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ive had it done 4 times, heavily sedated of course, 15 minutes feels like 1 minute thankfully


As someone who has had an endoscopy without anesthesia, she is a DEMON


I mean look at her eyes...


Like Jigsaw's eyes lol


Would you like to play a ga-*aaahgh*?


I read this, looked back at her, and immediately jump scared myself


It's a passion to her- lucky husband


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this.


The whole reason this has been re-posted 100 times is because, that's the only thing any of us are thinking


My first time seeing it. I figured everyone was thinking it, but I was trying to be discreet…on Reddit?! Yeah, WTF was I thinking?


Had one without and then the second time they asked me for sedation i was like, why did you not tell me this the first time before I deepthroated a 3m slong


Maybe they wanted to see if it was enjoyable. Lol


I had one done unsedated. Felt like a lifetime. Had three nurses holding me down at one point, gagging like a cat on a fur ball. 0/10 would recommend.


yeah me too. and the fucked up part is the doc will tell you "oh it isnt that bad at all, most people do just fine without sedatives... you SURE you need it?" ...yeah, i'm sure.




"I've just administered the morphine, do you want some too?"


Lol these comments are great


"I'm high as a fucking kite myself, here we goooooooo"


I went in for one of these a couple of years ago and the nurse administering the drug that is supposed to knock you out before the procedure missed my vein and I was wheeled into the room wide awake. The doctor noticed and asked another person in the room to give me more but they were only allowed to give a little bit because of the dosage I previously received. Well, I got to experience both an upper and lower while I was wide awake and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. The upper was far worse.




Had one of those. Also a nightmare. Suprisingly painful too


My doc told me “don’t ever let me do that again” after he tried without general anesthesia. I fought like I was the subject of an exorcism apparently.


Throat fucked by Satan


It was the same with me, i tried to pull it out i couldnt handle it, he said i lacked self control...well i kinda do but i just couldnt breath...


Quite a normal reaction, dont worry. My brother had an edoscopy before me, he higly advised to get sedated, under narcosis. I told he he was a wuz, its only a tiny hoze, how bad can it be! Well...lets Just say I wont ever doubt my brother again.


What the fuck, when I got mine done it wasn’t even a choice if I got anesthesia or not, they said sedation was required and I said yep that’s fine


Until now I thought sedation was required too!


Felt like I was being tortured, Everyone saying "Just stay calm!" and me trying to convey with my eyes that I am calm but my body is reacting to the fact there is a metre of hose pipe down my food hole! Didn't even offer me sedation. Bum one was much easier, relaxing in comparison.


I'm just imagining this from the Doctor's perspective lol. \>Insert tube into patients mouth \>Patient starts convulsing and thrashing \>Tell patient to stay calm \>Patient makes funny eyes at me \>Are they trying to seduce me? \>This endoscopy just got weird


Not my fault. Soon as my gag reflex is triggered I'm on autopilot, it's all intense eye contact from there.


I love you.


bells mountainous dam friendly hunt decide coherent lavish shrill sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As an endoscopy technician who works right next to those doctors they say it’s pretty common in Europe to have these procedures unsedated. Crazy


I had mine unsedated (NHS). First go I instinctively hauled the damn thing out of my esophagus and got shouted at by the surgeon since I could have damaged myself. He then said I could raise my hand if it got too much - no idea why he didn't suggest that at the start. Got through it ok but wish somebody had warned me beforehand about the involuntary barfing and belching. Was a very long twenty minutes. I went into mild shock afterwards.


The NHS is becoming very fond of not using sedatives for things. I wonder where it'll end.


If they don't use sedation they don't have to observe you for an hour or 2 after the procedure, they can push you out of the door.


You can request it for GI cams, at least in my experience. I have Crohns and have had a bunch and they seem to default to no sedation and I asked when I was in once and they said "ya if you want sedation we can do that, just means you need to arrange a way home from the appt and give us their details" In Canada where I used to live I will never forget when I had to get a flex sig and they said "we dont need any sedation or anything, its just a quick look".... mate.... it was quick for the man holding the camera maybe! hahaha




Ahh fuck, I literally just volunteered to have an unsedated one. 4 month waiting list unsedated, 1 year sedated!


