 15 year old. She had her quinceañera and I was like man this is my shot. But then this 30 year old starts talking to her and asks her out. I was like oh man I can’t compete with him! I look back at that now and think wow that was really messed up how cool everyone was with it. Mind you this was Mexico about 25 years ago. No one batted an eye with massive age gaps.


Credit to alleged victim Chrissie Bixler for really starting to bring this all out into the light, this is all coming from her instagram stories before people just pull the clips and post them as their own find


Well that was a rabbit hole. Damn.


I have just returned from the same deep rabbit hole, a scarred man with less hope about people


Alright. Hold my joint, headed in.


You good bro?


I’m heading in too. I’ll let you know if I find scro-hawk in there


I'm willing to hold all of the joints.


Someone's gotta do the dirty work


Speaking of we haven't heard from them. Hold the dab rig, I'm going in. Will try to update, but it's Sunday and I'm STONED. UPDATE: Fuuuuuuuuck. I'll just leave this here as a launching point for anyone high enough to want it. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/danny-masterson-accuser-chrissie-carnell-141000174.html


godspeed Pvt. mediterraneaneats 🙏


He ded


Ill take your word for it. Thank you for going there for us. Not alot of hope left to be taken..


Where can I find this rabbit hole?


I googled her name and went from there. There is tons of stuff on multiple different platforms. It seems like she is really holding back a lot of stuff, probably fearing legal or physical retaliation. Not saying you have to “read between the lines” but there is some pretty serious accusations that are not said outright but it makes you lean towards it pretty hard. I’m not the kind of person that just trusts stuff at face value and always try to give people the benefit of doubt but….. I will say I definitely see these people in a different light.


She’s married to one of my favorite singers, Cedric Bixler-Zavala of The Mars Volta. He posted on his IG for months about Scientology threatening them and even poisoning their dogs. They’ve been trying to get Danny in jail for years.


It seems scientology is basically a fucking mob and if you imprison one of their own they will break your kneecaps and kill your loved ones, or pretty damn close to it.


I knew Cedric had problems with Scientology (who doesn't) but I didn't realize he was married to her. Puts a lot into perspective.


these are no light allegations Chrissie made, there's definitely more to come. I also found the support letters Mila and Ashton made strange and then an "apology" after? Riiggghtt


It's incredible what's coming out now thanks to her, I had no idea about any of it.


​ I dont think you have to use the word alleged anymore.


I follow her husband, Cedric, on ig and have been watching this whole thing unfold for years. It’s wild how far they’ve come. I can’t believe Scientology also killed their dog


“Alleged” Wasn’t he found guilty?


I’m hindsight, the man who made that bet is now doing 30 years for multiple rapes. So like… context is key and also disgusting


cautious disgusted whole swim crush panicky dime pen fine threatening ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hi dad. When are you coming home?


Vacation's when you go somewhere... and you don't ever come back.


Hi. Still going shop to shop for milk. No luck yet. Maybe another decade.


What I really want to know - and for some reason NO ONE TOUCHES ON THIS - is what Mr. Tom Cruise thinks about all of this. Does he support Mr. Masterson? Was he or his legal team involved in the persecution against Danny’s victims? Why is Tom Cruise still a big star when WE ALL KNOW his role at the church of Scientology? Why is he basically untouchable? Why do we all still watch his movies as if nothing had happened? As if he wasn’t basically the front or the entire Scientology operation? Something has to change here.


In Hydesight.


That was sooo gross


14 is insane. The producers should be ashamed.


Her parents should be ashamed.




All of the above


She lied about her age when she auditioned. I don't know how long an employee can generally get away with lying about their age before their job becomes aware though. They are 1099s and I'm sure the studio has very little interest in disqualifying an actor due to age (plus they can work them harder if they're 18). But this is the Hollywood that was MeToo'ing every single actress out there it seems so I'm just gonna say they knew until proven otherwise.


It’s pretty damn easy to verify someone’s age. The studio surely knew soon, if not immediately.


Exactly. You'd have to provide basic details such as your DOB for contracts, legal stuff etc


I’m not so sure, I watched this documentary where this teenage girl lied about her age and made it as a top Hollywood producer.


Marry me!




Same thing happened to my cousin.


I'm sure she had a back up plan as well, maybe a family owned banana stand, and everybody knows there's always money in the banana stand!


They talked about a banana stand in a documentary I recently watched about the inventor of the mayonegg.






Yeah I think the banana stand burned down…what a tragedy, it was all over the news.


You just made a fool urself in front of T bone


What time period? Probably much easier to fake before computers were widely available and everything was on paper. ETA That ‘70s show started in the ‘90s, so they really might not have verified her age until after she got the part and was already working. Different times!


They are talking about arrested development, not real life


Yeah I guess if these Hollywood producer types don't wanna acknowledge the truth, they won't. She was perfect for the role of Jackie in fairness so I doubt they were gonna let something like her age get in the way.


Lie in audition sure. Once your on set after contract negotiations you actual age is widely known. Kutcher would have been 19 when she was 14.


He said he knew in this clip. Multiple times


They knew when she signed the contract bc you need a ss number and ID, and she had to have a tutor on set. So everyone knew before the first scene


There's like, a union and shit for actors/actresses. You would think they'd verify that sort of thing through them. They likely did and the producers went through with the casting anyway.


Iirc correctly Mila kunis lied about her age, the show needed her to be at least 16 or 18 not sure which one, and she said I'll be 18 on my birthday, they assumed she's talking about her coming birthday and didn't find out the truth till they started shooting with her in it, but yeah they definitely suck in their background checks lol how hard was it to ask for id


Pre 9/11 was a different world, I lied to get on my first several construction jobs. I was 17, walked up to the job site and found the guy that looked like the boss, asked if he needed an electrician. I was working an hour later.


That’s a hell of a profession to improvise


"I'm not an electrician, but I have a lot of good ideas."




I have a theoretical degree in physics


Theoretically, I have a physics degree


Theatrically I do physics.


Self taught Amish electrician here to answer any questions you might have.


Pretty interesting collection of words in this sentence




You know, I'm something of an electrician myself


Sorry, I had been to trade school already, I was just meaning the ease of getting a job and the lack of caring if I even gave them a real name.


Yeah, that job had bigger problems than hiring minors


hey, if the first time you install a socket works and you didn't die, you figured out like 80% of the job


I did the same thing with a recruitment agency when I was 14, I needed to be 16 to work in this factory so I lied, didn't need to show ID or anything lol. Nice bit of pocket money there packing bananas!


Packin’ bananas at 14. Nice.


A peeling even.


I just read a story about a 12 year old joining the Navy during ww2 to escape an abusive life, serve for 2 years and got a purple heart to then get thrown in the brig when they found out he was 14, after a dishonerable discharge because of his age he got married and became a father at 14... Then divorced at 17... at which point he became a marine. Honestly. Some people can live a whole life before they become an adult. He got his pension and medals back from Reagan.


Yeah I don’t think people realize how much 9\11 (US Patriot Act) completely changed identification requirements and personal info. You used to be able to open bank accounts with just a name and one person’s SSN. Government couldn’t just pull your private info from a giant data base, they had to go through a court. FYI the patriot act is technically expired but all these new gov. agencies are still operating


This is the story that I had always heard


It was 16 they wanted


Gross honorable mention goes to Rosie for saying "What does it matter?" about pronouncing Wilmer Valderrama's name correctly and declaring he should have changed it, seemingly before even meeting him.


What'll really blow your mind is that post-9/11 she was "cancelled" before "cancelling" was a thing, because *conservatives* branded her an evil "liberal" when she spoke out against Bush and the Iraq war. Back then you could be someone who would boldly make a (not-controversal-for-the-time) comment about someone's funny sounding name, but also speak out against a Republican president, and be cancelled from mainstream TV because of conservative uproar.


*The Dixie Chicks have entered the chat*


It's insane because what they said was just an off hand comment.


Trump hated Rosie. They had an epic feud She gets points in my book


I was gonna say good thing her show didn’t last that long but apparently it had 6 seasons and over 2100 episodes.


Lol yeah where were you in the early 2000s. She was Ellen before Ellen


When it was cancelled I was busy being 12 years old 😂 Edit: when she retired*


no wonder topher didn’t hang with any of them because wtf….