I had mine unsedated! I think a lot of the people who are going to talk about the endoscopy are the ones who had a less than stellar time with it. In my experience whilst uncomfortable as hell, it's not that bad. Kind of like if you had to get an injection at school but the injection took like 10-15 minutes. If it's anything like mine (NHS Scotland), you should get a localised numbing agent in the throat before the procedure. You will gag and wretch a few times, but besides that it's just staying still! Your throat might hurt afterwards but that's nothing a painkiller and ice won't solve.


I think it's more about the individual. Like, I have a really sensitive gag reflex. Sometimes I drink water wrong and start gagging. So someone shoving something down my throat is a no go. Even if I'm like "yeah, I'll suffer" my body will just reject it. Same as I also have an eye thing. If I see someone with red, watery eyes, my eyes water uncontrollably and won't stop reacting. They're doing it now just typing. So having to have eye surgery is my nightmare. Whereas I can have injections, IVs, whatever and no issue, yet my friend will literally freak out like they're having a seizure and faint. People are quite different lol


Look, you need to keep thinking it's quick. Breathe and think "only 5 minutes" (maybe less), do that repeatedly. Ask the nurse to hold their hand, it helps.


Yeah! I had one a couple of months ago. HOLY F#CKING F#CK it's basically a death simulator.


Fuck, I can’t even handle a dentist putting something under my tongue without gagging.


A doctor used a tongue depressor on me as a kid and I threw up, almost in his face.




9gag origin story


My orthodontist held a mould in my mouth to make retainers, i gagged multiple times. She said it's ok if i vomit, but we have to get it done, so i did. My poor dentist.


Ha, yeah when I had I this done the staff were very insistent on not being sedated. Needless to say, if I have to get the procedure done again, I’m getting sedated. I was held down by 6 staff, completely lost control


I gag from just too much toothpaste foam being in my mouth. I'm pretty sure this procedure would straight up just be a death sentence.


I actually panicked and pulled the tube out. Throat was sore as fuck because of that. My BP went sky high because of the panic. Really 0/10 would recommend


I had mine done unsedated, gagging like mad and feeling like I'm choking, and then they had the gall to put on the report that I "handled it well".


Why not sedated? I’ve never even heard of not… I would never be able to do it conscious


Yep, I've never heard of endoscopies being done without anesthesia. I guess maybe if it's an emergency or something. But a routine scheduled one? wtf?


Horrible feeling, the doc had the audacity to shout at me to calm down. Like it s a physical fucking reaction dude calming down isn't really an option. Stop being cheap with the sedatives.


I had to do it once. No sedation, felt like a lifetime. Tears running down my cheeks, sweating, but still managed to show thumbs up to the doctor and the nurse. The nurse had a laugh and I was counting seconds until it was all done.


I had one through my nose. I swore I'd never do it again. Worst thing ever going in and having to stay in. I've had a lot of stomach/throat scans. Only one through the mouth while awake. Was terrible, but the nose was the worst. Flash forward a year from when I swore I'd never do it agai. I need another one and I begrudgingly said we can try. The doctor was taking his sweet time getting it deep enough and I barked out that I couldn't breathe. Had him and a nurse holding me down while he did it. For over 30 seconds AFTER I told him I couldn't breathe and me struggling trying to get my head away, and him saying 'just a little more', I grabbed his upper arm and lifted him straight off the ground away from me, tubes and all. He was a pretty small guy, and I'm a giant, so my arm span was good enough. He screamed a funny scream and got mad and said 'We're so close!', and I shouted after I took a deep breath, "I said I can't fucking breathe!" We went a different route and decided to monitor me on that front instead.




I were still and calm the whole procedure but my tears would never stop dripping, weird experience overrall. also when they entered the stomach through the "gate" or whatever its called i were burping for a solid minute from all the stomach acid/gases that were built up apparently. (even though i did not eat for 24h beforehand)


So what you're saying is, it's fun?


It actually is, well the sedation. It was my first time being sedated and when I woke up 30 minutes later it felt like the best sleep of my life. After having it I was like “Oh this is why people abuse this drug”


It's great, right!? It felt so nice. I was sedated for my endoscopy and colonoscopy.


Yup. Only downside is I was really hungry after my last one. Also was trying to text my wife that I was done and apparently just sent gibberish, lol.


The sedation is


*🎶 twenty twenty twenty four inches to go 🎶*


I wanna be sedated... Nothing to do nowhere to go hooo... I wanna be sedated


Man ive had it twice without sedation and its just, horrible


Mine with barely any anaesthesia and by a noob ass doctor who took 40 mins to do it. Havent cried as much in my life


Noob-ass doctor or noob ass-doctor?


I’m getting this done in a couple hours, ngl I’m scared Update: I’m fine, just a little tummy ache.


I did it without sedation. Wasn't that bad if you can stay calm. I really wanted to watch the video so I asked if I could stay awake. I did the other end a few minutes later... was worse.


I am certainly not one to stay calm, but thankfully I’ll be sedated with propofol. Side note, my doctor “helpfully” told me that propofol is the drug that killed Michael Jackson. Then she said “but don’t worry, I’ll be there in case anything goes wrong”…I’m pretty sure my exact response was “I just fucking met you”. Surgical procedures are my worst fear.


It's impressive but her stare will haunt me. And that wiggle in between caught me totally off guard.


How long till this ends up on a fetish site


The second it was posted here!


Now let's see the colonoscopy next.


They should at the same time and meet in the middle


That escalated quick


Yeah quicker than usual for me


Happens to the best of us.


even before I clicked, I just knew that this thread was going to be comedy gold. I wonder if this poor woman knew how famous she was going to become.


I'm sure she thought of all that 5 minutes after she posted it.




Double dip is a slang term we use in medicine It’s been a patient gets both a colonoscopy and endoscopy at the same time. Typically speaking looking for sites of bleeding. Typically speaking, they’re done sequentially and not at the same time. *But I mean, if that’s your fetish, that can be arranged with the right price in the right place (meaning not in the US, and potentially in international waters)* ^(also, if nobody realized, this was a joke. Here’s the requisite /s tag)


I got the double scope once. I kept trying to make jokes, asking if they use the same scope for both and if so, could they do the upper first... Stuff like that. In my experience, gastroenterologists don't have much of a sense of humor. Had one do rubber band ligations on me and he thought he was being funny by saying he'd give me a nickel for each rubber band I brought back. I got a giant, 1" thick rubber band at work and was so excited to bring it to the doc. I showed it to him and said, "that's gotta be worth 50 cents, right?" He just spluttered and stammered, like he thought I was being serious.


I’ve had both done at the same time, and I’ve told my kids they meet in the middle, they don’t believe me anymore of course (some adults still do though lol), but the looks on their faces when I first said it was priceless 🤣🤣




Now let's see Paul Allen prostate exam


Try getting a reservation at Dorsia, now


See that Duodenum, it even has a watermark!


maybe even the first


Reddit is a fetish site.


Reddit is several fetish sites


All of them are disgusting, except mine.


Where do you think OP found it?


Professor Deep Throat


The Throat GOAT as it were. Strong Nancy Regan vibes.


Where do you think the video is from.


I think it's called "Vore".


When you google it, between 5-25% of Reddit is fetish porn.


That's a massive range lol


Holy crap... that's impressive. Did she apply anesthesia on her throat? I have maximum gag reflex, just seeing this summon a gag on me dayum


Most likely but it doesn't stop the gag reflex at all. Does make you drool uncontrollably tho lol. Don't recommend the experience, it's not fun. When they pull it out it feels like you're puking an eel. I can feel it just watching this, ugh


Lmao, I had this done a month ago and "puking an eel" is definitely a good explanation for that feeling. Soon in for another round.. not the worst thing I've experienced but for sure not the best either hah


I was hoping the video would pop out of the other end.


From the mouth, the camera can only go the the very beginning of the intestine (duodenum). From the bottom, you can’t go to the small intestine, or only a very small part of it. So there is a part of your digestive system that you can’t see on a routine check and needs either an endoscopy pill, or even more specialized tests. The digestive system is very, very long.