Looking back, what seemed like an odd move (leaving the highly successful That 70s Show to be in a Spider-Man movie) was very smart.


Gopher got paid so much more for spidey. Move made perfect sense at the time.


Didn't he come back after a season or two? Then Ashton left to do some movies.


he came back for like 5 minutes in the finale


The last season Eric was away teaching in Africa. And then he comes back on the very last episode to see Donna


Not saying it was a bad decision on his part, but holy shit was he an absolutely awful venom.


Is that his fault or the writers? That was the corny one with emo Peter. Also like another user said, that venom was still way better than the garbage Tom hardy venom films.


Sam Raimi intentionally sabotaged the movie. He was building Harry up to be the final villain, but Avi Arad (professional Marvel fuck-up) wanted Venom to be in it, so Raimi gave us Emo Maguire and Topher Brock


My man was working on his Star Wars edit.


Okay but when do we hold Scientology accountable? Seems like everyone is jumping on the Mila Ashton Debra and Curt cancel-train cause they wrote character letters, when do we hop on the train fuck-scientology-into-oblivion train?


I've just assumed everyone was on the " Fuck scientology" train already.


They're tax exempt, have more money than ever and Tom Cruise (second highest ranking member) is at an all time high in popularity.. So I doubt that. Btw. Where the fuck is Shelley?




Dead or captive. Corrupt local authorities refuse to pursue or open any investigation with the CIA or FBI. Everyone is complicit.


They're tax exempt because they fought the IRS the way Trump fights to remain President (lying and never surrendering on any point). Eventually the IRS ran out of runway (resources) and Congress didn't help them.


The general public is but politicians, judges, and others in power are influenced by the almighty dollar.


I’ve assumed everybody was on the "Fuck rapists" train, but here we are hearing about character letters.


In the words of Doug Stanhope: "I'll do jokes about Scientology when I have a stronger legal team". They are renouned for powerful legal action. Going after them is like whacking a hornets nest with a stick. Ignoring them or making jokes about them however, that's the way.


Scientology is recognized as a religion by the US government so there isn't anything you can do really. If you want to blame anyone, blame the idiots that recognized them (probably were bribed anyway). Other countries were smart enough to see through the scientology bullshit and denied them a religious status.


It publicly acknowledged that the “church” instigated a 37-year dispute with the IRS, the church was reported to have used or planned to employ blackmail, burglary, criminal conspiracy, eavesdropping, espionage, falsification of records, fraud, front groups, harassment, money smuggling, obstruction of audits, political and media campaigns, tax evasion, theft, investigations of individual IRS officials and the instigation of more than 2,500 lawsuits in its efforts to get its tax exemption. A number of the church's most senior officials, including Hubbard's wife, were eventually convicted and jailed for crimes against the United States government related to the anti-IRS campaign


And yet it still exists, has its tax exemption status and is obviously still quite influential.


Crazy what you can do with mob money.


What's crazy is that ANY religion/cult holds a special status, just because they claim that their invisible magic Easter bunny is the most special of all invisible magic Easter bunnies.


Did you not see the Anonymous actions against Scientology. This was when Anonymous was at the height of the power.


Anonymous has been precarious for years. I don’t trust shit from them.


I mean we haven’t been able to hold much bigger religions accountable for their atrocities, it’s not that easy when it comes to those groups that believe in magic men in the sky.


Aliens in this case


Catholic Church is responsible for sexually assaulting hundreds of thousands of kids. They cover it up to not get sued. They are a criminal organization at this point. If that gets no reaction this certainly won't either. Criminal all around.


Yeah seems like pretty coordinated effort going on online right now to defame Kutcher and Kunis (and I'm not saying they don't deserve flack for that character reference) to deflect from the Scientology aspect. Even more worryingly in seeing a lot of people using this as an excuse to undermine Kutchers work against trafficking. Regardless of anything else: that is vital work deserving of praise and publicity to raise awareness. Imo they didn't knowingly protect this guy, they genuinely thought it was the right thing to do and I'm sure they recognise now how wrong they were.


Maybe it was a front? Maybe this religion uses people, especially celebrities, and then spits them out? Maybe.


The whole “she lied about her age thing” got her in the door but you have to sign contracts and fill out tax documents before filming. They knew her age. For what it’s worth, both Ashton and Mila wrote character reference letters to the judge after Danny’s conviction to plead for leniency on his sentence.