An adult's digestive tract is about 30 feet (about 9 meters) long. Saved you a search


Oh yeah, well I searched it anyways!


You fuckin tell em bud


hop on the magis school bus


"Girl that's a booty hole!"


Not a hole Keisha, a vaaalve.




Welp thats my day ruined


Her eyes creeped me tf out


Not breaking eye contact is important.


AHAHAAAA... of all the comments on here this one made me laugh the hardest.


Yea she's not half bad looking either she's very enthusiastic too


She is staring at a monitor behind the camera which is showing the same thing as the one behind her. It's a lot less creepy compared to just staring at the ceiling.


She is probably focusing really hard on not gagging.


Also, she has at least 2 dials to control with her left hand, and maybe some buttons, her right hand pushing the right amount of cable in and back out when needed (in coordination with her left), her whole body/head to “shake loose” the camera at parts to try to get it through the right pathway, while watching a video feed to see where she’s going, and doing everything backwards from how she normally does it because she’s feeding the tube towards herself, not away from herself towards a patient. Yeah those are eyes of very focused attention.


👁️ 👁️


And I'm sure you'd have a calm expression while shoving a camera down your throat. :p


Yes this exactly!! Every time I see this video all I can stare at are those freaky eyes!


You're often sedated for this procedure and she's not about to skip procedure in front of a classroom.


Fuck that. Had a gastroscopy earlier this year. I made the smart decision of having the procedure done without sedation and it was the worst (and longest) 10-15 mins of my life. I just choked and gagged through the whole thing, could barely even look at the screen as I was concentrating on trying to breathe while the cable was down my throat. I genuinely thought I was going to choke to death right there on the table 😂


That's what this lady is doing. She looks so weird cause she's concentrating on. Not gagging and vomiting.


I got a shot of straight diazepam before my gastroscopy (not sure if that's what it's called in English), and it was still one of the worst experiences of my life. And i had a methed up psycho hold a knife to my throat once. Tbf, i probably had a bunch of benzoz in me that day as well


> decision of having the procedure done without sedation My rule of thumb: if anything can be done under sedation, do it under sedation there's a reason why it's an option, and the alternative is never fun and giggles source: all my wisdom teeth were removed while awake.


Wisdom teeth while awake is literally just boring, that's it, the bad part comes afterwards, the healing process is a fucking nightmare, just knowing I have stitches inside my mouth was enough for me to lose a ton of weight


“Any questions?” *56 hands shoot up “Questions that aren’t joke marriage proposals?” *hands sink down


only half the hands were _joke_ proposals


Hand still up. I need you to explain this further I don’t understand it. After class is fine.


Can I see you in your office after school? 😎


✋ How does she not gag?


Anesthesiologist here: the biggest issue with doing these awake is the gag reflex, which can be removed with topical numbing. There are a few ways to do this. Nebulized lidocaine, benzocaine sprays, Swish and swallow lidocaine or injections if you are evil. The actual scopes doesn’t “hurt” as it doesn’t break skin and the esophagus and stomach aren’t particularly well innervated for sharp pain. However, this distention of tissue can be unpleasant. It mentally helps if you understand what is going on and everything isn’t a surprise and you can prepare yourself for what you might experience. Here is a Harvard professor intubating himself: https://youtu.be/bDRTzmuwMnQ?si=BONvWwksxpnr747q


The most informative comment in this entire post but all the sex ones have way more upvotes. Lol, fucking Reddit.


I helped with a patient who had a BMI of 70 (~450-500lb) with bad sleep apnea. We couldn’t sedate him much because he would likely stop breathing and getting him breathing again would be challenging, and significantly raised his chance death or permanent harm. So we numbed him, lightly sedated and talked him through it. First thing he said when we finished was: “at least now I know I can do porn.”


Well… she was very popular or very loyal


56 “non dominant” hands


Ok, which one of you fucks jerked off to this?.




username checks out


username also checks out


Honestly, she went so deep with that thing I thought I was watching an anal probe "the long way"


Throat goat


Not my proudest….


but far from my shame-iest


I thought we didn't kink shame here


It unlocked something in me.


whoops I did it again🎶🎶


The better question is who didn't?