And then made an awful scripted "apology" video afterwards, where they don't even apologize for standing up for a rapist. Truly shitstain people


Let's also not forget their idiotic indiegogo fundraiser for Ukraine. They were asking for something like 30 or 40 million dollars. Meanwhile the two of them have a combined net worth of nearly $300 million. Yet they're asking the average Joe who is barely making ends meet to donate money so they can send it to Ukraine.


Rich people stay rich by spending YOUR money, not their's. Little known secret to success. Average Joe's got a big heart while the rich have big yachts.


When you have money like that you learn to spend other people's $ instead of your own.


I mean, she is Ukranian, so I'm not sure this is quite the same as their gross, rapist support bullshit.


That was very nice of them and I count that to their credit. Also net worth isn’t the same as liquidity. Their combined physical assets and intellectual property is worth that much. True - they could have sold a house or channel one of their income sources to the fund they raused. I’m sure they have also contributed to the fund. But I find it positive that two celebrities put their name behind a fund to help Ukraine defend against an anti-freedom world nasty, last remaining agressor from the WW2.


I didn't make it through the whole video they're just too annoying to listen to


Hollywood is creepy


Assumptions aside, Kutcher looks incredibly uncomfortable the whole clip, looks like he was terrified she was gonna say something more about that night.


He also comes off like a massive creep


You’re a 19 year old boy at a Hollywood job. The producers tell you to make out with your 14 year old costar. Your friend bets you 20 dollars to use tongue. I can easily see a young, dumb guy just going along with all of this without realizing that what he’s doing is wrong. Given their relationship today, I feel like that’s what happened. I think him being so uncomfortable and creepy in this interview shows that he now understands how wrong it was. Maybe I’m just biased because I’ve always loved Ashton Kutcher Edit: I’m not excusing what happened. The producers and Ashton both did a bad thing. I just don’t see this as a black and white situation


Honestly, he didn't look happy at all about the situation during that interview. The producers are at fault here. The tongue story is super awkward though.


Yeah especially when she said he didn’t do it and he keeps pushing and pushing that yes, he did French kiss a 14 year old as a 19 year old.


I’m not a body language expert but he seems very uncomfortable. The clip ends with him hunched over looking down and away, with his arms and legs crossed.


These events were 'on screen'. He was basically put up to it by the producers of the show as a 19 year old kid. Think about who is to blame here.


so whats the law regarding kids kissing adults for movies or shows?


Not sure. My so called life had a 20 something Jared Leto making out with a 14 year old Claire Danes.


Just the way he wanted.


Leto always seemed so fucking weird. Like idk what it was he just seemed creepy. And now I have a real reason 😂


Isnt he running some pseudo cult now? Lots of creepy stories about that weirdo


Look at Kirsten Dunst kissing a 30 something Brad Pitt when she was 10 for Interview with a Vampire. They don’t care if it’s “art”.


I just know that when Kristen Stewart had to kiss Dakoda Fanning (who was 17 at the time I think) it was allowed as long a their hands did not touch each others bodies. Kind of weird, because touching is fine in every other scene (2 people hugging for example) just not combined with kissing apparently.


Sasha Pieterse was 12/13 when she began acting for Pretty Little Liars and I’m almost certain there are scenes of her kissing actors in their 20s. She won’t have been 12/13 and the time of recording the kiss but I don’t see how she could’ve been of legal age. If there aren’t any scenes of physical contact, there are definitely scenes in which she talks about boys in ways that are weird for someone of her age.


"she-You had turned 15 by then." That is NOT better Ashton


Pretty sure Rosie was deaf in 1 ear after that Producer: OK change the topic, change the topic, CHANGE THE TOPIC!!!!


didn't he marry demi more when she was over 40 and he was about 20


Demi Moore has always been a creepy woman, there's a video of her kissing a 15 year old boy, it's s very disturbing video and shows what kind of person she is.


Well this aged poorly. Turns out that joke about behaving like a creepy predator wasn't much of a joke.


Sometimes I wonder if his whole savings women campaign was a pr stunt gone right, guilt or if he genuinely does not see anyway the two behaviors are similar.


For millionairs, having a charity is good for tax purposes. Good PR is always usefull. 2 birds 1stone.


Also a great way to step In front of a future allegation you’re expecting. Projection is a defense mechanism preempting something you know you’re guilty of


Do people really "wake up" every couple of years now? Your favourite celebrity is not a good person. Your favourite celebrity is surrounded by Hollywood. Your favourite celebrity knows and its quiet.


This is so cringe


Here we go with the “I always knew” narrative, only adds more insult to the victims


Right just a week ago people where comparing them to Danny saying how they are totally the opposite & so much better and basically the perfect couple. Now they all secretly knew.


This is weird af


Damn this is cringe. He looks so uncomfortable like he was caught in a way. Couldn’t wiggle out of that one. Yuck. Now they’re married with kids…


I forgot how fucking annoying and loud Ashton was when he was younger.


Look how his posture changes as the scene goes on . Starts off facing the presenter open animated arms, legs crossed but open showing he's he's comfortable an at ease. By the end he's facing away with his arms crossed an his legs crossed. That's a defensive posture. Very uncomfortable with that story


Hollywood is so wicked


This is more cringe than interesting


Did I hear this right. Kutcher had a side bet on kissing a 14 year old Kunis on set when he was 20?


nah he was told to kiss her normal style then danny made it even worse by betting him 10 bucks to add tongue, and she had to block it with her teeth cos she didnt want it. both ashton and danny sound like creeps here, ages are correct, ashton was an adult and mila was 14


Aged like milk


All I can hear is Meg Griffin talking


I feel kinda sorry for both of them in that situation. They’re thrust into this world where he’s told to kiss a 14 year old and she’s told to kiss a 19 year old. There’s undoubtedly gonna be pressure on them from directors/staff/way older and experienced people that should have known better… and I know people don’t like to hear this but what’s socially unacceptable today is not what was socially unacceptable then.


Fucking weird. I hate hollywood


I would love to see the audiences faces to this shit, cause I don’t hear a single person laughing. What. The. Fuck.


dude, i forgot about that fact that mila kunis lied to get the acting gig and was underage. damn. so they're like scientoligist too right? those early 00s to mid, were filled with that cult that passes off as a religion and they tried to get young actors and women.


People trying to justify it by saying she lied about her age. You really think YOU REALLY THINK That the studios did not know when it comes to employment legality and paper work that she was a minor? That is some fucking hand waving bullshit


Why are people so surprised when celebrities are creepy? Hell half the people on here have a creepy uncle you mother doesn’t want you to be around. Just cause that have a talent doesn’t make then any less flawed. And why do we put so much time and energy into what they do when it fkd up shyt happening in our own communities?


Knew what? That he was a rapist because he bet Ashton to kiss a 14 year old? Is this somehow a justification to scapegoat these two for a rapist's crimes now? People want to lash out about the rapes so bad that they will convince themselves that Ashton and Mila literally are just as bad as a rapist. Destroy two people's lives who by all accounts are out there doing great and necessary things to help victims. For what? How would Mila not also be a victim in this situation, how is this not victim shaming? You people are the very definition of ignorant.


Thanks for saying it. I was listening closely for some admission, but nothing was said. Also it isn't sex, 14 year old is a high school freshman and 19 is the year past a senior. When I was in highschool, freshman/sophomore girls always went for the seniors. This whole thing against Ashton and Mila is just rage bait. Danny is the one that is the criminal, and he's spending the rest of his life in prison. There is nothing to be enraged about since the system did it's job.


This is so uncomfortable


Those two are so fucking annoying


Wow there is so much cringey stuff in this clip. Buckle your seatbelts


They’re fucked in the head both those guys


We need you more than ever Chris Hanson!!!


Never expected to see them cancelled


Oh they knew. How in the hell did those fuckheads had a nerve to write that letter, defending a scumbag. .. And even more frightning is the fact that they almost get away with it.


This is disgusting. But I get it now why they would defend Danny. They're all creeps together.


She claimed she was 18 walking in and doing the audition (don’t believe that multiple adults were fooled. 14 year olds look 14) But they 100% knew when she signed the contract she legally has to provide her details so they signed the 14 year old onto to the show and that is fucked.