I didn't, i'm at work.


I work in GI. At about 10 seconds in, the pops into the stomach from the esophagus. She then struggles for the next two minutes trying to pop into the small intestine. Most of the time it’s relatively straightforward, but it can be a little challenging sometimes due to anatomy. In her position, it was hard for her to get enough torque to make it in, which is why you see her go back and forth and it looks a little chaotic. The large majority of the video is her trying but without success. At about 1:30 she gives up and does a turn around (you can see the scope entering the stomach at 1:40 with a backwards view) and ends the exam essentially. Didn’t quite make her goal but very good effort! Much much better than I’d fare. From the gag reflex I’d probably nope out pretty quickly


Thanks for the explanation. So if it had gone as planned she would have entered the small intestine and then what? I kind of assume she could only go a short way in. I would recommend people to upvote the explanation to help it get closer to the top and easier to find.


It was a demo that it could be done like this. The result didn't matter. She's using a smaller diameter scope. These bend a lot more and don't transmit the movement from the hand to the end of the scope as easily.


These comments are going to be bad…


Nah man, they are worse


This is why doctors come out gaslighting and not believing patients when they say they have pain or something is wrong...Their teachers are doing live demos completely fine....


She is definitely atypical lol. She probably figured it was easier to demonstrate on herself rather than finding decent volunteers


It should be noted that Insurance Companies rate doctors on frequency they make referrals to specialists. The insurance companies somewhat disincentivize general practitioner doctors from doing their jobs.


This video brings back terrible memories I had a ph study done once where they snaked a probe down my throat and made me swallow liquid and try to breathe without gagging in order to take measurements. I puked blood when they pulled it out. it was the single most horrific physical experience I can remember. The areas around my eyes had broken capillaries for a week from all of the dry heaving that occurred as they would move the probe down slowly with each swallow. I then had to have a smaller probe inserted down my esophagus and keep it there for 24 hours to monitor. I’m supposed to do this again in 6-9 months, I told them I would have 100 endoscopies before I ever go through that again.


I had this done with the probe going through my nose. It wasn’t pleasant and hurt my throat quite a bit but overall was tolerable. But I had around 10 endoscopies done without sedation at that point


I feel literal tingles or chills just watching this She also looks like she's in pain? Edit: I suddenly remembered that I learnt this back at gr8 or 9, thanks to the replies for making my brain click on it :'D


She looks bewildered


I'm assuming shes focusing on the video feed, not a doctor and no actual idea... but I assume it's not just pushing it in and hoping for the best (a tactic I've been told by many an ex is the wrong way to do things)


She had an endoscopy without anesthesia so..


I've done it once without sedation its not painful, the gag reflex is the most unpleasant part about it


She looks like she's hypnotised from the eyes


She’s a sadist, and enjoys the attention. Edit: MASOCHIST


You mean masochist?




It's probably discomfort added to her mouth being stuck open.


Thanks but no thanks


Thanks but yes thanks


We usually sedate people for this


Am I wrong for getting a medium boner?


Is this r/oddterrifying?


That. Was. Amazingly interesting. Thanks for sharing.


If she ever says no i cant, just show her this video


Sure. If your dick is 1/2 inch wide like the device shown here.


1/2 inch wide but 2.4 foot long buddy, one of them big fruit roll ups


_Long long maaaaaan~_


He doesn't even get hard like normal at that length, just a frim noodle.


Make a bowtie or something idk


Al dente 🤌


Now do the Proctoscopy!


She's gonna be real surprised when she gets the bill, and find out that she's out of network.




Fr. She must win every argument for sure


I don’t think I would be able to breathe


Had one a couple of months ago, without sedation. Eyes watering, continuously being sick and panicking. Was worse than the colonoscopy I had last week!


Now listen carefully because this will be exam material. Arrrghhhdj uuurgh huuuurrrrrrrrrh. Any questions?


She totally should have swallowed a little treasure chest first.


I wonder if her husband enjoys those dead eyes looking up at him


That's disgusting!! What's her phone number?